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' millimeter (3Z • 6Z • 9Z)-heneicosatriene (3Z • 6Z)-cis-9 (CFD) (HSD) (LEDs) 1 1-acetoxy-5-butyroxyhexane 1-MCP 10-epoxyheneicosadiene 16 S rDNA gene 1‐acetoxy‐5‐butyroxyhexane 2 2-D gel 2003 EU Biofuels Directive 27 ethylene 2D 3 3D 3D bioprinting 3D construct 3D motion tracking 3D printed drug products 3D printing 3D tracking 3D/1D 4-benzodiazepin-2-ones 4-Dichlorophenol 4-MA 4-methoxymandelic acid 4D printing 5-benzotriazepines 5/6G 5G/6G 9-cis β-carotene A3 coupling AAR dating Ab initio AbetaPP abiotic factors abiotic stress absorption AC016405.3 academia academic integrity accelerated aging accelerometry access AccessMod accessory chromosome Acclimation accuracy acetylsalicylic acid Acoustic cavitation acoustic communication acoustic field acoustic pressure acoustic resonance acoustic testing Acoustical Ecology Action active power filter active student engagement acute wounds ad hoc network connection ad hoc networks ADAMTs9-AS2 adaptation adaptive algorithms adaptive combining technique adaptive control adaptive pedagogy adaptive teaching additive manufacturing additive particle tracking adipogenesis adjuvant therapy adolescence adolescents adsorption adult adult neurogenesis advanced biomaterials advanced dressings Adverse Childhood Experiences Aedes Aedes aegypti aerated powders aeroelasticity affiliation characterisation affordability aflatoxin aflatoxin B1 Africa African yam bean after school science club AGAP2-AS1 age factors agent construction tools agent technology Ageratum yellow vein virus (AJ810825) aggregation aging agitation agonist agricultural pests agriculture agrivoltaics agroecology agroforestry systems agronomy Agrotis segetum agro‐ecological intensification AHIF AI AI competence AI detection tools AI detection tools computational linguistic analysis AI education AI literacy AI readiness air quality index aircraft evacuation airEXODUS Al3Zr intermetallic alcohols Aleyrodidae Alfalfa algae Alginate algorithms alkali activation alkali-activated mortar alkene alloy microstructure almond gum alpha alpha shape alpha-amylase alpha-glucosidase alternative protein aluminium cast alloys aluminium oxide aluminium processing Alveolar bone Alzheimer’s disease ambient ambiguity function (AF) ambulatory amines amino acid composition ammonia synthesis amorphous amorphous solid dispersion amorphous solid dispersion hydroxypropylmethylcellulose ethyl cellulose flufenamic acid X-ray diffraction differential scanning calorimetry polymorphic transition AmpC aMPV AMR amygdala amylolytic resistance anabolic steroids anaemia anaerobic digestion analytical chemistry analytical models Analytical ultracentrifugation ancillary services Anderson Darling Andes Android anilines animal husbandry animal source food animal toxins animal tracking anion binding anion binding motif anion recognition anions anisotropic conductive film (ACF) annealing function Annobón annotation Anobiidae anodic oxidation Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection Systems (AIDSs) anomeric and gauche effects Anopheles arabiensis Anopheles coluzzii Anopheles gambiae s.s. Anopheles gambiae sensu lato Anopheles mosquito ANRIL antagonist Antarctica antenna anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) anther Anthony Stafford Beer anthracnose anthropocentrisme anthropophilic anti-Markovnikov antibacterial antibiotic antibiotic resistance antibiotics antibiotype antibodies Antibody anticancer antiepileptic effect antileishmanial activity antimicrobial antimicrobial resistance antioxidant antioxidant activity antioxidant enzymes antioxidants antiproliferative antiseizure medications anxiety apatite aphids API and AccessM Apis mellifera Apocynaceae apoptosis apple apple storage apples applications Applied aquaponic effluents aquaponics aquaporin aquatic aquatic food systems Arabic sign language Arabidopsis arboviruses arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi arc discharge arching architectural elements architectural topology architecture arctic Arecanut arid soil array arsenic artemether/lumefantrine arterial hypertension arthrospira platensis articulation artificial immune network artificial intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI) artificial intelligence in education artificial neural networks Arylbenzofuran Ascosphaera apis Asia Asian American Options asparagus aspartame assessment models asymptotic stability athletes atomic beams atomic clocks atomic force microscopy ATRA attack detection attacks attainment in science attainment of students attenuation and fading limit attitude attiéké attractants attraction time attractor Attributional LCA augmented reality Australia Australian Child Maltreatment Study authentic assessment authentication authorization update autism autoimmunity automation autonomic computing autonomic marketing autonomous systems autotransporter autotransporters auxin availability avian malaria parasites b-galactosidase b-Glucan TLR3 Type-I IFN response Antiviral Cyprinus carpio B737 fire Bacillus subtilis bacillus thuringiensis Backtrack bacteria bacterial biosensor baited traps balanced agricultural systems Ball grid arrays BAMLSS banana banana starch bandwidth Bantu bariatric surgery barriers basin modelling bass culture Bass Shaker bat diets batch normalization layer Bayesian probability BCAA BCG beamforming bean aphids bean fly bean stem maggot Beet armyworm beetles begomorovirus behavior change behavioural reactions Bemisia tabaci bench-scale testers benefit Benin benzofurans beriberi BGA BGP security biased competition bifurcation bifurcations bills binding proteins bio-informatics Bioacoustics bioactive Bioactive Glass bioassay bioavailability biobased economy biocatalytic Biochar biocompatibility biocompatible biocompatible glass ionomer cement bioconjugation biodegradation biodiesel biodiversity biodiversity conservation bioeconomy bioenergy biofortification biofuels biofuels/bioenergy biogas biography bioherbicides Bioinformatics bioink bioinspired materials Bioko biological assessment biological control biological modulation biological molecules biology biomarker biomarkers biomass biomass bulk solids biomass flux biomass valorization biomaterials biomineralization biomolecules biopesticide biopesticides biopharmaceuticals biopolymers bioproduct bioproduction process biorefinery biosafety Biosorption biosphere biotechnology biotic factors biotic stress biotroph biotype biotypes bird pest control bird predation birds birth-pulse Bisabolene bit error rate (BER) black locust blackflies Bladder cancer blastocyst blind bolts blockchain blood blood parasites blood pressure blossoming blowflies Blueberry blurred orbit bobgunnia body composition body data body interfaces body mass index bolt gauge Bombus terrestris bone bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stromal cell (BMSC) platelet-rich plasma (PRP) bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP-2) bone regeneration Bone-cartilage interface BoneX-ray computed tomography book review botanical botanical pesticide botanicals botryomycosis bottom-up synthesis Box-Cox t distribution Br brain cancer brain tumour Brassica Brazil breaking point distance breeam communities breeding brick waste bridging flocculation Brindley’s gland British Overseas Territories broilers Brycorinae Bubble dynamics bubbles buccal mucosa bucket tip-time series Building Carbon Footprint building construction sites building evacuation building information modelling built environment bulbar and spinal ALS bulk fill bulk solids Bullying behaviours bumblebees burden of disease Burkina Faso burn business skills business workflows byproduct microalgae C. elegans C1 Esterase inhibitor C3S C7-sibirosamine sugar caco-2 cells cadmium caesium caffeine cage compounds cajanus cajan calcium Calcium alginate calcium silicate cement calculus callus culture camel cameroon volcanic line campylobacter cancer cancer genome cancer stem cell cancer treatment cancrinite canna cannabidiol cannabinoids capacity building capillary wave capsules car carbamoyl fluoride carbenes Carbodiimide-mediated coupling carbon concentrating mechanism Carbon Data carbon dioxide carbon fibre structures Carbon footprint carbon leakage carbon monoxide Carbon nanotubes carbon-fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) carbonation cardiovascular disease carotenoids Cartesian axes cartography CASC2 CASC7 CASC9 cascaded multilevel inverter case based reasoning Case-based Reasoning Cassava cassava brown streak disease cassava brown streak ipomoviruses cassava brown streak viruses cassava mosaic disease casting catalysis catalysts cattle causal loop causal relationship cavitation cavitation bubbles cavitation erosion cayo pottery CBL CCND2-AS1 CD54 CDS quantum dots cell biology cell trafficking cellular uptake cellulose Cement cement hydration CEN-092 Centella asiatica central Africa centrifugal spinning cephalosporin ceramics cereal aphids cereals cerebral lipids CFD CFD simulation change change agent role chaos analysis characterisation charge hazards charge levels charge neutralisation charge polarity charge signal charge-charge interactions charged aerosol detection CHD8 chemical characteristics chemical compounds chemical ecology chemistry chemo-sensory transcriptomics chemoselectivity chemostratigraphy cherry canker Chestnut chicken chickens chickpea Chikungunya child child maltreatment childhood asthma childhood stunting children China China/epidemiology ChIP chip scale package (CSP) technology chipping method chirality Chiton chitosan chlorella vulgaris chlorophyll chlorophyll fluorescence chlorophyll fuorescence chloropyrimidines chromosome chronic pain chronic wound chronic wounds Chrysoperla carnea Churn prediction CIBER-t cicer arietinum Cicerfuran Cinnamaldehyde ciprofloxacin Circular dichroism spectroscopy cisplatin-modified dna citizen science citrus essential oil city management Cl or F) classification Classification and regression tree (CART) clay bentonite cleanability climate climate change climate change impacts climate economics climate extremes climate fluctuation climate risk climate smart agriculture climate suitability clinical complications Clostridium cloud condensation nuclei cloud storage co-infection co-precipitation CO2 capture coacervation COAP coaxial nanofibers coccidiosis cocoa powder cocoa production Coffea arabica coffee coffee agroforestry coffee phenology coffee sustainability cognition cognitive control cognitive decline cognitive radar network cohesion cohesive cohesive powders Coleoptera coliforms collaboration collaborative networks collaborative content modeling collaborative work collage collagen collective action Colletrotrichum Colloidal gold coloniality colour Colubrina greggii Combination therapies commensal rodents commercial complementary foods commercial off-the-shelf components communicable diseases communication communities community community engagement community of life comparative education compass sense compensation competence competencies competitive interactions competitiveness complementary commercial infant food products complex domains complex system modelling complex systems complexes component terminations Composite composite resin compositional analysis compound semiconductors compression bonding compression test compressive strength Computational Fluid Dynamics computational linguistic analysis computational linguistics Computational seismology computational studies support computational study computed tomography computer Computer Aided Process Planning computer art computer based simulation computer forensics project computer science (miscellaneous) computer science applications computer simulations computer software concealed reward concentration concrete waste Conduct problems. Longitudinal conductive hydro drying conductive hydro-drying conductivity condyle defect confocal conformal coating conformation congruence conjugate gradient method connection design connectivity Consequential LCA conservation conservation agriculture consolidation constrained ordination construction constructivism consumer behavior consumer testing contactless sonotrode contagion container glass contaminants content modelling context continual professional development continuous flow continuous in situ mechanics continuum modelling contraception contraction contraction-expansion coefficient control controlled atmosphere controlled release controller tuning convection–diffusion convergence harmonique convex hull convolution neural network convolutional block attention mechanism convolutional neural network coolers cooling effect cooperative diversity coordinate transformation coordination chemistry copper Coppice coreidae corn cornea corneal abrasion corneal material behavior coronavirus correction for wind drift Correlations cortical thinning cosine function cost effectiveness cost-benefit analysis cotton cotton growth coupled mechanical-acoustic system Coupling under aqueous conditions covariates cover construction cover generation Covid COVID-19 covid-19 pandemic cow dung compost cowpea CPP-ACP creatine creep Crioceris asparagi critical critical particle size critical theory CRNDE crop disease management crop modelling crop pests cropping systems cross recurrence plot cross recurrence quantification analysis Cross-cultural cross-sectional study croton (Codiaeum variegatum L croton leaf curl virus (CrLCuV) crowd management cryogenic temperature cryptic species crystal plasticity Crystal structure crystalline crystallographic techniques CST cues Culex culture current distribution current predictive control customer relationship management cyanide toxicity cyanobacteria cyanobacterium cyber attack cyber attacks cyber defence Cyber security cyber terrorism cyber threats cycling cycloaddition cyclooxgenase-2 CYFIP2 cynic Cypermethrin cytidine Cytochrome oxidase cytochrome oxidase I gene Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase cytochromoe oxidase I gene cytokine cytokine release syndrome cytokine storm cytokine storm syndrome cytokines cytoplasmic incompatibility cytosine cytospecies distribution cytotoxicity C–S–H gel d-Endotoxin D-Factory D-Factory project dairy dairy cattle dairy milk dam break damage damage modelling damnosum DART data analysis data integrity and confidentiality data rate data security data users data-driven data-driven prognostics date sugar dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.) DC casting DCST1-AS1 DCTCP de novo variants death-watch beetle deathwatch beetle deathwatch beetle Xestobium rufovillosum Anobiidae selection behavior photo-response behavior Deathwatch beetle Xestobium rufovillosum Coleoptera Anobiidae Quercus sp. host selection behaviour chemo-orientation behaviour oviposition timber pest wood-decaying fungi Donkioporia expansa Death’s-Head hawkmoth debriding decentralised decision Support decision support decision support tool decision-making decolourisation deep learning Deep Neural Networks deep noise defective metallisation Deformation degradation assessments degradation optimization deindustrialization delay-Doppler resolution delayed onset muscle soreness delta Deltamethrin DEM calibration demineralized bone matrix (DBM) Demolition waste dendrimers dendrite dendritic morphology Dengue Dengue fever denial of service density density functional calculations dental cement depletion deposition test depth sensing indentation DER derivatives Descartes desert locust design design guidelines desulfurization detraining effect deuteration Development developmental and educational psychology DFT DGCR5 diabetes education diabetes mellitus diabetic foot ulcer diabetic nephropathy diagnosis diarrhoeal disease diastereoselectivity diatoms diazines Dictyostelium Dictyosteliun diel variation dielectric materials diet cost dietary balance index dietary docosahexaenoic acid dietary fiber dietary fibre dietary quality diets difference tones differencial scanning calorimetry (DSC) differential scanning calorimetry differentially expressed genes Differentiation diffuse reflection spectroscopy diffusion diffusion NMR difluoromethyl digestion digital afterlife digital death digital footprint digital games digital light processing digital literacy digital media digital media haptics digital signal processor (DSP) digital signature digital volume correlation digital volume correlation (DVC) dihydrofolate reductase diimide dioscorea spp. dipeptide solutions dipeptides direct analysis direct compression process direct desorption direct ink writing direct numerical simulation directional solidification disaster management disasters disease disease burden disease prevention disease resistance disease transmission disease vector disintegration dismemberment dispersal dispersibility dispersive flies optimisation Disruptive Frequencies dissemination dissolution dissolution enhancement distortion products distributed distributed cognitive radar distributed computing distributed generation (DG) distributed response distribution disturbances disulfides divergence diversity DJ Set DLEU1-AS1 DLS DNA stable isotope probing dna substitution dogs domain decomposition domain decomposition algorithm domain decomposition methods domain ontology domestic nutrient cycles DOMS donor-acceptor distance dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius) dormice survey research dormouse survey Dorstenia contrajerva DoS dose response dose-response meta-analysis doubly stochastic Poisson process drama dressing dried blood spot dried matrix spot dried sweet potato droop control Drosophila Drosophila-santomea DRS drug delivery drug delivery system drug development drug loaded dressing drug permeation drug regulators drug resistance DRUV spectroscopy dry granulation dry powder inhalation dry powder inhaler drying efficiency drying kinetics DSR Dunaliella Dunaliella market Dunaliella salina Dunaliella tertiolecta Dushume dwelling dynamic systems e-liquids e-tongue E. coli E. coli O157:H7 EAG early virus detection early-age strength earthquake drill earthquake evacuation Earthquake hazards Earthquake interaction Eastern Africa eastern Mediterranean echinacea Eclipta prostrata eco-friendly eco-friendly solution Ecological Communities ecological impacts ecological modeling ecological survey techniques ecology ECONEXIN economic valuation ecosystem multifunctionality ecosystem service ecosystem services editorial education educational institutions effective reproductive number effector efflux egress eimeria Eker rats elastic modulus elder elderly electro-thermal design electroantennography electrochemical methods electrochemistry electrochemsitry electrodes electrolyte fluid flow electromagnetic force electromagnetic radiation electromigration Electromyography electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) electron spin resonance electron transfer electron-deficient alkene electronic cigarettes electronic documents electronic music electronic packaging thermal management electronics manufacturing electrophoretic NMR electrospinning electrospun nanofibers electrostatic electrostatic charge electrostatic charging electrostatic inductive sensor electrosynthesis electrothermal design elicitor elongation ratio EM waves EMA Emulator embodied competencies Embodiment embodying technology emergency management emergency obstetric care emergency response emergency response operations emergency response robots emergency services emergency situations emergent obstetric care emerging infectious diseases EMFs emotion Emotion Embodiment emotions Empathy employability Enamel Remineralisation encapsulation enclaving of knowledge endangered species endectocides endodontic bioceramic endohedral metallofullerenes endohedral nitrogen fullerenes endophagic endophilic Endosulfan endurance performance energy energy drink energy efficiency energy efficient energy modeling energy planning energy-environment-economy modelling engagement engineered geopolymer composite Engineered mannitol engineering Ensemble model enteric nervous system Enterobacterales enterobacteriaceae enterobiasis Enterobius vermicularis Enterococci enterprise knowledge search entomological radar Entomology entomopathogenic fungi entomopathogenic nematodes environment environment conditions environmental AMR surveillance environmental conditions environmental Kuznets curve environmental services enzymatic enzymatic hydrolysis enzyme catalysis enzyme kinetics enzyme models enzymes enzymes isotope effects EpiCorneal™ epidemiology epidermal growth factor epilepsy Equatorial Guinea equity equivalent control ergogenic acid ericaceae erosion erosive wear erotic philosophy and the senses ERP implementationSMEsCritical success factorResource allocationNonlinear programming ESBL ESBLs Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ESI-MS/MS ESOL solubility parameter essential amino acids esterase Estrogen Ethical Ethiopia eu countries Eudragit Euler-Bernoulli beam Eurygaster integriceps evacuation evacuation behaviour evacuation modelling evacuation models evacuation process evacuation simulation evacuation time everyday evolution evolution and adaptation Evolutionary robotics EVS excitation ultra wideband (UWB) waveforms excitotoxicity Exclusive breastfeedingPrevalenceSystematic reviewMeta-analysisNepal execution time exercise exercise performance exfoliation exfoliation efficiency exophagic exophilic exosomes experiment experimental sound expert knowledge expert systems explicit group method explosion exponential phase exposure extended reality extended release extending the senses extinction extra-curricular activity extracellular matrix extracellular vesicles extrachromosomal DNA Extreme learning machine (ELM) face bending face matching face recognition Facial EMG Facial Emotional Expressions Facial Muscles facilitators factor analytic models facultative parasitism failure failure analysis failure mode fall armyworm falsified medicines FAM66C Family family archives family information behaviours family information practices far farmers farmers handling Faroe Shetland Basin Faroe-Shetland Terrane fatigue fatty acid transporter expression fatty acids FBXO11 febrile patients fecundity female sex trafficking Fenvalerate fermentation fertilisation fertiliser fertility fertilizer practices festival fibre bond failure fibre failure fibre optic hydrophone fibre-based technology field margin vegetation filament tracer filarial nematodes Filippov system films finance financial fine particle fraction fine powders fine-scale rainfall fines contents finetuning finite difference finite element analysis finite element analysis (FEA) finite element method Finite Element Method (FEM) finite element modelling fire safety Fire simulation environment fire toxicity firmness first responders fish access fisheries flame spread rate flash floods flashover flavonoid flavonol pentaglycosides flavouring Flickr flight distance flight heading flip chip on flex flip-chip assembly flocculation floor area ratio floral scent flour flow chemistry flow function flowability flower flowerpeckers flowers fluconazole fluid dynamics fluidisation fluidity fluidized bed reactor fluid–structure interaction (FSI) fluorescence fluorescence microscopy fluorescent probes fluoride fluorination Fluorine FLUOstar optima fluvial archives foaming capacity focal plane array fog-enabled internet of drones folksonomies food Food additives food contact surface food diversity food environments food habits food loss food market food production on Mars food safety food safety practices food security food servicesM food supplement food system food systems food-borne zoonosis foodborne disease foodborne pathogens foraging flights forecast forecasting and prediction forensic forensic science Forensics analysis forest forest fires forest restoration formants synthesis formulated powders Formulation fortification fossil-based transport fuels Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy Fourth Industrial Revolution fractionation fracture toughness Fragaria fragmentation fragrance encapsulation framing conditions free radical scavenging free-fly frequency matching Frequency spectrum frequency tuning fresh weight biomass frontostriatal network fruit peels fruits FT-IR FtsH fuel-only algal systems function function profiling functional capacity functional connectivity functional properties functional trade-offs funding and research priorities fungal morphology fungal pathogen fungi fungicide Fusarium wilt fused deposition modeling (FDM) fusiforme Galileo satellite navigation GAMboostLSS games GAMLSS ganoderic acid A Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides Garofalo equation Gary Stewart Gas gas gap gas-solid flow gas-to-liquid biosludge gas-to-liquid sludge GAS5 gasification Gaston Lagaffe gastrointestinal gastrointestinal tract gauche effect GBM Geldart groups gels Geminivirus diversity gender transition gene expression gene targets gene therapy generalised finite elements generative AI genetic algorithm genetic diversity genetic polymorphism genipin genome genomic remodelling genomic typing genomic variation genomics genotypes genotyping by sequencing geochemistry geodesic active contour (GAC) model geographical accessibility Geometridae geopolymer Geotaxis geriatric patients gestural control gesture control gestures Ghana ginseng GIS GIS Data glaciology Glass glass ionomer cement Glass-ionomer cement glass-ionomer cements glass–ionomer cement glaucoma glioblastoma multiforme glioma glitch global global analysis global best position global convergence globular structure Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency glucosylated derivatives glutamate release glycaemic control glycated haemoglobin glycerol goats Google Directions API government Gracilaria lemaneiformis Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis protein grain refinement granular material granule morphology graph neural networks graph partitioning graph similarity graphene graphite gravity wave grayanotoxin green chemistry methods green lacewings green solvents greenhouse gas emissions Grounded Theory growth growth factors guard cell guided wave testing Gulf of Guinea gut microbiome gut microbiota Gymnema sylvestre Gynura divaricata (L.) DC polysaccharide H19 haemoglobin halide substituents (I hallucination halodecarboxylation halogenated compounds hang power clean Hansen solubility parameter Hantzsch ester Haplotype harmonic and reactive compensation harmonic radar harmonic radar tracking Harringtonia lauricola harsh bass harsh noise harshness factors Hartwick's rule hazardous materials HbA1c health health risk behaviours health service use health surveys Health System Disruptions healthcare healthspan healthy ageing healthy diest hearing heart defects heart disease heart rate heat dissipation heat flow heat moisture treatment heat sensitive quality heat shock proteins heat sink heat stress heat transfer heating Heavy metal Heavy metal ions heavy metals Heckel equation Hedydipna Helicoverpa armigera helium Helmholtz Helopeltis cinchonae helper component protease helper virus hematocrit hemiparasitism Hemiptera Hemiptera Heteroptera hepatic cells Herbivory Hereditary Angioedema hernia Hertzian indentation Heterocyclic chemistry Heteroptera heuristic methods heuristic search hexyl 3-acetoxybutyrate hexyl 3‐acetoxybutyrate HH-XRF hidden hunger hierarchical nanostructures hierarchical scaffolds high aspect ratio microvias high fasting plasma glucose high imaging high temperature high tensile strain capacity high throughput high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation high-rise building high-speed imaging high-throughput phenotyping Higher Education highly cited research articles highly-methyl-branched-tail (hedgehog) surfactants highways Histidine kinase histone histones Histoplasmosis HIV HLA HMMR-AS1 hollow sections home homo-γ-bisabolene honey honey dressings honeybee hope hoppers hormetic zone hormone replacement therapy horseradish peroxidase horticulture host host decoy trap host plant resistance host preference host resistance host selection behaviour host tolerance host-guest systems host-parasite interaction host-parasite interactions host-seeking hot solder hot solder dip hot solder dip process hot solder dip refinishing process HOTAIR HOTAIRM1 HOTTIP house finches households hoverfly HOXA-AS2 HOXB13-1 HPLC HPPD HRP Hugging Face HULC human behaviour human dermal fibroblasts human health human neural progenitors human performance human skin tissue human tissue humanism humans humans infant humic acid hunger hyaluronic acid hybrid control hybrid modelling hydration hydrazine synthesis hydride transfer hydrocarbon pollution hydrocyclones hydrogels hydrogen atom transfer hydrogen bonding hydrogen cyanide hydrogen transfer hydrogenation hydrology hydrolysates hydrolysis hydrophobicity hydrosols hydrostatic pressure hydrothermal modification hydrothermal synthesis Hydroxyapatite hygiene Hyper-accumulation hyperarid conditions hypertension hyphenated techniques hypoglycemic effect hypolipidemic activity Hypretension I gene i/y binding ibuprofen IBV ICAM-1 ice ICG identification ideology IGBT IGF-I IGFBP ignition temperature IIoT Iklectik Iklectika illumina image classification image communication image segmentation images imidazolide couplings immersive immersive experiences immortality immunocompetence impact impact assessment implicit numerical scheme implicit learning imprecise Lévy-flight in silico in situ in situ doping in situ mechanical tests in situ mechanics in vitro in vitro corrosion In vitro digestion in vivo In-vitro digestibility incised valleys inclusion incongruence indentation India indicator assessment indigenous knowledge indirect calorimetry individual induction processing inductive charge sensor InductOs® industrial industrial biosludge Industrial biotechnology industrial relevance industry industry foundation classes inequality inertial navigation infant feeding infant formula milk infants infected wounds infection infection diseases inflammatory markers informal informal learning informal markets information information delivery specification information grounds information retrieval information storage Information Theory information-theoretic approach infrared ingredient identification initial loss to follow up initial teacher education initial teacher training injury prevention ink rheology ink-jet printing inkjet coating inorganic modification inorganic salts input current control insect insect and disease resistance insect biodiversity insect layering insect migration insect migration flyway insect navigation insect taxonomy insect-monitoring radar insecte Insecticidal botanicals insecticide sensitivity insecticides insects insider inspirations instrumental methods insulin integrated food-based strategies integrated management integrated pest management intellectual disability intelligent networks intelligent robots intelligent systems Intelligent Transportation System intensification interaction interaction design interactive public displays intercalating residues interdisciplinarity interferon (IFN)-inducible transmembrane (IFITM) protein Interleukin Inhibitors internal standard international Internet Internet of Drones internet of things Internet of Things (IoT) internet of vehicles intervention timing interventions intestinal flora intonation intracellular polymer localization intraocular pressure (IOP) intraspecific communication Intravesical drug delivery intrinsic excitability invasive species invasiveness invasomes inverse heat source inverse problems inverters investigate iodoform ion channel Ion channels ion-exchange ion-release ionisation IoT IoT networks IoT-Fognetworks IPM Ipomoea batatas L Ipomovirus iPSC iron catalysis iron chelates iron deficiency iron supplements irradiation IS development Ischaemia islands ISO 9705 isoA isocyanate isoflavonoids isometric exercise isometric resistance training isoprene isoprene monooxygenase isothermal amplification isothermal conduction calorimetry Italian Diabetes Exercise Study (IDES) ITC itraconazole Ivermectin JADE Jenike Johnston’s organ joining processes Joule heating Journal of Controlled Release K-12 curriculum K-12 education K12 education K2P cannel Ka band Ka-band KAP Keap1-Nrf2 signaling pathway Kentish Stour Kenya ketogenic diet key agreement kinase ck2 kinetic isotope effects kinetic modelling kinetics Kniphofia foliosa (Asphodelaceae) Knipholone Knipholone anthrone knowledge Knowledge Management knowledge representation knowledge search methodology knowledge-based systems Kolbe koriabo KTN1-AS1 L. major L. tropica labelling lablab labrasol Laccase lactate lacz reporter gene lamotrigine land land tenure land use landing landscape assessment large eddy simulation large-scale production lasers Lateral-flow-immunoassay laurel wilt LC LCL coupling LCMS lead Lead (II) ions leaded components leaf disease lean mass learning experience learning innovations learning progress least mean squares (LMS) algorithm Lecture leed-nd legacy legume Leguminosae Leishmania Leishmania aethiopica leishmania infantum leishmania promastigotes leishmanicidal activity length difference test Lepidoptera leptospirosis leptotriene lesion lesser antilles Letter to Editor Letter to the Editor level-set method Lewis b (Leb) antigen lexical-functional grammar LFG Li dopants lidar Life course life cycle assessment life histories life stage lift dispatch strategy ligand Light Emitting Diodes Light intensity light metal alloys light quality light wavelength lignin peroxidase likelihood function likelihood ratio test limit analysis limit cycle linalool LINC-ROR LINC00461 LINC00467 LINC00565 LINC00641 LINC01393 LINC01426 LINC01446 LINC01494 LINC01503 LINC01711 LINC02283 lineage specific Linear regression linear array linear regression model linkage map linkage to care Linux server LiP lipid lipid isolation lipid metabolism-related gene lipid profile lipidomics lipids lipolysis lipopolysaccharide liposomes liquefaction liquid biofuels liquid biopsy liquid phase liquid phase exfoliation liquid-bubble–solid interaction Listeria Listeria spp. lithostratigraphic units live mosquito Liver Livestock health Living fence llmic lmic lnc-TALC lncRNA lncRNA-ATB local adaptation local microclimate Local model lockdown locust control log logistic distribution logic Loneliness long non-coding RNA low and middle-income countries (LMICs) low consolidation low consolidation stress low density lipoprotein low molecular weight chitosan low molecular weight organics low-carbohydrate lower bound Lower Mannville Formation lubricating oils luminescence dating Lupine lures LV grid Lyapunov Lyapunov based controller Lévy flights machine learning macroalgae macromolecule macromolecules MAFG-DT magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy magnanese nitride magnesia magnesium alloys magnesium silicate magnetic field magnetic fields magnetically driven flow magnetism maintenance maize maize starch major outer membrane protein (MOMP) malaria malaria parasite malaria vector malaria vector surveillance malaria vectors MALAT1 MALDI malts malware malware detection management management intervention management of large crowded events Manchester airport MANET manganese-dependent peroxidase manufacturing manufacturing decision-making mapping Marangoni flow marine food systems market marketing intelligence systems Markov branching process Markov chain Monte Carlo Mars Mars analogue MARS model Mars simulants mass spectrometry Mass transfer mass-media consumer campaign MATE transporter material characterisation material handling process materiality of memories materials materials classification mathematical modelling Mathematical models mathematical optimisation mathematics MATN1-AS1 matrix tablet maximum likelihood maximum power point (MPP) tracking maximum residue level Maximum Residue Levels MBL MCMC MD simulations MDC1-AS measurement meat inspection mechanical properties mechanical vibration agglomerates mechanism mechanism proposal mechanisms MED13L medchem medical and patient monitoring medical genetics medical knowledge medical professionals medical risk factors medical technologies medical use medicinal herbs medicines medium medium factor optimization mefenamic acid MEG3 Melanogaster melt flow control membrane Membrane proteins menstrual cycle mental disorders mental health meshfree discretisation meshfree partition of unity method Mesothelioma message-passing interface meta microbiome meta-analysis meta-theory metabolite metabolite identification carbon efficiency (MICE) metabolite identification efficiency (MIE) metabolites metabolomics metabonomics metadata metaheuristic algorithms metal target metal-organic cages Metallic alloys metalloprotease metamodel metamodels Metarhizium Metasploit metastable methane methodological training in social sciences methodology methods and techniques methylation MFG-E8Sarcopenic model ratMyoblastsPI3K/Akt signaling pathway Mg MIAT micellar fluids micro finite element models micro-particle imaging velocimetry (micro-PIV) micro-physical parametrizations micro-silica Microalgae microalgae biorefinery Microalgal biorefinery microbial microbial contamination microbial protein microbial quality microbial remediation microbiota microcomputed tomography MicroCT microcurrent electrical nerve stimulation microdamage microelectronics microemulsion microfibre microfluidics microgels microhardness microneedle systems microneedles micronutrient deficiency microorganism microplate microRNAs microscopy Microsoft Teams microstrip microstrip antenna arrays microstrip antennas microstrip line microstrip patch antenna microstrip-line microstructure microstructure solidification microwave microwave-assisted synthesis microwave-mediated chemistry migrants migration migration rates mild conditions military Milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) milk-borne pathogen millimetre wave mind-body problem mine soils Miner's law of linear damage accumulation mineral separation mineralogical composition mini-rhizotron root Minitab MIR210HG mirid damage Miridae miRNA MIS 12 glaciation missing climate data mitigation mitigation action mixed dimensional heterostructures mixed infection mixed infections mixotrophic growth mixture design ML MLConvolutional Mmolecular docking MMPP Mn-dependent ligninperoxidase MnP MNX1-AS1 mobile mobile ad hoc network mobile ad hoc networks mobile communication mobile edge computing mobile network optimisation mobile radio mobile robots mobility analysis mobility-group proteins model model law Model Order Reduction (MOR) model parameter optimization model simulation modeling modelling modelling human factors modelling methodology modelling strategies modern retail modified Johnson medium Modular Product Structure moisture absorption molecular biology molecular characterization molecular embedding molecular epidemiology molecular genetics (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics) molecular imaging molecular markers molecular mechanics molecular mobility molecular modeling molecular phylogenetics molecular qudits molecular spectroscopic information molecular structure molecular variability molluscs Molten metals monitoring monoclonal antibody monocytic cells Monte carlo method Moon moral obligation morality Moringa Oleifera morphokinetics morphology mortality rate mosquito mosquito control mosquito larvae mosquito trap design mosquitoes motor neuron disease motor units Moustique movement ecology MPEG-7 MPPT MQTT MRI mRNA Ms mTOR signaling mucin mucosal vaccine multi hop data relays multi-agent system multi-antenna receiver adaptive signal combining multi-environment trial multi-gene phylogeny multi-hop connection multi-modal localization multi-nutrient multi-nutrient supplement multi-phase flow multi-robot systems multi-scale modelling multi-site models multi-stage portfolio optimization multi-type maltreatment multidrug resistance (MDR) multidrug-resistant multilinear regression multimedia multimodal input multimodality multipath and inter-channel interference multiphysics modelling multiple peaks multivariate muscle muscle thickness muscular failure musculoskeletal tissues museums musique mutual information (MI) mutually supported elements mycology mycotoxin mycotoxins myosin UNC-54 myristic acid N. gonorrhoea N2O emissions Nagssugtoqidian-Laxfordian orogenesis NalP Nano Selenium nano-adhesion nano-composites nano-films nano-fracture nano-medicine nano-phase nano-scale nano-silica nanoclay nanogels nanoindentation nanomedicine nanoparticle-carbon nanotube hybrids nanoparticles nanopatterning nanotechnologies nanotechnology narrative National identity natural enemies natural hazard impact natural language natural language Processing natural pest regulation Navier-Stokes NBT NCK1-AS1 NEAT1 necrosis nectar chemicals nectar chemistry nectary Neglected diseases neighborhood sustainability assessment tools neighborhood sustainability assessment tools (nsats) Neisseria meningitidis Nematodes Nessus nested-PCR net NETCHEM network network analysis network coding network convergence network divergence network flow optimisation problems Network meta-analysis network security network topology network updates network worm neural network neurodegenerative disease neurodevelopmental disorder neurology neurone neuroplasticity neuroprotection neurosteroids neutron scattering New isolates new product development Newton's recursion method Nicaragua nickel Nicole Raymond nicotiana nicotine nifedipine Nigeria Nikki Sheth NikNak nitro blue tetrazolium nitrogen nitrogen limitation NLP Nmap NMP NMR NMR chemical shifts NMR conformation NMR spectroscopy nociception noctuid moths Noctuidae nocturnal boundary layer noise noise reduction noise variances non-aqueous dispersions non-invasive and non-destructive methodology non-invasive electrical microampere stimulus Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer Non-solvent precipitation technique non-target host nonclassical noncoding RNA nonlinear control nonlinear controller nonlinear equations nonlinear feedback control nonoverlapping domain decomposition nonsmooth predator–prey model Norisoprenoids normal-stress differences novel antioxidant peptides novel food Novel triterpene nuclear nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy nucleic acid nucleic acids nucleobase nucleopolyhedrovirus nucleotide numerical analysis numerical data numerical inverse Laplace numerical inverseLaplace Numerical modelling numerical simulation nutrition nutrition security nutrition surveys nutrition training nutritional impact OBS ochratoxin ocular biomechanics odour odours oestrogen oil holding capacity oil palm oil spillclean-up oil-degrading microbes oilseeds oily delivery systems older adults oleic acid oleique oligochitosan OLTC Omega-6 fatty acids OMNI-RES (0-10) scale Onchocerca volvulus onchocerciasis Onchocerciasis vectors oncogenes one-part geopolymer online case study delivery online delivery online social networks online teaching Oomycete Open Broadcaster Software Studio open education open research open scholarship open science Ophiostomales opinion mining optical imaging optimal search strategy optimal strategy optimisation optimised data optimization oral oral anti-diabetic agents oral delivery oral formulation Oreochromis niloticus organ donation organic organic acids organic C stocks organic chemistry organic farming organic fertilisers organic polymer organic synthesis organic waste amendments organochlorines organophosphates orodispersible films (ODFs) orphan crop orthoesters orthogonal scaling functions Oryza sativa oscillators osmoregulation osmotic dehydration osteogenesis ostracods Osyris lanceolata out-gassing phenomenon out-of-order packets outbreaks outdoor learning outer membrane ovalbumin ovary over-segmentation overweight/obese insulin-treated subjects ovine oviposition oxazoles oxene process oxidant stress oxidative stress oxychloride oxydifluoromethylation oxygen oxygen rebound oxysulphate P-splines P2X1 P2X4 packet drop packing fraction pain palaeolithic artefacts palladium-catalysed coupling palladium-catalyzed coupling palygorskite pandemic paper paper recycling ash parallel algorithm parallel synthesis paramagnetism parameters parametric design approach parametric model order reduction parametric Model Order Reduction (pMOR) parasites parasitic diseases parasitic plants parasitic weed parasitic weeds Pareto analysis parous rates PART1 parthenium weed participation Participatory indicators participatory photography participatory research PARTICLE particle impact velocity particle physical properties particle properties particle size distribution particle spin particle swarm particle swarm optimization particulate material handling Partition of Unity Meshfree passive attack pastoral livestock production patch antennas patent intermediary patent operation platform path planning pathogen pathogenesis patients patterns Paullinia pinnata Pb-U geochronology PCA1 PCAT1 PCR pea plastocyanin gene pedagogical knowledge pedagogical reflections pedagogy pedestrian dynamics pedestrian modelling tools peer-to-peer penicillium chrysogenum pentylenetetrazole people movement peptides perceived exertion perception of effort perceptual response performance performance evaluation performance-based design performative synthesis perichromism peripheral blood cells Perkin reaction permeability peroxidase compound II Persian gum personal archives management personal archiving personal data protection personal information management personalised personalised healthcare Personality pest control pest management pest monitoring pesticidal plant pesticide pesticide residues pestiferous slug pests petrography petroleum system PFA vessels pgse-nmr ph Phanerochaete chrysosporium pharmaceutical pharmaceutical co-crystals pharmaceutical powders pharmaceutical salts pharmacoinformatics pharmacokinetic model pharmacokinetics pharmacometabonomics pharmcophore phase transitions Phaseolus vulgaris Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita Phenolic components Phenolic compounds phenotypic correlation phenotypic diversity phenotypic plasticity pheromone pheromone plumes Pheromone sensors pheromones PHIL Phoenix dactylifera phospholipids phosphorus phosphorylation sites photoautotrophic photobioreactor photocatalysis photocatalyst photoelectrocatalysis photoluminescence photoperiod photoredox photoredox catalysts photosynthesis photosynthetic thermal tolerance photosystem II Phototaxis photovoltaic PHP-Backdoor and Weevely phylogenetic analysis phylogenetics phylogenomics phylogeography physical activity physical therapy physical unclonable functions physico-chemical characterisation physicochemical properties phytochemicals Phytophthora pickering emulsions piercing pig pigeonpea pigment pinworms pipecolic acid piperidines plagues planetary health plant plant biomechanics plant defence plant ecology plant growth parameters plant leaf chemistry plant pathogen plant proteins plant secondary metabolites plant-pathogen plant–pollinator signalling plasma Plasmodium plasmodium berghei platform ecosystem platinum group metals PLGA PLGA nanoparticle plumage coloration plurol Pluronics block copolymers PM2.5 concentration prediction pneumatic conveying Poincare map Policy policy makers policy support politics pollen pollen aerodynamics pollination poly(amido-amine) poly(ethyleneimine) poly-hydroxyethyl methacrylate poly-L-lysine polyamidoamines polyamines polycaprolactone polyelectrolyte polyelectrolyte complex polyelectrolyte-surfactant interactions polyelectrolytes polyethylene fibre polyethylene glycol polyethylene oxide polygenic polymer chemistry polymer combination polymerase chain reaction polymeric channels Polymerisation polymerization polymers polymorphic polymorphic transitions polyphasic approach polysaccharide polysaccharides Polyunsaturated fatty acids pooled mean group estimator poor drug solubility poorly water-soluble drug population differentiation population dynamics population genetics population genetics (population studies) porcine cornea Porcine cysticercosis poricidal flower pork safety porosity porous silica portfolio Portiera Portland cement positioning algorithm post harvest post-activation potentiation post-conceptual art post-harvest storage post-mortem interval post-surgery recovery potyvirus Poulomi Desai poultry poultry farmers poultry value chain poverty powder powder adhesion powder cell powder flow powder flowability powder handling powder rheometry powder spreading powders power components power converters power electronic module power electronics power electronics components power electronics devices power electronics module Power Electronics Module (PEM) power hardware in the loop (PHIL) power output power quality practical work practice based curriculum design practices pre-evacuation delay prebiotics precarity predator – prey dynamics prediction Predictive Modelling predictive models predictive parameters prednisolone prefix hijacking pregelatinization pregnancy preoperative interventions preparation preparedness training preschool pressure ulcers prevalence primary care primary epidermal keratinocytes primary intermetallic crystal Prins reaction printed circuit board (PCB) pro-inflammation cytokine probabilistic cash-flow analysis probabilistic modelling probability distribution function problem analysis procedural memory process models process-based processing evaluation Product Development product development integration architecture product development process product lifecycle management product quality productivity professionalisation prognostics and health management project prolonged drug release prominin-1 propranolol hydrochloride prosopis Prosopis juliflora prospects prostate cancer therapy Protease protection protein protein dynamics protein hydrolysates protein shift protein source protein-based admixtures proteins proteolysis proteomics protocell protonation provenance psd95 pseudo-equilibrium pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum PSMC psychedelic psychology public administration public health public health measures pulmonary delivery pulp-capping pulsatile flows PUM purification PVT1 pXRF pyrethrum pyrolysis pyrrolobenzodiazepine (PBD) sibiromycin QFN QPSO QPSO-R QPSO-TS QR codes qRT-PCR QSAR qualification testing qualitative quality quantitative method quantitative methodologies teaching quantitative social network analysis quantitative trait loci (QTLs) quantum behavior quantum dot Quantum dots quantum information processing quantum-behaved particle swarm optimisation quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization quasi-Newton queen bee acid quelea Quercus sp. questionnaires quinones Racial Bias RAD-Seq radar radar entomology radials Radical cation radical polymerisation radical reactions radio networks radio propagation model radio tracking radiopacifier rainfall rainfall intensity rainfall modelling raman-scattering random forest random perturbations randomized-controlled trial Rankine RAPD-PCR rapid diagnosis rate-limiting rational drug design RatZooMan Project RBPMS-AS1 RCP2.6 scenarios RDG re-dispersion re-epithelialization reaction conditions Reactive Blue 19 recipe extraction reciprocal frames recombinant protein recombinase polymerase amplification reconstruction recovery rectangular patch recurrence plot recurrence quantification analysis recycle Recycling red LED light red-billed quelea reduction reductive coupling refractance window drying refractories refuge regional regiose-lectivity regoliths regression analysis regression models regularity and uniqueness regulated bioanalysis regulation rehabilitation reliability reliability assessment religion reLU Layer remaining useful life Remanufacturing remediation remote access to laboratories remote diesel generator remote sensing renal cancer renal cell cancer rent-seeking repellency repellents replicability Repolymerisation reproducibility reproductive compatibility RESCUE research research capacity research methods research practices residential community planning residues resilience resilient modulus resistance training ResNet resonant frequency resource pulse resources respiration respiration rate estimation respiratory health respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) response inhibition response phase behaviors response phase behaviour response times response to stimulus interval resting state restoration resveratrol retaining walls retinyl acetate retinyl palmitate Reverse transcriptase recombinase polymerase amplification (RT-RPA) review Reynolds number RFID RFX Rhamphicarpa Rhamphicarpa fistulosa rheological characterisation rheology rheometer Rhododendron rhomboid rice rice cultivation rice production rice vampire weed rice vampireweed ricker model ring topology risk assessment risk factors risk management risk perception Risk Prediction river blindness river Thames RNA RNA interference RO3003 RO3010 road traffic pollution roasted coffee beans Roberta model robot sensing systems robotic wireless connection robotic wireless network connection robotics robust control robustness robustness and stability rodent rodent control Rodent-borne zoonosis Rodents room corner test root crops and bananas root parasitic weed ROS: Nrf2 signaling roulette-wheel selection round scad (Decapterus maruadsi) RPE RPSAP52 RT-LAMP Rubisco Rubus runge-kutta RUNX1-IT1 rural rural health/statistics & numerical data Rural livelihoods rutin SAC305 safety salen saline wastewater treatment Salmonella Salmonella (Typhimurium) Salmonella spp salphen salt-affected lands salts SAMMSON SAN sand flies Sapindaceae saponins sarcopenia sargassum SARS-CoV-2 satellite SAXS scale scanning electron microscopy scanning acoustic microscopy scanning electron microscopy (SEM) science science ITT SCN2A screen screencast Screening Scutelleridae SDG 11 SDG 12 SDG2 SDN seamless fusion search ability seasonality seaweed seaweed biochar secondary education secondary kinetic isotope effect secondary metabolite secondary metabolites secondary structure secure routing security security controls security frameworks security issues sedentary sediments seed systems segregation segregation in process segregations in process seismic Earth pressures seizure rats selective halogenation selective laser sintering self-assemble self-assembly self-aware network self-localization semantic annotation semantic attacks semi-continuous distribution semi-Lagrange time integration semiochemical semiochemicals senescence sensing technologies and signal processing sensing virtual reality/mixed reality sensor fusion sensory acceptance threshold sensory analysis sensory neurons sensory perception sequence alignment sequence learning serology Serum Serum biomarkers serum lipid profile service network servitization setting time settlement sexual recognition SF5 SH-SY5Y shaded coffee shading shape analysis shear tester sheep ship evacuation shock wave emission shock waves shockwave dynamics shunt active power filter Shunt active power filter (SAPF) signal combining signal processing signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) silk colour fade silo silo design silos silver silver colloids silver nanoparticles SimJADE simplex simulation Simulium Simulium damnosum Simulium damnosum complex Simulium sanctipauli Simulium sirbanum Simulium soubrense Simulium squamosum Simulium yahense singing synthesis singing voice synthesis single cell single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) single-cell protein Sipatrigine sirolimus SISO-Relaying SISO size and shape segregation skeletal and visceral muscles Skeletal muscle skin lesion skin regeneration skin tears slag-fly ash blends sleep deprivation sliding mode sliding mode control sliding mode control (SMC) slow-release fertilizer slum emission small indigenous species small ruminants smallholder farming smart cities Smart energy smart home security smart trap SMARTFIRE SMARTFIRE V4.4 SMC SMILES SNAr/reduction processes snow SnPb and SnAgCu (solder alloys) SNR social social change social distancing Social Embodiment social identity Social Isolation social issues social mobility social psychology social science social sciences curriculum development Social Support sociocultural socioeconomic factors SOD1 mutation sodalite sodium alginate sodium carboxymethylcellulose sodium channel blockers sodium chloride software software defined data center networks software design software framework soil soil aggregates soil conditioner soil conservation soil contamination soil enhancement soil improving cropping systems soil pollution soil quality soil stabilisation soil stabilization soil-polymer interaction solar solar energy solar system solder solder interconnects solder joint solder joints solder thermal interface materials (STIMs) solders solid dispersions solid fuel solid gain solid lipid nanoparticles solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) solid state characterisation solid-powder alkaline activator solid-state thermomechanical extrusion process solidification solids particle impacts solidâ��solid transitions solitary wave sols soluble beta-amyloid solute channel solvent optimization solvent relaxation solvent-casting somatic hybrid Sorbent Sorghum bicolor sorption sorption isotherm sound sound installation sound recordings sound trap source area NDVI SOX2-OT soybean protein isolate soybean protein isolate-chitosan hydrochloride sp3 space structures spatial and temporal scales species recognition species-specific cues specific heat capacity spectra spectroscopy Speech recognition Sphaerotheca macularis spice mix spilled petroleum spinel ferrites Spiroketals split-spectrum processing spodoptera frugiperda Sponge sport sports therapy and rehabilitation spotted wing drosophila springtails pathogenicity squaramide squaramide based amphiphiles SSA1-SG1 SSP stabilisation mechanism stability stability of drugs stainless steel stair stampedes Staphylococcus aureus starch starch modification state-based systems state-space modeling static converter static wireless sink statistical analysis statistical learning statistical mechanics statistical modeling statistical modelling statistics stealth liposomes STEM stem cell differentiation stem cells stereochemical communication stereolithography steric hindrance Sterility sterols stigma stimulation frequency stochastic intelligent algorithms stochastic nature stochastic PDE stochastic programming stoichiometric reducing agent storage Stored-product protection story storytelling straight flight trajectories straight-grate iron-ore pellet induration systems strain strains strategy priority strawberry Streptococcus pneumoniae stress Striga Striga hermonthica strong and weak density dependent death rates structural failure structural mechanics structure-based function studies structured prevention and control interruptions structured treatment interruptions struvite student engagement student participation in learning Stuxnet styrene Sub-Saharan Africa sub-terahertz subgrade subgrade soil submicromolar antitrypanosomal activity subsensory substrate sucralose sucrase sucrose Sue Nicolson obituary sugar profile sulphide radical cation sun-roof sunbird sunbirds Sunn Pest super-recognition super-resolution Super-resolution microscopy supercritical CO2 Supercritical CO2. Melting. Triblock polymer. Poloxamers supersaturation supervised exercise supplement supplements supramolecular chemistry supramolecular gels supramolecular structures surface roughness surface tension surface wave surgical meshes surveillance survey survival sustainability Sustainability assessment sustainability transitions sustainable agricultural intensification sustainable agriculture Sustainable construction sustainable development Sustainable development goals (SDGs) Sustainable Manufacturing sustainable rodent management sustainable urbanism suzukii swarm swarm optimisation Swarming swartzia sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) sweet potato reversion swine swine flu syllabic synthesis symbiosis synchronous DC-DC converters synchrotron X-ray diffraction synchrotron X-ray imaging syndemics Synthesis synthetic synthetic chemistry synthetic human odor synthetic life synthèse vocale system system performance systematic review systems systems chemistry São Tomé and Príncipe t-RNA tabletop exercise tabletting Tadarida brasiliensis Taeniasolium tagging TALNEC2 Tamale Metropolis targeting task allocation taste masking tau TB Care Cascade TCA TDP43 teacher education teachers attitudes and perceptions teaching team-sport tebuconazole technetium-99m technical competence in teaching technology across the lifespan technology-enhanced learning tele-medicine telerobotics TEM temoporfin temperature temperature inversion temporal reasoning tendons and ligaments terpenoid terrorist Tetanocera elata tetralone Tetraploidy texture the Bahamas the elderly the middle-aged and older populations the Tikhonov regularization method theophylline theory therapeutic agents thermal thermal analysis thermal conductivity thermal cycling thermal diffusivity thermal fatigue thermal management thermal management (packaging) thermal modelling thermal processing thermal properties thermal stresses thermal-mechanical analysis thermally coupled distillation Thermally Stimulated Current thermally stimulated current spectroscopy (TSC) thermo-mechanical Reliability thermodynamic properties Thermoelectric currents thermoelectric generator thermoelectric magnetohydrodynamic thermoelectric magnetohydrodynamics thermoelectricity thermomechanical processes thermotolerance thick film chip resistors Thigmotaxis THP-1 cells threats three-dimensional printing three-phase current balancing three-sector-analysis threshold signature Tikhonov regularization timber pest Time time complexity time dilemma time domain time to flashover time-dependent behaviour Time-dependent PSHA · Disaggregation · UHS · Seismic sequence · Dominant earthquake scenario · Greece time-dependent seismic hazard time-lapse time-resolved SR-microCT time-series analysis and prediction Timolol tin alloys tin whiskers TINA tip times tissue engineered tissue engineered substitutes tissue irradiation Tissue regeneration titanium dioxide titrations tobermorite Togo Tolon district tomato tomographic reconstruction topology optimization TOPSIS torque measurement and estimation total bacterial count total pulses toughness tourism tournament selection Toxicity toxin toxins TP73-AS1 trabecular bone trace element traceability Trackit trade liberalisation trade-offs traditional retail traffic analysis train fire safety training transcription factor inhibition transcriptome analysis transfer Hydrogenation transfer learning transgender transgenic Transgenic fish Transgenic tilapia Transient bubbles transit transmission transmission electron microscopy transporter trapped civilians trapping travel time treatment resistance treatment-resistant depression trees TREK channel TRESK channel Triatoma infestans triazines tribe Swartzieae Tribolium castaneum Trichilia species Tridax procumbens triglycerides Triticum Triticum species trivariate multiresolution analysis trivariate orthogonal wavlets tropical alpine ecosystems true cost of food True density trust trust model trusted measure TSLC1-AS1 Tuberculosis TUG1 tumor drug resistance tumor heterogeneity tumor microenvironment Tumour-immune model tumours TUNAR Tungsten tracer Tungsten trioxide turbulence TUSC7 two mammalian cell lines (HeLa and RAW 264.7) two-electrode voltage clamp type 2 diabetes type 2 diabetes mellitus U-Pb isotopic dating U87MG UCA1 UK ultra-wideband ultrasonic bubble dynamics ultrasonic cavitation ultrasonic exfoliation ultrasonic guided waves Ultrasonic melt processing ultrasonic melt treatment Ultrasonic processing ultrasonic treatment ultrasound Ultrasound cavitation ultrasound materials processing ultrastructure ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy UN Food System UN Food Systems Summit un weighted least square error unannounced evacuation trial uncertain parameters uncertainty uncertainty quantification unconfined compressive strength unconfined compressive strength undergraduate education challenges underweight undiagnosed abdominal pain unequal noise variance uniqueness unit United Kingdom unripe banana flour urban design urban food system urban health/statistics & numerical data urban heat island urban heat stress urban inequality urban resilience urban rodent survey urban sustainability urea Urechites andrieuxii user acceptability user authentication user engagement user-centric operations UV UV/H2O2 process Vancomycin resistance vanillin Var2 varieties vasculitis vector vector control vector-mediated transmission vegetables velocity-based training vendor training vertical jump veterinary epidemiology veterinary professionals vibrational signals video games videography Vigna unguiculata village chicken village chickens virtual gifting virtual reality virulence virus diagnostics virus disease epidemiology virus emergence virus evolution virus tropism virus-specific primers virus-vector relationships viscous/inviscid coupling visible light visual visual analysis visual consumer research visual data sources visual localization visual methods visual research visualisation visualisations Vit D vital sign vitamin A vitamin a deficiency/diagnosis vitamin a deficiency/epidemiology vitamin a/blood vitamin c Vitamin D Vitamin E vitamins voice recognition voix chantée volatile compounds volatile organic compound Volatile Organic Compounds voriconazole W-band wafers walk speed warehouse emergency management plan WASF washing wasp flower waste waste glass waste management waste valorisation wastewater wastewater reuse wasting water water activity water demand water holding capacity water insoluble drugs water loss water-based water-soluble fullerenes wave interaction WAVE-regulatory complex (WRC) wavelet transform wealth quintile web attacks WebAR websocket weed management weevil weighted least square error method weighted Markov branching process wellbeing West Africa West Nile virus wheat starch whey protein isolate whiskers (crystal) white noise white sugar whiteflies whitefly whole genome sequencing wide operational range Wildfire Wildfire management WiMAX broadband service WiMAX Quality of Service (QoS) wind wind pollination wire bonds wireless ad hoc network wireless communication networks wireless communications system wireless networks wireless sensor networks wireless technologies wires witchweed Wittig reaction wolbachia women wood pellets Workforce working memory World Trade Center wound biofilms wound dressing wound dressings wound granulation wound healing wounding wounds wrapping method WTO wtp X-band X-ray X-ray computed tomography (XCT) X-ray micro tomography X-ray photon electron analysis Xanthated Lagenaria vulgaris xanthine oxidase inhibitory xciomyzidae Xestobium rufovillosum XIST yam Yam mosaic virus yeast yield Yield pressure YMV You Tube ZBED3-AS1 ZEB1-AS1 zeolite zeolite F zeolites zero-adjusted distribution zero-day worm zero-heavy distribution zinc zirconium oxide zoonoses zoonotic infections zoophagic zoophilic zooprophylaxis épistémologie α-aminoalkyl radical α-amylase α-glucosidase α-Tocopherol β-amino acid β-carotene β-lactamase γ-tocopherol � atom-economical C–H activation chemistry
Number of items at this level: 5001.

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3D bioprinting

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3D motion tracking

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3D printed drug products

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3D printing

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3D tracking

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4-methoxymandelic acid

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4D printing

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9-cis β-carotene

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A3 coupling

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AAR dating

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Ab initio

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abiotic factors

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abiotic stress

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academic integrity

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accelerated aging

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accessory chromosome

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acetylsalicylic acid

Farias, Smirna and Boateng, Joshua S. ORCID: 0000-0002-6310-729X (2020) In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo evaluation of taste masked low dose acetylsalicylic acid loaded composite wafers as platforms for buccal administration in geriatric patients with dysphagia. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 589:119807. ISSN 0378-5173 (doi:

Acoustic cavitation

Beckwith, Christopher, Djambazov, Georgi ORCID: 0000-0001-8812-1269 , Pericleous, Kyriacos A ORCID: 0000-0002-7426-9999 and Tonry, Catherine E. H. ORCID: 0000-0002-8214-0845 (2022) Comparison of frequency domain and time domain methods for the numerical simulation of contactless ultrasonic cavitation. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 89:10613. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1350-4177 (doi:

acoustic communication

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acoustic field

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acoustic pressure

Morton, J.A., Khavari, M, Priyadarshi, A, Kaur, A, Grobert, N, Mi, J, Porfyrakis, Kyriakos ORCID: 0000-0003-1364-0261 , Prentice, P, Eskin, D.G. and Tzanakis, I. (2023) Dual frequency ultrasonic cavitation in various liquids: High-speed imaging and acoustic pressure measurements. Physics of Fluids, 35:017135. ISSN 1070-6631 (doi:

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acoustic resonance

Khavari, Mohammad, Priyadarshi, Abhinav, Subroto, Tungky, Beckwith, Christopher, Pericleous, Kyriacos A ORCID: 0000-0002-7426-9999 , Eskin, Dmitry G and Tzanakis, Iakovos (2021) Scale up design study on process vessel dimensions for ultrasonic processing of water and liquid aluminium. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 76:105647. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1350-4177 (doi:

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acoustic testing

Takyi, G., Amalu, E.H. and Bernasko, P.K. (2011) Effect of solder joint integrity on the thermal performance of a TEC for a 980nm pump laser module. Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 23 (2). pp. 115-119. ISSN 0954-0911 (doi:

Acoustical Ecology

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active power filter

Miralilu, Hassan Manafi, Salimi, Mahdi ORCID: 0000-0003-3007-3027 , Soltani, Jafar and Akbarimajd, Adel (2023) General method for state-space modeling and nonlinear control of single-phase cascaded multilevel inverters with LCL coupling. Journal of Power Electronics. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1598-2092 (Print), 2093-4718 (Online) (doi:

active student engagement

Conaldi, Guido ORCID: 0000-0003-3552-7307 (2022) Can we teach social networks better? A preliminary reflection. In: Learning & Teaching Festival 2022 (LTF2022): Business Education without Boundaries, 23rd Jun, 2022, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)

acute wounds

Boateng, Joshua ORCID: 0000-0002-6310-729X (ed.) (2019) Therapeutic Dressings and Wound Healing Applications. Wiley. ISBN 978-1119433262

ad hoc network connection

Loukas, George ORCID: 0000-0003-3559-5182 , Timotheou, Stelios and Gelenbe, Erol (2008) Robotic wireless network connection of civilians for emergency response operations. In: 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA. ISBN 9781424428809 (doi:

ad hoc networks

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adaptive algorithms

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adaptive combining technique

Qureshi, Athar, Kanakis, Triantafyllos and Rapajic, Predrag (2010) Adaptive combining of signals with unequal noise variances. In: 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation (CIMSiM). IEEE Computer Society, Conference Publishing Services, Washington, USA, pp. 488-493. ISBN 978-1-4244-8652-6 (Print), 978-0-7695-4262-1 (Online) (doi:

adaptive control

Hajbani, Vadood, Zakipour, Adel and Salimi, Mahdi ORCID: 0000-0003-3007-3027 (2023) A novel Lyapunov-based robust controller design for LCL-type shunt active power filters using adaptive sliding-mode backstepping approach. e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, 5:100200. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2772-6711 (doi:

adaptive pedagogy

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adaptive teaching

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additive manufacturing

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additive particle tracking

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adjuvant therapy

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adult neurogenesis

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advanced biomaterials

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advanced dressings

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Adverse Childhood Experiences

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Aedes aegypti

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aerated powders

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affiliation characterisation

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aflatoxin B1

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African yam bean

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after school science club

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age factors

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agent construction tools

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agent technology

Jian, Guo (2011) Knowledge search for new product development: a multi-agent based methodology. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Ageratum yellow vein virus (AJ810825)

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agricultural pests

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agroforestry systems

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Agrotis segetum

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agro‐ecological intensification

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AI competence

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AI detection tools

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AI detection tools computational linguistic analysis

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AI education

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AI literacy

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AI readiness

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air quality index

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aircraft evacuation

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Al3Zr intermetallic

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alkali activation

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alkali-activated mortar

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alloy microstructure

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almond gum

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alpha shape

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alternative protein

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aluminium cast alloys

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aluminium oxide

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aluminium processing

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Alveolar bone

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Alzheimer’s disease

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ambiguity function (AF)

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amino acid composition

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ammonia synthesis

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amorphous solid dispersion

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amorphous solid dispersion hydroxypropylmethylcellulose ethyl cellulose flufenamic acid X-ray diffraction differential scanning calorimetry polymorphic transition

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amylolytic resistance

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anabolic steroids

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anaerobic digestion

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analytical chemistry

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analytical models

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Analytical ultracentrifugation

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ancillary services

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Anderson Darling

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animal husbandry

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animal source food

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animal toxins

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animal tracking

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anion binding

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anion binding motif

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anion recognition

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anisotropic conductive film (ACF)

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annealing function

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anodic oxidation

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Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection Systems (AIDSs)

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Anopheles coluzzii

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Anopheles gambiae s.s.

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Anopheles gambiae sensu lato

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Anopheles mosquito

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antibiotic resistance

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antileishmanial activity

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antimicrobial resistance

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antioxidant activity

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antioxidant enzymes

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antiseizure medications

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Apis mellifera

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Arabic sign language

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arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

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arc discharge

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architectural elements

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architectural topology

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arid soil

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arterial hypertension

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arthrospira platensis

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artificial immune network

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artificial intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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artificial intelligence in education

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artificial neural networks

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Ascosphaera apis

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Asian American Options

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assessment models

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asymptotic stability

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atomic beams

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atomic clocks

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atomic force microscopy

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attack detection

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attainment in science

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attainment of students

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attenuation and fading limit

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attraction time

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Attributional LCA

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augmented reality

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Higgins, Daryl J ORCID: 0000-0003-0268-8243 , Mathews, Ben ORCID: 0000-0003-0421-0016 , Pacella, Rosana ORCID: 0000-0002-9742-1957 , Scott, James G ORCID: 0000-0002-0744-0688 , Finkelhor, David, Meinck, Franziska, Erskine, Holly E, Thomas, Hannah J ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-7821 , Lawrence, David M ORCID: 0000-0003-4700-1425 , Haslam, Divna M ORCID: 0000-0002-5354-8710 , Malacova, Eva and Dunne, Michael P (2023) The prevalence and nature of multi‐type child maltreatment in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (S6). S19-S25. ISSN 0025-729X (doi:

Lawrence, David M ORCID: 0000-0003-4700-1425 , Hunt, Anna, Mathews, Ben ORCID: 0000-0003-0421-0016 , Haslam, Divna M ORCID: 0000-0002-5354-8710 , Malacova, Eva, Dunne, Michael P, Erskine, Holly E, Higgins, Daryl J ORCID: 0000-0003-0268-8243 , Finkelhor, David, Pacella, Rosana ORCID: 0000-0002-9742-1957 , Meinck, Franziska, Thomas, Hannah J ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-7821 and Scott, James G ORCID: 0000-0002-0744-0688 (2023) The association between child maltreatment and health risk behaviours and conditions throughout life in the Australian Child Maltreatment Study. Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (S6). S34-S39. ISSN 0025-729X (doi:

Mathews, Ben ORCID: 0000-0003-0421-0016 , Pacella, Rosana ORCID: 0000-0002-9742-1957 , Scott, James G ORCID: 0000-0002-0744-0688 , Finkelhor, David, Meinck, Franziska, Higgins, Daryl J ORCID: 0000-0003-0268-8243 , Erskine, Holly E, Thomas, Hannah J ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-7821 , Lawrence, David M ORCID: 0000-0003-4700-1425 , Haslam, Divna M ORCID: 0000-0002-5354-8710 , Malacova, Eva and Dunne, Michael P (2023) The prevalence of child maltreatment in Australia: findings from a national survey. Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (S6). ISSN 0025-729X (doi:

Pacella, Rosana ORCID: 0000-0002-9742-1957 , Nation, Alexandra, Mathews, Ben ORCID: 0000-0003-0421-0016 , Scott, James G ORCID: 0000-0002-0744-0688 , Higgins, Daryl J ORCID: 0000-0003-0268-8243 , Haslam, Divna M ORCID: 0000-0002-5354-8710 , Dunne, Michael P, Finkelhor, David, Meinck, Franziska, Erskine, Holly E, Thomas, Hannah J ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-7821 , Malacova, Eva, Lawrence, David M ORCID: 0000-0003-4700-1425 and Monks, Claire (2023) Child maltreatment and health service use: findings of the Australian Child Maltreatment Study. Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (S6). S40-S46. ISSN 0025-729X (doi:

Scott, James G ORCID: 0000-0002-0744-0688 , Malacova, Eva, Mathews, Ben ORCID: 0000-0003-0421-0016 , Haslam, Divna M ORCID: 0000-0002-5354-8710 , Pacella, Rosana ORCID: 0000-0002-9742-1957 , Higgins, Daryl J ORCID: 0000-0003-0268-8243 , Meinck, Franziska, Dunne, Michael P, Finkelhor, David, Erskine, Holly E, Lawrence, David M ORCID: 0000-0003-4700-1425 and Thomas, Hannah J ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-7821 (2023) The association between child maltreatment and mental disorders in the Australian Child Maltreatment Study. Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (S6). S26-S33. ISSN 0025-729X (doi:

Australian Child Maltreatment Study

Haslam, Divna M ORCID: 0000-0002-5354-8710 , Lawrence, David M ORCID: 0000-0003-4700-1425 , Mathews, Ben ORCID: 0000-0003-0421-0016 , Higgins, Daryl J ORCID: 0000-0003-0268-8243 , Hunt, Anna, Scott, James G ORCID: 0000-0002-0744-0688 , Dunne, Michael P, Erskine, Holly E, Thomas, Hannah J ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-7821 , Finkelhor, David, Pacella, Rosana ORCID: 0000-0002-9742-1957 , Meinck, Franziska and Malacova, Eva (2023) The Australian Child Maltreatment Study ( ACMS ), a national survey of the prevalence of child maltreatment and its correlates: methodology. Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (S6). ISSN 0025-729X (doi:

Higgins, Daryl J ORCID: 0000-0003-0268-8243 , Mathews, Ben ORCID: 0000-0003-0421-0016 , Pacella, Rosana ORCID: 0000-0002-9742-1957 , Scott, James G ORCID: 0000-0002-0744-0688 , Finkelhor, David, Meinck, Franziska, Erskine, Holly E, Thomas, Hannah J ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-7821 , Lawrence, David M ORCID: 0000-0003-4700-1425 , Haslam, Divna M ORCID: 0000-0002-5354-8710 , Malacova, Eva and Dunne, Michael P (2023) The prevalence and nature of multi‐type child maltreatment in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (S6). S19-S25. ISSN 0025-729X (doi:

Lawrence, David M ORCID: 0000-0003-4700-1425 , Hunt, Anna, Mathews, Ben ORCID: 0000-0003-0421-0016 , Haslam, Divna M ORCID: 0000-0002-5354-8710 , Malacova, Eva, Dunne, Michael P, Erskine, Holly E, Higgins, Daryl J ORCID: 0000-0003-0268-8243 , Finkelhor, David, Pacella, Rosana ORCID: 0000-0002-9742-1957 , Meinck, Franziska, Thomas, Hannah J ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-7821 and Scott, James G ORCID: 0000-0002-0744-0688 (2023) The association between child maltreatment and health risk behaviours and conditions throughout life in the Australian Child Maltreatment Study. Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (S6). S34-S39. ISSN 0025-729X (doi:

Mathews, Ben ORCID: 0000-0003-0421-0016 , Pacella, Rosana ORCID: 0000-0002-9742-1957 , Scott, James G ORCID: 0000-0002-0744-0688 , Finkelhor, David, Meinck, Franziska, Higgins, Daryl J ORCID: 0000-0003-0268-8243 , Erskine, Holly E, Thomas, Hannah J ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-7821 , Lawrence, David M ORCID: 0000-0003-4700-1425 , Haslam, Divna M ORCID: 0000-0002-5354-8710 , Malacova, Eva and Dunne, Michael P (2023) The prevalence of child maltreatment in Australia: findings from a national survey. Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (S6). ISSN 0025-729X (doi:

Pacella, Rosana ORCID: 0000-0002-9742-1957 , Nation, Alexandra, Mathews, Ben ORCID: 0000-0003-0421-0016 , Scott, James G ORCID: 0000-0002-0744-0688 , Higgins, Daryl J ORCID: 0000-0003-0268-8243 , Haslam, Divna M ORCID: 0000-0002-5354-8710 , Dunne, Michael P, Finkelhor, David, Meinck, Franziska, Erskine, Holly E, Thomas, Hannah J ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-7821 , Malacova, Eva, Lawrence, David M ORCID: 0000-0003-4700-1425 and Monks, Claire (2023) Child maltreatment and health service use: findings of the Australian Child Maltreatment Study. Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (S6). S40-S46. ISSN 0025-729X (doi:

Scott, James G ORCID: 0000-0002-0744-0688 , Malacova, Eva, Mathews, Ben ORCID: 0000-0003-0421-0016 , Haslam, Divna M ORCID: 0000-0002-5354-8710 , Pacella, Rosana ORCID: 0000-0002-9742-1957 , Higgins, Daryl J ORCID: 0000-0003-0268-8243 , Meinck, Franziska, Dunne, Michael P, Finkelhor, David, Erskine, Holly E, Lawrence, David M ORCID: 0000-0003-4700-1425 and Thomas, Hannah J ORCID: 0000-0001-7897-7821 (2023) The association between child maltreatment and mental disorders in the Australian Child Maltreatment Study. Medical Journal of Australia, 218 (S6). S26-S33. ISSN 0025-729X (doi:

authentic assessment

Conaldi, Guido ORCID: 0000-0003-3552-7307 and Mambrini, Francesco (2023) Generative AI paradigm shift in Higher Education: balancing myths and realities in assessment marking and design. In: SHIFT 2024: 'Inclusive Higher Education: Myths and Realities', 10th - 11th Jan, 2024, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)

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Chen, Lei, Guo, Chong, Gong, Bei, Waqas, Muhammad ORCID: 0000-0003-0814-7544 , Deng, Lihua and Qin, Haowen (2024) A secure cross-domain authentication scheme based on threshold signature for MEC. Journal of Cloud Computing, 13 (70). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2192-113X (Print), 2192-113X (Online) (doi:

authorization update

Chen, Lei, Guo, Chong, Gong, Bei, Waqas, Muhammad ORCID: 0000-0003-0814-7544 , Deng, Lihua and Qin, Haowen (2024) A secure cross-domain authentication scheme based on threshold signature for MEC. Journal of Cloud Computing, 13 (70). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2192-113X (Print), 2192-113X (Online) (doi:


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autonomic computing

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autonomic marketing

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autonomous systems

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avian malaria parasites

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b-Glucan TLR3 Type-I IFN response Antiviral Cyprinus carpio

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B737 fire

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Bacillus subtilis

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bacillus thuringiensis

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bacterial biosensor

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baited traps

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balanced agricultural systems

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Ball grid arrays

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banana starch

Dibakoane, Siphosethu R., Da Silva, Laura Suzanne, Meiring, Belinda, Anyasi, Tonna A., Mlambo, Victor and Wokadala, Obiro Cuthbert ORCID: 0000-0002-0292-400X (2024) The multifactorial phenomenon of enzymatic hydrolysis resistance in unripe banana flour and its starch: a concise review. Journal of Food Science, 89 (9). pp. 5185-5204. ISSN 0022-1147 (Print), 1750-3841 (Online) (doi:


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bariatric surgery

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basin modelling

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bass culture

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Bass Shaker

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bat diets

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batch normalization layer

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Bayesian probability

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bean aphids

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bean fly

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bean stem maggot

Ngoya, Zuwena, Mkindi, Angela, Vanek, Steven, Stevenson, Philip ORCID: 0000-0002-0736-3619 , Ndakidemi, Patrick ORCID: 0000-0002-5590-7545 and Belmain, Steven R. ORCID: 0000-0002-5590-7545 (2024) Pesticidal plant treatments combined with improved soil fertility can reduce damage caused by Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. phaseoli) and bean fly (Ophiomyia phaseoli) in common bean production (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Sustainability, 16 (19):4866. pp. 1-17. ISSN 2071-1050 (Online) (doi:

Beet armyworm

Hafeez, Muhammad, Liu, Sisi, Yousaf, Hafiz Kamran, Jan, Saad, Wang, Rui-Long, Fernandez-Grandon, G. Mandela ORCID: 0000-0002-2993-390X , Gulzar, Asim, Ali, Bahar, Rehman, Muzammal, Ali, Sajjad, Fahad, Muhammad and Wang, Mo (2019) RNA interference-mediated knockdown of a cytochrome P450 gene enhanced the toxicity of α-cypermethrin in xanthotoxin-fed larvae of Spodoptera exigua (Hübner). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 162. pp. 6-14. ISSN 0048-3575 (doi:


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behavior change

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behavioural reactions

Hulse, Lynn M. ORCID: 0000-0001-5582-3520 and Galea, Edwin R. ORCID: 0000-0002-0001-6665 (2012) The UK BESECU firefighter study: A study of UK firefighters' emotional, cognitive and behavioural reactions to emergencies. In: 5th International Symposium. Human Behaviour in Fire 2012. Symposium Proceedings. Interscience Communications Ltd, Greenwich, London, UK, pp. 86-97. ISBN 978-0-9556548-8-6

Bemisia tabaci

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bench-scale testers

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BGP security

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biased competition

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binding proteins

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Bioactive Glass

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biobased economy

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biocompatible glass ionomer cement

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biodiversity conservation

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bioinspired materials

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biological assessment

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biological control

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biological modulation

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biological molecules

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