Items where Subject is "HT Communities. Classes. Races"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (21414)
- H Social Sciences (5864)
- HT Communities. Classes. Races (277)
- H Social Sciences (5864)
Abbott, Pamela Ann (1982) Towards a social theory of mental handicap. PhD thesis, Thames Polytechnic.
Acott, Tim G. and Urquhart, Julie (2014) Sense of place and socio-cultural values in fishing communities along the English Channel. In: Urquhart, Julie, Acott, Tim G., Symes, David and Zhao, Minghua, (eds.) Social Issues in Sustainable Fisheries Management. MARE Publication Series (9). Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 257-277. ISBN 978-9400779105 (doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7911-2_14)
Acott, Timothy G., Willis, Cheryl, Ranger, Sue, Cumming, Gabriel, Richardson, Peter, O'Neil, Rose and Ford, Adriana (2022) Coastal transformations and connections: revealing values through the community voice method. People and Nature, 5 (2). pp. 403-414. ISSN 2575-8314 (Online) (doi:10.1002/pan3.10371)
Acton, Thomas (2007) Book Review: The Gypsy Debate: Can Discourse Control?. Joanna Richardson. Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2006. Pp. iv+151. ISBN 1-84540-057-7 (pbk): £17.95. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 28 (4). pp. 343-345. ISSN 1747-7557 (Print), 0143-4632 (Online) (doi:doi 10.2167/jmmd561b.0)
Acton, Thomas (2010) Citizenship and the Roma/Gypsy/Travellers. In: Towards a Sociology of Citizenship, 105th Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association 2010, 14-17 Auguat 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (Unpublished)
Acton, Thomas (2010) From the fall of the Berlin Wall to the first Roma Pavilion at the Venice Biennale – from the world of Agnes Daroczi to the world of Daniel Baker. In: Culture and the Making of Worlds - European Sociological Association Sociology of Culture Conference, 7-9 Oct 2010, Universita Bocconi, Milan, Italy. (Unpublished)
Acton, Thomas (2010) Gypsy witness. Baptist Times (8343). pp. 1-2. ISSN 0005-5786
Acton, Thomas (2009) New religious movements among Roma Gypsies and Travellers: placing Romani Pentecostalism in historical and social context. In: Romani Pentecostalism, 5-7 Nov 2009, Södertörn University, 141 89 Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished)
Acton, Thomas (2007) Review of Angus Bancroft,"Roma and Gypsy-Travellers in Europe: modernity, race, space and exclusion". Romani Studies, 17 (2). pp. 247-249. ISSN 1528-0748 (Print), 1757-2274 (Online) (doi:10.3828/rs.2007.11)
Acton, Thomas (2011) The Roma community in the United Kingdom - Its history, culture and contemporary situation: An introduction for service providers. In: Roma Half Day Seminar, 23 February 2011, Millfield Arts Centre. (Unpublished)
Acton, Thomas (2010) Theorising mobility: migration, nomadism, and the social reconstruction of ethnicity. In: Romani Mobilities in Europe: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 14-15 January 2010, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford.
Acton, Thomas (2008) Universalising religions and cultural particularisms: the effects of renewed international migration on the engagement of Gypsies/Roma/Travellers with world religions since 1989. In: Sociology Looks at the Twenty-first Century: ‘From Local Universalism to Global Contextualism’ 38th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, 26-30th June 2008, Central European University, Budapest. (Unpublished)
Acton, Thomas (2009) The challenge of the new paradigm in Romani studies for sociology? In: Sociology at the Crossroads: 39th Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, 11-14 June 2009, University of Yerevan, Armenia. (Unpublished)
Acton, Thomas (2009) The marginalisation of Romani studies within the academic community. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference, 16-18 April 2009, Cardiff City Hall, Cardiff. (Unpublished)
Acton, Thomas (2009) A new international Romani aesthetic? In: Annual Meeting and Conference of the Gypsy Lore Society 2009, 27-29 Aug 2009, University of Helsinki, Finland. (Unpublished)
Acton, Thomas (2010) A new kind of maturity: Romani intelligentsias in the 20th century. In: Annual Meeting and Conference of the International Gypsy Lore Society, 8-11 September 2010, University of Lisbon, Portugal. (Unpublished)
Acton, Thomas (2008) The origins of Gypsies/Roma/Travellers: The limitations of a standpoint approach. In: International Gypsy Lore Society Annual Meeting and Conference, 28-30 August 2008, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA. (Unpublished)
Acton, Thomas and Marsh, Adrian (2007) Charting the variety of aspirations of Romani/Gypsy groups in Turkey. Project Report. Economic and Social Research Council, Swindon.
Acton, Thomas and Marsh, Adrian (2008) “Glocalisation”: a new phenomenon or an age-old process? current adaptations in changes in Gypsy/Roma/Traveller identity in the Turkish Republic. In: “Sociology Looks at the Twenty-first Century: ‘From Local Universalism to Global Contextalism’“ 38th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, 26 - 30 June 2010, Central European University, Budapest. (Unpublished)
Acton, Thomas and Marsh, Adrian (2007) The development of Roma/Gypsy/Traveller identity during the candidacy for EU membership of the Turkish Republic. In: International Gypsy Lore Society Annual Meeting and Conference, 6-8 September 2007, University of Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)
Acton, Thomas A. (2014) New religious movements among Roma, Gypsies and travellers: Placing Romani Pentecostalism in an historical and social context. In: Thurjfell, David and Marsh, Adrian, (eds.) Romani Pentecostalism: Gypsies and Charismatic Christianity. Peter Lang GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, pp. 23-30. ISBN 978-3-631-64885-8
Ade-Ojo, Gordon ORCID: and Aderibigbe, A.
Black and ethnic minorities: access to services.
Discussion Paper.
Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, London, UK.
Adil, Alev (2011) Dream and diaspora : Tracey Emin's Turkish Cypriot legacy. In: Tracey Emin Study Day, 13 June 2011, Hayward Gallery South Bank. (Unpublished)
Adil, Alev (2011) The relationship between culture, international relations and globalization. In: The Language of Art & Music - "A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization, 25th to 29th August 2011, The Institute of Cultural Diplomacy, London. (Unpublished)
Ainley, Pat (1993) Class and skill: changing divisions of knowledge and labour. Cassell Education Series . Cassell, London, UK. ISBN 0304326798
Ainley, Pat (1991) Young people leaving home. Cassell Education Series . Cassell, London, UK. ISBN 0304324469
Ainley, Patrick and Cohen, Phil (2000) In the country of the blind, youth studies and cultural studies in Britain. In: Pickford, Jane, (ed.) Youth Justice: Theory and Practice. Cavendish, London, pp. 227-245. ISBN 1859415342
Azevedo, Flávio, Liu, Meng, Pennington, Charlotte, Pownall, Madeleine, Evans, Thomas ORCID:, Parsons, Sam, Elsherif, Mahmoud, Micheli, Leticia, Moreau, David and (FORRT Community), FORRT
Towards a culture of open scholarship: the role of pedagogical communities.
Technical Report.
UK Parliament, UK.
Balchin, Paul and Rhoden, Maureen (2002) Housing policy: an introduction. Routledge, New York, NJ, USA / Canada. ISBN 978-0-415-25214-0
Baloyi, Tintswalo, Duvenage, Stacey ORCID:, Du Plessis, Erika
ORCID:, Villamizar-Rodríguez, Germán
ORCID: and Korsten, Lise
Multidrug resistant Escherichia coli from fresh produce sold by street vendors in South African informal settlements.
International Journal of Environmental Health Research.
pp. 1-16.
ISSN 0960-3123 (Print), 1369-1619 (Online)
Banwell, Stacy ORCID:
Rassenschande, genocide and the reproductive Jewish body: examining the use of rape and sexualized violence against Jewish women during the Holocaust.
Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 15 (2).
pp. 208-227.
ISSN 1472-5886 (Print), 1472-5894 (Online)
Barone, Vincenzo, Gaeta, Giuseppe Lucio, Ghinoi, Stefano ORCID: and Silvestri, Francesco
LEADER Local Action Groups and Inner areas: an Italian case study.
Evaluation and Program Planning:102357.
ISSN 0149-7189
Beard, Sophie and Waller, Allyson (2023) Publishing Participation. [Performance]
Bertram, Sharon and Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Portraits of Peckham: what does a sense of belonging mean to you?
Birtel, Michèle D. ORCID: and Mitchell, Briana L.
Cross-cultural differences in depression between white British and South Asians: causal attributions, stigma by association, discriminatory potential.
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 96 (1).
pp. 101-116.
ISSN 2044-8341 (Online)
Blissenden, Michael, Clarke, Sandra and Strevens, Caroline (2012) Developing online legal communities. International Journal of Law and Management, 54 (2). pp. 153-164. ISSN 1754-243X (doi:10.1108/17542431211208568)
Bonel, Felicity (2021) To what extent may health and well-being experiences of Roma migrants in London be perceived and understood through a post-structuralist lens? PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
BBC radio 4 'Thinking Allowed' - Regeneration, gentrification and urban removal of Caribbean communities in Peckham.
BBC Radio 4, Broadcasting House, London.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
The Build Up: Gentrification performance in two parts.
[Creative Performance or Reading]
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Contribution to oral history in 'Peckham's Heritage: Past, Present and Future'.
Peckham Heritage Regeneration Partnership, London.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Gentrification & effects on local communities.
In: Gentrification & effects on local communities, 16 April 2019, Drapers Tenants Hall, Elephant & Castle.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
'Gentrification of Peckham and Black Urban removal worldwide', the impact on the Black community and the ways in which a complex set of public policy interactions have played out in practice.
In: 'Gentrification of Peckham and Black Urban removal worldwide', the impact on the Black community and the ways in which a complex set of public policy interactions have played out in practice., 28 October 2021, Cabinet office online.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
'Gone too far': gentrification and the intersection of race and identity politics in Peckham.
In: Talk to NYT cast of Bola Agbaje's play 'Gone Too Far', 6th March 2023, Peckham, London.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Heritage, urban regeneration and gentrification: Heritage and gentrification revisited - Who wins and Who loses!
In: Heritage and gentrification revisited - Who wins and Who loses!, 25th June, 2024, University of Greenwich.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Keeping the ‘old’ Peckham alive! Regeneration, gentrification and the impact on the Caribbean community in Peckham.
In: Copleston Remix: Love & Respect, 16th -18th September 2022, Copleston Centre.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Keynote Address. Heritage and gentrification: who wins, who loses?
In: Heritage and Gentrification: Who wins, Who loses? Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) Day Conference, 3rd October 2023, Royal College of Physicians, London.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Levelling up! ‘The Gentrification of Peckham and Black urban removal worldwide’.
In: Black History Walks, 20 February 2022, Online.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Liveable cities: the gentrification of Peckham and Black urban removal worldwide.
In: AMPS: Liveable Cities London, 26th - 28th June, 2024, City, University of London.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
'Lloydie's', the real life Desmond's - A tale of urban regeneration, gentrification and displacement in Peckham.
Community Bridges, 5.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
More-Than-Human-Mappings. Livingmaps network conference 2024.
In: More-Than-Human-Mappings: Livingmaps network conference 2024, 14th - 16th Nov, 2024, Senate House, University of London, Malet St, London WC1E 7HU.
(In Press)
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Nzinga lecture series: the gentrification of Peckham & other Black areas.
In: Nzinga Lecture series - Black History Walks, 12 April 2014, Birkbeck, University of London.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Peckham gentrification walk and portraits of Peckham workshop.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Place / Changemaking.
In: Place/Change making, 28th October 2022, Mountview Peckham.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Prompts & Logistics: Black Love and/In the City.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Raising awareness and galvanising the local community to find ways of acting against further gentrification.
In: Exhibition and talks about learner-creators, 2-7 June 2014, Thomas Calton Centre.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Regeneration v gentrification? Transforming an area and keeping the social capital: gentrification of Peckham and other black areas.
Community Bridges, 2.
pp. 13-14.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
Rights in Focus - Gentrification of Peckham and Black urban removal worldwide.
In: Rights in Focus - 'Gentrification of Peckham and Black Urban removal worldwide' lecture and a walking tour of Peckham focusing on this work., 21st - 22nd April 2023, UAL Camberwell College of Art and South London Gallery, London.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
A child’s story: perspectives and experiences of a Windrush generation.
In: Beryl's and Hubert's stories: Journeys of a lifetime - From JA to UK, 19th May, 2024, All Nations Church, RCGG Clays Lane Christian Centre, London.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
The gentrification of Peckham and Black urban removal worldwide (2020) - Black History Walks.
In: The Gentrification of Peckham and Black urban removal worldwide, 19 November 2020, Black History Walks - Zoom online.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
The gentrification of Peckham and Black urban removal worldwide (2021).
In: Gentrification of Peckham and Black Urban removal worldwide, 5 May 2021, online.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID:
The gentrification of Peckham and Black urban renewal worldwide revisited.
In: Local Cultures: Global Spaces, Communities, People and Place, 5th - 7th December 2023, Virtual International Conference: Rochester Institute of Technology, New York | Chinese University of Hong Kong | University of Melbourne.
Brown, Charmaine ORCID: and Bacon, Paul
There goes the neighbourhood.
Casasa, José A., Ruiz-Olivares, Rosario and Ortega-Ruiz, Rosario (2013) Validation of the internet and social networking experiences questionnaire in Spanish adolescents. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 13 (1). pp. 40-48. ISSN 1697-2600 (doi:10.1016/S1697-2600(13)70006-1)
Casilli, Antonio A. and Tubaro, Paola (2010) An ethno-computational approach to friendship in SNS. In: Proceedings of SunBelt XXX, 2010. International Network for Social Network Analysis, p. 197.
Chan, Jin ORCID:, Chen, Shih-Yu, Piterou, Athena
ORCID:, Lean, Hooi Hooi, Khoo, Suet Leng, Hashim, Intan H.M. and Lane, Bernard
An innovative social enterprise: roles of and challenges faced by an arts hub in a World Heritage Site in Malaysia.
City, Culture and Society, 25:100396.
ISSN 1877-9166
Channon, Alex (2012) Western men and Eastern arts: The significance of Eastern martial arts disciplines in British men's narratives of masculinity. Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science, 1 (2-3). pp. 111-127. ISSN 2164-0599 (Print), 2164-0602 (Online) (doi:10.1080/21640599.2012.751170)
Channon, Alex and Matthews, Christopher R. (2015) ‘It is what it is’: masculinity, homosexuality, and inclusive discourse in mixed martial arts. Journal of Homosexuality, 62 (7). pp. 936-956. ISSN 0091-8369 (Print), 1540-3602 (Online) (doi:10.1080/00918369.2015.1008280)
Chaplin, Sarah and Nicolaou, Lora (2009) The Thames gateway: alive and well? In: Punter, John, (ed.) Urban design and the British urban renaissance. Routledge, London, pp. 224-240. ISBN 978-0-415-44303-6 (Pbk) 978-0-415-44304-3 (Hbk)
Cheddie, Janice (2012) Embedding shared heritage: human rights discourse and the Lord Mayor's Commission on African and Asian Heritage. In: Sandell, Richard and Nightingale, Eithne, (eds.) Museums, Equality and Social Justice. Museum Meanings . Routledge / Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 270-280. ISBN 9780415504683
Clark, Andrew, Ahmed, Anya, Blezard, Eve, Elder, Bernadette, Groves, Vanda and Haynes, Dave (2024) Developing age-friendly communities in an emergent post-pandemic world. Report. University of Salford, Inspiring Communities Together, Manchester.
Clark, Andrew, Ahmed, Anya, Blezard, Eve, Kelly, Siobhan, Elder, Bernadette, Haynes, Dave and Groves, Vanda (2024) Developing age-friendly communities in a post-pandemic world: final project report. Project Report. University of Salford - Inspiring Communities Together, Age Friendly Salford, University of Greenwich, and Manchester Metropolitan University, Salford, Manchester.
Coca-Stefaniak, Andres ORCID:
A strategic approach to town centres – a must or a maybe?
The Geographer.
Coca-Stefaniak, Andres ORCID: and Bathgate, Ian
Managing the sustainability of events and festivals – Towards an European classification model.
In: 2013 Adventure Conference. Being there: slow, fast, traditional, wild, urban, natural…, 21 – 23 May 2013, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Isle of Skye, Scotland.
Cocco, Veronica Margherita, Vezzali, Loris, Stathi, Sofia ORCID:, Di Bernarado, Gian Antonio and Dovidio, John F.
Mobilizing or sedative effects? A narrative review of the association between intergroup contact and collective action among advantaged and disadvantaged groups.
Personality and Social Psychology Review.
ISSN 1088-8683 (Print), 1532-7957 (Online)
Comrie, Henri Pierre (2003) The role of urban design in South African corridor development. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Conaldi, Guido ORCID:
Flat for the few, steep for the many: Structural cohesion and Rich-Club effect as measures of hierarchy and control in FLOSS communities.
International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSSP), 2 (2).
pp. 14-28.
ISSN 1942-3926 (Print), 1942-3934 (Online)
Conaldi, Guido ORCID:
Flat for the few, steep for the many: Structural cohesion as a measure of hierarchy in FLOSS communities.
In: 4th Workshop on Public Data about Software Development (WoPDaSD).
GSyC/LibreSoft, pp. 13-16.
Conaldi, Guido ORCID: and Lomi, Alessandro
The network structure of collaboration for problem-solving: a case study on open source software.
In: Proceedings of SunBelt XXX, 2010.
International Network for Social Network Analysis, p. 619.
Conaldi, Guido ORCID: and Rullani, Francesco
The Meso-level structure of F/OSS collaboration network: local communities and their innovativeness.
In: 6th International IFIP WG 2.13 Conference on Open Source Systems, OSS 2010.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Springer, Boston, pp. 42-52.
ISBN 978-3-642-13243-8
Cooper, Justine and Jones, Keith (2008) Sustainability and social housing maintenance. Phase 1 - results of a questionnaire survey. Technical Report. IDCOP, Southampton, UK.
Cooper, Justine and Jones, Keith (2009) Sustainability and social housing maintenance. Phase 2 - interview results. Technical Report. IDCOP, Southampton, UK.
Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Resilient people, organisations and communities. Management Services, 67 (2). pp. 17-22. ISSN 0307-6768
Cronin, Bruce ORCID:
National and transnational structuring of the British corporate elite.
In: Murray, Georgina and Scott, John, (eds.)
Financial Elites And Transnational Business. Who Rules the World?
Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., Cheltenham, UK, pp. 177-192.
ISBN 9780857935519
Cronin, Bruce ORCID:
The rise and decline of the Business Roundtable?
In: Salas-Porras, Alejandra and Murray, Georgina, (eds.)
Think Tanks and Global Politics: Key Spaces in the Structure of Power.
Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 133-157.
ISBN 978-1137574930
Cuaton, Ginbert Permejo, Su, Yvonne, Katic, Pamela ORCID: and Yarime, Masaru
Unpacking water governance dynamics and its implications for household water security in post-disaster resettlement communities in the Philippines.
Geoforum, 154:104053.
ISSN 0016-7185 (Print), 1872-9398 (Online)
Darmon, Keren ORCID:
Time to change the 'change': stigma and support in blogs about the menopause.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research, 25 (2).
pp. 93-116.
ISSN 2570-6578 (Print), 2570-6586 (Online)
Daylamani Zad, Damon, Angelides, Marios C. and Agius, Harry (2014) Collaboration through gaming. In: Angelides, Marios C. and Agius, Harry, (eds.) Handbook of Digital Games. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA, pp. 235-273. ISBN 9781118328033 (doi:10.1002/9781118796443.ch9)
Dibley, Lesley ORCID: and Duffy, Mel
Access to inflammatory bowel disease healthcare for patients with LGBTQI+ identities.
The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 23 (00352):7.
ISSN 2468-1253
Dunlop, Brendan J, Hunter, Cheryl, Shafti, Matineh, Coleman, Sophie E, Hartley, Samantha and Taylor, Peter J (2021) ‘Why is it so different now I’m bisexual?’: young bisexual people’s experiences of identity, belonging, self-injury, and COVID19. Psychology and Sexuality, 13 (3). pp. 756-773. ISSN 1941-9899 (Print), 1941-9902 (Online) (doi:10.1080/19419899.2021.1924241)
de-Graft Aikins, Ama, Sanuade, Olutobi Adekunle, Baatiema, Leonard, Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Kafui ORCID:, Addo, Juliet and Agyemang, Charles
How chronic conditions are understood, experienced and managed within African communities in Europe, North America and Australia: a synthesis of qualitative studies.
PLoS ONE, 18 (2):e0277325.
pp. 1-32.
ISSN 1932-6203 (Online)
Elliott, Helen ORCID:
Academic skills: enhancing BAME students’ success in higher education.
In: Advance HE Teaching and Learning Conference 2022: Teaching in the spotlight: Where next for enhancing student success?, 5th -7th July 2022, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Elliott-Cooper, Adam ORCID:, Hubbard, Phil and Lees, Loretta
Sold out? The right-to-buy, gentrification and working-class displacements in London.
The Sociological Review, 68 (6).
pp. 1354-1369.
ISSN 0038-0261 (Print), 1467-954X (Online)
Ellis, Tatiana, Hockham, David ORCID:, Rolle, Erica and Zigomo, Pamela
Becoming civic centred: a case study of the University of Greenwich’s Bathway Theatre based in Woolwich.
Studies in Theatre and Performance, 40 (3).
pp. 316-327.
ISSN 1468-2761 (Print), 2040-0616 (Online)
Erel, Umut, Kaptani, Eirini, O'Neill, Maggie and Reynolds, Tracey ORCID:
PAR: Resistance to racist migration policies in the UK.
In: Roij, Azril Bacal, (ed.)
Transformative Research and Higher Education.
Emerald Publishers Ltd., Sweden and UK, pp. 93-106.
ISBN 9781801176958; 9781801176941
Essex, Ryan ORCID: and Dudley, Michael
Resistance and the delivery of healthcare in Australian immigration detention centres.
Monash Bioethics Review.
ISSN 1321-2753 (Print), 1836-6716 (Online)
Essex, Ryan ORCID:, Govintharajah, Poonkulali, Issa, Rita, Kalocsanyiova, Erika
ORCID:, Lakika, Dostin, Markowski, Marianne
ORCID:, Smith, James and Thompson, Trevor
Health related quality of life amongst refugees: a meta analysis of studies using the SF-36.
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.
ISSN 1557-1912 (Print), 1557-1920 (Online)
Essex, Ryan ORCID: and Kalocsanyiova, Erika
Resistance in response to Australian immigration detention: lessons learnt after three decades of advocacy.
In: Oxford Migration Conference: Borders and Justice, 10-15 May 2021, Online.
Finkelstein, Joanne (2009) Cities. TMC Academic Journal, 4 (1). pp. 8-13. ISSN 1793-6020
Flisher, Lorraine (2003) Cranbrook, Kent, and its neighbourhood area, c. 1570-1670. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Flynn, Ryan and Dastbaz, Mohammad (2006) Podcasting - delivering learning to the iTunes generation. In: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. ED-MEDIA 2006 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, 2006 (1). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, USA, pp. 2530-2532. ISBN 9781880094600
Gabi, Josephine, Braddock, Alison, Brown, Claire, Miller, Denise A ORCID:, Mynott, Gwenda, Jacobi, Melissa, Banerjee, Pallavi, Kenny, Karen and Rawson, Andrew
Can the role of a personal tutor contribute to reducing the undergraduate degree awarding gap for racially minoritised students?
British Educational Research Journal.
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 0141-1926 (Print), 1469-3518 (Online)
Gojjie, Tesfaye Mammo (2005) Integration of refugees into the UK labour market: a case study of Ethiopians in the UK. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Goodey, Joanna ORCID:
SouthWestFest: Edutainment through the lens of a cultural community festival, and its delivery partners.
In: Rossetti, Giulia, Wyatt, Brianna and Ali-Knight, Jane, (eds.)
Festivals and Edutainment.
Routledge Critical Event Studies Research Series
Routledge - Taylor & Francis, Abington, Oxon; London; New York.
ISBN 978-1032304991; 978-1032305011; 978-1003305415; 9781000965766; 1000965767
Gorczynski, Paul ORCID:
Exploring LGBTQIA+ mental health in elite sport.
In: Exploring LGBTQIA+ mental health in elite sport, University of Greenwich - MemorialUniversity.
Gorczynski, Paul ORCID:
Exploring the intersection: addressing violence against the LGBTQ+ community.
In: Exploring the Intersection: Addressing Violence Against the LGBTQ+ Community, 7th - 9th November 2023, Miami University.
Gorczynski, Paul ORCID:
LGBTQI + mental health during the pandemic.
Inspire the Mind - Stress, Psychiatry and Immunology (SPI) Lab at the IoPPN, London.
Gorczynski, Paul ORCID:, Reardon, Claudia L and Miller Aron, Cindy
LGBTQ+ mental health in elite sport: A review.
In: Prabhakar, Deepak, (ed.)
Advances in psychiatry and behavioral health 2.1.
(In Press)
Greenfields, Margaret and Smith, David (2011) A question of identity: the social exclusion of housed Gypsies and Travellers. Research Policy and Planning, 28 (3). pp. 147-160. ISSN 0264-519X
Greenfields, Margaret, Smith, David and Ryder, Andrew (2012) Gypsies and Travellers: economic practices, social capital and embeddedness. In: Richardson, Joanna and Ryder, Andrew, (eds.) Gypsies and Travellers: Empowerment and Inclusion in British Society. Policy Press, Bristol, UK, pp. 101-118. ISBN 9781847428950
Greenfields, Margaret and Smith, David M. (2011) Travellers, housing and the (re)construction of communities. In: Holt, Louise, (ed.) Geographies of children, youth and families: an international perspective. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 95-107. ISBN 9780415563833
Greenfields, Margaret and Smith, David Martin (2010) Housed Gypsy Travellers, social segregation and the reconstruction of communities. Housing Studies, 25 (3). pp. 397-412. ISSN 0267-3037 (Print), 1466-1810 (Online) (doi:10.1080/02673031003711022)
Gull, Maleehah, Noor, Khalil Md and Abdullah, Iqra (2023) Moderating role of team sensemaking between the relationship of change-oriented leadership behaviours and project team performance. Middle East Journal of Management (MEJM), 10 (6). pp. 687-703. ISSN 2050-3636 (Print), 2050-3644 (Online) (doi:10.1504/MEJM.2022.10050559)
Gupta, Sweta, Ksoll, Christopher ORCID: and Maertens, Annemie
Intra-household efficiency in extended family households: evidence from rural India.
The Journal of Development Studies, 57 (7).
pp. 1172-1197.
ISSN 0022-0388 (Print), 1743-9140 (Online)
Görzig, Anke ORCID:, Smith, Rebecca
ORCID:, Monks, Claire
ORCID:, Thompson, Jessica and Charafeddine, Dima
Social media ostracism in the context of university and discriminated against group membership.
In: Annual Meeting of the Social Psychology section of the British Psychological Society, 5th September 2022, London.
Haines, Steven, Petrig, Anna, Papanicolopolou, Irini and Galani, Sofia (2022) Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea. Human Rights at Sea, Human Rights at Sea.
Halbac-Cotoara-Zamfir, Rares, Krimnianioti, Maria, Coca-Stefaniak, Andres ORCID: and McDonald, Ojay
SolidarCity Policy Group – Policies affecting employment and
entrepreneurship in towns and cities.
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The promise and perils of using big data in the study of corporate networks: problems, diagnostics and fixes.
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Let our legacy continue: beginning an archival journey a creative essay of the digital co-creation and hybrid dissemination of windrush oral histories at the University of Greenwich’s Stephen Lawrence Gallery.
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Can interethnic contact between majority (Han) and minority (Uyghur) people in China influence sense of Chinese national Community? The role of positive and negative direct, extended and vicarious intergroup contact.
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Jameson, Jill ORCID:
‘A community call to action’: working together for solutions on gun, knife, gang and drug related crime: LCPCG special conference.
Lewisham Community Police Consultative Group in association with Lewisham Council, London, UK.
ISBN 978-0-9563511-0-4
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Jump, Robert Calvert ORCID: and Scavette, Adam
JUE Insight: the labor market effects of place-based policies: evidence from England’s Neighbourhood Renewal Fund.
Journal of Urban Economics, 144:103690.
ISSN 0094-1190 (Print), 1095-9068 (Online)
Kalocsányiová, Erika ORCID:, Bîlici, Natalia, Jenkins, Ryan, Obojska, Maria and Samuk Carignani, Şahizer
What works to facilitate displaced and refugee-background students’ access and participation in European higher education: results from a multilingual systematic review.
Educational Review.
ISSN 0013-1911 (Print), 1465-3397 (Online)
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Kaptani, Eirini, Erel, Umut, O’Neill, Maggie and Reynolds, Tracey ORCID:
Methodological innovation in research: participatory theater with migrant families on conflicts and transformations over the politics of belonging.
Journal of Immigration and Refugee Studies, 19 (1).
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ISSN 1556-2948 (Print), 1556-2956 (Online)
Kennell, James ORCID:
Arts-led regeneration and community cohesion: a study of Folkestone, Kent.
In: Collins, Mike, Holmes, Kirsten and Slater, Alix, (eds.)
Sport, Leisure, Culture and Social Capital: Discourse and Practice.
LSA publication
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ISBN 978-1-905369-11-9
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Scoping review of community health participatory research projects in Ghana.
Global Health Action, 15 (1):2122304.
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ISSN 1654-9716 (Print), 1654-9880 (Online)
Laycock, Angela (2011) Price V UK: The importance of human rights principles in promoting the rights of disabled prisoners in the United Kingdom. In: Rioux, Marcia H., Basser, Lee Ann and Jones, Melinda, (eds.) Critical Perspectives on Human Rights and Disability Law. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 201-238. ISBN 9789004189508 (doi:10.1163/ej.9789004189508.i-552.63)
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Lee, Adele (2014) ‘Are you a Catholic Chinese or a Protestant Chinese?’: Belfast's ethnic minorities and the sectarian divide. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 18 (4-5). pp. 476-487. ISSN 1360-4813 (Print), 1470-3629 (Online) (doi:10.1080/13604813.2014.939468)
Lee, Adele (2013) Introduction: Post-conflict Belfast. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 17 (4). pp. 523-525. ISSN 1360-4813 (Print), 1470-3629 (Online) (doi:10.1080/13604813.2013.812365)
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Lehtonen, Aura ORCID:
Queering the binary: the politics of the pre/post-1992 division in
UK Higher Education.
In: Mahn, Churnjeet, Brim, Matt and Taylor, Yvette, (eds.)
Queer Sharing in the Marketized University.
Routledge- Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 29-43.
ISBN 978-1032066578 ; 978-1032066585 ; 978-1003203254
Lewis, Jane, Mooney, Ann, Brady, Louca-Mai, Gill, Chloe, Henshall, Amanda, Willmott, Natasha, Owen, Charlie, Evans, Kate and Statham, June (2010) Special educational needs and disability: Understanding local variation in prevalence, service provision and support (Research Report DCSF-RR211). Research Report DCSF (RR211). Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), London, UK. ISBN 978-1847756442
Li, Xiang ORCID:, Xie, Chaowu, Morrison, Alastair
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Experiences, motivations, perceptions, and attitudes regarding ethnic minority village tourism.
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Maharjan, Anju, Nazir, Muhammad Arsalan ORCID: and Roomi, Muhammad Azam
Exploring the intersectionality of ethnicity, gender and entrepreneurship: a case study of Nepali women in the United Kingdom.
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship (IJGE).
ISSN 1756-6266 (Print), 1756-6274 (Online)
Male, Alberta Araba (2021) Ghanaian diasporic migrant students: challenges, culture and capitals. EdD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Mann, Sally ORCID:
Life with no recourse to public funds: a co-produced project with Family Hub, BDCA.
Mann, Sally ORCID:
No Recourse - Loritha's Story.
Mann, Sally ORCID:
Parklife - adapted for Grace and Truth weblog.
Grace and Truth weblog.
Mann, Sally ORCID:
Parklife - weblog by the BSA Applied Sociology Group.
BSA Applied Sociology group weblog.
Mann, Sally ORCID:
‘Parklife’ findings: claiming space & secondary deviance and social invisibility.
In: CASR paper, Monday 16 May 2022, MS Teams event.
Markowski, Marianne ORCID: and Tennison, Helen
Sustainable City Stories: a pilot project report.
Project Report.
ILD, University of Greenwich, London.
Maronitis, Konstantinos (2011) Immigration and its discontents: social theory and the reorganisation of society. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Marr, Ana ORCID:
Microfinance and poverty reduction: the problematic experience of communal banking in Peru.
School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK.
Marr, Ana ORCID:
Studying group dynamics: an alternative analytical framework for the study of microfinance impacts on poverty reduction.
School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK.
Marr, Ana ORCID:
The poor and their money: what have we learned?
ODI Poverty Briefing, 4.
ISSN 1465-2617
Martin, Mary Clare Hewlett ORCID:
Gender, religion and recreation: Flora Lucy Freeman and female adolescence 1890-1925.
In: Gilchrist, Ruth, Jeffs, Tony and Spence, Jean, (eds.)
Drawing on the past: studies in the history of community & youth work.
National Youth Agency, Leicester, UK, pp. 60-77.
ISBN 08615553292
Martin, Mary Clare Hewlett ORCID:
Relationships human and divine: retribution and repentance in children's lives, 1740-1870.
In: Cooper, Kate and Gregory, Jeremy, (eds.)
Retribution, Repentance and Reconciliation.
Studies in Church History
Boydell Press, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, pp. 253-265.
ISBN 0952973391
Mayanja, Maureen, Rubaire-Akiiki, Chris, Morton, John ORCID:, Young, Stephen and Greiner, Ted
Diet diversity in pastoral and agro-pastoral households in Ugandan rangeland ecosystems.
Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 54 (5).
pp. 529-545.
ISSN 0367-0244 (Print), 1543-5237 (Online)
McNelly, Angus ORCID:
Baroque modernity in Latin America: situating indigeneity, urban indigeneity and the popular economy.
Bulletin of Latin American Research, 41 (1).
pp. 6-20.
ISSN 0261-3050 (Print), 1470-9856 (Online)
Michiotis, Stefanos, Cronin, Bruce ORCID: and Devletoglou, Helen
Revealing hidden issues and assessing intangible assets in organizations and communities.
International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management (IJDSRM), 2 (3/4).
pp. 308-326.
ISSN 1753-7177 (Print), 1753-7169 (Online)
Miller, Denise A. ORCID:
Rethinking peer support: an intersectional approach to mental health for Black, Indigenous and People of Color.
AJOB Neuroscience, 16 (1).
pp. 41-43.
ISSN 2150-7740 (Print), 2150-7759 (Online)
Miller, Denise A. ORCID:, Brown, Charmaine
ORCID:, Gabi, Josephine, Davis, Susan and Warner, Diane
Surviving not thriving: the experiences of racially minoritized female trailblazers working in UK Higher Education institutions.
In: SHIFT 2025 University of Greenwich Annual Learning & Teaching Conference, 8th - 9th January 2025, University of Greenwich & online.
Miller, Denise A ORCID:
Addressing issues of equality, diversity and inclusion in educational psychology: current challenges and opportunities.
In: 18th European Congress of Psychology Psychology: Uniting communities for a sustainable world 3rd - 6th July 2023, Brighton, UK.
European Congress of Psychology - The British Psychological Society, Brighton, UK.
Miller, Denise A ORCID:
BERA Report Series: race, Higher Education and special educational needs and disabilities.
In: BERA Report Series: Race and Education, 6th Dec 2022, Online.
Miller, Denise A ORCID:
Black British female managers’ experiences of working for children and young people’s services.
In: University of Greenwich Research Cafe, 23/03/2021, Online.
Miller, Denise A ORCID:
Blog post: The problem of prejudice, discrimination and institutional racism in a post-92 higher education institution.
British Educational Research Association (BERA).
Miller, Denise A ORCID:
CRED Knowledge Exchange Conference. Anti-racism and special
educational needs and disability (SEND).
In: Centre for Race, Education and Decoloniality (CRED): Knowledge Exchange Event, 29th June 2023, Leeds Beckett University.
Miller, Denise A ORCID:
Digital resource: race, Higher Education and special educational needs and disabilities.
Miller, Denise A ORCID:
Methods for change: Constructivist Grounded Theory (CGT).
In: Rodekirchen, M., Pottinger, M., Briggs, L., Barron, A., Eseonu, T., Hall, S. and Browne, A.L., (eds.)
Methods for Change Volume 2: Impactful social science methodologies for 21st century problems.
Methods for Change
Aspect and The University of Manchester, Manchester, pp. 1-9.
Miller, Denise A ORCID:
Race, Higher Education and special educational needs and disabilities.
British Educational Research Association report series: Race & Education.
Miller, Denise A ORCID:
Race, Higher Education and special educational needs and disabilities: IEAL-J conference (Jamaica).
In: IEAL-J Biennial International Conference on Educational Leadership & Management, 18th - 20th October 2023, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Miller, Denise A ORCID:
Teaching beyond the curriculum: race, Higher Education and special educational needs and disabilities.
In: Teaching Beyond the Curriculum: Focus on Pedagogy 2023, 15th - 17th November 2023, Virtual (UK, USA, China).
Miller, Denise A ORCID:
Unmasking educational inequalities: the impact of Covid-19 on deaf students in HE.
In: Unmasking educational inequalities: Covid-19 and deaf students in HE, 30th January 2023, Deaf Cultural Centre, Birmingham.
Miller, Denise A ORCID:
Using constructivist grounded theory in equity, diversity, and inclusion research.
In: EdD Weekend Programme, 11th Nov 2023, Stockwell, University of Greenwich.
Miller, Denise A ORCID:
Using constructivist grounded theory to examine the experiences of Black British female managers: a worked example.
The Qualitative Report, 27 (10).
pp. 2135-2156.
ISSN 1052-0147 (Online)
Miller, Denise A ORCID:, Brown, Charmaine
ORCID: and Essex, Ryan
Institute for Lifecourse Development Centre for Inequalities.
Equality diversity and inclusion research conference.
In: Prejudice, Discrimination, and Racism: Experiences of Higher Education Staff.
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Research
Institute for Lifecourse Development, University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK, pp. 1-8.
Miller, Denise A ORCID:, Brown, Claire, Gabi, Josephine and St. Hilaire, Eleanor
UKAT Tutoring Matters Webinar. Reimagining personal tutoring and advising to address the BAME Awarding Gap.
In: UKAT Tutoring Matters Webinar - Reimagining Personal Tutoring and Advising to Address the BAME Awarding Gap, 17th Oct, 2024, Online Event.
(In Press)
Miller, Denise A ORCID:, Soni, Anita, Hobbs, Charmian, Gibbs, Simon, Malagoli, Chiara, Morgan, Gavin and Lauchlan, Fraser
Guest Editorial – Black Lives Matter: making a difference for racial justice.
Educational and Child Psychology, 38 (4).
pp. 5-8.
ISSN 0267-1611 (Print), 2396-8702 (Online)
Miller, Denise A ORCID: and Warner, Diane
When being Black and having special educational needs and disabilities converge in children and young people: in conversation with Denise Miller.
Research Intelligence, 156.
p. 19.
Miller, Denise A. ORCID:
Black History Month: moving beyond tokenism.
BERA Blog.
Miller, Denise A. ORCID:, Brown, Charmaine
ORCID: and Essex, Ryan
Dissemination of findings on prejudice, discrimination and racism in HE to the School of Education.
In: Diversity Interest Group (DIG) Autumn Conference, Wed, 22 September 2021; 10:00 – 16:30 BST, University of Greenwich.
Morgan, Julia ORCID:
Gypsy, Roma (Romany/Romani/Travelers): staying in contact with children and family whilst in prison.
In: INCIPP Conference Washington DC, 29th - 1st Oct 2021, Washington & Online.
Morgan, Julia ORCID:
Invisibility of Gypsy, Romany and Travellers in Higher Education in the UK.
In: Institute of Life-course Development Equality Diversity and Inclusion Research Conference, University of Greenwich., 8th December 2021, University of Greenwich, Institute of Lifecourse Development.
Morgan, Julia ORCID: and Belenky, Nadya
Exploring health inequalities in Gypsy and Traveller communities in the UK.
Nursing Standard, 39 (8).
ISSN 0029-6570 (Print), 2047-9018 (Online)
Morgan, Julia ORCID: and La Placa, Vincent
Loneliness is a major public health problem – and young people are bearing the brunt of it.
The Conversation:218391.
ISSN 2201-5639
Morgan, Julia ORCID:, McDonagh, Chelsea and Acton, Thomas
Outsider status, and racialised habitus: the experiences of gypsy, roma, and traveller students in higher education.
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 44 (3).
pp. 485-503.
ISSN 0142-5692 (Print), 1465-3346 (Online)
Negandhi, Himanshu, Tiwari, Ritika ORCID:, Sharma, Anjali, Nair, Rajesh, Zodpey, Sanjay, Allam, Ramesh Reddy and Oruganti, Ganesh
Rapid assessment of facilitators and barriers related to the acceptance, challenges and community perception of daily regimen for treating tuberculosis in India.
Global Health Action, 10 (1):1290315.
ISSN 1654-9716 (Print), 1654-9880 (Online)
Nelson, Valerie ORCID:, Smith, Sally, Martin, Adrienne
ORCID: and Vanhuyse, Fedra
Comic Relief trade Programme Evaluation.
Technical Report.
Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK.
Newton, P. ORCID: and Smith, D. M.
Factors influencing uptake of measles, mumps and
rubella (MMR) immunization in site-dwelling Gypsy,
Roma and Traveller (G&T) communities: a qualitative study of G&T parents' beliefs and experiences.
Child: care, health and development, 43 (4).
pp. 504-510.
ISSN 0305-1862 (Print), 1365-2214 (Online)
Norwich, Brahm and Webster, Rob ORCID:
Enhancing public dialogue about inclusion in school education: a citizens’ panel pilot.
Frontiers in Education, 9:1389462.
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 2504-284X (Online)
Olaniran, Abimbola, Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi ORCID:, Bar-Zee, Sarah and Madaj, Barbara
Not knowing enough, not having enough, not feeling wanted: challenges of community health workers providing maternal and newborn services in Africa and Asia.
PLoS ONE, 17 (9):e0274110.
ISSN 1932-6203 (Online)
Onaran, Özlem ORCID:
The working people of the UK are stronger in Europe.
[Working Paper]
Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Oyvat, Cem
Green and purple jobs for equitable and sustainable development.
The Future of Work in Developing Countries.
Columbia University Press, England.
(In Press)
Osman, Muhammad ORCID:
How do we ensure linkage to care and follow-up: lessons from the LINKEDin and LINKEDup studies.
In: 7th South Africa TB Conference, 13th - 16th September 2022, Durban ICC International Convention Centre, South Africa.
Owusu-Kwarteng, Louise (2024) Raves and close shaves: an auto/biographical foray into the life of a young black 90s rave queen. Auto/biography Review, 5 (1). pp. 19-31. ISSN 2755-2772
Oxley, Natasha ORCID: and Schweitzer, Pam
Making intergenerational drama from older people's memories in a community dementia care group: practices, processes, and impact.
Journal of Dementia Care.
ISSN 1351-8372
(In Press)
Papadopoulos, Chris, Foster, John ORCID: and Caldwell, Kay
‘Individualism-collectivism’ as an explanatory device for mental illness stigma.
Community Mental Health Journal, 49 (3).
pp. 270-280.
ISSN 0010-3853 (Print), 1573-2789 (Online)
Papapolydorou, Maria (2014) 'When you see a normal person …': Social class and friendship networks among teenage students. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 35 (4). pp. 559-577. ISSN 0142-5692 (Print), 1465-3346 (Online) (doi:10.1080/01425692.2013.782811)
Parsons, Carl (2008) Race relations legislation, ethnicity and disproportionality in school exclusions in England. Cambridge Journal of Education, 38 (3). pp. 401-419. ISSN 0305-764X (Print), 1469-3577 (Online) (doi:10.1080/03057640802299668)
Pattison, John Karl (2016) Margins in the mountains: poverty dynamics in India’s western and eastern Ghats. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Paudyal, Priyamvada, Kulasabanathan, Kavian, Cassell, Jackie A, Memon, Anjum, Simkhada, Padam and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID:
Health and well-being issues of Nepalese migrant workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and Malaysia: a systematic review.
BMJ Open, 10:e038439.
pp. 1-18.
ISSN 2044-6055 (Online)
Paudyal, Priyamvada, Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID:, Pimala, Pimala, Kulasabanathan, Kavian, Silwal, Ram Chandra, Pathak, Ram Sharan, Memon, Anjum, Watts, Carol, Sapkota, Jiblal, Ale Magar, Sudip and Cassell, Jackie
Health and wellbeing of Nepalese migrant workers in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries: a mixed-methods study.
Journal of Migration and Health, 7:100178.
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 2666-6235 (Online)
Pentaris, Panagiotis ORCID:, Dudley, Alan, Evans, David, Hockham, David
ORCID:, Yau, Carmen, Matthews, Kasandra Renee and Hassan, Rania
An exploration of lived experiences of sexually and gender diverse staff members in higher education: a case study.
Journal of Homosexuality.
ISSN 0091-8369 (Print), 1540-3602 (Online)
Pentaris, Panagiotis ORCID:, Dudley, Alan, Hockham, David
ORCID:, Evans, David and Yau, Carmen
LGBT+ culture in Higher Education: challenges and controversies.
Advance HE.
Pentaris, Panagiotis ORCID:, Evans, David, Hockham, David
ORCID:, Yau, Carmen, Dudley, Alan, Mathews, Kassandra and Hassan, Rania
LGBT+ culture in Higher Education.
University of Greenwich, London, Kent.
Pepper, Melissa ORCID:
Theorising the police support volunteer experience in an English constabulary: a role identity perspective.
Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 32 (8).
pp. 1031-1047.
ISSN 1043-9463 (Print), 1477-2728 (Online)
Pepper, Melissa ORCID: and Bullock, Karen
Safer roads through citizen partnerships: enhancing road safety with community speedwatch volunteers.
In: British Society of Criminology (BSC), 27th - 30th June 2023, University of Central Lancashire.
Piterou, Athena ORCID: and Steward, Fred
Representation of sociotechnical innovation networks.
In: Sunbelt XXX, International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, 29 June-4 July 2010, Riva del Garda, Fierecongressi, Trento, Italy.
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