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Items where Author is "Cheke, Robert A."

Items where Author is "Cheke, Robert A."

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A/H1N1influenza Acetylcholinesterase adaptive behaviour Aedes Africa African Barred Owlet agriculture Air pollution · Stochastic differential equation · Change point · Respiratory infection · Intervention measures almost periodic solution Alternative treatment strategy Annobón Annual transmission potential Anthodiaeta Apolygus lucorum armyworm attractor augmentation avian malaria parasites avian predation avicide backward bifurcation Backward bifurcation Barbados Beffa form of S. soubrense Benin Beverton-Holt equations Beverton–Holt model Bi-threshold value Bifurcation Biocontrol biodiversity Bioko biological control bird pest bird pest control bird predation bird species birds birth-pulse biting rate Black Kite blackflies blindness Blindness prevalence blood glucose level blood parasites Borneo British Ornithologists' Union British Ornithologists’ Union Butyrylcholinesterase CAAPD Cameroon cameroon volcanic line Canard cycle cancer cancer model carotenoids CCA change Chaos checklist Chemotherapeutic dose response chromosomes city-based pattern Cluster analysis coexistence combined therapy competitive advantage competitive system complex dynamics complexes congruence connectivity conservation conservation implications conservation status control control measures Control reproduction number convergence cross mapping cooperative breeding COVID-19 COVID-19 outbreak crop pests Culex modestus cultural control Cumulative effect cumulative number of deaths cyanophos cytogenetics cytoplasmic incompatibility cytospecies distribution damnosum delay delayed response to pesticide application Dengue Dengue disease Dengue fever Desert Locust Desert Locust Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål 1775) diagnosis diesel discrete Euler-Lagrange equation Disease free periodic solution dispersal district-based pattern divergence Djodji form dna substitution Doxycycline drop-catching Drosophila-santomea Drug response duration dynamic threshold early warning systems Ecological paradox economic threshold effective reproduction number Effective reproductive number elimination endogenous ENSO environment environmental change Environmental variables environmentally friendly pest control epidemiology Equatorial Guinea Eradication and persistence Evolution existence explosions Extinction and persistence extinction and permanence fengxiao fenthion fertilisers filarial nematodes Filippov model Filippov system fire-bombs fishing time Fledgling Flowerpeckers food aid food security forecast forest Forest strain frequency of pesticide applications generalized equilibrium geographical range Ghana global analysis global asymptotic stability Global dynamics glucose-insulin model grasshopper green revolution Grey parrot Gulf of Guinea habitats haemoglobin harvesting operations health Hedydipna history Holling type II predator-prey model Holling’s disc equation hormesis hospital beds host Host choice host decoy trap host outbreak host-parasitoid model host-seeking behaviour Host-seeking vectors host–parasitoid model host–parasitoid ratio house finches Human blood index identification immune response curve immunocompetence immunotherapy impulse impulsive chemostat model impulsive difference equations impulsive differential equation impulsive harvesting impulsive single-species model incongruence infection initial density inoculative releases insecticide insulin therapy integrated pest management intergrated pest management Intervention timing IOD IPM islands Ivermectin Juvenile plumage behaviour Kalman filter Kent larviciding Leishmania length difference test limit cycle Lockdown locust locust control Lyapunov function mansonellosis mathematical model Mathematical modelling mathematical models maximal biomass expectation maximum sustainable yield Metarhizium Metarhizium acridum Microfilarial prevalence migration mixed response curve model molecular genetics molecular phylogenetics Mosquito augmentation mosquitoes Moxidectin Multi-scale model Multiple pesticide applications multiscale model NAO natural enemies natural enemy NDVI NEPAD Nicholson-Bailey model Nigeria Non-overlapping generation non-target birds and reptiles non-target species nonlinear control action Nonlinear impulsive nonlinear pulse nonsmooth predator–prey model Nontrivial periodic solution nutrition Onchocerca volvulus onchocerciasis optimal control optimal threshold density optimum timing order-k periodic solution organophosphate organophosphate pesticides Oriental Migratory Locust Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen 1835) ornithology outbreak frequency outbreak peaking times outbreaks Ovipositing vectors oviposition traps pandemic pandemic A/H1N1 influenza Paradox parasite loads parasite plug parous rate Parrot trade partial rank correlation coefficient pathology patterns PCA periodic solution persistence persistence and partial extinction perturbed system pest pest control pest free periodic solution pest resistance pest-free periodic solution pest-natural enemy system Pesticide application frequency Pesticide switches pesticides Peter Jones petrol phthalates phylogenetic analysis piece-wise epidemic model plagues plant disease plastics ploughing operations plumage coloration Poincare map Poincar´e map polyphenism population differentiation Population dynamics population size positive periodic solution Brouwer’s fixed point theorem Precipitation predation predator–prey model prevalence prevention and control strategy promastigote Prostate cancer pseudo-equilibrium Psittacus erithacus pulse pulse perturbation Pulse spraying pulsed therapy quelea Quelea quelea radio-chemotherapy response curve rainfall random perturbation red-billed quelea refuge reproduction number residual effect of pesticide residual effects of pesticides resource limitation Ricker equation river discharges S. damnosum s.s S. sanctipauli S. sirbanum S. squamosum form C S. squamosum form E S. yahense safety Sahel sand fly SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant satellite savanna Savannah strain Schistocerca gregaria seasonal environments secretory gel semi-stochastic simulation sensitivity analysis sequence alignment Serine recombinase Short-term forecast sibling species Simulium damnosum Simulium damnosum (s.l.) Simulium damnosum (sensu lato) Simulium damnosum complex Simulium damnosum s.l Simulium damnosum s.l. Simulium sanctipauli Simulium sirbanum Simulium soubrense Simulium spp. vectors Simulium squamosum Simulium squamosum E Simulium yahense SIR SIR model sliding bifurcation sliding homoclinic orbit sliding mode small-scale farmers SOI soil spatial epidemiology spectral analysis spectral coherence Spodoptera exempta SpvB protein homolog stability stage structure stationary distribution step-by-step NPI release strategy Stochastic dynamical model stochastic logistic equation Stochastic tumour-immune model Stochastic tumour-immune system stomodeal valve strains strong and weak density dependent death rates structured treatment interruptions Subling species Sunbird Sunbirds sunspot groups surveillance switch-like transition synergy São Tomé and Príncipe Tanzania Temperature threats threshold Threshold condition Threshold dynamics threshold policy time series time-lags Togo Transcritical and pitchfork bifurcations transcritical bifurcation Transmission transmission 55 potentials transmission model transmission persistence treatment trees tumour Tumour-immune model Union Medal uniqueness vaccination Vector abundance Vector biology vector control Vector ecology vector-borne disease Violet-tailed sunbird Volterra’s principle West Africa West Nile Virus wildlife wind WNV Wolbachia Wolbachia phages Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes
Number of items: 606.


Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni, Yuan, Lin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2012) Campus quarantine (Fengxiao) for curbing emergent infectious diseases: Lessons from mitigating A/H1N1 in Xi'an, China. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 295. pp. 47-58. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N., Mbereki, Collen, van der Walt, Etienne, Mtobesya, Boaz, Magoma, Richard N., Young, Stephen and Eberly, J. Patrick (2012) Effects of the organophosphate fenthion for control of the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea on cholinesterase and haemoglobin concentrations in the blood of target and non-target birds. Ecotoxicology, 21 (7). pp. 1761-1770. ISSN 0963-9292 (Print), 1573-3017 (Online) (doi:

adaptive behaviour

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Black Kite drop-catching. British Birds, 107. p. 39. ISSN 0007-0335


Wang, Xia, Tang, Sanyi, Wu, Jianhong, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) A combination of climatic conditions determines major within-season dengue outbreaks in Guangdong Province, China. Parasites & Vectors, 12 (45). ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:


Routledge, Isobel, Walker, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Bhatt, Samir, Nkot, Pierre Baleguel, Matthews, Grahsm A., Baleguel, Didier, Dobson, Hans M., Wiles, Terry L. and Basañez, Maria-Gloria (2018) Modelling the impact of larviciding on the population dynamics and biting rates of Simulium damnosum (s.l.): implications for vector control as a complementary strategy for onchocerciasis elimination in Africa. Parasites & Vectors, 11:316. ISSN 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N., Mbereki, Collen, van der Walt, Etienne, Mtobesya, Boaz, Magoma, Richard N., Young, Stephen and Eberly, J. Patrick (2012) Effects of the organophosphate fenthion for control of the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea on cholinesterase and haemoglobin concentrations in the blood of target and non-target birds. Ecotoxicology, 21 (7). pp. 1761-1770. ISSN 0963-9292 (Print), 1573-3017 (Online) (doi:

Durrant, Kate L., Reed, Jennifer L., Jones, Peter J., Dallimer, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N. and Fleischer, Robert C. (2007) Variation in haematozoan parasitism at local and landscape levels in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea. Journal of Avian Biology, 38 (6). pp. 662-671. ISSN 0908-8857 (doi:

Jones, Peter J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Bousfield, Nicky (2007) Flexibility in the timing of post-nuptial moult among Red-billed Queleas Quelea quelea in Botswana in relation to the timing of breeding. Ostrich - Journal of African Ornithology, 78 (3). pp. 555-559. ISSN 0030-6525 (doi:

African Barred Owlet

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) African Barred Owlet Glaucidium capense new to Togo. Malimbus, 30 (2). pp. 168-169. ISSN 0331-3689


Oluwole, Oluwafemi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Health and environmental impacts of pesticide use practices: a case study of farmers in Ekiti State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 7 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 1473-5903 (Print), 1747-762X (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Responding to early warnings. ID21 Insights, 61. p. 8. ISSN 1460-4205

Air pollution · Stochastic differential equation · Change point · Respiratory infection · Intervention measures

He, Sha, Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2018) Stochastic modelling of air pollution impacts on respiratory infection risk. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 80 (12). pp. 3127-3153. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

almost periodic solution

Wang, Qinglong, Liu, Zhijun, Li, Zuxiong and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Existence and global asymptotic stability of positive almost periodic solutions of a two-species competitive system. International Journal of Biomathematics, 7 (4):1450040. ISSN 1793-5245 (Print), 1793-7159 (Online) (doi:

Alternative treatment strategy

Routledge, Isobel, Walker, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Bhatt, Samir, Nkot, Pierre Baleguel, Matthews, Grahsm A., Baleguel, Didier, Dobson, Hans M., Wiles, Terry L. and Basañez, Maria-Gloria (2018) Modelling the impact of larviciding on the population dynamics and biting rates of Simulium damnosum (s.l.): implications for vector control as a complementary strategy for onchocerciasis elimination in Africa. Parasites & Vectors, 11:316. ISSN 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Editor's foreward [foreword]. The Birds of São Tomé & Príncipe with Annobón islands of the Gulf of Guinea: An annotated Checklist. BOU Checklist Series (22). British Ornithologists' Union / British Ornithologists' Club, Oxford, UK, ix-ix. ISBN 978-0907446279

Annual transmission potential

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Little, Kirsty E., Young, Stephen, Walker, Martin and Basáñez, Maria-Gloria (2021) Taking the strain out of onchocerciasis? A reanalysis of blindness and transmission data does not support the existence of a savannah blinding strain of onchocerciasis in West Africa. Advances in Parasitology, 111. ISSN 0065-308X (doi:


Mann, Clive F. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) The sunbird genera Anthodiaeta and Hedydipna revisited. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, 134 (2). pp. 159-160. ISSN 0007-1595

Apolygus lucorum

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Xiang, Changcheng, Xiao, Yanni, Wang, Xia, Wu, Jianhong, Li, Guoping and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) A general model of hormesis in biological systems and its application to pest management. Journal of the Royal Society - Interface, 16 (157):20190468. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1742-5689 (Print), 1742-5662 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tang, Sanyi and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2014) Predator–prey population models of migrant insects with phase change. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71 (8). pp. 2221-2230. ISSN 1054-3139 (Print), 1095-9289 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tang, Sanyi and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2014) Predator–prey population models of migrant insects with phase change. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71 (8). pp. 2221-2230. ISSN 1054-3139 (Print), 1095-9289 (Online) (doi:


Tang, Sanyi, Tang, Guangyao and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Optimum timing for integrated pest management: Modelling rates of pesticide application and natural enemy releases. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 264 (2). pp. 623-638. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

avian malaria parasites

Durrant, Kate L., Reed, Jennifer L., Jones, Peter J., Dallimer, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N. and Fleischer, Robert C. (2007) Variation in haematozoan parasitism at local and landscape levels in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea. Journal of Avian Biology, 38 (6). pp. 662-671. ISSN 0908-8857 (doi:

avian predation

Mullié, Wim C., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Ibrahim, Abdou Baoua and Murk, Albertinka J. (2021) Increased and sex-selective avian predation of desert locusts Schistocerca gregaria treated with Metarhizium acridum. PLoS ONE, 16 (1):e0244733. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1932-6203 (Online) (doi:


Elliott, Clive C.H., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Alternative approaches to Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea management: mass-capture for food. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology, 85 (1). pp. 31-37. ISSN 0030-6525 (Print), 1727-947X (Online) (doi:

backward bifurcation

Xu, Xiaxia, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Models of impulsive culling of mosquitoes to interrupt transmission of West Nile Virus to birds. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39 (13). pp. 3549-3568. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:

Backward bifurcation

Cheng, Tianyu, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Threshold dynamics and bifurcation of a state-dependent feedback nonlinear control SIR model. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 14 (7). ISSN 1555-1415 (Print), 1555-1423 (Online) (doi:

Zhang, Xianghong, Tang, Sanyi, Liu, Qiyong, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Zhu, Huaiping (2018) Models to assess the effects of non-identical sex ratio augmentations of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes on the control of dengue disease. Mathematical Biosciences, 299. pp. 58-72. ISSN 0025-5564 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Editor's foreword. In: Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , (ed.) The Birds of Barbados: An annotated Checklist. BOU Checklist Series (24). British Ornithologists' Union / British Ornithologists' Club, Peterborough, UK, ix-x. ISBN 978-0907446293

Beffa form of S. soubrense

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basáñez, María-Gloria (2014) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: biting and parous rates of host-seeking sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 7 (1):511. ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Post, Rory J. and Boakye, Daniel A. (2023) Seasonal variations and other changes in the geographical distributions of different cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Togo and Benin. Acta Tropica, 245:106970. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Beverton-Holt equations

Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Xiao, Yanni (2006) Optimal impulsive harvesting on non-autonomous Beverton-Holt difference equations. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 65 (12). pp. 2311-2341. ISSN 0362-546X (doi:

Beverton–Holt model

Wang, Xia, Xu, Zihui, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2017) Cumulative effects of incorrect use of pesticides can lead to catastrophic outbreaks of pests. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 100. pp. 7-19. ISSN 0960-0779 (doi:

Bi-threshold value

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Dynamical analysis of plant disease models with cultural control strategies and economic thresholds. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 80 (5). pp. 894-921. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:


Li, Changtong, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2020) Complex dynamics and coexistence of period-doubling and period-halving bifurcations in an integrated pest management model with nonlinear impulsive control. Advances in Difference Equations:514. pp. 1-23. ISSN 1687-1839 (Print), 1687-1847 (Online) (doi:

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshan and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2020) Complexities and bifurcations induced by drug responses in a pulsed tumour-immune model. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (ijbc), 30 (7):2050104. ISSN 0218-1274 (Print), 1793-6551 (Online) (doi:

Zhang, Xianghong, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Zhu, Huaiping (2016) Modeling the effects of augmentation strategies on the control of Dengue fever with an impulsive differential equation. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 78 (10). pp. 1968-2010. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tang, Sanyi and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2014) Predator–prey population models of migrant insects with phase change. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71 (8). pp. 2221-2230. ISSN 1054-3139 (Print), 1095-9289 (Online) (doi:


Mullié, Wim C., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Ibrahim, Abdou Baoua and Murk, Albertinka J. (2021) Increased and sex-selective avian predation of desert locusts Schistocerca gregaria treated with Metarhizium acridum. PLoS ONE, 16 (1):e0244733. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1932-6203 (Online) (doi:


Mustapha, M., McCall, P.J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) The blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Bioko (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) and the Gulf of Guinea with a description of the larvae of the 'Pomeroy' form of Simulium cervicornutum. Systematic Entomology, 31 (4). pp. 611-620. ISSN 0307-6970 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Meyer, Rolf R.F., Barro, Tele, Mas, Jordi, Sima, Anacleto Nsue, Abaga, Simon Ekwa, Noma, Mounkaila, Sékétéli, Azo V. and Wilson, Michael D. (2009) Towards the elimination of the Bioko form of Simulium yahense from Bioko: planning and insecticide trials. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 19 (2). pp. 132-141. ISSN 1648-6919 (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tirados, Iñaki, Mas, Jordi, Geenan, Petra, Adjaru, Jose Manuel Mba, Bouaha, Juan Luis Alfonso, Sima, Anacleto Nsue, Meyer, Rolf R.F. and Wilson, Michael D. (2006) Onchocerciasis transmission by the Bioko form of Simulium yahense Vajime & Dunbar 1975 (Diptera: Simuliidae). Studia dipterologica supplement, 14. pp. 26-30. ISSN 1433-4968 (doi:3-932795-23-7)

biological control

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2014) Models for determining how many natural enemies to release inoculatively in combinations of biological and chemical control with pesticide resistance. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 422 (2). pp. 1479-1503. ISSN 0022-247X (doi:

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2013) Adaptive release of natural enemies in a pest-natural enemy system with pesticide resistance. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75 (11). pp. 2167-2195. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Xiao, Yanni (2009) Effects of predator and prey dispersal on success or failure of biological control. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 71 (8). pp. 2025-2047. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

bird pest

Borello, Wendy D. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2011) Fidelity to non-breeding grounds by migrant Red-billed Quelea quelea lathami in Botswana. The Babbler (Journal of Birdlife Botswana), 56. pp. 11-14. (doi:

bird pest control

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N., Mbereki, Collen, van der Walt, Etienne, Mtobesya, Boaz, Magoma, Richard N., Young, Stephen and Eberly, J. Patrick (2012) Effects of the organophosphate fenthion for control of the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea on cholinesterase and haemoglobin concentrations in the blood of target and non-target birds. Ecotoxicology, 21 (7). pp. 1761-1770. ISSN 0963-9292 (Print), 1573-3017 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Venn, Jon F. and Jones, Peter J. (2007) Forecasting suitable breeding conditions for the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea in southern Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44 (3). pp. 523-533. ISSN 0021-8901 (doi:

bird predation

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Mullie, W.C. and Ibrahim, A.B. (2006) Synergy between bird predation and locust control with Metarhizium. In: ANCAP/SETAC International Conference on pesticide use in developing countries: environmental fate, effects and public health implications, 16-20 Oct 2006, Arusha, Tanzania. (Unpublished)

bird species

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2016) Red Kites and Common Buzzard following the hay harvest. British Birds, 109. pp. 300-302. ISSN 0007-0335


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Oliveras, Ignasi (2014) Miscellaneous records of birds in Togo, including four species new to the country’s list. Malimbus, 36 (1). pp. 58-60. ISSN 0331-3689

Atkinson, Philip W., Adams, William M., Brouwer, Joost, Buchanan, Graham, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Cresswell, Will, Hewson, Chris M., Hulme, Mark F., Manvell, Adam, Sheehan, Danae K., Small, Robert D.S., Sutherland, William J. and Vickery, Juliet A. (2014) Defining the key wintering habitats in the Sahel for declining African-Eurasian migrants using expert assessment. Bird Conservation International, 24 (4). pp. 477-491. ISSN 0959-2709 (Print), 1474-0001 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Editor's foreword. In: Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , (ed.) The Birds of Barbados: An annotated Checklist. BOU Checklist Series (24). British Ornithologists' Union / British Ornithologists' Club, Peterborough, UK, ix-x. ISBN 978-0907446293

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Editor's foreword. The Birds of Borneo: An annotated Checklist. BOU Checklist Series (23). British Ornithologists' Union / British Ornithologists' Club, Peterborough, UK, vii-viii. ISBN 978-0907446286

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Editor's foreward [foreword]. The Birds of São Tomé & Príncipe with Annobón islands of the Gulf of Guinea: An annotated Checklist. BOU Checklist Series (22). British Ornithologists' Union / British Ornithologists' Club, Oxford, UK, ix-ix. ISBN 978-0907446279


Zhang, Xianghong, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Birth-pulse models of Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility in mosquitoes for dengue virus control. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 22. pp. 236-258. ISSN 1468-1218 (doi:

biting rate

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basáñez, María-Gloria (2014) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: biting and parous rates of host-seeking sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 7 (1):511. ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

Black Kite

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Black Kite drop-catching. British Birds, 107. p. 39. ISSN 0007-0335


Talom, Blaise Armand Defo, Enyong, Peter, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Djouaka, Rousseau and Hawkes, Frances M. ORCID: 0000-0002-0964-3702 (2021) Capture of high numbers of simulium vectors can be achieved with host decoy traps to support data acquisition in the onchocerciasis elimination endgame. Acta Tropica, 221:106020. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Adler, Peter H., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, Rory J. (2010) Evolution, epidemiology, and population genetics of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 10 (7). pp. 846-865. ISSN 1567-1348 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2012) Indices of onchocerciasis transmission by different members of the Simulium damnosum complex conflict with the paradigm of forest and savanna parasite strains. Acta Tropica, 125 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Blindness prevalence

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Little, Kirsty E., Young, Stephen, Walker, Martin and Basáñez, Maria-Gloria (2021) Taking the strain out of onchocerciasis? A reanalysis of blindness and transmission data does not support the existence of a savannah blinding strain of onchocerciasis in West Africa. Advances in Parasitology, 111. ISSN 0065-308X (doi:

blood glucose level

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Modelling the regulatory system for diabetes mellitus with a threshold window. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 22 (1-3). pp. 478-491. ISSN 1007-5704 (doi:

blood parasites

Durrant, Kate L., Reed, Jennifer L., Jones, Peter J., Dallimer, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N. and Fleischer, Robert C. (2007) Variation in haematozoan parasitism at local and landscape levels in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea. Journal of Avian Biology, 38 (6). pp. 662-671. ISSN 0908-8857 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Editor's foreword. The Birds of Borneo: An annotated Checklist. BOU Checklist Series (23). British Ornithologists' Union / British Ornithologists' Club, Peterborough, UK, vii-viii. ISBN 978-0907446286

British Ornithologists' Union

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Editor's foreword. In: Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , (ed.) The Birds of Barbados: An annotated Checklist. BOU Checklist Series (24). British Ornithologists' Union / British Ornithologists' Club, Peterborough, UK, ix-x. ISBN 978-0907446293

British Ornithologists’ Union

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2011) British Ornithologists’ Union: Union medal. Peter Jones. Ibis, 153 (2). pp. 438-439. ISSN 1474-919X (online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N., Mbereki, Collen, van der Walt, Etienne, Mtobesya, Boaz, Magoma, Richard N., Young, Stephen and Eberly, J. Patrick (2012) Effects of the organophosphate fenthion for control of the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea on cholinesterase and haemoglobin concentrations in the blood of target and non-target birds. Ecotoxicology, 21 (7). pp. 1761-1770. ISSN 0963-9292 (Print), 1573-3017 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Responding to early warnings. ID21 Insights, 61. p. 8. ISSN 1460-4205


Talom, Blaise Armand Defo, Enyong, Peter, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Djouaka, Rousseau and Hawkes, Frances M. ORCID: 0000-0002-0964-3702 (2021) Capture of high numbers of simulium vectors can be achieved with host decoy traps to support data acquisition in the onchocerciasis elimination endgame. Acta Tropica, 221:106020. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Tamungang, Simon A., Ofeh, Moses A., Tchamba, Martin N., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Kougoum, Ghislane P. (2016) Challenges and conservation implications of the parrot trade in Cameroon. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 10 (3). pp. 1210-1234. ISSN 1991-8631 (Print), 1997-342X (Online) (doi:

Tamungang, Simon A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Mofor, Gilbert Z., Tamungang, Richard N. and Oben, Fritz T. (2014) Conservation concern for the deteriorating geographical range of the Grey Parrot in Cameroon. International Journal of Ecology, 2014:753294. ISSN 1687-9708 (Print), 1687-9716 (Online) (doi:

Tamungang, Simon A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Kougoum, Ghislain P. and Ntiri, Eric S. (2013) Linking population size to conservation needs of the Grey Parrot in Cameroon. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 5 (8). pp. 478-485. ISSN 2141-243X (Print), 2141-243X (Online) (doi:

cameroon volcanic line

Mustapha, M., McCall, P.J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) The blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Bioko (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) and the Gulf of Guinea with a description of the larvae of the 'Pomeroy' form of Simulium cervicornutum. Systematic Entomology, 31 (4). pp. 611-620. ISSN 0307-6970 (doi:

Canard cycle

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Global stability and sliding bifurcations of a non-smooth Gause predator–prey system. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 224. pp. 9-20. ISSN 0096-3003 (doi:


Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Modelling pulsed immunotherapy of tumour–immune interaction. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 109. pp. 92-112. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Modelling pulsed immunotherapy of tumour-immune interaction. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 109. pp. 92-112. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:

cancer model

Chen, Lin, Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshan, Liu, Zijian and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2022) Stationary distribution and persistence of a stochastic mathematical model for prostate cancer with pulsed therapy. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 114. pp. 162-188. ISSN 0307-904X (Print), 1872-8480 (Online) (doi:


Durrant, Kate L., Reed, Jennifer L., Jones, Peter J., Dallimer, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N. and Fleischer, Robert C. (2007) Variation in haematozoan parasitism at local and landscape levels in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea. Journal of Avian Biology, 38 (6). pp. 662-671. ISSN 0908-8857 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen and Garms, Rolf (2016) Ecological characteristics of Simulium breeding sites in West Africa. Acta Tropica, 167. pp. 148-156. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Post, Rory J. and Boakye, Daniel A. (2023) Seasonal variations and other changes in the geographical distributions of different cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Togo and Benin. Acta Tropica, 245:106970. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Post, Rory J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Crainey, J. Lee, Yameogo, Laurent and Basanez, María-Gloria (2013) Stability and change in the distribution of cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southern Ghana from 1971 to 2011. Parasites & Vectors, 6 (205). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:


Li, Changtong, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2020) Complex dynamics and coexistence of period-doubling and period-halving bifurcations in an integrated pest management model with nonlinear impulsive control. Advances in Difference Equations:514. pp. 1-23. ISSN 1687-1839 (Print), 1687-1847 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Editor's foreword. In: Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , (ed.) The Birds of Barbados: An annotated Checklist. BOU Checklist Series (24). British Ornithologists' Union / British Ornithologists' Club, Peterborough, UK, ix-x. ISBN 978-0907446293

Chemotherapeutic dose response

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Modelling effects of a chemotherapeutic dose response on a stochastic tumour-immune model. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 123. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0960-0779 (doi:


Adler, Peter H., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, Rory J. (2010) Evolution, epidemiology, and population genetics of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 10 (7). pp. 846-865. ISSN 1567-1348 (doi:

city-based pattern

Wang, Hao, Li, Tangjuan, Gao, Huan, Huang, Chenxi, Tang, Biao, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Zhou, Weike (2023) Lessons drawn from Shanghai for controlling highly transmissible SARS‑CoV‑2 variants: insights from a modelling study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 23:331. ISSN 1471-2334 (Online) (doi:

Cluster analysis

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen and Garms, Rolf (2016) Ecological characteristics of Simulium breeding sites in West Africa. Acta Tropica, 167. pp. 148-156. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:


Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Multiple attractors of host-parasitoid models with integrated pest management strategies: eradication, persistence and outbreak. Theoretical Population Biology, 73 (2). pp. 181-197. ISSN 0040-5809 (doi:

combined therapy

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Modelling pulsed immunotherapy of tumour–immune interaction. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 109. pp. 92-112. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Modelling pulsed immunotherapy of tumour-immune interaction. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 109. pp. 92-112. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:

competitive advantage

Xia, Fan, Yang, Xinpei, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Xiao, Yanni (2021) Quantifying competitive advantages of mutant strains in a population involving importation and mass vaccination rollout. Infectious Disease Modelling, 6. pp. 988-996. ISSN 2468-0427 (doi:

competitive system

Wang, Qinglong, Liu, Zhijun, Li, Zuxiong and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Existence and global asymptotic stability of positive almost periodic solutions of a two-species competitive system. International Journal of Biomathematics, 7 (4):1450040. ISSN 1793-5245 (Print), 1793-7159 (Online) (doi:

Liu, Zhijun, Wu, Jianhua and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Coexistence and partial extinction in a delay competitive system subject to impulsive harvesting and stocking. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 75 (5). pp. 777-795. ISSN 0272-4960 (Print), 1464-3634 (Online) (doi:

complex dynamics

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Xiang, Changcheng, Xiao, Yanni, Wang, Xia, Wu, Jianhong, Li, Guoping and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) A general model of hormesis in biological systems and its application to pest management. Journal of the Royal Society - Interface, 16 (157):20190468. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1742-5689 (Print), 1742-5662 (Online) (doi:

Qin, Wenjie, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) The effects of resource limitation on a predator-prey model with control measures as nonlinear pulses. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014:450935. ISSN 1024-123X (Print), 1563-5147 (Online) (doi:


Mustapha, M., McCall, P.J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) The blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Bioko (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) and the Gulf of Guinea with a description of the larvae of the 'Pomeroy' form of Simulium cervicornutum. Systematic Entomology, 31 (4). pp. 611-620. ISSN 0307-6970 (doi:


Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) Molecular systematics of five Onchocerca species (Nematoda: Filarioidea) including the human parasite, O. volvulus, suggest sympatric speciation. Journal of Helminthology, 80 (3). pp. 281-290. ISSN 0022-149X (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2007) Migration, patchiness and population processes illustrated by two migrant pests. BiosScience, 57 (2). pp. 145-154. ISSN 0006-3568 (doi:


Tamungang, Simon A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Mofor, Gilbert Z., Tamungang, Richard N. and Oben, Fritz T. (2014) Conservation concern for the deteriorating geographical range of the Grey Parrot in Cameroon. International Journal of Ecology, 2014:753294. ISSN 1687-9708 (Print), 1687-9716 (Online) (doi:

conservation implications

Tamungang, Simon A., Ofeh, Moses A., Tchamba, Martin N., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Kougoum, Ghislane P. (2016) Challenges and conservation implications of the parrot trade in Cameroon. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 10 (3). pp. 1210-1234. ISSN 1991-8631 (Print), 1997-342X (Online) (doi:

conservation status

Tamungang, Simon A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Kougoum, Ghislain P. and Ntiri, Eric S. (2013) Linking population size to conservation needs of the Grey Parrot in Cameroon. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 5 (8). pp. 478-485. ISSN 2141-243X (Print), 2141-243X (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Fiasorgbor, G.K., Walsh, J.F. and Yaméogo, L. (2008) Elimination of the Djodji form of the blackfly Simulium sanctipauli sensu stricto as a result of larviciding by the WHO Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 22 (2). pp. 172-174. ISSN 0269-283X (doi:

control measures

Xu, Xiaxia, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Models of impulsive culling of mosquitoes to interrupt transmission of West Nile Virus to birds. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39 (13). pp. 3549-3568. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:

Control reproduction number

Cheng, Tianyu, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Threshold dynamics and bifurcation of a state-dependent feedback nonlinear control SIR model. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 14 (7). ISSN 1555-1415 (Print), 1555-1423 (Online) (doi:

convergence cross mapping

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Wang, Xia, Tratalos, Jamie A., Tang, Sanyi and Cressman, Keith (2020) Evidence for a causal relationship between the solar cycle and locust abundance. Agronomy, 11 (1):69. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2073-4395 (Online) (doi:

cooperative breeding

King, Tony and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Cooperative breeding in the Violet-tailed Sunbird Anthreptes aurantium. Malimbus, 31 (1). pp. 20-27. ISSN 0331-3689


Wang, Hao, Li, Tangjuan, Gao, Huan, Huang, Chenxi, Tang, Biao, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Zhou, Weike (2023) Lessons drawn from Shanghai for controlling highly transmissible SARS‑CoV‑2 variants: insights from a modelling study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 23:331. ISSN 1471-2334 (Online) (doi:

Xia, Fan, Yang, Xinpei, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Xiao, Yanni (2021) Quantifying competitive advantages of mutant strains in a population involving importation and mass vaccination rollout. Infectious Disease Modelling, 6. pp. 988-996. ISSN 2468-0427 (doi:

Xiao, Yanni, Tang, Biao, Wu, Jianhong, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Linking key intervention timing to rapid decline of the COVID-19 effective reproductive number to quantify lessons from mainland China. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 97. pp. 296-298. ISSN 1201-9712 (Print), 1878-3511 (Online) (doi:

COVID-19 outbreak

Zhou, Weike, Wang, Aili, Wang, Xia, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Xiao, Yanni and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Impact of hospital bed shortages on the containment of COVID-19 in Wuhan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (22):8560. ISSN 1661-7827 (Print), 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:

Xia, Fan, Xiao, Yanni, Liu, Peiyu, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Li, Xuanya (2020) Differences in how interventions coupled with effective reproduction numbers account for marked variations in COVID-19 epidemic outcomes. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17 (5). pp. 5085-5098. ISSN 1547-1063 (Print), 1551-0018 (Online) (doi:

crop pests

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Venn, Jon F. and Jones, Peter J. (2006) A spatio-temporal model for predicting when and where Red-billed Quelea will breed in southern Africa. Journal of Ornithology, 147 (Sup 1). p. 147. ISSN 0021-8375 (Print), 1439-0361 (Online) (doi:

Culex modestus

Medlock, Jolyon M., Vaux, Alexander G.C., Gibson, Gabriella, Hawkes, Frances ORCID: 0000-0002-0964-3702 and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Potential vector for West Nile virus prevalent in Kent. Veterinary Record, 175 (11). pp. 284-285. ISSN 0042-4900 (Print), 2042-7670 (Online) (doi:

cultural control

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Dynamical analysis of plant disease models with cultural control strategies and economic thresholds. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 80 (5). pp. 894-921. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:

Cumulative effect

Wang, Xia, Xu, Zihui, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2017) Cumulative effects of incorrect use of pesticides can lead to catastrophic outbreaks of pests. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 100. pp. 7-19. ISSN 0960-0779 (doi:

cumulative number of deaths

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2013) Adaptive release of natural enemies in a pest-natural enemy system with pesticide resistance. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75 (11). pp. 2167-2195. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Adranyi, Enoch, Cox, John R., Farman, Dudley I. ORCID: 0000-0003-3579-3672 , Magoma, Richard N., Mbereki, Collen, McWilliam, Andrew N., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and van der Walt, Etienne (2013) Soil contamination and persistence of pollutants following organophosphate sprays and explosions to control red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea). Pest Management Science, 69 (3). pp. 386-396. ISSN 1526-498X (doi:


Adler, Peter H., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, Rory J. (2010) Evolution, epidemiology, and population genetics of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 10 (7). pp. 846-865. ISSN 1567-1348 (doi:

cytoplasmic incompatibility

Zhang, Xianghong, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Birth-pulse models of Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility in mosquitoes for dengue virus control. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 22. pp. 236-258. ISSN 1468-1218 (doi:

cytospecies distribution

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Post, Rory J. and Boakye, Daniel A. (2023) Seasonal variations and other changes in the geographical distributions of different cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Togo and Benin. Acta Tropica, 245:106970. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Post, Rory J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Crainey, J. Lee, Yameogo, Laurent and Basanez, María-Gloria (2013) Stability and change in the distribution of cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southern Ghana from 1971 to 2011. Parasites & Vectors, 6 (205). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:


Mustapha, M., McCall, P.J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) The blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Bioko (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) and the Gulf of Guinea with a description of the larvae of the 'Pomeroy' form of Simulium cervicornutum. Systematic Entomology, 31 (4). pp. 611-620. ISSN 0307-6970 (doi:


Liu, Zhijun, Wu, Jianhua and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Coexistence and partial extinction in a delay competitive system subject to impulsive harvesting and stocking. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 75 (5). pp. 777-795. ISSN 0272-4960 (Print), 1464-3634 (Online) (doi:

delayed response to pesticide application

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) An integrated pest management model with delayed responses to pesticide applications and its threshold dynamics. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13 (5). pp. 2352-2374. ISSN 1468-1218 (doi:


Wang, Xia, Tang, Sanyi, Wu, Jianhong, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) A combination of climatic conditions determines major within-season dengue outbreaks in Guangdong Province, China. Parasites & Vectors, 12 (45). ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

Dengue disease

Zhang, Xianghong, Tang, Sanyi, Liu, Qiyong, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Zhu, Huaiping (2018) Models to assess the effects of non-identical sex ratio augmentations of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes on the control of dengue disease. Mathematical Biosciences, 299. pp. 58-72. ISSN 0025-5564 (doi:

Dengue fever

Zhang, Xianghong, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Zhu, Huaiping (2016) Modeling the effects of augmentation strategies on the control of Dengue fever with an impulsive differential equation. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 78 (10). pp. 1968-2010. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

Zhang, Xianghong, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Birth-pulse models of Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility in mosquitoes for dengue virus control. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 22. pp. 236-258. ISSN 1468-1218 (doi:

Desert Locust

Mullié, Wim C., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Ibrahim, Abdou Baoua and Murk, Albertinka J. (2021) Increased and sex-selective avian predation of desert locusts Schistocerca gregaria treated with Metarhizium acridum. PLoS ONE, 16 (1):e0244733. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1932-6203 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2007) Migration, patchiness and population processes illustrated by two migrant pests. BiosScience, 57 (2). pp. 145-154. ISSN 0006-3568 (doi:

Desert Locust Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål 1775)

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Wang, Xia, Tratalos, Jamie A., Tang, Sanyi and Cressman, Keith (2020) Evidence for a causal relationship between the solar cycle and locust abundance. Agronomy, 11 (1):69. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2073-4395 (Online) (doi:


Brattig, Norbert W., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2020) Onchocerciasis (river blindness) – more than a century of research and control. Acta Tropica, 218:105677. pp. 1-22. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Adranyi, Enoch, Cox, John R., Farman, Dudley I. ORCID: 0000-0003-3579-3672 , Magoma, Richard N., Mbereki, Collen, McWilliam, Andrew N., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and van der Walt, Etienne (2013) Soil contamination and persistence of pollutants following organophosphate sprays and explosions to control red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea). Pest Management Science, 69 (3). pp. 386-396. ISSN 1526-498X (doi:

discrete Euler-Lagrange equation

Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Xiao, Yanni (2006) Optimal impulsive harvesting on non-autonomous Beverton-Holt difference equations. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 65 (12). pp. 2311-2341. ISSN 0362-546X (doi:

Disease free periodic solution

Cheng, Tianyu, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Threshold dynamics and bifurcation of a state-dependent feedback nonlinear control SIR model. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 14 (7). ISSN 1555-1415 (Print), 1555-1423 (Online) (doi:


Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Xiao, Yanni (2009) Effects of predator and prey dispersal on success or failure of biological control. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 71 (8). pp. 2025-2047. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

district-based pattern

Wang, Hao, Li, Tangjuan, Gao, Huan, Huang, Chenxi, Tang, Biao, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Zhou, Weike (2023) Lessons drawn from Shanghai for controlling highly transmissible SARS‑CoV‑2 variants: insights from a modelling study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 23:331. ISSN 1471-2334 (Online) (doi:


Mustapha, M., McCall, P.J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) The blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Bioko (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) and the Gulf of Guinea with a description of the larvae of the 'Pomeroy' form of Simulium cervicornutum. Systematic Entomology, 31 (4). pp. 611-620. ISSN 0307-6970 (doi:

Djodji form

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Fiasorgbor, G.K., Walsh, J.F. and Yaméogo, L. (2008) Elimination of the Djodji form of the blackfly Simulium sanctipauli sensu stricto as a result of larviciding by the WHO Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 22 (2). pp. 172-174. ISSN 0269-283X (doi:

dna substitution

Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) Molecular systematics of five Onchocerca species (Nematoda: Filarioidea) including the human parasite, O. volvulus, suggest sympatric speciation. Journal of Helminthology, 80 (3). pp. 281-290. ISSN 0022-149X (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2017) Factors affecting onchocerciasis transmission: Lessons for infection control. Expert review of anti-infective therapy, 15 (4). pp. 377-386. ISSN 1478-7210 (Print), 1744-8336 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Black Kite drop-catching. British Birds, 107. p. 39. ISSN 0007-0335


Mustapha, M., McCall, P.J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) The blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Bioko (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) and the Gulf of Guinea with a description of the larvae of the 'Pomeroy' form of Simulium cervicornutum. Systematic Entomology, 31 (4). pp. 611-620. ISSN 0307-6970 (doi:

Drug response

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshan and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2020) Complexities and bifurcations induced by drug responses in a pulsed tumour-immune model. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (ijbc), 30 (7):2050104. ISSN 0218-1274 (Print), 1793-6551 (Online) (doi:


Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Modelling the regulatory system for diabetes mellitus with a threshold window. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 22 (1-3). pp. 478-491. ISSN 1007-5704 (doi:

dynamic threshold

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2014) Models for determining how many natural enemies to release inoculatively in combinations of biological and chemical control with pesticide resistance. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 422 (2). pp. 1479-1503. ISSN 0022-247X (doi:

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2013) Adaptive release of natural enemies in a pest-natural enemy system with pesticide resistance. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75 (11). pp. 2167-2195. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Nieto, Juan J. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Analytical methods for detecting pesticide switches with evolution of pesticide resistance. Mathematical Biosciences, 245 (2). pp. 249-257. ISSN 0025-5564 (Print), 1879-3134 (Online) (doi:

early warning systems

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Responding to early warnings. ID21 Insights, 61. p. 8. ISSN 1460-4205

Ecological paradox

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Xiang, Changcheng, Xiao, Yanni, Wang, Xia, Wu, Jianhong, Li, Guoping and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) A general model of hormesis in biological systems and its application to pest management. Journal of the Royal Society - Interface, 16 (157):20190468. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1742-5689 (Print), 1742-5662 (Online) (doi:

economic threshold

He, Mengqi, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2020) A holling type II discrete switching host-parasitoid system with a nonlinear threshold policy for integrated pest management. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2020:9425285. ISSN 1026-0226 (Print), 1607-887X (Online) (doi:

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) An integrated pest management model with delayed responses to pesticide applications and its threshold dynamics. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13 (5). pp. 2352-2374. ISSN 1468-1218 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) Sliding bifurcations of Filippov two stage pest control models with economic thresholds. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72 (4). pp. 1061-1080. ISSN 0036-1399 (Print), 1095-712X (Online) (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Tang, Guangyao and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Optimum timing for integrated pest management: Modelling rates of pesticide application and natural enemy releases. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 264 (2). pp. 623-638. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Dynamical analysis of plant disease models with cultural control strategies and economic thresholds. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 80 (5). pp. 894-921. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Models for integrated pest control and their biological implications. Mathematical Biosciences, 215 (1). pp. 115-125. ISSN 0025-5564 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Multiple attractors of host-parasitoid models with integrated pest management strategies: eradication, persistence and outbreak. Theoretical Population Biology, 73 (2). pp. 181-197. ISSN 0040-5809 (doi:

effective reproduction number

Zhou, Weike, Wang, Aili, Wang, Xia, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Xiao, Yanni and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Impact of hospital bed shortages on the containment of COVID-19 in Wuhan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (22):8560. ISSN 1661-7827 (Print), 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:

Xia, Fan, Xiao, Yanni, Liu, Peiyu, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Li, Xuanya (2020) Differences in how interventions coupled with effective reproduction numbers account for marked variations in COVID-19 epidemic outcomes. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17 (5). pp. 5085-5098. ISSN 1547-1063 (Print), 1551-0018 (Online) (doi:

Wang, Xia, Tang, Sanyi, Wu, Jianhong, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) A combination of climatic conditions determines major within-season dengue outbreaks in Guangdong Province, China. Parasites & Vectors, 12 (45). ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

Effective reproductive number

Xiao, Yanni, Tang, Biao, Wu, Jianhong, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Linking key intervention timing to rapid decline of the COVID-19 effective reproductive number to quantify lessons from mainland China. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 97. pp. 296-298. ISSN 1201-9712 (Print), 1878-3511 (Online) (doi:


Talom, Blaise Armand Defo, Enyong, Peter, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Djouaka, Rousseau and Hawkes, Frances M. ORCID: 0000-0002-0964-3702 (2021) Capture of high numbers of simulium vectors can be achieved with host decoy traps to support data acquisition in the onchocerciasis elimination endgame. Acta Tropica, 221:106020. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Routledge, Isobel, Walker, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Bhatt, Samir, Nkot, Pierre Baleguel, Matthews, Grahsm A., Baleguel, Didier, Dobson, Hans M., Wiles, Terry L. and Basañez, Maria-Gloria (2018) Modelling the impact of larviciding on the population dynamics and biting rates of Simulium damnosum (s.l.): implications for vector control as a complementary strategy for onchocerciasis elimination in Africa. Parasites & Vectors, 11:316. ISSN 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Fiasorgbor, G.K., Walsh, J.F. and Yaméogo, L. (2008) Elimination of the Djodji form of the blackfly Simulium sanctipauli sensu stricto as a result of larviciding by the WHO Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 22 (2). pp. 172-174. ISSN 0269-283X (doi:


Tratalos, Jamie A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Healey, Richard G. and Stenseth, Nils Chr. (2010) Desert locust populations, rainfall and climate change: insights from phenomenological models using gridded monthly data. Climate Research, 43 (3). pp. 229-239. ISSN 0936-577X (Print), 1616-1572 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Wang, Xia, Tratalos, Jamie A., Tang, Sanyi and Cressman, Keith (2020) Evidence for a causal relationship between the solar cycle and locust abundance. Agronomy, 11 (1):69. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2073-4395 (Online) (doi:


Oluwole, Oluwafemi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Health and environmental impacts of pesticide use practices: a case study of farmers in Ekiti State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 7 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 1473-5903 (Print), 1747-762X (Online) (doi:

environmental change

Atkinson, Philip W., Adams, William M., Brouwer, Joost, Buchanan, Graham, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Cresswell, Will, Hewson, Chris M., Hulme, Mark F., Manvell, Adam, Sheehan, Danae K., Small, Robert D.S., Sutherland, William J. and Vickery, Juliet A. (2014) Defining the key wintering habitats in the Sahel for declining African-Eurasian migrants using expert assessment. Bird Conservation International, 24 (4). pp. 477-491. ISSN 0959-2709 (Print), 1474-0001 (Online) (doi:

Environmental variables

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen and Garms, Rolf (2016) Ecological characteristics of Simulium breeding sites in West Africa. Acta Tropica, 167. pp. 148-156. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

environmentally friendly pest control

Elliott, Clive C.H., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Alternative approaches to Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea management: mass-capture for food. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology, 85 (1). pp. 31-37. ISSN 0030-6525 (Print), 1727-947X (Online) (doi:


Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Dynamical analysis of plant disease models with cultural control strategies and economic thresholds. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 80 (5). pp. 894-921. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:

Equatorial Guinea

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tirados, Iñaki, Mas, Jordi, Geenan, Petra, Adjaru, Jose Manuel Mba, Bouaha, Juan Luis Alfonso, Sima, Anacleto Nsue, Meyer, Rolf R.F. and Wilson, Michael D. (2006) Onchocerciasis transmission by the Bioko form of Simulium yahense Vajime & Dunbar 1975 (Diptera: Simuliidae). Studia dipterologica supplement, 14. pp. 26-30. ISSN 1433-4968 (doi:3-932795-23-7)

Eradication and persistence

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Modelling effects of a chemotherapeutic dose response on a stochastic tumour-immune model. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 123. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0960-0779 (doi:


Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Nieto, Juan J. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Analytical methods for detecting pesticide switches with evolution of pesticide resistance. Mathematical Biosciences, 245 (2). pp. 249-257. ISSN 0025-5564 (Print), 1879-3134 (Online) (doi:

Mustapha, M., McCall, P.J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) The blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Bioko (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) and the Gulf of Guinea with a description of the larvae of the 'Pomeroy' form of Simulium cervicornutum. Systematic Entomology, 31 (4). pp. 611-620. ISSN 0307-6970 (doi:


Wang, Qinglong, Liu, Zhijun, Li, Zuxiong and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Existence and global asymptotic stability of positive almost periodic solutions of a two-species competitive system. International Journal of Biomathematics, 7 (4):1450040. ISSN 1793-5245 (Print), 1793-7159 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Adranyi, Enoch, Cox, John R., Farman, Dudley I. ORCID: 0000-0003-3579-3672 , Magoma, Richard N., Mbereki, Collen, McWilliam, Andrew N., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and van der Walt, Etienne (2013) Soil contamination and persistence of pollutants following organophosphate sprays and explosions to control red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea). Pest Management Science, 69 (3). pp. 386-396. ISSN 1526-498X (doi:

Extinction and persistence

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Thresholds for extinction and proliferation in a stochastic tumour-immune model with pulsed comprehensive therapy. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 73. pp. 363-378. ISSN 1007-5704 (Print), 1878-7274 (Online) (doi:

extinction and permanence

Chen, Lin, Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshan, Liu, Zijian and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2022) Stationary distribution and persistence of a stochastic mathematical model for prostate cancer with pulsed therapy. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 114. pp. 162-188. ISSN 0307-904X (Print), 1872-8480 (Online) (doi:


Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni, Yuan, Lin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2012) Campus quarantine (Fengxiao) for curbing emergent infectious diseases: Lessons from mitigating A/H1N1 in Xi'an, China. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 295. pp. 47-58. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni, Yuan, Lin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2012) Campus quarantine (Fengxiao) for curbing emergent infectious diseases: lessons from mitigating A/H1N1 in Xi’an, China. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 295. pp. 47-58. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Sidatt, Mohamed El Hady (2018) A review of alternatives to fenthion for quelea bird control. Crop Protection, 116. pp. 15-23. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Adranyi, Enoch, Cox, John R., Farman, Dudley I. ORCID: 0000-0003-3579-3672 , Magoma, Richard N., Mbereki, Collen, McWilliam, Andrew N., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and van der Walt, Etienne (2013) Soil contamination and persistence of pollutants following organophosphate sprays and explosions to control red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea). Pest Management Science, 69 (3). pp. 386-396. ISSN 1526-498X (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N., Mbereki, Collen, van der Walt, Etienne, Mtobesya, Boaz, Magoma, Richard N., Young, Stephen and Eberly, J. Patrick (2012) Effects of the organophosphate fenthion for control of the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea on cholinesterase and haemoglobin concentrations in the blood of target and non-target birds. Ecotoxicology, 21 (7). pp. 1761-1770. ISSN 0963-9292 (Print), 1573-3017 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Responding to early warnings. ID21 Insights, 61. p. 8. ISSN 1460-4205

filarial nematodes

Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) Molecular systematics of five Onchocerca species (Nematoda: Filarioidea) including the human parasite, O. volvulus, suggest sympatric speciation. Journal of Helminthology, 80 (3). pp. 281-290. ISSN 0022-149X (doi:

Filippov model

Zhou, Weike, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2016) A threshold policy to interrupt transmission of West Nile Virus to birds. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40 (19-20). pp. 8794-8809. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:

Filippov system

Tang, Biao, Xiao, Yanni, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wang, Ning (2015) Piecewise virus-immune dynamic model with HIV-1 RNA-guided therapy. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 377. pp. 36-46. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Global stability and sliding bifurcations of a non-smooth Gause predator–prey system. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 224. pp. 9-20. ISSN 0096-3003 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) Sliding bifurcations of Filippov two stage pest control models with economic thresholds. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72 (4). pp. 1061-1080. ISSN 0036-1399 (Print), 1095-712X (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Sidatt, Mohamed El Hady (2018) A review of alternatives to fenthion for quelea bird control. Crop Protection, 116. pp. 15-23. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:

fishing time

Tan, Yi, Ning, Lijuan, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Optimal threshold density in a stochastic resource management model with pulse intervention. Natural Resource Modeling, 32 (4):e12220. ISSN 0890-8575 (Print), 1939-7445 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Barlow, Clive R. and Mann, Clive F. (2019) Nesting by dark-bibbed female Beautiful Long-tailed Sunbirds Cinnyris pulchellus and occurrence of dark both sexes of Beautiful Long-tailed and Gorgeous Sunbirds C. melanogastrus. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, 139 (4). pp. 328-332. ISSN 0007-1595 (Print), 2513-9894 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Mann, Clive (2008) Family Dicaeidae (Flowerpeckers). In: del Hoyo, Josep, Elliot, Andrew and Christie, David A., (eds.) Handbook of the birds of the world: Penduline-tits to Shrikes. Handbook of the Birds of the World, Volume . Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, pp. 350-367. ISBN 9788496553453

Iddi, K.N., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Kenyon, Lawrence (2006) Phylogenies of the sunbirds (Nectariniidae) and flowerpeckers (Dicaeidae) based on analyses of vocalizations. Journal of Ornithology, 147 (Sup 1). p. 185. ISSN 0021-8375 (Print), 1439-0361 (Online) (doi:

food aid

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Responding to early warnings. ID21 Insights, 61. p. 8. ISSN 1460-4205

food security

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Responding to early warnings. ID21 Insights, 61. p. 8. ISSN 1460-4205


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Venn, Jon F. and Jones, Peter J. (2007) Forecasting suitable breeding conditions for the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea in southern Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44 (3). pp. 523-533. ISSN 0021-8901 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2012) Indices of onchocerciasis transmission by different members of the Simulium damnosum complex conflict with the paradigm of forest and savanna parasite strains. Acta Tropica, 125 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Mustapha, M., McCall, P.J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) The blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Bioko (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) and the Gulf of Guinea with a description of the larvae of the 'Pomeroy' form of Simulium cervicornutum. Systematic Entomology, 31 (4). pp. 611-620. ISSN 0307-6970 (doi:

Forest strain

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Little, Kirsty E., Young, Stephen, Walker, Martin and Basáñez, Maria-Gloria (2021) Taking the strain out of onchocerciasis? A reanalysis of blindness and transmission data does not support the existence of a savannah blinding strain of onchocerciasis in West Africa. Advances in Parasitology, 111. ISSN 0065-308X (doi:

frequency of pesticide applications

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2013) Adaptive release of natural enemies in a pest-natural enemy system with pesticide resistance. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75 (11). pp. 2167-2195. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

generalized equilibrium

Wang, Aili, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Global dynamics of a piece-wise epidemic model with switching vaccination strategy. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (DCDS-B), 19 (9). pp. 2915-2940. ISSN 1531-3492 (Print), 1553-524X (Online) (doi:

geographical range

Tamungang, Simon A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Mofor, Gilbert Z., Tamungang, Richard N. and Oben, Fritz T. (2014) Conservation concern for the deteriorating geographical range of the Grey Parrot in Cameroon. International Journal of Ecology, 2014:753294. ISSN 1687-9708 (Print), 1687-9716 (Online) (doi:


Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: Persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. pp. 1-27. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Black Kite drop-catching. British Birds, 107. p. 39. ISSN 0007-0335

Post, Rory J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Crainey, J. Lee, Yameogo, Laurent and Basanez, María-Gloria (2013) Stability and change in the distribution of cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southern Ghana from 1971 to 2011. Parasites & Vectors, 6 (205). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

global analysis

Tang, Guangyao, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Global analysis of a Holling type II predator–prey model with a constant prey refuge. Nonlinear Dynamics, 76 (1). pp. 635-647. ISSN 0924-090X (Print), 1573-269X (Online) (doi:

global asymptotic stability

Wang, Qinglong, Liu, Zhijun, Li, Zuxiong and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Existence and global asymptotic stability of positive almost periodic solutions of a two-species competitive system. International Journal of Biomathematics, 7 (4):1450040. ISSN 1793-5245 (Print), 1793-7159 (Online) (doi:

Global dynamics

Zhou, Weike, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2016) A threshold policy to interrupt transmission of West Nile Virus to birds. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40 (19-20). pp. 8794-8809. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:

Wang, Aili, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Global dynamics of a piece-wise epidemic model with switching vaccination strategy. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (DCDS-B), 19 (9). pp. 2915-2940. ISSN 1531-3492 (Print), 1553-524X (Online) (doi:

glucose-insulin model

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Modelling the regulatory system for diabetes mellitus with a threshold window. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 22 (1-3). pp. 478-491. ISSN 1007-5704 (doi:


Tratalos, Jamie A. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Can NDVI GAC imagery be used to monitor desert locust breeding areas? Journal of Arid Environments, 64 (2). pp. 342-356. ISSN 0140-1963 (doi:

green revolution

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Responding to early warnings. ID21 Insights, 61. p. 8. ISSN 1460-4205

Grey parrot

Tamungang, Simon A., Ofeh, Moses A., Tchamba, Martin N., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Kougoum, Ghislane P. (2016) Challenges and conservation implications of the parrot trade in Cameroon. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 10 (3). pp. 1210-1234. ISSN 1991-8631 (Print), 1997-342X (Online) (doi:

Tamungang, Simon A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Mofor, Gilbert Z., Tamungang, Richard N. and Oben, Fritz T. (2014) Conservation concern for the deteriorating geographical range of the Grey Parrot in Cameroon. International Journal of Ecology, 2014:753294. ISSN 1687-9708 (Print), 1687-9716 (Online) (doi:

Tamungang, Simon A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Kougoum, Ghislain P. and Ntiri, Eric S. (2013) Linking population size to conservation needs of the Grey Parrot in Cameroon. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 5 (8). pp. 478-485. ISSN 2141-243X (Print), 2141-243X (Online) (doi:

Gulf of Guinea

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Editor's foreward [foreword]. The Birds of São Tomé & Príncipe with Annobón islands of the Gulf of Guinea: An annotated Checklist. BOU Checklist Series (22). British Ornithologists' Union / British Ornithologists' Club, Oxford, UK, ix-ix. ISBN 978-0907446279


Atkinson, Philip W., Adams, William M., Brouwer, Joost, Buchanan, Graham, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Cresswell, Will, Hewson, Chris M., Hulme, Mark F., Manvell, Adam, Sheehan, Danae K., Small, Robert D.S., Sutherland, William J. and Vickery, Juliet A. (2014) Defining the key wintering habitats in the Sahel for declining African-Eurasian migrants using expert assessment. Bird Conservation International, 24 (4). pp. 477-491. ISSN 0959-2709 (Print), 1474-0001 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N., Mbereki, Collen, van der Walt, Etienne, Mtobesya, Boaz, Magoma, Richard N., Young, Stephen and Eberly, J. Patrick (2012) Effects of the organophosphate fenthion for control of the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea on cholinesterase and haemoglobin concentrations in the blood of target and non-target birds. Ecotoxicology, 21 (7). pp. 1761-1770. ISSN 0963-9292 (Print), 1573-3017 (Online) (doi:

harvesting operations

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2016) Red Kites and Common Buzzard following the hay harvest. British Birds, 109. pp. 300-302. ISSN 0007-0335


Oluwole, Oluwafemi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Health and environmental impacts of pesticide use practices: a case study of farmers in Ekiti State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 7 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 1473-5903 (Print), 1747-762X (Online) (doi:


Mann, Clive F. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) The sunbird genera Anthodiaeta and Hedydipna revisited. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, 134 (2). pp. 159-160. ISSN 0007-1595

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Mann, Clive (2006) The validity of the sunbird genus Hedydipna. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, 126 (3). pp. 199-200. ISSN 0007-1595


Brattig, Norbert W., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2020) Onchocerciasis (river blindness) – more than a century of research and control. Acta Tropica, 218:105677. pp. 1-22. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Holling type II predator-prey model

Qin, Wenjie, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) The effects of resource limitation on a predator-prey model with control measures as nonlinear pulses. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014:450935. ISSN 1024-123X (Print), 1563-5147 (Online) (doi:

Holling’s disc equation

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tang, Sanyi and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2014) Predator–prey population models of migrant insects with phase change. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71 (8). pp. 2221-2230. ISSN 1054-3139 (Print), 1095-9289 (Online) (doi:


Tang, Sanyi, Li, Shuo, Tang, Biao, Wang, Xia, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2023) Hormetic and synergistic effects of cancer treatments revealed by modelling combinations of radio ‑ or chemotherapy with immunotherapy. BMC Cancer, 23:1040. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1471-2407 (Online) (doi:

hospital beds

Zhou, Weike, Wang, Aili, Wang, Xia, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Xiao, Yanni and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Impact of hospital bed shortages on the containment of COVID-19 in Wuhan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (22):8560. ISSN 1661-7827 (Print), 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:


Durrant, Kate L., Reed, Jennifer L., Jones, Peter J., Dallimer, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N. and Fleischer, Robert C. (2007) Variation in haematozoan parasitism at local and landscape levels in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea. Journal of Avian Biology, 38 (6). pp. 662-671. ISSN 0908-8857 (doi:

Host choice

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

host decoy trap

Talom, Blaise Armand Defo, Enyong, Peter, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Djouaka, Rousseau and Hawkes, Frances M. ORCID: 0000-0002-0964-3702 (2021) Capture of high numbers of simulium vectors can be achieved with host decoy traps to support data acquisition in the onchocerciasis elimination endgame. Acta Tropica, 221:106020. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

host outbreak

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Multiple attractors of host-parasitoid models with integrated pest management strategies: eradication, persistence and outbreak. Theoretical Population Biology, 73 (2). pp. 181-197. ISSN 0040-5809 (doi:

host-parasitoid model

He, Mengqi, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2020) A holling type II discrete switching host-parasitoid system with a nonlinear threshold policy for integrated pest management. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2020:9425285. ISSN 1026-0226 (Print), 1607-887X (Online) (doi:

host-seeking behaviour

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basáñez, María-Gloria (2014) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: biting and parous rates of host-seeking sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 7 (1):511. ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

Host-seeking vectors

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

host–parasitoid model

Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Models for integrated pest control and their biological implications. Mathematical Biosciences, 215 (1). pp. 115-125. ISSN 0025-5564 (doi:

host–parasitoid ratio

Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Models for integrated pest control and their biological implications. Mathematical Biosciences, 215 (1). pp. 115-125. ISSN 0025-5564 (doi:

house finches

Durrant, Kate L., Reed, Jennifer L., Jones, Peter J., Dallimer, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N. and Fleischer, Robert C. (2007) Variation in haematozoan parasitism at local and landscape levels in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea. Journal of Avian Biology, 38 (6). pp. 662-671. ISSN 0908-8857 (doi:

Human blood index

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:


Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) Molecular systematics of five Onchocerca species (Nematoda: Filarioidea) including the human parasite, O. volvulus, suggest sympatric speciation. Journal of Helminthology, 80 (3). pp. 281-290. ISSN 0022-149X (doi:

immune response curve

Tang, Sanyi, Li, Shuo, Tang, Biao, Wang, Xia, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2023) Hormetic and synergistic effects of cancer treatments revealed by modelling combinations of radio ‑ or chemotherapy with immunotherapy. BMC Cancer, 23:1040. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1471-2407 (Online) (doi:


Durrant, Kate L., Reed, Jennifer L., Jones, Peter J., Dallimer, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N. and Fleischer, Robert C. (2007) Variation in haematozoan parasitism at local and landscape levels in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea. Journal of Avian Biology, 38 (6). pp. 662-671. ISSN 0908-8857 (doi:


Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Modelling pulsed immunotherapy of tumour–immune interaction. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 109. pp. 92-112. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Modelling pulsed immunotherapy of tumour-immune interaction. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 109. pp. 92-112. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:


Liu, Zhijun, Wu, Jianhua and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Coexistence and partial extinction in a delay competitive system subject to impulsive harvesting and stocking. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 75 (5). pp. 777-795. ISSN 0272-4960 (Print), 1464-3634 (Online) (doi:

impulsive chemostat model

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Complex dynamics of an impulsive chemostat model. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (ijbc), 29 (8):1950101. ISSN 0218-1274 (Print), 1793-6551 (Online) (doi:

impulsive difference equations

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Multiple attractors of host-parasitoid models with integrated pest management strategies: eradication, persistence and outbreak. Theoretical Population Biology, 73 (2). pp. 181-197. ISSN 0040-5809 (doi:

impulsive differential equation

Xu, Xiaxia, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Models of impulsive culling of mosquitoes to interrupt transmission of West Nile Virus to birds. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39 (13). pp. 3549-3568. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:

impulsive harvesting

Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Xiao, Yanni (2006) Optimal impulsive harvesting on non-autonomous Beverton-Holt difference equations. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 65 (12). pp. 2311-2341. ISSN 0362-546X (doi:

impulsive single-species model

Tan, Ronghua, Liu, Zhijun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) Periodicity and stability in a single-species model governed by impulsive differential equation. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36 (3). pp. 1085-1094. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:


Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) Molecular systematics of five Onchocerca species (Nematoda: Filarioidea) including the human parasite, O. volvulus, suggest sympatric speciation. Journal of Helminthology, 80 (3). pp. 281-290. ISSN 0022-149X (doi:


Durrant, Kate L., Reed, Jennifer L., Jones, Peter J., Dallimer, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N. and Fleischer, Robert C. (2007) Variation in haematozoan parasitism at local and landscape levels in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea. Journal of Avian Biology, 38 (6). pp. 662-671. ISSN 0908-8857 (doi:

initial density

Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Models for integrated pest control and their biological implications. Mathematical Biosciences, 215 (1). pp. 115-125. ISSN 0025-5564 (doi:

inoculative releases

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2014) Models for determining how many natural enemies to release inoculatively in combinations of biological and chemical control with pesticide resistance. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 422 (2). pp. 1479-1503. ISSN 0022-247X (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Meyer, Rolf R.F., Barro, Tele, Mas, Jordi, Sima, Anacleto Nsue, Abaga, Simon Ekwa, Noma, Mounkaila, Sékétéli, Azo V. and Wilson, Michael D. (2009) Towards the elimination of the Bioko form of Simulium yahense from Bioko: planning and insecticide trials. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 19 (2). pp. 132-141. ISSN 1648-6919 (doi:

insulin therapy

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Modelling the regulatory system for diabetes mellitus with a threshold window. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 22 (1-3). pp. 478-491. ISSN 1007-5704 (doi:

integrated pest management

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Sidatt, Mohamed El Hady (2018) A review of alternatives to fenthion for quelea bird control. Crop Protection, 116. pp. 15-23. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:

intergrated pest management

He, Mengqi, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2020) A holling type II discrete switching host-parasitoid system with a nonlinear threshold policy for integrated pest management. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2020:9425285. ISSN 1026-0226 (Print), 1607-887X (Online) (doi:

Intervention timing

Xiao, Yanni, Tang, Biao, Wu, Jianhong, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Linking key intervention timing to rapid decline of the COVID-19 effective reproductive number to quantify lessons from mainland China. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 97. pp. 296-298. ISSN 1201-9712 (Print), 1878-3511 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Wang, Xia, Tratalos, Jamie A., Tang, Sanyi and Cressman, Keith (2020) Evidence for a causal relationship between the solar cycle and locust abundance. Agronomy, 11 (1):69. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2073-4395 (Online) (doi:


Tian, Yuan, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Dynamic complexity of a predator-prey model for IPM with nonlinear impulsive control incorporating a regulatory factor for predator releases. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 24 (1). pp. 134-154. ISSN 1392-6292 (Print), 1648-3510 (Online) (doi:

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2014) Models for determining how many natural enemies to release inoculatively in combinations of biological and chemical control with pesticide resistance. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 422 (2). pp. 1479-1503. ISSN 0022-247X (doi:

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2013) Adaptive release of natural enemies in a pest-natural enemy system with pesticide resistance. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75 (11). pp. 2167-2195. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) An integrated pest management model with delayed responses to pesticide applications and its threshold dynamics. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13 (5). pp. 2352-2374. ISSN 1468-1218 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2011) Threshold conditions for integrated pest management models with pesticides that have residual effects. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 66 (1-2). pp. 1-35. ISSN 0303-6812 (Print), 1432-1416 (Online) (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Tang, Guangyao and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Optimum timing for integrated pest management: Modelling rates of pesticide application and natural enemy releases. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 264 (2). pp. 623-638. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Models for integrated pest control and their biological implications. Mathematical Biosciences, 215 (1). pp. 115-125. ISSN 0025-5564 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Multiple attractors of host-parasitoid models with integrated pest management strategies: eradication, persistence and outbreak. Theoretical Population Biology, 73 (2). pp. 181-197. ISSN 0040-5809 (doi:


Mustapha, M., McCall, P.J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) The blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Bioko (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) and the Gulf of Guinea with a description of the larvae of the 'Pomeroy' form of Simulium cervicornutum. Systematic Entomology, 31 (4). pp. 611-620. ISSN 0307-6970 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2017) Factors affecting onchocerciasis transmission: Lessons for infection control. Expert review of anti-infective therapy, 15 (4). pp. 377-386. ISSN 1478-7210 (Print), 1744-8336 (Online) (doi:

Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:

Juvenile plumage behaviour

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Barlow, Clive R. and Mann, Clive F. (2019) Nesting by dark-bibbed female Beautiful Long-tailed Sunbirds Cinnyris pulchellus and occurrence of dark both sexes of Beautiful Long-tailed and Gorgeous Sunbirds C. melanogastrus. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, 139 (4). pp. 328-332. ISSN 0007-1595 (Print), 2513-9894 (Online) (doi:

Kalman filter

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Wang, Xia, Tratalos, Jamie A., Tang, Sanyi and Cressman, Keith (2020) Evidence for a causal relationship between the solar cycle and locust abundance. Agronomy, 11 (1):69. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2073-4395 (Online) (doi:


Medlock, Jolyon M., Vaux, Alexander G.C., Gibson, Gabriella, Hawkes, Frances ORCID: 0000-0002-0964-3702 and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Potential vector for West Nile virus prevalent in Kent. Veterinary Record, 175 (11). pp. 284-285. ISSN 0042-4900 (Print), 2042-7670 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Fiasorgbor, G.K., Walsh, J.F. and Yaméogo, L. (2008) Elimination of the Djodji form of the blackfly Simulium sanctipauli sensu stricto as a result of larviciding by the WHO Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 22 (2). pp. 172-174. ISSN 0269-283X (doi:


Hall, Martin J. R., Ghosh, Debashi, Martin-Vega, Daniel, Clark, Brett, Clatworthy, Innes, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Rogers, Matthew E. (2021) Micro-CT visualization of a promastigote secretory gel (PSG) and parasite plug in the digestive tract of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis infected with Leishmania mexicana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (8):e0009682. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2727 (Online) (doi:

length difference test

Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) Molecular systematics of five Onchocerca species (Nematoda: Filarioidea) including the human parasite, O. volvulus, suggest sympatric speciation. Journal of Helminthology, 80 (3). pp. 281-290. ISSN 0022-149X (doi:

limit cycle

Wang, Aili, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Global dynamics of a piece-wise epidemic model with switching vaccination strategy. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (DCDS-B), 19 (9). pp. 2915-2940. ISSN 1531-3492 (Print), 1553-524X (Online) (doi:

Tang, Guangyao, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Global analysis of a Holling type II predator–prey model with a constant prey refuge. Nonlinear Dynamics, 76 (1). pp. 635-647. ISSN 0924-090X (Print), 1573-269X (Online) (doi:

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Global stability and sliding bifurcations of a non-smooth Gause predator–prey system. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 224. pp. 9-20. ISSN 0096-3003 (doi:


Xiao, Yanni, Tang, Biao, Wu, Jianhong, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Linking key intervention timing to rapid decline of the COVID-19 effective reproductive number to quantify lessons from mainland China. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 97. pp. 296-298. ISSN 1201-9712 (Print), 1878-3511 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tang, Sanyi and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2014) Predator–prey population models of migrant insects with phase change. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71 (8). pp. 2221-2230. ISSN 1054-3139 (Print), 1095-9289 (Online) (doi:

Tratalos, Jamie A. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Can NDVI GAC imagery be used to monitor desert locust breeding areas? Journal of Arid Environments, 64 (2). pp. 342-356. ISSN 0140-1963 (doi:

locust control

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Mullie, W.C. and Ibrahim, A.B. (2006) Synergy between bird predation and locust control with Metarhizium. In: ANCAP/SETAC International Conference on pesticide use in developing countries: environmental fate, effects and public health implications, 16-20 Oct 2006, Arusha, Tanzania. (Unpublished)

Lyapunov function

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Modelling effects of a chemotherapeutic dose response on a stochastic tumour-immune model. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 123. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0960-0779 (doi:

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Thresholds for extinction and proliferation in a stochastic tumour-immune model with pulsed comprehensive therapy. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 73. pp. 363-378. ISSN 1007-5704 (Print), 1878-7274 (Online) (doi:

Tan, Ronghua, Liu, Zhijun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) Periodicity and stability in a single-species model governed by impulsive differential equation. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36 (3). pp. 1085-1094. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:


Adler, Peter H., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, Rory J. (2010) Evolution, epidemiology, and population genetics of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 10 (7). pp. 846-865. ISSN 1567-1348 (doi:

mathematical model

He, Mengqi, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2020) A holling type II discrete switching host-parasitoid system with a nonlinear threshold policy for integrated pest management. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2020:9425285. ISSN 1026-0226 (Print), 1607-887X (Online) (doi:

Mathematical modelling

Routledge, Isobel, Walker, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Bhatt, Samir, Nkot, Pierre Baleguel, Matthews, Grahsm A., Baleguel, Didier, Dobson, Hans M., Wiles, Terry L. and Basañez, Maria-Gloria (2018) Modelling the impact of larviciding on the population dynamics and biting rates of Simulium damnosum (s.l.): implications for vector control as a complementary strategy for onchocerciasis elimination in Africa. Parasites & Vectors, 11:316. ISSN 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni, Yuan, Lin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2012) Campus quarantine (Fengxiao) for curbing emergent infectious diseases: Lessons from mitigating A/H1N1 in Xi'an, China. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 295. pp. 47-58. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni, Yuan, Lin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2012) Campus quarantine (Fengxiao) for curbing emergent infectious diseases: lessons from mitigating A/H1N1 in Xi’an, China. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 295. pp. 47-58. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

mathematical models

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Basáñez, Maria-Gloria, Perry, Malorie, White, Michale T., Garms, Rolf, Obuobie, E., Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Young, Stephen, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Intsiful, Joseph, Shen, Mingwang, Boakye, Daniel A. and Wilson, Michael D. (2015) Potential effects of warmer worms and vectors on onchocerciasis transmission in West Africa. Philosophical Transactions B, 370 (1665):20130559. ISSN 0962-8436 (Print), 1471-2970 (Online) (doi:

maximal biomass expectation

Tan, Yi, Ning, Lijuan, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Optimal threshold density in a stochastic resource management model with pulse intervention. Natural Resource Modeling, 32 (4):e12220. ISSN 0890-8575 (Print), 1939-7445 (Online) (doi:

maximum sustainable yield

Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Xiao, Yanni (2006) Optimal impulsive harvesting on non-autonomous Beverton-Holt difference equations. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 65 (12). pp. 2311-2341. ISSN 0362-546X (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Mullie, W.C. and Ibrahim, A.B. (2006) Synergy between bird predation and locust control with Metarhizium. In: ANCAP/SETAC International Conference on pesticide use in developing countries: environmental fate, effects and public health implications, 16-20 Oct 2006, Arusha, Tanzania. (Unpublished)

Metarhizium acridum

Mullié, Wim C., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Ibrahim, Abdou Baoua and Murk, Albertinka J. (2021) Increased and sex-selective avian predation of desert locusts Schistocerca gregaria treated with Metarhizium acridum. PLoS ONE, 16 (1):e0244733. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1932-6203 (Online) (doi:

Microfilarial prevalence

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Little, Kirsty E., Young, Stephen, Walker, Martin and Basáñez, Maria-Gloria (2021) Taking the strain out of onchocerciasis? A reanalysis of blindness and transmission data does not support the existence of a savannah blinding strain of onchocerciasis in West Africa. Advances in Parasitology, 111. ISSN 0065-308X (doi:


Borello, Wendy D. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2011) Fidelity to non-breeding grounds by migrant Red-billed Quelea quelea lathami in Botswana. The Babbler (Journal of Birdlife Botswana), 56. pp. 11-14. (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Venn, Jon F. and Jones, Peter J. (2007) Forecasting suitable breeding conditions for the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea in southern Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44 (3). pp. 523-533. ISSN 0021-8901 (doi:

mixed response curve

Tang, Sanyi, Li, Shuo, Tang, Biao, Wang, Xia, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2023) Hormetic and synergistic effects of cancer treatments revealed by modelling combinations of radio ‑ or chemotherapy with immunotherapy. BMC Cancer, 23:1040. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1471-2407 (Online) (doi:


Qin, Wenjie, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Nonlinear pulse vaccination in an SIR epidemic model with resource limitation. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013:670263. ISSN 1085-3375 (Print), 1687-0409 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Venn, Jon F. and Jones, Peter J. (2007) Forecasting suitable breeding conditions for the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea in southern Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44 (3). pp. 523-533. ISSN 0021-8901 (doi:

molecular genetics

Adler, Peter H., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, Rory J. (2010) Evolution, epidemiology, and population genetics of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 10 (7). pp. 846-865. ISSN 1567-1348 (doi:

molecular phylogenetics

Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2007) A preliminary analysis of the population genetics and molecular phylogenetics of Onchocerca volvulus (Nematoda: Filarioidea) using nuclear ribosomal second internal transcribed spacer sequences. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 102 (7). pp. 879-882. ISSN 0074-0276 (doi:

Mosquito augmentation

Zhang, Xianghong, Tang, Sanyi, Liu, Qiyong, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Zhu, Huaiping (2018) Models to assess the effects of non-identical sex ratio augmentations of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes on the control of dengue disease. Mathematical Biosciences, 299. pp. 58-72. ISSN 0025-5564 (doi:

Zhang, Xianghong, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Zhu, Huaiping (2016) Modeling the effects of augmentation strategies on the control of Dengue fever with an impulsive differential equation. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 78 (10). pp. 1968-2010. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:


Medlock, Jolyon M., Vaux, Alexander G.C., Gibson, Gabriella, Hawkes, Frances ORCID: 0000-0002-0964-3702 and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Potential vector for West Nile virus prevalent in Kent. Veterinary Record, 175 (11). pp. 284-285. ISSN 0042-4900 (Print), 2042-7670 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2017) Factors affecting onchocerciasis transmission: Lessons for infection control. Expert review of anti-infective therapy, 15 (4). pp. 377-386. ISSN 1478-7210 (Print), 1744-8336 (Online) (doi:

Multi-scale model

Wang, Xia, Tang, Sanyi, Wu, Jianhong, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) A combination of climatic conditions determines major within-season dengue outbreaks in Guangdong Province, China. Parasites & Vectors, 12 (45). ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

Multiple pesticide applications

Wang, Xia, Xu, Zihui, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2017) Cumulative effects of incorrect use of pesticides can lead to catastrophic outbreaks of pests. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 100. pp. 7-19. ISSN 0960-0779 (doi:

multiscale model

Xiao, Yanni, Xiang, Changcheng, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Coupling the macroscale to the microscale in a spatiotemporal context to examine effects of spatial diffusion on disease transmission. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 82:58. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Wang, Xia, Tratalos, Jamie A., Tang, Sanyi and Cressman, Keith (2020) Evidence for a causal relationship between the solar cycle and locust abundance. Agronomy, 11 (1):69. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2073-4395 (Online) (doi:

natural enemies

Qin, Wenjie, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) The effects of resource limitation on a predator-prey model with control measures as nonlinear pulses. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014:450935. ISSN 1024-123X (Print), 1563-5147 (Online) (doi:

natural enemy

Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Xiao, Yanni (2009) Effects of predator and prey dispersal on success or failure of biological control. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 71 (8). pp. 2025-2047. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:


Tratalos, Jamie A. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Can NDVI GAC imagery be used to monitor desert locust breeding areas? Journal of Arid Environments, 64 (2). pp. 342-356. ISSN 0140-1963 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Responding to early warnings. ID21 Insights, 61. p. 8. ISSN 1460-4205

Nicholson-Bailey model

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Multiple attractors of host-parasitoid models with integrated pest management strategies: eradication, persistence and outbreak. Theoretical Population Biology, 73 (2). pp. 181-197. ISSN 0040-5809 (doi:


Oluwole, Oluwafemi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Health and environmental impacts of pesticide use practices: a case study of farmers in Ekiti State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 7 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 1473-5903 (Print), 1747-762X (Online) (doi:

Non-overlapping generation

Wang, Xia, Xu, Zihui, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2017) Cumulative effects of incorrect use of pesticides can lead to catastrophic outbreaks of pests. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 100. pp. 7-19. ISSN 0960-0779 (doi:

non-target birds and reptiles

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N., Mbereki, Collen, van der Walt, Etienne, Mtobesya, Boaz, Magoma, Richard N., Young, Stephen and Eberly, J. Patrick (2012) Effects of the organophosphate fenthion for control of the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea on cholinesterase and haemoglobin concentrations in the blood of target and non-target birds. Ecotoxicology, 21 (7). pp. 1761-1770. ISSN 0963-9292 (Print), 1573-3017 (Online) (doi:

non-target species

Elliott, Clive C.H., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Alternative approaches to Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea management: mass-capture for food. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology, 85 (1). pp. 31-37. ISSN 0030-6525 (Print), 1727-947X (Online) (doi:

nonlinear control action

Tian, Yuan, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Dynamic complexity of a predator-prey model for IPM with nonlinear impulsive control incorporating a regulatory factor for predator releases. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 24 (1). pp. 134-154. ISSN 1392-6292 (Print), 1648-3510 (Online) (doi:

Nonlinear impulsive

Li, Changtong, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2020) Complex dynamics and coexistence of period-doubling and period-halving bifurcations in an integrated pest management model with nonlinear impulsive control. Advances in Difference Equations:514. pp. 1-23. ISSN 1687-1839 (Print), 1687-1847 (Online) (doi:

nonlinear pulse

Qin, Wenjie, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) The effects of resource limitation on a predator-prey model with control measures as nonlinear pulses. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014:450935. ISSN 1024-123X (Print), 1563-5147 (Online) (doi:

nonsmooth predator–prey model

Tang, Guangyao, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Global analysis of a Holling type II predator–prey model with a constant prey refuge. Nonlinear Dynamics, 76 (1). pp. 635-647. ISSN 0924-090X (Print), 1573-269X (Online) (doi:

Nontrivial periodic solution

Li, Changtong, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2020) Complex dynamics and coexistence of period-doubling and period-halving bifurcations in an integrated pest management model with nonlinear impulsive control. Advances in Difference Equations:514. pp. 1-23. ISSN 1687-1839 (Print), 1687-1847 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Responding to early warnings. ID21 Insights, 61. p. 8. ISSN 1460-4205

Onchocerca volvulus

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Little, Kirsty E., Young, Stephen, Walker, Martin and Basáñez, Maria-Gloria (2021) Taking the strain out of onchocerciasis? A reanalysis of blindness and transmission data does not support the existence of a savannah blinding strain of onchocerciasis in West Africa. Advances in Parasitology, 111. ISSN 0065-308X (doi:

Brattig, Norbert W., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2020) Onchocerciasis (river blindness) – more than a century of research and control. Acta Tropica, 218:105677. pp. 1-22. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2017) Factors affecting onchocerciasis transmission: Lessons for infection control. Expert review of anti-infective therapy, 15 (4). pp. 377-386. ISSN 1478-7210 (Print), 1744-8336 (Online) (doi:

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Basáñez, Maria-Gloria, Perry, Malorie, White, Michale T., Garms, Rolf, Obuobie, E., Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Young, Stephen, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Intsiful, Joseph, Shen, Mingwang, Boakye, Daniel A. and Wilson, Michael D. (2015) Potential effects of warmer worms and vectors on onchocerciasis transmission in West Africa. Philosophical Transactions B, 370 (1665):20130559. ISSN 0962-8436 (Print), 1471-2970 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2012) Indices of onchocerciasis transmission by different members of the Simulium damnosum complex conflict with the paradigm of forest and savanna parasite strains. Acta Tropica, 125 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Adler, Peter H., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, Rory J. (2010) Evolution, epidemiology, and population genetics of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 10 (7). pp. 846-865. ISSN 1567-1348 (doi:

Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2007) A preliminary analysis of the population genetics and molecular phylogenetics of Onchocerca volvulus (Nematoda: Filarioidea) using nuclear ribosomal second internal transcribed spacer sequences. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 102 (7). pp. 879-882. ISSN 0074-0276 (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tirados, Iñaki, Mas, Jordi, Geenan, Petra, Adjaru, Jose Manuel Mba, Bouaha, Juan Luis Alfonso, Sima, Anacleto Nsue, Meyer, Rolf R.F. and Wilson, Michael D. (2006) Onchocerciasis transmission by the Bioko form of Simulium yahense Vajime & Dunbar 1975 (Diptera: Simuliidae). Studia dipterologica supplement, 14. pp. 26-30. ISSN 1433-4968 (doi:3-932795-23-7)


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Post, Rory J. and Boakye, Daniel A. (2023) Seasonal variations and other changes in the geographical distributions of different cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Togo and Benin. Acta Tropica, 245:106970. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Talom, Blaise Armand Defo, Enyong, Peter, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Djouaka, Rousseau and Hawkes, Frances M. ORCID: 0000-0002-0964-3702 (2021) Capture of high numbers of simulium vectors can be achieved with host decoy traps to support data acquisition in the onchocerciasis elimination endgame. Acta Tropica, 221:106020. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Little, Kirsty E., Young, Stephen, Walker, Martin and Basáñez, Maria-Gloria (2021) Taking the strain out of onchocerciasis? A reanalysis of blindness and transmission data does not support the existence of a savannah blinding strain of onchocerciasis in West Africa. Advances in Parasitology, 111. ISSN 0065-308X (doi:

Routledge, Isobel, Walker, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Bhatt, Samir, Nkot, Pierre Baleguel, Matthews, Grahsm A., Baleguel, Didier, Dobson, Hans M., Wiles, Terry L. and Basañez, Maria-Gloria (2018) Modelling the impact of larviciding on the population dynamics and biting rates of Simulium damnosum (s.l.): implications for vector control as a complementary strategy for onchocerciasis elimination in Africa. Parasites & Vectors, 11:316. ISSN 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Crainey, James L., Hurst, Jacob, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Griffin, Claire E., Wilson, Michael D., De Araújo, Cláudia P. Mendes, Basáñez, María-Gloria and Post, Rory J. (2017) The genomic architecture of novel Simulium damnosum Wolbachia prophage sequence elements and implications for onchocerciasis epidemiology. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8:852. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1664-302X (Online) (doi:

Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: Persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. pp. 1-27. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:

Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:

Post, Rory J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Crainey, J. Lee, Yameogo, Laurent and Basanez, María-Gloria (2013) Stability and change in the distribution of cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southern Ghana from 1971 to 2011. Parasites & Vectors, 6 (205). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2012) Indices of onchocerciasis transmission by different members of the Simulium damnosum complex conflict with the paradigm of forest and savanna parasite strains. Acta Tropica, 125 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Adler, Peter H., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, Rory J. (2010) Evolution, epidemiology, and population genetics of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 10 (7). pp. 846-865. ISSN 1567-1348 (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Fiasorgbor, G.K., Walsh, J.F. and Yaméogo, L. (2008) Elimination of the Djodji form of the blackfly Simulium sanctipauli sensu stricto as a result of larviciding by the WHO Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 22 (2). pp. 172-174. ISSN 0269-283X (doi:

Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2007) A preliminary analysis of the population genetics and molecular phylogenetics of Onchocerca volvulus (Nematoda: Filarioidea) using nuclear ribosomal second internal transcribed spacer sequences. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 102 (7). pp. 879-882. ISSN 0074-0276 (doi:

Mustapha, M., McCall, P.J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) The blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Bioko (Republic of Equatorial Guinea) and the Gulf of Guinea with a description of the larvae of the 'Pomeroy' form of Simulium cervicornutum. Systematic Entomology, 31 (4). pp. 611-620. ISSN 0307-6970 (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tirados, Iñaki, Mas, Jordi, Geenan, Petra, Adjaru, Jose Manuel Mba, Bouaha, Juan Luis Alfonso, Sima, Anacleto Nsue, Meyer, Rolf R.F. and Wilson, Michael D. (2006) Onchocerciasis transmission by the Bioko form of Simulium yahense Vajime & Dunbar 1975 (Diptera: Simuliidae). Studia dipterologica supplement, 14. pp. 26-30. ISSN 1433-4968 (doi:3-932795-23-7)

optimal control

Wang, Hao, Li, Tangjuan, Gao, Huan, Huang, Chenxi, Tang, Biao, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Zhou, Weike (2023) Lessons drawn from Shanghai for controlling highly transmissible SARS‑CoV‑2 variants: insights from a modelling study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 23:331. ISSN 1471-2334 (Online) (doi:

optimal threshold density

Tan, Yi, Ning, Lijuan, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Optimal threshold density in a stochastic resource management model with pulse intervention. Natural Resource Modeling, 32 (4):e12220. ISSN 0890-8575 (Print), 1939-7445 (Online) (doi:

optimum timing

Tang, Sanyi, Tang, Guangyao and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Optimum timing for integrated pest management: Modelling rates of pesticide application and natural enemy releases. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 264 (2). pp. 623-638. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

order-k periodic solution

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Complex dynamics of an impulsive chemostat model. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (ijbc), 29 (8):1950101. ISSN 0218-1274 (Print), 1793-6551 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Adranyi, Enoch, Cox, John R., Farman, Dudley I. ORCID: 0000-0003-3579-3672 , Magoma, Richard N., Mbereki, Collen, McWilliam, Andrew N., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and van der Walt, Etienne (2013) Soil contamination and persistence of pollutants following organophosphate sprays and explosions to control red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea). Pest Management Science, 69 (3). pp. 386-396. ISSN 1526-498X (doi:

organophosphate pesticides

Elliott, Clive C.H., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Alternative approaches to Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea management: mass-capture for food. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology, 85 (1). pp. 31-37. ISSN 0030-6525 (Print), 1727-947X (Online) (doi:

Oriental Migratory Locust Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen 1835)

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Wang, Xia, Tratalos, Jamie A., Tang, Sanyi and Cressman, Keith (2020) Evidence for a causal relationship between the solar cycle and locust abundance. Agronomy, 11 (1):69. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2073-4395 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Editor's foreword. In: Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , (ed.) The Birds of Barbados: An annotated Checklist. BOU Checklist Series (24). British Ornithologists' Union / British Ornithologists' Club, Peterborough, UK, ix-x. ISBN 978-0907446293

outbreak frequency

Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2008) Models for integrated pest control and their biological implications. Mathematical Biosciences, 215 (1). pp. 115-125. ISSN 0025-5564 (doi:

outbreak peaking times

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni, Yuan, Lin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2012) Campus quarantine (Fengxiao) for curbing emergent infectious diseases: Lessons from mitigating A/H1N1 in Xi'an, China. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 295. pp. 47-58. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni, Yuan, Lin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2012) Campus quarantine (Fengxiao) for curbing emergent infectious diseases: lessons from mitigating A/H1N1 in Xi’an, China. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 295. pp. 47-58. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:


Xiao, Yanni, Xiang, Changcheng, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Coupling the macroscale to the microscale in a spatiotemporal context to examine effects of spatial diffusion on disease transmission. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 82:58. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2007) Thinking long term. Science, 318 (5850). pp. 577-578. ISSN 0036-8075 (doi:

Ovipositing vectors

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

oviposition traps

Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:


Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni, Yuan, Lin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2012) Campus quarantine (Fengxiao) for curbing emergent infectious diseases: Lessons from mitigating A/H1N1 in Xi'an, China. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 295. pp. 47-58. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

pandemic A/H1N1 influenza

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni, Yuan, Lin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2012) Campus quarantine (Fengxiao) for curbing emergent infectious diseases: lessons from mitigating A/H1N1 in Xi’an, China. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 295. pp. 47-58. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:


Wang, Xia, Xu, Zihui, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2017) Cumulative effects of incorrect use of pesticides can lead to catastrophic outbreaks of pests. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 100. pp. 7-19. ISSN 0960-0779 (doi:

parasite loads

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2012) Indices of onchocerciasis transmission by different members of the Simulium damnosum complex conflict with the paradigm of forest and savanna parasite strains. Acta Tropica, 125 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

parasite plug

Hall, Martin J. R., Ghosh, Debashi, Martin-Vega, Daniel, Clark, Brett, Clatworthy, Innes, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Rogers, Matthew E. (2021) Micro-CT visualization of a promastigote secretory gel (PSG) and parasite plug in the digestive tract of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis infected with Leishmania mexicana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (8):e0009682. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2727 (Online) (doi:

parous rate

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basáñez, María-Gloria (2014) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: biting and parous rates of host-seeking sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 7 (1):511. ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

Parrot trade

Tamungang, Simon A., Ofeh, Moses A., Tchamba, Martin N., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Kougoum, Ghislane P. (2016) Challenges and conservation implications of the parrot trade in Cameroon. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 10 (3). pp. 1210-1234. ISSN 1991-8631 (Print), 1997-342X (Online) (doi:

partial rank correlation coefficient

Xu, Xiaxia, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Models of impulsive culling of mosquitoes to interrupt transmission of West Nile Virus to birds. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39 (13). pp. 3549-3568. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:


Brattig, Norbert W., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2020) Onchocerciasis (river blindness) – more than a century of research and control. Acta Tropica, 218:105677. pp. 1-22. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:


Jones, Peter J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Bousfield, Nicky (2007) Flexibility in the timing of post-nuptial moult among Red-billed Queleas Quelea quelea in Botswana in relation to the timing of breeding. Ostrich - Journal of African Ornithology, 78 (3). pp. 555-559. ISSN 0030-6525 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen and Garms, Rolf (2016) Ecological characteristics of Simulium breeding sites in West Africa. Acta Tropica, 167. pp. 148-156. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

periodic solution

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Modelling pulsed immunotherapy of tumour–immune interaction. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 109. pp. 92-112. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Modelling pulsed immunotherapy of tumour-immune interaction. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 109. pp. 92-112. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Adranyi, Enoch, Cox, John R., Farman, Dudley I. ORCID: 0000-0003-3579-3672 , Magoma, Richard N., Mbereki, Collen, McWilliam, Andrew N., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and van der Walt, Etienne (2013) Soil contamination and persistence of pollutants following organophosphate sprays and explosions to control red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea). Pest Management Science, 69 (3). pp. 386-396. ISSN 1526-498X (doi:

persistence and partial extinction

Liu, Zhijun, Wu, Jianhua and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Coexistence and partial extinction in a delay competitive system subject to impulsive harvesting and stocking. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 75 (5). pp. 777-795. ISSN 0272-4960 (Print), 1464-3634 (Online) (doi:

perturbed system

Wang, Aili, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Global dynamics of a piece-wise epidemic model with switching vaccination strategy. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (DCDS-B), 19 (9). pp. 2915-2940. ISSN 1531-3492 (Print), 1553-524X (Online) (doi:


Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Xiao, Yanni (2009) Effects of predator and prey dispersal on success or failure of biological control. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 71 (8). pp. 2025-2047. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

pest control

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Xiang, Changcheng, Xiao, Yanni, Wang, Xia, Wu, Jianhong, Li, Guoping and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) A general model of hormesis in biological systems and its application to pest management. Journal of the Royal Society - Interface, 16 (157):20190468. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1742-5689 (Print), 1742-5662 (Online) (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) Sliding bifurcations of Filippov two stage pest control models with economic thresholds. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72 (4). pp. 1061-1080. ISSN 0036-1399 (Print), 1095-712X (Online) (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2011) Threshold conditions for integrated pest management models with pesticides that have residual effects. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 66 (1-2). pp. 1-35. ISSN 0303-6812 (Print), 1432-1416 (Online) (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Tang, Guangyao and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Optimum timing for integrated pest management: Modelling rates of pesticide application and natural enemy releases. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 264 (2). pp. 623-638. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

pest free periodic solution

Tian, Yuan, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Dynamic complexity of a predator-prey model for IPM with nonlinear impulsive control incorporating a regulatory factor for predator releases. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 24 (1). pp. 134-154. ISSN 1392-6292 (Print), 1648-3510 (Online) (doi:

pest resistance

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2014) Models for determining how many natural enemies to release inoculatively in combinations of biological and chemical control with pesticide resistance. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 422 (2). pp. 1479-1503. ISSN 0022-247X (doi:

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2013) Adaptive release of natural enemies in a pest-natural enemy system with pesticide resistance. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75 (11). pp. 2167-2195. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

pest-free periodic solution

Qin, Wenjie, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) The effects of resource limitation on a predator-prey model with control measures as nonlinear pulses. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014:450935. ISSN 1024-123X (Print), 1563-5147 (Online) (doi:

pest-natural enemy system

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2011) Threshold conditions for integrated pest management models with pesticides that have residual effects. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 66 (1-2). pp. 1-35. ISSN 0303-6812 (Print), 1432-1416 (Online) (doi:

Pesticide application frequency

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Nieto, Juan J. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Analytical methods for detecting pesticide switches with evolution of pesticide resistance. Mathematical Biosciences, 245 (2). pp. 249-257. ISSN 0025-5564 (Print), 1879-3134 (Online) (doi:

Pesticide switches

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Nieto, Juan J. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Analytical methods for detecting pesticide switches with evolution of pesticide resistance. Mathematical Biosciences, 245 (2). pp. 249-257. ISSN 0025-5564 (Print), 1879-3134 (Online) (doi:


Oluwole, Oluwafemi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Health and environmental impacts of pesticide use practices: a case study of farmers in Ekiti State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 7 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 1473-5903 (Print), 1747-762X (Online) (doi:

Peter Jones

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2011) British Ornithologists’ Union: Union medal. Peter Jones. Ibis, 153 (2). pp. 438-439. ISSN 1474-919X (online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Adranyi, Enoch, Cox, John R., Farman, Dudley I. ORCID: 0000-0003-3579-3672 , Magoma, Richard N., Mbereki, Collen, McWilliam, Andrew N., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and van der Walt, Etienne (2013) Soil contamination and persistence of pollutants following organophosphate sprays and explosions to control red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea). Pest Management Science, 69 (3). pp. 386-396. ISSN 1526-498X (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Adranyi, Enoch, Cox, John R., Farman, Dudley I. ORCID: 0000-0003-3579-3672 , Magoma, Richard N., Mbereki, Collen, McWilliam, Andrew N., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and van der Walt, Etienne (2013) Soil contamination and persistence of pollutants following organophosphate sprays and explosions to control red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea). Pest Management Science, 69 (3). pp. 386-396. ISSN 1526-498X (doi:

phylogenetic analysis

Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) Molecular systematics of five Onchocerca species (Nematoda: Filarioidea) including the human parasite, O. volvulus, suggest sympatric speciation. Journal of Helminthology, 80 (3). pp. 281-290. ISSN 0022-149X (doi:

piece-wise epidemic model

Wang, Aili, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Global dynamics of a piece-wise epidemic model with switching vaccination strategy. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (DCDS-B), 19 (9). pp. 2915-2940. ISSN 1531-3492 (Print), 1553-524X (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2007) Thinking long term. Science, 318 (5850). pp. 577-578. ISSN 0036-8075 (doi:

plant disease

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Dynamical analysis of plant disease models with cultural control strategies and economic thresholds. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 80 (5). pp. 894-921. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Adranyi, Enoch, Cox, John R., Farman, Dudley I. ORCID: 0000-0003-3579-3672 , Magoma, Richard N., Mbereki, Collen, McWilliam, Andrew N., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and van der Walt, Etienne (2013) Soil contamination and persistence of pollutants following organophosphate sprays and explosions to control red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea). Pest Management Science, 69 (3). pp. 386-396. ISSN 1526-498X (doi:

ploughing operations

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2016) Red Kites and Common Buzzard following the hay harvest. British Birds, 109. pp. 300-302. ISSN 0007-0335

plumage coloration

Durrant, Kate L., Reed, Jennifer L., Jones, Peter J., Dallimer, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N. and Fleischer, Robert C. (2007) Variation in haematozoan parasitism at local and landscape levels in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea. Journal of Avian Biology, 38 (6). pp. 662-671. ISSN 0908-8857 (doi:

Poincare map

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshan and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2020) Complexities and bifurcations induced by drug responses in a pulsed tumour-immune model. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (ijbc), 30 (7):2050104. ISSN 0218-1274 (Print), 1793-6551 (Online) (doi:

Cheng, Tianyu, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Threshold dynamics and bifurcation of a state-dependent feedback nonlinear control SIR model. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 14 (7). ISSN 1555-1415 (Print), 1555-1423 (Online) (doi:

Poincar´e map

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Complex dynamics of an impulsive chemostat model. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (ijbc), 29 (8):1950101. ISSN 0218-1274 (Print), 1793-6551 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tang, Sanyi and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2014) Predator–prey population models of migrant insects with phase change. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71 (8). pp. 2221-2230. ISSN 1054-3139 (Print), 1095-9289 (Online) (doi:

population differentiation

Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2007) A preliminary analysis of the population genetics and molecular phylogenetics of Onchocerca volvulus (Nematoda: Filarioidea) using nuclear ribosomal second internal transcribed spacer sequences. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 102 (7). pp. 879-882. ISSN 0074-0276 (doi:

Population dynamics

Routledge, Isobel, Walker, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Bhatt, Samir, Nkot, Pierre Baleguel, Matthews, Grahsm A., Baleguel, Didier, Dobson, Hans M., Wiles, Terry L. and Basañez, Maria-Gloria (2018) Modelling the impact of larviciding on the population dynamics and biting rates of Simulium damnosum (s.l.): implications for vector control as a complementary strategy for onchocerciasis elimination in Africa. Parasites & Vectors, 11:316. ISSN 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Tratalos, Jamie A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Healey, Richard G. and Stenseth, Nils Chr. (2010) Desert locust populations, rainfall and climate change: insights from phenomenological models using gridded monthly data. Climate Research, 43 (3). pp. 229-239. ISSN 0936-577X (Print), 1616-1572 (Online) (doi:

population size

Tamungang, Simon A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Kougoum, Ghislain P. and Ntiri, Eric S. (2013) Linking population size to conservation needs of the Grey Parrot in Cameroon. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 5 (8). pp. 478-485. ISSN 2141-243X (Print), 2141-243X (Online) (doi:

positive periodic solution Brouwer’s fixed point theorem

Tan, Ronghua, Liu, Zhijun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) Periodicity and stability in a single-species model governed by impulsive differential equation. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36 (3). pp. 1085-1094. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:


Wang, Xia, Tang, Sanyi, Wu, Jianhong, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) A combination of climatic conditions determines major within-season dengue outbreaks in Guangdong Province, China. Parasites & Vectors, 12 (45). ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tang, Sanyi and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2014) Predator–prey population models of migrant insects with phase change. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71 (8). pp. 2221-2230. ISSN 1054-3139 (Print), 1095-9289 (Online) (doi:

predator–prey model

Tang, Sanyi, Tang, Guangyao and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2010) Optimum timing for integrated pest management: Modelling rates of pesticide application and natural enemy releases. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 264 (2). pp. 623-638. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:


Durrant, Kate L., Reed, Jennifer L., Jones, Peter J., Dallimer, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N. and Fleischer, Robert C. (2007) Variation in haematozoan parasitism at local and landscape levels in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea. Journal of Avian Biology, 38 (6). pp. 662-671. ISSN 0908-8857 (doi:

prevention and control strategy

Xia, Fan, Xiao, Yanni, Liu, Peiyu, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Li, Xuanya (2020) Differences in how interventions coupled with effective reproduction numbers account for marked variations in COVID-19 epidemic outcomes. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17 (5). pp. 5085-5098. ISSN 1547-1063 (Print), 1551-0018 (Online) (doi:


Hall, Martin J. R., Ghosh, Debashi, Martin-Vega, Daniel, Clark, Brett, Clatworthy, Innes, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Rogers, Matthew E. (2021) Micro-CT visualization of a promastigote secretory gel (PSG) and parasite plug in the digestive tract of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis infected with Leishmania mexicana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (8):e0009682. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2727 (Online) (doi:

Prostate cancer

Chen, Lin, Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun, Liu, Zijian and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2021) Threshold dynamics of a stochastic model of intermittent androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 100:105856. ISSN 1007-5704 (doi:


Tang, Biao, Xiao, Yanni, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wang, Ning (2015) Piecewise virus-immune dynamic model with HIV-1 RNA-guided therapy. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 377. pp. 36-46. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

Psittacus erithacus

Tamungang, Simon A., Ofeh, Moses A., Tchamba, Martin N., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Kougoum, Ghislane P. (2016) Challenges and conservation implications of the parrot trade in Cameroon. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 10 (3). pp. 1210-1234. ISSN 1991-8631 (Print), 1997-342X (Online) (doi:

Tamungang, Simon A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Kougoum, Ghislain P. and Ntiri, Eric S. (2013) Linking population size to conservation needs of the Grey Parrot in Cameroon. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 5 (8). pp. 478-485. ISSN 2141-243X (Print), 2141-243X (Online) (doi:


Qin, Wenjie, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Nonlinear pulse vaccination in an SIR epidemic model with resource limitation. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013:670263. ISSN 1085-3375 (Print), 1687-0409 (Online) (doi:

pulse perturbation

Tan, Yi, Ning, Lijuan, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Optimal threshold density in a stochastic resource management model with pulse intervention. Natural Resource Modeling, 32 (4):e12220. ISSN 0890-8575 (Print), 1939-7445 (Online) (doi:

Pulse spraying

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi, Nieto, Juan J. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Analytical methods for detecting pesticide switches with evolution of pesticide resistance. Mathematical Biosciences, 245 (2). pp. 249-257. ISSN 0025-5564 (Print), 1879-3134 (Online) (doi:

pulsed therapy

Chen, Lin, Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshan, Liu, Zijian and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2022) Stationary distribution and persistence of a stochastic mathematical model for prostate cancer with pulsed therapy. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 114. pp. 162-188. ISSN 0307-904X (Print), 1872-8480 (Online) (doi:

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Thresholds for extinction and proliferation in a stochastic tumour-immune model with pulsed comprehensive therapy. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 73. pp. 363-378. ISSN 1007-5704 (Print), 1878-7274 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Venn, Jon F. and Jones, Peter J. (2007) Forecasting suitable breeding conditions for the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea in southern Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44 (3). pp. 523-533. ISSN 0021-8901 (doi:

Quelea quelea

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Sidatt, Mohamed El Hady (2018) A review of alternatives to fenthion for quelea bird control. Crop Protection, 116. pp. 15-23. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:

Elliott, Clive C.H., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Alternative approaches to Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea management: mass-capture for food. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology, 85 (1). pp. 31-37. ISSN 0030-6525 (Print), 1727-947X (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Adranyi, Enoch, Cox, John R., Farman, Dudley I. ORCID: 0000-0003-3579-3672 , Magoma, Richard N., Mbereki, Collen, McWilliam, Andrew N., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and van der Walt, Etienne (2013) Soil contamination and persistence of pollutants following organophosphate sprays and explosions to control red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea). Pest Management Science, 69 (3). pp. 386-396. ISSN 1526-498X (doi:

radio-chemotherapy response curve

Tang, Sanyi, Li, Shuo, Tang, Biao, Wang, Xia, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2023) Hormetic and synergistic effects of cancer treatments revealed by modelling combinations of radio ‑ or chemotherapy with immunotherapy. BMC Cancer, 23:1040. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1471-2407 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Basáñez, Maria-Gloria, Perry, Malorie, White, Michale T., Garms, Rolf, Obuobie, E., Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Young, Stephen, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Intsiful, Joseph, Shen, Mingwang, Boakye, Daniel A. and Wilson, Michael D. (2015) Potential effects of warmer worms and vectors on onchocerciasis transmission in West Africa. Philosophical Transactions B, 370 (1665):20130559. ISSN 0962-8436 (Print), 1471-2970 (Online) (doi:

Tratalos, Jamie A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Healey, Richard G. and Stenseth, Nils Chr. (2010) Desert locust populations, rainfall and climate change: insights from phenomenological models using gridded monthly data. Climate Research, 43 (3). pp. 229-239. ISSN 0936-577X (Print), 1616-1572 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Venn, Jon F. and Jones, Peter J. (2007) Forecasting suitable breeding conditions for the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea in southern Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44 (3). pp. 523-533. ISSN 0021-8901 (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2007) Migration, patchiness and population processes illustrated by two migrant pests. BiosScience, 57 (2). pp. 145-154. ISSN 0006-3568 (doi:

Tratalos, Jamie A. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Can NDVI GAC imagery be used to monitor desert locust breeding areas? Journal of Arid Environments, 64 (2). pp. 342-356. ISSN 0140-1963 (doi:

random perturbation

Tian, Yuan, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Dynamic complexity of a predator-prey model for IPM with nonlinear impulsive control incorporating a regulatory factor for predator releases. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 24 (1). pp. 134-154. ISSN 1392-6292 (Print), 1648-3510 (Online) (doi:

red-billed quelea

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Sidatt, Mohamed El Hady (2018) A review of alternatives to fenthion for quelea bird control. Crop Protection, 116. pp. 15-23. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Adranyi, Enoch, Cox, John R., Farman, Dudley I. ORCID: 0000-0003-3579-3672 , Magoma, Richard N., Mbereki, Collen, McWilliam, Andrew N., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and van der Walt, Etienne (2013) Soil contamination and persistence of pollutants following organophosphate sprays and explosions to control red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea). Pest Management Science, 69 (3). pp. 386-396. ISSN 1526-498X (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , McWilliam, Andrew N., Mbereki, Collen, van der Walt, Etienne, Mtobesya, Boaz, Magoma, Richard N., Young, Stephen and Eberly, J. Patrick (2012) Effects of the organophosphate fenthion for control of the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea on cholinesterase and haemoglobin concentrations in the blood of target and non-target birds. Ecotoxicology, 21 (7). pp. 1761-1770. ISSN 0963-9292 (Print), 1573-3017 (Online) (doi:

Borello, Wendy D. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2011) Fidelity to non-breeding grounds by migrant Red-billed Quelea quelea lathami in Botswana. The Babbler (Journal of Birdlife Botswana), 56. pp. 11-14. (doi:

Jones, Peter J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Bousfield, Nicky (2007) Flexibility in the timing of post-nuptial moult among Red-billed Queleas Quelea quelea in Botswana in relation to the timing of breeding. Ostrich - Journal of African Ornithology, 78 (3). pp. 555-559. ISSN 0030-6525 (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2007) Migration, patchiness and population processes illustrated by two migrant pests. BiosScience, 57 (2). pp. 145-154. ISSN 0006-3568 (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Venn, Jon F. and Jones, Peter J. (2006) A spatio-temporal model for predicting when and where Red-billed Quelea will breed in southern Africa. Journal of Ornithology, 147 (Sup 1). p. 147. ISSN 0021-8375 (Print), 1439-0361 (Online) (doi:


Tang, Guangyao, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Global analysis of a Holling type II predator–prey model with a constant prey refuge. Nonlinear Dynamics, 76 (1). pp. 635-647. ISSN 0924-090X (Print), 1573-269X (Online) (doi:

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Global stability and sliding bifurcations of a non-smooth Gause predator–prey system. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 224. pp. 9-20. ISSN 0096-3003 (doi:

reproduction number

Xia, Fan, Yang, Xinpei, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Xiao, Yanni (2021) Quantifying competitive advantages of mutant strains in a population involving importation and mass vaccination rollout. Infectious Disease Modelling, 6. pp. 988-996. ISSN 2468-0427 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni, Yuan, Lin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2012) Campus quarantine (Fengxiao) for curbing emergent infectious diseases: Lessons from mitigating A/H1N1 in Xi'an, China. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 295. pp. 47-58. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Xiao, Yanni, Yuan, Lin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wu, Jianhong (2012) Campus quarantine (Fengxiao) for curbing emergent infectious diseases: lessons from mitigating A/H1N1 in Xi’an, China. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 295. pp. 47-58. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

residual effect of pesticide

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) An integrated pest management model with delayed responses to pesticide applications and its threshold dynamics. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13 (5). pp. 2352-2374. ISSN 1468-1218 (doi:

residual effects of pesticides

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2011) Threshold conditions for integrated pest management models with pesticides that have residual effects. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 66 (1-2). pp. 1-35. ISSN 0303-6812 (Print), 1432-1416 (Online) (doi:

resource limitation

Qin, Wenjie, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) The effects of resource limitation on a predator-prey model with control measures as nonlinear pulses. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014:450935. ISSN 1024-123X (Print), 1563-5147 (Online) (doi:

Ricker equation

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Xiang, Changcheng, Xiao, Yanni, Wang, Xia, Wu, Jianhong, Li, Guoping and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) A general model of hormesis in biological systems and its application to pest management. Journal of the Royal Society - Interface, 16 (157):20190468. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1742-5689 (Print), 1742-5662 (Online) (doi:

river discharges

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Basáñez, Maria-Gloria, Perry, Malorie, White, Michale T., Garms, Rolf, Obuobie, E., Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Young, Stephen, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Intsiful, Joseph, Shen, Mingwang, Boakye, Daniel A. and Wilson, Michael D. (2015) Potential effects of warmer worms and vectors on onchocerciasis transmission in West Africa. Philosophical Transactions B, 370 (1665):20130559. ISSN 0962-8436 (Print), 1471-2970 (Online) (doi:

S. damnosum s.s

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basáñez, María-Gloria (2014) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: biting and parous rates of host-seeking sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 7 (1):511. ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

S. sanctipauli

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basáñez, María-Gloria (2014) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: biting and parous rates of host-seeking sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 7 (1):511. ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

S. sirbanum

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basáñez, María-Gloria (2014) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: biting and parous rates of host-seeking sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 7 (1):511. ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

S. squamosum form C

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basáñez, María-Gloria (2014) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: biting and parous rates of host-seeking sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 7 (1):511. ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

S. squamosum form E

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basáñez, María-Gloria (2014) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: biting and parous rates of host-seeking sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 7 (1):511. ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

S. yahense

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basáñez, María-Gloria (2014) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: biting and parous rates of host-seeking sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 7 (1):511. ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:


Oluwole, Oluwafemi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Health and environmental impacts of pesticide use practices: a case study of farmers in Ekiti State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 7 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 1473-5903 (Print), 1747-762X (Online) (doi:


Atkinson, Philip W., Adams, William M., Brouwer, Joost, Buchanan, Graham, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Cresswell, Will, Hewson, Chris M., Hulme, Mark F., Manvell, Adam, Sheehan, Danae K., Small, Robert D.S., Sutherland, William J. and Vickery, Juliet A. (2014) Defining the key wintering habitats in the Sahel for declining African-Eurasian migrants using expert assessment. Bird Conservation International, 24 (4). pp. 477-491. ISSN 0959-2709 (Print), 1474-0001 (Online) (doi:

sand fly

Hall, Martin J. R., Ghosh, Debashi, Martin-Vega, Daniel, Clark, Brett, Clatworthy, Innes, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Rogers, Matthew E. (2021) Micro-CT visualization of a promastigote secretory gel (PSG) and parasite plug in the digestive tract of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis infected with Leishmania mexicana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (8):e0009682. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2727 (Online) (doi:

SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant

Xia, Fan, Yang, Xinpei, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Xiao, Yanni (2021) Quantifying competitive advantages of mutant strains in a population involving importation and mass vaccination rollout. Infectious Disease Modelling, 6. pp. 988-996. ISSN 2468-0427 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Venn, Jon F. and Jones, Peter J. (2007) Forecasting suitable breeding conditions for the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea in southern Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44 (3). pp. 523-533. ISSN 0021-8901 (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2012) Indices of onchocerciasis transmission by different members of the Simulium damnosum complex conflict with the paradigm of forest and savanna parasite strains. Acta Tropica, 125 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Savannah strain

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Little, Kirsty E., Young, Stephen, Walker, Martin and Basáñez, Maria-Gloria (2021) Taking the strain out of onchocerciasis? A reanalysis of blindness and transmission data does not support the existence of a savannah blinding strain of onchocerciasis in West Africa. Advances in Parasitology, 111. ISSN 0065-308X (doi:

Schistocerca gregaria

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tang, Sanyi and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2014) Predator–prey population models of migrant insects with phase change. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71 (8). pp. 2221-2230. ISSN 1054-3139 (Print), 1095-9289 (Online) (doi:

Tratalos, Jamie A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Healey, Richard G. and Stenseth, Nils Chr. (2010) Desert locust populations, rainfall and climate change: insights from phenomenological models using gridded monthly data. Climate Research, 43 (3). pp. 229-239. ISSN 0936-577X (Print), 1616-1572 (Online) (doi:

Tratalos, Jamie A. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Can NDVI GAC imagery be used to monitor desert locust breeding areas? Journal of Arid Environments, 64 (2). pp. 342-356. ISSN 0140-1963 (doi:

seasonal environments

Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Xiao, Yanni (2006) Optimal impulsive harvesting on non-autonomous Beverton-Holt difference equations. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 65 (12). pp. 2311-2341. ISSN 0362-546X (doi:

secretory gel

Hall, Martin J. R., Ghosh, Debashi, Martin-Vega, Daniel, Clark, Brett, Clatworthy, Innes, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Rogers, Matthew E. (2021) Micro-CT visualization of a promastigote secretory gel (PSG) and parasite plug in the digestive tract of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis infected with Leishmania mexicana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (8):e0009682. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2727 (Online) (doi:

semi-stochastic simulation

Xiao, Yanni, Xiang, Changcheng, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Coupling the macroscale to the microscale in a spatiotemporal context to examine effects of spatial diffusion on disease transmission. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 82:58. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

sensitivity analysis

Zhou, Weike, Wang, Aili, Wang, Xia, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Xiao, Yanni and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Impact of hospital bed shortages on the containment of COVID-19 in Wuhan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (22):8560. ISSN 1661-7827 (Print), 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:

sequence alignment

Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) Molecular systematics of five Onchocerca species (Nematoda: Filarioidea) including the human parasite, O. volvulus, suggest sympatric speciation. Journal of Helminthology, 80 (3). pp. 281-290. ISSN 0022-149X (doi:

Serine recombinase

Crainey, James L., Hurst, Jacob, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Griffin, Claire E., Wilson, Michael D., De Araújo, Cláudia P. Mendes, Basáñez, María-Gloria and Post, Rory J. (2017) The genomic architecture of novel Simulium damnosum Wolbachia prophage sequence elements and implications for onchocerciasis epidemiology. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8:852. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1664-302X (Online) (doi:

Short-term forecast

Wang, Xia, Tang, Sanyi, Wu, Jianhong, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) A combination of climatic conditions determines major within-season dengue outbreaks in Guangdong Province, China. Parasites & Vectors, 12 (45). ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

sibling species

Adler, Peter H., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, Rory J. (2010) Evolution, epidemiology, and population genetics of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 10 (7). pp. 846-865. ISSN 1567-1348 (doi:

Simulium damnosum

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Post, Rory J. and Boakye, Daniel A. (2023) Seasonal variations and other changes in the geographical distributions of different cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Togo and Benin. Acta Tropica, 245:106970. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: Persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. pp. 1-27. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:

Post, Rory J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Crainey, J. Lee, Yameogo, Laurent and Basanez, María-Gloria (2013) Stability and change in the distribution of cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southern Ghana from 1971 to 2011. Parasites & Vectors, 6 (205). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Simulium damnosum (s.l.)

Routledge, Isobel, Walker, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Bhatt, Samir, Nkot, Pierre Baleguel, Matthews, Grahsm A., Baleguel, Didier, Dobson, Hans M., Wiles, Terry L. and Basañez, Maria-Gloria (2018) Modelling the impact of larviciding on the population dynamics and biting rates of Simulium damnosum (s.l.): implications for vector control as a complementary strategy for onchocerciasis elimination in Africa. Parasites & Vectors, 11:316. ISSN 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Simulium damnosum (sensu lato)

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Simulium damnosum complex

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2017) Factors affecting onchocerciasis transmission: Lessons for infection control. Expert review of anti-infective therapy, 15 (4). pp. 377-386. ISSN 1478-7210 (Print), 1744-8336 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen and Garms, Rolf (2016) Ecological characteristics of Simulium breeding sites in West Africa. Acta Tropica, 167. pp. 148-156. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Basáñez, Maria-Gloria, Perry, Malorie, White, Michale T., Garms, Rolf, Obuobie, E., Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Young, Stephen, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Intsiful, Joseph, Shen, Mingwang, Boakye, Daniel A. and Wilson, Michael D. (2015) Potential effects of warmer worms and vectors on onchocerciasis transmission in West Africa. Philosophical Transactions B, 370 (1665):20130559. ISSN 0962-8436 (Print), 1471-2970 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2012) Indices of onchocerciasis transmission by different members of the Simulium damnosum complex conflict with the paradigm of forest and savanna parasite strains. Acta Tropica, 125 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Adler, Peter H., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, Rory J. (2010) Evolution, epidemiology, and population genetics of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 10 (7). pp. 846-865. ISSN 1567-1348 (doi:

Simulium damnosum s.l

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basáñez, María-Gloria (2014) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: biting and parous rates of host-seeking sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 7 (1):511. ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

Simulium damnosum s.l.

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Little, Kirsty E., Young, Stephen, Walker, Martin and Basáñez, Maria-Gloria (2021) Taking the strain out of onchocerciasis? A reanalysis of blindness and transmission data does not support the existence of a savannah blinding strain of onchocerciasis in West Africa. Advances in Parasitology, 111. ISSN 0065-308X (doi:

Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:

Simulium sanctipauli

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Post, Rory J. and Boakye, Daniel A. (2023) Seasonal variations and other changes in the geographical distributions of different cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Togo and Benin. Acta Tropica, 245:106970. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Post, Rory J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Crainey, J. Lee, Yameogo, Laurent and Basanez, María-Gloria (2013) Stability and change in the distribution of cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southern Ghana from 1971 to 2011. Parasites & Vectors, 6 (205). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Fiasorgbor, G.K., Walsh, J.F. and Yaméogo, L. (2008) Elimination of the Djodji form of the blackfly Simulium sanctipauli sensu stricto as a result of larviciding by the WHO Onchocerciasis Control Programme in West Africa. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 22 (2). pp. 172-174. ISSN 0269-283X (doi:

Simulium sirbanum

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Post, Rory J. and Boakye, Daniel A. (2023) Seasonal variations and other changes in the geographical distributions of different cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Togo and Benin. Acta Tropica, 245:106970. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Post, Rory J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Crainey, J. Lee, Yameogo, Laurent and Basanez, María-Gloria (2013) Stability and change in the distribution of cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southern Ghana from 1971 to 2011. Parasites & Vectors, 6 (205). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Simulium soubrense

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Post, Rory J. and Boakye, Daniel A. (2023) Seasonal variations and other changes in the geographical distributions of different cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Togo and Benin. Acta Tropica, 245:106970. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Post, Rory J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Crainey, J. Lee, Yameogo, Laurent and Basanez, María-Gloria (2013) Stability and change in the distribution of cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southern Ghana from 1971 to 2011. Parasites & Vectors, 6 (205). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Simulium spp. vectors

Brattig, Norbert W., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2020) Onchocerciasis (river blindness) – more than a century of research and control. Acta Tropica, 218:105677. pp. 1-22. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Simulium squamosum

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Post, Rory J. and Boakye, Daniel A. (2023) Seasonal variations and other changes in the geographical distributions of different cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Togo and Benin. Acta Tropica, 245:106970. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Post, Rory J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Crainey, J. Lee, Yameogo, Laurent and Basanez, María-Gloria (2013) Stability and change in the distribution of cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southern Ghana from 1971 to 2011. Parasites & Vectors, 6 (205). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Simulium squamosum E

Crainey, James L., Hurst, Jacob, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Griffin, Claire E., Wilson, Michael D., De Araújo, Cláudia P. Mendes, Basáñez, María-Gloria and Post, Rory J. (2017) The genomic architecture of novel Simulium damnosum Wolbachia prophage sequence elements and implications for onchocerciasis epidemiology. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8:852. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1664-302X (Online) (doi:

Simulium yahense

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Post, Rory J. and Boakye, Daniel A. (2023) Seasonal variations and other changes in the geographical distributions of different cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Togo and Benin. Acta Tropica, 245:106970. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Post, Rory J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Crainey, J. Lee, Yameogo, Laurent and Basanez, María-Gloria (2013) Stability and change in the distribution of cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southern Ghana from 1971 to 2011. Parasites & Vectors, 6 (205). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Meyer, Rolf R.F., Barro, Tele, Mas, Jordi, Sima, Anacleto Nsue, Abaga, Simon Ekwa, Noma, Mounkaila, Sékétéli, Azo V. and Wilson, Michael D. (2009) Towards the elimination of the Bioko form of Simulium yahense from Bioko: planning and insecticide trials. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 19 (2). pp. 132-141. ISSN 1648-6919 (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tirados, Iñaki, Mas, Jordi, Geenan, Petra, Adjaru, Jose Manuel Mba, Bouaha, Juan Luis Alfonso, Sima, Anacleto Nsue, Meyer, Rolf R.F. and Wilson, Michael D. (2006) Onchocerciasis transmission by the Bioko form of Simulium yahense Vajime & Dunbar 1975 (Diptera: Simuliidae). Studia dipterologica supplement, 14. pp. 26-30. ISSN 1433-4968 (doi:3-932795-23-7)


Qin, Wenjie, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Nonlinear pulse vaccination in an SIR epidemic model with resource limitation. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013:670263. ISSN 1085-3375 (Print), 1687-0409 (Online) (doi:

SIR model

Cheng, Tianyu, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Threshold dynamics and bifurcation of a state-dependent feedback nonlinear control SIR model. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 14 (7). ISSN 1555-1415 (Print), 1555-1423 (Online) (doi:

sliding bifurcation

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Modelling the regulatory system for diabetes mellitus with a threshold window. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 22 (1-3). pp. 478-491. ISSN 1007-5704 (doi:

Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Global stability and sliding bifurcations of a non-smooth Gause predator–prey system. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 224. pp. 9-20. ISSN 0096-3003 (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) Sliding bifurcations of Filippov two stage pest control models with economic thresholds. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72 (4). pp. 1061-1080. ISSN 0036-1399 (Print), 1095-712X (Online) (doi:

sliding homoclinic orbit

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) Sliding bifurcations of Filippov two stage pest control models with economic thresholds. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72 (4). pp. 1061-1080. ISSN 0036-1399 (Print), 1095-712X (Online) (doi:

sliding mode

Tang, Biao, Xiao, Yanni, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wang, Ning (2015) Piecewise virus-immune dynamic model with HIV-1 RNA-guided therapy. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 377. pp. 36-46. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

small-scale farmers

Elliott, Clive C.H., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Alternative approaches to Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea management: mass-capture for food. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology, 85 (1). pp. 31-37. ISSN 0030-6525 (Print), 1727-947X (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Wang, Xia, Tratalos, Jamie A., Tang, Sanyi and Cressman, Keith (2020) Evidence for a causal relationship between the solar cycle and locust abundance. Agronomy, 11 (1):69. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2073-4395 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Adranyi, Enoch, Cox, John R., Farman, Dudley I. ORCID: 0000-0003-3579-3672 , Magoma, Richard N., Mbereki, Collen, McWilliam, Andrew N., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and van der Walt, Etienne (2013) Soil contamination and persistence of pollutants following organophosphate sprays and explosions to control red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea). Pest Management Science, 69 (3). pp. 386-396. ISSN 1526-498X (doi:

spatial epidemiology

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Book review: Spatial analysis in epidemiology. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 103 (12). p. 1295. ISSN 0035-9203 (doi:

spectral analysis

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Wang, Xia, Tratalos, Jamie A., Tang, Sanyi and Cressman, Keith (2020) Evidence for a causal relationship between the solar cycle and locust abundance. Agronomy, 11 (1):69. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2073-4395 (Online) (doi:

spectral coherence

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Wang, Xia, Tratalos, Jamie A., Tang, Sanyi and Cressman, Keith (2020) Evidence for a causal relationship between the solar cycle and locust abundance. Agronomy, 11 (1):69. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2073-4395 (Online) (doi:

Spodoptera exempta

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tang, Sanyi and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2014) Predator–prey population models of migrant insects with phase change. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71 (8). pp. 2221-2230. ISSN 1054-3139 (Print), 1095-9289 (Online) (doi:

SpvB protein homolog

Crainey, James L., Hurst, Jacob, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Griffin, Claire E., Wilson, Michael D., De Araújo, Cláudia P. Mendes, Basáñez, María-Gloria and Post, Rory J. (2017) The genomic architecture of novel Simulium damnosum Wolbachia prophage sequence elements and implications for onchocerciasis epidemiology. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8:852. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1664-302X (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Post, Rory J. and Boakye, Daniel A. (2023) Seasonal variations and other changes in the geographical distributions of different cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Togo and Benin. Acta Tropica, 245:106970. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Xiang, Changcheng, Xiao, Yanni, Wang, Xia, Wu, Jianhong, Li, Guoping and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) A general model of hormesis in biological systems and its application to pest management. Journal of the Royal Society - Interface, 16 (157):20190468. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1742-5689 (Print), 1742-5662 (Online) (doi:

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Complex dynamics of an impulsive chemostat model. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (ijbc), 29 (8):1950101. ISSN 0218-1274 (Print), 1793-6551 (Online) (doi:

Post, Rory J., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Crainey, J. Lee, Yameogo, Laurent and Basanez, María-Gloria (2013) Stability and change in the distribution of cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southern Ghana from 1971 to 2011. Parasites & Vectors, 6 (205). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

stage structure

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) Sliding bifurcations of Filippov two stage pest control models with economic thresholds. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72 (4). pp. 1061-1080. ISSN 0036-1399 (Print), 1095-712X (Online) (doi:

stationary distribution

Chen, Lin, Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshan, Liu, Zijian and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2022) Stationary distribution and persistence of a stochastic mathematical model for prostate cancer with pulsed therapy. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 114. pp. 162-188. ISSN 0307-904X (Print), 1872-8480 (Online) (doi:

Chen, Lin, Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun, Liu, Zijian and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2021) Threshold dynamics of a stochastic model of intermittent androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 100:105856. ISSN 1007-5704 (doi:

step-by-step NPI release strategy

Wang, Hao, Li, Tangjuan, Gao, Huan, Huang, Chenxi, Tang, Biao, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Zhou, Weike (2023) Lessons drawn from Shanghai for controlling highly transmissible SARS‑CoV‑2 variants: insights from a modelling study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 23:331. ISSN 1471-2334 (Online) (doi:

Stochastic dynamical model

Chen, Lin, Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun, Liu, Zijian and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2021) Threshold dynamics of a stochastic model of intermittent androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 100:105856. ISSN 1007-5704 (doi:

stochastic logistic equation

Tan, Yi, Ning, Lijuan, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Optimal threshold density in a stochastic resource management model with pulse intervention. Natural Resource Modeling, 32 (4):e12220. ISSN 0890-8575 (Print), 1939-7445 (Online) (doi:

Stochastic tumour-immune model

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Thresholds for extinction and proliferation in a stochastic tumour-immune model with pulsed comprehensive therapy. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 73. pp. 363-378. ISSN 1007-5704 (Print), 1878-7274 (Online) (doi:

Stochastic tumour-immune system

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Modelling effects of a chemotherapeutic dose response on a stochastic tumour-immune model. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 123. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0960-0779 (doi:

stomodeal valve

Hall, Martin J. R., Ghosh, Debashi, Martin-Vega, Daniel, Clark, Brett, Clatworthy, Innes, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Rogers, Matthew E. (2021) Micro-CT visualization of a promastigote secretory gel (PSG) and parasite plug in the digestive tract of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis infected with Leishmania mexicana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (8):e0009682. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2727 (Online) (doi:


Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2007) A preliminary analysis of the population genetics and molecular phylogenetics of Onchocerca volvulus (Nematoda: Filarioidea) using nuclear ribosomal second internal transcribed spacer sequences. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 102 (7). pp. 879-882. ISSN 0074-0276 (doi:

strong and weak density dependent death rates

Zhang, Xianghong, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Birth-pulse models of Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility in mosquitoes for dengue virus control. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 22. pp. 236-258. ISSN 1468-1218 (doi:

structured treatment interruptions

Tang, Biao, Xiao, Yanni, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Wang, Ning (2015) Piecewise virus-immune dynamic model with HIV-1 RNA-guided therapy. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 377. pp. 36-46. ISSN 0022-5193 (doi:

Subling species

Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: Persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. pp. 1-27. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Barlow, Clive R. and Mann, Clive F. (2019) Nesting by dark-bibbed female Beautiful Long-tailed Sunbirds Cinnyris pulchellus and occurrence of dark both sexes of Beautiful Long-tailed and Gorgeous Sunbirds C. melanogastrus. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, 139 (4). pp. 328-332. ISSN 0007-1595 (Print), 2513-9894 (Online) (doi:

Mann, Clive F. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) The sunbird genera Anthodiaeta and Hedydipna revisited. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, 134 (2). pp. 159-160. ISSN 0007-1595


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Mann, Clive (2008) Family Nectariniidae (Sunbirds). In: del Hoyo, Josep, Elliot, Andrew and Christie, David A., (eds.) Handbook of the birds of the world: Penduline-tits to Shrikes. Handbook of the Birds of the World, Volume . Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 196-243. ISBN 9788496553453

Iddi, K.N., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Kenyon, Lawrence (2006) Phylogenies of the sunbirds (Nectariniidae) and flowerpeckers (Dicaeidae) based on analyses of vocalizations. Journal of Ornithology, 147 (Sup 1). p. 185. ISSN 0021-8375 (Print), 1439-0361 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Mann, Clive (2006) The validity of the sunbird genus Hedydipna. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, 126 (3). pp. 199-200. ISSN 0007-1595

sunspot groups

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Young, Stephen, Wang, Xia, Tratalos, Jamie A., Tang, Sanyi and Cressman, Keith (2020) Evidence for a causal relationship between the solar cycle and locust abundance. Agronomy, 11 (1):69. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2073-4395 (Online) (doi:


Talom, Blaise Armand Defo, Enyong, Peter, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Djouaka, Rousseau and Hawkes, Frances M. ORCID: 0000-0002-0964-3702 (2021) Capture of high numbers of simulium vectors can be achieved with host decoy traps to support data acquisition in the onchocerciasis elimination endgame. Acta Tropica, 221:106020. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

switch-like transition

Tian, Yuan, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Dynamic complexity of a predator-prey model for IPM with nonlinear impulsive control incorporating a regulatory factor for predator releases. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 24 (1). pp. 134-154. ISSN 1392-6292 (Print), 1648-3510 (Online) (doi:


Tang, Sanyi, Li, Shuo, Tang, Biao, Wang, Xia, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2023) Hormetic and synergistic effects of cancer treatments revealed by modelling combinations of radio ‑ or chemotherapy with immunotherapy. BMC Cancer, 23:1040. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1471-2407 (Online) (doi:

São Tomé and Príncipe

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2006) Editor's foreward [foreword]. The Birds of São Tomé & Príncipe with Annobón islands of the Gulf of Guinea: An annotated Checklist. BOU Checklist Series (22). British Ornithologists' Union / British Ornithologists' Club, Oxford, UK, ix-ix. ISBN 978-0907446279


Elliott, Clive C.H., Mtobesya, Boaz N. and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Alternative approaches to Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea management: mass-capture for food. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology, 85 (1). pp. 31-37. ISSN 0030-6525 (Print), 1727-947X (Online) (doi:


Wang, Xia, Tang, Sanyi, Wu, Jianhong, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) A combination of climatic conditions determines major within-season dengue outbreaks in Guangdong Province, China. Parasites & Vectors, 12 (45). ISSN 1756-3305 (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Basáñez, Maria-Gloria, Perry, Malorie, White, Michale T., Garms, Rolf, Obuobie, E., Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Young, Stephen, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Intsiful, Joseph, Shen, Mingwang, Boakye, Daniel A. and Wilson, Michael D. (2015) Potential effects of warmer worms and vectors on onchocerciasis transmission in West Africa. Philosophical Transactions B, 370 (1665):20130559. ISSN 0962-8436 (Print), 1471-2970 (Online) (doi:


Tamungang, Simon A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Mofor, Gilbert Z., Tamungang, Richard N. and Oben, Fritz T. (2014) Conservation concern for the deteriorating geographical range of the Grey Parrot in Cameroon. International Journal of Ecology, 2014:753294. ISSN 1687-9708 (Print), 1687-9716 (Online) (doi:


Yang, Jin, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Modelling pulsed immunotherapy of tumour–immune interaction. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 109. pp. 92-112. ISSN 0378-4754 (doi:

Qin, Wenjie, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) The effects of resource limitation on a predator-prey model with control measures as nonlinear pulses. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014:450935. ISSN 1024-123X (Print), 1563-5147 (Online) (doi:

Threshold condition

Li, Changtong, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2020) Complex dynamics and coexistence of period-doubling and period-halving bifurcations in an integrated pest management model with nonlinear impulsive control. Advances in Difference Equations:514. pp. 1-23. ISSN 1687-1839 (Print), 1687-1847 (Online) (doi:

Liang, Juhua, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2012) An integrated pest management model with delayed responses to pesticide applications and its threshold dynamics. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13 (5). pp. 2352-2374. ISSN 1468-1218 (doi:

Threshold dynamics

Chen, Lin, Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun, Liu, Zijian and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2021) Threshold dynamics of a stochastic model of intermittent androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 100:105856. ISSN 1007-5704 (doi:

threshold policy

Xiao, Yanni, Xiang, Changcheng, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Coupling the macroscale to the microscale in a spatiotemporal context to examine effects of spatial diffusion on disease transmission. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 82:58. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

Zhou, Weike, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2016) A threshold policy to interrupt transmission of West Nile Virus to birds. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40 (19-20). pp. 8794-8809. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:

time series

Tratalos, Jamie A., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Healey, Richard G. and Stenseth, Nils Chr. (2010) Desert locust populations, rainfall and climate change: insights from phenomenological models using gridded monthly data. Climate Research, 43 (3). pp. 229-239. ISSN 0936-577X (Print), 1616-1572 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tang, Sanyi and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2014) Predator–prey population models of migrant insects with phase change. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71 (8). pp. 2221-2230. ISSN 1054-3139 (Print), 1095-9289 (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Post, Rory J. and Boakye, Daniel A. (2023) Seasonal variations and other changes in the geographical distributions of different cytospecies of the Simulium damnosum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Togo and Benin. Acta Tropica, 245:106970. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Oliveras, Ignasi (2014) Miscellaneous records of birds in Togo, including four species new to the country’s list. Malimbus, 36 (1). pp. 58-60. ISSN 0331-3689

Transcritical and pitchfork bifurcations

Cheng, Tianyu, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Threshold dynamics and bifurcation of a state-dependent feedback nonlinear control SIR model. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 14 (7). ISSN 1555-1415 (Print), 1555-1423 (Online) (doi:

transcritical bifurcation

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2019) Complex dynamics of an impulsive chemostat model. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (ijbc), 29 (8):1950101. ISSN 0218-1274 (Print), 1793-6551 (Online) (doi:


Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: Persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. pp. 1-27. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2012) Indices of onchocerciasis transmission by different members of the Simulium damnosum complex conflict with the paradigm of forest and savanna parasite strains. Acta Tropica, 125 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Tirados, Iñaki, Mas, Jordi, Geenan, Petra, Adjaru, Jose Manuel Mba, Bouaha, Juan Luis Alfonso, Sima, Anacleto Nsue, Meyer, Rolf R.F. and Wilson, Michael D. (2006) Onchocerciasis transmission by the Bioko form of Simulium yahense Vajime & Dunbar 1975 (Diptera: Simuliidae). Studia dipterologica supplement, 14. pp. 26-30. ISSN 1433-4968 (doi:3-932795-23-7)

transmission 55 potentials

Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:

transmission model

Zhou, Weike, Wang, Aili, Wang, Xia, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Xiao, Yanni and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Impact of hospital bed shortages on the containment of COVID-19 in Wuhan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (22):8560. ISSN 1661-7827 (Print), 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:

transmission persistence

Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:


Brattig, Norbert W., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2020) Onchocerciasis (river blindness) – more than a century of research and control. Acta Tropica, 218:105677. pp. 1-22. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:


Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) Molecular systematics of five Onchocerca species (Nematoda: Filarioidea) including the human parasite, O. volvulus, suggest sympatric speciation. Journal of Helminthology, 80 (3). pp. 281-290. ISSN 0022-149X (doi:


Tang, Sanyi, Li, Shuo, Tang, Biao, Wang, Xia, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2023) Hormetic and synergistic effects of cancer treatments revealed by modelling combinations of radio ‑ or chemotherapy with immunotherapy. BMC Cancer, 23:1040. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1471-2407 (Online) (doi:

Tumour-immune model

Yang, Jin, Tan, Yuanshan and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2020) Complexities and bifurcations induced by drug responses in a pulsed tumour-immune model. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (ijbc), 30 (7):2050104. ISSN 0218-1274 (Print), 1793-6551 (Online) (doi:

Union Medal

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2011) British Ornithologists’ Union: Union medal. Peter Jones. Ibis, 153 (2). pp. 438-439. ISSN 1474-919X (online) (doi:


Tang, Guangyao, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Global analysis of a Holling type II predator–prey model with a constant prey refuge. Nonlinear Dynamics, 76 (1). pp. 635-647. ISSN 0924-090X (Print), 1573-269X (Online) (doi:


Wang, Aili, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Global dynamics of a piece-wise epidemic model with switching vaccination strategy. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (DCDS-B), 19 (9). pp. 2915-2940. ISSN 1531-3492 (Print), 1553-524X (Online) (doi:

Qin, Wenjie, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2013) Nonlinear pulse vaccination in an SIR epidemic model with resource limitation. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013:670263. ISSN 1085-3375 (Print), 1687-0409 (Online) (doi:

Vector abundance

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Vector biology

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2017) Factors affecting onchocerciasis transmission: Lessons for infection control. Expert review of anti-infective therapy, 15 (4). pp. 377-386. ISSN 1478-7210 (Print), 1744-8336 (Online) (doi:

vector control

Brattig, Norbert W., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2020) Onchocerciasis (river blindness) – more than a century of research and control. Acta Tropica, 218:105677. pp. 1-22. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Routledge, Isobel, Walker, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Bhatt, Samir, Nkot, Pierre Baleguel, Matthews, Grahsm A., Baleguel, Didier, Dobson, Hans M., Wiles, Terry L. and Basañez, Maria-Gloria (2018) Modelling the impact of larviciding on the population dynamics and biting rates of Simulium damnosum (s.l.): implications for vector control as a complementary strategy for onchocerciasis elimination in Africa. Parasites & Vectors, 11:316. ISSN 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

Vector ecology

Routledge, Isobel, Walker, Martin, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Bhatt, Samir, Nkot, Pierre Baleguel, Matthews, Grahsm A., Baleguel, Didier, Dobson, Hans M., Wiles, Terry L. and Basañez, Maria-Gloria (2018) Modelling the impact of larviciding on the population dynamics and biting rates of Simulium damnosum (s.l.): implications for vector control as a complementary strategy for onchocerciasis elimination in Africa. Parasites & Vectors, 11:316. ISSN 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:

vector-borne disease

Adler, Peter H., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, Rory J. (2010) Evolution, epidemiology, and population genetics of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 10 (7). pp. 846-865. ISSN 1567-1348 (doi:

Violet-tailed sunbird

King, Tony and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2009) Cooperative breeding in the Violet-tailed Sunbird Anthreptes aurantium. Malimbus, 31 (1). pp. 20-27. ISSN 0331-3689

Volterra’s principle

Tang, Sanyi, Liang, Juhua, Tan, Yuanshun and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2011) Threshold conditions for integrated pest management models with pesticides that have residual effects. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 66 (1-2). pp. 1-35. ISSN 0303-6812 (Print), 1432-1416 (Online) (doi:

West Africa

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Little, Kirsty E., Young, Stephen, Walker, Martin and Basáñez, Maria-Gloria (2021) Taking the strain out of onchocerciasis? A reanalysis of blindness and transmission data does not support the existence of a savannah blinding strain of onchocerciasis in West Africa. Advances in Parasitology, 111. ISSN 0065-308X (doi:

Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2012) Indices of onchocerciasis transmission by different members of the Simulium damnosum complex conflict with the paradigm of forest and savanna parasite strains. Acta Tropica, 125 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

West Nile Virus

Xu, Xiaxia, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Models of impulsive culling of mosquitoes to interrupt transmission of West Nile Virus to birds. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39 (13). pp. 3549-3568. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:

Medlock, Jolyon M., Vaux, Alexander G.C., Gibson, Gabriella, Hawkes, Frances ORCID: 0000-0002-0964-3702 and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2014) Potential vector for West Nile virus prevalent in Kent. Veterinary Record, 175 (11). pp. 284-285. ISSN 0042-4900 (Print), 2042-7670 (Online) (doi:


Tamungang, Simon A., Ofeh, Moses A., Tchamba, Martin N., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Kougoum, Ghislane P. (2016) Challenges and conservation implications of the parrot trade in Cameroon. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 10 (3). pp. 1210-1234. ISSN 1991-8631 (Print), 1997-342X (Online) (doi:


Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Tratalos, Jamie A. (2007) Migration, patchiness and population processes illustrated by two migrant pests. BiosScience, 57 (2). pp. 145-154. ISSN 0006-3568 (doi:


Zhou, Weike, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2016) A threshold policy to interrupt transmission of West Nile Virus to birds. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40 (19-20). pp. 8794-8809. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:


Brattig, Norbert W., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Garms, Rolf (2020) Onchocerciasis (river blindness) – more than a century of research and control. Acta Tropica, 218:105677. pp. 1-22. ISSN 0001-706X (doi:

Zhang, Xianghong, Tang, Sanyi, Liu, Qiyong, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Zhu, Huaiping (2018) Models to assess the effects of non-identical sex ratio augmentations of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes on the control of dengue disease. Mathematical Biosciences, 299. pp. 58-72. ISSN 0025-5564 (doi:

Crainey, James L., Hurst, Jacob, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Griffin, Claire E., Wilson, Michael D., De Araújo, Cláudia P. Mendes, Basáñez, María-Gloria and Post, Rory J. (2017) The genomic architecture of novel Simulium damnosum Wolbachia prophage sequence elements and implications for onchocerciasis epidemiology. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8:852. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1664-302X (Online) (doi:

Zhang, Xianghong, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 (2015) Birth-pulse models of Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility in mosquitoes for dengue virus control. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 22. pp. 236-258. ISSN 1468-1218 (doi:

Morales-Hojas, R., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Post, R.J. (2006) Molecular systematics of five Onchocerca species (Nematoda: Filarioidea) including the human parasite, O. volvulus, suggest sympatric speciation. Journal of Helminthology, 80 (3). pp. 281-290. ISSN 0022-149X (doi:

Wolbachia phages

Crainey, James L., Hurst, Jacob, Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 , Griffin, Claire E., Wilson, Michael D., De Araújo, Cláudia P. Mendes, Basáñez, María-Gloria and Post, Rory J. (2017) The genomic architecture of novel Simulium damnosum Wolbachia prophage sequence elements and implications for onchocerciasis epidemiology. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8:852. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1664-302X (Online) (doi:

Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes

Zhang, Xianghong, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID: 0000-0002-7437-1934 and Zhu, Huaiping (2016) Modeling the effects of augmentation strategies on the control of Dengue fever with an impulsive differential equation. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 78 (10). pp. 1968-2010. ISSN 0092-8240 (Print), 1522-9602 (Online) (doi:

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