Items where Subject is "ZA Information resources"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (21559)
- Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources (172)
- ZA Information resources (60)
- ZA4450 Databases (6)
- ZA Information resources (60)
- Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources (172)
access to Justice
Aye, Ei Phyo, Mya Sun, Ei Ei and Day, Michael ORCID:
Developing an understanding of COVID-19 pandemic health restrictions, laws and penalties in Myanmar.
Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 9 (1).
pp. 11-34.
ISSN 2697-3804 (Online)
Evans, Thomas Rhys ORCID:, Branney, Peter, Clements, Andrew and Hatton, Ella
Improving evidence-based practice through preregistration of applied research: barriers and recommendations.
Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance, 30 (2).
pp. 88-108.
ISSN 0898-9621 (Print), 1545-5815 (Online)
action research
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
active learning
Gao, Xiaowen ORCID:
Seeking effective pedagogy for online learning.
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching.
ISSN 2044-0081
(In Press)
affective engagement
Gao, Xiaowen ORCID:
Engaging students affectively to stimulate social presence in online learning.
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 14 (2).
pp. 1-3.
ISSN 2044-0081
affordance theory
Kawaf, Fatema ORCID: and Girotto, Michele
Mapping the terrain of social and livestream commerce research through the affordance lens: a bibliometric review and research agenda.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 65:101399.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1567-4223 (Print), 1873-7846 (Online)
Kawaf, Fatema ORCID: and Girotto, Michele
Mapping the terrain of social and livestream commerce research through the affordance lens: a bibliometric review and research agenda.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 65:101399.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1567-4223 (Print), 1873-7846 (Online)
agent-based computer simulation
Casilli, Antonio A., Rouchier, Juliette and Tubaro, Paola (2014) How to build consensus in a health-oriented online community: modeling a ‘pro-ana’ forum. Revue française de sociologie, 55 (4). pp. 731-763. ISSN 0035-2969 (Print), 1958-5691 (Online)
Bartlett, D. ORCID:
Knowledge transfer in the land based sector.
In: Seminar & Workshop Biodiversity Knowledge - Case Study Agriculture, 17-18 Jan 2013, Paris, France.
analysing qualitative data
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
analysing quantitative data
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
applied research
Evans, Thomas Rhys ORCID:, Branney, Peter, Clements, Andrew and Hatton, Ella
Improving evidence-based practice through preregistration of applied research: barriers and recommendations.
Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance, 30 (2).
pp. 88-108.
ISSN 0898-9621 (Print), 1545-5815 (Online)
artificial intelligence
Al-Zobaidie, Ala and Al-Sudani, Sahar (2006) Managing digital libraries using semantic web technologies. Proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ASC 2006. Acta Press, Anaheim, pp. 190-196. ISBN 9780889866102
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Mersia
Turbulence in Thailand? The Thai Digital Civil Rights Movement and a ‘pro-human’ contract for the web.
In: Chosein, Yamahata, (ed.)
Social Transformations in India, Myanmar, and Thailand Volume II: Identity and Grassroots for Democratic Progress.
Palgrave Macmillan - Springer Link, Singapore, pp. 263-290.
ISBN 978-9811671098; 978-9811671128; 978-9811671104
Spinks, Jenny and Mundair, Julie (2020) LevelUp for student transition and retention. In: SHIFT 2020: 'Teaching and Assessment', 10th Jan, 2020, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)
Essex, Ryan ORCID:, Booth, Lesley, Sirois, Fuschia, Burch, Jennifer and Dibley, Lesley
A scoping review of the qualitative literature reporting experiences of living with a stoma for inflammatory bowel disease.
Journal of Advanced Nursing.
ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online)
Essex, Ryan ORCID:, Booth, Lesley, Sirois, Fuschia, Burch, Jennifer and Dibley, Lesley
A scoping review of the qualitative literature reporting experiences of living with a stoma for inflammatory bowel disease.
Journal of Advanced Nursing.
ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online)
Spinks, Jenny and Mundair, Julie (2023) NextLevel: Academic success through community and belonging. In: SHIFT 2024: 'Inclusive Higher Education: Myths and Realities', 10th - 11th Jan, 2024, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)
bibliometric analysis
Zhang, Ben, Ma, Lei and Liu, Zheng ORCID:
Literature trend identification of sustainable technology innovation: a bibliometric study based on co-citation and main path analysis.
Sustainability, 12 (20):8664.
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 2071-1050 (Online)
bibliometric review
Kawaf, Fatema ORCID: and Girotto, Michele
Mapping the terrain of social and livestream commerce research through the affordance lens: a bibliometric review and research agenda.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 65:101399.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1567-4223 (Print), 1873-7846 (Online)
Cronin, Bruce ORCID:
Heterodox economic journal rankings revisited.
In: Hermann, Arturo and Mouatt, Simon, (eds.)
Contemporary issues in heterodox economics: implications for theory and policy action.
Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics
Routledge- Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 231-258.
ISBN 978-0429346415; 0429346417; 978-1000199499; 1000199495; 978-1000199192; 1000199193; 978-0367365042; 0367365049
case studies
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
Yun, Jinhyo Joseph, Liu, Zheng ORCID:, Jeong, Euiseob, Kim, Sangwoo and Kim, Kyunghun
The difference in open innovation between open access and closed access, according to the change of collective intelligence and knowledge amount.
Sustainability, 14 (5):2574.
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 2071-1050 (Online)
closed access journal
Yun, Jinhyo Joseph, Liu, Zheng ORCID:, Jeong, Euiseob, Kim, Sangwoo and Kim, Kyunghun
The difference in open innovation between open access and closed access, according to the change of collective intelligence and knowledge amount.
Sustainability, 14 (5):2574.
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 2071-1050 (Online)
co-citation network
Zhang, Ben, Ma, Lei and Liu, Zheng ORCID:
Literature trend identification of sustainable technology innovation: a bibliometric study based on co-citation and main path analysis.
Sustainability, 12 (20):8664.
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 2071-1050 (Online)
Spinks, Jenny and Mundair, Julie (2020) LevelUp for student transition and retention. In: SHIFT 2020: 'Teaching and Assessment', 10th Jan, 2020, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)
collective intelligence
Yun, Jinhyo Joseph, Liu, Zheng ORCID:, Jeong, Euiseob, Kim, Sangwoo and Kim, Kyunghun
The difference in open innovation between open access and closed access, according to the change of collective intelligence and knowledge amount.
Sustainability, 14 (5):2574.
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 2071-1050 (Online)
community building
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Rhizomatic pedagogy in higher education.
In: Khine, Myint Swe, (ed.)
New Directions in Rhizomatic Learning: From Poststructural Thinking to Nomadic Pedagogy.
Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 978-1003376378; 978-1032453088; 1032453087
Covid 19
Mundair, Julie and Rapley, Eve ORCID:
Has the pandemic made us better personal tutors.
In: GBS Learning and Teaching festival 2021, 24th June, 2021, University of Greenwich, London.
Aye, Ei Phyo, Mya Sun, Ei Ei and Day, Michael ORCID:
Developing an understanding of COVID-19 pandemic health restrictions, laws and penalties in Myanmar.
Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 9 (1).
pp. 11-34.
ISSN 2697-3804 (Online)
Mundair, Julie and Rapley, Eve ORCID:
Has the pandemic made us better personal tutors.
In: GBS Learning and Teaching festival 2021, 24th June, 2021, University of Greenwich, London.
critical digital pedagogy
Kuhn, Catherine, Havemann, Leo, Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Three lenses on lurking: making sense of digital silence.
In: Blessinger, Patrick, (ed.)
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning.
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, 40
Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, UK, pp. 83-93.
ISBN 978-1800436732; 978-1800436725
critical pedagogy
Kuhn, Catherine, Havemann, Leo, Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Three lenses on lurking: making sense of digital silence.
In: Blessinger, Patrick, (ed.)
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning.
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, 40
Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, UK, pp. 83-93.
ISBN 978-1800436732; 978-1800436725
Critical Success Factors (CSFs)
Ali, Mahmood, Xie, Ying and Cullinane, Joanna (2013) A Decision Support. In: Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Maria, Varajao, Joao and Trigo, Antonio, (eds.) Sociotechnical Enterprise Information Systems Design and Integration. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 97-121. ISBN 9781466636644 (doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-3664-4.ch007)
curriculum design
Decker, Sallyanne (Olufemi), Sims, Stuart ORCID:, George, Rachel, Eranova, Mariya, Caussat, Paul, Pullen, Emma and Girdley, Ryan
QAA Shared Modules Collaborative Enhancement Project: Shared modules literature review.
Discussion Paper.
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Gloucester and London.
designing evaluations
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
Morris, Craig and Memari, Laura (2022) Is there a largely consistent discourse on drugs in the UK press? Tabloid or broadsheet, left-leaning or right, does it make much difference? Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 22 (1). pp. 92-108. ISSN 1070-8286
digital leadership
Jameson, Jill ORCID:
E-Leadership in higher education: The fifth “age” of educational technology research.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 44 (6).
pp. 889-915.
ISSN 0007-1013 (Print), 1467-8535 (Online)
digital library
Al-Zobaidie, Ala and Al-Sudani, Sahar (2006) Managing digital libraries using semantic web technologies. Proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ASC 2006. Acta Press, Anaheim, pp. 190-196. ISBN 9780889866102
digital literacy
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Merisa
Web Science in SE Asia: cultivating a 'Thai digital Renaissance' through (re)introducing an interdisciplinary science in Higher Education.
In: 2019 ANPOR Annual Conference Proceedings Vol. 7 No. 1.
ANPOR Asian Network For Public Opinion Research, 7(1)
Asian Network for Public Opinion (ANPOR), Chiang Mai, Thailand & Republic of Korea, pp. 114-131.
ISSN 2288-6168 (Online)
digital piracy
Day, Michael ORCID:
Digital divides in Chinese HE: leveraging AI as Student’s Partner (AIasSP) to reduce piracy.
Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (QJSSH), 5 (1).
pp. 165-183.
ISSN 2716-6481 (Online)
digital rights
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Merisa
Towards social transformation in Thailand: Orwellian power struggles and ‘digital’ human rights under the socio-technical Thai Internet panopticon.
In: Yamahata, Chosein, Seekins, Donald M. and Takeda, Makiko, (eds.)
Social Transformations in India, Myanmar, and Thailand Volume I: Social, Political and Ecological Perspectives.
Palgrave Macmillan - Springer Link, Singapore, pp. 279-311.
ISBN 978-9811671098; 978-9811671104; 9811671095; 978-9811596155; 978-9811596186
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Mersia
Turbulence in Thailand? The Thai Digital Civil Rights Movement and a ‘pro-human’ contract for the web.
In: Chosein, Yamahata, (ed.)
Social Transformations in India, Myanmar, and Thailand Volume II: Identity and Grassroots for Democratic Progress.
Palgrave Macmillan - Springer Link, Singapore, pp. 263-290.
ISBN 978-9811671098; 978-9811671128; 978-9811671104
Decker, Sallyanne (Olufemi), Sims, Stuart ORCID:, George, Rachel, Eranova, Mariya, Caussat, Paul, Pullen, Emma and Girdley, Ryan
QAA Shared Modules Collaborative Enhancement Project: Shared modules literature review.
Discussion Paper.
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Gloucester and London.
distance and online education
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Veletsianos, George and Rowell, Chris (eds.)
Critical Digital Pedagogy in Higher Education.
AU Press, Athabasca University, Canada.
ISBN 978-1771993647; 978-1778290015; 978-1771993654
distance education
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Ozturk, Tugba, Ucar, Hasan, Karahan, Engin and Bozkurt, Aras
30 years of gender inequality and implications on curriculum design in Open and Distance Learning.
Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020 (1).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 1365-893X
Morris, Craig and Memari, Laura (2022) Is there a largely consistent discourse on drugs in the UK press? Tabloid or broadsheet, left-leaning or right, does it make much difference? Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 22 (1). pp. 92-108. ISSN 1070-8286
Casilli, Antonio A., Rouchier, Juliette and Tubaro, Paola (2014) How to build consensus in a health-oriented online community: modeling a ‘pro-ana’ forum. Revue française de sociologie, 55 (4). pp. 731-763. ISSN 0035-2969 (Print), 1958-5691 (Online)
Jameson, Jill ORCID:
E-Leadership in higher education: The fifth “age” of educational technology research.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 44 (6).
pp. 889-915.
ISSN 0007-1013 (Print), 1467-8535 (Online)
Jameson, Jill ORCID:
E-Leadership in higher education: The fifth “age” of educational technology research.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 44 (6).
pp. 889-915.
ISSN 0007-1013 (Print), 1467-8535 (Online)
Jameson, Jill ORCID:
E-Leadership in higher education: The fifth “age” of educational technology research.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 44 (6).
pp. 889-915.
ISSN 0007-1013 (Print), 1467-8535 (Online)
eating disorders
Casilli, Antonio A., Rouchier, Juliette and Tubaro, Paola (2014) How to build consensus in a health-oriented online community: modeling a ‘pro-ana’ forum. Revue française de sociologie, 55 (4). pp. 731-763. ISSN 0035-2969 (Print), 1958-5691 (Online)
Day, Michael ORCID:
Digital divides in Chinese HE: leveraging AI as Student’s Partner (AIasSP) to reduce piracy.
Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (QJSSH), 5 (1).
pp. 165-183.
ISSN 2716-6481 (Online)
Day, Michael ORCID:
Reimagining library learning spaces, or risking digital piracy in universities: students views on spatial boundaries, time, and self-study modalities in the post-digital era of AI.
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 17 (1).
pp. 65-81.
ISSN 2044-0081
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Merisa
Web Science in SE Asia: cultivating a 'Thai digital Renaissance' through (re)introducing an interdisciplinary science in Higher Education.
In: 2019 ANPOR Annual Conference Proceedings Vol. 7 No. 1.
ANPOR Asian Network For Public Opinion Research, 7(1)
Asian Network for Public Opinion (ANPOR), Chiang Mai, Thailand & Republic of Korea, pp. 114-131.
ISSN 2288-6168 (Online)
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Veletsianos, George and Rowell, Chris (eds.)
Critical Digital Pedagogy in Higher Education.
AU Press, Athabasca University, Canada.
ISBN 978-1771993647; 978-1778290015; 978-1771993654
education research
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Veletsianos, George (eds.)
Feminist Critical Digital Pedagogy: An Open Book.
EdTech Books, Provo, UT, USA.
educational technology
Jameson, Jill ORCID:
E-Leadership in higher education: The fifth “age” of educational technology research.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 44 (6).
pp. 889-915.
ISSN 0007-1013 (Print), 1467-8535 (Online)
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Veletsianos, George (eds.)
Feminist Critical Digital Pedagogy: An Open Book.
EdTech Books, Provo, UT, USA.
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
Access as pedagogy: a case for embracing feminist pedagogy in open and distance learning.
Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15 (1).
pp. 277-290.
ISSN 1347-9008
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Ali, Mahmood, Xie, Ying and Cullinane, Joanna (2013) A Decision Support. In: Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Maria, Varajao, Joao and Trigo, Antonio, (eds.) Sociotechnical Enterprise Information Systems Design and Integration. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 97-121. ISBN 9781466636644 (doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-3664-4.ch007)
ethnography and participant observation
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
Pazurek, Angeliki and Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
In: Review Board, Ed Tech and Editorial Board, Ed Tech, (eds.)
EdTechnica. The Open Encyclopedia of Educational Technology.
EdTech Books, Online "living volume".
Brouillard, Celine, Gabbert, Fiona and Scott, Adrian J. (2024) Addressing current issues in assessing professional rapport: a systematic review and synthesis of existing measures. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38 (3):e4205. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0888-4080 (Print), 1099-0720 (Online) (doi:10.1002/acp.4205)
face to face
Mundair, Julie and Rapley, Eve ORCID:
Has the pandemic made us better personal tutors.
In: GBS Learning and Teaching festival 2021, 24th June, 2021, University of Greenwich, London.
Essex, Ryan ORCID:, Booth, Lesley, Sirois, Fuschia, Burch, Jennifer and Dibley, Lesley
A scoping review of the qualitative literature reporting experiences of living with a stoma for inflammatory bowel disease.
Journal of Advanced Nursing.
ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online)
feminist critical digital pedagogy
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Veletsianos, George (eds.)
Feminist Critical Digital Pedagogy: An Open Book.
EdTech Books, Provo, UT, USA.
feminist pedagogies
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Veletsianos, George (eds.)
Feminist Critical Digital Pedagogy: An Open Book.
EdTech Books, Provo, UT, USA.
feminist pedagogy
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
Access as pedagogy: a case for embracing feminist pedagogy in open and distance learning.
Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15 (1).
pp. 277-290.
ISSN 1347-9008
focus groups
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
Aye, Ei Phyo, Mya Sun, Ei Ei and Day, Michael ORCID:
Developing an understanding of COVID-19 pandemic health restrictions, laws and penalties in Myanmar.
Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 9 (1).
pp. 11-34.
ISSN 2697-3804 (Online)
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Mersia
Turbulence in Thailand? The Thai Digital Civil Rights Movement and a ‘pro-human’ contract for the web.
In: Chosein, Yamahata, (ed.)
Social Transformations in India, Myanmar, and Thailand Volume II: Identity and Grassroots for Democratic Progress.
Palgrave Macmillan - Springer Link, Singapore, pp. 263-290.
ISBN 978-9811671098; 978-9811671128; 978-9811671104
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
Access as pedagogy: a case for embracing feminist pedagogy in open and distance learning.
Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15 (1).
pp. 277-290.
ISSN 1347-9008
gender inequality
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Ozturk, Tugba, Ucar, Hasan, Karahan, Engin and Bozkurt, Aras
30 years of gender inequality and implications on curriculum design in Open and Distance Learning.
Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020 (1).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 1365-893X
gender studies
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Ozturk, Tugba, Ucar, Hasan, Karahan, Engin and Bozkurt, Aras
30 years of gender inequality and implications on curriculum design in Open and Distance Learning.
Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020 (1).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 1365-893X
grey literature
Evans, Thomas Rhys ORCID:, Branney, Peter, Clements, Andrew and Hatton, Ella
Improving evidence-based practice through preregistration of applied research: barriers and recommendations.
Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance, 30 (2).
pp. 88-108.
ISSN 0898-9621 (Print), 1545-5815 (Online)
heterodox economics
Cronin, Bruce ORCID:
Heterodox economic journal rankings revisited.
In: Hermann, Arturo and Mouatt, Simon, (eds.)
Contemporary issues in heterodox economics: implications for theory and policy action.
Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics
Routledge- Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 231-258.
ISBN 978-0429346415; 0429346417; 978-1000199499; 1000199495; 978-1000199192; 1000199193; 978-0367365042; 0367365049
Higher Education
Day, Michael ORCID:
Reimagining library learning spaces, or risking digital piracy in universities: students views on spatial boundaries, time, and self-study modalities in the post-digital era of AI.
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 17 (1).
pp. 65-81.
ISSN 2044-0081
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Merisa
Towards social transformation in Thailand: Orwellian power struggles and ‘digital’ human rights under the socio-technical Thai Internet panopticon.
In: Yamahata, Chosein, Seekins, Donald M. and Takeda, Makiko, (eds.)
Social Transformations in India, Myanmar, and Thailand Volume I: Social, Political and Ecological Perspectives.
Palgrave Macmillan - Springer Link, Singapore, pp. 279-311.
ISBN 978-9811671098; 978-9811671104; 9811671095; 978-9811596155; 978-9811596186
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Mersia
Newton’s socio-technical cradle? Web Science, the weaponisation of social media, hashtag activism and Thailand's postcolonial pendulum.
Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC), 16.
pp. 100-129.
ISSN 2049-2340
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Mersia
Turbulence in Thailand? The Thai Digital Civil Rights Movement and a ‘pro-human’ contract for the web.
In: Chosein, Yamahata, (ed.)
Social Transformations in India, Myanmar, and Thailand Volume II: Identity and Grassroots for Democratic Progress.
Palgrave Macmillan - Springer Link, Singapore, pp. 263-290.
ISBN 978-9811671098; 978-9811671128; 978-9811671104
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Rhizomatic pedagogy in higher education.
In: Khine, Myint Swe, (ed.)
New Directions in Rhizomatic Learning: From Poststructural Thinking to Nomadic Pedagogy.
Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 978-1003376378; 978-1032453088; 1032453087
Mundair, Julie and Rapley, Eve ORCID:
Has the pandemic made us better personal tutors.
In: GBS Learning and Teaching festival 2021, 24th June, 2021, University of Greenwich, London.
Mundair, Julie and Spinks, Jenny (2020) LevelUp@GRE. In: SHIFT 2020: 'Teaching and Assessment', 10th Jan, 2020, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)
Spinks, Jenny and Mundair, Julie (2023) NextLevel: Academic success through community and belonging. In: SHIFT 2024: 'Inclusive Higher Education: Myths and Realities', 10th - 11th Jan, 2024, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)
Human Rights
Aye, Ei Phyo, Mya Sun, Ei Ei and Day, Michael ORCID:
Developing an understanding of COVID-19 pandemic health restrictions, laws and penalties in Myanmar.
Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 9 (1).
pp. 11-34.
ISSN 2697-3804 (Online)
Aye, Ei Phyo, Mya Sun, Ei Ei and Day, Michael ORCID:
Developing an understanding of COVID-19 pandemic health restrictions, laws and penalties in Myanmar.
Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 9 (1).
pp. 11-34.
ISSN 2697-3804 (Online)
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Merisa
Web Science in SE Asia: cultivating a 'Thai digital Renaissance' through (re)introducing an interdisciplinary science in Higher Education.
In: 2019 ANPOR Annual Conference Proceedings Vol. 7 No. 1.
ANPOR Asian Network For Public Opinion Research, 7(1)
Asian Network for Public Opinion (ANPOR), Chiang Mai, Thailand & Republic of Korea, pp. 114-131.
ISSN 2288-6168 (Online)
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Rhizomatic pedagogy in higher education.
In: Khine, Myint Swe, (ed.)
New Directions in Rhizomatic Learning: From Poststructural Thinking to Nomadic Pedagogy.
Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 978-1003376378; 978-1032453088; 1032453087
Kuhn, Catherine, Havemann, Leo, Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Three lenses on lurking: making sense of digital silence.
In: Blessinger, Patrick, (ed.)
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning.
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, 40
Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, UK, pp. 83-93.
ISBN 978-1800436732; 978-1800436725
inclusive curriculum
Decker, Sallyanne (Olufemi), Sims, Stuart ORCID:, George, Rachel, Eranova, Mariya, Caussat, Paul, Pullen, Emma and Girdley, Ryan
QAA Shared Modules Collaborative Enhancement Project: Shared modules literature review.
Discussion Paper.
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Gloucester and London.
inclusive education
Spinks, Jenny and Mundair, Julie (2023) NextLevel: Academic success through community and belonging. In: SHIFT 2024: 'Inclusive Higher Education: Myths and Realities', 10th - 11th Jan, 2024, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)
inflammatory bowel diseases
Essex, Ryan ORCID:, Booth, Lesley, Sirois, Fuschia, Burch, Jennifer and Dibley, Lesley
A scoping review of the qualitative literature reporting experiences of living with a stoma for inflammatory bowel disease.
Journal of Advanced Nursing.
ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online)
information literacy
Bedford, David (2021) Evaluating confidence in information literacy: a red/amber/green tool. Journal of Information Literacy, 15 (1). pp. 96-104. ISSN 1750-5968 (Print), 1750-5968 (Online) (doi:10.11645/15.1.2833)
information practices
Meyer, Eric T., Bulger, Monica, Kyriakidou-Zacharoudiou, Avgousta, Power, Lucy, Williams, Peter, Venters, Will, Terras, Melissa and Wyatt, Sally (2011) Collaborative yet independent: Information practices in the physical sciences. Project Report. Institute of Physics Publications, London, UK.
information science
Meyer, Eric T., Bulger, Monica, Kyriakidou-Zacharoudiou, Avgousta, Power, Lucy, Williams, Peter, Venters, Will, Terras, Melissa and Wyatt, Sally (2011) Collaborative yet independent: Information practices in the physical sciences. Project Report. Institute of Physics Publications, London, UK.
information theory
Al-Zobaidie, Ala and Al-Sudani, Sahar (2006) Managing digital libraries using semantic web technologies. Proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ASC 2006. Acta Press, Anaheim, pp. 190-196. ISBN 9780889866102
intelligent information retrieval
Al-Zobaidie, Ala and Al-Sudani, Sahar (2006) Managing digital libraries using semantic web technologies. Proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ASC 2006. Acta Press, Anaheim, pp. 190-196. ISBN 9780889866102
Decker, Sallyanne (Olufemi), Sims, Stuart ORCID:, George, Rachel, Eranova, Mariya, Caussat, Paul, Pullen, Emma and Girdley, Ryan
QAA Shared Modules Collaborative Enhancement Project: Shared modules literature review.
Discussion Paper.
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Gloucester and London.
intergenerational contact
Kalocsanyiova, Erika ORCID:, Essex, Ryan
ORCID:, Hassan, Rania, Markowski, Marianne
ORCID:, Guemar, Latefa Narriman, Kazmouz, Mataz, Locke, Christine, Muhamud, Guuleed, Ntabyera, Edith and Vogel, Peter
Intergenerational contact in refugee settlement contexts: results from a systematic mapping review and analysis.
Journal of International Migration and Integration.
ISSN 1488-3473 (Print), 1874-6365 (Online)
international education
Day, Michael ORCID:
Reimagining library learning spaces, or risking digital piracy in universities: students views on spatial boundaries, time, and self-study modalities in the post-digital era of AI.
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 17 (1).
pp. 65-81.
ISSN 2044-0081
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
investigative interviewing
Brouillard, Celine, Gabbert, Fiona and Scott, Adrian J. (2024) Addressing current issues in assessing professional rapport: a systematic review and synthesis of existing measures. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38 (3):e4205. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0888-4080 (Print), 1099-0720 (Online) (doi:10.1002/acp.4205)
journal editing
Silverstein, Priya, Elman, Colin, Montoya, Amanda, McGillivray, Barbara, Pennington, Charlotte, Harrison, Chase, Steltenpohl, Crystal, Roer, Jan, Corker, Katherine, Charron, Lisa, Elsherif, Mahmoud, Malicki, Mario, Hayes-Harb, Rachel, Grinschgl, Sandra, Neal, Tess, Evans, Thomas ORCID:, Karhulahti, Veli-Matti, Krenzer, William, Belaus, Anabel, Moreau, David, Burin, Debora, Chin, Elizabeth, Plomp, Esther, Mayo-Wilson, Evan, Lyle, Jared, Adler, Jonathan, Bottesini, Julia, Lawson, Katherine, Schmidt, Kathleen, Reneau, Kyrani, Vilhuber, Lars, Waltman, Ludo, Gernsbacher, Morton, Plonski, Paul, Ghai, Sakshi, Grant, Sean, Christian, Thu-Mai, Ngiam, William and Syed, Moin
A guide for social science journal editors on easing into open science.
Research Integrity and Peer Review, 9:2.
ISSN 2058-8615 (Online)
journal ranking
Cronin, Bruce ORCID:
Heterodox economic journal rankings revisited.
In: Hermann, Arturo and Mouatt, Simon, (eds.)
Contemporary issues in heterodox economics: implications for theory and policy action.
Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics
Routledge- Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 231-258.
ISBN 978-0429346415; 0429346417; 978-1000199499; 1000199495; 978-1000199192; 1000199193; 978-0367365042; 0367365049
knowledge management
Bartlett, D. ORCID:
Knowledge transfer in the land based sector.
In: Seminar & Workshop Biodiversity Knowledge - Case Study Agriculture, 17-18 Jan 2013, Paris, France.
knowledge transfer
Bartlett, D. ORCID:
Knowledge transfer in the land based sector.
In: Seminar & Workshop Biodiversity Knowledge - Case Study Agriculture, 17-18 Jan 2013, Paris, France.
Bartlett, D. ORCID:
Knowledge transfer in the land based sector.
In: Seminar & Workshop Biodiversity Knowledge - Case Study Agriculture, 17-18 Jan 2013, Paris, France.
Law and punishment
Aye, Ei Phyo, Mya Sun, Ei Ei and Day, Michael ORCID:
Developing an understanding of COVID-19 pandemic health restrictions, laws and penalties in Myanmar.
Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 9 (1).
pp. 11-34.
ISSN 2697-3804 (Online)
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Mersia
Newton’s socio-technical cradle? Web Science, the weaponisation of social media, hashtag activism and Thailand's postcolonial pendulum.
Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC), 16.
pp. 100-129.
ISSN 2049-2340
leadership and management
Jameson, Jill ORCID:
E-Leadership in higher education: The fifth “age” of educational technology research.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 44 (6).
pp. 889-915.
ISSN 0007-1013 (Print), 1467-8535 (Online)
leadership of e-learning
Jameson, Jill ORCID:
E-Leadership in higher education: The fifth “age” of educational technology research.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 44 (6).
pp. 889-915.
ISSN 0007-1013 (Print), 1467-8535 (Online)
learning experience
Mundair, Julie and Spinks, Jenny (2020) LevelUp@GRE. In: SHIFT 2020: 'Teaching and Assessment', 10th Jan, 2020, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)
learning subjectives
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Rhizomatic pedagogy in higher education.
In: Khine, Myint Swe, (ed.)
New Directions in Rhizomatic Learning: From Poststructural Thinking to Nomadic Pedagogy.
Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 978-1003376378; 978-1032453088; 1032453087
Spinks, Jenny and Mundair, Julie (2020) LevelUp for student transition and retention. In: SHIFT 2020: 'Teaching and Assessment', 10th Jan, 2020, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)
library anxiety
Bedford, David (2021) Evaluating confidence in information literacy: a red/amber/green tool. Journal of Information Literacy, 15 (1). pp. 96-104. ISSN 1750-5968 (Print), 1750-5968 (Online) (doi:10.11645/15.1.2833)
Day, Michael ORCID:
Reimagining library learning spaces, or risking digital piracy in universities: students views on spatial boundaries, time, and self-study modalities in the post-digital era of AI.
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 17 (1).
pp. 65-81.
ISSN 2044-0081
literature citation network
Zhang, Ben, Ma, Lei and Liu, Zheng ORCID:
Literature trend identification of sustainable technology innovation: a bibliometric study based on co-citation and main path analysis.
Sustainability, 12 (20):8664.
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 2071-1050 (Online)
literature review
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
live commerce
Kawaf, Fatema ORCID: and Girotto, Michele
Mapping the terrain of social and livestream commerce research through the affordance lens: a bibliometric review and research agenda.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 65:101399.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1567-4223 (Print), 1873-7846 (Online)
Kawaf, Fatema ORCID: and Girotto, Michele
Mapping the terrain of social and livestream commerce research through the affordance lens: a bibliometric review and research agenda.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 65:101399.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1567-4223 (Print), 1873-7846 (Online)
Kuhn, Catherine, Havemann, Leo, Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Three lenses on lurking: making sense of digital silence.
In: Blessinger, Patrick, (ed.)
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning.
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, 40
Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, UK, pp. 83-93.
ISBN 978-1800436732; 978-1800436725
Kuhn, Catherine, Havemann, Leo, Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Three lenses on lurking: making sense of digital silence.
In: Blessinger, Patrick, (ed.)
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning.
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, 40
Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, UK, pp. 83-93.
ISBN 978-1800436732; 978-1800436725
Kawaf, Fatema ORCID: and Girotto, Michele
Mapping the terrain of social and livestream commerce research through the affordance lens: a bibliometric review and research agenda.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 65:101399.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1567-4223 (Print), 1873-7846 (Online)
main path analysis
Zhang, Ben, Ma, Lei and Liu, Zheng ORCID:
Literature trend identification of sustainable technology innovation: a bibliometric study based on co-citation and main path analysis.
Sustainability, 12 (20):8664.
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 2071-1050 (Online)
mapping review
Kalocsanyiova, Erika ORCID:, Essex, Ryan
ORCID:, Hassan, Rania, Markowski, Marianne
ORCID:, Guemar, Latefa Narriman, Kazmouz, Mataz, Locke, Christine, Muhamud, Guuleed, Ntabyera, Edith and Vogel, Peter
Intergenerational contact in refugee settlement contexts: results from a systematic mapping review and analysis.
Journal of International Migration and Integration.
ISSN 1488-3473 (Print), 1874-6365 (Online)
Brouillard, Celine, Gabbert, Fiona and Scott, Adrian J. (2024) Addressing current issues in assessing professional rapport: a systematic review and synthesis of existing measures. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38 (3):e4205. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0888-4080 (Print), 1099-0720 (Online) (doi:10.1002/acp.4205)
Morris, Craig and Memari, Laura (2022) Is there a largely consistent discourse on drugs in the UK press? Tabloid or broadsheet, left-leaning or right, does it make much difference? Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 22 (1). pp. 92-108. ISSN 1070-8286
Kalocsanyiova, Erika ORCID:, Essex, Ryan
ORCID:, Hassan, Rania, Markowski, Marianne
ORCID:, Guemar, Latefa Narriman, Kazmouz, Mataz, Locke, Christine, Muhamud, Guuleed, Ntabyera, Edith and Vogel, Peter
Intergenerational contact in refugee settlement contexts: results from a systematic mapping review and analysis.
Journal of International Migration and Integration.
ISSN 1488-3473 (Print), 1874-6365 (Online)
mixed methods
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
Aye, Ei Phyo, Mya Sun, Ei Ei and Day, Michael ORCID:
Developing an understanding of COVID-19 pandemic health restrictions, laws and penalties in Myanmar.
Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 9 (1).
pp. 11-34.
ISSN 2697-3804 (Online)
networked learning
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
Open and networked scholarship.
In: Rowell, Chris, (ed.)
Social Media in Higher Education Case Studies, Reflections and Analysis.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, UK, pp. 61-70.
ISBN 978-1783746682; 978-1783746699; 978-1783746705; 978-1800645806; 978-1783746736; 978-1783746712; 978-1783746729
Morris, Craig and Memari, Laura (2022) Is there a largely consistent discourse on drugs in the UK press? Tabloid or broadsheet, left-leaning or right, does it make much difference? Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 22 (1). pp. 92-108. ISSN 1070-8286
nomadic learning
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Rhizomatic pedagogy in higher education.
In: Khine, Myint Swe, (ed.)
New Directions in Rhizomatic Learning: From Poststructural Thinking to Nomadic Pedagogy.
Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 978-1003376378; 978-1032453088; 1032453087
non-hierarchical learning
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Rhizomatic pedagogy in higher education.
In: Khine, Myint Swe, (ed.)
New Directions in Rhizomatic Learning: From Poststructural Thinking to Nomadic Pedagogy.
Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 978-1003376378; 978-1032453088; 1032453087
non-participant observation
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
online delivery
Gao, Xiaowen ORCID:
Engaging students affectively to stimulate social presence in online learning.
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 14 (2).
pp. 1-3.
ISSN 2044-0081
online design
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Veletsianos, George (eds.)
Feminist Critical Digital Pedagogy: An Open Book.
EdTech Books, Provo, UT, USA.
online education
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
Open and networked scholarship.
In: Rowell, Chris, (ed.)
Social Media in Higher Education Case Studies, Reflections and Analysis.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, UK, pp. 61-70.
ISBN 978-1783746682; 978-1783746699; 978-1783746705; 978-1800645806; 978-1783746736; 978-1783746712; 978-1783746729
online health communities
Casilli, Antonio A., Rouchier, Juliette and Tubaro, Paola (2014) How to build consensus in a health-oriented online community: modeling a ‘pro-ana’ forum. Revue française de sociologie, 55 (4). pp. 731-763. ISSN 0035-2969 (Print), 1958-5691 (Online)
online leadership
Jameson, Jill ORCID:
E-Leadership in higher education: The fifth “age” of educational technology research.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 44 (6).
pp. 889-915.
ISSN 0007-1013 (Print), 1467-8535 (Online)
online learning
Gao, Xiaowen ORCID:
Seeking effective pedagogy for online learning.
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching.
ISSN 2044-0081
(In Press)
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Veletsianos, George (eds.)
Feminist Critical Digital Pedagogy: An Open Book.
EdTech Books, Provo, UT, USA.
Kuhn, Catherine, Havemann, Leo, Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Three lenses on lurking: making sense of digital silence.
In: Blessinger, Patrick, (ed.)
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning.
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, 40
Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, UK, pp. 83-93.
ISBN 978-1800436732; 978-1800436725
online networks
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
Open and networked scholarship.
In: Rowell, Chris, (ed.)
Social Media in Higher Education Case Studies, Reflections and Analysis.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, UK, pp. 61-70.
ISBN 978-1783746682; 978-1783746699; 978-1783746705; 978-1800645806; 978-1783746736; 978-1783746712; 978-1783746729
Al-Zobaidie, Ala and Al-Sudani, Sahar (2006) Managing digital libraries using semantic web technologies. Proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ASC 2006. Acta Press, Anaheim, pp. 190-196. ISBN 9780889866102
open access journal
Yun, Jinhyo Joseph, Liu, Zheng ORCID:, Jeong, Euiseob, Kim, Sangwoo and Kim, Kyunghun
The difference in open innovation between open access and closed access, according to the change of collective intelligence and knowledge amount.
Sustainability, 14 (5):2574.
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 2071-1050 (Online)
open and distance learning
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
Access as pedagogy: a case for embracing feminist pedagogy in open and distance learning.
Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15 (1).
pp. 277-290.
ISSN 1347-9008
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Ozturk, Tugba, Ucar, Hasan, Karahan, Engin and Bozkurt, Aras
30 years of gender inequality and implications on curriculum design in Open and Distance Learning.
Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020 (1).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 1365-893X
open data
Hughes-Noehrer, Lukas, Bonn, Noemie, De Maria, Marcello, Evans, Thomas Rhys ORCID:, Farran, Emily, Fortunato, Laura, Henderson, Emma, Jacobs, Neil, Munafo, Marcus, Stewart, Suzanne and Stewart, Andrew
UK Reproducibility Network open and transparent research practices survey dataset.
Scientific Data, 11:912.
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 2052-4463 (Online)
open education
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
A commentary on the paradigm shift toward openness in Higher Education.
eLearn Magazine: Where thought and practice meet.
ISSN 1535-394X (Online)
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Bozkurt, Aras and Singh, Lenandlar
An analysis of peer reviewed publications on openness in education in half a century: trends and patterns in the open hemisphere.
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35 (4).
pp. 78-97.
ISSN 1449-3098 (Print), 1449-5554 (Online)
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Veletsianos, George (eds.)
Feminist Critical Digital Pedagogy: An Open Book.
EdTech Books, Provo, UT, USA.
Open Educational Practices (OEPs)
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Bozkurt, Aras and Singh, Lenandlar
An analysis of peer reviewed publications on openness in education in half a century: trends and patterns in the open hemisphere.
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35 (4).
pp. 78-97.
ISSN 1449-3098 (Print), 1449-5554 (Online)
Open Educational Resources (OERs)
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Bozkurt, Aras and Singh, Lenandlar
An analysis of peer reviewed publications on openness in education in half a century: trends and patterns in the open hemisphere.
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35 (4).
pp. 78-97.
ISSN 1449-3098 (Print), 1449-5554 (Online)
open innovation
Yun, Jinhyo Joseph, Liu, Zheng ORCID:, Jeong, Euiseob, Kim, Sangwoo and Kim, Kyunghun
The difference in open innovation between open access and closed access, according to the change of collective intelligence and knowledge amount.
Sustainability, 14 (5):2574.
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 2071-1050 (Online)
Open Learning
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Bozkurt, Aras and Singh, Lenandlar
An analysis of peer reviewed publications on openness in education in half a century: trends and patterns in the open hemisphere.
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35 (4).
pp. 78-97.
ISSN 1449-3098 (Print), 1449-5554 (Online)
open scholarship
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
A commentary on the paradigm shift toward openness in Higher Education.
eLearn Magazine: Where thought and practice meet.
ISSN 1535-394X (Online)
open science
Evans, Thomas Rhys ORCID:, Branney, Peter, Clements, Andrew and Hatton, Ella
Improving evidence-based practice through preregistration of applied research: barriers and recommendations.
Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance, 30 (2).
pp. 88-108.
ISSN 0898-9621 (Print), 1545-5815 (Online)
Silverstein, Priya, Elman, Colin, Montoya, Amanda, McGillivray, Barbara, Pennington, Charlotte, Harrison, Chase, Steltenpohl, Crystal, Roer, Jan, Corker, Katherine, Charron, Lisa, Elsherif, Mahmoud, Malicki, Mario, Hayes-Harb, Rachel, Grinschgl, Sandra, Neal, Tess, Evans, Thomas ORCID:, Karhulahti, Veli-Matti, Krenzer, William, Belaus, Anabel, Moreau, David, Burin, Debora, Chin, Elizabeth, Plomp, Esther, Mayo-Wilson, Evan, Lyle, Jared, Adler, Jonathan, Bottesini, Julia, Lawson, Katherine, Schmidt, Kathleen, Reneau, Kyrani, Vilhuber, Lars, Waltman, Ludo, Gernsbacher, Morton, Plonski, Paul, Ghai, Sakshi, Grant, Sean, Christian, Thu-Mai, Ngiam, William and Syed, Moin
A guide for social science journal editors on easing into open science.
Research Integrity and Peer Review, 9:2.
ISSN 2058-8615 (Online)
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
Access as pedagogy: a case for embracing feminist pedagogy in open and distance learning.
Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15 (1).
pp. 277-290.
ISSN 1347-9008
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Bozkurt, Aras and Singh, Lenandlar
An analysis of peer reviewed publications on openness in education in half a century: trends and patterns in the open hemisphere.
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35 (4).
pp. 78-97.
ISSN 1449-3098 (Print), 1449-5554 (Online)
Essex, Ryan ORCID:, Booth, Lesley, Sirois, Fuschia, Burch, Jennifer and Dibley, Lesley
A scoping review of the qualitative literature reporting experiences of living with a stoma for inflammatory bowel disease.
Journal of Advanced Nursing.
ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online)
paradigm shift
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
A commentary on the paradigm shift toward openness in Higher Education.
eLearn Magazine: Where thought and practice meet.
ISSN 1535-394X (Online)
Peace Studies
Aye, Ei Phyo, Mya Sun, Ei Ei and Day, Michael ORCID:
Developing an understanding of COVID-19 pandemic health restrictions, laws and penalties in Myanmar.
Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 9 (1).
pp. 11-34.
ISSN 2697-3804 (Online)
pedagogical design
Gao, Xiaowen ORCID:
Engaging students affectively to stimulate social presence in online learning.
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 14 (2).
pp. 1-3.
ISSN 2044-0081
Gao, Xiaowen ORCID:
Seeking effective pedagogy for online learning.
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching.
ISSN 2044-0081
(In Press)
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Veletsianos, George (eds.)
Feminist Critical Digital Pedagogy: An Open Book.
EdTech Books, Provo, UT, USA.
peer review
Silverstein, Priya, Elman, Colin, Montoya, Amanda, McGillivray, Barbara, Pennington, Charlotte, Harrison, Chase, Steltenpohl, Crystal, Roer, Jan, Corker, Katherine, Charron, Lisa, Elsherif, Mahmoud, Malicki, Mario, Hayes-Harb, Rachel, Grinschgl, Sandra, Neal, Tess, Evans, Thomas ORCID:, Karhulahti, Veli-Matti, Krenzer, William, Belaus, Anabel, Moreau, David, Burin, Debora, Chin, Elizabeth, Plomp, Esther, Mayo-Wilson, Evan, Lyle, Jared, Adler, Jonathan, Bottesini, Julia, Lawson, Katherine, Schmidt, Kathleen, Reneau, Kyrani, Vilhuber, Lars, Waltman, Ludo, Gernsbacher, Morton, Plonski, Paul, Ghai, Sakshi, Grant, Sean, Christian, Thu-Mai, Ngiam, William and Syed, Moin
A guide for social science journal editors on easing into open science.
Research Integrity and Peer Review, 9:2.
ISSN 2058-8615 (Online)
personal tutoring
Mundair, Julie and Rapley, Eve ORCID:
Has the pandemic made us better personal tutors.
In: GBS Learning and Teaching festival 2021, 24th June, 2021, University of Greenwich, London.
Pazurek, Angeliki and Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
In: Review Board, Ed Tech and Editorial Board, Ed Tech, (eds.)
EdTechnica. The Open Encyclopedia of Educational Technology.
EdTech Books, Online "living volume".
Pazurek, Angeliki and Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
In: Review Board, Ed Tech and Editorial Board, Ed Tech, (eds.)
EdTechnica. The Open Encyclopedia of Educational Technology.
EdTech Books, Online "living volume".
physical sciences
Meyer, Eric T., Bulger, Monica, Kyriakidou-Zacharoudiou, Avgousta, Power, Lucy, Williams, Peter, Venters, Will, Terras, Melissa and Wyatt, Sally (2011) Collaborative yet independent: Information practices in the physical sciences. Project Report. Institute of Physics Publications, London, UK.
Day, Michael ORCID:
Reimagining library learning spaces, or risking digital piracy in universities: students views on spatial boundaries, time, and self-study modalities in the post-digital era of AI.
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 17 (1).
pp. 65-81.
ISSN 2044-0081
Evans, Thomas Rhys ORCID:, Branney, Peter, Clements, Andrew and Hatton, Ella
Improving evidence-based practice through preregistration of applied research: barriers and recommendations.
Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance, 30 (2).
pp. 88-108.
ISSN 0898-9621 (Print), 1545-5815 (Online)
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
public opinion
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Merisa
Web Science in SE Asia: cultivating a 'Thai digital Renaissance' through (re)introducing an interdisciplinary science in Higher Education.
In: 2019 ANPOR Annual Conference Proceedings Vol. 7 No. 1.
ANPOR Asian Network For Public Opinion Research, 7(1)
Asian Network for Public Opinion (ANPOR), Chiang Mai, Thailand & Republic of Korea, pp. 114-131.
ISSN 2288-6168 (Online)
qualitative design
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
qualitative methods
Pazurek, Angeliki and Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
In: Review Board, Ed Tech and Editorial Board, Ed Tech, (eds.)
EdTechnica. The Open Encyclopedia of Educational Technology.
EdTech Books, Online "living volume".
quantitative design
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
Brouillard, Celine, Gabbert, Fiona and Scott, Adrian J. (2024) Addressing current issues in assessing professional rapport: a systematic review and synthesis of existing measures. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38 (3):e4205. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0888-4080 (Print), 1099-0720 (Online) (doi:10.1002/acp.4205)
Yun, Jinhyo Joseph, Liu, Zheng ORCID:, Jeong, Euiseob, Kim, Sangwoo and Kim, Kyunghun
The difference in open innovation between open access and closed access, according to the change of collective intelligence and knowledge amount.
Sustainability, 14 (5):2574.
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 2071-1050 (Online)
Kalocsanyiova, Erika ORCID:, Essex, Ryan
ORCID:, Hassan, Rania, Markowski, Marianne
ORCID:, Guemar, Latefa Narriman, Kazmouz, Mataz, Locke, Christine, Muhamud, Guuleed, Ntabyera, Edith and Vogel, Peter
Intergenerational contact in refugee settlement contexts: results from a systematic mapping review and analysis.
Journal of International Migration and Integration.
ISSN 1488-3473 (Print), 1874-6365 (Online)
Morris, Craig and Memari, Laura (2022) Is there a largely consistent discourse on drugs in the UK press? Tabloid or broadsheet, left-leaning or right, does it make much difference? Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 22 (1). pp. 92-108. ISSN 1070-8286
research ethics
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
research methods
Pazurek, Angeliki and Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:
In: Review Board, Ed Tech and Editorial Board, Ed Tech, (eds.)
EdTechnica. The Open Encyclopedia of Educational Technology.
EdTech Books, Online "living volume".
Spinks, Jenny and Mundair, Julie (2020) LevelUp for student transition and retention. In: SHIFT 2020: 'Teaching and Assessment', 10th Jan, 2020, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)
rhizomatic learning
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Rhizomatic pedagogy in higher education.
In: Khine, Myint Swe, (ed.)
New Directions in Rhizomatic Learning: From Poststructural Thinking to Nomadic Pedagogy.
Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 978-1003376378; 978-1032453088; 1032453087
sampling strategies
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
scholarly publishing
Silverstein, Priya, Elman, Colin, Montoya, Amanda, McGillivray, Barbara, Pennington, Charlotte, Harrison, Chase, Steltenpohl, Crystal, Roer, Jan, Corker, Katherine, Charron, Lisa, Elsherif, Mahmoud, Malicki, Mario, Hayes-Harb, Rachel, Grinschgl, Sandra, Neal, Tess, Evans, Thomas ORCID:, Karhulahti, Veli-Matti, Krenzer, William, Belaus, Anabel, Moreau, David, Burin, Debora, Chin, Elizabeth, Plomp, Esther, Mayo-Wilson, Evan, Lyle, Jared, Adler, Jonathan, Bottesini, Julia, Lawson, Katherine, Schmidt, Kathleen, Reneau, Kyrani, Vilhuber, Lars, Waltman, Ludo, Gernsbacher, Morton, Plonski, Paul, Ghai, Sakshi, Grant, Sean, Christian, Thu-Mai, Ngiam, William and Syed, Moin
A guide for social science journal editors on easing into open science.
Research Integrity and Peer Review, 9:2.
ISSN 2058-8615 (Online)
science mapping
Kawaf, Fatema ORCID: and Girotto, Michele
Mapping the terrain of social and livestream commerce research through the affordance lens: a bibliometric review and research agenda.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 65:101399.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1567-4223 (Print), 1873-7846 (Online)
secondary data analysis
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
semantic web
Al-Zobaidie, Ala and Al-Sudani, Sahar (2006) Managing digital libraries using semantic web technologies. Proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ASC 2006. Acta Press, Anaheim, pp. 190-196. ISBN 9780889866102
sense of community
Spinks, Jenny and Mundair, Julie (2023) NextLevel: Academic success through community and belonging. In: SHIFT 2024: 'Inclusive Higher Education: Myths and Realities', 10th - 11th Jan, 2024, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)
shared module
Decker, Sallyanne (Olufemi), Sims, Stuart ORCID:, George, Rachel, Eranova, Mariya, Caussat, Paul, Pullen, Emma and Girdley, Ryan
QAA Shared Modules Collaborative Enhancement Project: Shared modules literature review.
Discussion Paper.
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Gloucester and London.
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
Ali, Mahmood, Xie, Ying and Cullinane, Joanna (2013) A Decision Support. In: Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Maria, Varajao, Joao and Trigo, Antonio, (eds.) Sociotechnical Enterprise Information Systems Design and Integration. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 97-121. ISBN 9781466636644 (doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-3664-4.ch007)
social commerce
Kawaf, Fatema ORCID: and Girotto, Michele
Mapping the terrain of social and livestream commerce research through the affordance lens: a bibliometric review and research agenda.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 65:101399.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1567-4223 (Print), 1873-7846 (Online)
social influence model
Casilli, Antonio A., Rouchier, Juliette and Tubaro, Paola (2014) How to build consensus in a health-oriented online community: modeling a ‘pro-ana’ forum. Revue française de sociologie, 55 (4). pp. 731-763. ISSN 0035-2969 (Print), 1958-5691 (Online)
social justice
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Ozturk, Tugba, Ucar, Hasan, Karahan, Engin and Bozkurt, Aras
30 years of gender inequality and implications on curriculum design in Open and Distance Learning.
Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020 (1).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 1365-893X
social network analysis
Cronin, Bruce ORCID:
Heterodox economic journal rankings revisited.
In: Hermann, Arturo and Mouatt, Simon, (eds.)
Contemporary issues in heterodox economics: implications for theory and policy action.
Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics
Routledge- Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 231-258.
ISBN 978-0429346415; 0429346417; 978-1000199499; 1000199495; 978-1000199192; 1000199193; 978-0367365042; 0367365049
Aye, Ei Phyo, Mya Sun, Ei Ei and Day, Michael ORCID:
Developing an understanding of COVID-19 pandemic health restrictions, laws and penalties in Myanmar.
Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 9 (1).
pp. 11-34.
ISSN 2697-3804 (Online)
Day, Michael ORCID:
Digital divides in Chinese HE: leveraging AI as Student’s Partner (AIasSP) to reduce piracy.
Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (QJSSH), 5 (1).
pp. 165-183.
ISSN 2716-6481 (Online)
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Merisa
Towards social transformation in Thailand: Orwellian power struggles and ‘digital’ human rights under the socio-technical Thai Internet panopticon.
In: Yamahata, Chosein, Seekins, Donald M. and Takeda, Makiko, (eds.)
Social Transformations in India, Myanmar, and Thailand Volume I: Social, Political and Ecological Perspectives.
Palgrave Macmillan - Springer Link, Singapore, pp. 279-311.
ISBN 978-9811671098; 978-9811671104; 9811671095; 978-9811596155; 978-9811596186
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Mersia
Newton’s socio-technical cradle? Web Science, the weaponisation of social media, hashtag activism and Thailand's postcolonial pendulum.
Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC), 16.
pp. 100-129.
ISSN 2049-2340
student identity
Decker, Sallyanne (Olufemi), Sims, Stuart ORCID:, George, Rachel, Eranova, Mariya, Caussat, Paul, Pullen, Emma and Girdley, Ryan
QAA Shared Modules Collaborative Enhancement Project: Shared modules literature review.
Discussion Paper.
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Gloucester and London.
student journey
Mundair, Julie and Spinks, Jenny (2020) LevelUp@GRE. In: SHIFT 2020: 'Teaching and Assessment', 10th Jan, 2020, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)
substance use
Morris, Craig and Memari, Laura (2022) Is there a largely consistent discourse on drugs in the UK press? Tabloid or broadsheet, left-leaning or right, does it make much difference? Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 22 (1). pp. 92-108. ISSN 1070-8286
survey design
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
Brouillard, Celine, Gabbert, Fiona and Scott, Adrian J. (2024) Addressing current issues in assessing professional rapport: a systematic review and synthesis of existing measures. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38 (3):e4205. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0888-4080 (Print), 1099-0720 (Online) (doi:10.1002/acp.4205)
sustainable technology innovation
Zhang, Ben, Ma, Lei and Liu, Zheng ORCID:
Literature trend identification of sustainable technology innovation: a bibliometric study based on co-citation and main path analysis.
Sustainability, 12 (20):8664.
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 2071-1050 (Online)
systematic review
Brouillard, Celine, Gabbert, Fiona and Scott, Adrian J. (2024) Addressing current issues in assessing professional rapport: a systematic review and synthesis of existing measures. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38 (3):e4205. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0888-4080 (Print), 1099-0720 (Online) (doi:10.1002/acp.4205)
Kawaf, Fatema ORCID: and Girotto, Michele
Mapping the terrain of social and livestream commerce research through the affordance lens: a bibliometric review and research agenda.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 65:101399.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1567-4223 (Print), 1873-7846 (Online)
teacher education and training
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Veletsianos, George and Rowell, Chris (eds.)
Critical Digital Pedagogy in Higher Education.
AU Press, Athabasca University, Canada.
ISBN 978-1771993647; 978-1778290015; 978-1771993654
technology leadership
Jameson, Jill ORCID:
E-Leadership in higher education: The fifth “age” of educational technology research.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 44 (6).
pp. 889-915.
ISSN 0007-1013 (Print), 1467-8535 (Online)
TNE programme
Gao, Xiaowen ORCID:
Seeking effective pedagogy for online learning.
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching.
ISSN 2044-0081
(In Press)
Mundair, Julie and Spinks, Jenny (2020) LevelUp@GRE. In: SHIFT 2020: 'Teaching and Assessment', 10th Jan, 2020, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)
Spinks, Jenny and Mundair, Julie (2020) LevelUp for student transition and retention. In: SHIFT 2020: 'Teaching and Assessment', 10th Jan, 2020, University of Greenwich, London. (Unpublished)
Evans, Thomas Rhys ORCID:, Branney, Peter, Clements, Andrew and Hatton, Ella
Improving evidence-based practice through preregistration of applied research: barriers and recommendations.
Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance, 30 (2).
pp. 88-108.
ISSN 0898-9621 (Print), 1545-5815 (Online)
unstructured learning
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID: and Bozkurt, Aras
Rhizomatic pedagogy in higher education.
In: Khine, Myint Swe, (ed.)
New Directions in Rhizomatic Learning: From Poststructural Thinking to Nomadic Pedagogy.
Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 978-1003376378; 978-1032453088; 1032453087
using SPSS
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
virtual leadership
Jameson, Jill ORCID:
E-Leadership in higher education: The fifth “age” of educational technology research.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 44 (6).
pp. 889-915.
ISSN 0007-1013 (Print), 1467-8535 (Online)
Gray, David E. ORCID:
Doing research in the real world.
SAGE Publications Ltd., London, UK.
ISBN 9781446260180
Web Science
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Merisa
Web Science in SE Asia: cultivating a 'Thai digital Renaissance' through (re)introducing an interdisciplinary science in Higher Education.
In: 2019 ANPOR Annual Conference Proceedings Vol. 7 No. 1.
ANPOR Asian Network For Public Opinion Research, 7(1)
Asian Network for Public Opinion (ANPOR), Chiang Mai, Thailand & Republic of Korea, pp. 114-131.
ISSN 2288-6168 (Online)
Web Science in Thailand
Day, Michael ORCID: and Skulsuthavong, Merisa
Web Science in SE Asia: cultivating a 'Thai digital Renaissance' through (re)introducing an interdisciplinary science in Higher Education.
In: 2019 ANPOR Annual Conference Proceedings Vol. 7 No. 1.
ANPOR Asian Network For Public Opinion Research, 7(1)
Asian Network for Public Opinion (ANPOR), Chiang Mai, Thailand & Republic of Korea, pp. 114-131.
ISSN 2288-6168 (Online)
Mundair, Julie and Rapley, Eve ORCID:
Has the pandemic made us better personal tutors.
In: GBS Learning and Teaching festival 2021, 24th June, 2021, University of Greenwich, London.
women empowerment
Koseoglu, Suzan ORCID:, Ozturk, Tugba, Ucar, Hasan, Karahan, Engin and Bozkurt, Aras
30 years of gender inequality and implications on curriculum design in Open and Distance Learning.
Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020 (1).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 1365-893X