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The dependence of power consumption of pneumatic conveying systems upon bulk material properties, pipeline bore and routing, and mode of flow

The dependence of power consumption of pneumatic conveying systems upon bulk material properties, pipeline bore and routing, and mode of flow

Schuster, T., Bradley, M.S.A. and Reed, Alan R. (1995) The dependence of power consumption of pneumatic conveying systems upon bulk material properties, pipeline bore and routing, and mode of flow. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E-Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 209 (E1). pp. 69-75. ISSN 0954-4089 (Print), 2041-3009 (Online) (doi:10.1243/PIME_PROC_1995_209_230_02)

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In this paper the dependence of the power consumption of pneumatic conveyors upon conveyed materials, pipeline route and bore, and mode of flow has been examined. The findings are that, with different materials and modes of flow, not only is the amount of power consumed very different but it varies in different ways with pipe bore and routing. Additionally it has been found that, for any given conveying system, the choice of air mover also has a strong influence on the power requirement.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: pneumatic conveyors, pipeline route,
Subjects: T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
Faculty / School / Research Centre / Research Group: Faculty of Engineering & Science
Faculty of Engineering & Science > Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology
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Last Modified: 29 Jan 2020 15:28

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