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Items where Subject is "QR355 Virology"

Items where Subject is "QR355 Virology"

Group by: Creators | Item Type | Uncontrolled Keywords
(CMD) (EACMV) 95% confidence interval acceptability adaptive-decision model adherence adolescents aedes albopictus Africa African armyworm age-structured model ageing alata AMR anopheles Anthrax toxin antimicrobial resistance antiretroviral drugs antiretroviral treatment Antisense antiviral aphids ART Asia autoimmune disease bacilliform virus baculovirus badnavirus banana banana bunchy top virus banana-streak-virus Bangaladesh barley barrier barriers begomoviruses Bemisia tabaci Betaflexiviridae biogeography biological control biomedicine biotype body mass index burden of disease BYDV BYDV‐PAV Caribbean cassava Cassava brown streak disease cassava brown streak ipomoviruses cassava brown streak viruses cassava mosaic disease cassava mosaic virus cassava mosaic viruses cauliflower-mosaic-virus causal loop model Cell biology cellular receptor cereal aphids change point children China ChIP chronic disease chronic pain co-infection community engagement competitive advantage coronavirus disease 2019 coronavirus disease-2019 covid COVID-19 COVID-19 and tuberculosis COVID-19 lockdown critical coverage rate Cytochrome oxidase Côte d'Ivoire data fitting days on mechanical ventilation death delayed enteral nutrition denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) dengue deterioration dioscorea Dioscorea spp. disability-adjusted life years disease disease resistance diversity dna dna viruses dolichos yellow mosaic disease drug resistance drug-resistant tuberculosis dying E coli E. coli early enteral nutrition early virus detection East African cassava mosaic virus Eastern Africa effective reproductive number ELISA emerging infectious disease Endocytosis endogenous badnaviral elements endogenous retrovirus enteral nutrition environmental conditions environmental surveillance epidemic waves epidemiology ExPEC expression facilitator facilitators feline aminopeptidase N flower strips fluvoxamine food safety food security gastrointestinal intolerance Geminiviridae geminivirus Geminivirus diversity gene expression genome genomic typing genomics genotype genotype environment interaction Ghana glycated haemoglobin H5N1 health health system health systems helper component protease helper virus hepatitis HERV high yield histone HIV HIV ⁄ AIDS HIV-TB HIV/AIDS HLA horticulture Host choice host decoy trap Host-seeking vectors HTS Human blood index I gene immunity immunity waning Indian Jatropha Mosaic Disease Indian subcontinent infection infectious disease influenza influenza-like illness (ILI) interferon (IFN)-inducible transmembrane (IFITM) protein interleukin intervention timing IPM Ipomovirus isothermal amplification legume Leishmania length of hospital stay Leptospirosis linkage to care lipid parameters live SARS virus lockdown long non-coding RNA malaria vectors mathematical model mathematical modelling mean first passage time medications mental health meta-analysis methylation migratory pest mitigation mixed infections mixed-methods mobile genetic elements model modeling molecular epidemiology molecular genetics mortality mosaic-virus mosquito larvae mosquito trap multiple sclerosis multiplex PCR natural enemies neglected zoonotic diseases Nepal Nepali community network meta-analysis neuraminidase inhibitor neutralizing titers newly reported cases next-generation sequencing Nipah virus non-pharmaceutical interventions non-suppression Non-viral novel corona virus nucleopolyhedrovirus nucleotide-sequence obstruction odds ratios older people Onchocerca volvulus Onchocerciasis One Health Ovipositing vectors paediatric tuberculosis pandemic pandemic preparedness parasite plug parenteral nutrition PARTICLE PASET patient engagement patients' perspective PEG-dilemma penicillium phylogenetics phylogeography physiology placebo effect plant disease plant pathogenic virus political will population genetics post harvest post-TB post-tuberculosis posthuman poverty prevalence production constraints programmatic implementation programmatic management programmatic tuberculosis management promastigote pseudotype assay pseudotype virus pseudotypes public health public health changes pulmonary hypertension PYMV qualitative research Rabies rainfall rapid diagnosis rate ratios recovery relative measures remote healthcare reproduction number resistance respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) restriction retrotransposable elements retroviral pseudotypes Reverse transcriptase recombinase polymerase amplification (RT-RPA) rice risk factors risk ratios RNA-seq RNAi rot routine programmatic management routine reporting RT-LAMP RT‐qPCR Salmonella (Typhimurium) sand fly SARS-CoV-2 SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant seasonality secretory gel seed systems serology signal detection Simulium damnosum Simulium damnosum (sensu lato) siRNA SIRV Sjogren’s syndrome South Africa South Asia species demarcation spirometry Spodoptera exempta stochastic difference model stomodeal valve sub-Saharan Africa Subling species sugarcane surveillance sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) sweet potato reversion swollen shoot virus systematic review TB TB cascade TB control TB mortality TB prevention TB-HIV tears lived with disability technology temperature timeline TINA tomato transcriptome transhumanism Transmission treatment outcomes trial sequential analysis tuberculosis tuberculosis meningitis tuberculosis mortality tuberculosis outcomes tuberculosis programmatic management tungro-associated viruses tungro-bacilliform virus type 2 diabetes type I feline coronaviruses Uganda United Kingdom upper limits urbanization vaccination vaccination strategy vaccine vaccine uptake vaccines vector Vector abundance vector transmission vector-mediated transmission veterinary epidemiology viral load viral neutralization viral release assay viral sequences virus virus detection virus diagnostics virus disease epidemiology virus emergence virus evolution virus research virus tropism virus-specific primers virus-vector relationships Vit D WDV West Africa West Nile virus WGS wheat whitefly WHO-building block whole genome sequencing winter yam Yam mosaic virus years of life lost yellow mottle virus yields Zoonoses Zoonotic disease
Number of items at this level: 466.


Lava Kumar, P., Akinbade, S.A., Dixon, A.G.O., Mahungu, N.M., Mutunda, M.P., Kiala, D., Londa, L. and Legg, J.P. (2009) First report of the occurence of East African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda (EACMV-UG) in Angola. Plant Pathology, 58 (2). p. 402. ISSN 0032-0862 (Print), 1365-3059 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2008.02010.x)


Lava Kumar, P., Akinbade, S.A., Dixon, A.G.O., Mahungu, N.M., Mutunda, M.P., Kiala, D., Londa, L. and Legg, J.P. (2009) First report of the occurence of East African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda (EACMV-UG) in Angola. Plant Pathology, 58 (2). p. 402. ISSN 0032-0862 (Print), 1365-3059 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2008.02010.x)

95% confidence interval

Chao, Yi-Sheng, Wu, Chao-Jung, Po, June ORCID logoORCID:, Huang, Shih-Yu, Wu, Hsing-Chien, Hsu, Hui-Ting, Cheng, Yen-Po, Lai, Yi-Chun and Chen, Wei-Chih (2023) The upper limits of risk ratios and recommendations for reporting risk ratios, odds ratios, and rate ratios. Cureus Journal of Medical Sciences, 15 (4):e37799. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2168-8184 (doi:10.7759/cureus.37799)


Purchase, Susan E., Garcia-Prats, Anthony J., De Koker, Petra, Draper, Heather R., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A., Schaaf, H. Simon and Hesseling, Anneke C. (2019) Acceptability of a novel levofloxacin dispersible tablet formulation in young children exposed to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 38 (6). pp. 608-610. ISSN 0891-3668 (Print), 1532-0987 (Online) (doi:10.1097/INF.0000000000002268)

adaptive-decision model

Yan, Quinling, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Tang, Sanyi (2022) Coupling an individual adaptive-decision model with a SIRV model of influenza vaccination reveals new insights for epidemic control. Statistics in Medicine, 42 (5). pp. 716-729. ISSN 0277-6715 (Print), 1097-0258 (Online) (doi:10.1002/sim.9639)


Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Rabdal, Julian, Freeman, Janifer and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2012) Factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment in Nepal: a mixed-methods study. PLoS ONE, 7 (5):e35547. ISSN 1932-6203 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035547)

Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Randall, Julian, Freeman, Jennifer and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2013) Barriers to and facilitators of antiretroviral therapy adherence in Nepal: a qualitative study. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 30 (4):PMC3763612. pp. 410-419. ISSN 2072-1315 (Online) (doi:10.3329/jhpn.v30i4.13294)

Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, van Teijlingen, Edwin, Simkhada, padam, Randall, Julian, Baxter, Sujan, Kirkpatrick, Pamela and Singh GC, Vijay (2011) Factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment in Asian developing countries: a systematic review. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 17 (1). pp. 71-81. ISSN 1360-2276 (Print), 1365-3156 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02888.x)


Maena, Joel, Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi ORCID logoORCID:, Mukiza, Nelson, Kuteesa, Cynthia Ndikuno, Kakumba, Ronald Makanga, Kataike, Hajira, Kizito, Samuel, Babirye, Juliet Allen and Nakal, Rita (2021) Determinants of viral load non-suppression among adolescents in Mbale District, Eastern Rural Uganda. AIDS Research and Therapy, 18:91. ISSN 1742-6405 (Print), 1742-6405 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12981-021-00408-1)

du Preez, Karen, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A, Naidoo, Pren, Schaaf, H Simon, Munch, Zahn, Dunbar, Rory, Mvusi, Lindiwe, Dlamini, Sicelo S and Hesseling, Anneke C (2021) The Impact of the evolving human immunodeficiency virus response on the epidemiology of tuberculosis in South African children and adolescents. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73 (4). e967-e975. ISSN 1058-4838 (Print), 1537-6591 (Online) (doi:10.1093/cid/ciab095)

aedes albopictus

Cheng, Qu, Liu, Yan, Wang, Xia, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) The relative importance of key meteorological factors affecting numbers of mosquito vectors of dengue fever. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 17 (4):e0011247. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0011247)


Grzywacz, David, Mushobozi, Wilfred L., Parnell, Mark, Jolliffe, Flavia and Wilson, Kenneth (2007) Evaluation of Spodoptera exempta nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpexNPV) for the field control of African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) in Tanzania. Crop Protection, 27 (1). pp. 17-24. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2007.04.005)

African armyworm

Grzywacz, David, Mushobozi, Wilfred L., Parnell, Mark, Jolliffe, Flavia and Wilson, Kenneth (2007) Evaluation of Spodoptera exempta nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpexNPV) for the field control of African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) in Tanzania. Crop Protection, 27 (1). pp. 17-24. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2007.04.005)

age-structured model

Wu, YuanYuan, Zhou, Weike, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Wang, Xia (2023) Prediction of the next major outbreak of COVID-19 in Mainland China and a vaccination strategy for it. Royal Society Open Science, 10:230655. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2054-5703 (Online) (doi:10.1098/rsos.230655)


Dunham, M., Bacon, L., Cottom, S., McCrone, P., Mehrpouya, H., Spyridonis, F., Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID: and Schofield, P. (2022) Chronic pain through COVID. Frontiers in Pain Research, 3:937652. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2673-561X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fpain.2022.937652)


Kenyon, Lawrence, Lebas, B.S.M. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Yams (Dioscorea spp.) from the South Pacific Islands contain many novel badnaviruses: Implications for international movement of yam germplasm. Archives of Virology, 153 (5). pp. 877-889. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0062-5)

Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID: and Muller, Emanuelle (2007) Molecular analysis of a full-length sequence of a new yam badnavirus from Dioscorea sansibarensis. Archives of Virology, 152 (4). pp. 819-825. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-006-0888-7)


Muloi, Dishon, Hassell, James, Wee, Bryan, Ward, Melissa, Bettridge, Judy ORCID logoORCID:, Kivali, Velma, Kiyong'a, Alice, Ndinda, Christine, Gitahi, Nduhiu, Ouko, Tom, Imboma, Titus, Akoko, James, Murungi, Maurice, Njoroge, Samuel, Muinde, Patrick, Alumasa, Lorren, Kaitho, Titus, Amanya, Frederic, Ogendo, Allan, van Bunnik, Bram, Kiiru, John, Robinson, Timothy, Kang'ethe, Erastus, Kariuki, Sam, Pederson, Amy, Fevre, Eric and Woolhouse, Mark (2022) Genomic epidemiology of Escherichia coli: antimicrobial resistance through a One Health lens in sympatric humans, livestock and peri-domestic wildlife in Nairobi, Kenya. BMC Medicine, 20:471. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1741-7015 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12916-022-02677-7)

Richter, Loandi, Duvenage, Stacey ORCID logoORCID:, Du Plessis, Erika Margaret, Msimango, Thabang, Dlangalala, Manana, Mathavha, Muneiwa Tshidino, Molelekoa,, Tintswalo, Kgoale, Degracious and Korsten, Lise (2024) Genomic evaluation of multidrug-resistant extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli from irrigation water and fresh produce in South Africa: a cross-sectional analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 58 (32). pp. 14421-14438. ISSN 0013-936X (Print), 1520-5851 (Online) (doi:


Zembere, Kennedy, Chirombo, James, Nasoni, Peter, McDermott, Daniel, Divala, Lizzie, Hawkes, Frances ORCID logoORCID: and Jones, Christopher M. (2022) The human-baited host decoy trap (HDT) is an efficient sampling device for exophagic malaria mosquitoes within irrigated lands in southern Malawi. Scientific reports, 12:3428. ISSN 2045-2322 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41598-022-07422-x)

Anthrax toxin

Dyer, Paul D.R., Shepherd, Thomas R., Gollings, Alexander S., Shorter, Susan A., Gorringe-Pattrick, Monique A. M., Tang, Chun-Kit, Cattoz, Beatrice N., Baillie, Les, Griffiths, Peter C. ORCID logoORCID: and Richardson, Simon C.W. ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Disarmed anthrax toxin delivers antisense oligonucleotides and siRNA with high efficiency and low toxicity. Journal of Controlled Release, 220 (A). pp. 316-328. ISSN 0168-3659 (doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.10.054)

antimicrobial resistance

Muloi, Dishon, Hassell, James, Wee, Bryan, Ward, Melissa, Bettridge, Judy ORCID logoORCID:, Kivali, Velma, Kiyong'a, Alice, Ndinda, Christine, Gitahi, Nduhiu, Ouko, Tom, Imboma, Titus, Akoko, James, Murungi, Maurice, Njoroge, Samuel, Muinde, Patrick, Alumasa, Lorren, Kaitho, Titus, Amanya, Frederic, Ogendo, Allan, van Bunnik, Bram, Kiiru, John, Robinson, Timothy, Kang'ethe, Erastus, Kariuki, Sam, Pederson, Amy, Fevre, Eric and Woolhouse, Mark (2022) Genomic epidemiology of Escherichia coli: antimicrobial resistance through a One Health lens in sympatric humans, livestock and peri-domestic wildlife in Nairobi, Kenya. BMC Medicine, 20:471. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1741-7015 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12916-022-02677-7)

Richter, Loandi, Duvenage, Stacey ORCID logoORCID:, Du Plessis, Erika Margaret, Msimango, Thabang, Dlangalala, Manana, Mathavha, Muneiwa Tshidino, Molelekoa,, Tintswalo, Kgoale, Degracious and Korsten, Lise (2024) Genomic evaluation of multidrug-resistant extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli from irrigation water and fresh produce in South Africa: a cross-sectional analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 58 (32). pp. 14421-14438. ISSN 0013-936X (Print), 1520-5851 (Online) (doi:

antiretroviral drugs

Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Randall, Julian, Freeman, Jennifer and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2013) Barriers to and facilitators of antiretroviral therapy adherence in Nepal: a qualitative study. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 30 (4):PMC3763612. pp. 410-419. ISSN 2072-1315 (Online) (doi:10.3329/jhpn.v30i4.13294)

antiretroviral treatment

Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, van Teijlingen, Edwin, Simkhada, padam, Randall, Julian, Baxter, Sujan, Kirkpatrick, Pamela and Singh GC, Vijay (2011) Factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment in Asian developing countries: a systematic review. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 17 (1). pp. 71-81. ISSN 1360-2276 (Print), 1365-3156 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02888.x)


Dyer, Paul D.R., Shepherd, Thomas R., Gollings, Alexander S., Shorter, Susan A., Gorringe-Pattrick, Monique A. M., Tang, Chun-Kit, Cattoz, Beatrice N., Baillie, Les, Griffiths, Peter C. ORCID logoORCID: and Richardson, Simon C.W. ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Disarmed anthrax toxin delivers antisense oligonucleotides and siRNA with high efficiency and low toxicity. Journal of Controlled Release, 220 (A). pp. 316-328. ISSN 0168-3659 (doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.10.054)


Su, Ching-Yao, Wang, Shi-Yun, Shie, Jiun-Jie, Jeng, King-Song, Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Fang, Jim-Min, Wong, Chi-Huey and Cheng, Yih-Shyun E. (2008) In vitro evaluation of neuraminidase inhibitors using the neuraminidase-dependent release assay of hemagglutinin-pseudotyped viruses. Antiviral Research, 79 (3). pp. 199-205. ISSN 0166-3542 (doi:10.1016/j.antiviral.2008.03.002)


Nanyiti, Sarah, Kabaalu, Richard, Alicai, Titus, Abidrabo, Phillip, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Bouvaine, Sophie ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, A and Foster, Gary (2023) Detection of cassava brown streak ipomoviruses in aphids collected from cassava plants. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7:1027842. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2571-581X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fsufs.2023.1027842)


Maena, Joel, Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi ORCID logoORCID:, Mukiza, Nelson, Kuteesa, Cynthia Ndikuno, Kakumba, Ronald Makanga, Kataike, Hajira, Kizito, Samuel, Babirye, Juliet Allen and Nakal, Rita (2021) Determinants of viral load non-suppression among adolescents in Mbale District, Eastern Rural Uganda. AIDS Research and Therapy, 18:91. ISSN 1742-6405 (Print), 1742-6405 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12981-021-00408-1)

Maena, Joel, Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi ORCID logoORCID:, Mukiza, Nelson, Kuteesa, Cynthia Ndikuno, Kakumba, Ronald Makanga, Kataike, Hajira, Kizito, Samuel, Babirye, Juliet Allen and Nakal, Rita (2021) Determinants of viral load non-suppression among adolescents in Mbale District, Eastern Rural Uganda. AIDS Research and Therapy, 18:91. ISSN 1742-6405 (Print), 1742-6405 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12981-021-00408-1)

Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Rabdal, Julian, Freeman, Janifer and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2012) Factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment in Nepal: a mixed-methods study. PLoS ONE, 7 (5):e35547. ISSN 1932-6203 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035547)


Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, van Teijlingen, Edwin, Simkhada, padam, Randall, Julian, Baxter, Sujan, Kirkpatrick, Pamela and Singh GC, Vijay (2011) Factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment in Asian developing countries: a systematic review. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 17 (1). pp. 71-81. ISSN 1360-2276 (Print), 1365-3156 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02888.x)

autoimmune disease

Moyes, David L., Martin, Alex, Sawcer, Stephen, Temperton, Nigel ORCID logoORCID:, Worthington, Jane, Griffiths, David J. and Venables, Patrick J. (2005) The distribution of the endogenous retroviruses HERV-K113 and HERV-K115 in health and disease. Genomics, 86 (3). pp. 337-341. ISSN 0888-7543 (doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2005.06.004)

bacilliform virus

Bousalem, M., Douzery, E.J.P. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Taxonomy, molecular phylogeny and evolution of plant reverse transcribing viruses (family Caulimoviridae) inferred from full-length genome and reverse transcriptase sequences. Archives of Virology, 153 (6). pp. 1085-1102. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0095-9)

Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID: and Muller, Emanuelle (2007) Molecular analysis of a full-length sequence of a new yam badnavirus from Dioscorea sansibarensis. Archives of Virology, 152 (4). pp. 819-825. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-006-0888-7)


Grzywacz, David, Mushobozi, Wilfred L., Parnell, Mark, Jolliffe, Flavia and Wilson, Kenneth (2007) Evaluation of Spodoptera exempta nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpexNPV) for the field control of African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) in Tanzania. Crop Protection, 27 (1). pp. 17-24. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2007.04.005)


Bousalem, M., Douzery, E.J.P. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Taxonomy, molecular phylogeny and evolution of plant reverse transcribing viruses (family Caulimoviridae) inferred from full-length genome and reverse transcriptase sequences. Archives of Virology, 153 (6). pp. 1085-1102. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0095-9)

Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID:, Bömer, Moritz ORCID logoORCID:, Turaki, Aliyu A., Nkere, Chukwuemeka K., Kumar, P. Lava and Seal, Susan E. ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Homing in on endogenous badnaviral elements: development of multiplex PCR-DGGE for detection and rapid identification of badnavirus sequences in yam germplasm. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:846989. ISSN 1664-462X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.846989)


Kenyon, Lawrence, Lebas, B.S.M. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Yams (Dioscorea spp.) from the South Pacific Islands contain many novel badnaviruses: Implications for international movement of yam germplasm. Archives of Virology, 153 (5). pp. 877-889. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0062-5)

banana bunchy top virus

Lava Kumar, P., Ayodele, M., Oben, T.T., Mahungu, N.M., Beed, F., Coyne, D., Londa, L., Mutunda, M.P., Kiala, D. and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2009) First report of Banana bunchy top virus in banana and plantain (Musa spp.) in Angola. Plant Pathology, 58 (2). p. 402. ISSN 0032-0862 (Print), 1365-3059 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2008.01974.x)


Bousalem, M., Douzery, E.J.P. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Taxonomy, molecular phylogeny and evolution of plant reverse transcribing viruses (family Caulimoviridae) inferred from full-length genome and reverse transcriptase sequences. Archives of Virology, 153 (6). pp. 1085-1102. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0095-9)


Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R., Alam, S.N., Kader, K.A., Cork, Alan and Colvin, John (2006) A novel begomovirus with distinct genomic and phenotypic features infects tomato in Bangladesh. Plant Pathology, 55 (2). p. 290. ISSN 0032-0862 (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2005.01275.x)


Alquicer, Glenda, Ibrahim, Emad, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Kundu, Jiban Kumar (2023) Identifying putative resistance genes for barley yellow dwarf virus‐PAV in wheat and barley. Viruses, 15:716. pp. 1-25. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15030716)


Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, van Teijlingen, Edwin, Simkhada, padam, Randall, Julian, Baxter, Sujan, Kirkpatrick, Pamela and Singh GC, Vijay (2011) Factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment in Asian developing countries: a systematic review. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 17 (1). pp. 71-81. ISSN 1360-2276 (Print), 1365-3156 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02888.x)


Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Randall, Julian, Freeman, Jennifer and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2013) Barriers to and facilitators of antiretroviral therapy adherence in Nepal: a qualitative study. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 30 (4):PMC3763612. pp. 410-419. ISSN 2072-1315 (Online) (doi:10.3329/jhpn.v30i4.13294)


Aswatha Narayana, D.S., Rangaswamy, K.T., Shankarappa, K.S., Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Lakshminarayana Reddy, C.N., Rekha, A.R. and Keshava Murthy, K.V. (2007) Distinct begomoviruses closely related to cassava mosaic viruses cause Indian Jatropha mosaic disease. International Journal of Virology, 3 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1816-4900 (doi:10.3923/ijv.2007.1.11)

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R., Alam, S.N., Kader, K.A., Cork, Alan and Colvin, John (2006) A novel begomovirus with distinct genomic and phenotypic features infects tomato in Bangladesh. Plant Pathology, 55 (2). p. 290. ISSN 0032-0862 (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2005.01275.x)

Bemisia tabaci

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Manjunatha, B., Rekha, A.R., Govindappa, M.R., Colvin, John and Muniyappa, V. (2006) Dolichos yellow mosaic virus belongs to a distinct lineage of Old World begomoviruses; its biological and molecular properties. Annals of Applied Biology, 149 (2). pp. 187-195. ISSN 0003-4746 (doi:10.1111/j.1744-7348.2006.00075.x)


Silva, Gonçalo ORCID logoORCID:, Bömer, Moritz ORCID logoORCID:, Rathnayake, Ajith I., Sewe, Steven O., Visendi, Paul, Oyekanmi, Joshua O., Quain, Marian D., Akomeah, Belinda, Kumar, P. Lava and Seal, Susan E. ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Molecular characterization of a new virus species identified in yam (Dioscorea spp.) by high-throughput sequencing. Plants, 8 (6):167. ISSN 2223-7747 (Print), 2223-7747 (Online) (doi:10.3390/plants8060167)


Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R. and Muniyappa, V. (2007) Pumpkin yellow vein mosaic disease is caused by two distinct begomoviruses: complete viral sequences and comparative transmission by an indigenous Bemisia tabaci and the introduced B-biotype. EPPO Bulletin, 37 (2). pp. 412-419. ISSN 0250-8052 (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2338.2007.01127.x)

biological control

Grzywacz, David, Mushobozi, Wilfred L., Parnell, Mark, Jolliffe, Flavia and Wilson, Kenneth (2007) Evaluation of Spodoptera exempta nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpexNPV) for the field control of African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) in Tanzania. Crop Protection, 27 (1). pp. 17-24. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2007.04.005)


Pentaris, Panagiotis ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Dying in a transhumanist and posthuman society. Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness . Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London. ISBN 978-0367542177


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body mass index

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Orjih, Edith, Pavithran, Nivedita, Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID:, Feng, Qian-Qian and Mccrone, Paul ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The effects of COVID-19 lockdown on glycaemic control and lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (3):1095. ISSN 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:10.3390/ijerph19031095)

burden of disease

Di Bari, Carlotta, Venkateswaran, Narmada, Fastl, Christina, Gabriël, Sarah, Grace, Delia ORCID logoORCID:, Havelaar, Arie H., Huntington, Ben, Patterson, Grace T., Rushton, Jonathan, Speybroeck, Niko, Torgerson, Paul, Pigott, David M. and Devleesschauwer, Brecht (2023) The global burden of neglected zoonotic diseases: current state of evidence. One Health, 17:100595. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2352-7714 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.onehlt.2023.100595)


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Lava Kumar, P., Akinbade, S.A., Dixon, A.G.O., Mahungu, N.M., Mutunda, M.P., Kiala, D., Londa, L. and Legg, J.P. (2009) First report of the occurence of East African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda (EACMV-UG) in Angola. Plant Pathology, 58 (2). p. 402. ISSN 0032-0862 (Print), 1365-3059 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2008.02010.x)

Nanyiti, Sarah, Kabaalu, Richard, Alicai, Titus, Abidrabo, Phillip, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Bouvaine, Sophie ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, A and Foster, Gary (2023) Detection of cassava brown streak ipomoviruses in aphids collected from cassava plants. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7:1027842. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2571-581X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fsufs.2023.1027842)

Cassava brown streak disease

Kimata, B, Masinde, E, Masisila, F, Menya, R, Matondo, D, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Mkamilo, G (2021) Adaptability and phenotypic stability of resistance to two viral diseases and yields traits in Cassava. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 12 (4). pp. 679-705. ISSN 2158-2742 (Print), 2158-2750 (Online) (doi:10.4236/ajps.2021.124046)

Nanyiti, Sarah, Kabaalu, Richard, Alicai, Titus, Abidrabo, Phillip, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Bouvaine, Sophie ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, A and Foster, Gary (2023) Detection of cassava brown streak ipomoviruses in aphids collected from cassava plants. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7:1027842. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2571-581X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fsufs.2023.1027842)

cassava brown streak ipomoviruses

Nanyiti, Sarah, Kabaalu, Richard, Alicai, Titus, Abidrabo, Phillip, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Bouvaine, Sophie ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, A and Foster, Gary (2023) Detection of cassava brown streak ipomoviruses in aphids collected from cassava plants. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7:1027842. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2571-581X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fsufs.2023.1027842)

cassava brown streak viruses

Munguti, Florence M., Kilalo, Dora C., Yegon, Hillary K., Macharia, Isaac, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Mwango’mbe, Agnes W., Nyaboga, Evans N. and Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Real-time reverse transcription recombinase polymerase amplification (RT-RPA) assay for detection of cassava brown streak viruses. Scientific Reports, 14:12438. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41598-024-62249-y)

cassava mosaic disease

Kimata, B, Masinde, E, Masisila, F, Menya, R, Matondo, D, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Mkamilo, G (2021) Adaptability and phenotypic stability of resistance to two viral diseases and yields traits in Cassava. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 12 (4). pp. 679-705. ISSN 2158-2742 (Print), 2158-2750 (Online) (doi:10.4236/ajps.2021.124046)

cassava mosaic virus

Lava Kumar, P., Akinbade, S.A., Dixon, A.G.O., Mahungu, N.M., Mutunda, M.P., Kiala, D., Londa, L. and Legg, J.P. (2009) First report of the occurence of East African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda (EACMV-UG) in Angola. Plant Pathology, 58 (2). p. 402. ISSN 0032-0862 (Print), 1365-3059 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2008.02010.x)

cassava mosaic viruses

Aswatha Narayana, D.S., Rangaswamy, K.T., Shankarappa, K.S., Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Lakshminarayana Reddy, C.N., Rekha, A.R. and Keshava Murthy, K.V. (2007) Distinct begomoviruses closely related to cassava mosaic viruses cause Indian Jatropha mosaic disease. International Journal of Virology, 3 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1816-4900 (doi:10.3923/ijv.2007.1.11)


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causal loop model

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Karat, Aaron S, Khan, Munira, Meehan, Sue-Ann, von Delft, Arne, Brey, Zameer, Charalambous, Salome, Hesseling, Anneke C, Naidoo, Pren and Loveday, Marian (2021) Health system determinants of tuberculosis mortality in South Africa: a causal loop model. BMC Health Services Research, 21 (1):388. ISSN 1472-6963 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12913-021-06398-0)

Cell biology

Dyer, Paul D.R., Shepherd, Thomas R., Gollings, Alexander S., Shorter, Susan A., Gorringe-Pattrick, Monique A. M., Tang, Chun-Kit, Cattoz, Beatrice N., Baillie, Les, Griffiths, Peter C. ORCID logoORCID: and Richardson, Simon C.W. ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Disarmed anthrax toxin delivers antisense oligonucleotides and siRNA with high efficiency and low toxicity. Journal of Controlled Release, 220 (A). pp. 316-328. ISSN 0168-3659 (doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.10.054)

cellular receptor

Dye, Charlotte, Temperton, Nigel ORCID logoORCID: and Siddell, Stuart G. (2007) Type I feline coronavirus spike glycoprotein fails to recognize aminopeptidase N as a functional receptor on feline cell lines. Journal of General Virology, 88 (6). pp. 1753-1760. ISSN 0022-1317 (Print), 1465-2099 (Online) (doi:10.1099/vir.0.82666-0)

cereal aphids

Roudine, Sacha, Le Ralec, Anne, Bouvaine, Sophie ORCID logoORCID:, Alford, Lucy, Duval, Franck, Buchard, Christelle, Llopis, Stéphanie, CLoteau, Romulad, Georges, Romain, Jambon, Olivier, van Baaren, Joan and Le Lann, Cécile (2024) Flower strips in winter reduce barley yellow dwarf virus incidence in cereal crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 378:109275. ISSN 0167-8809 (Print), 1873-2305 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.agee.2024.109275)

change point

He, Sha, Yan, Dingding, Shu, Hongying, Tang, Sanyi, Wang, Xia and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Randomness accelerates the dynamic clearing process of the COVID-19 outbreaks in China. Mathematical Biosciences, 363:109055. ISSN 0025-5564 (Print), 1879-3134 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.mbs.2023.109055)


du Preez, Karen, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A, Naidoo, Pren, Schaaf, H Simon, Munch, Zahn, Dunbar, Rory, Mvusi, Lindiwe, Dlamini, Sicelo S and Hesseling, Anneke C (2021) The Impact of the evolving human immunodeficiency virus response on the epidemiology of tuberculosis in South African children and adolescents. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73 (4). e967-e975. ISSN 1058-4838 (Print), 1537-6591 (Online) (doi:10.1093/cid/ciab095)


Cheng, Qu, Liu, Yan, Wang, Xia, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) The relative importance of key meteorological factors affecting numbers of mosquito vectors of dengue fever. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 17 (4):e0011247. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0011247)

Tang, Sanyi, Wang, Xia, Tang, Biao, He, Sha, Huang, Chenxi, Shao, Yiming, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Threshold conditions for curbing COVID‑19 with a dynamic zero‑case policy derived from 101 outbreaks in China. BMC Public Health, 23:1084. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1471-2458 (doi:10.1186/s12889-023-16009-8)


Juříčková, Iva, Hudec, Michael, Votava, Felix, Vosáhlo, Jan, Ovsepian, Saak, Černá, Marie and O'Leary, Valerie (2022) The immunological epigenetic landscape of the human life trajectory. Biomedicines, 10 (11):2894. ISSN 2227-9059 (Online) (doi:10.3390/biomedicines10112894)

chronic disease

Vaughan, Megan and Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Kafui ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Introduction. In: Vaughan, Megan, Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Kafui ORCID logoORCID: and Mika, Marissa, (eds.) Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: Social and historical perspectives. UCL Press, London, UK, pp. 1-38. ISBN 978-1787357068; 978-1787357051; 978-1787357044; 978-1787357075; 978-1787357082 (doi:10.14324/111.9781787357044)

chronic pain

Dunham, M., Bacon, L., Cottom, S., McCrone, P., Mehrpouya, H., Spyridonis, F., Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID: and Schofield, P. (2022) Chronic pain through COVID. Frontiers in Pain Research, 3:937652. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2673-561X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fpain.2022.937652)


GC, Sulochan, Khanal, Ashok, GC, Vijay S, Bhattrai, Suman, Panthee, Suresh, Khanal, Aashis, Gaire, Amrit, Poudel, Sagar, Ghimire, Rakesh and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Burden of tuberculosis and hepatitis co-infection among people living with HIV in Nepal: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sexual Health, 19 (5). pp. 406-416. ISSN 1448-5028 (Print), 1449-8987 (Online) (doi:10.1071/SH21216)

Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)

community engagement

Myburgh, H., Kaur, M., Kaur, P., Santos, V., Almeida, C., Hoddinott, G., Wademan, D. T., Lakshmi, P. V. M., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Meehan, S-A., Hesseling, A. C., Purty, A., Singh, U. B. and Trajman, A. (2023) Lessons for TB from the COVID-19 response: qualitative data from Brazil, India and South Africa. Public Health Action, 13 (4):7. pp. 162-168. ISSN 2220-8372 (Online) (doi:10.5588/pha.23.0044)

competitive advantage

Xia, Fan, Yang, Xinpei, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID: and Xiao, Yanni (2021) Quantifying competitive advantages of mutant strains in a population involving importation and mass vaccination rollout. Infectious Disease Modelling, 6. pp. 988-996. ISSN 2468-0427 (doi:10.1016/j.idm.2021.08.001)

coronavirus disease 2019

Tseng, Ping‐Tao ORCID logoORCID:, Zeng, Bing‐Syuan, Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Stubbs, Brendon, Hsueh, Po‐Ren, Su, Kuan‐Pin ORCID logoORCID:, Chen, Yen‐Wen, Chen, Tien‐Yu, Wu, Yi‐Cheng, Lin, Pao‐Yen, Carvalho, Andre F., Hsu, Chih‐Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Li, Dian‐Jeng, Yeh, Ta‐Chuan, Sun, Cheuk‐Kwan, Cheng, Yu‐Shian, Shiue, Yow‐Ling, Liang, Chih‐Sung ORCID logoORCID: and Tu, Yu‐Kang ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Placebo effects on all‐cause mortality of patients with COVID‐19 in randomized controlled trials of interleukin 6 antagonists: a systematic review and network meta‐analysis. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences (PCN). ISSN 1323-1316 (Print), 1440-1819 (Online) (doi:10.1111/pcn.13592)

coronavirus disease-2019

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Orjih, Edith, Pavithran, Nivedita, Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID:, Feng, Qian-Qian and Mccrone, Paul ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The effects of COVID-19 lockdown on glycaemic control and lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (3):1095. ISSN 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:10.3390/ijerph19031095)


Ibrahim Elmi, Zakaria Ali, Sighakoli, Sameer, Tetteh, John and Zand Fard, Nazanin ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Case–control study of serum vitamin D concentrations in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 and hospitalised controls suffering with respiratory tract infections of differing aetiology. BMJ, Nutrition, Prevention and Health:e000428. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2516-5542 (Online) (doi:10.1136/bmjnph-2022-000428)


Davis, Jessica, Chinazzi, Matteo, Perra, Nicola ORCID logoORCID:, Mu, Kunpeng, Pastore Y Piontti, Ana, Ajelli, Marco, Dean, Natalie, Gioannini, Corrado, Litvinova, Maria, Merler, Stefano, Rossi, Luca, Sun, Kaiyuan, Xiong, Xinyue, Longini, Ira Jr, Halloran, M. Elizabeth, Viboud, Cécile and Vespignani, Alessandro (2021) Cryptic transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the first COVID-19 wave. Nature. ISSN 0028-0836 (Print), 1476-4687 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41586-021-04130-w)

Dunham, M., Bacon, L., Cottom, S., McCrone, P., Mehrpouya, H., Spyridonis, F., Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID: and Schofield, P. (2022) Chronic pain through COVID. Frontiers in Pain Research, 3:937652. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2673-561X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fpain.2022.937652)

Myburgh, H., Kaur, M., Kaur, P., Santos, V., Almeida, C., Hoddinott, G., Wademan, D. T., Lakshmi, P. V. M., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Meehan, S-A., Hesseling, A. C., Purty, A., Singh, U. B. and Trajman, A. (2023) Lessons for TB from the COVID-19 response: qualitative data from Brazil, India and South Africa. Public Health Action, 13 (4):7. pp. 162-168. ISSN 2220-8372 (Online) (doi:10.5588/pha.23.0044)

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Feng, Qianqian, Boateng, Joshua ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Brooke, Joanne and Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The Effects of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients, 14 (5):1120. ISSN 2072-6643 (Online) (doi:10.3390/nu14051120)

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Orjih, Edith, Pavithran, Nivedita, Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID:, Feng, Qian-Qian and Mccrone, Paul ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The effects of COVID-19 lockdown on glycaemic control and lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (3):1095. ISSN 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:10.3390/ijerph19031095)

Salanti, Georgia ORCID logoORCID:, Peter, Natalie ORCID logoORCID:, Tonia, Thomy ORCID logoORCID:, Holloway, Alexander ORCID logoORCID:, White, Ian R. ORCID logoORCID:, Darwish, Leila, Low, Nicola ORCID logoORCID:, Egger, Matthias ORCID logoORCID:, Haas, Andreas D. ORCID logoORCID:, Fazel, Seena ORCID logoORCID:, Kessler, Ronald C. ORCID logoORCID:, Herrman, Helen ORCID logoORCID:, Kieling, Christian ORCID logoORCID:, De Quervain, Dominique J.F. ORCID logoORCID:, Vigod, Simone N. ORCID logoORCID:, Patel, Vikram, Li, Tianjing, Cuijpers, Pim ORCID logoORCID:, Cipriani, Andrea ORCID logoORCID:, Furukawa, Toshi A. ORCID logoORCID:, Leucht, Stefan ORCID logoORCID:, Sambo, Abdulkadir Usman, Onishi, Akira, Sato, Akira, Rodolico, Alessandro, Oliveira Solis, Ana Cristina de, Antoniou, Anastasia, Kapfhammer, Angelika, Ceraso, Anna, O’Mahony, Aoife, Lasserre, Aurélie M., Ipekci, Aziz Mert, Concerto, Carmen, Zangani, Caroline, Igwesi-Chidobe, Chinonso, Diehm, Christina, Demir, Dicle Dilay, Wang, Dongfang, Ostinelli, Edoardo Giuseppe, Sahker, Ethan, Beraldi, Gabriel Henrique, Erzin, Gamze, Nelson, Harrison, Elkis, Helio, Imai, Hissei, Wu, Hui, Kamitsis, Ilias, Filis, Ioannis, Michopoulos, Ioannis, Bighelli, Irene, Hong, James S.W., Ballesteros, Javier, Smith, Katharine A., Yoshida, Kazufumi, Omae, Kenji, Trivella, Marialena, Tada, Masafumi, Reinhard, Matthias A., Ostacher, Michael J., Müller, Monika, Jaramillo, Nathalia Gonzalez, Ferentinos, Panagiotis P., Toyomoto, Rie, Cortese, Samuele, Kishimoto, Sanae, Covarrubias-Castillo, Sergio A., Siafis, Spyridon, Thompson, Trevor, Karageorgiou, Vasilios, Chiocchia, Virginia, Zhu, Yikang, Honda, Yukiko, Sambo, Abdulkadir Usman, Onishi, Akira, Sato, Akira, Rodolico, Alessandro, Oliveira Solis, Ana Cristina de, Antoniou, Anastasia, Kapfhammer, Angelika, Ceraso, Anna, O’Mahony, Aoife, Lasserre, Aurélie M., Ipekci, Aziz Mert, Concerto, Carmen, Zangani, Caroline, Igwesi-Chidobe, Chinonso, Diehm, Christina, Demir, Dicle Dilay, Wang, Dongfang, Ostinelli, Edoardo Giuseppe, Sahker, Ethan, Beraldi, Gabriel Henrique, Erzin, Gamze, Nelson, Harrison, Elkis, Helio, Imai, Hissei, Wu, Hui, Kamitsis, Ilias, Filis, Ioannis, Michopoulos, Ioannis, Bighelli, Irene, Hong, James S.W., Ballesteros, Javier, Smith, Katharine A., Yoshida, Kazufumi, Omae, Kenji, Trivella, Marialena, Tada, Masafumi, Reinhard, Matthias A., Ostacher, Michael J., Müller, Monika, Jaramillo, Nathalia Gonzalez, Ferentinos, Panagiotis P., Toyomoto, Rie, Cortese, Samuele, Kishimoto, Sanae, Covarrubias-Castillo, Sergio A., Siafis, Spyridon, Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Karageorgiou, Vasilios, Chiocchia, Virginia, Zhu, Yikang and Honda, Yukiko (2022) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated control measures on the mental health of the general population. Annals of Internal Medicine, 175 (11). pp. 1560-1571. ISSN 0003-4819 (Print), 1539-3704 (Online) (doi:10.7326/M22-1507)

Simkhada, Padam, Tamang, Pasang D ORCID logoORCID:, Timilsina, Laxmi, Simkhada, Bibha, Bissell, Paul, van Teijlingen, Edwin, Sah, Sunil Kumar and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Factors influencing COVID-19 vaccine uptake among Nepali people in the UK: a qualitative study. Vaccines, 10 (5):780. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2076-393X (Online) (doi:10.3390/vaccines10050780)

Tang, Sanyi, Wang, Xia, Tang, Biao, He, Sha, Huang, Chenxi, Shao, Yiming, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Threshold conditions for curbing COVID‑19 with a dynamic zero‑case policy derived from 101 outbreaks in China. BMC Public Health, 23:1084. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1471-2458 (doi:10.1186/s12889-023-16009-8)

Tseng, Ping‐Tao ORCID logoORCID:, Zeng, Bing‐Syuan, Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Stubbs, Brendon, Hsueh, Po‐Ren, Su, Kuan‐Pin ORCID logoORCID:, Chen, Yen‐Wen, Chen, Tien‐Yu, Wu, Yi‐Cheng, Lin, Pao‐Yen, Carvalho, Andre F., Hsu, Chih‐Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Li, Dian‐Jeng, Yeh, Ta‐Chuan, Sun, Cheuk‐Kwan, Cheng, Yu‐Shian, Shiue, Yow‐Ling, Liang, Chih‐Sung ORCID logoORCID: and Tu, Yu‐Kang ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Placebo effects on all‐cause mortality of patients with COVID‐19 in randomized controlled trials of interleukin 6 antagonists: a systematic review and network meta‐analysis. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences (PCN). ISSN 1323-1316 (Print), 1440-1819 (Online) (doi:10.1111/pcn.13592)

Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Ale Magar, Sudip and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2021) Nepalese health system response to fight against COVID-19 pandemic. Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 98-104. ISSN 2717-4646 (Print), 2717-4654 (Online) (doi:10.46405/ejms.v3i1.262)

Wu, YuanYuan, Zhou, Weike, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Wang, Xia (2023) Prediction of the next major outbreak of COVID-19 in Mainland China and a vaccination strategy for it. Royal Society Open Science, 10:230655. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2054-5703 (Online) (doi:10.1098/rsos.230655)

Xia, Fan, Yang, Xinpei, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID: and Xiao, Yanni (2021) Quantifying competitive advantages of mutant strains in a population involving importation and mass vaccination rollout. Infectious Disease Modelling, 6. pp. 988-996. ISSN 2468-0427 (doi:10.1016/j.idm.2021.08.001)

Xiao, Yanni, Tang, Biao, Wu, Jianhong, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Linking key intervention timings to rapid decline of the COVID-19 effective reproductive number to quantify lessons from mainland China. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 97. pp. 296-298. ISSN 1201-9712 (Print), 1878-3511 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.06.030)

Yu, Chia-Ling, Carvalho, Andre F., Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Tsai, Tzu-Cheng, Tseng, Ping-Tao ORCID logoORCID:, Hsu, Chih-Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Tu, Yu-Kang ORCID logoORCID:, Yang, Szu-Nian ORCID logoORCID:, Hsu, Tien-Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Yeh, Ta-Chuan and Liang, Chih-Sung ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Trial sequential analysis and updated meta-analysis of fluvoxamine on clinical deterioration in adult patients with symptomatic COVID-19 infection. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (5):4088. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:10.3390/ijerph20054088)

COVID-19 and tuberculosis

Loveday, M, Cox, H, Evans, D, Furin, J, Ndjeka, N, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID: and Naidoo, K (2020) Opportunities from a new disease for an old threat: extending COVID-19 efforts to address tuberculosis in South Africa. South African Medical Journal, 110 (12). pp. 1160-1167. ISSN 0256-9574 (Print), 2078-5135 (Online) (doi:10.7196/SAMJ.2020.v110i12.15126)

COVID-19 lockdown

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Orjih, Edith, Pavithran, Nivedita, Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID:, Feng, Qian-Qian and Mccrone, Paul ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The effects of COVID-19 lockdown on glycaemic control and lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (3):1095. ISSN 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:10.3390/ijerph19031095)

critical coverage rate

Yan, Quinling, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Tang, Sanyi (2022) Coupling an individual adaptive-decision model with a SIRV model of influenza vaccination reveals new insights for epidemic control. Statistics in Medicine, 42 (5). pp. 716-729. ISSN 0277-6715 (Print), 1097-0258 (Online) (doi:10.1002/sim.9639)

Cytochrome oxidase

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R., Mirza, S.H., Alam, S.N. and Colvin, John (2007) PCR-based detection and partial genome sequencing indicate high genetic diversity in Bangladeshi begomoviruses and their whitefly vector, Bemisia tabaci. Virus Genes, 34 (3). pp. 373-385. ISSN 0920-8569 (doi:10.1007/s11262-006-0027-2)

Côte d'Ivoire

Kamara, Adjata, Camara, Brahima, Armitage, Andrew ORCID logoORCID:, Ogunsanya, Olaide, Gouannou, Vartinel and Koné, Daouda (2024) First report of penicillium sclerotigenum causing post-harvest rot of yam in Côte d'Ivoire. New Disease Reports, 50 (1):e12307. ISSN 2044-0588 (doi:10.1002/ndr2.12307)

data fitting

He, Sha, Yan, Dingding, Shu, Hongying, Tang, Sanyi, Wang, Xia and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Randomness accelerates the dynamic clearing process of the COVID-19 outbreaks in China. Mathematical Biosciences, 363:109055. ISSN 0025-5564 (Print), 1879-3134 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.mbs.2023.109055)

days on mechanical ventilation

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Feng, Qianqian, Boateng, Joshua ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Brooke, Joanne and Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The Effects of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients, 14 (5):1120. ISSN 2072-6643 (Online) (doi:10.3390/nu14051120)


Pentaris, Panagiotis ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Dying in a transhumanist and posthuman society. Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness . Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London. ISBN 978-0367542177

delayed enteral nutrition

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Feng, Qianqian, Boateng, Joshua ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Brooke, Joanne and Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The Effects of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients, 14 (5):1120. ISSN 2072-6643 (Online) (doi:10.3390/nu14051120)

denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)

Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID:, Bömer, Moritz ORCID logoORCID:, Turaki, Aliyu A., Nkere, Chukwuemeka K., Kumar, P. Lava and Seal, Susan E. ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Homing in on endogenous badnaviral elements: development of multiplex PCR-DGGE for detection and rapid identification of badnavirus sequences in yam germplasm. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:846989. ISSN 1664-462X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.846989)


Cheng, Qu, Liu, Yan, Wang, Xia, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) The relative importance of key meteorological factors affecting numbers of mosquito vectors of dengue fever. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 17 (4):e0011247. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0011247)


Yu, Chia-Ling, Carvalho, Andre F., Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Tsai, Tzu-Cheng, Tseng, Ping-Tao ORCID logoORCID:, Hsu, Chih-Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Tu, Yu-Kang ORCID logoORCID:, Yang, Szu-Nian ORCID logoORCID:, Hsu, Tien-Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Yeh, Ta-Chuan and Liang, Chih-Sung ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Trial sequential analysis and updated meta-analysis of fluvoxamine on clinical deterioration in adult patients with symptomatic COVID-19 infection. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (5):4088. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:10.3390/ijerph20054088)


Kamara, Adjata, Camara, Brahima, Armitage, Andrew ORCID logoORCID:, Ogunsanya, Olaide, Gouannou, Vartinel and Koné, Daouda (2024) First report of penicillium sclerotigenum causing post-harvest rot of yam in Côte d'Ivoire. New Disease Reports, 50 (1):e12307. ISSN 2044-0588 (doi:10.1002/ndr2.12307)

Dioscorea spp.

Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID:, Bömer, Moritz ORCID logoORCID:, Turaki, Aliyu A., Nkere, Chukwuemeka K., Kumar, P. Lava and Seal, Susan E. ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Homing in on endogenous badnaviral elements: development of multiplex PCR-DGGE for detection and rapid identification of badnavirus sequences in yam germplasm. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:846989. ISSN 1664-462X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.846989)

disability-adjusted life years

Di Bari, Carlotta, Venkateswaran, Narmada, Fastl, Christina, Gabriël, Sarah, Grace, Delia ORCID logoORCID:, Havelaar, Arie H., Huntington, Ben, Patterson, Grace T., Rushton, Jonathan, Speybroeck, Niko, Torgerson, Paul, Pigott, David M. and Devleesschauwer, Brecht (2023) The global burden of neglected zoonotic diseases: current state of evidence. One Health, 17:100595. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2352-7714 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.onehlt.2023.100595)


Nanyiti, Sarah, Kabaalu, Richard, Alicai, Titus, Abidrabo, Phillip, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Bouvaine, Sophie ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, A and Foster, Gary (2023) Detection of cassava brown streak ipomoviruses in aphids collected from cassava plants. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7:1027842. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2571-581X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fsufs.2023.1027842)

disease resistance

Kimata, B, Masinde, E, Masisila, F, Menya, R, Matondo, D, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Mkamilo, G (2021) Adaptability and phenotypic stability of resistance to two viral diseases and yields traits in Cassava. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 12 (4). pp. 679-705. ISSN 2158-2742 (Print), 2158-2750 (Online) (doi:10.4236/ajps.2021.124046)


Kenyon, Lawrence, Lebas, B.S.M. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Yams (Dioscorea spp.) from the South Pacific Islands contain many novel badnaviruses: Implications for international movement of yam germplasm. Archives of Virology, 153 (5). pp. 877-889. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0062-5)


Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID: and Muller, Emanuelle (2007) Molecular analysis of a full-length sequence of a new yam badnavirus from Dioscorea sansibarensis. Archives of Virology, 152 (4). pp. 819-825. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-006-0888-7)

dna viruses

Bousalem, M., Douzery, E.J.P. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Taxonomy, molecular phylogeny and evolution of plant reverse transcribing viruses (family Caulimoviridae) inferred from full-length genome and reverse transcriptase sequences. Archives of Virology, 153 (6). pp. 1085-1102. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0095-9)

dolichos yellow mosaic disease

Maruthi, M.N ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R., Govindappa, M.R., Colvin, John and Muniyappa, V. (2006) A distinct begomovirus causes Indian dolichos yellow mosaic disease. Plant Pathology, 55 (2). p. 290. ISSN 0032-0862 (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2005.01299.x)

drug resistance

Su, Ching-Yao, Wang, Shi-Yun, Shie, Jiun-Jie, Jeng, King-Song, Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Fang, Jim-Min, Wong, Chi-Huey and Cheng, Yih-Shyun E. (2008) In vitro evaluation of neuraminidase inhibitors using the neuraminidase-dependent release assay of hemagglutinin-pseudotyped viruses. Antiviral Research, 79 (3). pp. 199-205. ISSN 0166-3542 (doi:10.1016/j.antiviral.2008.03.002)

drug-resistant tuberculosis

Hughe, J. and Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID: (2014) Diagnosis and management of drug-resistant tuberculosis in South African adults. South African Medical Journal, 104 (12). p. 894. ISSN 0256-9574 (Print), 2078-5135 (Online) (doi:10.7196/SAMJ.9097)

Khan, Palwasha Y, Yates, Tom A, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Warren, Robin M, van der Heijden, Yuri, Padayatchi, Nesri, Nardell, Edward A, Moore, David, Mathema, Barun, Gandhi, Neel, Eldholm, Vegard, Dheda, Keertan, Hesseling, Anneke C, Mizrahi, Valerie, Rustomjee, Roxana and Pym, Alexander (2018) Transmission of drug-resistant tuberculosis in HIV-endemic settings. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19 (3). e77-e88. ISSN 1473-3099 (Print), 1474-4457 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(18)30537-1)

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Harausz, Elizabeth P., Garcia-Prats, Anthony J., Schaaf, H. Simon, Moore, Brittany K., Hicks, Robert M., Achar, Jay, Amanullah, Farhana, Barry, Pennan, Becerra, Mercedes, Chiotan, Domnica I., Drobac, Peter C., Flood, Jennifer, Furin, Jennifer, Gegia, Medea, Isaakidis, Petros, Mariandyshev, Andrei, Ozere, Iveta, Shah, N. Sarita, Skrahina, Alena, Yablokova, Elena, Seddon, James A. and Hesseling, Anneke C. (2019) Treatment outcomes in global systematic review and patient meta-analysis of children with extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 25 (3). pp. 441-450. ISSN 1080-6040 (Print), 1080-6059 (Online) (doi:10.3201/eid2503.180852)

Purchase, Susan E., Garcia-Prats, Anthony J., De Koker, Petra, Draper, Heather R., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A., Schaaf, H. Simon and Hesseling, Anneke C. (2019) Acceptability of a novel levofloxacin dispersible tablet formulation in young children exposed to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 38 (6). pp. 608-610. ISSN 0891-3668 (Print), 1532-0987 (Online) (doi:10.1097/INF.0000000000002268)

Seddon, James A. ORCID logoORCID:, Garcia-Prats, Anthony J., Purchase, Susan E., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Demers, Anne-Marie, Hoddinott, Graeme, Crook, Angela M., Owen-Powell, Ellen, Thomason, Margaret J., Turkova, Anna, Gibb, Diana M., Fairlie, Lee, Martinson, Neil, Schaaf, H. Simon and Hesseling, Anneke C. (2018) Levofloxacin versus placebo for the prevention of tuberculosis disease in child contacts of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: study protocol for a phase III cluster randomised controlled trial (TB-CHAMP). Trials, 19 (1):693. ISSN 1745-6215 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s13063-018-3070-0)


Pentaris, Panagiotis ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Dying in a transhumanist and posthuman society. Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness . Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London. ISBN 978-0367542177

E coli

Hassell, James M. ORCID logoORCID:, Muloi, Dishon M., VanderWaal, Kimberly L. ORCID logoORCID:, Ward, Melissa J., Bettridge, Judy ORCID logoORCID:, Gitahi, Nduhiu ORCID logoORCID:, Ouko, Tom, Imboma, Titus, Akoko, James, Karani, Maurice ORCID logoORCID:, Muinde, Patrick ORCID logoORCID:, Nakamura, Yukiko ORCID logoORCID:, Alumasa, Lorren ORCID logoORCID:, Furmaga, Erin, Kaitho, Titus, Amanya, Fredrick, Ogendo, Allan, Fava, Francesco ORCID logoORCID:, Wee, Bryan A., Phan, Hang, Kiiru, John, Kang’ethe, Erastus, Kariuki, Sam ORCID logoORCID:, Robinson, Timothy, Begon, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Woolhouse, Mark E. J. and Fèvre, Eric M. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Epidemiological connectivity between humans and animals across an urban landscape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (29):e2218860120. pp. 1-12. ISSN 0027-8424 (Print), 1091-6490 (Online) (doi:10.1073/pnas.2218860120)

E. coli

Muloi, Dishon, Hassell, James, Wee, Bryan, Ward, Melissa, Bettridge, Judy ORCID logoORCID:, Kivali, Velma, Kiyong'a, Alice, Ndinda, Christine, Gitahi, Nduhiu, Ouko, Tom, Imboma, Titus, Akoko, James, Murungi, Maurice, Njoroge, Samuel, Muinde, Patrick, Alumasa, Lorren, Kaitho, Titus, Amanya, Frederic, Ogendo, Allan, van Bunnik, Bram, Kiiru, John, Robinson, Timothy, Kang'ethe, Erastus, Kariuki, Sam, Pederson, Amy, Fevre, Eric and Woolhouse, Mark (2022) Genomic epidemiology of Escherichia coli: antimicrobial resistance through a One Health lens in sympatric humans, livestock and peri-domestic wildlife in Nairobi, Kenya. BMC Medicine, 20:471. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1741-7015 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12916-022-02677-7)

early enteral nutrition

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Feng, Qianqian, Boateng, Joshua ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Brooke, Joanne and Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The Effects of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients, 14 (5):1120. ISSN 2072-6643 (Online) (doi:10.3390/nu14051120)

early virus detection

Munguti, Florence M., Kilalo, Dora C., Yegon, Hillary K., Macharia, Isaac, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Mwango’mbe, Agnes W., Nyaboga, Evans N. and Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Real-time reverse transcription recombinase polymerase amplification (RT-RPA) assay for detection of cassava brown streak viruses. Scientific Reports, 14:12438. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41598-024-62249-y)

East African cassava mosaic virus

Lava Kumar, P., Akinbade, S.A., Dixon, A.G.O., Mahungu, N.M., Mutunda, M.P., Kiala, D., Londa, L. and Legg, J.P. (2009) First report of the occurence of East African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda (EACMV-UG) in Angola. Plant Pathology, 58 (2). p. 402. ISSN 0032-0862 (Print), 1365-3059 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2008.02010.x)

Eastern Africa

Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)

effective reproductive number

Xiao, Yanni, Tang, Biao, Wu, Jianhong, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Linking key intervention timings to rapid decline of the COVID-19 effective reproductive number to quantify lessons from mainland China. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 97. pp. 296-298. ISSN 1201-9712 (Print), 1878-3511 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.06.030)


Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Manjunatha, B., Rekha, A.R., Govindappa, M.R., Colvin, John and Muniyappa, V. (2006) Dolichos yellow mosaic virus belongs to a distinct lineage of Old World begomoviruses; its biological and molecular properties. Annals of Applied Biology, 149 (2). pp. 187-195. ISSN 0003-4746 (doi:10.1111/j.1744-7348.2006.00075.x)

emerging infectious disease

Dogra, Alma Elina Kaur, Munyasa, Winnan Lucia, Nguyen-Viet, Hung and Grace, Delia ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Looking in all the wrong places: a rationale for signal detection for pandemics based on existing data sources. IJID One Health:100003. ISSN 2949-9151 (doi:10.1016/j.ijidoh.2023.100003)


Dyer, Paul D.R., Shepherd, Thomas R., Gollings, Alexander S., Shorter, Susan A., Gorringe-Pattrick, Monique A. M., Tang, Chun-Kit, Cattoz, Beatrice N., Baillie, Les, Griffiths, Peter C. ORCID logoORCID: and Richardson, Simon C.W. ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Disarmed anthrax toxin delivers antisense oligonucleotides and siRNA with high efficiency and low toxicity. Journal of Controlled Release, 220 (A). pp. 316-328. ISSN 0168-3659 (doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.10.054)

endogenous badnaviral elements

Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID:, Bömer, Moritz ORCID logoORCID:, Turaki, Aliyu A., Nkere, Chukwuemeka K., Kumar, P. Lava and Seal, Susan E. ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Homing in on endogenous badnaviral elements: development of multiplex PCR-DGGE for detection and rapid identification of badnavirus sequences in yam germplasm. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:846989. ISSN 1664-462X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.846989)

endogenous retrovirus

Moyes, David L., Martin, Alex, Sawcer, Stephen, Temperton, Nigel ORCID logoORCID:, Worthington, Jane, Griffiths, David J. and Venables, Patrick J. (2005) The distribution of the endogenous retroviruses HERV-K113 and HERV-K115 in health and disease. Genomics, 86 (3). pp. 337-341. ISSN 0888-7543 (doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2005.06.004)

enteral nutrition

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Feng, Qianqian, Boateng, Joshua ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Brooke, Joanne and Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The Effects of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients, 14 (5):1120. ISSN 2072-6643 (Online) (doi:10.3390/nu14051120)

environmental conditions

Stettler, Marc E. J., Nishida, Robert T., de Oliveira, Pedro M., Mesquita, Léo C. C., Johnson, Tyler J., Galea, Edwin ORCID logoORCID:, Grandison, Angus, Ewer, John ORCID logoORCID:, Carruthers-Jones, David, Sykes, David, Kumar, Prashant, Avital, Eldad, Obeysekara, Asiri I. B., Doorly, Denis, Hardalupas, Yannis, Green, David C., Coldrick, Simon, Parker, Simon and Boies, Adam M. (2022) Source terms for benchmarking models of SARS-CoV-2 transmission via aerosols and droplets. Royal Society Open Science, 9 (5):212022. ISSN 2054-5703 (Online) (doi:10.1098/rsos.212022)

environmental surveillance

Richter, Loandi, Duvenage, Stacey ORCID logoORCID:, Du Plessis, Erika Margaret, Msimango, Thabang, Dlangalala, Manana, Mathavha, Muneiwa Tshidino, Molelekoa,, Tintswalo, Kgoale, Degracious and Korsten, Lise (2024) Genomic evaluation of multidrug-resistant extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli from irrigation water and fresh produce in South Africa: a cross-sectional analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 58 (32). pp. 14421-14438. ISSN 0013-936X (Print), 1520-5851 (Online) (doi:

epidemic waves

Tang, Sanyi, Wang, Xia, Tang, Biao, He, Sha, Huang, Chenxi, Shao, Yiming, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Threshold conditions for curbing COVID‑19 with a dynamic zero‑case policy derived from 101 outbreaks in China. BMC Public Health, 23:1084. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1471-2458 (doi:10.1186/s12889-023-16009-8)


Vaughan, Megan and Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Kafui ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Introduction. In: Vaughan, Megan, Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Kafui ORCID logoORCID: and Mika, Marissa, (eds.) Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: Social and historical perspectives. UCL Press, London, UK, pp. 1-38. ISBN 978-1787357068; 978-1787357051; 978-1787357044; 978-1787357075; 978-1787357082 (doi:10.14324/111.9781787357044)


Richter, Loandi, Duvenage, Stacey ORCID logoORCID:, Du Plessis, Erika Margaret, Msimango, Thabang, Dlangalala, Manana, Mathavha, Muneiwa Tshidino, Molelekoa,, Tintswalo, Kgoale, Degracious and Korsten, Lise (2024) Genomic evaluation of multidrug-resistant extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli from irrigation water and fresh produce in South Africa: a cross-sectional analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 58 (32). pp. 14421-14438. ISSN 0013-936X (Print), 1520-5851 (Online) (doi:


Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID: and Muller, Emanuelle (2007) Molecular analysis of a full-length sequence of a new yam badnavirus from Dioscorea sansibarensis. Archives of Virology, 152 (4). pp. 819-825. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-006-0888-7)


Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, van Teijlingen, Edwin, Simkhada, padam, Randall, Julian, Baxter, Sujan, Kirkpatrick, Pamela and Singh GC, Vijay (2011) Factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment in Asian developing countries: a systematic review. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 17 (1). pp. 71-81. ISSN 1360-2276 (Print), 1365-3156 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02888.x)


Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Randall, Julian, Freeman, Jennifer and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2013) Barriers to and facilitators of antiretroviral therapy adherence in Nepal: a qualitative study. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 30 (4):PMC3763612. pp. 410-419. ISSN 2072-1315 (Online) (doi:10.3329/jhpn.v30i4.13294)

feline aminopeptidase N

Dye, Charlotte, Temperton, Nigel ORCID logoORCID: and Siddell, Stuart G. (2007) Type I feline coronavirus spike glycoprotein fails to recognize aminopeptidase N as a functional receptor on feline cell lines. Journal of General Virology, 88 (6). pp. 1753-1760. ISSN 0022-1317 (Print), 1465-2099 (Online) (doi:10.1099/vir.0.82666-0)

flower strips

Roudine, Sacha, Le Ralec, Anne, Bouvaine, Sophie ORCID logoORCID:, Alford, Lucy, Duval, Franck, Buchard, Christelle, Llopis, Stéphanie, CLoteau, Romulad, Georges, Romain, Jambon, Olivier, van Baaren, Joan and Le Lann, Cécile (2024) Flower strips in winter reduce barley yellow dwarf virus incidence in cereal crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 378:109275. ISSN 0167-8809 (Print), 1873-2305 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.agee.2024.109275)


Yu, Chia-Ling, Carvalho, Andre F., Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Tsai, Tzu-Cheng, Tseng, Ping-Tao ORCID logoORCID:, Hsu, Chih-Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Tu, Yu-Kang ORCID logoORCID:, Yang, Szu-Nian ORCID logoORCID:, Hsu, Tien-Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Yeh, Ta-Chuan and Liang, Chih-Sung ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Trial sequential analysis and updated meta-analysis of fluvoxamine on clinical deterioration in adult patients with symptomatic COVID-19 infection. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (5):4088. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:10.3390/ijerph20054088)

food safety

Richter, Loandi, Duvenage, Stacey ORCID logoORCID:, Du Plessis, Erika Margaret, Msimango, Thabang, Dlangalala, Manana, Mathavha, Muneiwa Tshidino, Molelekoa,, Tintswalo, Kgoale, Degracious and Korsten, Lise (2024) Genomic evaluation of multidrug-resistant extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli from irrigation water and fresh produce in South Africa: a cross-sectional analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 58 (32). pp. 14421-14438. ISSN 0013-936X (Print), 1520-5851 (Online) (doi:

food security

Nanyiti, Sarah, Kabaalu, Richard, Alicai, Titus, Abidrabo, Phillip, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Bouvaine, Sophie ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, A and Foster, Gary (2023) Detection of cassava brown streak ipomoviruses in aphids collected from cassava plants. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7:1027842. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2571-581X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fsufs.2023.1027842)

gastrointestinal intolerance

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Feng, Qianqian, Boateng, Joshua ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Brooke, Joanne and Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The Effects of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients, 14 (5):1120. ISSN 2072-6643 (Online) (doi:10.3390/nu14051120)


Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Manjunatha, B., Rekha, A.R., Govindappa, M.R., Colvin, John and Muniyappa, V. (2006) Dolichos yellow mosaic virus belongs to a distinct lineage of Old World begomoviruses; its biological and molecular properties. Annals of Applied Biology, 149 (2). pp. 187-195. ISSN 0003-4746 (doi:10.1111/j.1744-7348.2006.00075.x)


Holt, J., Pavis, C., Marquier, M., Chancellor, T.C.B. ORCID logoORCID:, Urbino, C. and Boissot, N. (2008) Insect-screened cultivation to reduce the invasion of tomato crops by Bemisia tabaci: modelling the impact on virus disease and vector. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 10 (1). pp. 61-67. ISSN 1461-9555 (Print), 1461-9563 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1461-9563.2007.00356.x)

Geminivirus diversity

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R., Mirza, S.H., Alam, S.N. and Colvin, John (2007) PCR-based detection and partial genome sequencing indicate high genetic diversity in Bangladeshi begomoviruses and their whitefly vector, Bemisia tabaci. Virus Genes, 34 (3). pp. 373-385. ISSN 0920-8569 (doi:10.1007/s11262-006-0027-2)

gene expression

Alquicer, Glenda, Ibrahim, Emad, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Kundu, Jiban Kumar (2023) Identifying putative resistance genes for barley yellow dwarf virus‐PAV in wheat and barley. Viruses, 15:716. pp. 1-25. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15030716)


Kenyon, Lawrence, Lebas, B.S.M. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Yams (Dioscorea spp.) from the South Pacific Islands contain many novel badnaviruses: Implications for international movement of yam germplasm. Archives of Virology, 153 (5). pp. 877-889. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0062-5)

genomic typing

Bettridge, Judy ORCID logoORCID:, Snow, L. C., Tang, Y., Petrovska, L. ORCID logoORCID:, Lawes, J. and Smith, R. P. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Using SNP addresses for Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 in routine veterinary outbreak detection. Epidemiology and Infection, 151:e187. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0950-2688 (Print), 1469-4409 (Online) (doi:10.1017/S0950268823001723)


Muloi, Dishon, Hassell, James, Wee, Bryan, Ward, Melissa, Bettridge, Judy ORCID logoORCID:, Kivali, Velma, Kiyong'a, Alice, Ndinda, Christine, Gitahi, Nduhiu, Ouko, Tom, Imboma, Titus, Akoko, James, Murungi, Maurice, Njoroge, Samuel, Muinde, Patrick, Alumasa, Lorren, Kaitho, Titus, Amanya, Frederic, Ogendo, Allan, van Bunnik, Bram, Kiiru, John, Robinson, Timothy, Kang'ethe, Erastus, Kariuki, Sam, Pederson, Amy, Fevre, Eric and Woolhouse, Mark (2022) Genomic epidemiology of Escherichia coli: antimicrobial resistance through a One Health lens in sympatric humans, livestock and peri-domestic wildlife in Nairobi, Kenya. BMC Medicine, 20:471. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1741-7015 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12916-022-02677-7)


Sharaf, Abdoallah, Nuc, Przemysław, Ripl, Jan, Alquicer, Glenda, Ibrahim, Emad, Wang, Xifeng, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Kundu, Jiban Kumar (2023) Transcriptome dynamics in triticum aestivum genotypes associated with resistance against the wheat dwarf virus. Viruses, 15:689. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15030689)

genotype environment interaction

Kimata, B, Masinde, E, Masisila, F, Menya, R, Matondo, D, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Mkamilo, G (2021) Adaptability and phenotypic stability of resistance to two viral diseases and yields traits in Cassava. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 12 (4). pp. 679-705. ISSN 2158-2742 (Print), 2158-2750 (Online) (doi:10.4236/ajps.2021.124046)


Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID:, Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: Persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. pp. 1-27. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003688)

glycated haemoglobin

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Orjih, Edith, Pavithran, Nivedita, Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID:, Feng, Qian-Qian and Mccrone, Paul ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The effects of COVID-19 lockdown on glycaemic control and lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (3):1095. ISSN 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:10.3390/ijerph19031095)


Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Hoschler, Katja, Major, Diane, Nicolson, Carolyn, Manvell, Ruth, Hien, Vo Minh, Ha, Do Quang, de Jong, Menno, Zambon, Maria, Takeuchi, Yasuhiro and Weiss, Robin A. (2007) A sensitive retroviral pseudotype assay for influenza H5N1-neutralizing antibodies. Influenza and other respiratory viruses, 1 (3). pp. 105-112. ISSN 1750-2659 (online) (doi:10.1111/j.1750-2659.2007.00016.x)


Ibrahim Elmi, Zakaria Ali, Sighakoli, Sameer, Tetteh, John and Zand Fard, Nazanin ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Case–control study of serum vitamin D concentrations in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 and hospitalised controls suffering with respiratory tract infections of differing aetiology. BMJ, Nutrition, Prevention and Health:e000428. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2516-5542 (Online) (doi:10.1136/bmjnph-2022-000428)

health system

Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Ale Magar, Sudip and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2021) Nepalese health system response to fight against COVID-19 pandemic. Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 98-104. ISSN 2717-4646 (Print), 2717-4654 (Online) (doi:10.46405/ejms.v3i1.262)

health systems

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Karat, Aaron S, Khan, Munira, Meehan, Sue-Ann, von Delft, Arne, Brey, Zameer, Charalambous, Salome, Hesseling, Anneke C, Naidoo, Pren and Loveday, Marian (2021) Health system determinants of tuberculosis mortality in South Africa: a causal loop model. BMC Health Services Research, 21 (1):388. ISSN 1472-6963 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12913-021-06398-0)

helper component protease

Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)

helper virus

Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)


GC, Sulochan, Khanal, Ashok, GC, Vijay S, Bhattrai, Suman, Panthee, Suresh, Khanal, Aashis, Gaire, Amrit, Poudel, Sagar, Ghimire, Rakesh and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Burden of tuberculosis and hepatitis co-infection among people living with HIV in Nepal: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sexual Health, 19 (5). pp. 406-416. ISSN 1448-5028 (Print), 1449-8987 (Online) (doi:10.1071/SH21216)


Moyes, David L., Martin, Alex, Sawcer, Stephen, Temperton, Nigel ORCID logoORCID:, Worthington, Jane, Griffiths, David J. and Venables, Patrick J. (2005) The distribution of the endogenous retroviruses HERV-K113 and HERV-K115 in health and disease. Genomics, 86 (3). pp. 337-341. ISSN 0888-7543 (doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2005.06.004)

high yield

Kimata, B, Masinde, E, Masisila, F, Menya, R, Matondo, D, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Mkamilo, G (2021) Adaptability and phenotypic stability of resistance to two viral diseases and yields traits in Cassava. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 12 (4). pp. 679-705. ISSN 2158-2742 (Print), 2158-2750 (Online) (doi:10.4236/ajps.2021.124046)


Juříčková, Iva, Hudec, Michael, Votava, Felix, Vosáhlo, Jan, Ovsepian, Saak, Černá, Marie and O'Leary, Valerie (2022) The immunological epigenetic landscape of the human life trajectory. Biomedicines, 10 (11):2894. ISSN 2227-9059 (Online) (doi:10.3390/biomedicines10112894)


GC, Sulochan, Khanal, Ashok, GC, Vijay S, Bhattrai, Suman, Panthee, Suresh, Khanal, Aashis, Gaire, Amrit, Poudel, Sagar, Ghimire, Rakesh and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Burden of tuberculosis and hepatitis co-infection among people living with HIV in Nepal: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sexual Health, 19 (5). pp. 406-416. ISSN 1448-5028 (Print), 1449-8987 (Online) (doi:10.1071/SH21216)

Maena, Joel, Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi ORCID logoORCID:, Mukiza, Nelson, Kuteesa, Cynthia Ndikuno, Kakumba, Ronald Makanga, Kataike, Hajira, Kizito, Samuel, Babirye, Juliet Allen and Nakal, Rita (2021) Determinants of viral load non-suppression among adolescents in Mbale District, Eastern Rural Uganda. AIDS Research and Therapy, 18:91. ISSN 1742-6405 (Print), 1742-6405 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12981-021-00408-1)

du Preez, Karen, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A, Naidoo, Pren, Schaaf, H Simon, Munch, Zahn, Dunbar, Rory, Mvusi, Lindiwe, Dlamini, Sicelo S and Hesseling, Anneke C (2021) The Impact of the evolving human immunodeficiency virus response on the epidemiology of tuberculosis in South African children and adolescents. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73 (4). e967-e975. ISSN 1058-4838 (Print), 1537-6591 (Online) (doi:10.1093/cid/ciab095)


Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, van Teijlingen, Edwin, Simkhada, padam, Randall, Julian, Baxter, Sujan, Kirkpatrick, Pamela and Singh GC, Vijay (2011) Factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment in Asian developing countries: a systematic review. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 17 (1). pp. 71-81. ISSN 1360-2276 (Print), 1365-3156 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02888.x)


Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A., Dunbar, Rory, Draper, Heather R., Lombard, Carl and Beyers, Nulda (2015) The complex relationship between human immunodeficiency virus infection and death in adults being treated for tuberculosis in Cape Town, South Africa. BMC Public Health, 15 (1):556. ISSN 1471-2458 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1914-z)


Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Rabdal, Julian, Freeman, Janifer and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2012) Factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment in Nepal: a mixed-methods study. PLoS ONE, 7 (5):e35547. ISSN 1932-6203 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035547)

Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Randall, Julian, Freeman, Jennifer and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2013) Barriers to and facilitators of antiretroviral therapy adherence in Nepal: a qualitative study. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 30 (4):PMC3763612. pp. 410-419. ISSN 2072-1315 (Online) (doi:10.3329/jhpn.v30i4.13294)


Juříčková, Iva, Hudec, Michael, Votava, Felix, Vosáhlo, Jan, Ovsepian, Saak, Černá, Marie and O'Leary, Valerie (2022) The immunological epigenetic landscape of the human life trajectory. Biomedicines, 10 (11):2894. ISSN 2227-9059 (Online) (doi:10.3390/biomedicines10112894)


Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R. and Muniyappa, V. (2007) Pumpkin yellow vein mosaic disease is caused by two distinct begomoviruses: complete viral sequences and comparative transmission by an indigenous Bemisia tabaci and the introduced B-biotype. EPPO Bulletin, 37 (2). pp. 412-419. ISSN 0250-8052 (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2338.2007.01127.x)

Host choice

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID:, Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1703-2)

host decoy trap

Zembere, Kennedy, Chirombo, James, Nasoni, Peter, McDermott, Daniel, Divala, Lizzie, Hawkes, Frances ORCID logoORCID: and Jones, Christopher M. (2022) The human-baited host decoy trap (HDT) is an efficient sampling device for exophagic malaria mosquitoes within irrigated lands in southern Malawi. Scientific reports, 12:3428. ISSN 2045-2322 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41598-022-07422-x)

Host-seeking vectors

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID:, Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1703-2)


Silva, Gonçalo ORCID logoORCID:, Bömer, Moritz ORCID logoORCID:, Rathnayake, Ajith I., Sewe, Steven O., Visendi, Paul, Oyekanmi, Joshua O., Quain, Marian D., Akomeah, Belinda, Kumar, P. Lava and Seal, Susan E. ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Molecular characterization of a new virus species identified in yam (Dioscorea spp.) by high-throughput sequencing. Plants, 8 (6):167. ISSN 2223-7747 (Print), 2223-7747 (Online) (doi:10.3390/plants8060167)

Human blood index

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID:, Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1703-2)

I gene

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R., Mirza, S.H., Alam, S.N. and Colvin, John (2007) PCR-based detection and partial genome sequencing indicate high genetic diversity in Bangladeshi begomoviruses and their whitefly vector, Bemisia tabaci. Virus Genes, 34 (3). pp. 373-385. ISSN 0920-8569 (doi:10.1007/s11262-006-0027-2)


Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Chan, Paul K., Simmons, Graham, Zambon, Maria C., Tedder, Richard S., Takeuchi, Yasuhiro and Weiss, Robin A. (2005) Longitudinally profiling neutralizing antibody response to SARS coronavirus with pseudotypes. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11 (3). pp. 411-416. ISSN 1080-6059 (doi:10.3201/eid1103.040906)

immunity waning

Wu, YuanYuan, Zhou, Weike, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Wang, Xia (2023) Prediction of the next major outbreak of COVID-19 in Mainland China and a vaccination strategy for it. Royal Society Open Science, 10:230655. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2054-5703 (Online) (doi:10.1098/rsos.230655)

Indian Jatropha Mosaic Disease

Aswatha Narayana, D.S., Rangaswamy, K.T., Shankarappa, K.S., Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Lakshminarayana Reddy, C.N., Rekha, A.R. and Keshava Murthy, K.V. (2007) Distinct begomoviruses closely related to cassava mosaic viruses cause Indian Jatropha mosaic disease. International Journal of Virology, 3 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1816-4900 (doi:10.3923/ijv.2007.1.11)

Indian subcontinent

Durrance-Bagale, Anna, Rudge, James W., Singh, Nanda Bahadur, Belmain, Steven R. ORCID logoORCID: and Howard, Natasha (2021) Drivers of zoonotic disease risk in the Indian subcontinent: a scoping review. One Health, 13:100310. ISSN 2352-7714 (doi:10.1016/j.onehlt.2021.100310)


Lava Kumar, P., Akinbade, S.A., Dixon, A.G.O., Mahungu, N.M., Mutunda, M.P., Kiala, D., Londa, L. and Legg, J.P. (2009) First report of the occurence of East African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda (EACMV-UG) in Angola. Plant Pathology, 58 (2). p. 402. ISSN 0032-0862 (Print), 1365-3059 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2008.02010.x)

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R. and Muniyappa, V. (2007) Pumpkin yellow vein mosaic disease is caused by two distinct begomoviruses: complete viral sequences and comparative transmission by an indigenous Bemisia tabaci and the introduced B-biotype. EPPO Bulletin, 37 (2). pp. 412-419. ISSN 0250-8052 (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2338.2007.01127.x)

Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Chan, Paul K., Simmons, Graham, Zambon, Maria C., Tedder, Richard S., Takeuchi, Yasuhiro and Weiss, Robin A. (2005) Longitudinally profiling neutralizing antibody response to SARS coronavirus with pseudotypes. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11 (3). pp. 411-416. ISSN 1080-6059 (doi:10.3201/eid1103.040906)

infectious disease

Vaughan, Megan and Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Kafui ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Introduction. In: Vaughan, Megan, Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Kafui ORCID logoORCID: and Mika, Marissa, (eds.) Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: Social and historical perspectives. UCL Press, London, UK, pp. 1-38. ISBN 978-1787357068; 978-1787357051; 978-1787357044; 978-1787357075; 978-1787357082 (doi:10.14324/111.9781787357044)


Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Hoschler, Katja, Major, Diane, Nicolson, Carolyn, Manvell, Ruth, Hien, Vo Minh, Ha, Do Quang, de Jong, Menno, Zambon, Maria, Takeuchi, Yasuhiro and Weiss, Robin A. (2007) A sensitive retroviral pseudotype assay for influenza H5N1-neutralizing antibodies. Influenza and other respiratory viruses, 1 (3). pp. 105-112. ISSN 1750-2659 (online) (doi:10.1111/j.1750-2659.2007.00016.x)

influenza-like illness (ILI)

Yan, Quinling, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Tang, Sanyi (2022) Coupling an individual adaptive-decision model with a SIRV model of influenza vaccination reveals new insights for epidemic control. Statistics in Medicine, 42 (5). pp. 716-729. ISSN 0277-6715 (Print), 1097-0258 (Online) (doi:10.1002/sim.9639)

interferon (IFN)-inducible transmembrane (IFITM) protein

Dowran, Razieh, Nabavi, Seyed Fazel, Habtemariam, Solomon, Banach, Maciej, Shahmohamadnejad, Shiva, Cismaru, Cosmin Andrei, Berindan-Neagoe, Ioana, Sahebnasagh, Adeleh and Nabavi, Seyed Mohammad (2020) Various interferon (IFN)-inducible transmembrane (IFITM) proteins for COVID-19, is there a role for the combination of mycophenolic acid and interferon? Biochimie, 177. pp. 50-52. ISSN 0300-9084 (doi:10.1016/j.biochi.2020.08.006)


Tseng, Ping‐Tao ORCID logoORCID:, Zeng, Bing‐Syuan, Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Stubbs, Brendon, Hsueh, Po‐Ren, Su, Kuan‐Pin ORCID logoORCID:, Chen, Yen‐Wen, Chen, Tien‐Yu, Wu, Yi‐Cheng, Lin, Pao‐Yen, Carvalho, Andre F., Hsu, Chih‐Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Li, Dian‐Jeng, Yeh, Ta‐Chuan, Sun, Cheuk‐Kwan, Cheng, Yu‐Shian, Shiue, Yow‐Ling, Liang, Chih‐Sung ORCID logoORCID: and Tu, Yu‐Kang ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Placebo effects on all‐cause mortality of patients with COVID‐19 in randomized controlled trials of interleukin 6 antagonists: a systematic review and network meta‐analysis. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences (PCN). ISSN 1323-1316 (Print), 1440-1819 (Online) (doi:10.1111/pcn.13592)

intervention timing

Xiao, Yanni, Tang, Biao, Wu, Jianhong, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Linking key intervention timings to rapid decline of the COVID-19 effective reproductive number to quantify lessons from mainland China. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 97. pp. 296-298. ISSN 1201-9712 (Print), 1878-3511 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.06.030)


Grzywacz, David, Mushobozi, Wilfred L., Parnell, Mark, Jolliffe, Flavia and Wilson, Kenneth (2007) Evaluation of Spodoptera exempta nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpexNPV) for the field control of African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) in Tanzania. Crop Protection, 27 (1). pp. 17-24. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2007.04.005)


Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)

isothermal amplification

Festus, Ruth, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Prempeh, Ruth, Quain, Marian D. and Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Improved Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP) for the rapid and sensitive detection of Yam mosaic virus. Viruses, 15 (7):1592. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15071592)

Munguti, Florence M., Kilalo, Dora C., Yegon, Hillary K., Macharia, Isaac, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Mwango’mbe, Agnes W., Nyaboga, Evans N. and Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Real-time reverse transcription recombinase polymerase amplification (RT-RPA) assay for detection of cassava brown streak viruses. Scientific Reports, 14:12438. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41598-024-62249-y)


Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Manjunatha, B., Rekha, A.R., Govindappa, M.R., Colvin, John and Muniyappa, V. (2006) Dolichos yellow mosaic virus belongs to a distinct lineage of Old World begomoviruses; its biological and molecular properties. Annals of Applied Biology, 149 (2). pp. 187-195. ISSN 0003-4746 (doi:10.1111/j.1744-7348.2006.00075.x)


Hall, Martin J. R., Ghosh, Debashi, Martin-Vega, Daniel, Clark, Brett, Clatworthy, Innes, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID: and Rogers, Matthew E. (2021) Micro-CT visualization of a promastigote secretory gel (PSG) and parasite plug in the digestive tract of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis infected with Leishmania mexicana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (8):e0009682. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2727 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0009682)

length of hospital stay

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Feng, Qianqian, Boateng, Joshua ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Brooke, Joanne and Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The Effects of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients, 14 (5):1120. ISSN 2072-6643 (Online) (doi:10.3390/nu14051120)


Durrance-Bagale, Anna, Rudge, James W., Singh, Nanda Bahadur, Belmain, Steven R. ORCID logoORCID: and Howard, Natasha (2021) Drivers of zoonotic disease risk in the Indian subcontinent: a scoping review. One Health, 13:100310. ISSN 2352-7714 (doi:10.1016/j.onehlt.2021.100310)

linkage to care

Vanqa, Nosivuyile, Hoddinott, Graeme, Mbenyana, Baxolele, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID: and Meehan, Sue-Ann (2021) Linkage to TB care: a qualitative study to understand linkage from the patients' perspective in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. PloS one, 16 (11):e0260200. ISSN 1932-6203 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0260200)

Viljoen, L., Hendricks, P., Hoddinott, G., Vanqa, N., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Hesseling, A. C. and Meehan, S-A. (2022) Early interactions with newly diagnosed TB patients in hospital can support linkage to care. Public Health Action, 12 (3):7. pp. 121-127. ISSN 2220-8372 (Online) (doi:10.5588/pha.22.0012)

lipid parameters

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Orjih, Edith, Pavithran, Nivedita, Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID:, Feng, Qian-Qian and Mccrone, Paul ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The effects of COVID-19 lockdown on glycaemic control and lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (3):1095. ISSN 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:10.3390/ijerph19031095)

live SARS virus

Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Chan, Paul K., Simmons, Graham, Zambon, Maria C., Tedder, Richard S., Takeuchi, Yasuhiro and Weiss, Robin A. (2005) Longitudinally profiling neutralizing antibody response to SARS coronavirus with pseudotypes. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11 (3). pp. 411-416. ISSN 1080-6059 (doi:10.3201/eid1103.040906)


Xiao, Yanni, Tang, Biao, Wu, Jianhong, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Tang, Sanyi (2020) Linking key intervention timings to rapid decline of the COVID-19 effective reproductive number to quantify lessons from mainland China. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 97. pp. 296-298. ISSN 1201-9712 (Print), 1878-3511 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.06.030)

long non-coding RNA

Juříčková, Iva, Hudec, Michael, Votava, Felix, Vosáhlo, Jan, Ovsepian, Saak, Černá, Marie and O'Leary, Valerie (2022) The immunological epigenetic landscape of the human life trajectory. Biomedicines, 10 (11):2894. ISSN 2227-9059 (Online) (doi:10.3390/biomedicines10112894)

malaria vectors

Zembere, Kennedy, Chirombo, James, Nasoni, Peter, McDermott, Daniel, Divala, Lizzie, Hawkes, Frances ORCID logoORCID: and Jones, Christopher M. (2022) The human-baited host decoy trap (HDT) is an efficient sampling device for exophagic malaria mosquitoes within irrigated lands in southern Malawi. Scientific reports, 12:3428. ISSN 2045-2322 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41598-022-07422-x)

mathematical model

Holt, J., Pavis, C., Marquier, M., Chancellor, T.C.B. ORCID logoORCID:, Urbino, C. and Boissot, N. (2008) Insect-screened cultivation to reduce the invasion of tomato crops by Bemisia tabaci: modelling the impact on virus disease and vector. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 10 (1). pp. 61-67. ISSN 1461-9555 (Print), 1461-9563 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1461-9563.2007.00356.x)

Tang, Sanyi, Wang, Xia, Tang, Biao, He, Sha, Huang, Chenxi, Shao, Yiming, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Threshold conditions for curbing COVID‑19 with a dynamic zero‑case policy derived from 101 outbreaks in China. BMC Public Health, 23:1084. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1471-2458 (doi:10.1186/s12889-023-16009-8)

mathematical modelling

Dodd, Peter J. ORCID logoORCID:, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Cresswell, Fiona V. ORCID logoORCID:, Stadelman, Anna M., Lan, Nguyen Huu, Thuong, Nguyen Thuy Thuong ORCID logoORCID:, Muzyamba, Morris ORCID logoORCID:, Glaser, Lisa ORCID logoORCID:, Dlamini, Sicelo S. and Seddon, James A. ORCID logoORCID: (2021) The global burden of tuberculous meningitis in adults: a modelling study. PLOS Global Public Health, 1 (12):e0000069. ISSN 2767-3375 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pgph.0000069)

mean first passage time

He, Sha, Yan, Dingding, Shu, Hongying, Tang, Sanyi, Wang, Xia and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Randomness accelerates the dynamic clearing process of the COVID-19 outbreaks in China. Mathematical Biosciences, 363:109055. ISSN 0025-5564 (Print), 1879-3134 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.mbs.2023.109055)


Hushmandi, Kiavash, Bokaie, Saied, Hashemi, Mehrdad, Moghadam, Ebrahim Rahmani, Raei, Mehdi, Hashemi, Farid, Bagheri, Mahdi, Habtemariam, Solomon and Nabavi, Seyed Mohammad (2020) A review of medications used to control and improve the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 patients. European Journal of Pharmacology, 887:173568. ISSN 0014-2999 (Print), 1879-0712 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.ejphar.2020.173568)

mental health

Salanti, Georgia ORCID logoORCID:, Peter, Natalie ORCID logoORCID:, Tonia, Thomy ORCID logoORCID:, Holloway, Alexander ORCID logoORCID:, White, Ian R. ORCID logoORCID:, Darwish, Leila, Low, Nicola ORCID logoORCID:, Egger, Matthias ORCID logoORCID:, Haas, Andreas D. ORCID logoORCID:, Fazel, Seena ORCID logoORCID:, Kessler, Ronald C. ORCID logoORCID:, Herrman, Helen ORCID logoORCID:, Kieling, Christian ORCID logoORCID:, De Quervain, Dominique J.F. ORCID logoORCID:, Vigod, Simone N. ORCID logoORCID:, Patel, Vikram, Li, Tianjing, Cuijpers, Pim ORCID logoORCID:, Cipriani, Andrea ORCID logoORCID:, Furukawa, Toshi A. ORCID logoORCID:, Leucht, Stefan ORCID logoORCID:, Sambo, Abdulkadir Usman, Onishi, Akira, Sato, Akira, Rodolico, Alessandro, Oliveira Solis, Ana Cristina de, Antoniou, Anastasia, Kapfhammer, Angelika, Ceraso, Anna, O’Mahony, Aoife, Lasserre, Aurélie M., Ipekci, Aziz Mert, Concerto, Carmen, Zangani, Caroline, Igwesi-Chidobe, Chinonso, Diehm, Christina, Demir, Dicle Dilay, Wang, Dongfang, Ostinelli, Edoardo Giuseppe, Sahker, Ethan, Beraldi, Gabriel Henrique, Erzin, Gamze, Nelson, Harrison, Elkis, Helio, Imai, Hissei, Wu, Hui, Kamitsis, Ilias, Filis, Ioannis, Michopoulos, Ioannis, Bighelli, Irene, Hong, James S.W., Ballesteros, Javier, Smith, Katharine A., Yoshida, Kazufumi, Omae, Kenji, Trivella, Marialena, Tada, Masafumi, Reinhard, Matthias A., Ostacher, Michael J., Müller, Monika, Jaramillo, Nathalia Gonzalez, Ferentinos, Panagiotis P., Toyomoto, Rie, Cortese, Samuele, Kishimoto, Sanae, Covarrubias-Castillo, Sergio A., Siafis, Spyridon, Thompson, Trevor, Karageorgiou, Vasilios, Chiocchia, Virginia, Zhu, Yikang, Honda, Yukiko, Sambo, Abdulkadir Usman, Onishi, Akira, Sato, Akira, Rodolico, Alessandro, Oliveira Solis, Ana Cristina de, Antoniou, Anastasia, Kapfhammer, Angelika, Ceraso, Anna, O’Mahony, Aoife, Lasserre, Aurélie M., Ipekci, Aziz Mert, Concerto, Carmen, Zangani, Caroline, Igwesi-Chidobe, Chinonso, Diehm, Christina, Demir, Dicle Dilay, Wang, Dongfang, Ostinelli, Edoardo Giuseppe, Sahker, Ethan, Beraldi, Gabriel Henrique, Erzin, Gamze, Nelson, Harrison, Elkis, Helio, Imai, Hissei, Wu, Hui, Kamitsis, Ilias, Filis, Ioannis, Michopoulos, Ioannis, Bighelli, Irene, Hong, James S.W., Ballesteros, Javier, Smith, Katharine A., Yoshida, Kazufumi, Omae, Kenji, Trivella, Marialena, Tada, Masafumi, Reinhard, Matthias A., Ostacher, Michael J., Müller, Monika, Jaramillo, Nathalia Gonzalez, Ferentinos, Panagiotis P., Toyomoto, Rie, Cortese, Samuele, Kishimoto, Sanae, Covarrubias-Castillo, Sergio A., Siafis, Spyridon, Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Karageorgiou, Vasilios, Chiocchia, Virginia, Zhu, Yikang and Honda, Yukiko (2022) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated control measures on the mental health of the general population. Annals of Internal Medicine, 175 (11). pp. 1560-1571. ISSN 0003-4819 (Print), 1539-3704 (Online) (doi:10.7326/M22-1507)


GC, Sulochan, Khanal, Ashok, GC, Vijay S, Bhattrai, Suman, Panthee, Suresh, Khanal, Aashis, Gaire, Amrit, Poudel, Sagar, Ghimire, Rakesh and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Burden of tuberculosis and hepatitis co-infection among people living with HIV in Nepal: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sexual Health, 19 (5). pp. 406-416. ISSN 1448-5028 (Print), 1449-8987 (Online) (doi:10.1071/SH21216)

Salanti, Georgia ORCID logoORCID:, Peter, Natalie ORCID logoORCID:, Tonia, Thomy ORCID logoORCID:, Holloway, Alexander ORCID logoORCID:, White, Ian R. ORCID logoORCID:, Darwish, Leila, Low, Nicola ORCID logoORCID:, Egger, Matthias ORCID logoORCID:, Haas, Andreas D. ORCID logoORCID:, Fazel, Seena ORCID logoORCID:, Kessler, Ronald C. ORCID logoORCID:, Herrman, Helen ORCID logoORCID:, Kieling, Christian ORCID logoORCID:, De Quervain, Dominique J.F. ORCID logoORCID:, Vigod, Simone N. ORCID logoORCID:, Patel, Vikram, Li, Tianjing, Cuijpers, Pim ORCID logoORCID:, Cipriani, Andrea ORCID logoORCID:, Furukawa, Toshi A. ORCID logoORCID:, Leucht, Stefan ORCID logoORCID:, Sambo, Abdulkadir Usman, Onishi, Akira, Sato, Akira, Rodolico, Alessandro, Oliveira Solis, Ana Cristina de, Antoniou, Anastasia, Kapfhammer, Angelika, Ceraso, Anna, O’Mahony, Aoife, Lasserre, Aurélie M., Ipekci, Aziz Mert, Concerto, Carmen, Zangani, Caroline, Igwesi-Chidobe, Chinonso, Diehm, Christina, Demir, Dicle Dilay, Wang, Dongfang, Ostinelli, Edoardo Giuseppe, Sahker, Ethan, Beraldi, Gabriel Henrique, Erzin, Gamze, Nelson, Harrison, Elkis, Helio, Imai, Hissei, Wu, Hui, Kamitsis, Ilias, Filis, Ioannis, Michopoulos, Ioannis, Bighelli, Irene, Hong, James S.W., Ballesteros, Javier, Smith, Katharine A., Yoshida, Kazufumi, Omae, Kenji, Trivella, Marialena, Tada, Masafumi, Reinhard, Matthias A., Ostacher, Michael J., Müller, Monika, Jaramillo, Nathalia Gonzalez, Ferentinos, Panagiotis P., Toyomoto, Rie, Cortese, Samuele, Kishimoto, Sanae, Covarrubias-Castillo, Sergio A., Siafis, Spyridon, Thompson, Trevor, Karageorgiou, Vasilios, Chiocchia, Virginia, Zhu, Yikang, Honda, Yukiko, Sambo, Abdulkadir Usman, Onishi, Akira, Sato, Akira, Rodolico, Alessandro, Oliveira Solis, Ana Cristina de, Antoniou, Anastasia, Kapfhammer, Angelika, Ceraso, Anna, O’Mahony, Aoife, Lasserre, Aurélie M., Ipekci, Aziz Mert, Concerto, Carmen, Zangani, Caroline, Igwesi-Chidobe, Chinonso, Diehm, Christina, Demir, Dicle Dilay, Wang, Dongfang, Ostinelli, Edoardo Giuseppe, Sahker, Ethan, Beraldi, Gabriel Henrique, Erzin, Gamze, Nelson, Harrison, Elkis, Helio, Imai, Hissei, Wu, Hui, Kamitsis, Ilias, Filis, Ioannis, Michopoulos, Ioannis, Bighelli, Irene, Hong, James S.W., Ballesteros, Javier, Smith, Katharine A., Yoshida, Kazufumi, Omae, Kenji, Trivella, Marialena, Tada, Masafumi, Reinhard, Matthias A., Ostacher, Michael J., Müller, Monika, Jaramillo, Nathalia Gonzalez, Ferentinos, Panagiotis P., Toyomoto, Rie, Cortese, Samuele, Kishimoto, Sanae, Covarrubias-Castillo, Sergio A., Siafis, Spyridon, Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Karageorgiou, Vasilios, Chiocchia, Virginia, Zhu, Yikang and Honda, Yukiko (2022) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated control measures on the mental health of the general population. Annals of Internal Medicine, 175 (11). pp. 1560-1571. ISSN 0003-4819 (Print), 1539-3704 (Online) (doi:10.7326/M22-1507)

Yu, Chia-Ling, Carvalho, Andre F., Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Tsai, Tzu-Cheng, Tseng, Ping-Tao ORCID logoORCID:, Hsu, Chih-Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Tu, Yu-Kang ORCID logoORCID:, Yang, Szu-Nian ORCID logoORCID:, Hsu, Tien-Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Yeh, Ta-Chuan and Liang, Chih-Sung ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Trial sequential analysis and updated meta-analysis of fluvoxamine on clinical deterioration in adult patients with symptomatic COVID-19 infection. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (5):4088. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:10.3390/ijerph20054088)


Juříčková, Iva, Hudec, Michael, Votava, Felix, Vosáhlo, Jan, Ovsepian, Saak, Černá, Marie and O'Leary, Valerie (2022) The immunological epigenetic landscape of the human life trajectory. Biomedicines, 10 (11):2894. ISSN 2227-9059 (Online) (doi:10.3390/biomedicines10112894)

migratory pest

Grzywacz, David, Mushobozi, Wilfred L., Parnell, Mark, Jolliffe, Flavia and Wilson, Kenneth (2007) Evaluation of Spodoptera exempta nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpexNPV) for the field control of African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) in Tanzania. Crop Protection, 27 (1). pp. 17-24. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2007.04.005)


Tang, Sanyi, Wang, Xia, Tang, Biao, He, Sha, Huang, Chenxi, Shao, Yiming, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Threshold conditions for curbing COVID‑19 with a dynamic zero‑case policy derived from 101 outbreaks in China. BMC Public Health, 23:1084. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1471-2458 (doi:10.1186/s12889-023-16009-8)

mixed infections

Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)


Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Rabdal, Julian, Freeman, Janifer and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2012) Factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment in Nepal: a mixed-methods study. PLoS ONE, 7 (5):e35547. ISSN 1932-6203 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035547)

mobile genetic elements

Hassell, James M. ORCID logoORCID:, Muloi, Dishon M., VanderWaal, Kimberly L. ORCID logoORCID:, Ward, Melissa J., Bettridge, Judy ORCID logoORCID:, Gitahi, Nduhiu ORCID logoORCID:, Ouko, Tom, Imboma, Titus, Akoko, James, Karani, Maurice ORCID logoORCID:, Muinde, Patrick ORCID logoORCID:, Nakamura, Yukiko ORCID logoORCID:, Alumasa, Lorren ORCID logoORCID:, Furmaga, Erin, Kaitho, Titus, Amanya, Fredrick, Ogendo, Allan, Fava, Francesco ORCID logoORCID:, Wee, Bryan A., Phan, Hang, Kiiru, John, Kang’ethe, Erastus, Kariuki, Sam ORCID logoORCID:, Robinson, Timothy, Begon, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Woolhouse, Mark E. J. and Fèvre, Eric M. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Epidemiological connectivity between humans and animals across an urban landscape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (29):e2218860120. pp. 1-12. ISSN 0027-8424 (Print), 1091-6490 (Online) (doi:10.1073/pnas.2218860120)


Cheng, Qu, Liu, Yan, Wang, Xia, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) The relative importance of key meteorological factors affecting numbers of mosquito vectors of dengue fever. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 17 (4):e0011247. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0011247)


Davis, Jessica, Chinazzi, Matteo, Perra, Nicola ORCID logoORCID:, Mu, Kunpeng, Pastore Y Piontti, Ana, Ajelli, Marco, Dean, Natalie, Gioannini, Corrado, Litvinova, Maria, Merler, Stefano, Rossi, Luca, Sun, Kaiyuan, Xiong, Xinyue, Longini, Ira Jr, Halloran, M. Elizabeth, Viboud, Cécile and Vespignani, Alessandro (2021) Cryptic transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the first COVID-19 wave. Nature. ISSN 0028-0836 (Print), 1476-4687 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41586-021-04130-w)

molecular epidemiology

Bettridge, Judy ORCID logoORCID:, Snow, L. C., Tang, Y., Petrovska, L. ORCID logoORCID:, Lawes, J. and Smith, R. P. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Using SNP addresses for Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 in routine veterinary outbreak detection. Epidemiology and Infection, 151:e187. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0950-2688 (Print), 1469-4409 (Online) (doi:10.1017/S0950268823001723)

molecular genetics

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R. and Muniyappa, V. (2007) Pumpkin yellow vein mosaic disease is caused by two distinct begomoviruses: complete viral sequences and comparative transmission by an indigenous Bemisia tabaci and the introduced B-biotype. EPPO Bulletin, 37 (2). pp. 412-419. ISSN 0250-8052 (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2338.2007.01127.x)


Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Feng, Qianqian, Boateng, Joshua ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Brooke, Joanne and Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The Effects of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients, 14 (5):1120. ISSN 2072-6643 (Online) (doi:10.3390/nu14051120)

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, du Preez, Karen, Seddon, James A., Claassens, Mareli M., Dunbar, Rory, Dlamini, Sicelo S., Welte, Alex, Naidoo, Pren and Hesseling, Anneke C. (2021) Mortality in South African children and adolescents routinely treated for tuberculosis. Pediatrics, 147 (4):e2020032490. ISSN 0031-4005 (Print), 1098-4275 (Online) (doi:10.1542/peds.2020-032490)


Kenyon, Lawrence, Lebas, B.S.M. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Yams (Dioscorea spp.) from the South Pacific Islands contain many novel badnaviruses: Implications for international movement of yam germplasm. Archives of Virology, 153 (5). pp. 877-889. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0062-5)

mosquito larvae

Vaux, AGC, Abbott, Anthony, Johnston, CJ, Hawkes, Frances ORCID logoORCID:, Hopkins, Richard ORCID logoORCID:, Cull, B, Gibson, Gabriella, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID:, Callaghan, A and Medlock, JM (2024) An update on the ecology, seasonality and distribution of Culex modestus in England. Journal of the European Mosquito Control Association, 2023. pp. 1-19. ISSN 2054-930X (Online) (doi:10.52004/JEMCA20231003)

mosquito trap

Zembere, Kennedy, Chirombo, James, Nasoni, Peter, McDermott, Daniel, Divala, Lizzie, Hawkes, Frances ORCID logoORCID: and Jones, Christopher M. (2022) The human-baited host decoy trap (HDT) is an efficient sampling device for exophagic malaria mosquitoes within irrigated lands in southern Malawi. Scientific reports, 12:3428. ISSN 2045-2322 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41598-022-07422-x)

multiple sclerosis

Moyes, David L., Martin, Alex, Sawcer, Stephen, Temperton, Nigel ORCID logoORCID:, Worthington, Jane, Griffiths, David J. and Venables, Patrick J. (2005) The distribution of the endogenous retroviruses HERV-K113 and HERV-K115 in health and disease. Genomics, 86 (3). pp. 337-341. ISSN 0888-7543 (doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2005.06.004)

multiplex PCR

Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID:, Bömer, Moritz ORCID logoORCID:, Turaki, Aliyu A., Nkere, Chukwuemeka K., Kumar, P. Lava and Seal, Susan E. ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Homing in on endogenous badnaviral elements: development of multiplex PCR-DGGE for detection and rapid identification of badnavirus sequences in yam germplasm. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:846989. ISSN 1664-462X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.846989)

natural enemies

Roudine, Sacha, Le Ralec, Anne, Bouvaine, Sophie ORCID logoORCID:, Alford, Lucy, Duval, Franck, Buchard, Christelle, Llopis, Stéphanie, CLoteau, Romulad, Georges, Romain, Jambon, Olivier, van Baaren, Joan and Le Lann, Cécile (2024) Flower strips in winter reduce barley yellow dwarf virus incidence in cereal crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 378:109275. ISSN 0167-8809 (Print), 1873-2305 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.agee.2024.109275)

neglected zoonotic diseases

Di Bari, Carlotta, Venkateswaran, Narmada, Fastl, Christina, Gabriël, Sarah, Grace, Delia ORCID logoORCID:, Havelaar, Arie H., Huntington, Ben, Patterson, Grace T., Rushton, Jonathan, Speybroeck, Niko, Torgerson, Paul, Pigott, David M. and Devleesschauwer, Brecht (2023) The global burden of neglected zoonotic diseases: current state of evidence. One Health, 17:100595. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2352-7714 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.onehlt.2023.100595)


GC, Sulochan, Khanal, Ashok, GC, Vijay S, Bhattrai, Suman, Panthee, Suresh, Khanal, Aashis, Gaire, Amrit, Poudel, Sagar, Ghimire, Rakesh and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Burden of tuberculosis and hepatitis co-infection among people living with HIV in Nepal: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sexual Health, 19 (5). pp. 406-416. ISSN 1448-5028 (Print), 1449-8987 (Online) (doi:10.1071/SH21216)

Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Ale Magar, Sudip and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2021) Nepalese health system response to fight against COVID-19 pandemic. Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 98-104. ISSN 2717-4646 (Print), 2717-4654 (Online) (doi:10.46405/ejms.v3i1.262)

Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Rabdal, Julian, Freeman, Janifer and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2012) Factors influencing adherence to antiretroviral treatment in Nepal: a mixed-methods study. PLoS ONE, 7 (5):e35547. ISSN 1932-6203 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035547)

Nepali community

Simkhada, Padam, Tamang, Pasang D ORCID logoORCID:, Timilsina, Laxmi, Simkhada, Bibha, Bissell, Paul, van Teijlingen, Edwin, Sah, Sunil Kumar and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Factors influencing COVID-19 vaccine uptake among Nepali people in the UK: a qualitative study. Vaccines, 10 (5):780. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2076-393X (Online) (doi:10.3390/vaccines10050780)

network meta-analysis

Tseng, Ping‐Tao ORCID logoORCID:, Zeng, Bing‐Syuan, Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Stubbs, Brendon, Hsueh, Po‐Ren, Su, Kuan‐Pin ORCID logoORCID:, Chen, Yen‐Wen, Chen, Tien‐Yu, Wu, Yi‐Cheng, Lin, Pao‐Yen, Carvalho, Andre F., Hsu, Chih‐Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Li, Dian‐Jeng, Yeh, Ta‐Chuan, Sun, Cheuk‐Kwan, Cheng, Yu‐Shian, Shiue, Yow‐Ling, Liang, Chih‐Sung ORCID logoORCID: and Tu, Yu‐Kang ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Placebo effects on all‐cause mortality of patients with COVID‐19 in randomized controlled trials of interleukin 6 antagonists: a systematic review and network meta‐analysis. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences (PCN). ISSN 1323-1316 (Print), 1440-1819 (Online) (doi:10.1111/pcn.13592)

neuraminidase inhibitor

Su, Ching-Yao, Wang, Shi-Yun, Shie, Jiun-Jie, Jeng, King-Song, Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Fang, Jim-Min, Wong, Chi-Huey and Cheng, Yih-Shyun E. (2008) In vitro evaluation of neuraminidase inhibitors using the neuraminidase-dependent release assay of hemagglutinin-pseudotyped viruses. Antiviral Research, 79 (3). pp. 199-205. ISSN 0166-3542 (doi:10.1016/j.antiviral.2008.03.002)

neutralizing titers

Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Chan, Paul K., Simmons, Graham, Zambon, Maria C., Tedder, Richard S., Takeuchi, Yasuhiro and Weiss, Robin A. (2005) Longitudinally profiling neutralizing antibody response to SARS coronavirus with pseudotypes. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11 (3). pp. 411-416. ISSN 1080-6059 (doi:10.3201/eid1103.040906)

newly reported cases

He, Sha, Yan, Dingding, Shu, Hongying, Tang, Sanyi, Wang, Xia and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Randomness accelerates the dynamic clearing process of the COVID-19 outbreaks in China. Mathematical Biosciences, 363:109055. ISSN 0025-5564 (Print), 1879-3134 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.mbs.2023.109055)

next-generation sequencing

Silva, Gonçalo ORCID logoORCID:, Bömer, Moritz ORCID logoORCID:, Rathnayake, Ajith I., Sewe, Steven O., Visendi, Paul, Oyekanmi, Joshua O., Quain, Marian D., Akomeah, Belinda, Kumar, P. Lava and Seal, Susan E. ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Molecular characterization of a new virus species identified in yam (Dioscorea spp.) by high-throughput sequencing. Plants, 8 (6):167. ISSN 2223-7747 (Print), 2223-7747 (Online) (doi:10.3390/plants8060167)

Nipah virus

Durrance-Bagale, Anna, Rudge, James W., Singh, Nanda Bahadur, Belmain, Steven R. ORCID logoORCID: and Howard, Natasha (2021) Drivers of zoonotic disease risk in the Indian subcontinent: a scoping review. One Health, 13:100310. ISSN 2352-7714 (doi:10.1016/j.onehlt.2021.100310)

non-pharmaceutical interventions

Tang, Sanyi, Wang, Xia, Tang, Biao, He, Sha, Huang, Chenxi, Shao, Yiming, Xiao, Yanni and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Threshold conditions for curbing COVID‑19 with a dynamic zero‑case policy derived from 101 outbreaks in China. BMC Public Health, 23:1084. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1471-2458 (doi:10.1186/s12889-023-16009-8)


Maena, Joel, Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi ORCID logoORCID:, Mukiza, Nelson, Kuteesa, Cynthia Ndikuno, Kakumba, Ronald Makanga, Kataike, Hajira, Kizito, Samuel, Babirye, Juliet Allen and Nakal, Rita (2021) Determinants of viral load non-suppression among adolescents in Mbale District, Eastern Rural Uganda. AIDS Research and Therapy, 18:91. ISSN 1742-6405 (Print), 1742-6405 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12981-021-00408-1)


Dyer, Paul D.R., Shepherd, Thomas R., Gollings, Alexander S., Shorter, Susan A., Gorringe-Pattrick, Monique A. M., Tang, Chun-Kit, Cattoz, Beatrice N., Baillie, Les, Griffiths, Peter C. ORCID logoORCID: and Richardson, Simon C.W. ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Disarmed anthrax toxin delivers antisense oligonucleotides and siRNA with high efficiency and low toxicity. Journal of Controlled Release, 220 (A). pp. 316-328. ISSN 0168-3659 (doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.10.054)

novel corona virus

Hushmandi, Kiavash, Bokaie, Saied, Hashemi, Mehrdad, Moghadam, Ebrahim Rahmani, Raei, Mehdi, Hashemi, Farid, Bagheri, Mahdi, Habtemariam, Solomon and Nabavi, Seyed Mohammad (2020) A review of medications used to control and improve the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 patients. European Journal of Pharmacology, 887:173568. ISSN 0014-2999 (Print), 1879-0712 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.ejphar.2020.173568)


Grzywacz, David, Mushobozi, Wilfred L., Parnell, Mark, Jolliffe, Flavia and Wilson, Kenneth (2007) Evaluation of Spodoptera exempta nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpexNPV) for the field control of African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) in Tanzania. Crop Protection, 27 (1). pp. 17-24. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2007.04.005)


Kenyon, Lawrence, Lebas, B.S.M. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Yams (Dioscorea spp.) from the South Pacific Islands contain many novel badnaviruses: Implications for international movement of yam germplasm. Archives of Virology, 153 (5). pp. 877-889. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0062-5)


Allwood, B. W., Stolbrink, M., Baines, N., Louw, E., Wademan, D. T., Lupton-Smith, A., Nel, S., Maree, D., Mpagama, S., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Marx, F. M., Hoddinott, G., Lesosky, M., Rylance, J. and Mortimer, K. (2021) Persistent chronic respiratory symptoms despite TB cure is poorly correlated with lung function. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 25 (4):9. pp. 262-270. ISSN 1027-3719 (Print), 1815-7920 (Online) (doi:10.5588/ijtld.20.0906)

odds ratios

Chao, Yi-Sheng, Wu, Chao-Jung, Po, June ORCID logoORCID:, Huang, Shih-Yu, Wu, Hsing-Chien, Hsu, Hui-Ting, Cheng, Yen-Po, Lai, Yi-Chun and Chen, Wei-Chih (2023) The upper limits of risk ratios and recommendations for reporting risk ratios, odds ratios, and rate ratios. Cureus Journal of Medical Sciences, 15 (4):e37799. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2168-8184 (doi:10.7759/cureus.37799)

older people

Dunham, M., Bacon, L., Cottom, S., McCrone, P., Mehrpouya, H., Spyridonis, F., Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID: and Schofield, P. (2022) Chronic pain through COVID. Frontiers in Pain Research, 3:937652. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2673-561X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fpain.2022.937652)

Onchocerca volvulus

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID:, Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1703-2)


Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID:, Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: Persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. pp. 1-27. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003688)

One Health

Dogra, Alma Elina Kaur, Munyasa, Winnan Lucia, Nguyen-Viet, Hung and Grace, Delia ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Looking in all the wrong places: a rationale for signal detection for pandemics based on existing data sources. IJID One Health:100003. ISSN 2949-9151 (doi:10.1016/j.ijidoh.2023.100003)

Muloi, Dishon, Hassell, James, Wee, Bryan, Ward, Melissa, Bettridge, Judy ORCID logoORCID:, Kivali, Velma, Kiyong'a, Alice, Ndinda, Christine, Gitahi, Nduhiu, Ouko, Tom, Imboma, Titus, Akoko, James, Murungi, Maurice, Njoroge, Samuel, Muinde, Patrick, Alumasa, Lorren, Kaitho, Titus, Amanya, Frederic, Ogendo, Allan, van Bunnik, Bram, Kiiru, John, Robinson, Timothy, Kang'ethe, Erastus, Kariuki, Sam, Pederson, Amy, Fevre, Eric and Woolhouse, Mark (2022) Genomic epidemiology of Escherichia coli: antimicrobial resistance through a One Health lens in sympatric humans, livestock and peri-domestic wildlife in Nairobi, Kenya. BMC Medicine, 20:471. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1741-7015 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12916-022-02677-7)

Richter, Loandi, Duvenage, Stacey ORCID logoORCID:, Du Plessis, Erika Margaret, Msimango, Thabang, Dlangalala, Manana, Mathavha, Muneiwa Tshidino, Molelekoa,, Tintswalo, Kgoale, Degracious and Korsten, Lise (2024) Genomic evaluation of multidrug-resistant extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli from irrigation water and fresh produce in South Africa: a cross-sectional analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 58 (32). pp. 14421-14438. ISSN 0013-936X (Print), 1520-5851 (Online) (doi:

Ovipositing vectors

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID:, Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1703-2)

paediatric tuberculosis

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Harausz, Elizabeth P., Garcia-Prats, Anthony J., Schaaf, H. Simon, Moore, Brittany K., Hicks, Robert M., Achar, Jay, Amanullah, Farhana, Barry, Pennan, Becerra, Mercedes, Chiotan, Domnica I., Drobac, Peter C., Flood, Jennifer, Furin, Jennifer, Gegia, Medea, Isaakidis, Petros, Mariandyshev, Andrei, Ozere, Iveta, Shah, N. Sarita, Skrahina, Alena, Yablokova, Elena, Seddon, James A. and Hesseling, Anneke C. (2019) Treatment outcomes in global systematic review and patient meta-analysis of children with extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 25 (3). pp. 441-450. ISSN 1080-6040 (Print), 1080-6059 (Online) (doi:10.3201/eid2503.180852)

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Lee, Kevin, Du Preez, Karen, Dunbar, Rory, Hesseling, Anneke C and Seddon, James A (2017) Excellent treatment outcomes in children treated for tuberculosis under routine operational conditions in Cape Town, South Africa. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 65 (9). pp. 1444-1452. ISSN 1058-4838 (Print), 1537-6591 (Online) (doi:10.1093/cid/cix602)

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, du Preez, Karen, Seddon, James A., Claassens, Mareli M., Dunbar, Rory, Dlamini, Sicelo S., Welte, Alex, Naidoo, Pren and Hesseling, Anneke C. (2021) Mortality in South African children and adolescents routinely treated for tuberculosis. Pediatrics, 147 (4):e2020032490. ISSN 0031-4005 (Print), 1098-4275 (Online) (doi:10.1542/peds.2020-032490)

Seddon, James A, Whittaker, Elizabeth, Kampmann, Beate, Lewinsohn, Deborah A, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Hesseling, Anneke C, Rustomjee, Roxana and Amanullah, Farhana (2018) The evolving research agenda for paediatric tuberculosis infection. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19 (9). e322-e329. ISSN 1473-3099 (Print), 1474-4457 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(18)30787-4)

du Preez, Karen, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A, Naidoo, Pren, Schaaf, H Simon, Munch, Zahn, Dunbar, Rory, Mvusi, Lindiwe, Dlamini, Sicelo S and Hesseling, Anneke C (2021) The Impact of the evolving human immunodeficiency virus response on the epidemiology of tuberculosis in South African children and adolescents. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73 (4). e967-e975. ISSN 1058-4838 (Print), 1537-6591 (Online) (doi:10.1093/cid/ciab095)


Salanti, Georgia ORCID logoORCID:, Peter, Natalie ORCID logoORCID:, Tonia, Thomy ORCID logoORCID:, Holloway, Alexander ORCID logoORCID:, White, Ian R. ORCID logoORCID:, Darwish, Leila, Low, Nicola ORCID logoORCID:, Egger, Matthias ORCID logoORCID:, Haas, Andreas D. ORCID logoORCID:, Fazel, Seena ORCID logoORCID:, Kessler, Ronald C. ORCID logoORCID:, Herrman, Helen ORCID logoORCID:, Kieling, Christian ORCID logoORCID:, De Quervain, Dominique J.F. ORCID logoORCID:, Vigod, Simone N. ORCID logoORCID:, Patel, Vikram, Li, Tianjing, Cuijpers, Pim ORCID logoORCID:, Cipriani, Andrea ORCID logoORCID:, Furukawa, Toshi A. ORCID logoORCID:, Leucht, Stefan ORCID logoORCID:, Sambo, Abdulkadir Usman, Onishi, Akira, Sato, Akira, Rodolico, Alessandro, Oliveira Solis, Ana Cristina de, Antoniou, Anastasia, Kapfhammer, Angelika, Ceraso, Anna, O’Mahony, Aoife, Lasserre, Aurélie M., Ipekci, Aziz Mert, Concerto, Carmen, Zangani, Caroline, Igwesi-Chidobe, Chinonso, Diehm, Christina, Demir, Dicle Dilay, Wang, Dongfang, Ostinelli, Edoardo Giuseppe, Sahker, Ethan, Beraldi, Gabriel Henrique, Erzin, Gamze, Nelson, Harrison, Elkis, Helio, Imai, Hissei, Wu, Hui, Kamitsis, Ilias, Filis, Ioannis, Michopoulos, Ioannis, Bighelli, Irene, Hong, James S.W., Ballesteros, Javier, Smith, Katharine A., Yoshida, Kazufumi, Omae, Kenji, Trivella, Marialena, Tada, Masafumi, Reinhard, Matthias A., Ostacher, Michael J., Müller, Monika, Jaramillo, Nathalia Gonzalez, Ferentinos, Panagiotis P., Toyomoto, Rie, Cortese, Samuele, Kishimoto, Sanae, Covarrubias-Castillo, Sergio A., Siafis, Spyridon, Thompson, Trevor, Karageorgiou, Vasilios, Chiocchia, Virginia, Zhu, Yikang, Honda, Yukiko, Sambo, Abdulkadir Usman, Onishi, Akira, Sato, Akira, Rodolico, Alessandro, Oliveira Solis, Ana Cristina de, Antoniou, Anastasia, Kapfhammer, Angelika, Ceraso, Anna, O’Mahony, Aoife, Lasserre, Aurélie M., Ipekci, Aziz Mert, Concerto, Carmen, Zangani, Caroline, Igwesi-Chidobe, Chinonso, Diehm, Christina, Demir, Dicle Dilay, Wang, Dongfang, Ostinelli, Edoardo Giuseppe, Sahker, Ethan, Beraldi, Gabriel Henrique, Erzin, Gamze, Nelson, Harrison, Elkis, Helio, Imai, Hissei, Wu, Hui, Kamitsis, Ilias, Filis, Ioannis, Michopoulos, Ioannis, Bighelli, Irene, Hong, James S.W., Ballesteros, Javier, Smith, Katharine A., Yoshida, Kazufumi, Omae, Kenji, Trivella, Marialena, Tada, Masafumi, Reinhard, Matthias A., Ostacher, Michael J., Müller, Monika, Jaramillo, Nathalia Gonzalez, Ferentinos, Panagiotis P., Toyomoto, Rie, Cortese, Samuele, Kishimoto, Sanae, Covarrubias-Castillo, Sergio A., Siafis, Spyridon, Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Karageorgiou, Vasilios, Chiocchia, Virginia, Zhu, Yikang and Honda, Yukiko (2022) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated control measures on the mental health of the general population. Annals of Internal Medicine, 175 (11). pp. 1560-1571. ISSN 0003-4819 (Print), 1539-3704 (Online) (doi:10.7326/M22-1507)

pandemic preparedness

Dogra, Alma Elina Kaur, Munyasa, Winnan Lucia, Nguyen-Viet, Hung and Grace, Delia ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Looking in all the wrong places: a rationale for signal detection for pandemics based on existing data sources. IJID One Health:100003. ISSN 2949-9151 (doi:10.1016/j.ijidoh.2023.100003)

parasite plug

Hall, Martin J. R., Ghosh, Debashi, Martin-Vega, Daniel, Clark, Brett, Clatworthy, Innes, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID: and Rogers, Matthew E. (2021) Micro-CT visualization of a promastigote secretory gel (PSG) and parasite plug in the digestive tract of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis infected with Leishmania mexicana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (8):e0009682. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2727 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0009682)

parenteral nutrition

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Feng, Qianqian, Boateng, Joshua ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Brooke, Joanne and Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The Effects of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients, 14 (5):1120. ISSN 2072-6643 (Online) (doi:10.3390/nu14051120)


Juříčková, Iva, Hudec, Michael, Votava, Felix, Vosáhlo, Jan, Ovsepian, Saak, Černá, Marie and O'Leary, Valerie (2022) The immunological epigenetic landscape of the human life trajectory. Biomedicines, 10 (11):2894. ISSN 2227-9059 (Online) (doi:10.3390/biomedicines10112894)


Kamara, Adjata, Camara, Brahima, Armitage, Andrew ORCID logoORCID:, Ogunsanya, Olaide, Gouannou, Vartinel and Koné, Daouda (2024) First report of penicillium sclerotigenum causing post-harvest rot of yam in Côte d'Ivoire. New Disease Reports, 50 (1):e12307. ISSN 2044-0588 (doi:10.1002/ndr2.12307)

patient engagement

Viljoen, L., Hendricks, P., Hoddinott, G., Vanqa, N., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Hesseling, A. C. and Meehan, S-A. (2022) Early interactions with newly diagnosed TB patients in hospital can support linkage to care. Public Health Action, 12 (3):7. pp. 121-127. ISSN 2220-8372 (Online) (doi:10.5588/pha.22.0012)

patients' perspective

Vanqa, Nosivuyile, Hoddinott, Graeme, Mbenyana, Baxolele, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID: and Meehan, Sue-Ann (2021) Linkage to TB care: a qualitative study to understand linkage from the patients' perspective in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. PloS one, 16 (11):e0260200. ISSN 1932-6203 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0260200)


Dyer, Paul D.R., Shepherd, Thomas R., Gollings, Alexander S., Shorter, Susan A., Gorringe-Pattrick, Monique A. M., Tang, Chun-Kit, Cattoz, Beatrice N., Baillie, Les, Griffiths, Peter C. ORCID logoORCID: and Richardson, Simon C.W. ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Disarmed anthrax toxin delivers antisense oligonucleotides and siRNA with high efficiency and low toxicity. Journal of Controlled Release, 220 (A). pp. 316-328. ISSN 0168-3659 (doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.10.054)


Kamara, Adjata, Camara, Brahima, Armitage, Andrew ORCID logoORCID:, Ogunsanya, Olaide, Gouannou, Vartinel and Koné, Daouda (2024) First report of penicillium sclerotigenum causing post-harvest rot of yam in Côte d'Ivoire. New Disease Reports, 50 (1):e12307. ISSN 2044-0588 (doi:10.1002/ndr2.12307)


Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R., Mirza, S.H., Alam, S.N. and Colvin, John (2007) PCR-based detection and partial genome sequencing indicate high genetic diversity in Bangladeshi begomoviruses and their whitefly vector, Bemisia tabaci. Virus Genes, 34 (3). pp. 373-385. ISSN 0920-8569 (doi:10.1007/s11262-006-0027-2)


Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)


Allwood, B. W., Stolbrink, M., Baines, N., Louw, E., Wademan, D. T., Lupton-Smith, A., Nel, S., Maree, D., Mpagama, S., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Marx, F. M., Hoddinott, G., Lesosky, M., Rylance, J. and Mortimer, K. (2021) Persistent chronic respiratory symptoms despite TB cure is poorly correlated with lung function. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 25 (4):9. pp. 262-270. ISSN 1027-3719 (Print), 1815-7920 (Online) (doi:10.5588/ijtld.20.0906)

placebo effect

Tseng, Ping‐Tao ORCID logoORCID:, Zeng, Bing‐Syuan, Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Stubbs, Brendon, Hsueh, Po‐Ren, Su, Kuan‐Pin ORCID logoORCID:, Chen, Yen‐Wen, Chen, Tien‐Yu, Wu, Yi‐Cheng, Lin, Pao‐Yen, Carvalho, Andre F., Hsu, Chih‐Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Li, Dian‐Jeng, Yeh, Ta‐Chuan, Sun, Cheuk‐Kwan, Cheng, Yu‐Shian, Shiue, Yow‐Ling, Liang, Chih‐Sung ORCID logoORCID: and Tu, Yu‐Kang ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Placebo effects on all‐cause mortality of patients with COVID‐19 in randomized controlled trials of interleukin 6 antagonists: a systematic review and network meta‐analysis. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences (PCN). ISSN 1323-1316 (Print), 1440-1819 (Online) (doi:10.1111/pcn.13592)

plant disease

Holt, J., Pavis, C., Marquier, M., Chancellor, T.C.B. ORCID logoORCID:, Urbino, C. and Boissot, N. (2008) Insect-screened cultivation to reduce the invasion of tomato crops by Bemisia tabaci: modelling the impact on virus disease and vector. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 10 (1). pp. 61-67. ISSN 1461-9555 (Print), 1461-9563 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1461-9563.2007.00356.x)

plant pathogenic virus

Kubiriba, Jerome (2005) Epidemiology of Banana streak virus (BSV) in East African highland bananas (AAA-EA). PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

political will

Myburgh, H., Kaur, M., Kaur, P., Santos, V., Almeida, C., Hoddinott, G., Wademan, D. T., Lakshmi, P. V. M., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Meehan, S-A., Hesseling, A. C., Purty, A., Singh, U. B. and Trajman, A. (2023) Lessons for TB from the COVID-19 response: qualitative data from Brazil, India and South Africa. Public Health Action, 13 (4):7. pp. 162-168. ISSN 2220-8372 (Online) (doi:10.5588/pha.23.0044)

Myburgh, H., Meehan, S-A., Wademan, D. T., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Hesseling, A. C. and Hoddinott, G. (2023) TB programme stakeholder views on lessons from the COVID-19 response in South Africa. Public Health Action, 13 (3):7. pp. 97-103. ISSN 2220-8372 (Online) (doi:10.5588/pha.23.0015)

population genetics

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R., Mirza, S.H., Alam, S.N. and Colvin, John (2007) PCR-based detection and partial genome sequencing indicate high genetic diversity in Bangladeshi begomoviruses and their whitefly vector, Bemisia tabaci. Virus Genes, 34 (3). pp. 373-385. ISSN 0920-8569 (doi:10.1007/s11262-006-0027-2)

post harvest

Kamara, Adjata, Camara, Brahima, Armitage, Andrew ORCID logoORCID:, Ogunsanya, Olaide, Gouannou, Vartinel and Koné, Daouda (2024) First report of penicillium sclerotigenum causing post-harvest rot of yam in Côte d'Ivoire. New Disease Reports, 50 (1):e12307. ISSN 2044-0588 (doi:10.1002/ndr2.12307)


Allwood, B. W., Stolbrink, M., Baines, N., Louw, E., Wademan, D. T., Lupton-Smith, A., Nel, S., Maree, D., Mpagama, S., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Marx, F. M., Hoddinott, G., Lesosky, M., Rylance, J. and Mortimer, K. (2021) Persistent chronic respiratory symptoms despite TB cure is poorly correlated with lung function. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 25 (4):9. pp. 262-270. ISSN 1027-3719 (Print), 1815-7920 (Online) (doi:10.5588/ijtld.20.0906)


Allwood, B. W., Stolbrink, M., Baines, N., Louw, E., Wademan, D. T., Lupton-Smith, A., Nel, S., Maree, D., Mpagama, S., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Marx, F. M., Hoddinott, G., Lesosky, M., Rylance, J. and Mortimer, K. (2021) Persistent chronic respiratory symptoms despite TB cure is poorly correlated with lung function. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 25 (4):9. pp. 262-270. ISSN 1027-3719 (Print), 1815-7920 (Online) (doi:10.5588/ijtld.20.0906)

Louw, Eh ORCID logoORCID:, Baines, N, Maarman, G, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Sigwadhi, Ln, Irusen, Em, Koegelenberg, Cfn, Doubell, Af, Nathan, Sd, Channick, R and Allwood, Bw (2023) The prevalence of pulmonary hypertension after successful tuberculosis treatment in a community sample of adult patients. Pulmonary Circulation, 13 (1):e12184. pp. 1-13. ISSN 2045-8940 (Online) (doi:10.1002/pul2.12184)

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Welte, Alex, Dunbar, Rory, Brown, Rosemary, Hoddinott, Graeme, Hesseling, Anneke C. and Marx, Florian M. (2019) Morbidity and mortality up to 5 years post tuberculosis treatment in South Africa: a pilot study. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 85. pp. 57-63. ISSN 1201-9712 (doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2019.05.024)


Pentaris, Panagiotis ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Dying in a transhumanist and posthuman society. Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness . Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London. ISBN 978-0367542177


Grace, Delia ORCID logoORCID: and Cook, Elizabeth (2023) The multiple burdens of zoonoses in low- and middle-income countries: why zoonoses are worse for the poor. In: Singer, Andreas, (ed.) Zoonoses: Infections affecting humans and animals. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, pp. 1-13. ISBN 978-3030858773 (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-85877-3_46-1)


GC, Sulochan, Khanal, Ashok, GC, Vijay S, Bhattrai, Suman, Panthee, Suresh, Khanal, Aashis, Gaire, Amrit, Poudel, Sagar, Ghimire, Rakesh and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Burden of tuberculosis and hepatitis co-infection among people living with HIV in Nepal: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sexual Health, 19 (5). pp. 406-416. ISSN 1448-5028 (Print), 1449-8987 (Online) (doi:10.1071/SH21216)

production constraints

Lava Kumar, P., Akinbade, S.A., Dixon, A.G.O., Mahungu, N.M., Mutunda, M.P., Kiala, D., Londa, L. and Legg, J.P. (2009) First report of the occurence of East African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda (EACMV-UG) in Angola. Plant Pathology, 58 (2). p. 402. ISSN 0032-0862 (Print), 1365-3059 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2008.02010.x)

programmatic implementation

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Lee, Kevin, Du Preez, Karen, Dunbar, Rory, Hesseling, Anneke C and Seddon, James A (2017) Excellent treatment outcomes in children treated for tuberculosis under routine operational conditions in Cape Town, South Africa. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 65 (9). pp. 1444-1452. ISSN 1058-4838 (Print), 1537-6591 (Online) (doi:10.1093/cid/cix602)

programmatic management

Hughe, J. and Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID: (2014) Diagnosis and management of drug-resistant tuberculosis in South African adults. South African Medical Journal, 104 (12). p. 894. ISSN 0256-9574 (Print), 2078-5135 (Online) (doi:10.7196/SAMJ.9097)

programmatic tuberculosis management

du Preez, Karen, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A, Naidoo, Pren, Schaaf, H Simon, Munch, Zahn, Dunbar, Rory, Mvusi, Lindiwe, Dlamini, Sicelo S and Hesseling, Anneke C (2021) The Impact of the evolving human immunodeficiency virus response on the epidemiology of tuberculosis in South African children and adolescents. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73 (4). e967-e975. ISSN 1058-4838 (Print), 1537-6591 (Online) (doi:10.1093/cid/ciab095)


Hall, Martin J. R., Ghosh, Debashi, Martin-Vega, Daniel, Clark, Brett, Clatworthy, Innes, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID: and Rogers, Matthew E. (2021) Micro-CT visualization of a promastigote secretory gel (PSG) and parasite plug in the digestive tract of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis infected with Leishmania mexicana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (8):e0009682. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2727 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0009682)

pseudotype assay

Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Chan, Paul K., Simmons, Graham, Zambon, Maria C., Tedder, Richard S., Takeuchi, Yasuhiro and Weiss, Robin A. (2005) Longitudinally profiling neutralizing antibody response to SARS coronavirus with pseudotypes. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11 (3). pp. 411-416. ISSN 1080-6059 (doi:10.3201/eid1103.040906)

pseudotype virus

Su, Ching-Yao, Wang, Shi-Yun, Shie, Jiun-Jie, Jeng, King-Song, Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Fang, Jim-Min, Wong, Chi-Huey and Cheng, Yih-Shyun E. (2008) In vitro evaluation of neuraminidase inhibitors using the neuraminidase-dependent release assay of hemagglutinin-pseudotyped viruses. Antiviral Research, 79 (3). pp. 199-205. ISSN 0166-3542 (doi:10.1016/j.antiviral.2008.03.002)


Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Hoschler, Katja, Major, Diane, Nicolson, Carolyn, Manvell, Ruth, Hien, Vo Minh, Ha, Do Quang, de Jong, Menno, Zambon, Maria, Takeuchi, Yasuhiro and Weiss, Robin A. (2007) A sensitive retroviral pseudotype assay for influenza H5N1-neutralizing antibodies. Influenza and other respiratory viruses, 1 (3). pp. 105-112. ISSN 1750-2659 (online) (doi:10.1111/j.1750-2659.2007.00016.x)

public health

Myburgh, H., Meehan, S-A., Wademan, D. T., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Hesseling, A. C. and Hoddinott, G. (2023) TB programme stakeholder views on lessons from the COVID-19 response in South Africa. Public Health Action, 13 (3):7. pp. 97-103. ISSN 2220-8372 (Online) (doi:10.5588/pha.23.0015)

public health changes

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, du Preez, K., Naidoo, P., Bock, P., Rabie, H., Dlamini, S. S. and Hesseling, A. C. (2020) Key changes in the public health response to TB and HIV in South Africa. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 24 (8). pp. 857-859. ISSN 1027-3719 (Print), 1815-7920 (Online) (doi:10.5588/ijtld.20.0147)

pulmonary hypertension

Louw, Eh ORCID logoORCID:, Baines, N, Maarman, G, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Sigwadhi, Ln, Irusen, Em, Koegelenberg, Cfn, Doubell, Af, Nathan, Sd, Channick, R and Allwood, Bw (2023) The prevalence of pulmonary hypertension after successful tuberculosis treatment in a community sample of adult patients. Pulmonary Circulation, 13 (1):e12184. pp. 1-13. ISSN 2045-8940 (Online) (doi:10.1002/pul2.12184)


Holt, J., Pavis, C., Marquier, M., Chancellor, T.C.B. ORCID logoORCID:, Urbino, C. and Boissot, N. (2008) Insect-screened cultivation to reduce the invasion of tomato crops by Bemisia tabaci: modelling the impact on virus disease and vector. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 10 (1). pp. 61-67. ISSN 1461-9555 (Print), 1461-9563 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1461-9563.2007.00356.x)

qualitative research

Simkhada, Padam, Tamang, Pasang D ORCID logoORCID:, Timilsina, Laxmi, Simkhada, Bibha, Bissell, Paul, van Teijlingen, Edwin, Sah, Sunil Kumar and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Factors influencing COVID-19 vaccine uptake among Nepali people in the UK: a qualitative study. Vaccines, 10 (5):780. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2076-393X (Online) (doi:10.3390/vaccines10050780)


Durrance-Bagale, Anna, Rudge, James W., Singh, Nanda Bahadur, Belmain, Steven R. ORCID logoORCID: and Howard, Natasha (2021) Drivers of zoonotic disease risk in the Indian subcontinent: a scoping review. One Health, 13:100310. ISSN 2352-7714 (doi:10.1016/j.onehlt.2021.100310)


Cheng, Qu, Liu, Yan, Wang, Xia, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) The relative importance of key meteorological factors affecting numbers of mosquito vectors of dengue fever. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 17 (4):e0011247. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0011247)

rapid diagnosis

Munguti, Florence M., Kilalo, Dora C., Yegon, Hillary K., Macharia, Isaac, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Mwango’mbe, Agnes W., Nyaboga, Evans N. and Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Real-time reverse transcription recombinase polymerase amplification (RT-RPA) assay for detection of cassava brown streak viruses. Scientific Reports, 14:12438. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41598-024-62249-y)

rate ratios

Chao, Yi-Sheng, Wu, Chao-Jung, Po, June ORCID logoORCID:, Huang, Shih-Yu, Wu, Hsing-Chien, Hsu, Hui-Ting, Cheng, Yen-Po, Lai, Yi-Chun and Chen, Wei-Chih (2023) The upper limits of risk ratios and recommendations for reporting risk ratios, odds ratios, and rate ratios. Cureus Journal of Medical Sciences, 15 (4):e37799. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2168-8184 (doi:10.7759/cureus.37799)


Myburgh, H., Kaur, M., Kaur, P., Santos, V., Almeida, C., Hoddinott, G., Wademan, D. T., Lakshmi, P. V. M., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Meehan, S-A., Hesseling, A. C., Purty, A., Singh, U. B. and Trajman, A. (2023) Lessons for TB from the COVID-19 response: qualitative data from Brazil, India and South Africa. Public Health Action, 13 (4):7. pp. 162-168. ISSN 2220-8372 (Online) (doi:10.5588/pha.23.0044)

relative measures

Chao, Yi-Sheng, Wu, Chao-Jung, Po, June ORCID logoORCID:, Huang, Shih-Yu, Wu, Hsing-Chien, Hsu, Hui-Ting, Cheng, Yen-Po, Lai, Yi-Chun and Chen, Wei-Chih (2023) The upper limits of risk ratios and recommendations for reporting risk ratios, odds ratios, and rate ratios. Cureus Journal of Medical Sciences, 15 (4):e37799. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2168-8184 (doi:10.7759/cureus.37799)

remote healthcare

Dunham, M., Bacon, L., Cottom, S., McCrone, P., Mehrpouya, H., Spyridonis, F., Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID: and Schofield, P. (2022) Chronic pain through COVID. Frontiers in Pain Research, 3:937652. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2673-561X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fpain.2022.937652)

reproduction number

Xia, Fan, Yang, Xinpei, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID: and Xiao, Yanni (2021) Quantifying competitive advantages of mutant strains in a population involving importation and mass vaccination rollout. Infectious Disease Modelling, 6. pp. 988-996. ISSN 2468-0427 (doi:10.1016/j.idm.2021.08.001)


Alquicer, Glenda, Ibrahim, Emad, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Kundu, Jiban Kumar (2023) Identifying putative resistance genes for barley yellow dwarf virus‐PAV in wheat and barley. Viruses, 15:716. pp. 1-25. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15030716)

Sharaf, Abdoallah, Nuc, Przemysław, Ripl, Jan, Alquicer, Glenda, Ibrahim, Emad, Wang, Xifeng, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Kundu, Jiban Kumar (2023) Transcriptome dynamics in triticum aestivum genotypes associated with resistance against the wheat dwarf virus. Viruses, 15:689. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15030689)

respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)

Dowran, Razieh, Nabavi, Seyed Fazel, Habtemariam, Solomon, Banach, Maciej, Shahmohamadnejad, Shiva, Cismaru, Cosmin Andrei, Berindan-Neagoe, Ioana, Sahebnasagh, Adeleh and Nabavi, Seyed Mohammad (2020) Various interferon (IFN)-inducible transmembrane (IFITM) proteins for COVID-19, is there a role for the combination of mycophenolic acid and interferon? Biochimie, 177. pp. 50-52. ISSN 0300-9084 (doi:10.1016/j.biochi.2020.08.006)


Allwood, B. W., Stolbrink, M., Baines, N., Louw, E., Wademan, D. T., Lupton-Smith, A., Nel, S., Maree, D., Mpagama, S., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Marx, F. M., Hoddinott, G., Lesosky, M., Rylance, J. and Mortimer, K. (2021) Persistent chronic respiratory symptoms despite TB cure is poorly correlated with lung function. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 25 (4):9. pp. 262-270. ISSN 1027-3719 (Print), 1815-7920 (Online) (doi:10.5588/ijtld.20.0906)

retrotransposable elements

Bousalem, M., Douzery, E.J.P. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Taxonomy, molecular phylogeny and evolution of plant reverse transcribing viruses (family Caulimoviridae) inferred from full-length genome and reverse transcriptase sequences. Archives of Virology, 153 (6). pp. 1085-1102. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0095-9)

retroviral pseudotypes

Dye, Charlotte, Temperton, Nigel ORCID logoORCID: and Siddell, Stuart G. (2007) Type I feline coronavirus spike glycoprotein fails to recognize aminopeptidase N as a functional receptor on feline cell lines. Journal of General Virology, 88 (6). pp. 1753-1760. ISSN 0022-1317 (Print), 1465-2099 (Online) (doi:10.1099/vir.0.82666-0)

Reverse transcriptase recombinase polymerase amplification (RT-RPA)

Munguti, Florence M., Kilalo, Dora C., Yegon, Hillary K., Macharia, Isaac, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Mwango’mbe, Agnes W., Nyaboga, Evans N. and Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Real-time reverse transcription recombinase polymerase amplification (RT-RPA) assay for detection of cassava brown streak viruses. Scientific Reports, 14:12438. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41598-024-62249-y)


Kenyon, Lawrence, Lebas, B.S.M. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Yams (Dioscorea spp.) from the South Pacific Islands contain many novel badnaviruses: Implications for international movement of yam germplasm. Archives of Virology, 153 (5). pp. 877-889. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0062-5)

risk factors

Nicholson, Tamaryn J, Hoddinott, Graeme, Seddon, James A, Claassens, Mareli M, van der Zalm, Marieke M, Lopez, Elisa, Bock, Peter, Caldwell, Judy, Da Costa, Dawood, de Vaal, Celeste, Dunbar, Rory, Du Preez, Karen, Hesseling, Anneke C, Joseph, Kay, Kriel, Ebrahim, Loveday, Marian, Marx, Florian M, Meehan, Sue-Ann, Purchase, Susan, Naidoo, Kogieleum, Naidoo, Lenny, Solomon-Da Costa, Fadelah, Sloot, Rosa and Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID: (2023) A systematic review of risk factors for mortality among tuberculosis patients in South Africa. Systematic Reviews, 12 (23). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2046-4053 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s13643-023-02175-8)

risk ratios

Chao, Yi-Sheng, Wu, Chao-Jung, Po, June ORCID logoORCID:, Huang, Shih-Yu, Wu, Hsing-Chien, Hsu, Hui-Ting, Cheng, Yen-Po, Lai, Yi-Chun and Chen, Wei-Chih (2023) The upper limits of risk ratios and recommendations for reporting risk ratios, odds ratios, and rate ratios. Cureus Journal of Medical Sciences, 15 (4):e37799. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2168-8184 (doi:10.7759/cureus.37799)


Sharaf, Abdoallah, Nuc, Przemysław, Ripl, Jan, Alquicer, Glenda, Ibrahim, Emad, Wang, Xifeng, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Kundu, Jiban Kumar (2023) Transcriptome dynamics in triticum aestivum genotypes associated with resistance against the wheat dwarf virus. Viruses, 15:689. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15030689)

Silva, Gonçalo ORCID logoORCID:, Bömer, Moritz ORCID logoORCID:, Rathnayake, Ajith I., Sewe, Steven O., Visendi, Paul, Oyekanmi, Joshua O., Quain, Marian D., Akomeah, Belinda, Kumar, P. Lava and Seal, Susan E. ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Molecular characterization of a new virus species identified in yam (Dioscorea spp.) by high-throughput sequencing. Plants, 8 (6):167. ISSN 2223-7747 (Print), 2223-7747 (Online) (doi:10.3390/plants8060167)


Dyer, Paul D.R., Shepherd, Thomas R., Gollings, Alexander S., Shorter, Susan A., Gorringe-Pattrick, Monique A. M., Tang, Chun-Kit, Cattoz, Beatrice N., Baillie, Les, Griffiths, Peter C. ORCID logoORCID: and Richardson, Simon C.W. ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Disarmed anthrax toxin delivers antisense oligonucleotides and siRNA with high efficiency and low toxicity. Journal of Controlled Release, 220 (A). pp. 316-328. ISSN 0168-3659 (doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.10.054)


Kamara, Adjata, Camara, Brahima, Armitage, Andrew ORCID logoORCID:, Ogunsanya, Olaide, Gouannou, Vartinel and Koné, Daouda (2024) First report of penicillium sclerotigenum causing post-harvest rot of yam in Côte d'Ivoire. New Disease Reports, 50 (1):e12307. ISSN 2044-0588 (doi:10.1002/ndr2.12307)

routine programmatic management

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A., Dunbar, Rory, Draper, Heather R., Lombard, Carl and Beyers, Nulda (2015) The complex relationship between human immunodeficiency virus infection and death in adults being treated for tuberculosis in Cape Town, South Africa. BMC Public Health, 15 (1):556. ISSN 1471-2458 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1914-z)

routine reporting

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Welte, A, Naidoo, P, Loveday, M and Hesseling, AC (2020) Limitations and potential bias in vital registration data and tuberculosis mortality reporting in South Africa. South African Medical Journal, 110 (7). pp. 607-609. ISSN 0256-9574 (Print), 2078-5135 (Online) (doi:10.7196/SAMJ.2020.v110i7.14533)


Festus, Ruth, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Prempeh, Ruth, Quain, Marian D. and Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Improved Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP) for the rapid and sensitive detection of Yam mosaic virus. Viruses, 15 (7):1592. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15071592)


Alquicer, Glenda, Ibrahim, Emad, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Kundu, Jiban Kumar (2023) Identifying putative resistance genes for barley yellow dwarf virus‐PAV in wheat and barley. Viruses, 15:716. pp. 1-25. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15030716)

Salmonella (Typhimurium)

Bettridge, Judy ORCID logoORCID:, Snow, L. C., Tang, Y., Petrovska, L. ORCID logoORCID:, Lawes, J. and Smith, R. P. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Using SNP addresses for Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 in routine veterinary outbreak detection. Epidemiology and Infection, 151:e187. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0950-2688 (Print), 1469-4409 (Online) (doi:10.1017/S0950268823001723)

sand fly

Hall, Martin J. R., Ghosh, Debashi, Martin-Vega, Daniel, Clark, Brett, Clatworthy, Innes, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID: and Rogers, Matthew E. (2021) Micro-CT visualization of a promastigote secretory gel (PSG) and parasite plug in the digestive tract of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis infected with Leishmania mexicana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (8):e0009682. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2727 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0009682)


Hushmandi, Kiavash, Bokaie, Saied, Hashemi, Mehrdad, Moghadam, Ebrahim Rahmani, Raei, Mehdi, Hashemi, Farid, Bagheri, Mahdi, Habtemariam, Solomon and Nabavi, Seyed Mohammad (2020) A review of medications used to control and improve the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 patients. European Journal of Pharmacology, 887:173568. ISSN 0014-2999 (Print), 1879-0712 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.ejphar.2020.173568)

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Orjih, Edith, Pavithran, Nivedita, Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID:, Feng, Qian-Qian and Mccrone, Paul ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The effects of COVID-19 lockdown on glycaemic control and lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (3):1095. ISSN 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:10.3390/ijerph19031095)

Stettler, Marc E. J., Nishida, Robert T., de Oliveira, Pedro M., Mesquita, Léo C. C., Johnson, Tyler J., Galea, Edwin ORCID logoORCID:, Grandison, Angus, Ewer, John ORCID logoORCID:, Carruthers-Jones, David, Sykes, David, Kumar, Prashant, Avital, Eldad, Obeysekara, Asiri I. B., Doorly, Denis, Hardalupas, Yannis, Green, David C., Coldrick, Simon, Parker, Simon and Boies, Adam M. (2022) Source terms for benchmarking models of SARS-CoV-2 transmission via aerosols and droplets. Royal Society Open Science, 9 (5):212022. ISSN 2054-5703 (Online) (doi:10.1098/rsos.212022)

SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant

Xia, Fan, Yang, Xinpei, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID: and Xiao, Yanni (2021) Quantifying competitive advantages of mutant strains in a population involving importation and mass vaccination rollout. Infectious Disease Modelling, 6. pp. 988-996. ISSN 2468-0427 (doi:10.1016/j.idm.2021.08.001)


Vaux, AGC, Abbott, Anthony, Johnston, CJ, Hawkes, Frances ORCID logoORCID:, Hopkins, Richard ORCID logoORCID:, Cull, B, Gibson, Gabriella, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID:, Callaghan, A and Medlock, JM (2024) An update on the ecology, seasonality and distribution of Culex modestus in England. Journal of the European Mosquito Control Association, 2023. pp. 1-19. ISSN 2054-930X (Online) (doi:10.52004/JEMCA20231003)

secretory gel

Hall, Martin J. R., Ghosh, Debashi, Martin-Vega, Daniel, Clark, Brett, Clatworthy, Innes, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID: and Rogers, Matthew E. (2021) Micro-CT visualization of a promastigote secretory gel (PSG) and parasite plug in the digestive tract of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis infected with Leishmania mexicana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (8):e0009682. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2727 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0009682)

seed systems

Festus, Ruth, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Prempeh, Ruth, Quain, Marian D. and Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Improved Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP) for the rapid and sensitive detection of Yam mosaic virus. Viruses, 15 (7):1592. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15071592)


Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Hoschler, Katja, Major, Diane, Nicolson, Carolyn, Manvell, Ruth, Hien, Vo Minh, Ha, Do Quang, de Jong, Menno, Zambon, Maria, Takeuchi, Yasuhiro and Weiss, Robin A. (2007) A sensitive retroviral pseudotype assay for influenza H5N1-neutralizing antibodies. Influenza and other respiratory viruses, 1 (3). pp. 105-112. ISSN 1750-2659 (online) (doi:10.1111/j.1750-2659.2007.00016.x)

signal detection

Dogra, Alma Elina Kaur, Munyasa, Winnan Lucia, Nguyen-Viet, Hung and Grace, Delia ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Looking in all the wrong places: a rationale for signal detection for pandemics based on existing data sources. IJID One Health:100003. ISSN 2949-9151 (doi:10.1016/j.ijidoh.2023.100003)

Simulium damnosum

Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID:, Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: Persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. pp. 1-27. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003688)

Simulium damnosum (sensu lato)

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID:, Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1703-2)


Dyer, Paul D.R., Shepherd, Thomas R., Gollings, Alexander S., Shorter, Susan A., Gorringe-Pattrick, Monique A. M., Tang, Chun-Kit, Cattoz, Beatrice N., Baillie, Les, Griffiths, Peter C. ORCID logoORCID: and Richardson, Simon C.W. ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Disarmed anthrax toxin delivers antisense oligonucleotides and siRNA with high efficiency and low toxicity. Journal of Controlled Release, 220 (A). pp. 316-328. ISSN 0168-3659 (doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.10.054)


Yan, Quinling, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Tang, Sanyi (2022) Coupling an individual adaptive-decision model with a SIRV model of influenza vaccination reveals new insights for epidemic control. Statistics in Medicine, 42 (5). pp. 716-729. ISSN 0277-6715 (Print), 1097-0258 (Online) (doi:10.1002/sim.9639)

Sjogren’s syndrome

Moyes, David L., Martin, Alex, Sawcer, Stephen, Temperton, Nigel ORCID logoORCID:, Worthington, Jane, Griffiths, David J. and Venables, Patrick J. (2005) The distribution of the endogenous retroviruses HERV-K113 and HERV-K115 in health and disease. Genomics, 86 (3). pp. 337-341. ISSN 0888-7543 (doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2005.06.004)

South Africa

Nicholson, Tamaryn J, Hoddinott, Graeme, Seddon, James A, Claassens, Mareli M, van der Zalm, Marieke M, Lopez, Elisa, Bock, Peter, Caldwell, Judy, Da Costa, Dawood, de Vaal, Celeste, Dunbar, Rory, Du Preez, Karen, Hesseling, Anneke C, Joseph, Kay, Kriel, Ebrahim, Loveday, Marian, Marx, Florian M, Meehan, Sue-Ann, Purchase, Susan, Naidoo, Kogieleum, Naidoo, Lenny, Solomon-Da Costa, Fadelah, Sloot, Rosa and Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID: (2023) A systematic review of risk factors for mortality among tuberculosis patients in South Africa. Systematic Reviews, 12 (23). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2046-4053 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s13643-023-02175-8)

du Preez, Karen, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A, Naidoo, Pren, Schaaf, H Simon, Munch, Zahn, Dunbar, Rory, Mvusi, Lindiwe, Dlamini, Sicelo S and Hesseling, Anneke C (2021) The Impact of the evolving human immunodeficiency virus response on the epidemiology of tuberculosis in South African children and adolescents. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73 (4). e967-e975. ISSN 1058-4838 (Print), 1537-6591 (Online) (doi:10.1093/cid/ciab095)

South Asia

Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Randall, Julian, Freeman, Jennifer and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2013) Barriers to and facilitators of antiretroviral therapy adherence in Nepal: a qualitative study. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 30 (4):PMC3763612. pp. 410-419. ISSN 2072-1315 (Online) (doi:10.3329/jhpn.v30i4.13294)

species demarcation

Bousalem, M., Douzery, E.J.P. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Taxonomy, molecular phylogeny and evolution of plant reverse transcribing viruses (family Caulimoviridae) inferred from full-length genome and reverse transcriptase sequences. Archives of Virology, 153 (6). pp. 1085-1102. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0095-9)


Allwood, B. W., Stolbrink, M., Baines, N., Louw, E., Wademan, D. T., Lupton-Smith, A., Nel, S., Maree, D., Mpagama, S., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Marx, F. M., Hoddinott, G., Lesosky, M., Rylance, J. and Mortimer, K. (2021) Persistent chronic respiratory symptoms despite TB cure is poorly correlated with lung function. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 25 (4):9. pp. 262-270. ISSN 1027-3719 (Print), 1815-7920 (Online) (doi:10.5588/ijtld.20.0906)

Spodoptera exempta

Grzywacz, David, Mushobozi, Wilfred L., Parnell, Mark, Jolliffe, Flavia and Wilson, Kenneth (2007) Evaluation of Spodoptera exempta nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpexNPV) for the field control of African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) in Tanzania. Crop Protection, 27 (1). pp. 17-24. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2007.04.005)

stochastic difference model

He, Sha, Yan, Dingding, Shu, Hongying, Tang, Sanyi, Wang, Xia and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Randomness accelerates the dynamic clearing process of the COVID-19 outbreaks in China. Mathematical Biosciences, 363:109055. ISSN 0025-5564 (Print), 1879-3134 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.mbs.2023.109055)

stomodeal valve

Hall, Martin J. R., Ghosh, Debashi, Martin-Vega, Daniel, Clark, Brett, Clatworthy, Innes, Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID: and Rogers, Matthew E. (2021) Micro-CT visualization of a promastigote secretory gel (PSG) and parasite plug in the digestive tract of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis infected with Leishmania mexicana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (8):e0009682. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1935-2735 (Print), 1935-2727 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0009682)

sub-Saharan Africa

Vaughan, Megan and Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Kafui ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Introduction. In: Vaughan, Megan, Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Kafui ORCID logoORCID: and Mika, Marissa, (eds.) Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: Social and historical perspectives. UCL Press, London, UK, pp. 1-38. ISBN 978-1787357068; 978-1787357051; 978-1787357044; 978-1787357075; 978-1787357082 (doi:10.14324/111.9781787357044)

Subling species

Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID:, Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: Persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. pp. 1-27. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003688)


Zembere, Kennedy, Chirombo, James, Nasoni, Peter, McDermott, Daniel, Divala, Lizzie, Hawkes, Frances ORCID logoORCID: and Jones, Christopher M. (2022) The human-baited host decoy trap (HDT) is an efficient sampling device for exophagic malaria mosquitoes within irrigated lands in southern Malawi. Scientific reports, 12:3428. ISSN 2045-2322 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41598-022-07422-x)


Bettridge, Judy ORCID logoORCID:, Snow, L. C., Tang, Y., Petrovska, L. ORCID logoORCID:, Lawes, J. and Smith, R. P. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Using SNP addresses for Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 in routine veterinary outbreak detection. Epidemiology and Infection, 151:e187. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0950-2688 (Print), 1469-4409 (Online) (doi:10.1017/S0950268823001723)

Dogra, Alma Elina Kaur, Munyasa, Winnan Lucia, Nguyen-Viet, Hung and Grace, Delia ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Looking in all the wrong places: a rationale for signal detection for pandemics based on existing data sources. IJID One Health:100003. ISSN 2949-9151 (doi:10.1016/j.ijidoh.2023.100003)

sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)

Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)

sweet potato reversion

Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)

swollen shoot virus

Kenyon, Lawrence, Lebas, B.S.M. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Yams (Dioscorea spp.) from the South Pacific Islands contain many novel badnaviruses: Implications for international movement of yam germplasm. Archives of Virology, 153 (5). pp. 877-889. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0062-5)

Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID: and Muller, Emanuelle (2007) Molecular analysis of a full-length sequence of a new yam badnavirus from Dioscorea sansibarensis. Archives of Virology, 152 (4). pp. 819-825. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-006-0888-7)

systematic review

GC, Sulochan, Khanal, Ashok, GC, Vijay S, Bhattrai, Suman, Panthee, Suresh, Khanal, Aashis, Gaire, Amrit, Poudel, Sagar, Ghimire, Rakesh and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Burden of tuberculosis and hepatitis co-infection among people living with HIV in Nepal: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sexual Health, 19 (5). pp. 406-416. ISSN 1448-5028 (Print), 1449-8987 (Online) (doi:10.1071/SH21216)

Nicholson, Tamaryn J, Hoddinott, Graeme, Seddon, James A, Claassens, Mareli M, van der Zalm, Marieke M, Lopez, Elisa, Bock, Peter, Caldwell, Judy, Da Costa, Dawood, de Vaal, Celeste, Dunbar, Rory, Du Preez, Karen, Hesseling, Anneke C, Joseph, Kay, Kriel, Ebrahim, Loveday, Marian, Marx, Florian M, Meehan, Sue-Ann, Purchase, Susan, Naidoo, Kogieleum, Naidoo, Lenny, Solomon-Da Costa, Fadelah, Sloot, Rosa and Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID: (2023) A systematic review of risk factors for mortality among tuberculosis patients in South Africa. Systematic Reviews, 12 (23). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2046-4053 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s13643-023-02175-8)


Myburgh, H., Kaur, M., Kaur, P., Santos, V., Almeida, C., Hoddinott, G., Wademan, D. T., Lakshmi, P. V. M., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Meehan, S-A., Hesseling, A. C., Purty, A., Singh, U. B. and Trajman, A. (2023) Lessons for TB from the COVID-19 response: qualitative data from Brazil, India and South Africa. Public Health Action, 13 (4):7. pp. 162-168. ISSN 2220-8372 (Online) (doi:10.5588/pha.23.0044)

TB cascade

Viljoen, L., Hendricks, P., Hoddinott, G., Vanqa, N., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Hesseling, A. C. and Meehan, S-A. (2022) Early interactions with newly diagnosed TB patients in hospital can support linkage to care. Public Health Action, 12 (3):7. pp. 121-127. ISSN 2220-8372 (Online) (doi:10.5588/pha.22.0012)

TB control

Myburgh, H., Meehan, S-A., Wademan, D. T., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Hesseling, A. C. and Hoddinott, G. (2023) TB programme stakeholder views on lessons from the COVID-19 response in South Africa. Public Health Action, 13 (3):7. pp. 97-103. ISSN 2220-8372 (Online) (doi:10.5588/pha.23.0015)

TB mortality

Nicholson, Tamaryn J, Hoddinott, Graeme, Seddon, James A, Claassens, Mareli M, van der Zalm, Marieke M, Lopez, Elisa, Bock, Peter, Caldwell, Judy, Da Costa, Dawood, de Vaal, Celeste, Dunbar, Rory, Du Preez, Karen, Hesseling, Anneke C, Joseph, Kay, Kriel, Ebrahim, Loveday, Marian, Marx, Florian M, Meehan, Sue-Ann, Purchase, Susan, Naidoo, Kogieleum, Naidoo, Lenny, Solomon-Da Costa, Fadelah, Sloot, Rosa and Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID: (2023) A systematic review of risk factors for mortality among tuberculosis patients in South Africa. Systematic Reviews, 12 (23). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2046-4053 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s13643-023-02175-8)

TB prevention

Purchase, Susan E., Garcia-Prats, Anthony J., De Koker, Petra, Draper, Heather R., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A., Schaaf, H. Simon and Hesseling, Anneke C. (2019) Acceptability of a novel levofloxacin dispersible tablet formulation in young children exposed to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 38 (6). pp. 608-610. ISSN 0891-3668 (Print), 1532-0987 (Online) (doi:10.1097/INF.0000000000002268)

Seddon, James A. ORCID logoORCID:, Garcia-Prats, Anthony J., Purchase, Susan E., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Demers, Anne-Marie, Hoddinott, Graeme, Crook, Angela M., Owen-Powell, Ellen, Thomason, Margaret J., Turkova, Anna, Gibb, Diana M., Fairlie, Lee, Martinson, Neil, Schaaf, H. Simon and Hesseling, Anneke C. (2018) Levofloxacin versus placebo for the prevention of tuberculosis disease in child contacts of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: study protocol for a phase III cluster randomised controlled trial (TB-CHAMP). Trials, 19 (1):693. ISSN 1745-6215 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s13063-018-3070-0)


Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, du Preez, K., Naidoo, P., Bock, P., Rabie, H., Dlamini, S. S. and Hesseling, A. C. (2020) Key changes in the public health response to TB and HIV in South Africa. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 24 (8). pp. 857-859. ISSN 1027-3719 (Print), 1815-7920 (Online) (doi:10.5588/ijtld.20.0147)

Sloot, R, Maarman, G J, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID: and Marx, F M (2018) Variation in HIV prevalence and the population-level effects of antiretroviral therapy in reducing tuberculosis incidence in South Africa. South African Medical Journal, 108 (8). p. 606. ISSN 0256-9574 (Print), 2078-5135 (Online) (doi:10.7196/SAMJ.2018.v108i8.13394)

du Preez, Karen, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A, Naidoo, Pren, Schaaf, H Simon, Munch, Zahn, Dunbar, Rory, Mvusi, Lindiwe, Dlamini, Sicelo S and Hesseling, Anneke C (2021) The Impact of the evolving human immunodeficiency virus response on the epidemiology of tuberculosis in South African children and adolescents. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73 (4). e967-e975. ISSN 1058-4838 (Print), 1537-6591 (Online) (doi:10.1093/cid/ciab095)

tears lived with disability

Di Bari, Carlotta, Venkateswaran, Narmada, Fastl, Christina, Gabriël, Sarah, Grace, Delia ORCID logoORCID:, Havelaar, Arie H., Huntington, Ben, Patterson, Grace T., Rushton, Jonathan, Speybroeck, Niko, Torgerson, Paul, Pigott, David M. and Devleesschauwer, Brecht (2023) The global burden of neglected zoonotic diseases: current state of evidence. One Health, 17:100595. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2352-7714 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.onehlt.2023.100595)


Pentaris, Panagiotis ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Dying in a transhumanist and posthuman society. Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness . Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London. ISBN 978-0367542177


Cheng, Qu, Liu, Yan, Wang, Xia, Tang, Sanyi and Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) The relative importance of key meteorological factors affecting numbers of mosquito vectors of dengue fever. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 17 (4):e0011247. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0011247)


Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, du Preez, K., Naidoo, P., Bock, P., Rabie, H., Dlamini, S. S. and Hesseling, A. C. (2020) Key changes in the public health response to TB and HIV in South Africa. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 24 (8). pp. 857-859. ISSN 1027-3719 (Print), 1815-7920 (Online) (doi:10.5588/ijtld.20.0147)


Juříčková, Iva, Hudec, Michael, Votava, Felix, Vosáhlo, Jan, Ovsepian, Saak, Černá, Marie and O'Leary, Valerie (2022) The immunological epigenetic landscape of the human life trajectory. Biomedicines, 10 (11):2894. ISSN 2227-9059 (Online) (doi:10.3390/biomedicines10112894)


Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R., Alam, S.N., Kader, K.A., Cork, Alan and Colvin, John (2006) A novel begomovirus with distinct genomic and phenotypic features infects tomato in Bangladesh. Plant Pathology, 55 (2). p. 290. ISSN 0032-0862 (doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2005.01275.x)


Sharaf, Abdoallah, Nuc, Przemysław, Ripl, Jan, Alquicer, Glenda, Ibrahim, Emad, Wang, Xifeng, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Kundu, Jiban Kumar (2023) Transcriptome dynamics in triticum aestivum genotypes associated with resistance against the wheat dwarf virus. Viruses, 15:689. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15030689)


Pentaris, Panagiotis ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Dying in a transhumanist and posthuman society. Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness . Routledge - Taylor and Francis Group, London. ISBN 978-0367542177


Lamberton, Poppy H.L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID:, Winskill, Peter, Tirados, Iñaki, Walker, Martin, Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo, Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Boakye, Daniel A., Wilson, Michael D., Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2015) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: Persistence under different control strategies and the role of the simuliid vectors. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4):e0003688. pp. 1-27. ISSN 1935-2727 (Print), 1935-2735 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003688)

Stettler, Marc E. J., Nishida, Robert T., de Oliveira, Pedro M., Mesquita, Léo C. C., Johnson, Tyler J., Galea, Edwin ORCID logoORCID:, Grandison, Angus, Ewer, John ORCID logoORCID:, Carruthers-Jones, David, Sykes, David, Kumar, Prashant, Avital, Eldad, Obeysekara, Asiri I. B., Doorly, Denis, Hardalupas, Yannis, Green, David C., Coldrick, Simon, Parker, Simon and Boies, Adam M. (2022) Source terms for benchmarking models of SARS-CoV-2 transmission via aerosols and droplets. Royal Society Open Science, 9 (5):212022. ISSN 2054-5703 (Online) (doi:10.1098/rsos.212022)

treatment outcomes

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Lee, Kevin, Du Preez, Karen, Dunbar, Rory, Hesseling, Anneke C and Seddon, James A (2017) Excellent treatment outcomes in children treated for tuberculosis under routine operational conditions in Cape Town, South Africa. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 65 (9). pp. 1444-1452. ISSN 1058-4838 (Print), 1537-6591 (Online) (doi:10.1093/cid/cix602)

trial sequential analysis

Yu, Chia-Ling, Carvalho, Andre F., Thompson, Trevor ORCID logoORCID:, Tsai, Tzu-Cheng, Tseng, Ping-Tao ORCID logoORCID:, Hsu, Chih-Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Tu, Yu-Kang ORCID logoORCID:, Yang, Szu-Nian ORCID logoORCID:, Hsu, Tien-Wei ORCID logoORCID:, Yeh, Ta-Chuan and Liang, Chih-Sung ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Trial sequential analysis and updated meta-analysis of fluvoxamine on clinical deterioration in adult patients with symptomatic COVID-19 infection. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (5):4088. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:10.3390/ijerph20054088)


GC, Sulochan, Khanal, Ashok, GC, Vijay S, Bhattrai, Suman, Panthee, Suresh, Khanal, Aashis, Gaire, Amrit, Poudel, Sagar, Ghimire, Rakesh and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Burden of tuberculosis and hepatitis co-infection among people living with HIV in Nepal: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sexual Health, 19 (5). pp. 406-416. ISSN 1448-5028 (Print), 1449-8987 (Online) (doi:10.1071/SH21216)

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A., Dunbar, Rory, Draper, Heather R., Lombard, Carl and Beyers, Nulda (2015) The complex relationship between human immunodeficiency virus infection and death in adults being treated for tuberculosis in Cape Town, South Africa. BMC Public Health, 15 (1):556. ISSN 1471-2458 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1914-z)

Viljoen, L., Hendricks, P., Hoddinott, G., Vanqa, N., Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Hesseling, A. C. and Meehan, S-A. (2022) Early interactions with newly diagnosed TB patients in hospital can support linkage to care. Public Health Action, 12 (3):7. pp. 121-127. ISSN 2220-8372 (Online) (doi:10.5588/pha.22.0012)

du Preez, Karen, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Seddon, James A, Naidoo, Pren, Schaaf, H Simon, Munch, Zahn, Dunbar, Rory, Mvusi, Lindiwe, Dlamini, Sicelo S and Hesseling, Anneke C (2021) The Impact of the evolving human immunodeficiency virus response on the epidemiology of tuberculosis in South African children and adolescents. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73 (4). e967-e975. ISSN 1058-4838 (Print), 1537-6591 (Online) (doi:10.1093/cid/ciab095)

tuberculosis meningitis

Dodd, Peter J. ORCID logoORCID:, Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Cresswell, Fiona V. ORCID logoORCID:, Stadelman, Anna M., Lan, Nguyen Huu, Thuong, Nguyen Thuy Thuong ORCID logoORCID:, Muzyamba, Morris ORCID logoORCID:, Glaser, Lisa ORCID logoORCID:, Dlamini, Sicelo S. and Seddon, James A. ORCID logoORCID: (2021) The global burden of tuberculous meningitis in adults: a modelling study. PLOS Global Public Health, 1 (12):e0000069. ISSN 2767-3375 (Online) (doi:10.1371/journal.pgph.0000069)

tuberculosis mortality

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Karat, Aaron S, Khan, Munira, Meehan, Sue-Ann, von Delft, Arne, Brey, Zameer, Charalambous, Salome, Hesseling, Anneke C, Naidoo, Pren and Loveday, Marian (2021) Health system determinants of tuberculosis mortality in South Africa: a causal loop model. BMC Health Services Research, 21 (1):388. ISSN 1472-6963 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12913-021-06398-0)

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Verster, Janette, Dempers, Johan J, Du Preez, Karen, von Delft, Arne, Dunbar, Rory, Welte, Alex, Naidoo, Pren and Hesseling, Anneke C (2021) Tuberculosis in persons with sudden unexpected death, in Cape Town, South Africa. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 105. pp. 75-82. ISSN 1201-9712 (doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2021.02.036)

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Welte, A, Naidoo, P, Loveday, M and Hesseling, AC (2020) Limitations and potential bias in vital registration data and tuberculosis mortality reporting in South Africa. South African Medical Journal, 110 (7). pp. 607-609. ISSN 0256-9574 (Print), 2078-5135 (Online) (doi:10.7196/SAMJ.2020.v110i7.14533)

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, van Schalkwyk, Cari, Naidoo, Pren, Seddon, James A., Dunbar, Rory, Dlamini, Sicelo S., Welte, Alex, Hesseling, Anneke C. and Claassens, Mareli M. (2021) Mortality during tuberculosis treatment in South Africa using an 8-year analysis of the national tuberculosis treatment register. Scientific Reports, 11 (1):15894. ISSN 2045-2322 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41598-021-95331-w)

tuberculosis outcomes

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, Harausz, Elizabeth P., Garcia-Prats, Anthony J., Schaaf, H. Simon, Moore, Brittany K., Hicks, Robert M., Achar, Jay, Amanullah, Farhana, Barry, Pennan, Becerra, Mercedes, Chiotan, Domnica I., Drobac, Peter C., Flood, Jennifer, Furin, Jennifer, Gegia, Medea, Isaakidis, Petros, Mariandyshev, Andrei, Ozere, Iveta, Shah, N. Sarita, Skrahina, Alena, Yablokova, Elena, Seddon, James A. and Hesseling, Anneke C. (2019) Treatment outcomes in global systematic review and patient meta-analysis of children with extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 25 (3). pp. 441-450. ISSN 1080-6040 (Print), 1080-6059 (Online) (doi:10.3201/eid2503.180852)

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, du Preez, Karen, Seddon, James A., Claassens, Mareli M., Dunbar, Rory, Dlamini, Sicelo S., Welte, Alex, Naidoo, Pren and Hesseling, Anneke C. (2021) Mortality in South African children and adolescents routinely treated for tuberculosis. Pediatrics, 147 (4):e2020032490. ISSN 0031-4005 (Print), 1098-4275 (Online) (doi:10.1542/peds.2020-032490)

tuberculosis programmatic management

Osman, Muhammad ORCID logoORCID:, van Schalkwyk, Cari, Naidoo, Pren, Seddon, James A., Dunbar, Rory, Dlamini, Sicelo S., Welte, Alex, Hesseling, Anneke C. and Claassens, Mareli M. (2021) Mortality during tuberculosis treatment in South Africa using an 8-year analysis of the national tuberculosis treatment register. Scientific Reports, 11 (1):15894. ISSN 2045-2322 (Online) (doi:10.1038/s41598-021-95331-w)

tungro-associated viruses

Bousalem, M., Douzery, E.J.P. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Taxonomy, molecular phylogeny and evolution of plant reverse transcribing viruses (family Caulimoviridae) inferred from full-length genome and reverse transcriptase sequences. Archives of Virology, 153 (6). pp. 1085-1102. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0095-9)

tungro-bacilliform virus

Kenyon, Lawrence, Lebas, B.S.M. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Yams (Dioscorea spp.) from the South Pacific Islands contain many novel badnaviruses: Implications for international movement of yam germplasm. Archives of Virology, 153 (5). pp. 877-889. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0062-5)

type 2 diabetes

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID:, Wang, Xiaohua, Ojo, Osarhumwese, Orjih, Edith, Pavithran, Nivedita, Adegboye, Amanda ORCID logoORCID:, Feng, Qian-Qian and Mccrone, Paul ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The effects of COVID-19 lockdown on glycaemic control and lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (3):1095. ISSN 1660-4601 (Online) (doi:10.3390/ijerph19031095)

type I feline coronaviruses

Dye, Charlotte, Temperton, Nigel ORCID logoORCID: and Siddell, Stuart G. (2007) Type I feline coronavirus spike glycoprotein fails to recognize aminopeptidase N as a functional receptor on feline cell lines. Journal of General Virology, 88 (6). pp. 1753-1760. ISSN 0022-1317 (Print), 1465-2099 (Online) (doi:10.1099/vir.0.82666-0)


Maena, Joel, Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi ORCID logoORCID:, Mukiza, Nelson, Kuteesa, Cynthia Ndikuno, Kakumba, Ronald Makanga, Kataike, Hajira, Kizito, Samuel, Babirye, Juliet Allen and Nakal, Rita (2021) Determinants of viral load non-suppression among adolescents in Mbale District, Eastern Rural Uganda. AIDS Research and Therapy, 18:91. ISSN 1742-6405 (Print), 1742-6405 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12981-021-00408-1)

United Kingdom

Vaux, AGC, Abbott, Anthony, Johnston, CJ, Hawkes, Frances ORCID logoORCID:, Hopkins, Richard ORCID logoORCID:, Cull, B, Gibson, Gabriella, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID:, Callaghan, A and Medlock, JM (2024) An update on the ecology, seasonality and distribution of Culex modestus in England. Journal of the European Mosquito Control Association, 2023. pp. 1-19. ISSN 2054-930X (Online) (doi:10.52004/JEMCA20231003)

upper limits

Chao, Yi-Sheng, Wu, Chao-Jung, Po, June ORCID logoORCID:, Huang, Shih-Yu, Wu, Hsing-Chien, Hsu, Hui-Ting, Cheng, Yen-Po, Lai, Yi-Chun and Chen, Wei-Chih (2023) The upper limits of risk ratios and recommendations for reporting risk ratios, odds ratios, and rate ratios. Cureus Journal of Medical Sciences, 15 (4):e37799. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2168-8184 (doi:10.7759/cureus.37799)


Hassell, James M. ORCID logoORCID:, Muloi, Dishon M., VanderWaal, Kimberly L. ORCID logoORCID:, Ward, Melissa J., Bettridge, Judy ORCID logoORCID:, Gitahi, Nduhiu ORCID logoORCID:, Ouko, Tom, Imboma, Titus, Akoko, James, Karani, Maurice ORCID logoORCID:, Muinde, Patrick ORCID logoORCID:, Nakamura, Yukiko ORCID logoORCID:, Alumasa, Lorren ORCID logoORCID:, Furmaga, Erin, Kaitho, Titus, Amanya, Fredrick, Ogendo, Allan, Fava, Francesco ORCID logoORCID:, Wee, Bryan A., Phan, Hang, Kiiru, John, Kang’ethe, Erastus, Kariuki, Sam ORCID logoORCID:, Robinson, Timothy, Begon, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Woolhouse, Mark E. J. and Fèvre, Eric M. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Epidemiological connectivity between humans and animals across an urban landscape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (29):e2218860120. pp. 1-12. ISSN 0027-8424 (Print), 1091-6490 (Online) (doi:10.1073/pnas.2218860120)


Yan, Quinling, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Tang, Sanyi (2022) Coupling an individual adaptive-decision model with a SIRV model of influenza vaccination reveals new insights for epidemic control. Statistics in Medicine, 42 (5). pp. 716-729. ISSN 0277-6715 (Print), 1097-0258 (Online) (doi:10.1002/sim.9639)

vaccination strategy

Wu, YuanYuan, Zhou, Weike, Tang, Sanyi, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID: and Wang, Xia (2023) Prediction of the next major outbreak of COVID-19 in Mainland China and a vaccination strategy for it. Royal Society Open Science, 10:230655. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2054-5703 (Online) (doi:10.1098/rsos.230655)


Simkhada, Padam, Tamang, Pasang D ORCID logoORCID:, Timilsina, Laxmi, Simkhada, Bibha, Bissell, Paul, van Teijlingen, Edwin, Sah, Sunil Kumar and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Factors influencing COVID-19 vaccine uptake among Nepali people in the UK: a qualitative study. Vaccines, 10 (5):780. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2076-393X (Online) (doi:10.3390/vaccines10050780)

vaccine uptake

Simkhada, Padam, Tamang, Pasang D ORCID logoORCID:, Timilsina, Laxmi, Simkhada, Bibha, Bissell, Paul, van Teijlingen, Edwin, Sah, Sunil Kumar and Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Factors influencing COVID-19 vaccine uptake among Nepali people in the UK: a qualitative study. Vaccines, 10 (5):780. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2076-393X (Online) (doi:10.3390/vaccines10050780)


Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Chan, Paul K., Simmons, Graham, Zambon, Maria C., Tedder, Richard S., Takeuchi, Yasuhiro and Weiss, Robin A. (2005) Longitudinally profiling neutralizing antibody response to SARS coronavirus with pseudotypes. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11 (3). pp. 411-416. ISSN 1080-6059 (doi:10.3201/eid1103.040906)


Vaux, AGC, Abbott, Anthony, Johnston, CJ, Hawkes, Frances ORCID logoORCID:, Hopkins, Richard ORCID logoORCID:, Cull, B, Gibson, Gabriella, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID:, Callaghan, A and Medlock, JM (2024) An update on the ecology, seasonality and distribution of Culex modestus in England. Journal of the European Mosquito Control Association, 2023. pp. 1-19. ISSN 2054-930X (Online) (doi:10.52004/JEMCA20231003)

Vector abundance

Lamberton, Poppy H. L., Cheke, Robert A. ORCID logoORCID:, Walker, Martin, Winskill, Peter, Crainey, J. Lee, Boakye, Daniel A., Osei-Atweneboana, Mike Y., Tirados, Iñaki, Wilson, Michael D., Tetteh-Kumah, Anthony, Otoo, Sampson, Post, Rory J. and Basañez, María-Gloria (2016) Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, 9 (1). ISSN 1756-3305 (Print), 1756-3305 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1703-2)

vector transmission

Bousalem, M., Douzery, E.J.P. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Taxonomy, molecular phylogeny and evolution of plant reverse transcribing viruses (family Caulimoviridae) inferred from full-length genome and reverse transcriptase sequences. Archives of Virology, 153 (6). pp. 1085-1102. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0095-9)

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Manjunatha, B., Rekha, A.R., Govindappa, M.R., Colvin, John and Muniyappa, V. (2006) Dolichos yellow mosaic virus belongs to a distinct lineage of Old World begomoviruses; its biological and molecular properties. Annals of Applied Biology, 149 (2). pp. 187-195. ISSN 0003-4746 (doi:10.1111/j.1744-7348.2006.00075.x)

vector-mediated transmission

Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)

veterinary epidemiology

Bettridge, Judy ORCID logoORCID:, Snow, L. C., Tang, Y., Petrovska, L. ORCID logoORCID:, Lawes, J. and Smith, R. P. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Using SNP addresses for Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 in routine veterinary outbreak detection. Epidemiology and Infection, 151:e187. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0950-2688 (Print), 1469-4409 (Online) (doi:10.1017/S0950268823001723)

viral load

Maena, Joel, Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi ORCID logoORCID:, Mukiza, Nelson, Kuteesa, Cynthia Ndikuno, Kakumba, Ronald Makanga, Kataike, Hajira, Kizito, Samuel, Babirye, Juliet Allen and Nakal, Rita (2021) Determinants of viral load non-suppression among adolescents in Mbale District, Eastern Rural Uganda. AIDS Research and Therapy, 18:91. ISSN 1742-6405 (Print), 1742-6405 (Online) (doi:10.1186/s12981-021-00408-1)

viral neutralization

Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Hoschler, Katja, Major, Diane, Nicolson, Carolyn, Manvell, Ruth, Hien, Vo Minh, Ha, Do Quang, de Jong, Menno, Zambon, Maria, Takeuchi, Yasuhiro and Weiss, Robin A. (2007) A sensitive retroviral pseudotype assay for influenza H5N1-neutralizing antibodies. Influenza and other respiratory viruses, 1 (3). pp. 105-112. ISSN 1750-2659 (online) (doi:10.1111/j.1750-2659.2007.00016.x)

viral release assay

Su, Ching-Yao, Wang, Shi-Yun, Shie, Jiun-Jie, Jeng, King-Song, Temperton, Nigel J. ORCID logoORCID:, Fang, Jim-Min, Wong, Chi-Huey and Cheng, Yih-Shyun E. (2008) In vitro evaluation of neuraminidase inhibitors using the neuraminidase-dependent release assay of hemagglutinin-pseudotyped viruses. Antiviral Research, 79 (3). pp. 199-205. ISSN 0166-3542 (doi:10.1016/j.antiviral.2008.03.002)

viral sequences

Bousalem, M., Douzery, E.J.P. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Taxonomy, molecular phylogeny and evolution of plant reverse transcribing viruses (family Caulimoviridae) inferred from full-length genome and reverse transcriptase sequences. Archives of Virology, 153 (6). pp. 1085-1102. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0095-9)


Sharaf, Abdoallah, Nuc, Przemysław, Ripl, Jan, Alquicer, Glenda, Ibrahim, Emad, Wang, Xifeng, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Kundu, Jiban Kumar (2023) Transcriptome dynamics in triticum aestivum genotypes associated with resistance against the wheat dwarf virus. Viruses, 15:689. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15030689)

virus detection

Silva, Gonçalo ORCID logoORCID:, Bömer, Moritz ORCID logoORCID:, Rathnayake, Ajith I., Sewe, Steven O., Visendi, Paul, Oyekanmi, Joshua O., Quain, Marian D., Akomeah, Belinda, Kumar, P. Lava and Seal, Susan E. ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Molecular characterization of a new virus species identified in yam (Dioscorea spp.) by high-throughput sequencing. Plants, 8 (6):167. ISSN 2223-7747 (Print), 2223-7747 (Online) (doi:10.3390/plants8060167)

virus diagnostics

Festus, Ruth, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Prempeh, Ruth, Quain, Marian D. and Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Improved Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP) for the rapid and sensitive detection of Yam mosaic virus. Viruses, 15 (7):1592. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15071592)

virus disease epidemiology

Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)

virus emergence

Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)

virus evolution

Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)

virus research

Kubiriba, Jerome (2005) Epidemiology of Banana streak virus (BSV) in East African highland bananas (AAA-EA). PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

virus tropism

Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)

virus-specific primers

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Rekha, A.R., Mirza, S.H., Alam, S.N. and Colvin, John (2007) PCR-based detection and partial genome sequencing indicate high genetic diversity in Bangladeshi begomoviruses and their whitefly vector, Bemisia tabaci. Virus Genes, 34 (3). pp. 373-385. ISSN 0920-8569 (doi:10.1007/s11262-006-0027-2)

virus-vector relationships

Tugume, Arthur, Mbanzibwa, Deusdedith R, Alicai, Titus, Omongo, Christopher and Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Endemism and reemergence potential of the ipomovirus Sweet potato mild mottle virus (family Potyviridae) in Eastern Africa: half a century of mystery. Phytobiomes Journal, 7 (1). pp. 5-28. ISSN 2471-2906 (Online) (doi:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-22-0031-RVW)

Vit D

Ibrahim Elmi, Zakaria Ali, Sighakoli, Sameer, Tetteh, John and Zand Fard, Nazanin ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Case–control study of serum vitamin D concentrations in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 and hospitalised controls suffering with respiratory tract infections of differing aetiology. BMJ, Nutrition, Prevention and Health:e000428. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2516-5542 (Online) (doi:10.1136/bmjnph-2022-000428)


Sharaf, Abdoallah, Nuc, Przemysław, Ripl, Jan, Alquicer, Glenda, Ibrahim, Emad, Wang, Xifeng, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Kundu, Jiban Kumar (2023) Transcriptome dynamics in triticum aestivum genotypes associated with resistance against the wheat dwarf virus. Viruses, 15:689. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15030689)

West Africa

Festus, Ruth, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Prempeh, Ruth, Quain, Marian D. and Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Improved Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP) for the rapid and sensitive detection of Yam mosaic virus. Viruses, 15 (7):1592. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15071592)

Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID:, Bömer, Moritz ORCID logoORCID:, Turaki, Aliyu A., Nkere, Chukwuemeka K., Kumar, P. Lava and Seal, Susan E. ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Homing in on endogenous badnaviral elements: development of multiplex PCR-DGGE for detection and rapid identification of badnavirus sequences in yam germplasm. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:846989. ISSN 1664-462X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.846989)

West Nile virus

Vaux, AGC, Abbott, Anthony, Johnston, CJ, Hawkes, Frances ORCID logoORCID:, Hopkins, Richard ORCID logoORCID:, Cull, B, Gibson, Gabriella, Cheke, Robert ORCID logoORCID:, Callaghan, A and Medlock, JM (2024) An update on the ecology, seasonality and distribution of Culex modestus in England. Journal of the European Mosquito Control Association, 2023. pp. 1-19. ISSN 2054-930X (Online) (doi:10.52004/JEMCA20231003)


Richter, Loandi, Duvenage, Stacey ORCID logoORCID:, Du Plessis, Erika Margaret, Msimango, Thabang, Dlangalala, Manana, Mathavha, Muneiwa Tshidino, Molelekoa,, Tintswalo, Kgoale, Degracious and Korsten, Lise (2024) Genomic evaluation of multidrug-resistant extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli from irrigation water and fresh produce in South Africa: a cross-sectional analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 58 (32). pp. 14421-14438. ISSN 0013-936X (Print), 1520-5851 (Online) (doi:


Alquicer, Glenda, Ibrahim, Emad, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Kundu, Jiban Kumar (2023) Identifying putative resistance genes for barley yellow dwarf virus‐PAV in wheat and barley. Viruses, 15:716. pp. 1-25. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15030716)

Sharaf, Abdoallah, Nuc, Przemysław, Ripl, Jan, Alquicer, Glenda, Ibrahim, Emad, Wang, Xifeng, Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID: and Kundu, Jiban Kumar (2023) Transcriptome dynamics in triticum aestivum genotypes associated with resistance against the wheat dwarf virus. Viruses, 15:689. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15030689)


Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Manjunatha, B., Rekha, A.R., Govindappa, M.R., Colvin, John and Muniyappa, V. (2006) Dolichos yellow mosaic virus belongs to a distinct lineage of Old World begomoviruses; its biological and molecular properties. Annals of Applied Biology, 149 (2). pp. 187-195. ISSN 0003-4746 (doi:10.1111/j.1744-7348.2006.00075.x)

WHO-building block

Wasti, Sharada Prasad ORCID logoORCID:, Simkhada, Padam, Ale Magar, Sudip and van Teijlingen, Edwin (2021) Nepalese health system response to fight against COVID-19 pandemic. Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 98-104. ISSN 2717-4646 (Print), 2717-4654 (Online) (doi:10.46405/ejms.v3i1.262)

whole genome sequencing

Richter, Loandi, Duvenage, Stacey ORCID logoORCID:, Du Plessis, Erika Margaret, Msimango, Thabang, Dlangalala, Manana, Mathavha, Muneiwa Tshidino, Molelekoa,, Tintswalo, Kgoale, Degracious and Korsten, Lise (2024) Genomic evaluation of multidrug-resistant extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli from irrigation water and fresh produce in South Africa: a cross-sectional analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 58 (32). pp. 14421-14438. ISSN 0013-936X (Print), 1520-5851 (Online) (doi:


Roudine, Sacha, Le Ralec, Anne, Bouvaine, Sophie ORCID logoORCID:, Alford, Lucy, Duval, Franck, Buchard, Christelle, Llopis, Stéphanie, CLoteau, Romulad, Georges, Romain, Jambon, Olivier, van Baaren, Joan and Le Lann, Cécile (2024) Flower strips in winter reduce barley yellow dwarf virus incidence in cereal crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 378:109275. ISSN 0167-8809 (Print), 1873-2305 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.agee.2024.109275)


Festus, Ruth, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Prempeh, Ruth, Quain, Marian D. and Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Improved Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP) for the rapid and sensitive detection of Yam mosaic virus. Viruses, 15 (7):1592. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15071592)

Kamara, Adjata, Camara, Brahima, Armitage, Andrew ORCID logoORCID:, Ogunsanya, Olaide, Gouannou, Vartinel and Koné, Daouda (2024) First report of penicillium sclerotigenum causing post-harvest rot of yam in Côte d'Ivoire. New Disease Reports, 50 (1):e12307. ISSN 2044-0588 (doi:10.1002/ndr2.12307)

Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID:, Bömer, Moritz ORCID logoORCID:, Turaki, Aliyu A., Nkere, Chukwuemeka K., Kumar, P. Lava and Seal, Susan E. ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Homing in on endogenous badnaviral elements: development of multiplex PCR-DGGE for detection and rapid identification of badnavirus sequences in yam germplasm. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:846989. ISSN 1664-462X (Online) (doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.846989)

Yam mosaic virus

Festus, Ruth, Seal, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, Prempeh, Ruth, Quain, Marian D. and Silva, Goncalo ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Improved Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP) for the rapid and sensitive detection of Yam mosaic virus. Viruses, 15 (7):1592. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1999-4915 (Online) (doi:10.3390/v15071592)

years of life lost

Di Bari, Carlotta, Venkateswaran, Narmada, Fastl, Christina, Gabriël, Sarah, Grace, Delia ORCID logoORCID:, Havelaar, Arie H., Huntington, Ben, Patterson, Grace T., Rushton, Jonathan, Speybroeck, Niko, Torgerson, Paul, Pigott, David M. and Devleesschauwer, Brecht (2023) The global burden of neglected zoonotic diseases: current state of evidence. One Health, 17:100595. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2352-7714 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.onehlt.2023.100595)

yellow mottle virus

Kenyon, Lawrence, Lebas, B.S.M. and Seal, S.E. ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Yams (Dioscorea spp.) from the South Pacific Islands contain many novel badnaviruses: Implications for international movement of yam germplasm. Archives of Virology, 153 (5). pp. 877-889. ISSN 0304-8608 (Print), 1432-8798 (Online) (doi:10.1007/s00705-008-0062-5)


Roudine, Sacha, Le Ralec, Anne, Bouvaine, Sophie ORCID logoORCID:, Alford, Lucy, Duval, Franck, Buchard, Christelle, Llopis, Stéphanie, CLoteau, Romulad, Georges, Romain, Jambon, Olivier, van Baaren, Joan and Le Lann, Cécile (2024) Flower strips in winter reduce barley yellow dwarf virus incidence in cereal crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 378:109275. ISSN 0167-8809 (Print), 1873-2305 (Online) (doi:10.1016/j.agee.2024.109275)


Durrance-Bagale, Anna, Rudge, James W., Singh, Nanda Bahadur, Belmain, Steven R. ORCID logoORCID: and Howard, Natasha (2021) Drivers of zoonotic disease risk in the Indian subcontinent: a scoping review. One Health, 13:100310. ISSN 2352-7714 (doi:10.1016/j.onehlt.2021.100310)

Grace, Delia ORCID logoORCID: and Cook, Elizabeth (2023) The multiple burdens of zoonoses in low- and middle-income countries: why zoonoses are worse for the poor. In: Singer, Andreas, (ed.) Zoonoses: Infections affecting humans and animals. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, pp. 1-13. ISBN 978-3030858773 (doi:10.1007/978-3-030-85877-3_46-1)

Zoonotic disease

Durrance-Bagale, Anna, Rudge, James W., Singh, Nanda Bahadur, Belmain, Steven R. ORCID logoORCID: and Howard, Natasha (2021) Drivers of zoonotic disease risk in the Indian subcontinent: a scoping review. One Health, 13:100310. ISSN 2352-7714 (doi:10.1016/j.onehlt.2021.100310)

This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 22:04:14 2025 UTC.