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Generating OpenMP code using an interactive parallelization environment

Generating OpenMP code using an interactive parallelization environment

Ierotheou, C.S., Jin, H., Matthews, G., Johnson, S.P. and Hood, R. (2005) Generating OpenMP code using an interactive parallelization environment. Parallel Computing, 31 (10-12). pp. 999-1012. ISSN 0167-8191 (doi:10.1016/j.parco.2005.03.008)

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Code parallelization using OpenMP for shared memory systems is relatively easier than using message passing for distributed memory systems. Despite this, it is still a challenge to use OpenMP to parallelize application codes in a way that yields effective scalable performance when executed on a shared memory parallel system. We describe an environment that will assist the programmer in the various tasks of code parallelization and this is achieved in a greatly reduced time frame and level of skill required. The parallelization environment includes a number of tools that address the main tasks of parallelism detection, OpenMP source code generation, debugging and optimization. These tools include a high quality, fully interprocedural dependence analysis with user interaction capabilities to facilitate the generation of efficient parallel code, an automatic relative debugging tool to identify erroneous user decisions in that interaction and also performance profiling to identify bottlenecks. Finally, experiences of parallelizing some NASA application codes are presented to illustrate some of the benefits of using the evolving environment.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: interactive parallelization environment, OpenMP code generation, parallel debugger, code parallelization tools
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics
Pre-2014 Departments: School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences
School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences > Centre for Numerical Modelling & Process Analysis
School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences > Centre for Numerical Modelling & Process Analysis > Computational Science & Engineering Group
School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences > Computer & Computational Science Research Group
School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences > Department of Computer Systems Technology
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Last Modified: 14 Oct 2016 09:02

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