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Ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation for Sustainable Development: a special issue of sustainability

Ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation for Sustainable Development: a special issue of sustainability

Singh, Kripal, Bartlett, Debbie ORCID: 0000-0002-5125-6466 , Dhyani, Shalini and Saha, Somidh (eds.) (2024) Ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation for Sustainable Development: a special issue of sustainability. Sustainability, Biodiversity and Conservation . MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. ISSN 2071-1050

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The world is facing unprecedented biodiversity loss due to rampant ecosystem degradation that is further accelerated by climate change. This loss has accelerated the impact of climate change on marginalized and vulnerable societies with consequences for human health, livelihoods, and well-being. The effective implementation of ecological restoration at local, regional and national level can bring diverse benefits not only for the environment but also promote social and economic sustainability to communities. Ecosystem restoration is the supremely important science for the Anthropocene and requires collaboration of experts from diverse disciplines such as social sciences, economics, life sciences, earth and environmental studies, along with policy makers and industrial partners can bring in pragmatic solutions to halt and/or reduce biodiversity loss and protect natural resources from further degradation. This approach is required to address the climate crisis and biodiversity emergency and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. It will also contribute to, the Nationally Determined Targets, the Post 2020 global biodiversity targets, focusing on developing a mutually beneficial relationship between people and nature, the UBCCD targets for Land Degradation Neutrality and the success of the UN-Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030). It is of paramount importance that integrated, participatory collaborative efforts are made to establish a hybrid knowledge framework that includes scientific, as well indigenous and traditional knowledge, to maximize the success of restoration efforts at local level. This must be effectively integrated in governance instruments and policy planning to enhance institutional capacity to tackle the complex challenges of ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss and strengthen the global agenda of living in harmony with nature. This special issue invites contributions in the form of original research papers, critical reviews, or opinion articles linking various disciplines, as outlined above, related to the development of integrated sustainable solutions for ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation.

Item Type: Edited Book
Uncontrolled Keywords: restoration; rehabilitation; biodiversity conservation; forest restoration; mine soils; salt-affected lands; forest fires; agroecology; sustainable development
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GE Environmental Sciences
Q Science > Q Science (General)
Faculty / School / Research Centre / Research Group: Faculty of Engineering & Science
Faculty of Engineering & Science > School of Science (SCI)
Last Modified: 28 May 2024 15:41

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