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Bridging the gap between EU, Mediterranean and Africa relations: Partnership, governance and (re)-evolving relations

Bridging the gap between EU, Mediterranean and Africa relations: Partnership, governance and (re)-evolving relations

Farrell, Mary (2010) Bridging the gap between EU, Mediterranean and Africa relations: Partnership, governance and (re)-evolving relations. L'Europe en Formation, 356 (2). pp. 169-191. ISSN 0014-2808 (doi:10.3917/eufor.356.0169)

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This article will investigate the contrasting approaches by the EU towards the Mediterranean region and towards Africa. Despite the earlier interest shown in the Mediterranean region, and the substantial declarations, statements and initiatives that followed on from the Barcelona process, fi fteen years later relations between the EU and the Mediterranean appear overwhelmed in a quagmire of confusion, contradictory positions, and widespread disaff ection, if not total opposition from both individual European member states and the EU. Worse still, these reactions and attitudes can be seen in the countries that have been placed in this ‘Mediterranean’ grouping. By contrast, the EU relations with Africa appear to have taken on a new dynamism, and in a comparatively short period of time the European Commission has delivered an impressive number of initiatives with the seemingly broad support of the respective member states. Th is fl urry of activity in regard to policies and instruments directed at the African continent has to be considered against the increased (and sometimes very vocal) criticism levelled at the European authorities during the Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations, and a wave of opposition that united the African and European political and interest groups.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: [1] Issue published in 2010. [2] Published as: L'Europe en Formation. 2010/2 (No. 356), pp. 169-191. Dossier: Le partenariat euro-méditerranéen : La fin d’une vision? / Euro-Mediterranean partnership: The end of a vision?
Uncontrolled Keywords: inter-regionalism, European Union, EU-Med relations, EU-Africa relations, governance, foreign policy
Subjects: J Political Science > JZ International relations
Pre-2014 Departments: School of Humanities & Social Sciences
School of Humanities & Social Sciences > Department of Social, Political & Cultural Studies
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Last Modified: 14 Oct 2016 09:11

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