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The centrality of groups and classes

The centrality of groups and classes

Everett, M.G. and Borgatti, S.P. (1999) The centrality of groups and classes. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 23 (3). pp. 181-201. ISSN 0022-250X (Print), 1545-5874 (Online) (doi:10.1080/0022250X.1999.9990219)

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This paper extends the standard network centrality measures of degree, closeness and betweenness to apply to groups and classes as well as individuals. The group centrality measures will enable researchers to answer such questions as ‘how central is the engineering department in the informal influence network of this company?’ or ‘among middle managers in a given organization, which are more central, the men or the women?’ With these measures we can also solve the inverse problem: given the network of ties among organization members, how can we form a team that is maximally central? The measures are illustrated using two classic network data sets. We also formalize a measure of group centrality efficiency, which indicates the extent to which a group's centrality is principally due to a small subset of its members.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: network centrality, measures, groups, classes, closeness, betweenness
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics
Pre-2014 Departments: School of Business
School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences
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Last Modified: 14 Oct 2016 09:00

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