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Intake of animal protein blend plus carbohydrate improves body composition with no impact on performance in endurance athletes

Intake of animal protein blend plus carbohydrate improves body composition with no impact on performance in endurance athletes

Naclerio, Fernando ORCID: 0000-0001-7405-4894 , Larumbe Zabala, Eneko, Larrosa, Mar, Centeno, Aitor, Esteve Lanao, Jonathan and Moreno-Perez, Diego (2019) Intake of animal protein blend plus carbohydrate improves body composition with no impact on performance in endurance athletes. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 29 (5). pp. 474-480. ISSN 1526-484X (Print), 1543-2742 (Online) (doi:

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The impact of animal blend protein supplements in endurance athletes is scarcely researched. We investigated the effect of ingesting an admixture providing orange juice and protein from beef and whey versus carbohydrate alone on body composition and performance over a 10-week training period in male endurance athletes. Participants were randomly assigned to a protein (CHO+PRO, n=15) or a non-protein isoenergetic carbohydrate (CHO, n=15) group. Twenty grams of supplement mixed with orange juice was ingested post-workout or before breakfast on non-training days. Measurements were performed pre- and post-intervention on body composition (by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry), peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak), and maximal aerobic speed (MAS). Twenty-five participants (CHO+PRO, n=12; CHO, n=13) completed the study. Only the CHO+PRO group significantly (p<0.05) reduced whole body fat (mean}SD) (-1.02 } 0.6 kg), total trunk fat (-0.81 } 0.9 kg) and increased total lower body lean mass (+0.52 } 0.7 kg), showing close to statistically significant increases of whole-body lean mass (+0.57 } 0.8 kg, p=0.055). Both groups reduced (p<0.05) visceral fat (CHO+PRO, -0.03 } 0.1 kg; CHO, -0.03 } 0.5 kg) and improved the speed at MAS (CHO+PRO, +0.56 } 0.5 km.h-1; CHO, +0.35 }0.5 km.h-1). Although consuming animal blend protein mixed with orange juice over 10 weeks helped to reduce fat mass and to increase lean mass, no additional performance benefits in endurance runners were observed.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: whey, beef, lean mass, trunk fat, visceral adipose tissue, aerobic, runners
Subjects: Q Science > QP Physiology
Faculty / School / Research Centre / Research Group: Faculty of Engineering & Science
Faculty of Education, Health & Human Sciences > School of Human Sciences (HUM)
Last Modified: 09 Oct 2021 04:45

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