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A combination of industry collaboration and flipped classroom to increase learners’ confidence and skillset

A combination of industry collaboration and flipped classroom to increase learners’ confidence and skillset

Bradshaw, Noel-Ann and Nicholas, Ben (2016) A combination of industry collaboration and flipped classroom to increase learners’ confidence and skillset. In: Conference Proceedings: A Brave New World CETL-MSOR 2016. Loughborough University, pp. 10-16.

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This paper discusses a new 15-credit module on Data Analytics taught at the University of Greenwich to level 6 students in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. The module was designed with significant input from industry which is documented here.

The paper starts by explaining the motivation behind the module from both the employer’s and the University’s perspective. It then discusses the reasoning behind the way in which the material is presented to students and ends with a summary of the results and student feed-back.

Noel-Ann Bradshaw is the Faculty Director of Employability in the Faculty of Architecture, Computing and Humanities at the University of Greenwich. She has instigated several em-ployability innovations within her teaching in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and is now responsible for rolling out a set of Employability Descriptors at Greenwich in order to help firmly embed employability within the undergraduate curriculum.

Ben Nicholas is the Director of Global HR Reporting and Analytics at GlaxoSmithKline. His role focuses on ensuring the company’s management has the people-related reports required to manage the workforce and delivering analytical projects to provide specific insights to im-prove decision making and track corporate strategies.

Item Type: Conference Proceedings
Title of Proceedings: Conference Proceedings: A Brave New World CETL-MSOR 2016
Additional Information: CETL-MSOR Conference 2016, 6-7 September 2016, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK
Uncontrolled Keywords: Employability, Course design
Faculty / School / Research Centre / Research Group: Faculty of Engineering & Science > School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences (CMS)
Faculty of Engineering & Science
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Last Modified: 04 Mar 2022 13:07

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