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Vietnamese attitudes and behavioural patterns towards counterfeit brands

Vietnamese attitudes and behavioural patterns towards counterfeit brands

Huynh, Giang and Wilson, Jonathan (2014) Vietnamese attitudes and behavioural patterns towards counterfeit brands. ASEAN Marketing Journal, 6 (2). pp. 89-104. ISSN 2085-5044 (Print), 2356-2242 (Online) (doi:10.21002/amj.v6i2.4217)

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This study examines Vietnamese female consumers' attitudes towards counterfeit branded prod- ucts; by investigating the influence of brand image, product involvement and price advantage towards decision-making processes associated with purchasing and ownership. An inductive anti-positivist approach was adopted, employing qualitative methods; drawing from in-depth interviews distilled and synthesized using Word Cloud software, as Geographic Information System (GIS) based Spatial Analyses. Findings suggest that Price Advantage plays a determining and predominant role in encour- aging consumers’ purchase intention of a counterfeit product. In addition, Brand Image has positive effect on the purchase intention as well; while product involvement plays no significant role in the process. Further observations point to there being paucity of literature that focuses on Vietnamese and ASEAN markets. With this is mind, a new conceptual framework was developed to reflect the nuances of the Vietnamese consumer experience; which it is suggested will be of value to scholars, practitioners and further studies.

branding, counterfeit brands, fake brands, Vietnam, consumer behaviour, brand image, purchase intention, price, ASEAN.

[Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia]

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap dari konsumen wanita Vietnam terhadap produk merek tiruan dengan menginvestigasi pengaruh dari citra merek, keterlibatan produk, serta keuntun- gan dari harga terhadap proses pengambilan keputusan yang terkait dengan pembelian dan kepemi- likan. Dengan mengadopsi pendekatan anti-positivis induktif menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam yang kemudian diolah menggunakan perangkat lunak Word Cloud sebagai Geographic Information System (GIS) berlandaskan Spatial Analyses. Temuan penelitian menunjuk- kan bahwa adanya keuntungan dari harga memiliki peranan penentu dan dominan yang mendorong niat konsumen untuk membeli produk tiruan. Selain itu, citra merek memiliki pengaruh yang positif pada niat membeli produk tiruan; sementara keterlibatan produk tidak berperan dalam proses pen- gambilan keputusan. Hasil pengamatan lebih lanjut menunjukkan masih ada kekurangan literatur yang fokus pada pasar Vietnam dan ASEAN. Melalui penelitian ini, kerangka konseptual baru dikem- bangkan untuk merefleksikan pengalaman dari konsumen Vietnam yang dapat bermanfaat bagi kaum terpelajar, praktisi dan juga untuk penelitian selanjutnya.

Kata Kunci:
merek, merek tiruan, merek palsu, Vietnam, perilaku konsumen, citra merek, niat mem- beli, ASEAN

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: branding, counterfeit brands, fake brands, Vietnam, consumer behaviour, brand image, purchase intention, price, ASEAN
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce
Faculty / School / Research Centre / Research Group: Faculty of Business
Faculty of Business > Department of Marketing, Events & Tourism
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Last Modified: 24 Apr 2019 12:26

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