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Late Quaternary valley floor evolution in the lower reaches of Carradale, Kintyre

Late Quaternary valley floor evolution in the lower reaches of Carradale, Kintyre

Tipping, Richard M., Carter, Stephen and Haggart, Bruce Andrew ORCID logoORCID: (1994) Late Quaternary valley floor evolution in the lower reaches of Carradale, Kintyre. Scottish Journal of Geology, 30 (2). pp. 131-145. ISSN 0036-9276 (Print), 2041-4951 (Online) (doi:10.1144/sjg30020131)

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Field mapping, air-photograph, interpretation and levelling delineated five discrete terrace accumulations within the buried bedrock valley of lower Carradale, Kintyre. These have been deposited at times from the Late Devensian (Dimlington Stadial) to the present day. The terraces are named from type localities. Two terrace surfaces can be related to prominent raised beach formations fronting the coast, a high-level beach at 12.30 m OD, inferred to be of Late Devensian age, and a lower and better developed beach at 7.90 m OD, of mid-Flandrian age. Radiocarbon dates on an estuarine fill related to the latter beach suggest maximum Flandrian sea-levels to have been attained after c. 5800 14C BP.

Incision due to falling sea-level from this highest Flandrian altitude commenced before c. 4600 14C BP. By that time, aggradation of the major fluvial fill in the valley was underway, and radiocarbon dates suggest that this terrace represented the active floodplain for over 4500 14C years

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Late Devensian, Terrace deposits, Raised beaches, Sea-level change, Flandrian
Faculty / School / Research Centre / Research Group: Faculty of Engineering & Science > School of Science (SCI)
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2016 09:13

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