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Group by: Creators | Item Type | Uncontrolled Keywords | No Grouping
'New' leadership Accountability Accountability and Governance Issues acting responsibly adaptability Adaptation Adaptations Stakeholders Addressing complex issues Addressing digital opportunities Advantages of Family Companies Aesthetic and supportive environments affordability AGI agility AI Aligned interests alignment allies and supporters Alternative strategies artificial intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI) assessing consequences assessing corporate performance assessment Balance balanced assessment balancing business and societal growth Barriers to leadership benchmarking reports bio-diversity Biodiversity Board agendas board committees Board contribution Board effectiveness Board Leadership Board of Directors board performance Board practices Board responses Board structure board support Boardroom issues Boardroom perspectives boards Boards as enablers or constraints Boards of directors Building better boards Building relationships Building stakeholder relationships bureaucratic leadership business and market environment Business and Market environments business education business ethics Business Excellence Business Innovation business management Business model life-cycles Business models business organisations business priorities business schools Business strategy Business Success Factors Candour Capitalism career goals Categorisation Categorising issues CEO and the board Challenge challenges Change Change Management Changing direction Changing Leadership Requirements Changing times charismatic leadership Chief Digital Officer (CDO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Chief Information Officer (CIO) circular economy Cisco Systems clever people climate change climate change adaptation Climate resilient smart cities Collaboration Collaborative capitalism Collaborative responses collaborative thinking Collective action Collective leadership Collective Responsibility Commercialising ideas Commercialization common interests Common problems Communication Communications Teams Compassionate Capitalism Complex Service Offerings complexity Compliance conflicts of interest contemporary business environment Contemporary Leadership Contemporary leadership requirements context and need for leadership Contextual considerations contextual leadership Continuing Professional Development COP 26 Corporate Boards corporate culture corporate direction corporate goals Corporate governance corporate intranet corporate leader corporate leadership Corporate priorities Corporate purpose Corporate Reputation Corporate social responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Leadership Corporate strategies Corporate strategy Corporate transformation Corporate Trust corporate visions Countervailing power Covid-19 Covid-19 crisis Covid-19 pandemic Creative arts Creative environments and innovation Creative thinking Creativity crisis crisis communication crisis decision making crisis governance crisis leadership crisis life-cycles crisis management Critical Success Factors Critical Thinking CSR CSR project management Culture Culture and Entrepreneurship Culture change customer retention cyber security cyber-security Cynicism decision making Decisiveness delegation democratic leadership design departments design principles Developing and supporting others digital governance digital innovation digital technologies digital transformation direction Director development Director succession Directorial skills Directors directors and boards Directors Aspirations and Expectations. Balancing Challenges and Change disasters Disruptive technologies diversity diversity and inclusion dot-com bubble mania e-Mentoring tools economic considerations economic growth economic recession economic slowdown economic swings education and training Effective Executive Magazine efficiency efficiency measurement electronic messages embracing opportunity Enabling responsible innovation Enabling technologies Enforcement Engagement Engagement and Trust engaging talent Ensuring relevance Enterprise Entrepreneurial leadership Entrepreneurial responses Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship environment Environment cities Environment friendly environment friendly business models Environment governance environmental challenges and opportunities Environmental challenges as business opportunities Environmental governance environmental impacts environmental management Environmental strategy environmental sustainability ESG ESG (Environmental ESG investment Establishing creative environments ethical innovation ethics Evolving issues Exaggerate Achievements excellence exceptional talent executive coaching Existential Threats External trends and developments externalities Fairness fake news Family Business Family Owners financial breakdown financial fraud Financial Performance financial services financing innovation flexibility Focus foresight Freedom and Diversity future business models future implications future of work Future scenarios Global environmental crisis global organization global risks global warming governance Governance and leadership implications governance and risk management Governance arrangements governance in crisis Government-business relations Green growth Groupthink growth Handling Challenges Handling opportunities Harnessing the potential of groups and teams health Helping or hindering boards Holistic solutions HR HRD HRM human activity Human capital human capital challenges human capital investment human capital management human resource development human resource investment Human Resource Management Human Resource Management (HRM) human resource strategy idealistic notion image and corporate reputation impacts of Covid-19 pandemic Inclusive Inclusive environments and strategies incremental improvement Independent directors Independent judgement information technology Innovation Innovation and Change Management Innovation and the board Innovation management innovation priorities innovation strategies inspirational leadership Integrity integrity maintainence intelligent steering internal communications tools International consultations international cooperation international pandemic leadership Intrapreneurial aspirations Intrapreneurship Culture Involvement Issue monitoring and management IT Justification of Innovation Knowledge entrepreneurship Knowledge Management Leaders as role models leaders or entrepreneurs leadership Leadership and Culture Leadership Challenges Leadership Development leadership qualities Leadership succession leadership team leadership team dynamics Leading innovation learning and sharing Covid-19 lessons learning from experience Legitimacy Listening Listening leadership livelihoods Long-terms growth Longer-term task handling Management management revolution Managing risk Market based strategies Market solutions marketing campaigns marketing communications Marketing Presentations mass customization measuring consequences mentoring critical workgroups mentoring sessions mentoring support messages mitigation strategies Monitoring external developments Motivation multinational corporation Multiple and inter-related challenges Multiple timescales Multitasking narrowing focus natural capital Nature negative externalities new business models New leadership new ways of working non-executive directors Objective and holistic advice online applications Openness Organisational considerations organisational innovation Organisational Leadership organisational strategy organisational transformation Organizational Change organizational innovation organizational leaders Organizational Leadership organizational sphere pandemic pandemic impacts pandemic responses participation Partnering with technology Patterns people and technology performance performance improvement performance management performance measurement performance support performance support tools Persistence personnel management Personnel Management. corporate boards Planning Policy options political decision making political leadership Pollute the Environment Pollution prevention Portfolios Possible future scenarios Preventing fraud Principles of Corporate Governance Prioritisation Prioritising issues Productivity Productivity and performance tools productivity improvement productivity measurement professional bodies and supporting communities Professionalism Professionalization Programme management public health purpose Purpose of leadership purpose-driven business quality Questioning Questioning and Challenge Questioning corporate governance Questioning Innovation re-prioritising Re-purpose re-purposing Reboot Recognition recovery recruiting or building talent Rediscovering optimism Regulation regulation and governance Regulations regulatory constraints Reinvention relationships remote working reporting considerations Representation Required responses resilience responses to Covid-19 pandemic responsibility Responsible boards Responsible business responsible capitalism Responsible communication Responsible Consumption Responsible directors responsible innovation Responsible leadership responsiveness Restoring confidence and trust retaining talent retention risk risk and crisis management risk and uncertainty risk appetite risk management risk managers Risk Perceptions risk registers risks Role and contribution of CEOs and boards Role of Boards Role of the Board Role of the Chief Executive Officer Scenarios Science and technology governance SDGs second-hand people Selection of Innovation Proposals Self-interest Shared and collective leadership Shared challenges Shared goals and objectives shared objectives Shared tasking shared understanding Shareholders situational leadership Social Accountability Social and Corporate Governance issues) Social and Corporate Governance) social and environmental performance Social and Environmental Responsibility social and governance investment Social entrepreneurship social innovation social policies social purpose social responses Staff and Customers Stakeholder aspirations Stakeholder communication Stakeholder engagement Stakeholder involvement Stakeholder management Stakeholder perspectives Stakeholder preferences Stakeholder priorities Stakeholder relationships Stakeholder requirements stakeholder support stakeholders stakeolders Start-up entrepreneurship Staying ahead of the competition stewardship Strategic Human Resource Management strategic leadership strategic management Strategic planning Strategy superstars Supply and value chains Supply Chain Management survival sustainability Sustainability challenges sustainability governance sustainable development sustainable development goals Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Sustainable energy Sustainable growth Sustainable lifestyles Sustainable urban development Sustainable water management sustaining success talent talent development practices talent management talent management strategy talent pools Task handling Task handling constraints Teamwork technological change technological innovation technological revolution Television News Bulletins teleworking The contemporary context threats Top-down leadership traditional mentoring traditional methods transactional management transformation Transformational change transformational corporate leadership Transformational Leadership transforming Knowledge Management Transition transition and transformation journeys Trends Trust UN Environment Programme UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Uncertainty Uncertainty as opportunity Unnecessary leadership Urban-rural divide Value Chains values vested interests virtual operation Vision and Purpose Visionary leadership Visioning waste management water and energy security Water crisis management Widening perspectives winning companies Winning People Research Programme women directors women on corporate boards workgroup productivity working from home
Number of items: 965.

'New' leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Accountability and Governance Issues

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

acting responsibly

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Adaptations Stakeholders

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Addressing complex issues

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Addressing digital opportunities

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Advantages of Family Companies

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

Aesthetic and supportive environments

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) AI, executive and board leadership, and our collective future. Effective Executive, 26 (3). pp. 5-29. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Executive, board and corporate agility. Effective Executive, 25 (1). pp. 13-33. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2025) The changing roles of Chief Digital Officers in a rapidly evolving AI era. Effective Executive, 27 (4). pp. 14-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Corporate social responsibility and the future of work. Effective Executive, 27 (1). pp. 35-65. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Aligned interests

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

allies and supporters

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Alternative strategies

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

artificial intelligence

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) AI, executive and board leadership, and our collective future. Effective Executive, 26 (3). pp. 5-29. ISSN 0972-5172

assessing consequences

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

assessing corporate performance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

balanced assessment

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

balancing business and societal growth

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Barriers to leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, culture and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XVIII (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0972-5172

benchmarking reports

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Board agendas

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

board committees

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Board contribution

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Board effectiveness

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Board Leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Board of Directors

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

board performance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Board practices

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Board responses

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Board structure

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

board support

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Boardroom issues

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Boardroom perspectives

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Boards as enablers or constraints

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Boards of directors

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Building purpose-driven business organisations and their boards. Effective Executive, 27 (3). pp. 13-38. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Building better boards

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Building relationships

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Building stakeholder relationships

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

bureaucratic leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Coping with turbulent times and tough economic conditions. Effective Executive.

business and market environment

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Business education, professional bodies and supporting communities of practitioners. Effective Executive, XVII (1). pp. 50-59.

Business and Market environments

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

business education

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Business education and corporate learning. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Business education, professional bodies and supporting communities of practitioners. Effective Executive, XVII (1). pp. 50-59.

business ethics

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Business Excellence

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Business Innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

business management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Building purpose-driven business organisations and their boards. Effective Executive, 27 (3). pp. 13-38. ISSN 0972-5172

Business model life-cycles

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Business models

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

business organisations

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Building purpose-driven business organisations and their boards. Effective Executive, 27 (3). pp. 13-38. ISSN 0972-5172

business priorities

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

business schools

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Business education and corporate learning. Effective Executive.

Business strategy

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Business Success Factors

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

career goals

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Coping with turbulent times and tough economic conditions. Effective Executive.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Categorising issues

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

CEO and the board

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership issues and developing, releasing and harnessing potential. Effective Executive, XVIII (1). pp. 19-27. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Change Management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Changing direction

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Changing Leadership Requirements

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership issues and developing, releasing and harnessing potential. Effective Executive, XVIII (1). pp. 19-27. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, culture and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XVIII (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0972-5172

Changing times

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

charismatic leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Coping with turbulent times and tough economic conditions. Effective Executive.

Chief Digital Officer (CDO)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2025) The changing roles of Chief Digital Officers in a rapidly evolving AI era. Effective Executive, 27 (4). pp. 14-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2025) The changing roles of Chief Digital Officers in a rapidly evolving AI era. Effective Executive, 27 (4). pp. 14-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2025) The changing roles of Chief Digital Officers in a rapidly evolving AI era. Effective Executive, 27 (4). pp. 14-29. ISSN 0972-5172

circular economy

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Cisco Systems

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Mentoring critical workgroups: impact on the bottom line. Effective Executive.

clever people

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

climate change

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) AI, executive and board leadership, and our collective future. Effective Executive, 26 (3). pp. 5-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

climate change adaptation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Executive, board and corporate agility. Effective Executive, 25 (1). pp. 13-33. ISSN 0972-5172

Climate resilient smart cities

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Executive, board and corporate agility. Effective Executive, 25 (1). pp. 13-33. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Collaborative capitalism

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Collaborative responses

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

collaborative thinking

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Strategic thinking and corporate governance. Effective Executive, 24 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Collective action

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Collective leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Collective Responsibility

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Commercialising ideas

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

common interests

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Common problems

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Communications Teams

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Creating and launching new and differentiated service offerings: relentless pace of innovation. Effective Executive.

Compassionate Capitalism

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.

Complex Service Offerings

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Creating and launching new and differentiated service offerings: relentless pace of innovation. Effective Executive.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

conflicts of interest

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

contemporary business environment

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Contemporary Leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Contemporary leadership requirements

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, culture and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XVIII (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0972-5172

context and need for leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Contextual considerations

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

contextual leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Continuing Professional Development

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

COP 26

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Corporate Boards

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

corporate culture

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

corporate direction

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

corporate goals

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Mentoring critical workgroups: impact on the bottom line. Effective Executive.

Corporate governance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Strategic thinking and corporate governance. Effective Executive, 24 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

corporate intranet

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Creating and launching new and differentiated service offerings: relentless pace of innovation. Effective Executive.

corporate leader

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Coping with turbulent times and tough economic conditions. Effective Executive.

corporate leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Leadership, purpose and priorities for excellence and innovation. Effective Executive, 25 (3). pp. 24-40. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Corporate priorities

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Corporate purpose

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Corporate Reputation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Corporate social responsibility

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Corporate social responsibility and the future of work. Effective Executive, 27 (1). pp. 35-65. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Corporate strategies

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Corporate strategy

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Executive, board and corporate agility. Effective Executive, 25 (1). pp. 13-33. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Corporate transformation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Corporate Trust

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

corporate visions

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Countervailing power

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Covid-19 crisis

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Covid-19 pandemic

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Creative arts

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Creative environments and innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Creative thinking

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Coaching and leadership for innovation and future-ready organizations. Effective Executive, 26 (2). pp. 5-23. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Strategic thinking and corporate governance. Effective Executive, 24 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

crisis communication

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

crisis decision making

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

crisis governance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

crisis leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

crisis life-cycles

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

crisis management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Critical Success Factors

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

Critical Thinking

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

CSR project management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, culture and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XVIII (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Culture and Entrepreneurship

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, culture and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XVIII (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0972-5172

Culture change

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

customer retention

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Mentoring critical workgroups: impact on the bottom line. Effective Executive.

cyber security

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2025) The changing roles of Chief Digital Officers in a rapidly evolving AI era. Effective Executive, 27 (4). pp. 14-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) AI, executive and board leadership, and our collective future. Effective Executive, 26 (3). pp. 5-29. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

decision making

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

democratic leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Coping with turbulent times and tough economic conditions. Effective Executive.

design departments

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Mentoring critical workgroups: impact on the bottom line. Effective Executive.

design principles

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Developing and supporting others

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

digital governance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

digital innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Coaching and leadership for innovation and future-ready organizations. Effective Executive, 26 (2). pp. 5-23. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

digital technologies

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) AI, executive and board leadership, and our collective future. Effective Executive, 26 (3). pp. 5-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Boards, governance and integrating the elements of ESG. Effective Executive, 26 (1). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Leadership, purpose and priorities for excellence and innovation. Effective Executive, 25 (3). pp. 24-40. ISSN 0972-5172

digital transformation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2025) The changing roles of Chief Digital Officers in a rapidly evolving AI era. Effective Executive, 27 (4). pp. 14-29. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Director development

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Director succession

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

Directorial skills

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

directors and boards

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Directors Aspirations and Expectations. Balancing Challenges and Change

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Disruptive technologies

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

diversity and inclusion

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Building future boards: women and diversity in leadership roles. Effective Executive, 26 (4). pp. 25-45. ISSN 0972-5172

dot-com bubble mania

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Building and managing high performance boards. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Building entrepreneurial and innovative organizations. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Communicating for employee and customer loyalty. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Engagement, ‘new leadership’ and high performance organizations. Effective Executive.

e-Mentoring tools

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Mentoring critical workgroups: impact on the bottom line. Effective Executive.

economic considerations

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

economic growth

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

economic recession

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

economic slowdown

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

economic swings

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Building and managing high performance boards. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Building entrepreneurial and innovative organizations. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Communicating for employee and customer loyalty. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Engagement, ‘new leadership’ and high performance organizations. Effective Executive.

education and training

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Business education and corporate learning. Effective Executive.

Effective Executive Magazine

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) 'New Leadership' and building an intrapreneurship culture. Effective Executive, XVII (2). pp. 11-19. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

efficiency measurement

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

electronic messages

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.

embracing opportunity

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Enabling responsible innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Enabling technologies

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Engagement and Trust

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, culture and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XVIII (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0972-5172

engaging talent

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Ensuring relevance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Entrepreneurial leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, culture and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XVIII (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0972-5172

Entrepreneurial responses

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Coaching and leadership for innovation and future-ready organizations. Effective Executive, 26 (2). pp. 5-23. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, culture and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XVIII (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Environment cities

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Environment friendly

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

environment friendly business models

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Values based and/or responsible leadership for addressing climate change. Effective Executive, 25 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Environment governance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

environmental challenges and opportunities

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Environmental challenges as business opportunities

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Environmental governance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Values based and/or responsible leadership for addressing climate change. Effective Executive, 25 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

environmental impacts

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

environmental management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Environmental strategy

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

environmental sustainability

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2025) The changing roles of Chief Digital Officers in a rapidly evolving AI era. Effective Executive, 27 (4). pp. 14-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Boards, governance and integrating the elements of ESG. Effective Executive, 26 (1). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Coaching and leadership for innovation and future-ready organizations. Effective Executive, 26 (2). pp. 5-23. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Leadership, purpose and priorities for excellence and innovation. Effective Executive, 25 (3). pp. 24-40. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Corporate social responsibility and the future of work. Effective Executive, 27 (1). pp. 35-65. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

ESG (Environmental

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Boards, governance and integrating the elements of ESG. Effective Executive, 26 (1). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Building purpose-driven business organisations and their boards. Effective Executive, 27 (3). pp. 13-38. ISSN 0972-5172

ESG investment

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Establishing creative environments

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

ethical innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Evolving issues

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Exaggerate Achievements

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

exceptional talent

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

executive coaching

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Coaching and leadership for innovation and future-ready organizations. Effective Executive, 26 (2). pp. 5-23. ISSN 0972-5172

Existential Threats

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Leadership, purpose and priorities for excellence and innovation. Effective Executive, 25 (3). pp. 24-40. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Values based and/or responsible leadership for addressing climate change. Effective Executive, 25 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

External trends and developments

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

fake news

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Family Business

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

Family Owners

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

financial breakdown

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Building and managing high performance boards. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Building entrepreneurial and innovative organizations. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Communicating for employee and customer loyalty. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Engagement, ‘new leadership’ and high performance organizations. Effective Executive.

financial fraud

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Building and managing high performance boards. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Building entrepreneurial and innovative organizations. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Communicating for employee and customer loyalty. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Engagement, ‘new leadership’ and high performance organizations. Effective Executive.

Financial Performance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.

financial services

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Mentoring critical workgroups: impact on the bottom line. Effective Executive.

financing innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Executive, board and corporate agility. Effective Executive, 25 (1). pp. 13-33. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Freedom and Diversity

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

future business models

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Values based and/or responsible leadership for addressing climate change. Effective Executive, 25 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

future implications

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Building and managing high performance boards. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Building entrepreneurial and innovative organizations. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Communicating for employee and customer loyalty. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Engagement, ‘new leadership’ and high performance organizations. Effective Executive.

future of work

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Corporate social responsibility and the future of work. Effective Executive, 27 (1). pp. 35-65. ISSN 0972-5172

Future scenarios

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Global environmental crisis

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

global organization

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Mentoring critical workgroups: impact on the bottom line. Effective Executive.

global risks

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) AI, executive and board leadership, and our collective future. Effective Executive, 26 (3). pp. 5-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Corporate social responsibility and the future of work. Effective Executive, 27 (1). pp. 35-65. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

global warming

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Values based and/or responsible leadership for addressing climate change. Effective Executive, 25 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Coaching and leadership for innovation and future-ready organizations. Effective Executive, 26 (2). pp. 5-23. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Governance and leadership implications

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

governance and risk management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Building future boards: women and diversity in leadership roles. Effective Executive, 26 (4). pp. 25-45. ISSN 0972-5172

Governance arrangements

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

governance in crisis

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Government-business relations

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Green growth

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Building future boards: women and diversity in leadership roles. Effective Executive, 26 (4). pp. 25-45. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Building purpose-driven business organisations and their boards. Effective Executive, 27 (3). pp. 13-38. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Handling Challenges

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Handling opportunities

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Harnessing the potential of groups and teams

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership issues and developing, releasing and harnessing potential. Effective Executive, XVIII (1). pp. 19-27. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Helping or hindering boards

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Holistic solutions

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Coaching and leadership for innovation and future-ready organizations. Effective Executive, 26 (2). pp. 5-23. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Corporate social responsibility and the future of work. Effective Executive, 27 (1). pp. 35-65. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

human activity

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Values based and/or responsible leadership for addressing climate change. Effective Executive, 25 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Human capital

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

human capital challenges

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

human capital investment

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

human capital management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

human resource development

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

human resource investment

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Human Resource Management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Building purpose-driven business organisations and their boards. Effective Executive, 27 (3). pp. 13-38. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Executive, board and corporate agility. Effective Executive, 25 (1). pp. 13-33. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Human Resource Management (HRM)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2025) The changing roles of Chief Digital Officers in a rapidly evolving AI era. Effective Executive, 27 (4). pp. 14-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Corporate social responsibility and the future of work. Effective Executive, 27 (1). pp. 35-65. ISSN 0972-5172

human resource strategy

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

idealistic notion

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Building and managing high performance boards. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Building entrepreneurial and innovative organizations. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Communicating for employee and customer loyalty. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Engagement, ‘new leadership’ and high performance organizations. Effective Executive.

image and corporate reputation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

impacts of Covid-19 pandemic

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Inclusive environments and strategies

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

incremental improvement

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Independent directors

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Independent judgement

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

information technology

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Innovation and Change Management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Leadership, purpose and priorities for excellence and innovation. Effective Executive, 25 (3). pp. 24-40. ISSN 0972-5172

Innovation and the board

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Innovation management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

innovation priorities

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

innovation strategies

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

inspirational leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

integrity maintainence

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Building and managing high performance boards. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Building entrepreneurial and innovative organizations. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Communicating for employee and customer loyalty. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Engagement, ‘new leadership’ and high performance organizations. Effective Executive.

intelligent steering

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

internal communications tools

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Creating and launching new and differentiated service offerings: relentless pace of innovation. Effective Executive.

International consultations

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) 'New Leadership' and building an intrapreneurship culture. Effective Executive, XVII (2). pp. 11-19. ISSN 0972-5172

international cooperation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

international pandemic leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Intrapreneurial aspirations

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) 'New Leadership' and building an intrapreneurship culture. Effective Executive, XVII (2). pp. 11-19. ISSN 0972-5172

Intrapreneurship Culture

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) 'New Leadership' and building an intrapreneurship culture. Effective Executive, XVII (2). pp. 11-19. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Issue monitoring and management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2025) The changing roles of Chief Digital Officers in a rapidly evolving AI era. Effective Executive, 27 (4). pp. 14-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Justification of Innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Knowledge entrepreneurship

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Creating and launching new and differentiated service offerings: relentless pace of innovation. Effective Executive.

Knowledge Management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Mentoring critical workgroups: impact on the bottom line. Effective Executive.

Leaders as role models

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

leaders or entrepreneurs

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Business education and corporate learning. Effective Executive.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) AI, executive and board leadership, and our collective future. Effective Executive, 26 (3). pp. 5-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Building purpose-driven business organisations and their boards. Effective Executive, 27 (3). pp. 13-38. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Coaching and leadership for innovation and future-ready organizations. Effective Executive, 26 (2). pp. 5-23. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership, business innovation and growth. Effective Executive, XIX (2). pp. 9-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership issues and developing, releasing and harnessing potential. Effective Executive, XVIII (1). pp. 19-27. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, culture and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XVIII (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Strategic thinking and corporate governance. Effective Executive, 24 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Values based and/or responsible leadership for addressing climate change. Effective Executive, 25 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Leadership and Culture

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, culture and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XVIII (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0972-5172

Leadership Challenges

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership issues and developing, releasing and harnessing potential. Effective Executive, XVIII (1). pp. 19-27. ISSN 0972-5172

Leadership Development

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

leadership qualities

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Leadership succession

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

leadership team

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

leadership team dynamics

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Leading innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

learning and sharing Covid-19 lessons

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

learning from experience

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Listening leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Long-terms growth

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Longer-term task handling

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

management revolution

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.

Managing risk

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Market based strategies

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Market solutions

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

marketing campaigns

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Mentoring critical workgroups: impact on the bottom line. Effective Executive.

marketing communications

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Creating and launching new and differentiated service offerings: relentless pace of innovation. Effective Executive.

Marketing Presentations

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Creating and launching new and differentiated service offerings: relentless pace of innovation. Effective Executive.

mass customization

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Creating and launching new and differentiated service offerings: relentless pace of innovation. Effective Executive.

measuring consequences

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

mentoring critical workgroups

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Mentoring critical workgroups: impact on the bottom line. Effective Executive.

mentoring sessions

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.

mentoring support

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

mitigation strategies

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Executive, board and corporate agility. Effective Executive, 25 (1). pp. 13-33. ISSN 0972-5172

Monitoring external developments

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

multinational corporation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Coping with turbulent times and tough economic conditions. Effective Executive.

Multiple and inter-related challenges

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Multiple timescales

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

narrowing focus

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

natural capital

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

negative externalities

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

new business models

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

New leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership issues and developing, releasing and harnessing potential. Effective Executive, XVIII (1). pp. 19-27. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) 'New Leadership' and building an intrapreneurship culture. Effective Executive, XVII (2). pp. 11-19. ISSN 0972-5172

new ways of working

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

non-executive directors

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Objective and holistic advice

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

online applications

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Mentoring critical workgroups: impact on the bottom line. Effective Executive.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Organisational considerations

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

organisational innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Organisational Leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

organisational strategy

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

organisational transformation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Organizational Change

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

organizational innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

organizational leaders

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Business education and corporate learning. Effective Executive.

Organizational Leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

organizational sphere

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Coping with turbulent times and tough economic conditions. Effective Executive.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

pandemic impacts

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

pandemic responses

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

Partnering with technology

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

people and technology

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

performance improvement

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

performance management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

performance measurement

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

performance support

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

performance support tools

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Creating and launching new and differentiated service offerings: relentless pace of innovation. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

personnel management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.

Personnel Management. corporate boards

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Policy options

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

political decision making

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

political leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Pollute the Environment

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.

Pollution prevention

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Possible future scenarios

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Preventing fraud

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Principles of Corporate Governance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) 'New Leadership' and building an intrapreneurship culture. Effective Executive, XVII (2). pp. 11-19. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Prioritising issues

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Productivity and performance tools

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

productivity improvement

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

productivity measurement

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

professional bodies and supporting communities

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Business education, professional bodies and supporting communities of practitioners. Effective Executive, XVII (1). pp. 50-59.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Programme management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

public health

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Building purpose-driven business organisations and their boards. Effective Executive, 27 (3). pp. 13-38. ISSN 0972-5172

Purpose of leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

purpose-driven business

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Building purpose-driven business organisations and their boards. Effective Executive, 27 (3). pp. 13-38. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Building purpose-driven business organisations and their boards. Effective Executive, 27 (3). pp. 13-38. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Questioning and Challenge

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Questioning corporate governance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Questioning Innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

recruiting or building talent

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Rediscovering optimism

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

regulation and governance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) AI, executive and board leadership, and our collective future. Effective Executive, 26 (3). pp. 5-29. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

regulatory constraints

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Creating and launching new and differentiated service offerings: relentless pace of innovation. Effective Executive.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

remote working

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

reporting considerations

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Required responses

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2025) The changing roles of Chief Digital Officers in a rapidly evolving AI era. Effective Executive, 27 (4). pp. 14-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

responses to Covid-19 pandemic

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Responsible boards

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Responsible business

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

responsible capitalism

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Responsible communication

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Responsible Consumption

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Responsible directors

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

responsible innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Responsible leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Restoring confidence and trust

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

retaining talent

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

risk and crisis management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

risk and uncertainty

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Strategic thinking and corporate governance. Effective Executive, 24 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

risk appetite

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

risk management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2025) The changing roles of Chief Digital Officers in a rapidly evolving AI era. Effective Executive, 27 (4). pp. 14-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

risk managers

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Risk Perceptions

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

risk registers

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Boards, governance and integrating the elements of ESG. Effective Executive, 26 (1). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Role and contribution of CEOs and boards

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Role of Boards

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Role of the Board

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership issues and developing, releasing and harnessing potential. Effective Executive, XVIII (1). pp. 19-27. ISSN 0972-5172

Role of the Chief Executive Officer

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership issues and developing, releasing and harnessing potential. Effective Executive, XVIII (1). pp. 19-27. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Science and technology governance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Strategic thinking and corporate governance. Effective Executive, 24 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

second-hand people

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Building and managing high performance boards. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Building entrepreneurial and innovative organizations. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Communicating for employee and customer loyalty. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Engagement, ‘new leadership’ and high performance organizations. Effective Executive.

Selection of Innovation Proposals

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Shared and collective leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Shared challenges

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Shared goals and objectives

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

shared objectives

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Shared tasking

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

shared understanding

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

situational leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Social Accountability

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Social and Corporate Governance issues)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Building purpose-driven business organisations and their boards. Effective Executive, 27 (3). pp. 13-38. ISSN 0972-5172

Social and Corporate Governance)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Boards, governance and integrating the elements of ESG. Effective Executive, 26 (1). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172

social and environmental performance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Strategic thinking and corporate governance. Effective Executive, 24 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Social and Environmental Responsibility

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

social and governance investment

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Social entrepreneurship

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Leadership for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XX (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

social innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

social policies

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Boards, governance and integrating the elements of ESG. Effective Executive, 26 (1). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172

social purpose

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

social responses

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Staff and Customers

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.

Stakeholder aspirations

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Stakeholder communication

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Stakeholder engagement

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Stakeholder involvement

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Stakeholder management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Stakeholder perspectives

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Stakeholder preferences

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Stakeholder priorities

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Stakeholder relationships

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Stakeholder requirements

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

stakeholder support

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Start-up entrepreneurship

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Staying ahead of the competition

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Strategic Human Resource Management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2025) The changing roles of Chief Digital Officers in a rapidly evolving AI era. Effective Executive, 27 (4). pp. 14-29. ISSN 0972-5172

strategic leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Coaching and leadership for innovation and future-ready organizations. Effective Executive, 26 (2). pp. 5-23. ISSN 0972-5172

strategic management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Strategic thinking and corporate governance. Effective Executive, 24 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Strategic planning

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Supply and value chains

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Supply Chain Management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Corporate social responsibility and the future of work. Effective Executive, 27 (1). pp. 35-65. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Values based and/or responsible leadership for addressing climate change. Effective Executive, 25 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Sustainability challenges

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

sustainability governance

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

sustainable development

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Coaching and leadership for innovation and future-ready organizations. Effective Executive, 26 (2). pp. 5-23. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Strategic thinking and corporate governance. Effective Executive, 24 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

sustainable development goals

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Corporate social responsibility and the future of work. Effective Executive, 27 (1). pp. 35-65. ISSN 0972-5172

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Boards, governance and integrating the elements of ESG. Effective Executive, 26 (1). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Responsible business strategy and corporate leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (3). pp. 14-38. ISSN 0972-5172 (Print), 0972-5172 (Online)

Sustainable energy

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Sustainable growth

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Values based and/or responsible leadership for addressing climate change. Effective Executive, 25 (4). pp. 7-29. ISSN 0972-5172

Sustainable lifestyles

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Critical thinking and responsible board leadership. Effective Executive, 25 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Leadership, purpose and priorities for excellence and innovation. Effective Executive, 25 (3). pp. 24-40. ISSN 0972-5172

Sustainable urban development

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Sustainable water management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

sustaining success

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Building and managing high performance boards. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Building entrepreneurial and innovative organizations. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Communicating for employee and customer loyalty. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Engagement, ‘new leadership’ and high performance organizations. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

talent development practices

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

talent management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

talent management strategy

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

talent pools

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Responsible leadership and engaging and retaining talent. Effective Executive, XXII (4). pp. 7-21. ISSN 0972-5172

Task handling

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Task handling constraints

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

technological change

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

technological innovation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

technological revolution

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Building and managing high performance boards. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Building entrepreneurial and innovative organizations. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Communicating for employee and customer loyalty. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2012) Engagement, ‘new leadership’ and high performance organizations. Effective Executive.

Television News Bulletins

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2013) Integrity in business and the boardroom. Effective Executive.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

The contemporary context

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Top-down leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Corporate leadership and start-up entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XIX (1). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

traditional mentoring

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Mentoring critical workgroups: impact on the bottom line. Effective Executive.

traditional methods

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.

transactional management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) Coping with turbulent times and tough economic conditions. Effective Executive.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Transformational change

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

transformational corporate leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2022) Executive, board and corporate agility. Effective Executive, 25 (1). pp. 13-33. ISSN 0972-5172

Transformational Leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Leadership qualities for confronting existential threats. Effective Executive, 27 (2). pp. 5-25. ISSN 0972-5172 (In Press)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

transforming Knowledge Management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Business education, professional bodies and supporting communities of practitioners. Effective Executive, XVII (1). pp. 50-59.


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Economic slowdown: A business and social opportunity for responsible leaders. Effective Executive, XXXIII (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172

transition and transformation journeys

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Building future boards: women and diversity in leadership roles. Effective Executive, 26 (4). pp. 25-45. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Leading organizational innovation. Effective Executive, XXIII (2). pp. 12-30. ISSN 0972-5172

UN Environment Programme

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership of innovation in contemporary circumstances. Effective Executive, XXII (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Board leadership, crisis governance and governance in crisis. Effective Executive, XXII (3). pp. 42-58. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Organisational leadership, multitasking and multiple timescales. Effective Executive, XX (3):03M-2017-09-. pp. 14-30. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Teamwork, motivation, complexity and the Board. Effective Executive, XXI (4). pp. 56-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Uncertainty as opportunity

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Unnecessary leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, culture and entrepreneurship. Effective Executive, XVIII (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0972-5172

Urban-rural divide

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

Value Chains

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Transitioning leadership and risk management. Effective Executive, XX (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2024) Building purpose-driven business organisations and their boards. Effective Executive, 27 (3). pp. 13-38. ISSN 0972-5172

vested interests

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Inspirational and/or contextual COVID-19 crisis leadership. Effective Executive, 24 (2). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172

virtual operation

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

Vision and Purpose

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

Visionary leadership

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Organisational leadership for challenging and changing times. Effective Executive, XXI (3). pp. 14-37. ISSN 0972-5172


Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2015) Leadership, strategy and the environment. Effective Executive, XVIII (3). pp. 7-18. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2014) Listening leadership. Effective Executive, XVII (3). pp. 11-18. ISSN 0972-5172

waste management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

water and energy security

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2020) Corporate Leadership for Environment Friendly and Sustainable Growth. Effective Executive, XXXIII (3). pp. 7-20. ISSN 0972-5172

Water crisis management

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2019) Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change: Leading with Innovation. Effective Executive, XXII (2). pp. 46-61. ISSN 0972-5172

Widening perspectives

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2018) Corporate leadership and governance for increasing stakeholder involvement and developing stronger connections. Effective Executive, XXI (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 0972-5171

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2017) Corporate leadership for an uncertain and cynical age. Effective Executive, XX (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 0972-5172

winning companies

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

Winning People Research Programme

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016) Entrepreneurship and family business success factors. Effective Executive, XIX (3):3M2016090201. pp. 9-24. ISSN 0972-5172

women directors

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Building future boards: women and diversity in leadership roles. Effective Executive, 26 (4). pp. 25-45. ISSN 0972-5172

women on corporate boards

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2023) Building future boards: women and diversity in leadership roles. Effective Executive, 26 (4). pp. 25-45. ISSN 0972-5172

workgroup productivity

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2011) 24/7 mentoring and performance support: new demands. Effective Executive.

working from home

Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2021) Productivity implications of repurposing and Covid-19 impacts and responses. Effective Executive, XXIV (1). pp. 55-69. ISSN 0972-5172

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