Items where Author is "Thomas, Stephen"
Thomas, Stephen ORCID: (2022) European Commission response to the energy crisis of 2022. Discussion Paper. Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU), University of Greenwich, London.
Han, Chunjia, Thomas, Stephen, Yang, Mu and Cui, Yongmei (2019) The ups and downs of open innovation efficiency: the case of Procter & Gamble. European Journal of Innovation Management. ISSN 1460-1060 (doi:10.1108/EJIM-04-2019-0108)
Yurchenko, Yuliya and Thomas, Stephen (2015) EU renewable energy policy: successes, challenges, and market reforms. Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU), Greenwich, London.
Thomas, Stephen (2013) The nuclear power plant supply chain. In: Blomme, Brian, Erwood, Steve, Schulz, Nina and Teule, Rianne, (eds.) Fukushima Fallout: Nuclear business makes people pay and suffer. Greenpeace International, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 38-62.
Thomas, Stephen (2012) Economics of nuclear energy. Focus: The Journal of the Helen Suzman Foundation (64). pp. 49-54. ISSN 1680-9822
Thomas, Stephen (2011) Gli stress test nucleari in Europa / Nuclear stress tests in Europe. AGI Energia [Website].
Thomas, Stephen (2011) Fukushima: parola fine sulla «rinascita» nucleare? Energia, 32 (2). pp. 28-35. ISSN 0392-7911
Thomas, Stephen (2011) The nuclear renaissance. Energy Economist (253). pp. 23-26. ISSN 0262-7108
Thomas, Stephen (2011) EPR sull’orlo di una crisi. QualEnergia, IX (1). pp. 36-40.
Thomas, Stephen (2010) What will be required of the British government to build the next nuclear power plant? In: Sokolski, Henry D., (ed.) Nuclear power's global expansion: weighing its costs and risks. Strategic Studies Institute, Carlisle, PA, USA, pp. 279-334. ISBN 1584874783
Thomas, Stephen (2010) The credit crunch and nuclear power. In: Sokolski, Henry D., (ed.) Nuclear power's global expansion: weighing its costs and risks. Strategic Studies Institute, Carlisle, PA, USA, pp. 125-148. ISBN 1584874783
Thomas, Stephen (2010) The history of wholesale electricity market design in Great Britain. Towards a bright future: transforming the electricity market. Green Alliance, London, pp. 10-13. ISBN 9781905869381
Thomas, Stephen (2010) The EPR in crisis. Report. PSIRU, Greenwich, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2010) The nuclear power plant shall not be mourned, but its 9bn price-tag will. Big Issue South Africa, 170.
Thomas, Stephen (2010) Obituary: the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor shall not be mourned, but its R9bn price-tag will. Big Issue (South Africa). pp. 20-23.
Thomas, Stephen (2010) Pebble bed project's closure generates explosive debate. Business Report.
Thomas, Stephen (2010) Stiamo davvero assistendo alla Rinascita Nucleare? / Is the nuclear Renaissance happening? AGI Energia.
Thomas, Stephen (2010) Burning money to stay warm. The House Magazine. p. 100.
Thomas, Stephen (2010) PBMR debacle shows how funds are being wasted on nuclear power. Cape Times. ISSN 1016-3948
Thomas, Stephen (2010) Really, Mr Huhne, you should brush up on your French. Parliamentary Brief, 12 (12). pp. 15-16. ISSN 1759-9318
Thomas, Stephen (2010) What future for nuclear power in a liberalised energy market? In: Rutledge, Ian and Wright, Philip, (eds.) UK energy policy and the end of market fundamentalism. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Oxford, UK, pp. 309-331. ISBN 978-0-19-959300-2 (hbk)
Thomas, Stephen (2010) Mercati eletricci concorrenziali e nucleare sono la risposta per il future? Energia (2). pp. 42-53. ISSN 0392-7911
Thomas, Stephen (2010) The reliability of reactors. The Independent.
Thomas, Stephen (2010) Nuclear's cost advantage over wind is suspect. Financial Times.
Thomas, Stephen (2010) No subsidies for new nuclear? Energy World. ISSN 0307-7942
Thomas, Stephen (2010) Omöjligt bygga ny kärnkraft utan statliga subventioner. Dagens Industri.
Thomas, Stephen (2010) The future of energy: are competitive markets and nuclear power the answer? In: Inaugural Professorial Lecture, 4th February 2010, University of Greenwich, Greenwich, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2010) Blair's nuclear dream faces financial meltdown. Parliamentary Brief. ISSN 1354-5507
Hall, David, Thomas, Stephen and Corral, Violeta (2009) Global experience with electricity liberalisation. In: Seminar, 19 Jan 2010, Paramadina University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Schneider, Mycle, Thomas, Stephen, Froggatt, Antony and Koplow, Doug (2009) 2009 world nuclear industry status report. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 65 (6). pp. 1-19. ISSN 0096-3402 (doi:10.2968/065006001)
Thomas, Stephen (2009) Energy planning in Brazil. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2009) The New South Wales energy reform strategy: a critique. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2009) The state of the nuclear industry in Canada and abroad. In: Presentation to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Commons of Canada, Oct 2009, Canada.
Thomas, Stephen (2009) Corporate policies in the EU energy sector. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Schneider, Mycle, Thomas, Stephen, Froggatt, Antony and Koplow, Doug (2009) The world nuclear industry status report 2009: with particular emphasis on economic issues. Discussion Paper. Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit.
Thomas, Stephen (2009) The demise of the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. ISSN 1938-3282 (eISSN)
Mez, Lutz, Schneider, Mycle and Thomas, Steve (eds.) (2009) International perspectives on energy policy and the role of nuclear power. In: Mez, Lutz, Schneider, Mycle and Thomas, Stephen, (eds.) Multi-Science Publishing, Brentwood, UK. ISBN 978-1907132117
Thomas, Stephen (2009) Nuclear power in Britain since Chernobyl: a rollercoaster ride. In: Mez, Lutz, Schneider, Mycle and Thomas, Stephen, (eds.) International perspectives on energy policy and the role of nuclear power. Multi-Science Publishing, Brentwood, UK. ISBN 978-1907132117
Thomas, Stephen (2009) PBMR: hot or not? Nuclear Engineering International, 54 (656). pp. 22-23. ISSN 0029-5507
Thomas, Stephen (2009) ENEL: business prospects and risks in nuclear energy. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2009) AREVA et EDF: perspectives commerciales et risques dans le secteur de l’énergie nucléaire. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2009) Areva and EDF: business prospects and risks in nuclear energy. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2009) Corporate policies in the EU energy sector. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen and Hall, David (2009) The financial crisis and nuclear power. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, Greenwich, London.
Thomas, Stephen (2009) Energía nuclear y competitividad económica en varios sistemas normativos. In: Campos Aragón, Leticia, (ed.) El resurgimiento de la energía nuclear: ¿una opción para el cambio climático y los países emergentes? Siglo Veintiuno Editores, Mexico City, Mexico, pp. 113-149. ISBN 978-607-03-0133-9
Thomas, Stephen, Lobstein, Tim, Whitehead, Christine, Martindale, K.A., Jones, F.M., Lobina, Emanuele ORCID:, Hall, David, George, Mike, Lennard, Linda, Lethbridge, Jane ORCID: and Simpson, Robin (2008) Poor choices: the limits of competitive markets in the provision of essential services to low-income consumers. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2008) Conclusion. Poor choices: the limits of competitive markets in the provision of essential services to low-income consumers. PSIRU, Greenwich, London, UK, pp. 281-307.
Thomas, Stephen (2008) Energy. Poor choices: the limits of competitive markets in the provision of essential services to low-income consumers. PSIRU, Greenwich, London, UK, pp. 211-280.
Thomas, Stephen (2008) Introduction. Poor choices: the limits of competitive markets in the provision of essential services to low-income consumers. PSIRU, Greenwich, London, UK, pp. 1-21.
Thomas, Stephen (2008) Memorandum submitted by the University of Greenwich: are the consumer price increases for electricity imposed in January 2008 justified? Energy prices, fuel poverty and Ofgem: eleventh report of session 2007-08. Vol. 2, Oral and written evidence. HC. 2007-08 (293-II). The Stationery Office, London, pp. 537-570. ISBN 9780215523259
Thomas, Stephen (2008) Safety issues with the South African Pebble Bed Modular Reactor: when were the issues apparent? A briefing paper. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, Greenwich, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2008) Can nuclear power plants be built in Britain without public subsidies and guarantees? Discussion Paper. PSIRU, Greenwich, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2007) UK power plant projects: will the government’s renewable targets be met? In: Mez, Lutz, (ed.) Green power markets: support schemes, case studies and perspectives. Multi-Science Publishing Company, Brentwood, UK, pp. 335-343. ISBN 978-0906522592
Thomas, Stephen (2007) A critique of the European Commission’s Impact Assessment on the legislative package for electricity and gas. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen, Erdogdu, Seyhan and Turkyilmaz, Oguz (2007) The future of the Turkish electricity industry. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2007) Electricity liberalization experiences in the world. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, Greenwich, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2007) Investment in new power generation in New South Wales: Comments by Public Service International Research Unit, University of Greenwich, London. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, Greenwich, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2007) A critique of the European Commission’s evidence of the need for ownership unbundling of energy networks. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2007) The South African nuclear power programme: submission to the Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs and Tourism. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, Greenwich, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen, Bradford, Peter, Froggatt, Antony and Milborrow, David (2007) The economics of nuclear power. Discussion Paper. PSIRU/Greenpeace International, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2007) Unbundling of electricity transmission networks: Analysis of the European Commission’s position. Technical Report. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2007) The status of the Pebble Bed Modular reactor development programme. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2007) The 2006 reviews of the electricity and gas directives. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2007) Corporate concentration in the EU energy sector. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2006) Understanding European policy on the internal market for electricity and gas: evaluation of the Electricity and Gas Directives. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2006) Electricity reform experiences in Asia, Pacific Region, GATS and privatisation of the industry. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen and Hall, David (2006) GATS and the electricity and water sectors. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2006) Recent evidence on the impact of electricity liberalisation on consumer prices. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2006) The economic risk to electricity consumers of the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2005) The European Union Gas and Electricity Directives. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2005) The economic impact of the proposed demonstration plant for the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor design. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2005) The economics of nuclear power: analysis of recent studies. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2005) New South Wales Government Energy Directions Green Paper: comments by Public Service International Research Unit, University of Greenwich, London. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2005) Electricity privatisation and restructuring in Russia and Ukraine. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen, Hall, David and Corral, Violeta (2004) Electricity privatisation and restructuring in Asia-Pacific. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2004) The UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2004) Electricity industry reforms in smaller EU countries: experience from the Nordic region. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2004) Electricity liberalisation: the beginning of the end. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2004) The Ontario Government’s proposals on electricity restructuring: Comments by Public Service International Research Unit. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2004) The British model in Britain: failing slowly. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.
Thomas, Stephen (2004) The future of research and development in the UK gas industry. Discussion Paper. PSIRU, London, UK.