Items where Author is "Symon, Graham"
active labour market policies
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
Capital and Class, 42 (2).
pp. 333-351.
ISSN 0309-8168 (Print), 2041-0980 (Online)
City of Culture
Umney, Charles and Symon, Graham (2019) Creative placemaking and the cultural projectariat: artistic work in the wake of Hull City of Culture 2017. Capital and Class, 44 (4). pp. 595-615. ISSN 0309-8168 (Print), 2041-0980 (Online) (doi:10.1177/0309816819884699)
collective bargaining
Moore, Sian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID:, Guschanski, Alexander
ORCID:, Antunes, Bethania and Symon, Graham
The resilience of collective bargaining – a renewed logic for joint regulation?
Employee Relations, 41 (2).
pp. 279-295.
ISSN 0142-5455
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
[Working Paper]
Burgess, Pete and Symon, Graham (2013) Collective bargaining unity and fragmentation in Germany: two concepts of trade unionism? Economic and Industrial Democracy, 34 (4). pp. 719-739. ISSN 0143-831X (Print), 1461-7099 (Online) (doi:10.1177/0143831X12464069)
comparative political economy
Greer, Ian and Symon, Graham (2014) Comparing workfare regimes: similarities, differences, and exceptions. [Working Paper]
comparative welfare states
Greer, Ian and Symon, Graham (2014) Comparing workfare regimes: similarities, differences, and exceptions. [Working Paper]
contracted-out public services
Greer, Ian and Symon, Graham (2018) Creaming and parking in marketised employment services: an Anglo-German comparison. Human Relations, 71 (11). pp. 1427-1453. ISSN 0018-7267 (Print), 1741-282X (Online) (doi:10.1177/0018726717745958)
Creative industries
Umney, Charles and Symon, Graham (2019) Creative placemaking and the cultural projectariat: artistic work in the wake of Hull City of Culture 2017. Capital and Class, 44 (4). pp. 595-615. ISSN 0309-8168 (Print), 2041-0980 (Online) (doi:10.1177/0309816819884699)
Cultural policy
Umney, Charles and Symon, Graham (2019) Creative placemaking and the cultural projectariat: artistic work in the wake of Hull City of Culture 2017. Capital and Class, 44 (4). pp. 595-615. ISSN 0309-8168 (Print), 2041-0980 (Online) (doi:10.1177/0309816819884699)
economic development
Symon, Graham and Kennell, James ORCID:
Configurations of localism: towards a critical research agenda?
In: Dilemmas in Human Services: 15th International Research Conference 2011, 1-2 Sep 2011, The Friends House, London, UK.
Symon, Graham and Johnson, Scott (2009) A hostile makeover? Local economic development, employment and the 'branding' of labour. In: Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 2009, 22-24 Jul 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)
economic development community unionism
Symon, Graham and Crawshaw, Jonathan (2009) Urban labour, voice and legitimacy: economic development and the emergence of community unionism. Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (2). pp. 140-155. ISSN 0019-8692 (Print), 1468-2338 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1468-2338.2008.00517.x)
Employee Relations
Veersma, Uilke, William, Laura ORCID:, Antunes, Bethania and Symon, Graham
Bargaining for Productivity: National Report UK.
Project Report.
European Commission.
Symon, Graham and Johnson, Scott (2009) A hostile makeover? Local economic development, employment and the 'branding' of labour. In: Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 2009, 22-24 Jul 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)
employment relations
Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham (eds.)
Working for the state: employment relations in the public services.
In: Corby, Susan and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK.
ISBN 978-0-27863-9 (hbk)
Gold, Michael and Veersma, Ulke
Public sector reform and employment relations in Europe.
In: Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 23-42.
ISBN 978-0230278639
Gold, Michael and Veersma, Ulke
Public sector reform and employment relations in Europe.
In: Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 23-42.
ISBN 978-0230278639
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
Capital and Class, 42 (2).
pp. 333-351.
ISSN 0309-8168 (Print), 2041-0980 (Online)
Front-line service work
Greer, Ian and Symon, Graham (2018) Creaming and parking in marketised employment services: an Anglo-German comparison. Human Relations, 71 (11). pp. 1427-1453. ISSN 0018-7267 (Print), 1741-282X (Online) (doi:10.1177/0018726717745958)
industrial relations
Burgess, Pete and Symon, Graham (2013) Collective bargaining unity and fragmentation in Germany: two concepts of trade unionism? Economic and Industrial Democracy, 34 (4). pp. 719-739. ISSN 0143-831X (Print), 1461-7099 (Online) (doi:10.1177/0143831X12464069)
institutional change
Burgess, Pete and Symon, Graham (2013) Collective bargaining unity and fragmentation in Germany: two concepts of trade unionism? Economic and Industrial Democracy, 34 (4). pp. 719-739. ISSN 0143-831X (Print), 1461-7099 (Online) (doi:10.1177/0143831X12464069)
Symon, Graham and Johnson, Scott (2009) A hostile makeover? Local economic development, employment and the 'branding' of labour. In: Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 2009, 22-24 Jul 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)
labour legislation
Burgess, Pete and Symon, Graham (2013) Collective bargaining unity and fragmentation in Germany: two concepts of trade unionism? Economic and Industrial Democracy, 34 (4). pp. 719-739. ISSN 0143-831X (Print), 1461-7099 (Online) (doi:10.1177/0143831X12464069)
labour markets
Schulte, Lisa, Greer, Ian, Umney, Charles, Iankova, Katia and Symon, Graham (2017) Insertion as an alternative to workfare: active labour market schemes in the Parisian suburbs. Journal of European Social Policy, 28 (4). pp. 326-341. ISSN 0958-9287 (Print), 1461-7269 (Online) (doi:10.1177/0958928717739237)
Greer, Ian and Symon, Graham (2014) Comparing workfare regimes: similarities, differences, and exceptions. [Working Paper]
Labour Regulation
Veersma, Uilke, William, Laura ORCID:, Antunes, Bethania and Symon, Graham
Bargaining for Productivity: National Report UK.
Project Report.
European Commission.
labour unions
Burgess, Pete and Symon, Graham (2013) Collective bargaining unity and fragmentation in Germany: two concepts of trade unionism? Economic and Industrial Democracy, 34 (4). pp. 719-739. ISSN 0143-831X (Print), 1461-7099 (Online) (doi:10.1177/0143831X12464069)
McGurk, Patrick
Leaders in public service organisations.
In: Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, pp. 166-188.
ISBN 9780230278639
McGurk, Patrick
Leaders in public service organisations.
In: Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, pp. 166-188.
ISBN 9780230278639
Symon, Graham and Crawshaw, Jonathan (2009) Urban labour, voice and legitimacy: economic development and the emergence of community unionism. Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (2). pp. 140-155. ISSN 0019-8692 (Print), 1468-2338 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1468-2338.2008.00517.x)
living wage
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
[Working Paper]
local enterprise partnerships
Symon, Graham and Kennell, James ORCID:
Configurations of localism: towards a critical research agenda?
In: Dilemmas in Human Services: 15th International Research Conference 2011, 1-2 Sep 2011, The Friends House, London, UK.
Symon, Graham and Kennell, James ORCID:
Configurations of localism: towards a critical research agenda?
In: Dilemmas in Human Services: 15th International Research Conference 2011, 1-2 Sep 2011, The Friends House, London, UK.
McGurk, Patrick
Leaders in public service organisations.
In: Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, pp. 166-188.
ISBN 9780230278639
Schulte, Lisa, Greer, Ian, Umney, Charles, Iankova, Katia and Symon, Graham (2017) Insertion as an alternative to workfare: active labour market schemes in the Parisian suburbs. Journal of European Social Policy, 28 (4). pp. 326-341. ISSN 0958-9287 (Print), 1461-7269 (Online) (doi:10.1177/0958928717739237)
Greer, Ian and Symon, Graham (2014) Comparing workfare regimes: similarities, differences, and exceptions. [Working Paper]
Marketisation of employment services
Greer, Ian and Symon, Graham (2018) Creaming and parking in marketised employment services: an Anglo-German comparison. Human Relations, 71 (11). pp. 1427-1453. ISSN 0018-7267 (Print), 1741-282X (Online) (doi:10.1177/0018726717745958)
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
Capital and Class, 42 (2).
pp. 333-351.
ISSN 0309-8168 (Print), 2041-0980 (Online)
minimum wage
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
[Working Paper]
Lethbridge, Jane ORCID:
Public sector 'ethos'.
In: Corby, Susan
ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State - Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, England, pp. 66-86.
ISBN 9780230278639
policy systems
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
Capital and Class, 42 (2).
pp. 333-351.
ISSN 0309-8168 (Print), 2041-0980 (Online)
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
[Working Paper]
Precarious work
Umney, Charles and Symon, Graham (2019) Creative placemaking and the cultural projectariat: artistic work in the wake of Hull City of Culture 2017. Capital and Class, 44 (4). pp. 595-615. ISSN 0309-8168 (Print), 2041-0980 (Online) (doi:10.1177/0309816819884699)
Private and nonprofit sector
Greer, Ian and Symon, Graham (2018) Creaming and parking in marketised employment services: an Anglo-German comparison. Human Relations, 71 (11). pp. 1427-1453. ISSN 0018-7267 (Print), 1741-282X (Online) (doi:10.1177/0018726717745958)
Veersma, Uilke, William, Laura ORCID:, Antunes, Bethania and Symon, Graham
Bargaining for Productivity: National Report UK.
Project Report.
European Commission.
Project-based work
Umney, Charles and Symon, Graham (2019) Creative placemaking and the cultural projectariat: artistic work in the wake of Hull City of Culture 2017. Capital and Class, 44 (4). pp. 595-615. ISSN 0309-8168 (Print), 2041-0980 (Online) (doi:10.1177/0309816819884699)
public investment
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
[Working Paper]
public sector
McGurk, Patrick
Leaders in public service organisations.
In: Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, pp. 166-188.
ISBN 9780230278639
public sector 'ethos'
Lethbridge, Jane ORCID:
Public sector 'ethos'.
In: Corby, Susan
ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State - Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, England, pp. 66-86.
ISBN 9780230278639
public sector employment
Symon, Graham and Corby, Susan ORCID:
Making sense of public sector employment relations in a time of crisis.
In: Corby, Susan
ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, pp. 227-237.
ISBN 978-0230278639
Symon, Graham
Organised labour and state employment.
In: Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, pp. 189-208.
ISBN 978-0230278639
public sector pay
White, Geoff
Rewarding public servants: continuity and change.
In: Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment relations in the public services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, pp. 87-107.
ISBN 978230278639
public sector reform
Gold, Michael and Veersma, Ulke
Public sector reform and employment relations in Europe.
In: Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 23-42.
ISBN 978-0230278639
public sector reforms
Lethbridge, Jane ORCID:
Public sector 'ethos'.
In: Corby, Susan
ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State - Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, England, pp. 66-86.
ISBN 9780230278639
public sector workers
Lethbridge, Jane ORCID:
Public sector 'ethos'.
In: Corby, Susan
ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State - Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, England, pp. 66-86.
ISBN 9780230278639
public service organisations
McGurk, Patrick
Leaders in public service organisations.
In: Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, pp. 166-188.
ISBN 9780230278639
public services
Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham (eds.)
Working for the state: employment relations in the public services.
In: Corby, Susan and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK.
ISBN 978-0-27863-9 (hbk)
Greer, Ian and Symon, Graham (2018) Creaming and parking in marketised employment services: an Anglo-German comparison. Human Relations, 71 (11). pp. 1427-1453. ISSN 0018-7267 (Print), 1741-282X (Online) (doi:10.1177/0018726717745958)
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
[Working Paper]
reward management
White, Geoff
Rewarding public servants: continuity and change.
In: Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment relations in the public services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, pp. 87-107.
ISBN 978230278639
trade unions
Symon, Graham and Corby, Susan ORCID:
Making sense of public sector employment relations in a time of crisis.
In: Corby, Susan
ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, pp. 227-237.
ISBN 978-0230278639
Symon, Graham
Organised labour and state employment.
In: Corby, Susan ORCID: and Symon, Graham, (eds.)
Working for the State: Employment Relations in the Public Services.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, pp. 189-208.
ISBN 978-0230278639
Veersma, Uilke, William, Laura ORCID:, Antunes, Bethania and Symon, Graham
Bargaining for Productivity: National Report UK.
Project Report.
European Commission.
Moore, Sian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID:, Guschanski, Alexander
ORCID:, Antunes, Bethania and Symon, Graham
The resilience of collective bargaining – a renewed logic for joint regulation?
Employee Relations, 41 (2).
pp. 279-295.
ISSN 0142-5455
urban labour
Symon, Graham and Crawshaw, Jonathan (2009) Urban labour, voice and legitimacy: economic development and the emergence of community unionism. Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (2). pp. 140-155. ISSN 0019-8692 (Print), 1468-2338 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1468-2338.2008.00517.x)
Symon, Graham and Crawshaw, Jonathan (2009) Urban labour, voice and legitimacy: economic development and the emergence of community unionism. Industrial Relations Journal, 40 (2). pp. 140-155. ISSN 0019-8692 (Print), 1468-2338 (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1468-2338.2008.00517.x)
Greer, Ian and Symon, Graham (2018) Creaming and parking in marketised employment services: an Anglo-German comparison. Human Relations, 71 (11). pp. 1427-1453. ISSN 0018-7267 (Print), 1741-282X (Online) (doi:10.1177/0018726717745958)
wage restraint
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
Capital and Class, 42 (2).
pp. 333-351.
ISSN 0309-8168 (Print), 2041-0980 (Online)
wage share
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
[Working Paper]
wage-led growth
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
[Working Paper]
Moore, Sian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID:, Guschanski, Alexander
ORCID:, Antunes, Bethania and Symon, Graham
The resilience of collective bargaining – a renewed logic for joint regulation?
Employee Relations, 41 (2).
pp. 279-295.
ISSN 0142-5455
welfare reform
Schulte, Lisa, Greer, Ian, Umney, Charles, Iankova, Katia and Symon, Graham (2017) Insertion as an alternative to workfare: active labour market schemes in the Parisian suburbs. Journal of European Social Policy, 28 (4). pp. 326-341. ISSN 0958-9287 (Print), 1461-7269 (Online) (doi:10.1177/0958928717739237)
Greer, Ian and Symon, Graham (2014) Comparing workfare regimes: similarities, differences, and exceptions. [Working Paper]
Umney, Charles, Greer, Ian, Onaran, Özlem ORCID: and Symon, Graham
The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis.
Capital and Class, 42 (2).
pp. 333-351.
ISSN 0309-8168 (Print), 2041-0980 (Online)
Greer, Ian and Symon, Graham (2014) Comparing workfare regimes: similarities, differences, and exceptions. [Working Paper]