Items where Greenwich Author is "Al-Rifaie, Dr. Mohammad Majid"
Basu, Aniket ORCID:, Oroojeni, Hooman
ORCID:, Samakovitis, Georgios
ORCID: and Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid
Three-dimensional drone cell placement: drone placement for optimal coverage.
Future Internet, 16 (11):401.
ISSN 1999-5903 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Cavazza, Marc
Evolutionary optimisation of beer organoleptic properties: a simulation framework.
Foods, 11 (3):351.
ISSN 2304-8158 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
Exploration and exploitation zones in a minimalist swarm optimiser.
Entropy, 23 (8):977.
ISSN 1099-4300
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:, Fol Leymarie, Frédéric, Latham, William and Bishop, Mark
Swarmic autopoiesis and computational creativity.
Connection Science, 29 (4).
pp. 276-294.
ISSN 0954-0091 (Print), 1360-0494 (Online)
Javaheri Javid, Mohammad Ali, Blackwell, Tim, Zimmer, Robert and Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
Analysis of information gain and Kolmogorov complexity for structural evaluation of cellular automata configurations.
Connection Science, 28 (2).
pp. 155-170.
ISSN 0954-0091 (Print), 1360-0494 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:, Cropley, Arthur, Cropley, David and Bishop, Mark
On evil and computational creativity.
Connection Science, 28 (2).
pp. 171-193.
ISSN 0954-0091 (Print), 1360-0494 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Blackwell, Tim
Cognitive bare bones particle swarm optimisation with jumps.
International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR), 7 (1).
pp. 1-31.
ISSN 1947-9263 (Print), 1947-9271 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:, Aber, Ahmed and Hemanth, Duraiswamy Jude
Deploying swarm intelligence in medical imaging identifying metastasis, micro-calcifications and brain image segmentation.
IET Systems Biology, 9 (6).
pp. 234-244.
ISSN 1751-8849 (Print), 1751-8857 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Bishop, John Mark
Stochastic diffusion search review.
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 4 (3).
pp. 155-173.
ISSN 2080-9778 (Print), 2081-4836 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:, Bishop, John Mark and Blackwell, Tim
Information sharing impact of stochastic diffusion search on differential evolution algorithm.
Memetic Computing, 4 (4).
pp. 327-338.
ISSN 1865-9284 (Print), 1865-9292 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:, Bishop, Marc and Caines, Suzanne
Creativity and autonomy in swarm intelligence systems.
Cognitive Computation, 4.
pp. 320-331.
ISSN 1866-9956 (Print), 1866-9964 (Online)
Book Section
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Bishop, Mark
Weak and Strong Computational Creativity.
Computational Creativity Research: Towards Creative Machines.
Atlantis Thinking Machines, 7
Atlantis Press, Paris, pp. 37-49.
ISBN 978-9462390843
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:, Ursyn, Anna and Wyeld, Theodor
The Art of Coding: The Language of Drawing, Graphics, and Animation.
Chapman and Hall/CRC, New York.
ISBN 978-1138629646
Conference Proceedings
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Blackwell, Tim
Tomographic reconstruction with search space expansion.
In: GECCO '23: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. July 15th - 19th 2023.
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO)
Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, pp. 1286-1293.
ISBN 979-8400701191
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Blackwell, Tim
Swarm led tomographic reconstruction.
In: GECCO '22: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference.
UNSPECIFIED, pp. 1121-1129.
ISBN 9781450392372
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Blackwell, Tim
Swarm optimised few-view binary tomography.
In: Applications of Evolutionary Computation 25th European Conference, EvoApplications 2022.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13224
Springer, pp. 30-45.
ISBN 978-3031024610
ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
Investigating knowledge-based exploration-exploitation balance in a minimalist swarm optimiser.
In: 2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). Poland, Krakow. 28.06-.01.07. 2021.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Piscataway, New Jersey. US, pp. 2273-2280.
ISBN 978-1728183930/21 ; 978-1-7281-8393-0 ; 978-1-7281-8392-3 ; 978-1-7281-8394-7
Aparajeya, Prashant, Leymarie, Frederic Fol and Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
Swarm-based identification of animation key points from 2D-medialness maps.
In: EvoMUSART 2019: Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 11453)
Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 69-83.
ISBN 978-3-030-16666-3
Oroojeni, Hooman ORCID:, Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid
ORCID: and Nicolaou, Mihalis A
Deep neuroevolution: training deep neural networks for false alarm detection in intensive care units.
In: 2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). Rome, Italy. 3-7 Sept. 2018.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Piscataway, New Jersey. US, pp. 1157-1161.
ISBN 978-9082797015; 978-9082797008; 978-1538637364
ISSN 2219-5491 (Print), 2076-1465 (Online)
Alhakbani, Haya and Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
Feature selection using stochastic diffusion search.
In: GECCO '17: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference.
ACM, pp. 385-392.
ISBN 978-1450349208
Alhakbani, Haya Abdullah and Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
A swarm intelligence approach in undersampling majority class.
In: 10th International Conference, ANTS 2016, Brussels, Belgium, September 7-9, 2016, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9882
Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 225-232.
ISBN 978-3319444277
ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)
Bishop, Mark and Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
Autopoiesis in creativity and art.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
ACM, New York, USA.
ISBN 978-1450343077
Javaheri Javid, Mohammed Ali, Blackwell, Tim, Zimmer, Robert and Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
Correlation between human aesthetic judgement and spatial complexity measure.
In: EvoMUSART 2016: Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series, 9596
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Cham, pp. 79-91.
ISBN 978-3-319-31007-7 ; 978-3-319-31008-4
ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Blackwell, Tim
Binary Tomography Reconstruction by Particle Aggregation.
In: Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 19th European Conference, EvoApplications 2016, Porto, Portugal, March 30 -- April 1, 2016, Proceedings, Part I.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9597
Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 754-769.
ISBN 978-3319312033
ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Fatimah Majid and Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
Investigating stochastic diffusion search in DNA sequence assembly problem.
In: Proceedings of 2015 SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys). 10-11 November 2015 London, UK.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), New Jersey, USA, pp. 625-631.
ISBN 978-1467376068
Javaheri Javid, Mohammad Ali, Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Zimmer, Robert
Swarm intelligence approach in detecting spatially-independent symmetries in cellular automata.
In: 2015 SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys).
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Piscataway, New Jersey, US, pp. 632-639.
ISBN 978-1467376068
Javaheri Javid, Mohammad Ali, Zimmer, Robert, Ursyn, Anna and Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
A quantitative approach for detecting symmetries and complexity in 2D plane.
In: Theory and Practice of Natural Computing. Fourth International Conference, TPNC 2015, Mieres, Spain, December 15-16, 2015. Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS), 9477
Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 150-160.
ISBN 978-3319268408
ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)
Javaheri Javid, Mohammad Ali, Blackwell, Tim, Zimmer, Robert and Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
Information gain measure for structural discrimination of cellular automata configurations.
In: 2015 7th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC).
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Colchester, UK, pp. 47-52.
ISBN 978-1467394819
Javaheri Javid, Mohammad Ali, Blackwell, Tim, Zimmer, Robert and Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
Spatial complexity measure for characterising cellular automata generated 2D patterns.
In: Progress in Artificial Intelligence. 17th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2015, Coimbra, Portugal, September 8-11, 2015. Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS), 9273
Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 201-212.
ISBN 978-3319234854
ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Aber, Ahmed
Dispersive flies optimisation and medical imaging.
In: Recent Advances in Computational Optimization.
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 610
Springer, pp. 183-203.
ISBN 978-3319211329
ISSN 1860-949X (Print), 1860-9503 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Asmaa Majid and Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
Generative music with stochastic diffusion search.
In: EvoMUSART 2015: Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS), 9027
Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-14.
ISBN 978-3319164977
ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
Dispersive Flies Optimisation.
In: Proceedings of the 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems.
Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, 2
FedCSIS, pp. 529-538.
ISBN 978-8360810583
ISSN 2300-5963 (Print), 2300-5963 (Online)
Javaheri Javid, Mohammad Ali, Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Zimmer, Robert
Detecting symmetry in cellular automata generated patterns using swarm intelligence.
In: Theory and Practice of Natural Computing Third International Conference, TPNC 2014, Granada, Spain, December 9-11, 2014. Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS), 8890
Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 83-94.
ISBN 978-3319137483
ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Bishop, Mark
Swarmic paintings and colour attention.
In: Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design Second International Conference, EvoMUSART 2013, Vienna, Austria, April 3-5, 2013. Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS), 7834
Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 97-108.
ISBN 978-3642369544
ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Bishop, Mohammad
Swarmic sketches and attention mechanism.
In: Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design Second International Conference, EvoMUSART 2013, Vienna, Austria, April 3-5, 2013. Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS), 7834
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 85-96.
ISBN 978-3642369544
ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Bishop, Mark
Swarm intelligence and weak artificial creativity.
In: Creativity and (Early) Cognitive Development: A perspective from Artificial Creativity, Developmental AI and Robotics.
AAAI Spring Symposium Series 2013 AAAI Spring Symposium Series
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Press, Palo Alto, California, pp. 14-19.
ISBN 978-1577355991
al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Blackwell, Tim
Bare bones particle swarms with jumps.
In: Swarm Intelligence 8th International Conference, ANTS 2012, Brussels, Belgium, September 12-14, 2012. Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS), 7461
Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 49-60.
ISBN 978-3642326493
ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online)
al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID: and Aber, Ahmed
Identifying metastasis in bone scans with stochastic diffusion search.
In: 2012 International Symposium on Information Technologies in Medicine and Education.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Hokkaido, Japan, pp. 519-523.
ISBN 978-1467321082
al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:, Bishop, John Mark and Blackwell, Tim
Resource allocation and dispensation impact of stochastic diffusion search on differential evolution algorithm.
In: Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization (NICSO 2011).
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 387
Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 21-40.
ISBN 978-3642240935
ISSN 1860-949X (Print), 1860-9503 (Online)
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:, Bishop, Mark John and Blackwell, Tim
An investigation into the merger of stochastic diffusion search and particle swarm optimisation.
In: Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation.
ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 37-44.
ISBN 978-1-4503-0557-0
Working Paper
Al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid ORCID:
Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Techniques for Real World Applications.
[Working Paper]