The International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies will publish book
reviews on major books across fields and sub-
Guidelines for Book Reviews
The IJMCS seeks reviews that assess a book’s strengths
and weaknesses and locate it within the current field of scholarship. A review should
not simply be a listing of contents, though its overall organization and emphasis
are up to the individual reviewer. Reviewers should avoid lists of minor imperfections
(e.g., misplaced commas) but should not hesitate to draw attention to serious editorial
problems and errors of fact or interpretation. It is also helpful if reviewers indicate
for which audiences and libraries the book seems appropriate. The Book Review Editors
reserve the right to edit for content and length. In summary, book reviews should
be timely and objective and should consider the following:
Book reviews for the International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies
should be should be double spaced, using a standard sized font. All material, including
long quotes, should be double-
The review should begin with a hanging indent paragraph for each book in the review that includes its title, subtitle, author/s or (editor/s), and publishing information in the following format:
All subsequent paragraphs should be indented. There are no footnotes in The International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies book reviews. References to texts not under review should be parenthetical only. Also, please type your name and institution, exactly as you wish it to be published, at the end of the review. For example: Patrick Ainley, University of Greenwich, UK.
The following information should be given about the book being reviewed at the start of each review: