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Items where Year is 2002

Items where Year is 2002

Group by: Creators | Item Type | Uncontrolled Keywords | No Grouping
"Lady Audley's secret" "London Journal" (CFD) (FV) (ISM) 3-dimensional shapes Ab initio access to e-information for older adults accident prevention accommodating older users functional capabalities accounting accounting standards acquisition acqusition action learning acuisition AD/HD adaptive antenna arrays adhesive flows adhesives adrenaline Advanced Ship Evacuation Simulation Software Product Africa african american age aggregation pheromone Agricultural markets agriculture agriculture poor agrochemicals aid shipments air pollution aircraft design aircraft emergency exits aircraft escape devices aircraft evacuation alabama aldehydes algorithms anthocyanins antinutritionals components Antisense applications approximation approximation algorithm aquaculture aquatic animals architecture arctic Armenia aromatic compounds array signal processing assembling Assessing interface inclusivity throughout the design process assessment methods assistive haptic interfaces motion-impaired users assistive technology asthma Australian indigenous experience avalanche photodiodes axisymmetric contraction Begomovirus Beijing Bemisia tabaci Benzyl 2-hydroxy-6-methoxybenzoate Betul Biofactory Birkbeck College black and ethnic minorities black oil model blood flow book review book-as-object book-as-text books Brasov Brassica Britain British buildings Bulgaria bulk solids bus-based shared memory buyout CAD/CAM CAD/CAM/CNC CADICAMICNC caking Cambridge workshop cancer careers CArG element CArG elements Carl Jung Case Based Reasoning case-based reasoning cassava cassava processing methods casting casting design CBO CBR CBR competence CBR performance Central Europe CFD CFD pipe bends characterisation charge in measurement chemical and non-chemical management children China circuit reliability cities citizenship civil procedural law civil war civilians class clinical populations coal mining coastal engineering cocoa coconut pest code of practice coffee cognitive behavioural therapy cold crucible Coleoptera combinatorics commercial shipments Commonwealth of Independant States communication networks communities community based organisation complex geometries complexity computational aeroacoustics computational fluid dynamics computational mathematics computational mathematics and numerical analysis computational mechanics computational modeling computational modelling computational physics computational solid mechanics computational study computer cmmunication networks computer communication networks computational mathematics computer input computer modelling computer networks computer simulation computers computing computing language conditional mean extinction time conducting polymers conductive adhesive conformation constraints contact continental law continuous casting continuum mechanics continuum model continuum modelling contraction flows copper cortisol cotton coupled solvers cranioplasty creep crevice traps critical reception CRM cross-language information retrieval crossword Cu column Cu columns cultivar curing curriculum developments cursor cursor characterisation cursor measures motion-impaired computer users Cursor studies cursorr measures for motion-impaired computer users Customer Relationship Management customer satifaction cyanogens Czech Republic D1 protein dairy damage death Deathwatch beetle Xestobium rufovillosum Coleoptera Anobiidae Quercus sp. host selection behaviour chemo-orientation behaviour oviposition timber pest wood-decaying fungi Donkioporia expansa decentralisation India deck landing aircraft defect correction method defect correction methods defining design exclusion deforestation degradation delamination delays Depression deserts design design and manufacture design for manufacture designing for inclusivity - assessing the accessibility of everyday products Developing developing assistive interfaces for motion-impaired users using cursor movement analysis haptic feedback development diatomaceous earths differential–integral equation digital broadcasting digital simulation dihydropyrans direct smelting processes direction-of-arrival estimation discrete element discrimination in education disease dispersion distributed computing distributed memory systems distributed systems technology diversification document retrieval Doli Drop jump ductility dust dynamic solid mechanics EAG Eastern Europe EBD ecological monitoring ecology economic development economy ecotoxicology education effective linear solver eighteenth century novel electroless Ni–P layer electromagnetic compatibility electromagnetic field electronic components electronic design automation electronic engineering computing Electronic Packaging electronic products electronic signature electrostatic charging EMG step aerobics emloyment employment employment relations England English language environment environmental impact enzymes equations equilibrium distribution erosion ethical trade Ethiopia Eulerian European futures evacuation modelling evacuation simulation EXODUS software exoticism explanation-based learning export extinction probability extrusion failure analysis farmer farmer coping strategies farmers perspectives fatigue fatigue of materials feminism feminist theory field applications field trapping filled polymers final partition finance financial crisis financial institutions financial services finite difference time-domain analysis Finite Volume finite volume method finite volume methods first world war fish fisheries flight traps flip chip flip chip devices flip chip packaging flip-chip devices flip-chip devices printed circuit manufacture flip-chip packaging flow behaviour fluid dynamics fluid structure interaction fluorous fluorous biphasic catalysis fluorous synthesis food crop food security Force feedback force-feedback forest forging Foundation of Exotic Studies foundry foundry industry free surface free-surface freeze layer modelling freeze layers French language fresh produce FtsH Functional impairments Case studies further education Gas chromatography gas–solid flow Gauss–Huard method GDEPT gender gender relations gene therapy generalised Markov branching processes (GMBP) generalised Markov branching processes with resurrection Generalized Markov Branching Processes geographical distribution geometric conservation law geometrical optics Georgia Ghana glaciology globalisation glucosidases GMBP grain protection grain stores grain trade granular material graph-partitioning graphs Great Britain Greenwich Gresham College group dynamics group theory guided waves hairdressing haptic haptic interfaces HE health health care workers heat heat conduction heat transfer heuristics higher education highway history history of mathematics hormone replacement therapy hormones horticulture housing housing layout housing policy HRE HRP/IAA human behaviour human rights humanism humans humidity Hungary hydration hydraulics & hydrodynamics hydrogen bonding hydrology hypercube networks hypercube scheme hypoxia ice image analysis impact impacts implant import impulsivity inclusive design inclusive design diagnosis ONS Scales income India Indonesia indoor radio induction skull melting inertia informal grain movement information asymmetries information retrieval systems information technology integrated circuit modelling integrated circuit reliability integrated packages integrated software module integrity control interfaces (materials) internet interpersonal therapy investigating haptic assistive interfaces for motion impaired users: force-channels competitive attractive-basins investment investment loans investment property portfolio isometric exercise training isotherms issues Jackson Structured Programming (JSP) Jacques Derrida Jean-Luc Nancy jury service justice Kampala Kent Kentish Stour Kenya Kim Scott knowledge construction knowledge management knowledge-based systems Krylov subspace methods Kumi Lagrangian large scale large scale testing large-scale engineering processes larger grain borer lase welding laser laser beam welding latex gloves Latin America laws and legislation lecture review legislation Leonhard Euler Lewis acid Liberalisation lifetime prediction light traps lignification linamarin linear system linear systems linguistics linkages liquid–liquid extraction livelihood livelihoods load-balancing load-balancing issues loans local government lotaustralin M&A Macedonia machine translation Madhya Madhya Pradesh magistrates magnetic fields maize management mark-up rates market chain market development market intervention market linkage development marketing markets Markov branching processes Markov branching processes (MBP) Mary Braddon masculinity mass flow discharge mass spectrometry mass transfer materials handling equipment mathematical and computational physics mathematical modelling mathematical physics mathematicians mathematics mathematics of computing Maurice Blanchot Maxwell equations mean extinction time mechanical permeability meeting review melting processes memoirs memory merger mesh generation message passing meta-heuristic for TSP metal extraction metal forming meteorological data Methods Engineering process Methyl 2-hydroxy-6-methoxybenzoate Methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate Methyl 3-hydroxybenzoate Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate Methyl salicylate metro micro-enterprise micro-mechanical parametrisations micro-physical parametrizations microclimatic design microelectronic processing microfinance microwave microwave cooking microwave cure microwave heating military minimising exclusion by design mitigation miulti-phsyics mobile communication mobile devices model human processor model sensitivity modeling modelling modelling polymerisation modularisation moisture Moldova molecular modeling mosaic disease motion-impaired motion-impaired users Multi-physics modeling multi-scale multi-scale computational simulations multi-scale problems multilevel refinement for combinatorial problems multimedia content multimedia systems multiphysics Narshimpur nation National Minimum Wage natural resources Negev Desert Neighbourhood Renewal Fund network infrastructures networks/graphs new york city Newmark algorithm Newton Raphson NGO NHS NHS reform nineteenth century NMR non-agricutural non-farm non-farm employment non-government organisation non-linear non-Newtonian flow non-shared resources noradrenaline nucleic acid nucleobase numerical analysis numerical modelling Numerical Optimilation nurses nursing object-oriented analysis and design Oldroyd B model Oldroyd-B onchocerciasis OOAD optimization optimization by multilevel refinement ordinary ergodicity organic xenobiotics Orissa orthostatic tolerance overseas development paediatrics Panchayat Raj parallel algorithms parallel computers parallel dedicated machines parallel machines parallel mesh based computational mechanics codes parallel mesh partitioning algorithms parallel multiphysics parallel programming parameterisation participation participatory appraisal particle size analysis particulate charging partition quality passenger loads pay system PCET pennsylvania performance Peru pest management pest management decision making pesticide pH pheromone traps photosystem 2 PHYSICA physical object book planar contraction planes plant peroxidases plastic deformation plates platinum group metals pneumatic conveyors pointing device Poland policy political integration politics Polygalaceae poor porous media heat transfer post-compulsory education and training postharvest storage systems poverty poverty reduction powders practical inclusive interface design approach Pradesh preconditioner prevention primary care Prins and silyl-Prins reactions probability process engineering industry producer organisation development production promoters property appraisal property appraisal property investment property development property finance property market property surveys property valuation proscribed pests Prostephanus truncatus protease psychodinamic therapy psychology public health public sector workers Purcell elimination method puzzles pyrethrum quality assurance quantifying design exclusion quarantine race relations radiation radiotherapy radiowave propagation railways rainfall Rakai rapid prototyping Rapid Prototyping (RP) rapid tooling ray tracing readers Reading real estate finance reflections on design practice reflow reflow soldering refractory wear regeneration registration of engineers regular equivalence regulatory compliance relational structures reliability reliability study remote sensing remote-sensing remuneration repartitioning Reporter gene research researchers residential property transaction costs Response Surface resting blood pressure reward system rheology rhizosphere Ribozyme risk risk management risk warning RNA Romania roof construction Rowing ergometry Royal Naval College Greenwich Royal Statistical Society rural rural employment rural poor rural poverty Russia Russian Commonwealth safety standards sampling sampling plans sand castings Sarah Kofman Savannah scalability scanning acoustic microscopes Scapanes Scarabaeidae seafood Securidaca longepedunculata security sediments segregation semi-Lagrangian semiconductor device packaging semiconductor lasers semiconductor process modelling sensitivity analysis servicemen services sesquicentenary sexuality shelf-life ship evacuation ships shop scheduling similarity measure simulation Simulium damnosum cytospecies skin allergy skin disorders slag-refractory interactions Slovenia small-scale dispersion models smallholder smallholder grain protection smallholder storage smelting processes snow social class social entrepreneurs social network analysis social responsibility society socio-economic software and operating systems software engineering software engineering/programming and operating systems software operating systems software programming soil pollution soil yeast solder alloy solder paste solder pastes soldered joints soldering solid mechanics solidification solid–liquid extraction sorghum south South Africa spatial reasoning spreadsheet spreadsheet errors spreadsheet models SRF standards state statistical education statistics steelmaking stencils stochastic modelling storage (materials) storage loss assessment storage root stored grain and pulses stored products Strategies street canyon stress stress analysis strong ergodicity structural adjustment structural design structured methodology structured methods structured spreadsheet development Sub-Saharan Africa subversion suction traps sugar supportive therapy surface mount technology survey techniques sweet potato sympathy synergy effect takeover taxonomy tea teacher and parent ratings Teenage mothers television broadcasting television studios temperature distribution terrorism tertiary education thatching The Columbus Model theory theory of computation thermal thermal expansion Thermal Management thermal management (packaging) thermal stresses tipping-bucket Togo tourism toxicology trade trade liberalization trade union trade unions traditional grain protectants traffic emissions training training of nurses trains transaction cost transgenic fish transient response transient structural dynamics transition country transition economy transmission transport transversely isotropic plate tropical tropics tundish tungsten accumulation turbulence modelling turbulent fluid flow Turkey Uganda Uganda marketing UK Ukraine uncertainty underfill understanding how to improve accessibility of computers through cursor control studies understanding the range of user capabilities unions uniqueness united states universal access urban canyon urban development urban rail urine user models user physical capability User-aware design using cursor measures to determine computer input assistancee motion-impaired users validation valuation value chain analysis Var2 vertex-based virginia Virtual Environments viscoelastic flow wage flexibility Wales war Warehouse receipts water model water pollution welding arc welding phenomena western values whitefly widening participation William Burnside wings wireless LAN women worst-case analysis wound healing X ray microscopes youth Zanzibar
Number of items: 1198.

"Lady Audley's secret"

King, Andrew ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Sympathy as subversion? Reading Lady Audley’s Secret in the kitchen. Journal of Victorian Culture, 7 (1). pp. 60-85. ISSN 1355-5502 (Print), 1750-0133 (Online) (doi:10.3366/jvc.2002.7.1.60)

"London Journal"

King, Andrew ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Sympathy as subversion? Reading Lady Audley’s Secret in the kitchen. Journal of Victorian Culture, 7 (1). pp. 60-85. ISSN 1355-5502 (Print), 1750-0133 (Online) (doi:10.3366/jvc.2002.7.1.60)


Christakis, Nicholas, Chapelle, Pierre, Patel, Mayur, Cross, Mark, Bridle, Ian, Abou-Chakra, Hadi and Baxter, John (2002) Utilising computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the modelling of granular material in large-scale engineering processes. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part 1 (2329). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 743-752. ISBN 9783540435914 ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online) (doi:10.1007/3-540-46043-8_75)


Croft, T.N., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Bobadilla, M. and Gardin, P. (2002) Three-phase computations of the continuous casting process. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Continuous Casting Conference. IOM Communications Ltd, London, England, UK, pp. 545-554.


Bojarevics, V. ORCID logoORCID:, Djambazov, G. ORCID logoORCID:, Harding, R.A., Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID: and Wickins, M. (2002) Investigation of the cold crucible melting process: experimental and numerical study. In: Proceedings of the 5th International pamir Conference. Cost P6 Annual Workshop 2002. Fundamental and Applied MHD. International pamir Conference, II.77-II.82.

3-dimensional shapes

Mileman, Tony, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos, Cowell, Don and Ewer, J. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Case-based retrieval of 3-dimensional shapes for the design of metal castings. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 13 (1). pp. 39-45. ISSN 0956-5515 (Print), 1572-8145 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1013676928961)

Ab initio

Acharya, Parag ORCID logoORCID: and Chattopadhyaya, Jyoti B (2002) The hydrogen bonding and hydration of 2′-OH in adenosine and adenosine 3′-ethyl phosphate. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 67 (6). pp. 1852-1865. ISSN 0022-3263 (Print), 1520-6904 (Online) (doi:10.1021/jo010960j)

access to e-information for older adults

Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkeson, John and Robinson, Peter (2002) Providing access to e-information for older adults. In: BCS HCI 2002, 3rd September, 2002, South Bank University, London, UK.

accident prevention

Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240

accommodating older users functional capabalities

Dong, Hua, Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID: and Clarkson, John (2002) Accommodating older users' functional capabilities. In: BCS HCI 2002, 3rd September, 2002, South Bank University, London, UK.


Vellam, Iwona (2002) The convergence of Polish accounting to international accounting standards: a comparative treatment of fixed asset within a wider European context. MRes thesis, University of Greenwich.

accounting standards

Vellam, Iwona (2002) The convergence of Polish accounting to international accounting standards: a comparative treatment of fixed asset within a wider European context. MRes thesis, University of Greenwich.


Herdan, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Historyczne uwarunkowania procesów laczenia sie przedsiebiorstw / Mergers and acquisition – the historical perspective. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie / The Scientific Journal of The University of Economics in Krakow, 591. pp. 49-60.


Herdan, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Prawne uwarunkowania laczenia sie podmiotów gospodarczych w Polsce / The Legal Framework of M&A in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie / The Scientific Journal of The University of Economics in Krakow, 565. pp. 97-110.

action learning

Graham, Deryn (2002) Implications for the scheduling of theory versus application in learning. In: 3rd Annual Conference of the LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Sciences [Proceedings]. LTSN (Learning and Teaching Support Network) / ICS (Centre for Information and Computer Sciences), Newtonabbey, Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK, pp. 11-14. ISBN 0954192710


Herdan, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID: and Czubala, Joanna (2002) Ocena polaczenia Banku Rozwoju Eksportu S.A. i Polskiego Bank Rozwoju S.A. na podstawie globalnego i dziedzinowego efektu synergii / The Estimation of The Merger of Bank Rozwoju Eksportu S.A. and Polski Bank Rozwoju S.A. Based on the Global and Domain Synergy Effect. Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowosci / Scientific Journal of Accounting,, 11 (67). pp. 24-42. ISSN 1641-4381


Norwich, Brahm, Cooper, Paul and Maras, Pamela F. (2002) Attentional and activity difficulties: findings from a national study. Support For Learning, 17 (4). pp. 182-186. ISSN 0268-2141 (doi:10.1111/1467-9604.00262)

adaptive antenna arrays

Nasr, K.M. ORCID logoORCID:, Costen, F. and Barton, S.K. (2002) An application of smart antenna systems for archiving networks in TV studios. In: The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. IEEE, pp. 232-236. ISBN 0780375890 (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1046695)

adhesive flows

Glinski, G.P., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Durairaj, R. and Ekere, N.N. (2002) Rheological characterization and multi-scale computational simulations of electrically conductive adhesive flows. In: IMAPS - Europe Cracow 2002, 16-18 June 2002, Cracow, Poland.


Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)


Deane, R., Chummun, H. and Prashad, D. (2002) Differences in urinary stress hormones in male and female nurses at different ages. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37 (3). pp. 304-310. ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2648.2002.02082.x)

Advanced Ship Evacuation Simulation Software Product

Galea, E. ORCID logoORCID:, Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P. ORCID logoORCID:, Sharp, G, Blackshields, D. ORCID logoORCID: and Glen, Ian (2002) The development of an advanced ship evacuation simulation software product and associated large scale testing facility for the collection of human shipboard behaviour data. In: RINA. International Conference. Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation, 2-3 October 2002. Papers. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London, UK, pp. 37-50. ISBN 9780903055819


Chan, Man-Kwun (2002) Facing the challenge: Applying codes of practice in the smallholder sector. Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Goodwin, Harold, Spenceley, Anna and Maynard, Bill (2002) Development of responsible tourism guidelines for South Africa (Final report). Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

african american

Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: Daniel Letwin, The challenge of interracial unionism: Alabama coal miners, 1878–1921 (Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1998, £39.95). Pp. 289. ISBN 0 8078 4678 3. Journal of American Studies, 36 (1). pp. 151-198. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1017/S0021875802386808)


Deane, R., Chummun, H. and Prashad, D. (2002) Differences in urinary stress hormones in male and female nurses at different ages. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37 (3). pp. 304-310. ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2648.2002.02082.x)

aggregation pheromone

Rochat, Didier, Morin, Jean-Paul, Kakul, Titus, Beaudoin-Ollivier, Laurence, Prior, Robert, Renou, Michel, Malosse, Isabelle, Stathers, Tanya ORCID logoORCID:, Empuba, Sebastian and Laup, Samson (2002) Activity of male pheromone of Melanesian Rhinoceros Beetle Scapanes australis. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 28 (3). pp. 479-500. ISSN 0098-0331 (Print), 1573-1561 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1014531810037)

Agricultural markets

Coulter, J. and Onumah, G. (2002) The role of warehouse receipt systems in enhanced commodity marketing and rural livelihoods in Africa. Food Policy, 27 (4). pp. 319-337. ISSN 0306-9192 (doi:10.1016/S0306-9192(02)00018-0)


Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Davis, Junior R., Asatrian, Paruryr and Kharatyan, Hranusch (2002) Constraints and potential to the development of rural non-farm activities in Armenia (Main report). [Working Paper]

Marter, Alan (2002) The rural non-farm economy in Uganda: a review of policy (NRI report no. 2702). [Working Paper]

agriculture poor

Bleahu, Ana and Janowski, Monica (2002) Rural non-farm livelihood activities in Romania: A report on qualitative fieldwork in two communities. [Working Paper]


Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431

aid shipments

Tyler, P.S. and Hodges, R.J. (2002) Phytosanitary measures against larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), in international trade. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 279-289. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040816.21570.06)

air pollution

Vardoulakis, Sotirios (2002) An operational method for assessing traffic-related air pollution in urban streets. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Vardoulakis, Sotiris, Fisher, Bernard E.A., Gonzalez-Flesca, Norbert and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Model sensitivity and uncertainty analysis using roadside air quality measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 36 (13). pp. 2121-2134. ISSN 1352-2310 (doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00201-7)

Vardoulakis, Sotiris, Fisher, Bernard E.A., Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: and Gonzalez-Flesca, Norbert (2002) Modelling air quality in street canyons: a review. Atmospheric Environment, 37 (2). pp. 155-182. ISSN 1352-2310 (doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00857-9)

aircraft design

Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240

aircraft emergency exits

Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240

aircraft escape devices

Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240

aircraft evacuation

Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240


Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: Daniel Letwin, The challenge of interracial unionism: Alabama coal miners, 1878–1921 (Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1998, £39.95). Pp. 289. ISBN 0 8078 4678 3. Journal of American Studies, 36 (1). pp. 151-198. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1017/S0021875802386808)


Dobbs, Adrian P. ORCID logoORCID: and Martinović, Saša (2002) The silyl–Prins reaction: a novel method for the synthesis of dihydropyrans. Tetrahedron Letters, 43 (39). pp. 7055-7057. ISSN 0040-4039 (doi:10.1016/S0040-4039(02)01558-7)


Walshaw, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Parallel mesh partitioning on distributed memory systems. In: Topping, B.H.V., (ed.) Computational Mechanics using High Performance Computing. Computational Science, Engineering & Technology (9). Saxe-Coburg Publications, Kippen, Stirling, Scotland, pp. 59-78. ISBN 1874672075 (doi:10.4203/csets.9.3)


Hale, Kerry L., Tufan, Hale A., Pickering, Ingrid J., George, Graham N., Terry, Norman, Pilon, Marinus and Pilon-Smits, Elizabeth A.H. (2002) Anthocyanins facilitate tungsten accumulation in Brassica. Physiologia Plantarum, 116 (3). pp. 351-358. ISSN 0031-9317 (Print), 1399-3054 (Online) (doi:10.1034/j.1399-3054.2002.1160310.x)

antinutritionals components

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID: and Deane, Rashid (2002) Effects of cassava processing methods on antinutritional components and health status of children. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82 (3). pp. 252-257. ISSN 0022-5142 (Print), 1097-0010 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jsfa.1048)


Rahman, M.A., Maclean, N, Sohm, F., Hwang, G., Iyengar, A., Ayad, H., Smith, A. and Farahmand, H. (2002) Transgenic tilapia and the tilapia genome. Gene, 295 (2). pp. 265-277. ISSN 0378-1119 (Print), 1879-0038 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0378-1119(02)00735-7)


Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A multilevel approach to the travelling salesman problem. Operations Research, 50 (5). pp. 862-877. ISSN 0030-364X (Print), 1526-5463 (Online) (doi:10.1287/opre.50.5.862.373)


Kelleler, H. and Strusevich, V.A. (2002) Scheduling parallel dedicated machines under a single non-shared resource. European Journal of Operational Research, 147 (2). pp. 345-364. ISSN 0377-2217 (doi:10.1016/S0377-2217(02)00246-1)

approximation algorithm

Strusevich, V.A., Drobouchevitch, I.G. and Shakhlevich, N.V. (2002) Three-machine shop scheduling with partially ordered processing routes. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53 (5). pp. 574-582. ISSN 0160-5682 (Print), 1476-9360 (Online) (doi:10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601329)


Oudwater, Nicoliene, Greenhalgh, Peter and Clucas, Ivor (2002) Globalisation, seafood industry and livelihoods. Discussion Paper. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

aquatic animals

Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431


Andrews, John and Stoppani, Teresa (2002) FES London book. Foundation of Exotic Studies, Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN 975675601

Stanford, Christopher Paul (2002) Thatching in Cambridgeshire. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Stoppani, Teresa and Andrews, John (2002) The Foundation of Exotic Studies (FES). Projects Review 01/02. Architectural Association, London, UK, pp. 30-37. ISBN 1902902289


Dowdeswell, J.A., Bassford, R.P., Gorman, M.R., Williams, M. ORCID logoORCID:, Glazovsky, A.F., Macheret, Y.Y., Shepherd, A.P., Vasilenko, Y.V., Savatyuguin,, L.M., Hubberten, H.-W. and Miller, H. (2002) Form and flow of the Academy of Sciences Ice Cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (1978-2012), 107 (B4). EPM 5-1. ISSN 2169-9313 (Print), 2169-9356 (Online) (doi:10.1029/2000JB000129)


Bezemer, Dirk and Davis, Junior (2002) The rural non-agricultural economy in transition countries: Findings from Armenia. [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior R., Asatrian, Paruryr and Kharatyan, Hranusch (2002) Constraints and potential to the development of rural non-farm activities in Armenia (Main report). [Working Paper]

Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

aromatic compounds

Acharya, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Acharya, P. ORCID logoORCID:, Foldesi, A. and Chattopadhyaya, J. (2002) Cross-modulation of physicochemical character of aglycones in dinucleoside (3′→5′) monophosphates by the nearest neighbor interaction in the stacked state. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124 (46). pp. 13722-13730. ISSN 0002-7863 (Print), 1520-5126 (Online) (doi:doi10.1021/ja026831h)

array signal processing

Nasr, K.M. ORCID logoORCID:, Costen, F. and Barton, S.K. (2002) An application of smart antenna systems for archiving networks in TV studios. In: The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. IEEE, pp. 232-236. ISBN 0780375890 (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1046695)


Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Predicting optimal process conditions for flip-chip aassembly using copper column bumped dies. In: Proceedings of 4th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2002). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 338-343. ISBN 0780374355 (doi:10.1109/EPTC.2002.1185694)

Assessing interface inclusivity throughout the design process

Cardoso, C., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Assessing interface inclusivity throughout the design process. In: 7th ERCIM Workshop on "User Interfaces for All", 23-25 October, 2002, Paris (Chantilly), France. (Unpublished)

assessment methods

Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431

assistive haptic interfaces motion-impaired users

Hwang, F., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, P. and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Assistive haptic interfaces for motion-impaired users. In: Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2002. 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society EMBS/BMES Conference, 2002, 23-26 October 2002, Houston, Texas, USA.

assistive technology

John, Clarkson and Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Preface. Universal access and assistive technology: Proceedings of the Cambridge workshop on UA and AT ’02. Springer-Verlag, London, UK, v-vi. ISBN 978-1-4471-3721-4 (doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-3719-1)

Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, P., Clarkson, P. J. and Robinson, P. (eds.) (2002) Proceedings of CWUAAT '02, 1st Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT), incorporating 4th Cambridge Workshop on Rehabilitation Robotics. Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, Patrick, Clarkson, John and Robinson, Peter (eds.) (2002) Universal access and assistive technology: Proceedings of the Cambridge workshop on UA and AT ’02. In: Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, Patrick, Clarkson, John and Robinson, Peter, (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st Cambridge Worksohp on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT 02). Springer-Verlag London, London. ISBN 978-1-4471-3721-4


Patel, S. P., Järvelin, M.-R. and Little, M. P. (2002) Review of worldwide variations of asthma prevalence in children. In: 2nd Conference on Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in Europe, 12–14 Jun 2002, Oulu, Finland.

Australian indigenous experience

Secomb, Linnell (2002) Haunted community. In: Strysick, Michael, (ed.) The Politics of Community. Critical Studies in the Humanities . The Davies Group, Publishers, Aurora, CO. USA, pp. 131-150. ISBN 978-1-888570-63-2

avalanche photodiodes

Pan, Y., Ierotheou, C.S. and Hayat, M.M. (2002) Parallel implementation of the recurrence method for computing the power-spectral density of thin avalanche photodiodes. In: Proceedings. International Conference on Parallel Processing. 2002. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 298-305. ISBN 0769516777 ISSN 1530-2016 (doi:10.1109/ICPPW.2002.1039744)

axisymmetric contraction

Phillips, T.N. and Williams, A.J. (2002) Comparison of creeping and inertial flow of an Oldroyd B fluid through planar and axisymmetric contractions. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 108 (1-3). pp. 25-47. ISSN 0377-0257 (doi:10.1016/S0377-0257(02)00123-4)


Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Colvin, J., Seal, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Thresh, J.M. (2002) First report of a distinct begomovirus infecting cassava in Zanzibar. Plant Disease, 86 (2). p. 187. ISSN 0191-2917 (doi:10.1094/PDIS.2002.86.2.187A)


Vlachos, Peter ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Notes from Beijing. The Ethical Record, 107 (2). ISSN 0014-1690

Bemisia tabaci

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Colvin, J., Seal, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Gibson, G. and Cooper, J. (2002) Co-adaptation between cassava mosaic geminiviruses and their local vector populations. Virus Research, 86 (1-2). pp. 71-85. ISSN 0168-1702 (doi:10.1016/S0168-1702(02)00051-5)

Benzyl 2-hydroxy-6-methoxybenzoate

Jayasekara, T.K., Stevenson, Philip ORCID logoORCID:, Belmain, Steven ORCID logoORCID:, Farman, Dudley ORCID logoORCID: and Hall, David ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Identification of methyl salicylate as the principal volatile component in the methanol extract of root bark ofSecuridaca longepedunculata Fers. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 37 (6). pp. 577-580. ISSN 1076-5174 (Print), 1096-9888 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jms.314)


Som, Richa, Kleih, Ulrich, Kumar, Yogesh and Jena, Surendra Kumar (2002) Rural non-farm employment in Madhya Pradesh. Findings of a participatory rural appraisal in 8 villages (NRI report no. 2694). [Working Paper]


Rahman, M.A., Maclean, N, Sohm, F., Hwang, G., Iyengar, A., Ayad, H., Smith, A. and Farahmand, H. (2002) Transgenic tilapia and the tilapia genome. Gene, 295 (2). pp. 265-277. ISSN 0378-1119 (Print), 1879-0038 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0378-1119(02)00735-7)

Birkbeck College

Seltmann, Muriel and Mann, Tony (2002) [Meeting review] Silent languages - Characters, notes and symbolism in the Early Modern Period. BSHM Newsletter, 46. pp. 33-34.

black and ethnic minorities

Ade-Ojo, Gordon ORCID logoORCID: and Aderibigbe, A. (2002) Black and ethnic minorities: access to services. Discussion Paper. Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, London, UK.

black oil model

Cao, Jianwen and Lai, Choi-Hong ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Numerical experiments of some Krylov subspace methods for black oil model. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 44 (1-2). pp. 125-141. ISSN 0898-1221 (doi:10.1016/S0898-1221(02)00135-9)

blood flow

Grossman, D., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID: and Slone, A. (2002) Computational modelling of blood flow and artery wall interaction. In: FEM Workshop 2002 [Proceedings]. University of Ulm, Germany, Ulm, Germany, pp. 88-94. ISBN 39806183558

book review

Chopra, Priti (2002) [Book Review] Jones et al. (eds) (1999) Students writing in the University: Cultural and epistemological issues. Amsterdam: John Benjamins BAAL Newsletter (Autumn 2002). British studies in applied linguistics (newsletter), 72.


Creed, Wendy Elizabeth (2002) Dreaming in whispering groves: an inquiry into the reader's response to the book as a published physical object with reference to the rise of the eighteenth century novel, modern critical theory and the processes and technologies of production, transmission and reception. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Creed, Wendy Elizabeth (2002) Dreaming in whispering groves: an inquiry into the reader's response to the book as a published physical object with reference to the rise of the eighteenth century novel, modern critical theory and the processes and technologies of production, transmission and reception. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Creed, Wendy Elizabeth (2002) Dreaming in whispering groves: an inquiry into the reader's response to the book as a published physical object with reference to the rise of the eighteenth century novel, modern critical theory and the processes and technologies of production, transmission and reception. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Davis, Junior and Cristoiu, Adriana (2002) Patterns of rural non-farm diversification and employment in Romania: A country level analysis. [Working Paper]


Hale, Kerry L., Tufan, Hale A., Pickering, Ingrid J., George, Graham N., Terry, Norman, Pilon, Marinus and Pilon-Smits, Elizabeth A.H. (2002) Anthocyanins facilitate tungsten accumulation in Brassica. Physiologia Plantarum, 116 (3). pp. 351-358. ISSN 0031-9317 (Print), 1399-3054 (Online) (doi:10.1034/j.1399-3054.2002.1160310.x)


Millman, Margaret (2002) In the shadow of war: continuities and discontinuities in the construction of the masculine identities of British soldiers, 1914-1924. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Moffitt, Terrie E. and Morgan, Julia ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Teen-aged mothers in contemporary Britain. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 43 (6). pp. 727-742. ISSN 0021-9630 (Print), 1469-7610 (Online) (doi:10.1111/1469-7610.00082)


Galea, Edwin R. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Simulating evacuation and circulation in planes, trains, buildings and ships using the EXODUS software. In: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics. Springer, pp. 203-225. ISBN 9783540426905


Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

bulk solids

Baxter, John, Gröger, Torsten, Abou-Chakra, Hadi, Tüzün, Ugur, Christakis, Nicholas, Patel, Mayur K. and Cross, Mark (2002) Micro-mechanical parameterisations for continuum modelling of granular material using the discrete element method. In: Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), 7-12 Jul 2002, Vienna, Austria.

bus-based shared memory

Arreymbi, J. and Dastbaz, M. (2002) Issues in delivering multimedia content to mobile devices. In: Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’02). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 622-626. ISBN 0769516564 ISSN 1093-9547 (doi:10.1109/IV.2002.1028839)


Herdan, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Historyczne uwarunkowania procesów laczenia sie przedsiebiorstw / Mergers and acquisition – the historical perspective. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie / The Scientific Journal of The University of Economics in Krakow, 591. pp. 49-60.

Herdan, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Prawne uwarunkowania laczenia sie podmiotów gospodarczych w Polsce / The Legal Framework of M&A in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie / The Scientific Journal of The University of Economics in Krakow, 565. pp. 97-110.


Le, Chi ORCID logoORCID:, Erik, Bohez, Jos, Vander Sloten, Huynh, Ngoc Phien, Esichaikul, Vatcharaporn and Pham, Hoa Binh (2002) Design and Manufacturing of Implant by CNC milling. Technology and Health Care, 8 (1). ISSN 0928-7329 (Print), 1878-7401 (Online)


Hieu, L.C. ORCID logoORCID:, Bohez, E., Sloten, J. Vander, Phien, H.N., Esichaikul, V., Binh, P.H., An, P.V., To, N.C. and Oris, P. (2002) Design and manufacturing of personalized implants and standardized templates for cranioplasty applications. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). IEEE, pp. 1025-1030. ISBN 0-7803-7657-9 (doi:10.1109/ICIT.2002.1189312)


Le, Chi ORCID logoORCID:, Erick, Bohez, Huynh, Ngoc Phien, Esichaikul, Vatcharaporn, Jos, Vander Sloten, Pham, Hoa Binh, Nguyen, Cong To, Phan, Van An and Oris, Philip (2002) Design and manufacturing of personalized implants and standardized templates for cranioplasty applications. In: IEEE ICIT '02. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. 'Productivity Reincarnation through Robotics and Automation'. IEEE, pp. 1025-1030. ISBN 0-7803-7657-9 (doi:10.1109/ICIT.2002.1189312)


Leaper, M.C., Bradley, Michael S.A., Cleaver, J.A.S., Bridle, Ian, Reed, Alan R., Abou-Chakra, H. and Tüzün, Ugur (2002) Constructing an engineering model for moisture migration in bulk solids as a prelude to predicting moisture migration caking. Advanced Powder Technology, 13 (4). pp. 411-424. (doi:10.1163/156855202320536043)

Cambridge workshop

Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, Patrick, Clarkson, John and Robinson, Peter (eds.) (2002) Universal access and assistive technology: Proceedings of the Cambridge workshop on UA and AT ’02. In: Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, Patrick, Clarkson, John and Robinson, Peter, (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st Cambridge Worksohp on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT 02). Springer-Verlag London, London. ISBN 978-1-4471-3721-4


Greco, O., Scott, S.D., Marples, B. and Dachs, D.U. (2002) Cancer gene therapy: 'delivery, delivery, delivery'. Frontiers in Bioscience, 7. d1516-d1524. ISSN 1093-9946 (Print), 1093-4715 (Online) (doi:10.2741/greco)


Ainley, Patrick, Barnes, Tim and Momen, Abdul (2002) Making Connexions: a case study in contemporary social policy. Critical Social Policy, 22 (2). pp. 376-388. ISSN 0261-0183 (Print), 1461-703X (Online) (doi:10.1177/02610183020220021001)

CArG element

Greco, O., Marples, B., Dachs, G.U., Williams, K.J., Patterson, A.V. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Novel chimeric gene promoters responsive to hypoxia and ionizing radiation. Gene Therapy, 9 (20). pp. 1403-1411. ISSN 0969-7128 (Print), 1476-5462 (Online) (doi:10.1038/

CArG elements

Marples, B., Greco, O., Joiner, M.C. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Molecular approaches to chemo-radiotherapy. European Journal of Cancer, 38 (2). pp. 231-239. ISSN 0959-8049 (doi:10.1016/S0959-8049(01)00367-7)

Marples, B., Greco, O., Joiner, M.C. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Molecular approaches to chemo-radiotherapy. European Journal of Cancer, 38 (2). pp. 231-239. ISSN 0959-8049 (doi:10.1016/S0959-8049(01)00367-7)

Scott, S.D., Joiner, M.C. and Marples, B (2002) Optimizing radiation-responsive gene promoters for radiogenetic cancer therapy. Gene Therapy, 9 (20). pp. 1396-1402. ISSN 0969-7128 (Print), 1476-5462 (Online) (doi:10.1038/

Carl Jung

Rowland, Susan (2002) Jung: a feminist revision. Polity Press, Cambridge, England. ISBN 978-0745625171

Case Based Reasoning

Woon, Fei Ling, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos and Ward, Graham (2002) A case based model to assist in the design process in the manufacture of furniture products. Expert Update - The Specialist Group on Artificial intelligence, 5 (2). pp. 37-43. ISSN 1465-4091

case-based reasoning

Mileman, Tony, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos, Cowell, Don and Ewer, J. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Case-based retrieval of 3-dimensional shapes for the design of metal castings. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 13 (1). pp. 39-45. ISSN 0956-5515 (Print), 1572-8145 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1013676928961)


Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Colvin, J., Seal, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Thresh, J.M. (2002) First report of a distinct begomovirus infecting cassava in Zanzibar. Plant Disease, 86 (2). p. 187. ISSN 0191-2917 (doi:10.1094/PDIS.2002.86.2.187A)

cassava processing methods

Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID: and Deane, Rashid (2002) Effects of cassava processing methods on antinutritional components and health status of children. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82 (3). pp. 252-257. ISSN 0022-5142 (Print), 1097-0010 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jsfa.1048)


Mileman, Tony, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos, Cowell, Don and Ewer, J. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Case-based retrieval of 3-dimensional shapes for the design of metal castings. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 13 (1). pp. 39-45. ISSN 0956-5515 (Print), 1572-8145 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1013676928961)

casting design

Mileman, Tony, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos, Cowell, Don and Ewer, J. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Case-based retrieval of 3-dimensional shapes for the design of metal castings. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 13 (1). pp. 39-45. ISSN 0956-5515 (Print), 1572-8145 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1013676928961)


Marter, Alan and Wandschneider, Tiago (2002) The role of NGOs and CBOs in marketing in Uganda: the potential in remote regions and in reaching the poor (NRI report no. 2699). [Working Paper]


Woon, Fei Ling, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos and Ward, Graham (2002) A case based model to assist in the design process in the manufacture of furniture products. Expert Update - The Specialist Group on Artificial intelligence, 5 (2). pp. 37-43. ISSN 1465-4091

CBR competence

Mileman, Tony, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos, Cowell, Don and Ewer, J. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Case-based retrieval of 3-dimensional shapes for the design of metal castings. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 13 (1). pp. 39-45. ISSN 0956-5515 (Print), 1572-8145 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1013676928961)

CBR performance

Mileman, Tony, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos, Cowell, Don and Ewer, J. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Case-based retrieval of 3-dimensional shapes for the design of metal castings. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 13 (1). pp. 39-45. ISSN 0956-5515 (Print), 1572-8145 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1013676928961)

Central Europe

Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]


Campbell, Andrew Paul (2002) Modelling of freeze layer formation and refractory wear in direct smelting process. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Edussuriya, S.S., Williams, A.J. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A CFD study of the underfill encapsulation process in flip-chip packaging using the Oldroyd-B model. In: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference of Rheology, (eurheo 2002). LSP, Institute of Polymer Materials, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, pp. 285-286.

Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)

CFD pipe bends

Hanson, R., Allsopp, D., Deng, T. ORCID logoORCID:, Smith, D., Bradley, M.S.A., Hutchings, I.M. and Patel, M.K. (2002) A model to predict the life of pneumatic conveyor bends. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 216 (3). pp. 143-149. ISSN 0954-4089 (Print), 2041-3009 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440802320225284)


Baxter, John, Gröger, Torsten, Abou-Chakra, Hadi, Tüzün, Ugur, Christakis, Nicholas, Patel, Mayur K. and Cross, Mark (2002) Micro-mechanical parameterisations for continuum modelling of granular material using the discrete element method. In: Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), 7-12 Jul 2002, Vienna, Austria.

charge in measurement

Woodhead, Steve and Armour-Chelu, David (2002) Comparison of the electric charging properties of particulate materials in gas–solids flows in pipelines. Journal of Electrostatics, 56 (1). pp. 87-101. ISSN 0304-3886 (doi:10.1016/S0304-3886(02)00032-3)

chemical and non-chemical management

Golob, P. (2002) Chemical, physical and cultural control of Prostephanus truncatus. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 245-277. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040817.59207.3a)


Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID: and Deane, Rashid (2002) Effects of cassava processing methods on antinutritional components and health status of children. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82 (3). pp. 252-257. ISSN 0022-5142 (Print), 1097-0010 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jsfa.1048)

Patel, S. P., Järvelin, M.-R. and Little, M. P. (2002) Review of worldwide variations of asthma prevalence in children. In: 2nd Conference on Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in Europe, 12–14 Jun 2002, Oulu, Finland.


Vlachos, Peter ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Notes from Beijing. The Ethical Record, 107 (2). ISSN 0014-1690

Xue, X., Schmid, F. and Smith, R.A. (2002) An introduction to China's rail transport Part 1: History, present and future of China's railways. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 216 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 0954-4097 (Print), 2041-3017 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440902760213585)

Xue, X., Schmid, F. and Smith, R.A. (2002) An introduction to China's rail transport Part 2: Urban rail transit systems, highway transport and the reform of China's railways. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 216 (3). pp. 165-174. ISSN 0954-4097 (Print), 2041-3017 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440902760213594)

circuit reliability

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Predicting optimal process conditions for flip-chip aassembly using copper column bumped dies. In: Proceedings of 4th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2002). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 338-343. ISBN 0780374355 (doi:10.1109/EPTC.2002.1185694)

Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)


Balchin, Paul and Rhoden, Maureen (2002) Housing policy: an introduction. Routledge, New York, NJ, USA / Canada. ISBN 978-0-415-25214-0


Logan, Anne Frances Helen (2002) Making women magistrates: feminism, citizenship and justice in England and Wales 1918-1950. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

civil procedural law

Karanasiou, Argyro ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Issue of payment warrant based on electronic documents. Dike International, 33 (560).

civil war

Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: John Majewski, A house dividing: economic development in Pennsylvania and Virginia before the Civil War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, £30.00). Pp. 214. ISBN 0 521 59023 X. Journal of American Studies, 36 (3). pp. 513-570. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online)


Millman, Margaret (2002) In the shadow of war: continuities and discontinuities in the construction of the masculine identities of British soldiers, 1914-1924. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: Sven Beckert, The monied metropolis: New York City and the consolidation of the American bourgeoisie, 1850–1896 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, £25.00). Pp. 492. ISBN 0 5521 79039 5. Journal of American Studies, 36 (3). pp. 513-570. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online)

clinical populations

Butler, Karen Lee (2002) Impulsivity and risk-taking in clinical and non-clinical populations. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

coal mining

Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: Daniel Letwin, The challenge of interracial unionism: Alabama coal miners, 1878–1921 (Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1998, £39.95). Pp. 289. ISBN 0 8078 4678 3. Journal of American Studies, 36 (1). pp. 151-198. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1017/S0021875802386808)

coastal engineering

Christakis, N., Allsop, N.W.H., Beale, R.G., Cooper, A.J. and Dennis, J.M. (2002) A volume of fluid numerical model for wave impacts at coastal structures. Proceedings of the ICE - Water and Maritime Engineering, 154 (3). pp. 159-168. ISSN 1472-4561 (Print), 1753-7800 (Online) (doi:10.1680/wame.2002.154.3.159)


Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Report (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. The Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Summary (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. Resource Centre for Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

coconut pest

Rochat, Didier, Morin, Jean-Paul, Kakul, Titus, Beaudoin-Ollivier, Laurence, Prior, Robert, Renou, Michel, Malosse, Isabelle, Stathers, Tanya ORCID logoORCID:, Empuba, Sebastian and Laup, Samson (2002) Activity of male pheromone of Melanesian Rhinoceros Beetle Scapanes australis. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 28 (3). pp. 479-500. ISSN 0098-0331 (Print), 1573-1561 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1014531810037)

code of practice

Chan, Man-Kwun (2002) Facing the challenge: Applying codes of practice in the smallholder sector. Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Gallat, Stephanie (2002) Ghanian horticulture code of practice - where to from here? Report of a workshop organized by the Natural Resources and Ethical Trade Programme, held at the Miklin Hotel, Accra, 5 June 2001. [Working Paper]


Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

cognitive behavioural therapy

Churchill, R., Hunot, V., Corney, R., Knapp, M., McGuire, H., Tylee, A. and Wessely, S. (2002) A systematic review of controlled trials of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of brief psychological treatments for depression. Health Technology Assessment, 5 (35). pp. 1-173. ISSN 1366-5278 (doi:10.3310/hta5350)

cold crucible

Bojarevics, V. ORCID logoORCID:, Djambazov, G. ORCID logoORCID:, Harding, R.A., Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID: and Wickins, M. (2002) Investigation of the cold crucible melting process: experimental and numerical study. In: Proceedings of the 5th International pamir Conference. Cost P6 Annual Workshop 2002. Fundamental and Applied MHD. International pamir Conference, II.77-II.82.


Rochat, Didier, Morin, Jean-Paul, Kakul, Titus, Beaudoin-Ollivier, Laurence, Prior, Robert, Renou, Michel, Malosse, Isabelle, Stathers, Tanya ORCID logoORCID:, Empuba, Sebastian and Laup, Samson (2002) Activity of male pheromone of Melanesian Rhinoceros Beetle Scapanes australis. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 28 (3). pp. 479-500. ISSN 0098-0331 (Print), 1573-1561 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1014531810037)


Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A multilevel approach to the travelling salesman problem. Operations Research, 50 (5). pp. 862-877. ISSN 0030-364X (Print), 1526-5463 (Online) (doi:10.1287/opre.50.5.862.373)

commercial shipments

Tyler, P.S. and Hodges, R.J. (2002) Phytosanitary measures against larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), in international trade. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 279-289. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040816.21570.06)

Commonwealth of Independant States

Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

communication networks

Marsden, R.H., Croft, T.N. and Lai, C.H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Domain decomposition using a 2-level correction scheme. In: Sloot, Peter M.A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 480-489. ISBN 9783540435938 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_50)


Ade-Ojo, Gordon ORCID logoORCID: and Aderibigbe, A. (2002) Black and ethnic minorities: access to services. Discussion Paper. Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, London, UK.

community based organisation

Marter, Alan and Wandschneider, Tiago (2002) The role of NGOs and CBOs in marketing in Uganda: the potential in remote regions and in reaching the poor (NRI report no. 2699). [Working Paper]

complex geometries

Cross, Mark, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID:, Williams, Alison, Bojarevics, Valdis ORCID logoORCID:, Croft, Nick and Taylor, Gary (2002) The multiphysics modeling of solidification and melting processes. JOM (The Member Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2002 (Supp.). ISSN 1047-4838


Kelleler, H. and Strusevich, V.A. (2002) Scheduling parallel dedicated machines under a single non-shared resource. European Journal of Operational Research, 147 (2). pp. 345-364. ISSN 0377-2217 (doi:10.1016/S0377-2217(02)00246-1)

computational aeroacoustics

Djambazov, G.S. ORCID logoORCID:, Lai, C.-H. ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID: and Wang, Z.-K. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A coarse grid extraction of sound signals for computational aeroacoustics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 40 (12). pp. 1515-1525. ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online) (doi:10.1002/fld.408)

Djambazov, Georgi S. ORCID logoORCID:, Lai, Choi-Hong ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, Koulis A. ORCID logoORCID: and Wang, Zong-Kang (2002) A defect correction method for multi-scale problems in computational aeroacoustics. In: Recent Developments in Domain Decomposition Methods. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (23). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 147-156. ISBN 9783540434139 ISSN 1439-7358

computational fluid dynamics

Campbell, Andrew Paul (2002) Modelling of freeze layer formation and refractory wear in direct smelting process. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Christakis, Nicholas, Chapelle, Pierre, Patel, Mayur, Cross, Mark, Bridle, Ian, Abou-Chakra, Hadi and Baxter, John (2002) Utilising computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the modelling of granular material in large-scale engineering processes. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part 1 (2329). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 743-752. ISBN 9783540435914 ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online) (doi:10.1007/3-540-46043-8_75)

Edussuriya, S.S., Williams, A.J. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A CFD study of the underfill encapsulation process in flip-chip packaging using the Oldroyd-B model. In: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference of Rheology, (eurheo 2002). LSP, Institute of Polymer Materials, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, pp. 285-286.

Hanson, R., Allsopp, D., Deng, T. ORCID logoORCID:, Smith, D., Bradley, M.S.A., Hutchings, I.M. and Patel, M.K. (2002) A model to predict the life of pneumatic conveyor bends. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 216 (3). pp. 143-149. ISSN 0954-4089 (Print), 2041-3009 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440802320225284)

Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)

computational mathematics

Marsden, R.H., Croft, T.N. and Lai, C.H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Domain decomposition using a 2-level correction scheme. In: Sloot, Peter M.A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 480-489. ISBN 9783540435938 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_50)

computational mathematics and numerical analysis

McManus, Kevin, Cross, Mark, Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID:, Croft, Nick and Williams, Alison (2002) Parallel performance in multi-physics simulation. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 806-815. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_85)

computational mechanics

Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Integrated computational mechanics and optimization for design of electronic components. In: Parmee, Ian C. and Hajela, Prabhat, (eds.) Optimization In Industry. Springer Verlag, pp. 57-71. ISBN 9781852338342

computational modeling

Cross, Mark, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID:, Williams, Alison, Bojarevics, Valdis ORCID logoORCID:, Croft, Nick and Taylor, Gary (2002) The multiphysics modeling of solidification and melting processes. JOM (The Member Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2002 (Supp.). ISSN 1047-4838

computational modelling

Campbell, Andrew P., Pericleous, Koulis A. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, Mark (2002) Computational modelling of freeze layers in smelting processes. In: 2002 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 18-21 Feb 2002, Seattle, WA, USA.

Campbell, Andrew Paul (2002) Modelling of freeze layer formation and refractory wear in direct smelting process. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Grossman, D., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID: and Slone, A. (2002) Computational modelling of blood flow and artery wall interaction. In: FEM Workshop 2002 [Proceedings]. University of Ulm, Germany, Ulm, Germany, pp. 88-94. ISBN 39806183558

computational physics

Marsden, R.H., Croft, T.N. and Lai, C.H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Domain decomposition using a 2-level correction scheme. In: Sloot, Peter M.A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 480-489. ISBN 9783540435938 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_50)

computational solid mechanics

Taylor, G.A., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) A vertex-based finite volume method applied to non-linear material problems in computational solid mechanics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 56 (4). pp. 507-529. ISSN 0029-5981 (Print), 1097-0207 (Online) (doi:10.1002/nme.574)

computational study

Luzhkov, Victor B. ORCID logoORCID:, Osterberg, Fredrik, Acharya, Parag ORCID logoORCID:, Chattopadhyaya, Jyoti and Agvist, Johan (2002) Computational and NMR study of quaternary ammonium ion conformations in solution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 4 (19). pp. 4640-4647. ISSN 1463-9076 (Print), 1463-9084 (Online) (doi:10.1039/b203526j)

computer cmmunication networks

McManus, Kevin, Cross, Mark, Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID:, Croft, Nick and Williams, Alison (2002) Parallel performance in multi-physics simulation. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 806-815. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_85)

computer communication networks computational mathematics

Ierotheou, C.S., Johnson, S., Leggett, P. and Cross, M. (2002) The Shared Memory Parallelisation of an Ocean Modelling Code using an Interactive Parallelisation Toolkit. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 953-962. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_100)

computer input

Hwang, F., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, P. and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Using cursor measures to determine appropriate computer input assistance for motion-impaired users. In: Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2002. 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society EMBS/BMES Conference, 2002. Proceedings of the Second Joint. IEEE, pp. 2437-2438. ISBN 0-7803-7612-9 ISSN 1094-687X (Print), 23-26 October 2002 Houston, Texas, USA (Online) (doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2002.1053363)

computer modelling

Galea, E. ORCID logoORCID:, Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P. ORCID logoORCID:, Sharp, G, Blackshields, D. ORCID logoORCID: and Glen, Ian (2002) The development of an advanced ship evacuation simulation software product and associated large scale testing facility for the collection of human shipboard behaviour data. In: RINA. International Conference. Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation, 2-3 October 2002. Papers. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London, UK, pp. 37-50. ISBN 9780903055819

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Predicting the relationship between reliability and geometric parameters of cu column bumped flip-chips. In: The Fifth International IEEE Symposium on High Density Packaging and Component Failure Analysis in Electronics Manufacturing [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 85-89. ISBN 078039822X

computer networks

Marsden, R.H., Croft, T.N. and Lai, C.H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Domain decomposition using a 2-level correction scheme. In: Sloot, Peter M.A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 480-489. ISBN 9783540435938 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_50)

computer simulation

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID:, Hung, K.C., Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Chan, Y.C. (2002) No-flow underfill flip chip assembly–an experimental and modeling analysis. Microelectronics Reliability, 42 (8). pp. 1205-1212. ISSN 0026-2714 (doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(02)00092-6)


Gravelle, Margaret (2002) A real purpose and audience:ICT and English. Computer Education (1). ISSN 0010-4590


Everett, Martin and Borgatti, Stephen (2002) Computing regular equivalence: practical and theoretical issues. In: Mrvar, Andrej and Ferligoj, Anuška, (eds.) Developments in Statistics. Metodoloski Zvezki (17). Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 31-42. ISBN 9612350906

computing language

Nissan, Ephraim (2002) A formalism for misapprehended identities: taking a leaf out of Pirandello. In: The April Fools' Workshop on Computational Humour, Proceedings of the Twentieth Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWTLT20). University of Twente, The Netherlands, Enschede, The Netherlands, pp. 113-123.

conditional mean extinction time

Chen, Anyue (2002) Uniqueness and extinction properties of generalised Markov branching processes. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 274 (2). pp. 482-494. ISSN 0022-247X (doi:10.1016/S0022-247X(02)00251-2)

conducting polymers

Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)

conductive adhesive

Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)


Luzhkov, Victor B. ORCID logoORCID:, Osterberg, Fredrik, Acharya, Parag ORCID logoORCID:, Chattopadhyaya, Jyoti and Agvist, Johan (2002) Computational and NMR study of quaternary ammonium ion conformations in solution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 4 (19). pp. 4640-4647. ISSN 1463-9076 (Print), 1463-9084 (Online) (doi:10.1039/b203526j)


Davis, Junior R., Asatrian, Paruryr and Kharatyan, Hranusch (2002) Constraints and potential to the development of rural non-farm activities in Armenia (Main report). [Working Paper]


Slone, A.K., Croft, T.N., Williams, A.J. and Cross, M. (2002) Two fluid approach to high speed impact interaction amongst solid structures. In: Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), 7-12 Jul 2002, Vienna, Austria.

continental law

Karanasiou, Argyro ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Issue of payment warrant based on electronic documents. Dike International, 33 (560).

continuous casting

Croft, T.N., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Bobadilla, M. and Gardin, P. (2002) Three-phase computations of the continuous casting process. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Continuous Casting Conference. IOM Communications Ltd, London, England, UK, pp. 545-554.

continuum mechanics

Christakis, Nicholas, Chapelle, Pierre, Patel, Mayur K., Wang, Junye, Cross, Mark, Baxter, John, Gröger, Torsten, Abou-Chakra, Hadi, Tüzün, Ugur, Bridle, Ian and Leaper, Mark C. (2002) Mathematical modelling of the behaviour of granular material in a computational fluid dynamics framework using micro-mechanical models. In: 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), 7-12 Jul 2002, Vienna, Austria.

continuum model

Baxter, John, Gröger, Torsten, Abou-Chakra, Hadi, Tüzün, Ugur, Christakis, Nicholas, Patel, Mayur K. and Cross, Mark (2002) Micro-mechanical parameterisations for continuum modelling of granular material using the discrete element method. In: Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), 7-12 Jul 2002, Vienna, Austria.

continuum modelling

Christakis, Nicholas, Patel, Mayur K., Cross, Mark, Baxter, John, Abou-Chakra, Hadi and Tuzun, Ugur (2002) Predictions of segregation of granular material with the aid of PHYSICA, a 3-D unstructured finite-volume modelling framework. In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Special Issue: ICFD Conference on Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 281-291. ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online) (doi:10.1002/fld.319)

contraction flows

Aboubacar, M., Phillips, T.N., Tamaddon-Jahromi, H.R., Webster, M.K. and Williams, A.J. (2002) Numerical Simulation of Contraction Flows for Boger Fluids using Finite Volume Methods. In: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference of Rheology, (eurheo 2002). LSP, Institute of Polymer Materials, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, pp. 279-280.


Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Predicting optimal process conditions for flip-chip aassembly using copper column bumped dies. In: Proceedings of 4th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2002). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 338-343. ISBN 0780374355 (doi:10.1109/EPTC.2002.1185694)


Deane, R., Chummun, H. and Prashad, D. (2002) Differences in urinary stress hormones in male and female nurses at different ages. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37 (3). pp. 304-310. ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2648.2002.02082.x)


Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

coupled solvers

Dinčov, Duško D., Parrott, Kevin A. and Pericleous, Koulis A. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Coupled 3-D finite difference time domain and finite volume methods for solving microwave heating in porous media. In: Sloot, Peter A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, I (2329). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 813-822. ISBN 9783540435914 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46043-8_82)


Hieu, L.C. ORCID logoORCID:, Bohez, E., Sloten, J. Vander, Phien, H.N., Esichaikul, V., Binh, P.H., An, P.V., To, N.C. and Oris, P. (2002) Design and manufacturing of personalized implants and standardized templates for cranioplasty applications. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). IEEE, pp. 1025-1030. ISBN 0-7803-7657-9 (doi:10.1109/ICIT.2002.1189312)

Le, Chi ORCID logoORCID:, Erick, Bohez, Huynh, Ngoc Phien, Esichaikul, Vatcharaporn, Jos, Vander Sloten, Pham, Hoa Binh, Nguyen, Cong To, Phan, Van An and Oris, Philip (2002) Design and manufacturing of personalized implants and standardized templates for cranioplasty applications. In: IEEE ICIT '02. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. 'Productivity Reincarnation through Robotics and Automation'. IEEE, pp. 1025-1030. ISBN 0-7803-7657-9 (doi:10.1109/ICIT.2002.1189312)

Le, Chi ORCID logoORCID:, Erik, Bohez, Jos, Vander Sloten, Huynh, Ngoc Phien, Esichaikul, Vatcharaporn and Pham, Hoa Binh (2002) Design and Manufacturing of Implant by CNC milling. Technology and Health Care, 8 (1). ISSN 0928-7329 (Print), 1878-7401 (Online)


Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)

crevice traps

Hodges, R.J. (2002) Detection and monitoring of larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 223-243. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040815.06804.c1)

critical reception

Creed, Wendy Elizabeth (2002) Dreaming in whispering groves: an inquiry into the reader's response to the book as a published physical object with reference to the rise of the eighteenth century novel, modern critical theory and the processes and technologies of production, transmission and reception. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Adebanjo, Dotun ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Customer satisfaction. Leatherhead Food Research Assocation, Letherhead, UK. ISBN 9781904007449

cross-language information retrieval

Matayo, Eugenia and Valsamidis, Tony (2002) Across the bridge: CLEF 2001 - Non-English monolingual retrieval. The French task. In: Evaluation of Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems. Second Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2001, Darmstadt, Germany, September 3-4, 2001. Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2406). Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 291-299. ISBN 9783540456919 ISSN 0302-9743


Mann, Tony (2002) [Crossword] Not! by Parsman. BSHM Newsletter, 46. pp. 50-51.

Cu column

Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Computer modelling of the reliability of flip chips with metal column bumping. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., pp. 967-973. ISBN 0780371526 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012561)

Cu columns

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Predicting the relationship between reliability and geometric parameters of cu column bumped flip-chips. In: The Fifth International IEEE Symposium on High Density Packaging and Component Failure Analysis in Electronics Manufacturing [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 85-89. ISBN 078039822X


Van Oirschot, Quirien Elfrida Antoinette, Rees, Deborah ORCID logoORCID:, Aked, Julia and Kihurani, Agnes (2002) Sweet potato cultivars differ in efficiency of wound healing. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID:, Hung, K.C., Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Chan, Y.C. (2002) No-flow underfill flip chip assembly–an experimental and modeling analysis. Microelectronics Reliability, 42 (8). pp. 1205-1212. ISSN 0026-2714 (doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(02)00092-6)

Van Oirschot, Quirien Elfrida Antoinette, Rees, Deborah ORCID logoORCID:, Aked, Julia and Kihurani, Agnes (2002) Sweet potato cultivars differ in efficiency of wound healing. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

curriculum developments

Ogunleye, James (2002) An investigation of curriculum arrangements conducive to fostering creativity in post-compulsory education and training institutions. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Hwang, F., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, P. and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Using cursor measures to determine appropriate computer input assistance for motion-impaired users. In: Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2002. 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society EMBS/BMES Conference, 2002. Proceedings of the Second Joint. IEEE, pp. 2437-2438. ISBN 0-7803-7612-9 ISSN 1094-687X (Print), 23-26 October 2002 Houston, Texas, USA (Online) (doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2002.1053363)

cursor characterisation

Hwang, F., Langdon, P., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P. J. and Robinson, P. (2002) Cursor characterisation and haptic interfaces for motion-impaired users. In: Universal access and assistive technology: Proceedings of the Cambridge workshop on UA and AT ’02. Springer-Verlag, London, UK, pp. 87-96. ISBN 978-1-4471-3721-4 (doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-3719-1_9)

cursor measures motion-impaired computer users

Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Hwang, Faustina, Langdon, Patrick, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) Cursor measures for motion-impaired computer users. In: Proceedings of the fifth international ACM conference on Assistive technologie. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 135-142. ISBN 1-58113-464-9 (doi:10.1145/638249.638274)

Cursor studies

Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Hwang, F., Langdon, P., Clarkson, P.J. and Robinson, P. (2002) The use of cursor measures for motion-impaired computer users. Universal Access in the Information Society, 2 (1). pp. 18-29. ISSN 1615-5289 (Print), 1615-5297 (Online) (doi:10.1007/S10209-002-0033-7)

Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) Understanding how to improve the accessibility of computers through cursor control studies. In: Proceeding CHI EA '02 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems: changing the world, changing ourselves. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 766-767. ISBN 1-58113-454-1 (doi:10.1145/506443.506587)

cursorr measures for motion-impaired computer users

Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Hwang, F., Langdon, P., Clarkson, P.J. and Robinson, P. (2002) The use of cursor measures for motion-impaired computer users. Universal Access in the Information Society, 2 (1). pp. 18-29. ISSN 1615-5289 (Print), 1615-5297 (Online) (doi:10.1007/S10209-002-0033-7)

Customer Relationship Management

Adebanjo, Dotun ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Customer satisfaction. Leatherhead Food Research Assocation, Letherhead, UK. ISBN 9781904007449

customer satifaction

Adebanjo, Dotun ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Customer satisfaction. Leatherhead Food Research Assocation, Letherhead, UK. ISBN 9781904007449


Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID: and Deane, Rashid (2002) Effects of cassava processing methods on antinutritional components and health status of children. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82 (3). pp. 252-257. ISSN 0022-5142 (Print), 1097-0010 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jsfa.1048)

Czech Republic

Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

D1 protein

Thompson, Elinor ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, Shaun, Mann, Nicholas H., Robinson, Colin and Mullineaux, Conrad (2002) The role of FtsH proteins in photosystem biosynthesis and turnover in Arabidopsis and Synechocystis. In: PS2001 Proceedings. 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia. ISBN 9780643067110


Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Van Oirschot, Quirien Elfrida Antoinette, Rees, Deborah ORCID logoORCID:, Aked, Julia and Kihurani, Agnes (2002) Sweet potato cultivars differ in efficiency of wound healing. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Secomb, Linnell (2002) Autothanatography. Mortality: Promoting the interdisciplinary study of death and dying, 7 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1357-6275 (Print), 1469-9885 (Online) (doi:10.1080/13576270120102535)

Secomb, Linnell (2002) Haunted community. In: Strysick, Michael, (ed.) The Politics of Community. Critical Studies in the Humanities . The Davies Group, Publishers, Aurora, CO. USA, pp. 131-150. ISBN 978-1-888570-63-2

Deathwatch beetle Xestobium rufovillosum Coleoptera Anobiidae Quercus sp. host selection behaviour chemo-orientation behaviour oviposition timber pest wood-decaying fungi Donkioporia expansa

Belmain, Steven R. ORCID logoORCID:, Simmonds, Monique S. J. and Blaney, Wally M. (2002) Influence of Odor from Wood-Decaying Fungi on Host Selection Behavior of Deathwatch Beetle, Xestobium rufovillosum. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 28 (4). pp. 741-754. ISSN 0098-0331 (Print), 1573-1561 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1015284625697)

decentralisation India

Marter, Alan (2002) The rural non-farm economy in Uganda: a review of policy (NRI report no. 2702). [Working Paper]

deck landing aircraft

Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240

defect correction method

Djambazov, Georgi S. ORCID logoORCID:, Lai, Choi-Hong ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, Koulis A. ORCID logoORCID: and Wang, Zong-Kang (2002) A defect correction method for multi-scale problems in computational aeroacoustics. In: Recent Developments in Domain Decomposition Methods. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (23). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 147-156. ISBN 9783540434139 ISSN 1439-7358

defect correction methods

Djambazov, G.S. ORCID logoORCID:, Lai, C.-H. ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID: and Wang, Z.-K. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A coarse grid extraction of sound signals for computational aeroacoustics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 40 (12). pp. 1515-1525. ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online) (doi:10.1002/fld.408)

defining design exclusion

Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Countering design exclusion. In: Universal access and assistive technology: Proceedings of the Cambridge workshop on UA and AT ’02. Springer-Verlag, London, UK, pp. 33-42. ISBN 978-1-4471-3721-4 (doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-3719-1_4)

Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Clarkson, P.J. (2002) Defining Design Exclusion. In: Universal access and assistive technology: Proceedings of the Cambridge workshop on UA and AT ’02. Springer-Verelag, London, pp. 13-22. ISBN 978-1-4471-3721-4 (doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-3719-1_2)


Wilson, M.D., Cheke, R.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Fiasse, S.P.J., Grist, S., Osei-Ateweneboana, M.Y., Tetteh-Kumah, A., Fiasorgbor, G.K., Jolliffe, F.R., Boakye, D.A., Hougard, J.-M., Yameogo, L. and Post, R.J. (2002) Deforestation and the spatio-temporal distribution of savannah and forest members of the Simulium damnosum complex in southern Ghana and south-western Togo. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 96 (6). pp. 632-639. ISSN 0035-9203 (Print), 1878-3503 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0035-9203(02)90335-4)


Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350


Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID:, Hung, K.C., Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Chan, Y.C. (2002) No-flow underfill flip chip assembly–an experimental and modeling analysis. Microelectronics Reliability, 42 (8). pp. 1205-1212. ISSN 0026-2714 (doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(02)00092-6)


Nasr, K.M. ORCID logoORCID:, Costen, F. and Barton, S.K. (2002) An application of smart antenna systems for archiving networks in TV studios. In: The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. IEEE, pp. 232-236. ISBN 0780375890 (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1046695)


Churchill, R., Hunot, V., Corney, R., Knapp, M., McGuire, H., Tylee, A. and Wessely, S. (2002) A systematic review of controlled trials of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of brief psychological treatments for depression. Health Technology Assessment, 5 (35). pp. 1-173. ISSN 1366-5278 (doi:10.3310/hta5350)


Kotzen, Benz ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Changing attitudes: the creation of urban shade in the Negev Desert. Urban Design Studies, 8. ISSN 1358-3255


Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Integrated computational mechanics and optimization for design of electronic components. In: Parmee, Ian C. and Hajela, Prabhat, (eds.) Optimization In Industry. Springer Verlag, pp. 57-71. ISBN 9781852338342

design and manufacture

Woon, Fei Ling, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos and Ward, Graham (2002) A case based model to assist in the design process in the manufacture of furniture products. Expert Update - The Specialist Group on Artificial intelligence, 5 (2). pp. 37-43. ISSN 1465-4091

design for manufacture

Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)

designing for inclusivity - assessing the accessibility of everyday products

Cardoso, C., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Designing for inclusivity: Assessing the accessibility of everyday products. In: Proceedings of CWUAAT '02, 1st Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT '02). Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, pp. 47-51.


Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) Developing a practical inclusive interface design approach. Interacting with Computers, 14 (4). pp. 271-299. ISSN 0953-5438 (Print), 1873-7951 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0953-5438(01)00054-6)

developing assistive interfaces for motion-impaired users using cursor movement analysis haptic feedback

Langdon, P. M., Hwang, F., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P. J. and Robinson, P. (2002) Developing assistive interfaces for motion-impaired users using cursor movement analysis in conjunction with haptic feedback. In: Proceedings of the 4th international conference on disability, virtual reality and associated technologies (ICDVRAT 2002). The University of Reading, pp. 223-230. ISBN 0704911434


Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431

Burnett, Duncan, Farrell, Graham and Kiiru, Mary (2002) Strategies for the development of a competitive pyrethrum-based pesticide sector in Kenya. Final report (NRI report no. 2695). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Dasgupta, Nandini, Khanna, Amod, Singh, Amitabh and Singh, Leena (2002) Local governance institutions in two district of Madhya Pradesh, India. [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior R., Asatrian, Paruryr and Kharatyan, Hranusch (2002) Constraints and potential to the development of rural non-farm activities in Armenia (Main report). [Working Paper]

Goodwin, Harold, Spenceley, Anna and Maynard, Bill (2002) Development of responsible tourism guidelines for South Africa (Final report). Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350

Marter, Alan (2002) The rural non-farm economy in Uganda: a review of policy (NRI report no. 2702). [Working Paper]

Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

diatomaceous earths

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Chigariro, J., Mudiwa, M., Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Small-scale farmer perceptions of diatomaceous earth products as potential stored grain protectants in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1049-1060. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00089-3)

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Field assessment of the efficacy and persistence of diatomaceous earths in protecting stored grain on small-scale farms in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1033-1048. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00088-1)

differential–integral equation

Chen, Anyue (2002) Uniqueness and extinction properties of generalised Markov branching processes. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 274 (2). pp. 482-494. ISSN 0022-247X (doi:10.1016/S0022-247X(02)00251-2)

digital broadcasting

Arreymbi, J. and Dastbaz, M. (2002) Issues in delivering multimedia content to mobile devices. In: Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’02). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 622-626. ISBN 0769516564 ISSN 1093-9547 (doi:10.1109/IV.2002.1028839)

digital simulation

Nasr, K.M. ORCID logoORCID:, Costen, F. and Barton, S.K. (2002) An application of smart antenna systems for archiving networks in TV studios. In: The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. IEEE, pp. 232-236. ISBN 0780375890 (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1046695)

Pan, Y., Ierotheou, C.S. and Hayat, M.M. (2002) Parallel implementation of the recurrence method for computing the power-spectral density of thin avalanche photodiodes. In: Proceedings. International Conference on Parallel Processing. 2002. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 298-305. ISBN 0769516777 ISSN 1530-2016 (doi:10.1109/ICPPW.2002.1039744)


Dobbs, Adrian P. ORCID logoORCID: and Martinović, Saša (2002) The silyl–Prins reaction: a novel method for the synthesis of dihydropyrans. Tetrahedron Letters, 43 (39). pp. 7055-7057. ISSN 0040-4039 (doi:10.1016/S0040-4039(02)01558-7)

direct smelting processes

Campbell, A.P., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Modeling of freeze layers and refractory wear in direct smelting processes. Iron & Steel Maker, 29 (9). pp. 41-45. ISSN 0275-8687

direction-of-arrival estimation

Nasr, K.M. ORCID logoORCID:, Costen, F. and Barton, S.K. (2002) An application of smart antenna systems for archiving networks in TV studios. In: The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. IEEE, pp. 232-236. ISBN 0780375890 (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1046695)

discrete element

Baxter, John, Gröger, Torsten, Abou-Chakra, Hadi, Tüzün, Ugur, Christakis, Nicholas, Patel, Mayur K. and Cross, Mark (2002) Micro-mechanical parameterisations for continuum modelling of granular material using the discrete element method. In: Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), 7-12 Jul 2002, Vienna, Austria.

discrimination in education

Ainley, Patrick, Jameson, Jill ORCID logoORCID:, Jones, Peter, Hall, Dai and Farr, Marc (2002) Redefining higher education: a case study in widening participation. In: Hayton, Annette and Paczuska, Anna, (eds.) Access, Participation and Higher Education. The future of education from 14+ . Kogan Page, London, pp. 89-105. ISBN 0749438363


Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Colvin, J., Seal, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Thresh, J.M. (2002) First report of a distinct begomovirus infecting cassava in Zanzibar. Plant Disease, 86 (2). p. 187. ISSN 0191-2917 (doi:10.1094/PDIS.2002.86.2.187A)


Ahmad, F., Kiyani, N., Yousaf, F. and Shams, M. (2002) Guided waves in a fluid-loaded transversely isotropic place. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 8 (2). pp. 151-159. ISSN 1024-123X (Print), 1563-5147 (Online) (doi:10.1080/10241230212909)

distributed computing

Chen, Ke and Lai, Choi H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Parallel algorithms of the Purcell method for direct solution of linear systems. Parallel Computing, 28 (9). pp. 1275-1291. ISSN 0167-8191 (doi:10.1016/S0167-8191(02)00133-3)

distributed memory systems

Walshaw, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Parallel mesh partitioning on distributed memory systems. In: Topping, B.H.V., (ed.) Computational Mechanics using High Performance Computing. Computational Science, Engineering & Technology (9). Saxe-Coburg Publications, Kippen, Stirling, Scotland, pp. 59-78. ISBN 1874672075 (doi:10.4203/csets.9.3)

distributed systems technology

Arreymbi, J. and Dastbaz, M. (2002) Issues in delivering multimedia content to mobile devices. In: Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’02). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 622-626. ISBN 0769516564 ISSN 1093-9547 (doi:10.1109/IV.2002.1028839)


Davis, Junior and Cristoiu, Adriana (2002) Patterns of rural non-farm diversification and employment in Romania: A country level analysis. [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior R., Asatrian, Paruryr and Kharatyan, Hranusch (2002) Constraints and potential to the development of rural non-farm activities in Armenia (Main report). [Working Paper]

document retrieval

Matayo, Eugenia and Valsamidis, Tony (2002) Across the bridge: CLEF 2001 - Non-English monolingual retrieval. The French task. In: Evaluation of Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems. Second Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2001, Darmstadt, Germany, September 3-4, 2001. Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2406). Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 291-299. ISBN 9783540456919 ISSN 0302-9743


Davis, Junior and Cristoiu, Adriana (2002) Patterns of rural non-farm diversification and employment in Romania: A country level analysis. [Working Paper]

Drop jump

Goss-Sampson, M. ORCID logoORCID:, Alkureishi, R. and Price, M. (2002) Optimum contact time and the amortization phase in the bounce drop jump. PART I: BIOMECHANICS, Journal of Sports Sciences, 20 (3-74). p. 8. ISSN 0264-0414 (Print), 1466-447X (Online) (doi:10.1080/026404102317126137)


Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)


Woodhead, Steve and Armour-Chelu, David (2002) Comparison of the electric charging properties of particulate materials in gas–solids flows in pipelines. Journal of Electrostatics, 56 (1). pp. 87-101. ISSN 0304-3886 (doi:10.1016/S0304-3886(02)00032-3)

dynamic solid mechanics

Slone, A.K., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Dynamic solid mechanics using finite volume methods. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 27 (2). pp. 69-87. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:10.1016/S0307-904X(02)00060-4)


Rochat, Didier, Morin, Jean-Paul, Kakul, Titus, Beaudoin-Ollivier, Laurence, Prior, Robert, Renou, Michel, Malosse, Isabelle, Stathers, Tanya ORCID logoORCID:, Empuba, Sebastian and Laup, Samson (2002) Activity of male pheromone of Melanesian Rhinoceros Beetle Scapanes australis. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 28 (3). pp. 479-500. ISSN 0098-0331 (Print), 1573-1561 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1014531810037)

Eastern Europe

Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]


Norwich, Brahm, Cooper, Paul and Maras, Pamela F. (2002) Attentional and activity difficulties: findings from a national study. Support For Learning, 17 (4). pp. 182-186. ISSN 0268-2141 (doi:10.1111/1467-9604.00262)

ecological monitoring

Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431


Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431

economic development

Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: John Majewski, A house dividing: economic development in Pennsylvania and Virginia before the Civil War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, £30.00). Pp. 214. ISBN 0 521 59023 X. Journal of American Studies, 36 (3). pp. 513-570. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online)


Bezemer, Dirk and Davis, Junior (2002) The rural non-agricultural economy in transition countries: Findings from Armenia. [Working Paper]

Bleahu, Ana and Janowski, Monica (2002) Rural non-farm livelihood activities in Romania: A report on qualitative fieldwork in two communities. [Working Paper]


Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431


Ainley, Patrick, Barnes, Tim and Momen, Abdul (2002) Making Connexions: a case study in contemporary social policy. Critical Social Policy, 22 (2). pp. 376-388. ISSN 0261-0183 (Print), 1461-703X (Online) (doi:10.1177/02610183020220021001)

Gravelle, Margaret (2002) A real purpose and audience:ICT and English. Computer Education (1). ISSN 0010-4590

Humphreys, Trevor John (2002) English nurse education and National Health Service reform 1985-1997. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Hunt, Neville, Jolliffe, Flavia and Davies, Neville (2002) The Royal Statistical Society and statistical education. In: ICOTS 6 [The Sixth International Conference on Teaching Statistics]. International Association for Statistical Education.

Jolliffe, Flavia (2002) Statistical investigations - drawing it all together. In: ICOTS 6 [The Sixth International Conference on Teaching Statistics]. International Association for Statistical Education.

effective linear solver

Cao, Jianwen and Lai, Choi-Hong ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Numerical experiments of some Krylov subspace methods for black oil model. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 44 (1-2). pp. 125-141. ISSN 0898-1221 (doi:10.1016/S0898-1221(02)00135-9)

eighteenth century novel

Creed, Wendy Elizabeth (2002) Dreaming in whispering groves: an inquiry into the reader's response to the book as a published physical object with reference to the rise of the eighteenth century novel, modern critical theory and the processes and technologies of production, transmission and reception. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

electroless Ni–P layer

Alam, M.O., Chan, Y.C. and Hung, K.C. (2002) Reliability study of the electroless Ni–P layer against solder alloy. Microelectronics Reliability, 42 (7). pp. 1065-1073. ISSN 0026-2714 (doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(02)00068-9)

electromagnetic compatibility

Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)

electromagnetic field

Hughes, Michael, Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: and Strusevitch, Nadia (2002) Modelling the fluid dynamics and coupled phenomena in arc weld pools. In: Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena. Materials Modelling, 6 . Maney Publishing for the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, London, England, UK, pp. 63-81. ISBN 9781902653563

electronic components

Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Integrated computational mechanics and optimization for design of electronic components. In: Parmee, Ian C. and Hajela, Prabhat, (eds.) Optimization In Industry. Springer Verlag, pp. 57-71. ISBN 9781852338342

electronic design automation

Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)

electronic engineering computing

Pan, Y., Ierotheou, C.S. and Hayat, M.M. (2002) Parallel implementation of the recurrence method for computing the power-spectral density of thin avalanche photodiodes. In: Proceedings. International Conference on Parallel Processing. 2002. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 298-305. ISBN 0769516777 ISSN 1530-2016 (doi:10.1109/ICPPW.2002.1039744)

Electronic Packaging

Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Response Surface Modeling and Optimisation for Reliable Electronic Products. In: The Fifth International IEEE Symposium on High Density Packaging and Component Failure Analysis in Electronics Manufacturing. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 49-57. ISBN 0780398238

electronic products

Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Warner, M., Agha, A., Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Parry, J., Marooney, C., Reeves, H. and Clark, I. (2002) Flo/Stress: an integrated software module to predict stress in electronic products. Computing and Control Engineering Journal, 13 (3). pp. 143-148. ISSN 0956-3385 (doi:10.1049/ccej:20020306)

electronic signature

Karanasiou, Argyro ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Issue of payment warrant based on electronic documents. Dike International, 33 (560).

electrostatic charging

Woodhead, Steve and Armour-Chelu, David (2002) Comparison of the electric charging properties of particulate materials in gas–solids flows in pipelines. Journal of Electrostatics, 56 (1). pp. 87-101. ISSN 0304-3886 (doi:10.1016/S0304-3886(02)00032-3)

EMG step aerobics

Goss-Sampson, Mark ORCID logoORCID:, Sankey, Helen and Price, Mike (2002) Medial and lateral vastus balance during normal and wide step aerobics. PART I: BIOMECHANICS, Journal of Sports Sciences, 20 (3-74). pp. 9-10. ISSN 0264-0414 (Print), 1466-447X (Online) (doi:10.1080/026404102317126137)


Marter, Alan (2002) The rural non-farm economy in Uganda: a review of policy (NRI report no. 2702). [Working Paper]


Bleahu, Ana and Janowski, Monica (2002) Rural non-farm livelihood activities in Romania: A report on qualitative fieldwork in two communities. [Working Paper]

Cannon, Terry and Smith, David (2002) Uganda fieldwork case study synthesis report (NRI report no. 2701). [Working Paper]

Dasgupta, Nandini, Khanna, Amod, Singh, Amitabh and Singh, Leena (2002) Local governance institutions in two district of Madhya Pradesh, India. [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior and Cristoiu, Adriana (2002) Patterns of rural non-farm diversification and employment in Romania: A country level analysis. [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior R., Asatrian, Paruryr and Kharatyan, Hranusch (2002) Constraints and potential to the development of rural non-farm activities in Armenia (Main report). [Working Paper]

Som, Richa, Kleih, Ulrich, Kumar, Yogesh and Jena, Surendra Kumar (2002) Rural non-farm employment in Madhya Pradesh. Findings of a participatory rural appraisal in 8 villages (NRI report no. 2694). [Working Paper]

employment relations

White, Geoff, Edmunds, Mike and Druker, Janet (2002) Work and employment relations in Kent. University of Greenwich, Greenwich, London, UK. ISBN 1861661800


Ainley, Patrick (2002) The strange death of further education. Adults Learning, 13 (7). p. 29. ISSN 0955-2308.

Logan, Anne Frances Helen (2002) Making women magistrates: feminism, citizenship and justice in England and Wales 1918-1950. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

English language

Matayo, Eugenia and Valsamidis, Tony (2002) Across the bridge: CLEF 2001 - Non-English monolingual retrieval. The French task. In: Evaluation of Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems. Second Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2001, Darmstadt, Germany, September 3-4, 2001. Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2406). Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 291-299. ISBN 9783540456919 ISSN 0302-9743


Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350

environmental impact

Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431

Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350


Harvey, Patricia J. ORCID logoORCID:, Xiang, Mingyan and Palmer, John M. (2002) Extracellular enzymes in the rhizosphere. In: Cost Action 837. Plant biotechnology for the removal of organic pollutants and toxic metals from wastewaters and contaminated sites. InterCOST Workshop on Soil-microbe-root interactions: maximising, phytoremediation/bioremediation (WG1+WG4+COST Action 831, 23-25 May 2002, Grainau, Germany. (Unpublished)

Pandya, Jyoti (2002) Purification and characterisation of amylolytic enzymes from Lipomyces starkeyi. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Dincov, Dusko D. (2002) Fully coupled CEM/CFD modelling of microwave heating in a porous medium. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

equilibrium distribution

Chen, Anyue (2002) Ergodicity and stability of generalised Markov branching processes with resurrection. Journal of Applied Probability, 39 (4). pp. 786-803. ISSN 0021-9002 (doi:10.1239/jap/1037816019)


Hanson, R., Allsopp, D., Deng, T. ORCID logoORCID:, Smith, D., Bradley, M.S.A., Hutchings, I.M. and Patel, M.K. (2002) A model to predict the life of pneumatic conveyor bends. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 216 (3). pp. 143-149. ISSN 0954-4089 (Print), 2041-3009 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440802320225284)

ethical trade

Chan, Man-Kwun (2002) Facing the challenge: Applying codes of practice in the smallholder sector. Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350


Slone, Avril, Fallah, Nosrat, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, Mark (2002) A finite volume approach to geometrically non-linear stress analysis. In: Finite volumes for complex applications III: problems and perspectives. Hermes Penton Science, London, UK, pp. 663-670. ISBN 9781903996348

Williams, A.J., Croft, T.N. and Cross, M. (2002) Computational modelling of metals forming processes. In: The 5th International EASFORM Conference on Material Forming [Proceedings]. Akapit Publishing, Kraków, Poland, pp. 67-70. ISBN 8371080980

European futures

Farrell, Mary (2002) Conclusion: possible European futures. In: Farrell, Mary, Fella, Stefano and Newman, Michael, (eds.) European Integration in the 21st century. Unity in Diversity? Sage Publications, London, UK, pp. 202-213. ISBN 9780761972198 (pbk) 9780761972181 (hbk) 9781412931977 (ebk)

evacuation modelling

Galea, Edwin R. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Simulating evacuation and circulation in planes, trains, buildings and ships using the EXODUS software. In: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics. Springer, pp. 203-225. ISBN 9783540426905

evacuation simulation

Galea, Edwin R. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Simulating evacuation and circulation in planes, trains, buildings and ships using the EXODUS software. In: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics. Springer, pp. 203-225. ISBN 9783540426905

EXODUS software

Galea, Edwin R. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Simulating evacuation and circulation in planes, trains, buildings and ships using the EXODUS software. In: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics. Springer, pp. 203-225. ISBN 9783540426905


Andrews, John and Stoppani, Teresa (2002) FES London book. Foundation of Exotic Studies, Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN 975675601

Stoppani, Teresa and Andrews, John (2002) The Foundation of Exotic Studies (FES). Projects Review 01/02. Architectural Association, London, UK, pp. 30-37. ISBN 1902902289

explanation-based learning

Graham, Deryn (2002) Implications for the scheduling of theory versus application in learning. In: 3rd Annual Conference of the LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Sciences [Proceedings]. LTSN (Learning and Teaching Support Network) / ICS (Centre for Information and Computer Sciences), Newtonabbey, Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK, pp. 11-14. ISBN 0954192710


Burnett, Duncan, Farrell, Graham and Kiiru, Mary (2002) Strategies for the development of a competitive pyrethrum-based pesticide sector in Kenya. Final report (NRI report no. 2695). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Gallat, Stephanie (2002) Ghanian horticulture code of practice - where to from here? Report of a workshop organized by the Natural Resources and Ethical Trade Programme, held at the Miklin Hotel, Accra, 5 June 2001. [Working Paper]

Oudwater, Nicoliene, Greenhalgh, Peter and Clucas, Ivor (2002) Globalisation, seafood industry and livelihoods. Discussion Paper. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

extinction probability

Chen, Anyue (2002) Uniqueness and extinction properties of generalised Markov branching processes. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 274 (2). pp. 482-494. ISSN 0022-247X (doi:10.1016/S0022-247X(02)00251-2)


Williams, A.J., Croft, T.N. and Cross, M. (2002) Computational modelling of metal extrusion and forging processes. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 125-6. pp. 573-582. ISSN 0924-0136 (doi:10.1016/S0924-0136(02)00401-6)

Williams, A.J., Croft, T.N. and Cross, M. (2002) Computational modelling of metals forming processes. In: The 5th International EASFORM Conference on Material Forming [Proceedings]. Akapit Publishing, Kraków, Poland, pp. 67-70. ISBN 8371080980

failure analysis

Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Computer modelling of the reliability of flip chips with metal column bumping. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., pp. 967-973. ISBN 0780371526 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012561)


Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Kaira, Charles K., Kleih, Ulrich K., Benmaamar, Mustapha, Kwamusi, Paul and Iga, Harriet (2002) Kick-start workshop on improved food crops marketing through appropriate transport for poor farmers in Uganda. Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

farmer coping strategies

Golob, P. (2002) Chemical, physical and cultural control of Prostephanus truncatus. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 245-277. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040817.59207.3a)

farmers perspectives

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Chigariro, J., Mudiwa, M., Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Small-scale farmer perceptions of diatomaceous earth products as potential stored grain protectants in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1049-1060. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00089-3)


Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)

fatigue of materials

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID:, Hung, K.C., Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Chan, Y.C. (2002) No-flow underfill flip chip assembly–an experimental and modeling analysis. Microelectronics Reliability, 42 (8). pp. 1205-1212. ISSN 0026-2714 (doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(02)00092-6)


Logan, Anne Frances Helen (2002) Making women magistrates: feminism, citizenship and justice in England and Wales 1918-1950. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Millman, Margaret (2002) In the shadow of war: continuities and discontinuities in the construction of the masculine identities of British soldiers, 1914-1924. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

feminist theory

Rowland, Susan (2002) Jung: a feminist revision. Polity Press, Cambridge, England. ISBN 978-0745625171

field applications

Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) The development and validation of computational MHD techniques for the modelling of metal production processes. In: Proceedings of the 5th International pamir Conference. Cost P6 Annual Workshop 2002. Fundamental and Applied MHD. International pamir Conference, L21-L26.

field trapping

Rochat, Didier, Morin, Jean-Paul, Kakul, Titus, Beaudoin-Ollivier, Laurence, Prior, Robert, Renou, Michel, Malosse, Isabelle, Stathers, Tanya ORCID logoORCID:, Empuba, Sebastian and Laup, Samson (2002) Activity of male pheromone of Melanesian Rhinoceros Beetle Scapanes australis. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 28 (3). pp. 479-500. ISSN 0098-0331 (Print), 1573-1561 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1014531810037)

filled polymers

Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)

final partition

Walshaw, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Parallel mesh partitioning on distributed memory systems. In: Topping, B.H.V., (ed.) Computational Mechanics using High Performance Computing. Computational Science, Engineering & Technology (9). Saxe-Coburg Publications, Kippen, Stirling, Scotland, pp. 59-78. ISBN 1874672075 (doi:10.4203/csets.9.3)


Isaac, David (2002) Property valuation principles. Building and Surveying Series . Palgrave Macmillian, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333921142

financial crisis

Farrell, Mary (2002) Conclusion: possible European futures. In: Farrell, Mary, Fella, Stefano and Newman, Michael, (eds.) European Integration in the 21st century. Unity in Diversity? Sage Publications, London, UK, pp. 202-213. ISBN 9780761972198 (pbk) 9780761972181 (hbk) 9781412931977 (ebk)

financial institutions

Isaac, David (2002) Capital structure and the raising of finance in the real estate sector: conclusions from the UK property lending surveys. Building Technology and Management Journal, 26. pp. 45-61. ISSN 0127-8800

financial services

Isaac, David (2002) Capital structure and the raising of finance in the real estate sector: conclusions from the UK property lending surveys. Building Technology and Management Journal, 26. pp. 45-61. ISSN 0127-8800

finite difference time-domain analysis

Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)

Finite Volume

Croft, T.N., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Bobadilla, M. and Gardin, P. (2002) Three-phase computations of the continuous casting process. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Continuous Casting Conference. IOM Communications Ltd, London, England, UK, pp. 545-554.

Slone, A.K., Croft, T.N., Williams, A.J. and Cross, M. (2002) Two fluid approach to high speed impact interaction amongst solid structures. In: Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), 7-12 Jul 2002, Vienna, Austria.

Slone, A.K., Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Dynamic fluid–structure interaction using finite volume unstructured mesh procedures. Computers and Structures, 80 (5-6). pp. 371-390. ISSN 0045-7949 (doi:10.1016/S0045-7949(01)00177-8)

Slone, Avril, Fallah, Nosrat, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, Mark (2002) A finite volume approach to geometrically non-linear stress analysis. In: Finite volumes for complex applications III: problems and perspectives. Hermes Penton Science, London, UK, pp. 663-670. ISBN 9781903996348

Slone, Avril, Pericleous, Kyriacos A ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Cross, M. and Bennett, C. (2002) Dynamic fluid-structure interactions using finite volume unstructured mesh procedures. Computers & Structures, 80 (5-6). pp. 371-390. ISSN 0045-7949 (doi:10.1016/S0045-7949(01)00177-8)

Taylor, G.A., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) A vertex-based finite volume method applied to non-linear material problems in computational solid mechanics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 56 (4). pp. 507-529. ISSN 0029-5981 (Print), 1097-0207 (Online) (doi:10.1002/nme.574)

Williams, A.J., Croft, T.N. and Cross, M. (2002) Computational modelling of metal extrusion and forging processes. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 125-6. pp. 573-582. ISSN 0924-0136 (doi:10.1016/S0924-0136(02)00401-6)

Williams, A.J., Croft, T.N. and Cross, M. (2002) Computational modelling of metals forming processes. In: The 5th International EASFORM Conference on Material Forming [Proceedings]. Akapit Publishing, Kraków, Poland, pp. 67-70. ISBN 8371080980

finite volume method

Dincov, Dusko D. (2002) Fully coupled CEM/CFD modelling of microwave heating in a porous medium. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

finite volume methods

Aboubacar, M., Phillips, T.N., Tamaddon-Jahromi, H.R., Webster, M.K. and Williams, A.J. (2002) Numerical Simulation of Contraction Flows for Boger Fluids using Finite Volume Methods. In: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference of Rheology, (eurheo 2002). LSP, Institute of Polymer Materials, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, pp. 279-280.

Phillips, T.N. and Williams, A.J. (2002) Comparison of creeping and inertial flow of an Oldroyd B fluid through planar and axisymmetric contractions. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 108 (1-3). pp. 25-47. ISSN 0377-0257 (doi:10.1016/S0377-0257(02)00123-4)

Slone, A.K., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Dynamic solid mechanics using finite volume methods. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 27 (2). pp. 69-87. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:10.1016/S0307-904X(02)00060-4)

Taylor, Gareth A., Hughes, Michael, Strusevich, Nadia and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Finite volume methods applied to the computational modelling of welding phenomena. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 26 (2). pp. 311-322. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:10.1016/S0307-904X(01)00063-4)

first world war

Millman, Margaret (2002) In the shadow of war: continuities and discontinuities in the construction of the masculine identities of British soldiers, 1914-1924. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Oudwater, Nicoliene, Greenhalgh, Peter and Clucas, Ivor (2002) Globalisation, seafood industry and livelihoods. Discussion Paper. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Oudwater, Nicoliene, Greenhalgh, Peter and Clucas, Ivor (2002) Globalisation, seafood industry and livelihoods. Discussion Paper. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

flight traps

Hodges, R.J. (2002) Detection and monitoring of larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 223-243. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040815.06804.c1)

flip chip

Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID:, Glinski, Greg, Wheeler, Daniel, Hamilton, Phil, Hendriksen, Mike and Smith, Brian (2002) Using computer models to identify optimal conditions for flip-chip assembly and reliability. Circuit World, 28 (1). pp. 14-20. ISSN 0305-6120 (doi:10.1108/03056120210696658)

Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Computer modelling of the reliability of flip chips with metal column bumping. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., pp. 967-973. ISBN 0780371526 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012561)

Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Optimisation modelling for flip-chip solder joint reliability. Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 14 (1). pp. 49-58. ISSN 0954-0911 (doi:10.1108/09540910210416477)

flip chip devices

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID:, Hung, K.C., Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Chan, Y.C. (2002) No-flow underfill flip chip assembly–an experimental and modeling analysis. Microelectronics Reliability, 42 (8). pp. 1205-1212. ISSN 0026-2714 (doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(02)00092-6)

flip chip packaging

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Predicting the relationship between reliability and geometric parameters of cu column bumped flip-chips. In: The Fifth International IEEE Symposium on High Density Packaging and Component Failure Analysis in Electronics Manufacturing [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 85-89. ISBN 078039822X

flip-chip devices

Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)

Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Computer modelling of the reliability of flip chips with metal column bumping. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., pp. 967-973. ISBN 0780371526 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012561)

flip-chip devices printed circuit manufacture

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Predicting optimal process conditions for flip-chip aassembly using copper column bumped dies. In: Proceedings of 4th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2002). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 338-343. ISBN 0780374355 (doi:10.1109/EPTC.2002.1185694)

flip-chip packaging

Edussuriya, S.S., Williams, A.J. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A CFD study of the underfill encapsulation process in flip-chip packaging using the Oldroyd-B model. In: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference of Rheology, (eurheo 2002). LSP, Institute of Polymer Materials, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, pp. 285-286.

flow behaviour

Hughes, Michael, Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: and Strusevitch, Nadia (2002) Modelling the fluid dynamics and coupled phenomena in arc weld pools. In: Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena. Materials Modelling, 6 . Maney Publishing for the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, London, England, UK, pp. 63-81. ISBN 9781902653563

fluid dynamics

Taylor, Gareth A., Hughes, Michael, Strusevich, Nadia and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Finite volume methods applied to the computational modelling of welding phenomena. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 26 (2). pp. 311-322. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:10.1016/S0307-904X(01)00063-4)

fluid structure interaction

Slone, A.K., Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Dynamic fluid–structure interaction using finite volume unstructured mesh procedures. Computers and Structures, 80 (5-6). pp. 371-390. ISSN 0045-7949 (doi:10.1016/S0045-7949(01)00177-8)

Slone, Avril, Pericleous, Kyriacos A ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Cross, M. and Bennett, C. (2002) Dynamic fluid-structure interactions using finite volume unstructured mesh procedures. Computers & Structures, 80 (5-6). pp. 371-390. ISSN 0045-7949 (doi:10.1016/S0045-7949(01)00177-8)


Dobbs, Adrian P. ORCID logoORCID: and Kimberley, Meriel R. (2002) Fluorous phase chemistry: a new industrial technology. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 118 (1-2). pp. 3-17. ISSN 0022-1139 (doi:10.1016/S0022-1139(02)00202-6)

fluorous biphasic catalysis

Dobbs, Adrian P. ORCID logoORCID: and Kimberley, Meriel R. (2002) Fluorous phase chemistry: a new industrial technology. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 118 (1-2). pp. 3-17. ISSN 0022-1139 (doi:10.1016/S0022-1139(02)00202-6)

fluorous synthesis

Dobbs, Adrian P. ORCID logoORCID: and Kimberley, Meriel R. (2002) Fluorous phase chemistry: a new industrial technology. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 118 (1-2). pp. 3-17. ISSN 0022-1139 (doi:10.1016/S0022-1139(02)00202-6)

food crop

Kaira, Charles K., Kleih, Ulrich K., Benmaamar, Mustapha, Kwamusi, Paul and Iga, Harriet (2002) Kick-start workshop on improved food crops marketing through appropriate transport for poor farmers in Uganda. Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

food security

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Chigariro, J., Mudiwa, M., Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Small-scale farmer perceptions of diatomaceous earth products as potential stored grain protectants in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1049-1060. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00089-3)

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Field assessment of the efficacy and persistence of diatomaceous earths in protecting stored grain on small-scale farms in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1033-1048. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00088-1)

Force feedback

Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Hwang, F., Langdon, P., Clarkson, P.J. and Robinson, P. (2002) The use of cursor measures for motion-impaired computer users. Universal Access in the Information Society, 2 (1). pp. 18-29. ISSN 1615-5289 (Print), 1615-5297 (Online) (doi:10.1007/S10209-002-0033-7)

Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) Understanding how to improve the accessibility of computers through cursor control studies. In: Proceeding CHI EA '02 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems: changing the world, changing ourselves. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 766-767. ISBN 1-58113-454-1 (doi:10.1145/506443.506587)


Hwang, F., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, P. and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Using cursor measures to determine appropriate computer input assistance for motion-impaired users. In: Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2002. 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society EMBS/BMES Conference, 2002. Proceedings of the Second Joint. IEEE, pp. 2437-2438. ISBN 0-7803-7612-9 ISSN 1094-687X (Print), 23-26 October 2002 Houston, Texas, USA (Online) (doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2002.1053363)


Wilson, M.D., Cheke, R.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Fiasse, S.P.J., Grist, S., Osei-Ateweneboana, M.Y., Tetteh-Kumah, A., Fiasorgbor, G.K., Jolliffe, F.R., Boakye, D.A., Hougard, J.-M., Yameogo, L. and Post, R.J. (2002) Deforestation and the spatio-temporal distribution of savannah and forest members of the Simulium damnosum complex in southern Ghana and south-western Togo. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 96 (6). pp. 632-639. ISSN 0035-9203 (Print), 1878-3503 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0035-9203(02)90335-4)


Williams, A.J., Croft, T.N. and Cross, M. (2002) Computational modelling of metal extrusion and forging processes. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 125-6. pp. 573-582. ISSN 0924-0136 (doi:10.1016/S0924-0136(02)00401-6)

Foundation of Exotic Studies

Andrews, John and Stoppani, Teresa (2002) FES London book. Foundation of Exotic Studies, Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN 975675601

Stoppani, Teresa and Andrews, John (2002) The Foundation of Exotic Studies (FES). Projects Review 01/02. Architectural Association, London, UK, pp. 30-37. ISBN 1902902289


Mileman, Tony, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos, Cowell, Don and Ewer, J. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Case-based retrieval of 3-dimensional shapes for the design of metal castings. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 13 (1). pp. 39-45. ISSN 0956-5515 (Print), 1572-8145 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1013676928961)

foundry industry

Mileman, Tony (2002) An investigation of the feasibility of a CBR approach to the design of sand castings in the foundry industry. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

free surface

Slone, A.K., Croft, T.N., Williams, A.J. and Cross, M. (2002) Two fluid approach to high speed impact interaction amongst solid structures. In: Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), 7-12 Jul 2002, Vienna, Austria.

Williams, A.J., Croft, T.N. and Cross, M. (2002) Computational modelling of metals forming processes. In: The 5th International EASFORM Conference on Material Forming [Proceedings]. Akapit Publishing, Kraków, Poland, pp. 67-70. ISBN 8371080980


Williams, Alison J., Croft, T. Nicholas and Cross, Mark (2002) The application of free-surface techniques to metal forming processes. In: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications III: Problems and Perspectives. Hermes Penton Science, London, UK, pp. 841-848. ISBN 1903996341

freeze layer modelling

Campbell, Andrew Paul (2002) Modelling of freeze layer formation and refractory wear in direct smelting process. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

freeze layers

Campbell, A.P., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Modeling of freeze layers and refractory wear in direct smelting processes. Iron & Steel Maker, 29 (9). pp. 41-45. ISSN 0275-8687

French language

Matayo, Eugenia and Valsamidis, Tony (2002) Across the bridge: CLEF 2001 - Non-English monolingual retrieval. The French task. In: Evaluation of Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems. Second Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2001, Darmstadt, Germany, September 3-4, 2001. Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2406). Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 291-299. ISBN 9783540456919 ISSN 0302-9743

fresh produce

Chan, Man-Kwun (2002) Facing the challenge: Applying codes of practice in the smallholder sector. Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Thompson, Elinor ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, Shaun, Mann, Nicholas H., Robinson, Colin and Mullineaux, Conrad (2002) The role of FtsH proteins in photosystem biosynthesis and turnover in Arabidopsis and Synechocystis. In: PS2001 Proceedings. 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia. ISBN 9780643067110

Functional impairments Case studies

Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) Developing a practical inclusive interface design approach. Interacting with Computers, 14 (4). pp. 271-299. ISSN 0953-5438 (Print), 1873-7951 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0953-5438(01)00054-6)

further education

Ainley, Patrick (2002) The strange death of further education. Adults Learning, 13 (7). p. 29. ISSN 0955-2308.

Gas chromatography

Jayasekara, T.K., Stevenson, Philip ORCID logoORCID:, Belmain, Steven ORCID logoORCID:, Farman, Dudley ORCID logoORCID: and Hall, David ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Identification of methyl salicylate as the principal volatile component in the methanol extract of root bark ofSecuridaca longepedunculata Fers. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 37 (6). pp. 577-580. ISSN 1076-5174 (Print), 1096-9888 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jms.314)

gas–solid flow

Woodhead, Steve and Armour-Chelu, David (2002) Comparison of the electric charging properties of particulate materials in gas–solids flows in pipelines. Journal of Electrostatics, 56 (1). pp. 87-101. ISSN 0304-3886 (doi:10.1016/S0304-3886(02)00032-3)

Gauss–Huard method

Chen, Ke and Lai, Choi H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Parallel algorithms of the Purcell method for direct solution of linear systems. Parallel Computing, 28 (9). pp. 1275-1291. ISSN 0167-8191 (doi:10.1016/S0167-8191(02)00133-3)


Greco, O., Marples, B., Dachs, G.U., Williams, K.J., Patterson, A.V. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Novel chimeric gene promoters responsive to hypoxia and ionizing radiation. Gene Therapy, 9 (20). pp. 1403-1411. ISSN 0969-7128 (Print), 1476-5462 (Online) (doi:10.1038/

Marples, B., Greco, O., Joiner, M.C. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Molecular approaches to chemo-radiotherapy. European Journal of Cancer, 38 (2). pp. 231-239. ISSN 0959-8049 (doi:10.1016/S0959-8049(01)00367-7)

Marples, B., Greco, O., Joiner, M.C. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Molecular approaches to chemo-radiotherapy. European Journal of Cancer, 38 (2). pp. 231-239. ISSN 0959-8049 (doi:10.1016/S0959-8049(01)00367-7)

Scott, S.D., Joiner, M.C. and Marples, B (2002) Optimizing radiation-responsive gene promoters for radiogenetic cancer therapy. Gene Therapy, 9 (20). pp. 1396-1402. ISSN 0969-7128 (Print), 1476-5462 (Online) (doi:10.1038/


Deane, R., Chummun, H. and Prashad, D. (2002) Differences in urinary stress hormones in male and female nurses at different ages. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37 (3). pp. 304-310. ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2648.2002.02082.x)

King, Andrew ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Sympathy as subversion? Reading Lady Audley’s Secret in the kitchen. Journal of Victorian Culture, 7 (1). pp. 60-85. ISSN 1355-5502 (Print), 1750-0133 (Online) (doi:10.3366/jvc.2002.7.1.60)

gender relations

Millman, Margaret (2002) In the shadow of war: continuities and discontinuities in the construction of the masculine identities of British soldiers, 1914-1924. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

gene therapy

Greco, O., Scott, S.D., Marples, B. and Dachs, D.U. (2002) Cancer gene therapy: 'delivery, delivery, delivery'. Frontiers in Bioscience, 7. d1516-d1524. ISSN 1093-9946 (Print), 1093-4715 (Online) (doi:10.2741/greco)

Marples, B., Greco, O., Joiner, M.C. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Molecular approaches to chemo-radiotherapy. European Journal of Cancer, 38 (2). pp. 231-239. ISSN 0959-8049 (doi:10.1016/S0959-8049(01)00367-7)

Marples, B., Greco, O., Joiner, M.C. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Molecular approaches to chemo-radiotherapy. European Journal of Cancer, 38 (2). pp. 231-239. ISSN 0959-8049 (doi:10.1016/S0959-8049(01)00367-7)

generalised Markov branching processes (GMBP)

Chen, Anyue (2002) Uniqueness and extinction properties of generalised Markov branching processes. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 274 (2). pp. 482-494. ISSN 0022-247X (doi:10.1016/S0022-247X(02)00251-2)

generalised Markov branching processes with resurrection

Chen, Anyue (2002) Ergodicity and stability of generalised Markov branching processes with resurrection. Journal of Applied Probability, 39 (4). pp. 786-803. ISSN 0021-9002 (doi:10.1239/jap/1037816019)

Generalized Markov Branching Processes

Chen, Anyue (2002) Generalized Markov branching processes. In: International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM2002), 20-28 Aug 2002, Beijing, China.

geographical distribution

Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350

geometric conservation law

Slone, A.K., Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Dynamic fluid–structure interaction using finite volume unstructured mesh procedures. Computers and Structures, 80 (5-6). pp. 371-390. ISSN 0045-7949 (doi:10.1016/S0045-7949(01)00177-8)

Slone, Avril, Pericleous, Kyriacos A ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Cross, M. and Bennett, C. (2002) Dynamic fluid-structure interactions using finite volume unstructured mesh procedures. Computers & Structures, 80 (5-6). pp. 371-390. ISSN 0045-7949 (doi:10.1016/S0045-7949(01)00177-8)

geometrical optics

Nasr, K.M. ORCID logoORCID:, Costen, F. and Barton, S.K. (2002) An application of smart antenna systems for archiving networks in TV studios. In: The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. IEEE, pp. 232-236. ISBN 0780375890 (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1046695)


Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]


Gallat, Stephanie (2002) Ghanian horticulture code of practice - where to from here? Report of a workshop organized by the Natural Resources and Ethical Trade Programme, held at the Miklin Hotel, Accra, 5 June 2001. [Working Paper]

Wilson, M.D., Cheke, R.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Fiasse, S.P.J., Grist, S., Osei-Ateweneboana, M.Y., Tetteh-Kumah, A., Fiasorgbor, G.K., Jolliffe, F.R., Boakye, D.A., Hougard, J.-M., Yameogo, L. and Post, R.J. (2002) Deforestation and the spatio-temporal distribution of savannah and forest members of the Simulium damnosum complex in southern Ghana and south-western Togo. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 96 (6). pp. 632-639. ISSN 0035-9203 (Print), 1878-3503 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0035-9203(02)90335-4)


Dowdeswell, J.A., Bassford, R.P., Gorman, M.R., Williams, M. ORCID logoORCID:, Glazovsky, A.F., Macheret, Y.Y., Shepherd, A.P., Vasilenko, Y.V., Savatyuguin,, L.M., Hubberten, H.-W. and Miller, H. (2002) Form and flow of the Academy of Sciences Ice Cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (1978-2012), 107 (B4). EPM 5-1. ISSN 2169-9313 (Print), 2169-9356 (Online) (doi:10.1029/2000JB000129)


Oudwater, Nicoliene, Greenhalgh, Peter and Clucas, Ivor (2002) Globalisation, seafood industry and livelihoods. Discussion Paper. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Pandya, Jyoti (2002) Purification and characterisation of amylolytic enzymes from Lipomyces starkeyi. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Chen, Anyue (2002) Generalized Markov branching processes. In: International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM2002), 20-28 Aug 2002, Beijing, China.

grain protection

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Field assessment of the efficacy and persistence of diatomaceous earths in protecting stored grain on small-scale farms in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1033-1048. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00088-1)

grain stores

Hodges, R.J. (2002) Detection and monitoring of larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 223-243. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040815.06804.c1)

grain trade

Tyler, P.S. and Hodges, R.J. (2002) Phytosanitary measures against larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), in international trade. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 279-289. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040816.21570.06)

granular material

Christakis, Nicholas, Chapelle, Pierre, Patel, Mayur, Cross, Mark, Bridle, Ian, Abou-Chakra, Hadi and Baxter, John (2002) Utilising computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the modelling of granular material in large-scale engineering processes. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part 1 (2329). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 743-752. ISBN 9783540435914 ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online) (doi:10.1007/3-540-46043-8_75)

Christakis, Nicholas, Chapelle, Pierre, Patel, Mayur K., Wang, Junye, Cross, Mark, Baxter, John, Gröger, Torsten, Abou-Chakra, Hadi, Tüzün, Ugur, Bridle, Ian and Leaper, Mark C. (2002) Mathematical modelling of the behaviour of granular material in a computational fluid dynamics framework using micro-mechanical models. In: 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), 7-12 Jul 2002, Vienna, Austria.

Christakis, Nicholas, Patel, Mayur K., Cross, Mark, Baxter, John, Abou-Chakra, Hadi and Tuzun, Ugur (2002) Predictions of segregation of granular material with the aid of PHYSICA, a 3-D unstructured finite-volume modelling framework. In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Special Issue: ICFD Conference on Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 281-291. ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online) (doi:10.1002/fld.319)


Walshaw, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Cross, M. and McManus, K. (2002) Multiphase mesh partitioning for parallel computational mechanics codes. In: Computational Science — ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 943-952. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_99)


Walshaw, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Dynamic mesh partitioning and load-balancing for parallel computational mechanics codes. In: Topping, B.H.V., (ed.) Computational Mechanics using High Performance Computing. Computational Science, Engineering & Technology (9). Saxe-Coburg Publications, Kippen, Stirling, Scotland, pp. 79-94. ISBN 1874672075 (doi:10.4203/csets.9.4)

Great Britain

Ainley, Patrick, Jameson, Jill ORCID logoORCID:, Jones, Peter, Hall, Dai and Farr, Marc (2002) Redefining higher education: a case study in widening participation. In: Hayton, Annette and Paczuska, Anna, (eds.) Access, Participation and Higher Education. The future of education from 14+ . Kogan Page, London, pp. 89-105. ISBN 0749438363


Mann, Tony (2002) William Burnside. EMS Newsletter (June). p. 18. ISSN 1027-488X

Mann, Tony (2002) The sesquicentenary of William Burnside. CMS Notes de la SMC, 34 (6). p. 12. ISSN 1193-9273 (Print), 1496-4295 (Online)

Gresham College

Mann, Tony (2002) [Lecture review] 4. 'Three great mathematicians: Euler', 6 March 2002. BSHM Newsletter, 46. p. 33.

group dynamics

Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Studying group dynamics: an alternative analytical framework for the study of microfinance impacts on poverty reduction. Journal of International Development, 14 (4). 511 - 534. ISSN 1099-1328 (online) (doi:10.1002/jid.890)

group theory

Mann, Tony (2002) William Burnside. EMS Newsletter (June). p. 18. ISSN 1027-488X

Mann, Tony (2002) The sesquicentenary of William Burnside. CMS Notes de la SMC, 34 (6). p. 12. ISSN 1193-9273 (Print), 1496-4295 (Online)

guided waves

Ahmad, F., Kiyani, N., Yousaf, F. and Shams, M. (2002) Guided waves in a fluid-loaded transversely isotropic place. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 8 (2). pp. 151-159. ISSN 1024-123X (Print), 1563-5147 (Online) (doi:10.1080/10241230212909)


Druker, Janet, Stanworth, Celia and White, Geoff (2002) Report to the Low Pay Commission on the impact of the national minimum wage on the hairdressing sector. University of Greenwich, Greenwich, London, UK. ISBN 1861661843


Hwang, F., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, P. and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Using cursor measures to determine appropriate computer input assistance for motion-impaired users. In: Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2002. 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society EMBS/BMES Conference, 2002. Proceedings of the Second Joint. IEEE, pp. 2437-2438. ISBN 0-7803-7612-9 ISSN 1094-687X (Print), 23-26 October 2002 Houston, Texas, USA (Online) (doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2002.1053363)

haptic interfaces

Hwang, F., Langdon, P., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P. J. and Robinson, P. (2002) Cursor characterisation and haptic interfaces for motion-impaired users. In: Universal access and assistive technology: Proceedings of the Cambridge workshop on UA and AT ’02. Springer-Verlag, London, UK, pp. 87-96. ISBN 978-1-4471-3721-4 (doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-3719-1_9)


Cabral, Ana Paula and Tavares, José (2002) Practising college reading strategies: First-year students’ choices. The Reading Matrix: an International Online Journal, 2 (3).


Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID: and Deane, Rashid (2002) Effects of cassava processing methods on antinutritional components and health status of children. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82 (3). pp. 252-257. ISSN 0022-5142 (Print), 1097-0010 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jsfa.1048)

health care workers

Chummun, N.H. (2002) Latex glove disorders: a management strategy for reducing skin sensitivity. Journal of Nursing Management, 10 (3). pp. 161-166. ISSN 0966-0429 (Print), 1365-2834 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2834.2002.00310.x)


Dincov, Dusko D. (2002) Fully coupled CEM/CFD modelling of microwave heating in a porous medium. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

heat conduction

Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)

heat transfer

Croft, T.N., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Bobadilla, M. and Gardin, P. (2002) Three-phase computations of the continuous casting process. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Continuous Casting Conference. IOM Communications Ltd, London, England, UK, pp. 545-554.

Hughes, Michael, Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: and Strusevitch, Nadia (2002) Modelling the fluid dynamics and coupled phenomena in arc weld pools. In: Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena. Materials Modelling, 6 . Maney Publishing for the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, London, England, UK, pp. 63-81. ISBN 9781902653563


Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A multilevel approach to the travelling salesman problem. Operations Research, 50 (5). pp. 862-877. ISSN 0030-364X (Print), 1526-5463 (Online) (doi:10.1287/opre.50.5.862.373)

higher education

Ainley, Patrick, Jameson, Jill ORCID logoORCID:, Jones, Peter, Hall, Dai and Farr, Marc (2002) Redefining higher education: a case study in widening participation. In: Hayton, Annette and Paczuska, Anna, (eds.) Access, Participation and Higher Education. The future of education from 14+ . Kogan Page, London, pp. 89-105. ISBN 0749438363

Chopra, Priti (2002) [Book Review] Jones et al. (eds) (1999) Students writing in the University: Cultural and epistemological issues. Amsterdam: John Benjamins BAAL Newsletter (Autumn 2002). British studies in applied linguistics (newsletter), 72.


Xue, X., Schmid, F. and Smith, R.A. (2002) An introduction to China's rail transport Part 2: Urban rail transit systems, highway transport and the reform of China's railways. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 216 (3). pp. 165-174. ISSN 0954-4097 (Print), 2041-3017 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440902760213594)


Mann, Tony (2002) [Crossword] Not! by Parsman. BSHM Newsletter, 46. pp. 50-51.

Xue, X., Schmid, F. and Smith, R.A. (2002) An introduction to China's rail transport Part 1: History, present and future of China's railways. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 216 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 0954-4097 (Print), 2041-3017 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440902760213585)

history of mathematics

Mann, Tony (2002) [Lecture review] 4. 'Three great mathematicians: Euler', 6 March 2002. BSHM Newsletter, 46. p. 33.

Mann, Tony (2002) William Burnside. EMS Newsletter (June). p. 18. ISSN 1027-488X

Mann, Tony (2002) The sesquicentenary of William Burnside. CMS Notes de la SMC, 34 (6). p. 12. ISSN 1193-9273 (Print), 1496-4295 (Online)

Seltmann, Muriel and Mann, Tony (2002) [Meeting review] Silent languages - Characters, notes and symbolism in the Early Modern Period. BSHM Newsletter, 46. pp. 33-34.

hormone replacement therapy

Deane, R., Chummun, H. and Prashad, D. (2002) Differences in urinary stress hormones in male and female nurses at different ages. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37 (3). pp. 304-310. ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2648.2002.02082.x)


Deane, R., Chummun, H. and Prashad, D. (2002) Differences in urinary stress hormones in male and female nurses at different ages. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37 (3). pp. 304-310. ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2648.2002.02082.x)


Gallat, Stephanie (2002) Ghanian horticulture code of practice - where to from here? Report of a workshop organized by the Natural Resources and Ethical Trade Programme, held at the Miklin Hotel, Accra, 5 June 2001. [Working Paper]


Balchin, Paul and Rhoden, Maureen (2002) Housing policy: an introduction. Routledge, New York, NJ, USA / Canada. ISBN 978-0-415-25214-0

housing layout

Kotzen, Benz ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Changing attitudes: the creation of urban shade in the Negev Desert. Urban Design Studies, 8. ISSN 1358-3255

housing policy

Balchin, Paul and Rhoden, Maureen (2002) Housing policy: an introduction. Routledge, New York, NJ, USA / Canada. ISBN 978-0-415-25214-0


Greco, O., Marples, B., Dachs, G.U., Williams, K.J., Patterson, A.V. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Novel chimeric gene promoters responsive to hypoxia and ionizing radiation. Gene Therapy, 9 (20). pp. 1403-1411. ISSN 0969-7128 (Print), 1476-5462 (Online) (doi:10.1038/


Greco, O., Marples, B., Dachs, G.U., Williams, K.J., Patterson, A.V. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Novel chimeric gene promoters responsive to hypoxia and ionizing radiation. Gene Therapy, 9 (20). pp. 1403-1411. ISSN 0969-7128 (Print), 1476-5462 (Online) (doi:10.1038/

human behaviour

Galea, E. ORCID logoORCID:, Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P. ORCID logoORCID:, Sharp, G, Blackshields, D. ORCID logoORCID: and Glen, Ian (2002) The development of an advanced ship evacuation simulation software product and associated large scale testing facility for the collection of human shipboard behaviour data. In: RINA. International Conference. Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation, 2-3 October 2002. Papers. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London, UK, pp. 37-50. ISBN 9780903055819

human rights

Karanasiou, Argyro ORCID logoORCID: (2002) EU and the Middle East: Terrorism as a common threat. Foreign Affairs Stand, 62.


Vlachos, Peter ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Notes from Beijing. The Ethical Record, 107 (2). ISSN 0014-1690


Howden, Reuben, Lightfoot, J. Timothy, Brown, Stephen J. and Swaine, Ian L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) The effects of isometric exercise training on resting blood pressure and orthostatic tolerance in humans. Experimental Physiology, 87 (4). pp. 507-515. ISSN 0958-0670 (Print), 1469-445X (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1469-445X.2002.tb00064.x)


Leaper, M.C., Bradley, Michael S.A., Cleaver, J.A.S., Bridle, Ian, Reed, Alan R., Abou-Chakra, H. and Tüzün, Ugur (2002) Constructing an engineering model for moisture migration in bulk solids as a prelude to predicting moisture migration caking. Advanced Powder Technology, 13 (4). pp. 411-424. (doi:10.1163/156855202320536043)


Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]


Acharya, Parag ORCID logoORCID: and Chattopadhyaya, Jyoti B (2002) The hydrogen bonding and hydration of 2′-OH in adenosine and adenosine 3′-ethyl phosphate. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 67 (6). pp. 1852-1865. ISSN 0022-3263 (Print), 1520-6904 (Online) (doi:10.1021/jo010960j)

hydraulics & hydrodynamics

Christakis, N., Allsop, N.W.H., Beale, R.G., Cooper, A.J. and Dennis, J.M. (2002) A volume of fluid numerical model for wave impacts at coastal structures. Proceedings of the ICE - Water and Maritime Engineering, 154 (3). pp. 159-168. ISSN 1472-4561 (Print), 1753-7800 (Online) (doi:10.1680/wame.2002.154.3.159)

hydrogen bonding

Acharya, Parag ORCID logoORCID: and Chattopadhyaya, Jyoti B (2002) The hydrogen bonding and hydration of 2′-OH in adenosine and adenosine 3′-ethyl phosphate. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 67 (6). pp. 1852-1865. ISSN 0022-3263 (Print), 1520-6904 (Online) (doi:10.1021/jo010960j)


Dowdeswell, J.A., Bassford, R.P., Gorman, M.R., Williams, M. ORCID logoORCID:, Glazovsky, A.F., Macheret, Y.Y., Shepherd, A.P., Vasilenko, Y.V., Savatyuguin,, L.M., Hubberten, H.-W. and Miller, H. (2002) Form and flow of the Academy of Sciences Ice Cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (1978-2012), 107 (B4). EPM 5-1. ISSN 2169-9313 (Print), 2169-9356 (Online) (doi:10.1029/2000JB000129)

hypercube networks

Arreymbi, J. and Dastbaz, M. (2002) Issues in delivering multimedia content to mobile devices. In: Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’02). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 622-626. ISBN 0769516564 ISSN 1093-9547 (doi:10.1109/IV.2002.1028839)

hypercube scheme

Arreymbi, J. and Dastbaz, M. (2002) Issues in delivering multimedia content to mobile devices. In: Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’02). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 622-626. ISBN 0769516564 ISSN 1093-9547 (doi:10.1109/IV.2002.1028839)


Marples, B., Greco, O., Joiner, M.C. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Molecular approaches to chemo-radiotherapy. European Journal of Cancer, 38 (2). pp. 231-239. ISSN 0959-8049 (doi:10.1016/S0959-8049(01)00367-7)

Marples, B., Greco, O., Joiner, M.C. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Molecular approaches to chemo-radiotherapy. European Journal of Cancer, 38 (2). pp. 231-239. ISSN 0959-8049 (doi:10.1016/S0959-8049(01)00367-7)


Dowdeswell, J.A., Bassford, R.P., Gorman, M.R., Williams, M. ORCID logoORCID:, Glazovsky, A.F., Macheret, Y.Y., Shepherd, A.P., Vasilenko, Y.V., Savatyuguin,, L.M., Hubberten, H.-W. and Miller, H. (2002) Form and flow of the Academy of Sciences Ice Cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (1978-2012), 107 (B4). EPM 5-1. ISSN 2169-9313 (Print), 2169-9356 (Online) (doi:10.1029/2000JB000129)

image analysis

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Colvin, J., Seal, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Gibson, G. and Cooper, J. (2002) Co-adaptation between cassava mosaic geminiviruses and their local vector populations. Virus Research, 86 (1-2). pp. 71-85. ISSN 0168-1702 (doi:10.1016/S0168-1702(02)00051-5)


Slone, A.K., Croft, T.N., Williams, A.J. and Cross, M. (2002) Two fluid approach to high speed impact interaction amongst solid structures. In: Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), 7-12 Jul 2002, Vienna, Austria.


Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Studying group dynamics: an alternative analytical framework for the study of microfinance impacts on poverty reduction. Journal of International Development, 14 (4). 511 - 534. ISSN 1099-1328 (online) (doi:10.1002/jid.890)


Hieu, L.C. ORCID logoORCID:, Bohez, E., Sloten, J. Vander, Phien, H.N., Esichaikul, V., Binh, P.H., An, P.V., To, N.C. and Oris, P. (2002) Design and manufacturing of personalized implants and standardized templates for cranioplasty applications. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). IEEE, pp. 1025-1030. ISBN 0-7803-7657-9 (doi:10.1109/ICIT.2002.1189312)

Le, Chi ORCID logoORCID:, Erick, Bohez, Huynh, Ngoc Phien, Esichaikul, Vatcharaporn, Jos, Vander Sloten, Pham, Hoa Binh, Nguyen, Cong To, Phan, Van An and Oris, Philip (2002) Design and manufacturing of personalized implants and standardized templates for cranioplasty applications. In: IEEE ICIT '02. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. 'Productivity Reincarnation through Robotics and Automation'. IEEE, pp. 1025-1030. ISBN 0-7803-7657-9 (doi:10.1109/ICIT.2002.1189312)

Le, Chi ORCID logoORCID:, Erik, Bohez, Jos, Vander Sloten, Huynh, Ngoc Phien, Esichaikul, Vatcharaporn and Pham, Hoa Binh (2002) Design and Manufacturing of Implant by CNC milling. Technology and Health Care, 8 (1). ISSN 0928-7329 (Print), 1878-7401 (Online)


Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Report (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. The Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Summary (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. Resource Centre for Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.


Butler, Karen Lee (2002) Impulsivity and risk-taking in clinical and non-clinical populations. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

inclusive design

Dong, H., Cardoso, C., Cassim, J., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Inclusive design: Reflections on design practice. [Working Paper]

Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) Developing a practical inclusive interface design approach. Interacting with Computers, 14 (4). pp. 271-299. ISSN 0953-5438 (Print), 1873-7951 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0953-5438(01)00054-6)

inclusive design diagnosis ONS Scales

Dong, H., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Inclusive design diagnosis based on the ONS scales? In: Proceedings of CWUAAT '02, 1st Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT '02). Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, pp. 71-77.


Som, Richa, Kleih, Ulrich, Kumar, Yogesh and Jena, Surendra Kumar (2002) Rural non-farm employment in Madhya Pradesh. Findings of a participatory rural appraisal in 8 villages (NRI report no. 2694). [Working Paper]


Dasgupta, Nandini, Khanna, Amod, Singh, Amitabh and Singh, Leena (2002) Local governance institutions in two district of Madhya Pradesh, India. [Working Paper]

Dasgupta, Nandini, Khanna, Amod, Singh, Amitabh and Singh, Leena (2002) Local governance institutions in two district of Madhya Pradesh, India. [Working Paper]

Oudwater, Nicoliene, Greenhalgh, Peter and Clucas, Ivor (2002) Globalisation, seafood industry and livelihoods. Discussion Paper. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Som, Richa, Kleih, Ulrich, Kumar, Yogesh and Jena, Surendra Kumar (2002) Rural non-farm employment in Madhya Pradesh. Findings of a participatory rural appraisal in 8 villages (NRI report no. 2694). [Working Paper]


Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Report (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. The Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Summary (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. Resource Centre for Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

indoor radio

Nasr, K.M. ORCID logoORCID:, Costen, F. and Barton, S.K. (2002) An application of smart antenna systems for archiving networks in TV studios. In: The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. IEEE, pp. 232-236. ISBN 0780375890 (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1046695)

induction skull melting

Bojarevics, V. ORCID logoORCID:, Djambazov, G. ORCID logoORCID:, Harding, R.A., Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID: and Wickins, M. (2002) Investigation of the cold crucible melting process: experimental and numerical study. In: Proceedings of the 5th International pamir Conference. Cost P6 Annual Workshop 2002. Fundamental and Applied MHD. International pamir Conference, II.77-II.82.


Phillips, T.N. and Williams, A.J. (2002) Comparison of creeping and inertial flow of an Oldroyd B fluid through planar and axisymmetric contractions. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 108 (1-3). pp. 25-47. ISSN 0377-0257 (doi:10.1016/S0377-0257(02)00123-4)

informal grain movement

Tyler, P.S. and Hodges, R.J. (2002) Phytosanitary measures against larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), in international trade. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 279-289. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040816.21570.06)

information asymmetries

Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microfinance and poverty reduction: the problematic experience of communal banking in Peru. Report. School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK.

Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Studying group dynamics: an alternative analytical framework for the study of microfinance impacts on poverty reduction. Report. School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK. (doi:121)

information retrieval systems

Nasr, K.M. ORCID logoORCID:, Costen, F. and Barton, S.K. (2002) An application of smart antenna systems for archiving networks in TV studios. In: The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. IEEE, pp. 232-236. ISBN 0780375890 (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1046695)

information technology

Gravelle, Margaret (2002) A real purpose and audience:ICT and English. Computer Education (1). ISSN 0010-4590

integrated circuit modelling

Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Computer modelling of the reliability of flip chips with metal column bumping. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., pp. 967-973. ISBN 0780371526 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012561)

integrated circuit reliability

Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Computer modelling of the reliability of flip chips with metal column bumping. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., pp. 967-973. ISBN 0780371526 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012561)

integrated packages

Golob, P. (2002) Chemical, physical and cultural control of Prostephanus truncatus. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 245-277. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040817.59207.3a)

integrated software module

Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Warner, M., Agha, A., Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Parry, J., Marooney, C., Reeves, H. and Clark, I. (2002) Flo/Stress: an integrated software module to predict stress in electronic products. Computing and Control Engineering Journal, 13 (3). pp. 143-148. ISSN 0956-3385 (doi:10.1049/ccej:20020306)

integrity control

Rajalingham, Kamalasen (2002) The development of a structured methodology for the construction and integrity control of spreadsheet models. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

interfaces (materials)

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID:, Hung, K.C., Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Chan, Y.C. (2002) No-flow underfill flip chip assembly–an experimental and modeling analysis. Microelectronics Reliability, 42 (8). pp. 1205-1212. ISSN 0026-2714 (doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(02)00092-6)


Arreymbi, J. and Dastbaz, M. (2002) Issues in delivering multimedia content to mobile devices. In: Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’02). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 622-626. ISBN 0769516564 ISSN 1093-9547 (doi:10.1109/IV.2002.1028839)

interpersonal therapy

Churchill, R., Hunot, V., Corney, R., Knapp, M., McGuire, H., Tylee, A. and Wessely, S. (2002) A systematic review of controlled trials of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of brief psychological treatments for depression. Health Technology Assessment, 5 (35). pp. 1-173. ISSN 1366-5278 (doi:10.3310/hta5350)

investigating haptic assistive interfaces for motion impaired users: force-channels competitive attractive-basins

Langdon, Patrick, Hwang, Faustina, Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P John and Robinson, Peter (2002) Investigating haptic assistive interfaces for motion impaired users: force-channels and competitive attractive-basins. In: EuroHaptics 2002, 8-10 July, 2002, Edinburgh, UK.


Isaac, David (2002) Property valuation principles. Building and Surveying Series . Palgrave Macmillian, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333921142

investment loans

Isaac, David (2002) Capital structure and the raising of finance in the real estate sector: conclusions from the UK property lending surveys. Building Technology and Management Journal, 26. pp. 45-61. ISSN 0127-8800

investment property portfolio

Isaac, David (2002) Capital structure and the raising of finance in the real estate sector: conclusions from the UK property lending surveys. Building Technology and Management Journal, 26. pp. 45-61. ISSN 0127-8800

isometric exercise training

Howden, Reuben, Lightfoot, J. Timothy, Brown, Stephen J. and Swaine, Ian L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) The effects of isometric exercise training on resting blood pressure and orthostatic tolerance in humans. Experimental Physiology, 87 (4). pp. 507-515. ISSN 0958-0670 (Print), 1469-445X (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1469-445X.2002.tb00064.x)


Farnish, R. (2002) Perfecting powder storage & discharge. Chemical Processing, 65 (7). pp. 24-28. ISSN 0009-2630


Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350

Jackson Structured Programming (JSP)

Rajalingham, Kamalasen (2002) The development of a structured methodology for the construction and integrity control of spreadsheet models. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Jacques Derrida

Secomb, Linnell (2002) Haunted community. In: Strysick, Michael, (ed.) The Politics of Community. Critical Studies in the Humanities . The Davies Group, Publishers, Aurora, CO. USA, pp. 131-150. ISBN 978-1-888570-63-2

Jean-Luc Nancy

Secomb, Linnell (2002) Haunted community. In: Strysick, Michael, (ed.) The Politics of Community. Critical Studies in the Humanities . The Davies Group, Publishers, Aurora, CO. USA, pp. 131-150. ISBN 978-1-888570-63-2

jury service

Logan, Anne Frances Helen (2002) Making women magistrates: feminism, citizenship and justice in England and Wales 1918-1950. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Logan, Anne Frances Helen (2002) Making women magistrates: feminism, citizenship and justice in England and Wales 1918-1950. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


White, Geoff, Edmunds, Mike and Druker, Janet (2002) Work and employment relations in Kent. University of Greenwich, Greenwich, London, UK. ISBN 1861661800

Kentish Stour

de Vos, E., Edwards, S.J., McDonald, I., Wray, D.S. ORCID logoORCID: and Carey, P.J. (2002) A baseline survey of the distribution and origin of platinum group elements in contemporary fluvial sediments of the Kentish Stour, England. Applied Geochemistry, 17 (8). pp. 1115-1121. ISSN 0883-2927 (doi:10.1016/S0883-2927(02)00010-0)


Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Report (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. The Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Summary (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. Resource Centre for Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

Burnett, Duncan, Farrell, Graham and Kiiru, Mary (2002) Strategies for the development of a competitive pyrethrum-based pesticide sector in Kenya. Final report (NRI report no. 2695). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350

Kim Scott

Secomb, Linnell (2002) Autothanatography. Mortality: Promoting the interdisciplinary study of death and dying, 7 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1357-6275 (Print), 1469-9885 (Online) (doi:10.1080/13576270120102535)

knowledge construction

Kiernan, Mary (2002) Does the medium dictate the message? Cultivating communication in an asynchronous environment. In: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2002. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, USA, pp. 972-979. ISBN 9781880094457

knowledge management

Mileman, Tony, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos, Cowell, Don and Ewer, J. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Case-based retrieval of 3-dimensional shapes for the design of metal castings. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 13 (1). pp. 39-45. ISSN 0956-5515 (Print), 1572-8145 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1013676928961)

knowledge-based systems

Mileman, Tony, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos, Cowell, Don and Ewer, J. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Case-based retrieval of 3-dimensional shapes for the design of metal castings. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 13 (1). pp. 39-45. ISSN 0956-5515 (Print), 1572-8145 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1013676928961)

Krylov subspace methods

Cao, Jianwen and Lai, Choi-Hong ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Numerical experiments of some Krylov subspace methods for black oil model. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 44 (1-2). pp. 125-141. ISSN 0898-1221 (doi:10.1016/S0898-1221(02)00135-9)


Cannon, Terry and Smith, David (2002) Uganda fieldwork case study synthesis report (NRI report no. 2701). [Working Paper]


Slone, Avril, Fallah, Nosrat, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, Mark (2002) A finite volume approach to geometrically non-linear stress analysis. In: Finite volumes for complex applications III: problems and perspectives. Hermes Penton Science, London, UK, pp. 663-670. ISBN 9781903996348

large scale

Cao, Jianwen and Lai, Choi-Hong ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Numerical experiments of some Krylov subspace methods for black oil model. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 44 (1-2). pp. 125-141. ISSN 0898-1221 (doi:10.1016/S0898-1221(02)00135-9)

large scale testing

Galea, E. ORCID logoORCID:, Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P. ORCID logoORCID:, Sharp, G, Blackshields, D. ORCID logoORCID: and Glen, Ian (2002) The development of an advanced ship evacuation simulation software product and associated large scale testing facility for the collection of human shipboard behaviour data. In: RINA. International Conference. Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation, 2-3 October 2002. Papers. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London, UK, pp. 37-50. ISBN 9780903055819

large-scale engineering processes

Christakis, Nicholas, Chapelle, Pierre, Patel, Mayur, Cross, Mark, Bridle, Ian, Abou-Chakra, Hadi and Baxter, John (2002) Utilising computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the modelling of granular material in large-scale engineering processes. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part 1 (2329). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 743-752. ISBN 9783540435914 ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online) (doi:10.1007/3-540-46043-8_75)

larger grain borer

Boxall, R.A. (2002) Damage and loss caused by the Larger Grain Borer Prostephanus truncatus. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (2). pp. 105-121. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1026397115946)

lase welding

Strusevich, Nadezhda V., Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: and Hughes, Michael (2002) Characterisation of weldpool shapes in the laser welding of thick plates. In: Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena. Materials Modelling, 6 . Maney Publishing for the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, London, England, UK, pp. 83-92. ISBN 9781902653563


Gwyer, D., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Philpott, D. and Misselbrook, P. (2002) Mathematical modelling: a laser soldering process for an optoelectronics butterfly package. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 121-127. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012447)

laser beam welding

Gwyer, D., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Philpott, D. and Misselbrook, P. (2002) Mathematical modelling: a laser soldering process for an optoelectronics butterfly package. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 121-127. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012447)

latex gloves

Chummun, N.H. (2002) Latex glove disorders: a management strategy for reducing skin sensitivity. Journal of Nursing Management, 10 (3). pp. 161-166. ISSN 0966-0429 (Print), 1365-2834 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2834.2002.00310.x)

Latin America

Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microfinance and poverty reduction: the problematic experience of communal banking in Peru. Report. School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK.

Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Studying group dynamics: an alternative analytical framework for the study of microfinance impacts on poverty reduction. Report. School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK. (doi:121)

laws and legislation

Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240

lecture review

Mann, Tony (2002) [Lecture review] 4. 'Three great mathematicians: Euler', 6 March 2002. BSHM Newsletter, 46. p. 33.


Oudwater, Nicoliene, Greenhalgh, Peter and Clucas, Ivor (2002) Globalisation, seafood industry and livelihoods. Discussion Paper. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Leonhard Euler

Mann, Tony (2002) [Lecture review] 4. 'Three great mathematicians: Euler', 6 March 2002. BSHM Newsletter, 46. p. 33.

Lewis acid

Dobbs, Adrian P. ORCID logoORCID: and Martinović, Saša (2002) The silyl–Prins reaction: a novel method for the synthesis of dihydropyrans. Tetrahedron Letters, 43 (39). pp. 7055-7057. ISSN 0040-4039 (doi:10.1016/S0040-4039(02)01558-7)


Coulter, J. and Onumah, G. (2002) The role of warehouse receipt systems in enhanced commodity marketing and rural livelihoods in Africa. Food Policy, 27 (4). pp. 319-337. ISSN 0306-9192 (doi:10.1016/S0306-9192(02)00018-0)

lifetime prediction

Hanson, R., Allsopp, D., Deng, T. ORCID logoORCID:, Smith, D., Bradley, M.S.A., Hutchings, I.M. and Patel, M.K. (2002) A model to predict the life of pneumatic conveyor bends. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 216 (3). pp. 143-149. ISSN 0954-4089 (Print), 2041-3009 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440802320225284)

light traps

Hodges, R.J. (2002) Detection and monitoring of larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 223-243. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040815.06804.c1)


Van Oirschot, Quirien Elfrida Antoinette, Rees, Deborah ORCID logoORCID:, Aked, Julia and Kihurani, Agnes (2002) Sweet potato cultivars differ in efficiency of wound healing. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID: and Deane, Rashid (2002) Effects of cassava processing methods on antinutritional components and health status of children. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82 (3). pp. 252-257. ISSN 0022-5142 (Print), 1097-0010 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jsfa.1048)

linear system

Cao, Jianwen and Lai, Choi-Hong ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Numerical experiments of some Krylov subspace methods for black oil model. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 44 (1-2). pp. 125-141. ISSN 0898-1221 (doi:10.1016/S0898-1221(02)00135-9)

linear systems

Chen, Ke and Lai, Choi H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Parallel algorithms of the Purcell method for direct solution of linear systems. Parallel Computing, 28 (9). pp. 1275-1291. ISSN 0167-8191 (doi:10.1016/S0167-8191(02)00133-3)


Chopra, Priti (2002) [Book Review] Jones et al. (eds) (1999) Students writing in the University: Cultural and epistemological issues. Amsterdam: John Benjamins BAAL Newsletter (Autumn 2002). British studies in applied linguistics (newsletter), 72.


Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350

liquid–liquid extraction

Dobbs, Adrian P. ORCID logoORCID: and Kimberley, Meriel R. (2002) Fluorous phase chemistry: a new industrial technology. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 118 (1-2). pp. 3-17. ISSN 0022-1139 (doi:10.1016/S0022-1139(02)00202-6)


Bleahu, Ana and Janowski, Monica (2002) Rural non-farm livelihood activities in Romania: A report on qualitative fieldwork in two communities. [Working Paper]

Cannon, Terry and Smith, David (2002) Uganda fieldwork case study synthesis report (NRI report no. 2701). [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior R., Asatrian, Paruryr and Kharatyan, Hranusch (2002) Constraints and potential to the development of rural non-farm activities in Armenia (Main report). [Working Paper]


Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Report (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. The Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Summary (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. Resource Centre for Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

Goodwin, Harold, Spenceley, Anna and Maynard, Bill (2002) Development of responsible tourism guidelines for South Africa (Final report). Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Oudwater, Nicoliene, Greenhalgh, Peter and Clucas, Ivor (2002) Globalisation, seafood industry and livelihoods. Discussion Paper. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Walshaw, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Cross, M. and McManus, K. (2002) Multiphase mesh partitioning for parallel computational mechanics codes. In: Computational Science — ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 943-952. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_99)

load-balancing issues

Walshaw, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Dynamic mesh partitioning and load-balancing for parallel computational mechanics codes. In: Topping, B.H.V., (ed.) Computational Mechanics using High Performance Computing. Computational Science, Engineering & Technology (9). Saxe-Coburg Publications, Kippen, Stirling, Scotland, pp. 79-94. ISBN 1874672075 (doi:10.4203/csets.9.4)


Isaac, David (2002) Capital structure and the raising of finance in the real estate sector: conclusions from the UK property lending surveys. Building Technology and Management Journal, 26. pp. 45-61. ISSN 0127-8800

local government

Dasgupta, Nandini, Khanna, Amod, Singh, Amitabh and Singh, Leena (2002) Local governance institutions in two district of Madhya Pradesh, India. [Working Paper]


Ojo, Omorogieva ORCID logoORCID: and Deane, Rashid (2002) Effects of cassava processing methods on antinutritional components and health status of children. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82 (3). pp. 252-257. ISSN 0022-5142 (Print), 1097-0010 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jsfa.1048)


Herdan, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Historyczne uwarunkowania procesów laczenia sie przedsiebiorstw / Mergers and acquisition – the historical perspective. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie / The Scientific Journal of The University of Economics in Krakow, 591. pp. 49-60.

Herdan, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID: and Czubala, Joanna (2002) Ocena polaczenia Banku Rozwoju Eksportu S.A. i Polskiego Bank Rozwoju S.A. na podstawie globalnego i dziedzinowego efektu synergii / The Estimation of The Merger of Bank Rozwoju Eksportu S.A. and Polski Bank Rozwoju S.A. Based on the Global and Domain Synergy Effect. Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowosci / Scientific Journal of Accounting,, 11 (67). pp. 24-42. ISSN 1641-4381


Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

machine translation

Matayo, Eugenia and Valsamidis, Tony (2002) Across the bridge: CLEF 2001 - Non-English monolingual retrieval. The French task. In: Evaluation of Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems. Second Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2001, Darmstadt, Germany, September 3-4, 2001. Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2406). Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 291-299. ISBN 9783540456919 ISSN 0302-9743


Marter, Alan (2002) The rural non-farm economy in Uganda: a review of policy (NRI report no. 2702). [Working Paper]

Madhya Pradesh

Dasgupta, Nandini, Khanna, Amod, Singh, Amitabh and Singh, Leena (2002) Local governance institutions in two district of Madhya Pradesh, India. [Working Paper]

Som, Richa, Kleih, Ulrich, Kumar, Yogesh and Jena, Surendra Kumar (2002) Rural non-farm employment in Madhya Pradesh. Findings of a participatory rural appraisal in 8 villages (NRI report no. 2694). [Working Paper]


Logan, Anne Frances Helen (2002) Making women magistrates: feminism, citizenship and justice in England and Wales 1918-1950. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

magnetic fields

Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) The development and validation of computational MHD techniques for the modelling of metal production processes. In: Proceedings of the 5th International pamir Conference. Cost P6 Annual Workshop 2002. Fundamental and Applied MHD. International pamir Conference, L21-L26.


Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Chigariro, J., Mudiwa, M., Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Small-scale farmer perceptions of diatomaceous earth products as potential stored grain protectants in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1049-1060. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00089-3)


Balchin, Paul and Rhoden, Maureen (2002) Housing policy: an introduction. Routledge, New York, NJ, USA / Canada. ISBN 978-0-415-25214-0

Chummun, N.H. (2002) Latex glove disorders: a management strategy for reducing skin sensitivity. Journal of Nursing Management, 10 (3). pp. 161-166. ISSN 0966-0429 (Print), 1365-2834 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2834.2002.00310.x)

mark-up rates

Onaran, Özlem ORCID logoORCID: and Yenturk, Nurhan (2002) The mark-up rates in Turkish private manufacturing industry during trade liberalization. Journal of Income Distribution, 11 (3-4). pp. 21-41. ISSN 1874-6322

market chain

Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

market development

Marter, Alan and Wandschneider, Tiago (2002) The role of NGOs and CBOs in marketing in Uganda: the potential in remote regions and in reaching the poor (NRI report no. 2699). [Working Paper]

market intervention

Marter, Alan and Wandschneider, Tiago (2002) The role of NGOs and CBOs in marketing in Uganda: the potential in remote regions and in reaching the poor (NRI report no. 2699). [Working Paper]

market linkage development

Marter, Alan and Wandschneider, Tiago (2002) The role of NGOs and CBOs in marketing in Uganda: the potential in remote regions and in reaching the poor (NRI report no. 2699). [Working Paper]


Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Kaira, Charles K., Kleih, Ulrich K., Benmaamar, Mustapha, Kwamusi, Paul and Iga, Harriet (2002) Kick-start workshop on improved food crops marketing through appropriate transport for poor farmers in Uganda. Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Burnett, Duncan, Farrell, Graham and Kiiru, Mary (2002) Strategies for the development of a competitive pyrethrum-based pesticide sector in Kenya. Final report (NRI report no. 2695). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Markov branching processes

Chen, Anyue (2002) Ergodicity and stability of generalised Markov branching processes with resurrection. Journal of Applied Probability, 39 (4). pp. 786-803. ISSN 0021-9002 (doi:10.1239/jap/1037816019)

Markov branching processes (MBP)

Chen, Anyue (2002) Uniqueness and extinction properties of generalised Markov branching processes. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 274 (2). pp. 482-494. ISSN 0022-247X (doi:10.1016/S0022-247X(02)00251-2)

Mary Braddon

King, Andrew ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Sympathy as subversion? Reading Lady Audley’s Secret in the kitchen. Journal of Victorian Culture, 7 (1). pp. 60-85. ISSN 1355-5502 (Print), 1750-0133 (Online) (doi:10.3366/jvc.2002.7.1.60)


Millman, Margaret (2002) In the shadow of war: continuities and discontinuities in the construction of the masculine identities of British soldiers, 1914-1924. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

mass flow discharge

Farnish, R. (2002) Perfecting powder storage & discharge. Chemical Processing, 65 (7). pp. 24-28. ISSN 0009-2630

mass spectrometry

Jayasekara, T.K., Stevenson, Philip ORCID logoORCID:, Belmain, Steven ORCID logoORCID:, Farman, Dudley ORCID logoORCID: and Hall, David ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Identification of methyl salicylate as the principal volatile component in the methanol extract of root bark ofSecuridaca longepedunculata Fers. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 37 (6). pp. 577-580. ISSN 1076-5174 (Print), 1096-9888 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jms.314)

mass transfer

Dincov, Dusko D. (2002) Fully coupled CEM/CFD modelling of microwave heating in a porous medium. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

materials handling equipment

Farnish, R. (2002) Perfecting powder storage & discharge. Chemical Processing, 65 (7). pp. 24-28. ISSN 0009-2630

mathematical and computational physics

Ierotheou, C.S., Johnson, S., Leggett, P. and Cross, M. (2002) The Shared Memory Parallelisation of an Ocean Modelling Code using an Interactive Parallelisation Toolkit. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 953-962. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_100)

McManus, Kevin, Cross, Mark, Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID:, Croft, Nick and Williams, Alison (2002) Parallel performance in multi-physics simulation. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 806-815. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_85)

mathematical modelling

Christakis, N., Allsop, N.W.H., Beale, R.G., Cooper, A.J. and Dennis, J.M. (2002) A volume of fluid numerical model for wave impacts at coastal structures. Proceedings of the ICE - Water and Maritime Engineering, 154 (3). pp. 159-168. ISSN 1472-4561 (Print), 1753-7800 (Online) (doi:10.1680/wame.2002.154.3.159)

Hanson, R., Allsopp, D., Deng, T. ORCID logoORCID:, Smith, D., Bradley, M.S.A., Hutchings, I.M. and Patel, M.K. (2002) A model to predict the life of pneumatic conveyor bends. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 216 (3). pp. 143-149. ISSN 0954-4089 (Print), 2041-3009 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440802320225284)

Vardoulakis, Sotirios (2002) An operational method for assessing traffic-related air pollution in urban streets. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

mathematical physics

Marsden, R.H., Croft, T.N. and Lai, C.H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Domain decomposition using a 2-level correction scheme. In: Sloot, Peter M.A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 480-489. ISBN 9783540435938 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_50)


Mann, Tony (2002) [Lecture review] 4. 'Three great mathematicians: Euler', 6 March 2002. BSHM Newsletter, 46. p. 33.

Mann, Tony (2002) William Burnside. EMS Newsletter (June). p. 18. ISSN 1027-488X

Mann, Tony (2002) The sesquicentenary of William Burnside. CMS Notes de la SMC, 34 (6). p. 12. ISSN 1193-9273 (Print), 1496-4295 (Online)

Seltmann, Muriel and Mann, Tony (2002) [Meeting review] Silent languages - Characters, notes and symbolism in the Early Modern Period. BSHM Newsletter, 46. pp. 33-34.


Chen, Anyue, Zhang, Hanjun and Hou, Zhenting (2002) Feller transition functions, Resolvent Decomposition Theorems, and their application in unstable denumerable Markov processes. In: Hou, Zhenting, Filar, Jerzy A. and Chen, Anyue, (eds.) Markov Processes and Controlled Markov Chains. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 15-39. ISBN 9781461379683

Mann, Tony (2002) [Crossword] Not! by Parsman. BSHM Newsletter, 46. pp. 50-51.

Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A multilevel approach to the travelling salesman problem. Operations Research, 50 (5). pp. 862-877. ISSN 0030-364X (Print), 1526-5463 (Online) (doi:10.1287/opre.50.5.862.373)

mathematics of computing

Ierotheou, C.S., Johnson, S., Leggett, P. and Cross, M. (2002) The Shared Memory Parallelisation of an Ocean Modelling Code using an Interactive Parallelisation Toolkit. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 953-962. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_100)

Marsden, R.H., Croft, T.N. and Lai, C.H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Domain decomposition using a 2-level correction scheme. In: Sloot, Peter M.A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 480-489. ISBN 9783540435938 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_50)

McManus, Kevin, Cross, Mark, Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID:, Croft, Nick and Williams, Alison (2002) Parallel performance in multi-physics simulation. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 806-815. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_85)

Maurice Blanchot

Secomb, Linnell (2002) Autothanatography. Mortality: Promoting the interdisciplinary study of death and dying, 7 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1357-6275 (Print), 1469-9885 (Online) (doi:10.1080/13576270120102535)

Maxwell equations

Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)

mean extinction time

Chen, Anyue (2002) Uniqueness and extinction properties of generalised Markov branching processes. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 274 (2). pp. 482-494. ISSN 0022-247X (doi:10.1016/S0022-247X(02)00251-2)

mechanical permeability

Farnish, R. (2002) Perfecting powder storage & discharge. Chemical Processing, 65 (7). pp. 24-28. ISSN 0009-2630

meeting review

Seltmann, Muriel and Mann, Tony (2002) [Meeting review] Silent languages - Characters, notes and symbolism in the Early Modern Period. BSHM Newsletter, 46. pp. 33-34.

melting processes

Cross, Mark, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID:, Williams, Alison, Bojarevics, Valdis ORCID logoORCID:, Croft, Nick and Taylor, Gary (2002) The multiphysics modeling of solidification and melting processes. JOM (The Member Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2002 (Supp.). ISSN 1047-4838


Millman, Margaret (2002) In the shadow of war: continuities and discontinuities in the construction of the masculine identities of British soldiers, 1914-1924. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Secomb, Linnell (2002) Haunted community. In: Strysick, Michael, (ed.) The Politics of Community. Critical Studies in the Humanities . The Davies Group, Publishers, Aurora, CO. USA, pp. 131-150. ISBN 978-1-888570-63-2


Herdan, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Historyczne uwarunkowania procesów laczenia sie przedsiebiorstw / Mergers and acquisition – the historical perspective. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie / The Scientific Journal of The University of Economics in Krakow, 591. pp. 49-60.

Herdan, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Prawne uwarunkowania laczenia sie podmiotów gospodarczych w Polsce / The Legal Framework of M&A in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie / The Scientific Journal of The University of Economics in Krakow, 565. pp. 97-110.

Herdan, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID: and Czubala, Joanna (2002) Ocena polaczenia Banku Rozwoju Eksportu S.A. i Polskiego Bank Rozwoju S.A. na podstawie globalnego i dziedzinowego efektu synergii / The Estimation of The Merger of Bank Rozwoju Eksportu S.A. and Polski Bank Rozwoju S.A. Based on the Global and Domain Synergy Effect. Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowosci / Scientific Journal of Accounting,, 11 (67). pp. 24-42. ISSN 1641-4381

mesh generation

Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)

message passing

Pan, Y., Ierotheou, C.S. and Hayat, M.M. (2002) Parallel implementation of the recurrence method for computing the power-spectral density of thin avalanche photodiodes. In: Proceedings. International Conference on Parallel Processing. 2002. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 298-305. ISBN 0769516777 ISSN 1530-2016 (doi:10.1109/ICPPW.2002.1039744)

meta-heuristic for TSP

Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A multilevel approach to the travelling salesman problem. Operations Research, 50 (5). pp. 862-877. ISSN 0030-364X (Print), 1526-5463 (Online) (doi:10.1287/opre.50.5.862.373)

metal extraction

Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) The development and validation of computational MHD techniques for the modelling of metal production processes. In: Proceedings of the 5th International pamir Conference. Cost P6 Annual Workshop 2002. Fundamental and Applied MHD. International pamir Conference, L21-L26.

metal forming

Williams, Alison J., Croft, T. Nicholas and Cross, Mark (2002) The application of free-surface techniques to metal forming processes. In: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications III: Problems and Perspectives. Hermes Penton Science, London, UK, pp. 841-848. ISBN 1903996341

meteorological data

Vardoulakis, Sotiris, Fisher, Bernard E.A., Gonzalez-Flesca, Norbert and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Model sensitivity and uncertainty analysis using roadside air quality measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 36 (13). pp. 2121-2134. ISSN 1352-2310 (doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00201-7)

Methods Engineering process

Mileman, Tony (2002) An investigation of the feasibility of a CBR approach to the design of sand castings in the foundry industry. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Methyl 2-hydroxy-6-methoxybenzoate

Jayasekara, T.K., Stevenson, Philip ORCID logoORCID:, Belmain, Steven ORCID logoORCID:, Farman, Dudley ORCID logoORCID: and Hall, David ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Identification of methyl salicylate as the principal volatile component in the methanol extract of root bark ofSecuridaca longepedunculata Fers. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 37 (6). pp. 577-580. ISSN 1076-5174 (Print), 1096-9888 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jms.314)

Methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate

Jayasekara, T.K., Stevenson, Philip ORCID logoORCID:, Belmain, Steven ORCID logoORCID:, Farman, Dudley ORCID logoORCID: and Hall, David ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Identification of methyl salicylate as the principal volatile component in the methanol extract of root bark ofSecuridaca longepedunculata Fers. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 37 (6). pp. 577-580. ISSN 1076-5174 (Print), 1096-9888 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jms.314)

Methyl 3-hydroxybenzoate

Jayasekara, T.K., Stevenson, Philip ORCID logoORCID:, Belmain, Steven ORCID logoORCID:, Farman, Dudley ORCID logoORCID: and Hall, David ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Identification of methyl salicylate as the principal volatile component in the methanol extract of root bark ofSecuridaca longepedunculata Fers. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 37 (6). pp. 577-580. ISSN 1076-5174 (Print), 1096-9888 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jms.314)

Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate

Jayasekara, T.K., Stevenson, Philip ORCID logoORCID:, Belmain, Steven ORCID logoORCID:, Farman, Dudley ORCID logoORCID: and Hall, David ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Identification of methyl salicylate as the principal volatile component in the methanol extract of root bark ofSecuridaca longepedunculata Fers. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 37 (6). pp. 577-580. ISSN 1076-5174 (Print), 1096-9888 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jms.314)

Methyl salicylate

Jayasekara, T.K., Stevenson, Philip ORCID logoORCID:, Belmain, Steven ORCID logoORCID:, Farman, Dudley ORCID logoORCID: and Hall, David ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Identification of methyl salicylate as the principal volatile component in the methanol extract of root bark ofSecuridaca longepedunculata Fers. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 37 (6). pp. 577-580. ISSN 1076-5174 (Print), 1096-9888 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jms.314)


Xue, X., Schmid, F. and Smith, R.A. (2002) An introduction to China's rail transport Part 2: Urban rail transit systems, highway transport and the reform of China's railways. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 216 (3). pp. 165-174. ISSN 0954-4097 (Print), 2041-3017 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440902760213594)


Davis, Junior R., Asatrian, Paruryr and Kharatyan, Hranusch (2002) Constraints and potential to the development of rural non-farm activities in Armenia (Main report). [Working Paper]

micro-mechanical parametrisations

Christakis, Nicholas, Chapelle, Pierre, Patel, Mayur K., Wang, Junye, Cross, Mark, Baxter, John, Gröger, Torsten, Abou-Chakra, Hadi, Tüzün, Ugur, Bridle, Ian and Leaper, Mark C. (2002) Mathematical modelling of the behaviour of granular material in a computational fluid dynamics framework using micro-mechanical models. In: 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), 7-12 Jul 2002, Vienna, Austria.

micro-physical parametrizations

Christakis, Nicholas, Patel, Mayur K., Cross, Mark, Baxter, John, Abou-Chakra, Hadi and Tuzun, Ugur (2002) Predictions of segregation of granular material with the aid of PHYSICA, a 3-D unstructured finite-volume modelling framework. In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Special Issue: ICFD Conference on Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 281-291. ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online) (doi:10.1002/fld.319)

microclimatic design

Kotzen, Benz ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Changing attitudes: the creation of urban shade in the Negev Desert. Urban Design Studies, 8. ISSN 1358-3255

microelectronic processing

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID:, Hung, K.C., Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Chan, Y.C. (2002) No-flow underfill flip chip assembly–an experimental and modeling analysis. Microelectronics Reliability, 42 (8). pp. 1205-1212. ISSN 0026-2714 (doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(02)00092-6)


Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microfinance and poverty reduction: the problematic experience of communal banking in Peru. Report. School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK.

Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Studying group dynamics: an alternative analytical framework for the study of microfinance impacts on poverty reduction. Report. School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK. (doi:121)

Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Studying group dynamics: an alternative analytical framework for the study of microfinance impacts on poverty reduction. Journal of International Development, 14 (4). 511 - 534. ISSN 1099-1328 (online) (doi:10.1002/jid.890)


Dincov, Dusko D. (2002) Fully coupled CEM/CFD modelling of microwave heating in a porous medium. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

microwave cooking

Dinčov, Duško D., Parrott, Kevin A. and Pericleous, Koulis A. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Coupled 3-D finite difference time domain and finite volume methods for solving microwave heating in porous media. In: Sloot, Peter A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, I (2329). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 813-822. ISBN 9783540435914 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46043-8_82)

microwave cure

Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)

microwave heating

Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)


Millman, Margaret (2002) In the shadow of war: continuities and discontinuities in the construction of the masculine identities of British soldiers, 1914-1924. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

minimising exclusion by design

Clarkson, P. J., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Langdon, P. (2002) Minimising exclusion by design. In: Computer-Based Design: Engineering Design Conference 2002. Wiley, UK, pp. 507-516. ISBN 978-1860583728


Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350


Slone, A.K., Croft, T.N., Williams, A.J. and Cross, M. (2002) Two fluid approach to high speed impact interaction amongst solid structures. In: Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), 7-12 Jul 2002, Vienna, Austria.

mobile communication

Arreymbi, J. and Dastbaz, M. (2002) Issues in delivering multimedia content to mobile devices. In: Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’02). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 622-626. ISBN 0769516564 ISSN 1093-9547 (doi:10.1109/IV.2002.1028839)

mobile devices

Arreymbi, J. and Dastbaz, M. (2002) Issues in delivering multimedia content to mobile devices. In: Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’02). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 622-626. ISBN 0769516564 ISSN 1093-9547 (doi:10.1109/IV.2002.1028839)

model human processor

Keates, Simeon, Langdon, Patrick, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) User models and user physical capability. User Models and User Physical Capability, 12 (2-3). pp. 139-169. ISSN 0924-1868 (Print), 1573-1391 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1015047002796)

model sensitivity

Vardoulakis, Sotiris, Fisher, Bernard E.A., Gonzalez-Flesca, Norbert and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Model sensitivity and uncertainty analysis using roadside air quality measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 36 (13). pp. 2121-2134. ISSN 1352-2310 (doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00201-7)


Campbell, A.P., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Modeling of freeze layers and refractory wear in direct smelting processes. Iron & Steel Maker, 29 (9). pp. 41-45. ISSN 0275-8687

Leaper, M.C., Bradley, Michael S.A., Cleaver, J.A.S., Bridle, Ian, Reed, Alan R., Abou-Chakra, H. and Tüzün, Ugur (2002) Constructing an engineering model for moisture migration in bulk solids as a prelude to predicting moisture migration caking. Advanced Powder Technology, 13 (4). pp. 411-424. (doi:10.1163/156855202320536043)


Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID:, Glinski, Greg, Wheeler, Daniel, Hamilton, Phil, Hendriksen, Mike and Smith, Brian (2002) Using computer models to identify optimal conditions for flip-chip assembly and reliability. Circuit World, 28 (1). pp. 14-20. ISSN 0305-6120 (doi:10.1108/03056120210696658)

Christakis, Nicholas, Chapelle, Pierre, Patel, Mayur, Cross, Mark, Bridle, Ian, Abou-Chakra, Hadi and Baxter, John (2002) Utilising computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the modelling of granular material in large-scale engineering processes. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part 1 (2329). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 743-752. ISBN 9783540435914 ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online) (doi:10.1007/3-540-46043-8_75)

Dincov, Dusko D. (2002) Fully coupled CEM/CFD modelling of microwave heating in a porous medium. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Gwyer, D., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Philpott, D. and Misselbrook, P. (2002) Mathematical modelling: a laser soldering process for an optoelectronics butterfly package. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 121-127. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012447)

Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Computer modelling of the reliability of flip chips with metal column bumping. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., pp. 967-973. ISBN 0780371526 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012561)

modelling polymerisation

Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)


Rajalingham, Kamalasen (2002) The development of a structured methodology for the construction and integrity control of spreadsheet models. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Leaper, M.C., Bradley, Michael S.A., Cleaver, J.A.S., Bridle, Ian, Reed, Alan R., Abou-Chakra, H. and Tüzün, Ugur (2002) Constructing an engineering model for moisture migration in bulk solids as a prelude to predicting moisture migration caking. Advanced Powder Technology, 13 (4). pp. 411-424. (doi:10.1163/156855202320536043)


Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

molecular modeling

Acharya, Parag ORCID logoORCID: and Chattopadhyaya, Jyoti B (2002) The hydrogen bonding and hydration of 2′-OH in adenosine and adenosine 3′-ethyl phosphate. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 67 (6). pp. 1852-1865. ISSN 0022-3263 (Print), 1520-6904 (Online) (doi:10.1021/jo010960j)

mosaic disease

Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Colvin, J., Seal, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Gibson, G. and Cooper, J. (2002) Co-adaptation between cassava mosaic geminiviruses and their local vector populations. Virus Research, 86 (1-2). pp. 71-85. ISSN 0168-1702 (doi:10.1016/S0168-1702(02)00051-5)


Hwang, F., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, P. and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Using cursor measures to determine appropriate computer input assistance for motion-impaired users. In: Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2002. 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society EMBS/BMES Conference, 2002. Proceedings of the Second Joint. IEEE, pp. 2437-2438. ISBN 0-7803-7612-9 ISSN 1094-687X (Print), 23-26 October 2002 Houston, Texas, USA (Online) (doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2002.1053363)

motion-impaired users

Hwang, F., Langdon, P., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P. J. and Robinson, P. (2002) Cursor characterisation and haptic interfaces for motion-impaired users. In: Universal access and assistive technology: Proceedings of the Cambridge workshop on UA and AT ’02. Springer-Verlag, London, UK, pp. 87-96. ISBN 978-1-4471-3721-4 (doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-3719-1_9)

Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Hwang, F., Langdon, P., Clarkson, P.J. and Robinson, P. (2002) The use of cursor measures for motion-impaired computer users. Universal Access in the Information Society, 2 (1). pp. 18-29. ISSN 1615-5289 (Print), 1615-5297 (Online) (doi:10.1007/S10209-002-0033-7)

Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) Understanding how to improve the accessibility of computers through cursor control studies. In: Proceeding CHI EA '02 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems: changing the world, changing ourselves. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 766-767. ISBN 1-58113-454-1 (doi:10.1145/506443.506587)

Keates, Simeon, Langdon, Patrick, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) User models and user physical capability. User Models and User Physical Capability, 12 (2-3). pp. 139-169. ISSN 0924-1868 (Print), 1573-1391 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1015047002796)

Multi-physics modeling

Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Response Surface Modeling and Optimisation for Reliable Electronic Products. In: The Fifth International IEEE Symposium on High Density Packaging and Component Failure Analysis in Electronics Manufacturing. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 49-57. ISBN 0780398238


Djambazov, G.S. ORCID logoORCID:, Lai, C.-H. ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID: and Wang, Z.-K. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A coarse grid extraction of sound signals for computational aeroacoustics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 40 (12). pp. 1515-1525. ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online) (doi:10.1002/fld.408)

multi-scale computational simulations

Glinski, G.P., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Durairaj, R. and Ekere, N.N. (2002) Rheological characterization and multi-scale computational simulations of electrically conductive adhesive flows. In: IMAPS - Europe Cracow 2002, 16-18 June 2002, Cracow, Poland.

multi-scale problems

Djambazov, Georgi S. ORCID logoORCID:, Lai, Choi-Hong ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, Koulis A. ORCID logoORCID: and Wang, Zong-Kang (2002) A defect correction method for multi-scale problems in computational aeroacoustics. In: Recent Developments in Domain Decomposition Methods. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (23). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 147-156. ISBN 9783540434139 ISSN 1439-7358

multilevel refinement for combinatorial problems

Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A multilevel approach to the travelling salesman problem. Operations Research, 50 (5). pp. 862-877. ISSN 0030-364X (Print), 1526-5463 (Online) (doi:10.1287/opre.50.5.862.373)

multimedia content

Arreymbi, J. and Dastbaz, M. (2002) Issues in delivering multimedia content to mobile devices. In: Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’02). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 622-626. ISBN 0769516564 ISSN 1093-9547 (doi:10.1109/IV.2002.1028839)

multimedia systems

Arreymbi, J. and Dastbaz, M. (2002) Issues in delivering multimedia content to mobile devices. In: Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’02). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 622-626. ISBN 0769516564 ISSN 1093-9547 (doi:10.1109/IV.2002.1028839)


Cross, Mark, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID:, Williams, Alison, Bojarevics, Valdis ORCID logoORCID:, Croft, Nick and Taylor, Gary (2002) The multiphysics modeling of solidification and melting processes. JOM (The Member Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2002 (Supp.). ISSN 1047-4838


Som, Richa, Kleih, Ulrich, Kumar, Yogesh and Jena, Surendra Kumar (2002) Rural non-farm employment in Madhya Pradesh. Findings of a participatory rural appraisal in 8 villages (NRI report no. 2694). [Working Paper]


Secomb, Linnell (2002) Haunted community. In: Strysick, Michael, (ed.) The Politics of Community. Critical Studies in the Humanities . The Davies Group, Publishers, Aurora, CO. USA, pp. 131-150. ISBN 978-1-888570-63-2

National Minimum Wage

Druker, Janet, Stanworth, Celia and White, Geoff (2002) Report to the Low Pay Commission on the impact of the national minimum wage on the hairdressing sector. University of Greenwich, Greenwich, London, UK. ISBN 1861661843

natural resources

Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350

Negev Desert

Kotzen, Benz ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Changing attitudes: the creation of urban shade in the Negev Desert. Urban Design Studies, 8. ISSN 1358-3255

Neighbourhood Renewal Fund

Ade-Ojo, Gordon ORCID logoORCID: and Aderibigbe, A. (2002) Black and ethnic minorities: access to services. Discussion Paper. Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, London, UK.

network infrastructures

Arreymbi, J. and Dastbaz, M. (2002) Issues in delivering multimedia content to mobile devices. In: Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’02). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 622-626. ISBN 0769516564 ISSN 1093-9547 (doi:10.1109/IV.2002.1028839)


Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A multilevel approach to the travelling salesman problem. Operations Research, 50 (5). pp. 862-877. ISSN 0030-364X (Print), 1526-5463 (Online) (doi:10.1287/opre.50.5.862.373)

new york city

Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: Sven Beckert, The monied metropolis: New York City and the consolidation of the American bourgeoisie, 1850–1896 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, £25.00). Pp. 492. ISBN 0 5521 79039 5. Journal of American Studies, 36 (3). pp. 513-570. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online)

Newmark algorithm

Slone, A.K., Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Dynamic fluid–structure interaction using finite volume unstructured mesh procedures. Computers and Structures, 80 (5-6). pp. 371-390. ISSN 0045-7949 (doi:10.1016/S0045-7949(01)00177-8)

Slone, Avril, Pericleous, Kyriacos A ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Cross, M. and Bennett, C. (2002) Dynamic fluid-structure interactions using finite volume unstructured mesh procedures. Computers & Structures, 80 (5-6). pp. 371-390. ISSN 0045-7949 (doi:10.1016/S0045-7949(01)00177-8)

Newton Raphson

Slone, Avril, Fallah, Nosrat, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, Mark (2002) A finite volume approach to geometrically non-linear stress analysis. In: Finite volumes for complex applications III: problems and perspectives. Hermes Penton Science, London, UK, pp. 663-670. ISBN 9781903996348


Marter, Alan and Wandschneider, Tiago (2002) The role of NGOs and CBOs in marketing in Uganda: the potential in remote regions and in reaching the poor (NRI report no. 2699). [Working Paper]


Humphreys, Trevor John (2002) English nurse education and National Health Service reform 1985-1997. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

NHS reform

Humphreys, Trevor John (2002) English nurse education and National Health Service reform 1985-1997. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

nineteenth century

Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: Sven Beckert, The monied metropolis: New York City and the consolidation of the American bourgeoisie, 1850–1896 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, £25.00). Pp. 492. ISBN 0 5521 79039 5. Journal of American Studies, 36 (3). pp. 513-570. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online)


Acharya, Parag ORCID logoORCID: and Chattopadhyaya, Jyoti B (2002) The hydrogen bonding and hydration of 2′-OH in adenosine and adenosine 3′-ethyl phosphate. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 67 (6). pp. 1852-1865. ISSN 0022-3263 (Print), 1520-6904 (Online) (doi:10.1021/jo010960j)

Acharya, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Acharya, P. ORCID logoORCID:, Foldesi, A. and Chattopadhyaya, J. (2002) Cross-modulation of physicochemical character of aglycones in dinucleoside (3′→5′) monophosphates by the nearest neighbor interaction in the stacked state. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124 (46). pp. 13722-13730. ISSN 0002-7863 (Print), 1520-5126 (Online) (doi:doi10.1021/ja026831h)

Luzhkov, Victor B. ORCID logoORCID:, Osterberg, Fredrik, Acharya, Parag ORCID logoORCID:, Chattopadhyaya, Jyoti and Agvist, Johan (2002) Computational and NMR study of quaternary ammonium ion conformations in solution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 4 (19). pp. 4640-4647. ISSN 1463-9076 (Print), 1463-9084 (Online) (doi:10.1039/b203526j)


Bezemer, Dirk and Davis, Junior (2002) The rural non-agricultural economy in transition countries: Findings from Armenia. [Working Paper]


Bleahu, Ana and Janowski, Monica (2002) Rural non-farm livelihood activities in Romania: A report on qualitative fieldwork in two communities. [Working Paper]

Cannon, Terry and Smith, David (2002) Uganda fieldwork case study synthesis report (NRI report no. 2701). [Working Paper]

Dasgupta, Nandini, Khanna, Amod, Singh, Amitabh and Singh, Leena (2002) Local governance institutions in two district of Madhya Pradesh, India. [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior and Cristoiu, Adriana (2002) Patterns of rural non-farm diversification and employment in Romania: A country level analysis. [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior R., Asatrian, Paruryr and Kharatyan, Hranusch (2002) Constraints and potential to the development of rural non-farm activities in Armenia (Main report). [Working Paper]

Marter, Alan (2002) The rural non-farm economy in Uganda: a review of policy (NRI report no. 2702). [Working Paper]

Som, Richa, Kleih, Ulrich, Kumar, Yogesh and Jena, Surendra Kumar (2002) Rural non-farm employment in Madhya Pradesh. Findings of a participatory rural appraisal in 8 villages (NRI report no. 2694). [Working Paper]

non-farm employment

Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

non-government organisation

Marter, Alan and Wandschneider, Tiago (2002) The role of NGOs and CBOs in marketing in Uganda: the potential in remote regions and in reaching the poor (NRI report no. 2699). [Working Paper]


Slone, Avril, Fallah, Nosrat, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, Mark (2002) A finite volume approach to geometrically non-linear stress analysis. In: Finite volumes for complex applications III: problems and perspectives. Hermes Penton Science, London, UK, pp. 663-670. ISBN 9781903996348

non-Newtonian flow

Williams, A.J., Croft, T.N. and Cross, M. (2002) Computational modelling of metals forming processes. In: The 5th International EASFORM Conference on Material Forming [Proceedings]. Akapit Publishing, Kraków, Poland, pp. 67-70. ISBN 8371080980

Williams, Alison J., Croft, T. Nicholas and Cross, Mark (2002) The application of free-surface techniques to metal forming processes. In: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications III: Problems and Perspectives. Hermes Penton Science, London, UK, pp. 841-848. ISBN 1903996341

non-shared resources

Kelleler, H. and Strusevich, V.A. (2002) Scheduling parallel dedicated machines under a single non-shared resource. European Journal of Operational Research, 147 (2). pp. 345-364. ISSN 0377-2217 (doi:10.1016/S0377-2217(02)00246-1)


Deane, R., Chummun, H. and Prashad, D. (2002) Differences in urinary stress hormones in male and female nurses at different ages. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37 (3). pp. 304-310. ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2648.2002.02082.x)

nucleic acid

Acharya, Parag ORCID logoORCID: and Chattopadhyaya, Jyoti B (2002) The hydrogen bonding and hydration of 2′-OH in adenosine and adenosine 3′-ethyl phosphate. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 67 (6). pp. 1852-1865. ISSN 0022-3263 (Print), 1520-6904 (Online) (doi:10.1021/jo010960j)


Acharya, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Acharya, P. ORCID logoORCID:, Foldesi, A. and Chattopadhyaya, J. (2002) Cross-modulation of physicochemical character of aglycones in dinucleoside (3′→5′) monophosphates by the nearest neighbor interaction in the stacked state. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124 (46). pp. 13722-13730. ISSN 0002-7863 (Print), 1520-5126 (Online) (doi:doi10.1021/ja026831h)

numerical analysis

Ierotheou, C.S., Johnson, S., Leggett, P. and Cross, M. (2002) The Shared Memory Parallelisation of an Ocean Modelling Code using an Interactive Parallelisation Toolkit. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 953-962. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_100)

Marsden, R.H., Croft, T.N. and Lai, C.H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Domain decomposition using a 2-level correction scheme. In: Sloot, Peter M.A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 480-489. ISBN 9783540435938 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_50)

numerical modelling

Aboubacar, M., Phillips, T.N., Tamaddon-Jahromi, H.R., Webster, M.K. and Williams, A.J. (2002) Numerical Simulation of Contraction Flows for Boger Fluids using Finite Volume Methods. In: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference of Rheology, (eurheo 2002). LSP, Institute of Polymer Materials, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, pp. 279-280.

Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) The development and validation of computational MHD techniques for the modelling of metal production processes. In: Proceedings of the 5th International pamir Conference. Cost P6 Annual Workshop 2002. Fundamental and Applied MHD. International pamir Conference, L21-L26.

Numerical Optimilation

Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Response Surface Modeling and Optimisation for Reliable Electronic Products. In: The Fifth International IEEE Symposium on High Density Packaging and Component Failure Analysis in Electronics Manufacturing. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 49-57. ISBN 0780398238


Deane, R., Chummun, H. and Prashad, D. (2002) Differences in urinary stress hormones in male and female nurses at different ages. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37 (3). pp. 304-310. ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2648.2002.02082.x)


Humphreys, Trevor John (2002) English nurse education and National Health Service reform 1985-1997. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

object-oriented analysis and design

Graham, Deryn (2002) Implications for the scheduling of theory versus application in learning. In: 3rd Annual Conference of the LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Sciences [Proceedings]. LTSN (Learning and Teaching Support Network) / ICS (Centre for Information and Computer Sciences), Newtonabbey, Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK, pp. 11-14. ISBN 0954192710

Oldroyd B model

Phillips, T.N. and Williams, A.J. (2002) Comparison of creeping and inertial flow of an Oldroyd B fluid through planar and axisymmetric contractions. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 108 (1-3). pp. 25-47. ISSN 0377-0257 (doi:10.1016/S0377-0257(02)00123-4)


Edussuriya, S.S., Williams, A.J. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A CFD study of the underfill encapsulation process in flip-chip packaging using the Oldroyd-B model. In: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference of Rheology, (eurheo 2002). LSP, Institute of Polymer Materials, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, pp. 285-286.


Wilson, M.D., Cheke, R.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Fiasse, S.P.J., Grist, S., Osei-Ateweneboana, M.Y., Tetteh-Kumah, A., Fiasorgbor, G.K., Jolliffe, F.R., Boakye, D.A., Hougard, J.-M., Yameogo, L. and Post, R.J. (2002) Deforestation and the spatio-temporal distribution of savannah and forest members of the Simulium damnosum complex in southern Ghana and south-western Togo. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 96 (6). pp. 632-639. ISSN 0035-9203 (Print), 1878-3503 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0035-9203(02)90335-4)


Graham, Deryn (2002) Implications for the scheduling of theory versus application in learning. In: 3rd Annual Conference of the LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Sciences [Proceedings]. LTSN (Learning and Teaching Support Network) / ICS (Centre for Information and Computer Sciences), Newtonabbey, Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK, pp. 11-14. ISBN 0954192710


Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Optimisation modelling for flip-chip solder joint reliability. Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 14 (1). pp. 49-58. ISSN 0954-0911 (doi:10.1108/09540910210416477)

optimization by multilevel refinement

Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A multilevel approach to the travelling salesman problem. Operations Research, 50 (5). pp. 862-877. ISSN 0030-364X (Print), 1526-5463 (Online) (doi:10.1287/opre.50.5.862.373)

ordinary ergodicity

Chen, Anyue (2002) Ergodicity and stability of generalised Markov branching processes with resurrection. Journal of Applied Probability, 39 (4). pp. 786-803. ISSN 0021-9002 (doi:10.1239/jap/1037816019)

organic xenobiotics

Harvey, Patricia J. ORCID logoORCID:, Xiang, Mingyan and Palmer, John M. (2002) Extracellular enzymes in the rhizosphere. In: Cost Action 837. Plant biotechnology for the removal of organic pollutants and toxic metals from wastewaters and contaminated sites. InterCOST Workshop on Soil-microbe-root interactions: maximising, phytoremediation/bioremediation (WG1+WG4+COST Action 831, 23-25 May 2002, Grainau, Germany. (Unpublished)


Marter, Alan (2002) The rural non-farm economy in Uganda: a review of policy (NRI report no. 2702). [Working Paper]

orthostatic tolerance

Howden, Reuben, Lightfoot, J. Timothy, Brown, Stephen J. and Swaine, Ian L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) The effects of isometric exercise training on resting blood pressure and orthostatic tolerance in humans. Experimental Physiology, 87 (4). pp. 507-515. ISSN 0958-0670 (Print), 1469-445X (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1469-445X.2002.tb00064.x)

overseas development

Marter, Alan and Wandschneider, Tiago (2002) The role of NGOs and CBOs in marketing in Uganda: the potential in remote regions and in reaching the poor (NRI report no. 2699). [Working Paper]


Patel, S. P., Järvelin, M.-R. and Little, M. P. (2002) Review of worldwide variations of asthma prevalence in children. In: 2nd Conference on Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in Europe, 12–14 Jun 2002, Oulu, Finland.

Panchayat Raj

Marter, Alan (2002) The rural non-farm economy in Uganda: a review of policy (NRI report no. 2702). [Working Paper]

parallel algorithms

Chen, Ke and Lai, Choi H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Parallel algorithms of the Purcell method for direct solution of linear systems. Parallel Computing, 28 (9). pp. 1275-1291. ISSN 0167-8191 (doi:10.1016/S0167-8191(02)00133-3)

parallel computers

Walshaw, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Parallel mesh partitioning on distributed memory systems. In: Topping, B.H.V., (ed.) Computational Mechanics using High Performance Computing. Computational Science, Engineering & Technology (9). Saxe-Coburg Publications, Kippen, Stirling, Scotland, pp. 59-78. ISBN 1874672075 (doi:10.4203/csets.9.3)

parallel dedicated machines

Kelleler, H. and Strusevich, V.A. (2002) Scheduling parallel dedicated machines under a single non-shared resource. European Journal of Operational Research, 147 (2). pp. 345-364. ISSN 0377-2217 (doi:10.1016/S0377-2217(02)00246-1)

parallel machines

Pan, Y., Ierotheou, C.S. and Hayat, M.M. (2002) Parallel implementation of the recurrence method for computing the power-spectral density of thin avalanche photodiodes. In: Proceedings. International Conference on Parallel Processing. 2002. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 298-305. ISBN 0769516777 ISSN 1530-2016 (doi:10.1109/ICPPW.2002.1039744)

parallel mesh based computational mechanics codes

Walshaw, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Dynamic mesh partitioning and load-balancing for parallel computational mechanics codes. In: Topping, B.H.V., (ed.) Computational Mechanics using High Performance Computing. Computational Science, Engineering & Technology (9). Saxe-Coburg Publications, Kippen, Stirling, Scotland, pp. 79-94. ISBN 1874672075 (doi:10.4203/csets.9.4)

parallel mesh partitioning algorithms

Walshaw, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Parallel mesh partitioning on distributed memory systems. In: Topping, B.H.V., (ed.) Computational Mechanics using High Performance Computing. Computational Science, Engineering & Technology (9). Saxe-Coburg Publications, Kippen, Stirling, Scotland, pp. 59-78. ISBN 1874672075 (doi:10.4203/csets.9.3)

parallel multiphysics

Walshaw, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Cross, M. and McManus, K. (2002) Multiphase mesh partitioning for parallel computational mechanics codes. In: Computational Science — ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 943-952. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_99)

parallel programming

Pan, Y., Ierotheou, C.S. and Hayat, M.M. (2002) Parallel implementation of the recurrence method for computing the power-spectral density of thin avalanche photodiodes. In: Proceedings. International Conference on Parallel Processing. 2002. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 298-305. ISBN 0769516777 ISSN 1530-2016 (doi:10.1109/ICPPW.2002.1039744)


Baxter, John, Gröger, Torsten, Abou-Chakra, Hadi, Tüzün, Ugur, Christakis, Nicholas, Patel, Mayur K. and Cross, Mark (2002) Micro-mechanical parameterisations for continuum modelling of granular material using the discrete element method. In: Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), 7-12 Jul 2002, Vienna, Austria.


Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Chigariro, J., Mudiwa, M., Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Small-scale farmer perceptions of diatomaceous earth products as potential stored grain protectants in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1049-1060. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00089-3)

participatory appraisal

Som, Richa, Kleih, Ulrich, Kumar, Yogesh and Jena, Surendra Kumar (2002) Rural non-farm employment in Madhya Pradesh. Findings of a participatory rural appraisal in 8 villages (NRI report no. 2694). [Working Paper]

particle size analysis

Farnish, R. (2002) Perfecting powder storage & discharge. Chemical Processing, 65 (7). pp. 24-28. ISSN 0009-2630

particulate charging

Woodhead, Steve and Armour-Chelu, David (2002) Comparison of the electric charging properties of particulate materials in gas–solids flows in pipelines. Journal of Electrostatics, 56 (1). pp. 87-101. ISSN 0304-3886 (doi:10.1016/S0304-3886(02)00032-3)

partition quality

Walshaw, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Dynamic mesh partitioning and load-balancing for parallel computational mechanics codes. In: Topping, B.H.V., (ed.) Computational Mechanics using High Performance Computing. Computational Science, Engineering & Technology (9). Saxe-Coburg Publications, Kippen, Stirling, Scotland, pp. 79-94. ISBN 1874672075 (doi:10.4203/csets.9.4)

passenger loads

Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240

pay system

Corby, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, White, Geoff, Dennison, Paul and Douglas, Fiona (2002) Does it work? evaluating a new pay system. University of Greenwich, Greenwich, London, UK. ISBN 1861661878


Ogunleye, James (2002) An investigation of curriculum arrangements conducive to fostering creativity in post-compulsory education and training institutions. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: John Majewski, A house dividing: economic development in Pennsylvania and Virginia before the Civil War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, £30.00). Pp. 214. ISBN 0 521 59023 X. Journal of American Studies, 36 (3). pp. 513-570. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online)


Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240


Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microfinance and poverty reduction: the problematic experience of communal banking in Peru. Report. School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK.

Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Studying group dynamics: an alternative analytical framework for the study of microfinance impacts on poverty reduction. Report. School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK. (doi:121)

pest management

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Chigariro, J., Mudiwa, M., Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Small-scale farmer perceptions of diatomaceous earth products as potential stored grain protectants in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1049-1060. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00089-3)

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Field assessment of the efficacy and persistence of diatomaceous earths in protecting stored grain on small-scale farms in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1033-1048. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00088-1)

pest management decision making

Boxall, R.A. (2002) Damage and loss caused by the Larger Grain Borer Prostephanus truncatus. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (2). pp. 105-121. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1026397115946)


Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431

Burnett, Duncan, Farrell, Graham and Kiiru, Mary (2002) Strategies for the development of a competitive pyrethrum-based pesticide sector in Kenya. Final report (NRI report no. 2695). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Acharya, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Acharya, P. ORCID logoORCID:, Foldesi, A. and Chattopadhyaya, J. (2002) Cross-modulation of physicochemical character of aglycones in dinucleoside (3′→5′) monophosphates by the nearest neighbor interaction in the stacked state. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124 (46). pp. 13722-13730. ISSN 0002-7863 (Print), 1520-5126 (Online) (doi:doi10.1021/ja026831h)

pheromone traps

Hodges, R.J. (2002) Detection and monitoring of larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 223-243. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040815.06804.c1)

photosystem 2

Thompson, Elinor ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, Shaun, Mann, Nicholas H., Robinson, Colin and Mullineaux, Conrad (2002) The role of FtsH proteins in photosystem biosynthesis and turnover in Arabidopsis and Synechocystis. In: PS2001 Proceedings. 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia. ISBN 9780643067110


Campbell, Andrew P., Pericleous, Koulis A. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, Mark (2002) Computational modelling of freeze layers in smelting processes. In: 2002 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 18-21 Feb 2002, Seattle, WA, USA.

Croft, T.N., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Bobadilla, M. and Gardin, P. (2002) Three-phase computations of the continuous casting process. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Continuous Casting Conference. IOM Communications Ltd, London, England, UK, pp. 545-554.

physical object book

Creed, Wendy Elizabeth (2002) Dreaming in whispering groves: an inquiry into the reader's response to the book as a published physical object with reference to the rise of the eighteenth century novel, modern critical theory and the processes and technologies of production, transmission and reception. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

planar contraction

Phillips, T.N. and Williams, A.J. (2002) Comparison of creeping and inertial flow of an Oldroyd B fluid through planar and axisymmetric contractions. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 108 (1-3). pp. 25-47. ISSN 0377-0257 (doi:10.1016/S0377-0257(02)00123-4)


Galea, Edwin R. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Simulating evacuation and circulation in planes, trains, buildings and ships using the EXODUS software. In: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics. Springer, pp. 203-225. ISBN 9783540426905

plant peroxidases

Harvey, Patricia J. ORCID logoORCID:, Xiang, Mingyan and Palmer, John M. (2002) Extracellular enzymes in the rhizosphere. In: Cost Action 837. Plant biotechnology for the removal of organic pollutants and toxic metals from wastewaters and contaminated sites. InterCOST Workshop on Soil-microbe-root interactions: maximising, phytoremediation/bioremediation (WG1+WG4+COST Action 831, 23-25 May 2002, Grainau, Germany. (Unpublished)

plastic deformation

Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Computer modelling of the reliability of flip chips with metal column bumping. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., pp. 967-973. ISBN 0780371526 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012561)


Strusevich, Nadezhda V., Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: and Hughes, Michael (2002) Characterisation of weldpool shapes in the laser welding of thick plates. In: Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena. Materials Modelling, 6 . Maney Publishing for the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, London, England, UK, pp. 83-92. ISBN 9781902653563

platinum group metals

de Vos, E., Edwards, S.J., McDonald, I., Wray, D.S. ORCID logoORCID: and Carey, P.J. (2002) A baseline survey of the distribution and origin of platinum group elements in contemporary fluvial sediments of the Kentish Stour, England. Applied Geochemistry, 17 (8). pp. 1115-1121. ISSN 0883-2927 (doi:10.1016/S0883-2927(02)00010-0)

pneumatic conveyors

Hanson, R., Allsopp, D., Deng, T. ORCID logoORCID:, Smith, D., Bradley, M.S.A., Hutchings, I.M. and Patel, M.K. (2002) A model to predict the life of pneumatic conveyor bends. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 216 (3). pp. 143-149. ISSN 0954-4089 (Print), 2041-3009 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440802320225284)

pointing device

Hwang, F., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, P. and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Using cursor measures to determine appropriate computer input assistance for motion-impaired users. In: Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2002. 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society EMBS/BMES Conference, 2002. Proceedings of the Second Joint. IEEE, pp. 2437-2438. ISBN 0-7803-7612-9 ISSN 1094-687X (Print), 23-26 October 2002 Houston, Texas, USA (Online) (doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2002.1053363)


Vellam, Iwona (2002) The convergence of Polish accounting to international accounting standards: a comparative treatment of fixed asset within a wider European context. MRes thesis, University of Greenwich.

Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]


Davis, Junior and Cristoiu, Adriana (2002) Patterns of rural non-farm diversification and employment in Romania: A country level analysis. [Working Paper]

Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350

political integration

Farrell, Mary (2002) Conclusion: possible European futures. In: Farrell, Mary, Fella, Stefano and Newman, Michael, (eds.) European Integration in the 21st century. Unity in Diversity? Sage Publications, London, UK, pp. 202-213. ISBN 9780761972198 (pbk) 9780761972181 (hbk) 9781412931977 (ebk)


King, Andrew ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Sympathy as subversion? Reading Lady Audley’s Secret in the kitchen. Journal of Victorian Culture, 7 (1). pp. 60-85. ISSN 1355-5502 (Print), 1750-0133 (Online) (doi:10.3366/jvc.2002.7.1.60)


Jayasekara, T.K., Stevenson, Philip ORCID logoORCID:, Belmain, Steven ORCID logoORCID:, Farman, Dudley ORCID logoORCID: and Hall, David ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Identification of methyl salicylate as the principal volatile component in the methanol extract of root bark ofSecuridaca longepedunculata Fers. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 37 (6). pp. 577-580. ISSN 1076-5174 (Print), 1096-9888 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jms.314)


Cannon, Terry and Smith, David (2002) Uganda fieldwork case study synthesis report (NRI report no. 2701). [Working Paper]

Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Dasgupta, Nandini, Khanna, Amod, Singh, Amitabh and Singh, Leena (2002) Local governance institutions in two district of Madhya Pradesh, India. [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior and Cristoiu, Adriana (2002) Patterns of rural non-farm diversification and employment in Romania: A country level analysis. [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior R., Asatrian, Paruryr and Kharatyan, Hranusch (2002) Constraints and potential to the development of rural non-farm activities in Armenia (Main report). [Working Paper]

Kaira, Charles K., Kleih, Ulrich K., Benmaamar, Mustapha, Kwamusi, Paul and Iga, Harriet (2002) Kick-start workshop on improved food crops marketing through appropriate transport for poor farmers in Uganda. Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Marter, Alan (2002) The rural non-farm economy in Uganda: a review of policy (NRI report no. 2702). [Working Paper]

porous media heat transfer

Dinčov, Duško D., Parrott, Kevin A. and Pericleous, Koulis A. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Coupled 3-D finite difference time domain and finite volume methods for solving microwave heating in porous media. In: Sloot, Peter A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, I (2329). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 813-822. ISBN 9783540435914 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46043-8_82)

post-compulsory education and training

Ogunleye, James (2002) An investigation of curriculum arrangements conducive to fostering creativity in post-compulsory education and training institutions. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

postharvest storage systems

Golob, P. (2002) Chemical, physical and cultural control of Prostephanus truncatus. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 245-277. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040817.59207.3a)


Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Davis, Junior and Cristoiu, Adriana (2002) Patterns of rural non-farm diversification and employment in Romania: A country level analysis. [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior R., Asatrian, Paruryr and Kharatyan, Hranusch (2002) Constraints and potential to the development of rural non-farm activities in Armenia (Main report). [Working Paper]

Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microfinance and poverty reduction: the problematic experience of communal banking in Peru. Report. School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK.

Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Studying group dynamics: an alternative analytical framework for the study of microfinance impacts on poverty reduction. Report. School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK. (doi:121)

poverty reduction

Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350

Marr, Ana ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Studying group dynamics: an alternative analytical framework for the study of microfinance impacts on poverty reduction. Journal of International Development, 14 (4). 511 - 534. ISSN 1099-1328 (online) (doi:10.1002/jid.890)


Farnish, R. (2002) Perfecting powder storage & discharge. Chemical Processing, 65 (7). pp. 24-28. ISSN 0009-2630

practical inclusive interface design approach

Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) Developing a practical inclusive interface design approach. Interacting with Computers, 14 (4). pp. 271-299. ISSN 0953-5438 (Print), 1873-7951 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0953-5438(01)00054-6)


Marter, Alan (2002) The rural non-farm economy in Uganda: a review of policy (NRI report no. 2702). [Working Paper]


Cao, Jianwen and Lai, Choi-Hong ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Numerical experiments of some Krylov subspace methods for black oil model. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 44 (1-2). pp. 125-141. ISSN 0898-1221 (doi:10.1016/S0898-1221(02)00135-9)


Chummun, N.H. (2002) Latex glove disorders: a management strategy for reducing skin sensitivity. Journal of Nursing Management, 10 (3). pp. 161-166. ISSN 0966-0429 (Print), 1365-2834 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2834.2002.00310.x)

primary care

Churchill, R., Hunot, V., Corney, R., Knapp, M., McGuire, H., Tylee, A. and Wessely, S. (2002) A systematic review of controlled trials of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of brief psychological treatments for depression. Health Technology Assessment, 5 (35). pp. 1-173. ISSN 1366-5278 (doi:10.3310/hta5350)

Prins and silyl-Prins reactions

Dobbs, Adrian P. ORCID logoORCID: and Martinović, Saša (2002) The silyl–Prins reaction: a novel method for the synthesis of dihydropyrans. Tetrahedron Letters, 43 (39). pp. 7055-7057. ISSN 0040-4039 (doi:10.1016/S0040-4039(02)01558-7)


Chen, Anyue (2002) Generalized Markov branching processes. In: International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM2002), 20-28 Aug 2002, Beijing, China.

process engineering industry

Christakis, Nicholas, Chapelle, Pierre, Patel, Mayur, Cross, Mark, Bridle, Ian, Abou-Chakra, Hadi and Baxter, John (2002) Utilising computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the modelling of granular material in large-scale engineering processes. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part 1 (2329). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 743-752. ISBN 9783540435914 ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online) (doi:10.1007/3-540-46043-8_75)

producer organisation development

Marter, Alan and Wandschneider, Tiago (2002) The role of NGOs and CBOs in marketing in Uganda: the potential in remote regions and in reaching the poor (NRI report no. 2699). [Working Paper]


Burnett, Duncan, Farrell, Graham and Kiiru, Mary (2002) Strategies for the development of a competitive pyrethrum-based pesticide sector in Kenya. Final report (NRI report no. 2695). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Marples, B., Greco, O., Joiner, M.C. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Molecular approaches to chemo-radiotherapy. European Journal of Cancer, 38 (2). pp. 231-239. ISSN 0959-8049 (doi:10.1016/S0959-8049(01)00367-7)

Marples, B., Greco, O., Joiner, M.C. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Molecular approaches to chemo-radiotherapy. European Journal of Cancer, 38 (2). pp. 231-239. ISSN 0959-8049 (doi:10.1016/S0959-8049(01)00367-7)

Scott, S.D., Joiner, M.C. and Marples, B (2002) Optimizing radiation-responsive gene promoters for radiogenetic cancer therapy. Gene Therapy, 9 (20). pp. 1396-1402. ISSN 0969-7128 (Print), 1476-5462 (Online) (doi:10.1038/

property appraisal

Isaac, David (2002) Property valuation principles. Building and Surveying Series . Palgrave Macmillian, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333921142

property appraisal property investment

Enever, Nigel and Isaac, David (2002) The valuation of property investments. Estates Gazette Ltd, London, UK. ISBN 0728203693

property development

Isaac, David (2002) Capital structure and the raising of finance in the real estate sector: conclusions from the UK property lending surveys. Building Technology and Management Journal, 26. pp. 45-61. ISSN 0127-8800

Isaac, David (2002) Property valuation principles. Building and Surveying Series . Palgrave Macmillian, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333921142

property finance

Isaac, David (2002) Capital structure and the raising of finance in the real estate sector: conclusions from the UK property lending surveys. Building Technology and Management Journal, 26. pp. 45-61. ISSN 0127-8800

property market

Isaac, David (2002) Property valuation principles. Building and Surveying Series . Palgrave Macmillian, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333921142

property surveys

Isaac, David (2002) Capital structure and the raising of finance in the real estate sector: conclusions from the UK property lending surveys. Building Technology and Management Journal, 26. pp. 45-61. ISSN 0127-8800

property valuation

Enever, Nigel and Isaac, David (2002) The valuation of property investments. Estates Gazette Ltd, London, UK. ISBN 0728203693

proscribed pests

Tyler, P.S. and Hodges, R.J. (2002) Phytosanitary measures against larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), in international trade. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 279-289. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040816.21570.06)

Prostephanus truncatus

Boxall, R.A. (2002) Damage and loss caused by the Larger Grain Borer Prostephanus truncatus. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (2). pp. 105-121. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1026397115946)

Golob, P. (2002) Chemical, physical and cultural control of Prostephanus truncatus. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 245-277. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040817.59207.3a)


Thompson, Elinor ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, Shaun, Mann, Nicholas H., Robinson, Colin and Mullineaux, Conrad (2002) The role of FtsH proteins in photosystem biosynthesis and turnover in Arabidopsis and Synechocystis. In: PS2001 Proceedings. 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia. ISBN 9780643067110

psychodinamic therapy

Churchill, R., Hunot, V., Corney, R., Knapp, M., McGuire, H., Tylee, A. and Wessely, S. (2002) A systematic review of controlled trials of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of brief psychological treatments for depression. Health Technology Assessment, 5 (35). pp. 1-173. ISSN 1366-5278 (doi:10.3310/hta5350)


Butler, Karen Lee (2002) Impulsivity and risk-taking in clinical and non-clinical populations. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

public health

Butler, Karen Lee (2002) Impulsivity and risk-taking in clinical and non-clinical populations. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

public sector workers

Catchpowle, Lesley (2002) Public sector trade union response to change in South Africa: a case study of the South African municipal workers union (SAMWU) in the Western Cape (1992-97). PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Purcell elimination method

Chen, Ke and Lai, Choi H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Parallel algorithms of the Purcell method for direct solution of linear systems. Parallel Computing, 28 (9). pp. 1275-1291. ISSN 0167-8191 (doi:10.1016/S0167-8191(02)00133-3)


Mann, Tony (2002) [Crossword] Not! by Parsman. BSHM Newsletter, 46. pp. 50-51.


Burnett, Duncan, Farrell, Graham and Kiiru, Mary (2002) Strategies for the development of a competitive pyrethrum-based pesticide sector in Kenya. Final report (NRI report no. 2695). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

quality assurance

Farnish, R. (2002) Perfecting powder storage & discharge. Chemical Processing, 65 (7). pp. 24-28. ISSN 0009-2630

quantifying design exclusion

Clarkson, P. J. and Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Quantifying design exclusion. In: Universal access and assistive technology: Proceedings of the Cambridge workshop on UA and AT ’02. Springer-Verlag, London, UK, pp. 23-32. ISBN 978-1-4471-3721-4 (doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-3719-1_3)


Tyler, P.S. and Hodges, R.J. (2002) Phytosanitary measures against larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), in international trade. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 279-289. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040816.21570.06)

race relations

Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: Daniel Letwin, The challenge of interracial unionism: Alabama coal miners, 1878–1921 (Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1998, £39.95). Pp. 289. ISBN 0 8078 4678 3. Journal of American Studies, 36 (1). pp. 151-198. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1017/S0021875802386808)


Marples, B., Greco, O., Joiner, M.C. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Molecular approaches to chemo-radiotherapy. European Journal of Cancer, 38 (2). pp. 231-239. ISSN 0959-8049 (doi:10.1016/S0959-8049(01)00367-7)

Marples, B., Greco, O., Joiner, M.C. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Molecular approaches to chemo-radiotherapy. European Journal of Cancer, 38 (2). pp. 231-239. ISSN 0959-8049 (doi:10.1016/S0959-8049(01)00367-7)

Scott, S.D., Joiner, M.C. and Marples, B (2002) Optimizing radiation-responsive gene promoters for radiogenetic cancer therapy. Gene Therapy, 9 (20). pp. 1396-1402. ISSN 0969-7128 (Print), 1476-5462 (Online) (doi:10.1038/


Greco, O., Marples, B., Dachs, G.U., Williams, K.J., Patterson, A.V. and Scott, S.D. (2002) Novel chimeric gene promoters responsive to hypoxia and ionizing radiation. Gene Therapy, 9 (20). pp. 1403-1411. ISSN 0969-7128 (Print), 1476-5462 (Online) (doi:10.1038/

radiowave propagation

Nasr, K.M. ORCID logoORCID:, Costen, F. and Barton, S.K. (2002) An application of smart antenna systems for archiving networks in TV studios. In: The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. IEEE, pp. 232-236. ISBN 0780375890 (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1046695)


Xue, X., Schmid, F. and Smith, R.A. (2002) An introduction to China's rail transport Part 1: History, present and future of China's railways. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 216 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 0954-4097 (Print), 2041-3017 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440902760213585)

Xue, X., Schmid, F. and Smith, R.A. (2002) An introduction to China's rail transport Part 2: Urban rail transit systems, highway transport and the reform of China's railways. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 216 (3). pp. 165-174. ISSN 0954-4097 (Print), 2041-3017 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440902760213594)


Onof, C., Yameundjeu, B., Paoli, J.-P. and Ramesh, N. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A Markov modulated Poisson process model for rainfall increments. Water Science and Technology, 45 (2). pp. 91-97. ISSN 0273-1223


Cannon, Terry and Smith, David (2002) Uganda fieldwork case study synthesis report (NRI report no. 2701). [Working Paper]

rapid prototyping

Hieu, L.C. ORCID logoORCID:, Bohez, E., Sloten, J. Vander, Phien, H.N., Esichaikul, V., Binh, P.H., An, P.V., To, N.C. and Oris, P. (2002) Design and manufacturing of personalized implants and standardized templates for cranioplasty applications. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). IEEE, pp. 1025-1030. ISBN 0-7803-7657-9 (doi:10.1109/ICIT.2002.1189312)

Rapid Prototyping (RP)

Le, Chi ORCID logoORCID:, Erick, Bohez, Huynh, Ngoc Phien, Esichaikul, Vatcharaporn, Jos, Vander Sloten, Pham, Hoa Binh, Nguyen, Cong To, Phan, Van An and Oris, Philip (2002) Design and manufacturing of personalized implants and standardized templates for cranioplasty applications. In: IEEE ICIT '02. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. 'Productivity Reincarnation through Robotics and Automation'. IEEE, pp. 1025-1030. ISBN 0-7803-7657-9 (doi:10.1109/ICIT.2002.1189312)

rapid tooling

Hieu, L.C. ORCID logoORCID:, Bohez, E., Sloten, J. Vander, Phien, H.N., Esichaikul, V., Binh, P.H., An, P.V., To, N.C. and Oris, P. (2002) Design and manufacturing of personalized implants and standardized templates for cranioplasty applications. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). IEEE, pp. 1025-1030. ISBN 0-7803-7657-9 (doi:10.1109/ICIT.2002.1189312)

Le, Chi ORCID logoORCID:, Erick, Bohez, Huynh, Ngoc Phien, Esichaikul, Vatcharaporn, Jos, Vander Sloten, Pham, Hoa Binh, Nguyen, Cong To, Phan, Van An and Oris, Philip (2002) Design and manufacturing of personalized implants and standardized templates for cranioplasty applications. In: IEEE ICIT '02. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. 'Productivity Reincarnation through Robotics and Automation'. IEEE, pp. 1025-1030. ISBN 0-7803-7657-9 (doi:10.1109/ICIT.2002.1189312)

ray tracing

Nasr, K.M. ORCID logoORCID:, Costen, F. and Barton, S.K. (2002) An application of smart antenna systems for archiving networks in TV studios. In: The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. IEEE, pp. 232-236. ISBN 0780375890 (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1046695)


Creed, Wendy Elizabeth (2002) Dreaming in whispering groves: an inquiry into the reader's response to the book as a published physical object with reference to the rise of the eighteenth century novel, modern critical theory and the processes and technologies of production, transmission and reception. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Cabral, Ana Paula and Tavares, José (2002) Practising college reading strategies: First-year students’ choices. The Reading Matrix: an International Online Journal, 2 (3).

real estate finance

Isaac, David (2002) Capital structure and the raising of finance in the real estate sector: conclusions from the UK property lending surveys. Building Technology and Management Journal, 26. pp. 45-61. ISSN 0127-8800

reflections on design practice

Dong, H., Cardoso, C., Cassim, J., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Inclusive design: Reflections on design practice. [Working Paper]


Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID:, Glinski, Greg, Wheeler, Daniel, Hamilton, Phil, Hendriksen, Mike and Smith, Brian (2002) Using computer models to identify optimal conditions for flip-chip assembly and reliability. Circuit World, 28 (1). pp. 14-20. ISSN 0305-6120 (doi:10.1108/03056120210696658)

reflow soldering

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Predicting optimal process conditions for flip-chip aassembly using copper column bumped dies. In: Proceedings of 4th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2002). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 338-343. ISBN 0780374355 (doi:10.1109/EPTC.2002.1185694)

refractory wear

Campbell, A.P., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Modeling of freeze layers and refractory wear in direct smelting processes. Iron & Steel Maker, 29 (9). pp. 41-45. ISSN 0275-8687


Balchin, Paul and Rhoden, Maureen (2002) Housing policy: an introduction. Routledge, New York, NJ, USA / Canada. ISBN 978-0-415-25214-0

registration of engineers

Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240

regular equivalence

Everett, Martin and Borgatti, Stephen (2002) Computing regular equivalence: practical and theoretical issues. In: Mrvar, Andrej and Ferligoj, Anuška, (eds.) Developments in Statistics. Metodoloski Zvezki (17). Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 31-42. ISBN 9612350906

regulatory compliance

Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240

relational structures

Woon, Fei Ling, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos and Ward, Graham (2002) A case based model to assist in the design process in the manufacture of furniture products. Expert Update - The Specialist Group on Artificial intelligence, 5 (2). pp. 37-43. ISSN 1465-4091


Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID:, Glinski, Greg, Wheeler, Daniel, Hamilton, Phil, Hendriksen, Mike and Smith, Brian (2002) Using computer models to identify optimal conditions for flip-chip assembly and reliability. Circuit World, 28 (1). pp. 14-20. ISSN 0305-6120 (doi:10.1108/03056120210696658)

Farnish, R. (2002) Perfecting powder storage & discharge. Chemical Processing, 65 (7). pp. 24-28. ISSN 0009-2630

Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Computer modelling of the reliability of flip chips with metal column bumping. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., pp. 967-973. ISBN 0780371526 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012561)

Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Response Surface Modeling and Optimisation for Reliable Electronic Products. In: The Fifth International IEEE Symposium on High Density Packaging and Component Failure Analysis in Electronics Manufacturing. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 49-57. ISBN 0780398238

Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Optimisation modelling for flip-chip solder joint reliability. Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 14 (1). pp. 49-58. ISSN 0954-0911 (doi:10.1108/09540910210416477)

reliability study

Alam, M.O., Chan, Y.C. and Hung, K.C. (2002) Reliability study of the electroless Ni–P layer against solder alloy. Microelectronics Reliability, 42 (7). pp. 1065-1073. ISSN 0026-2714 (doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(02)00068-9)

remote sensing

Dowdeswell, J.A., Bassford, R.P., Gorman, M.R., Williams, M. ORCID logoORCID:, Glazovsky, A.F., Macheret, Y.Y., Shepherd, A.P., Vasilenko, Y.V., Savatyuguin,, L.M., Hubberten, H.-W. and Miller, H. (2002) Form and flow of the Academy of Sciences Ice Cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (1978-2012), 107 (B4). EPM 5-1. ISSN 2169-9313 (Print), 2169-9356 (Online) (doi:10.1029/2000JB000129)


Wilson, M.D., Cheke, R.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Fiasse, S.P.J., Grist, S., Osei-Ateweneboana, M.Y., Tetteh-Kumah, A., Fiasorgbor, G.K., Jolliffe, F.R., Boakye, D.A., Hougard, J.-M., Yameogo, L. and Post, R.J. (2002) Deforestation and the spatio-temporal distribution of savannah and forest members of the Simulium damnosum complex in southern Ghana and south-western Togo. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 96 (6). pp. 632-639. ISSN 0035-9203 (Print), 1878-3503 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0035-9203(02)90335-4)


Corby, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, White, Geoff, Dennison, Paul and Douglas, Fiona (2002) Does it work? evaluating a new pay system. University of Greenwich, Greenwich, London, UK. ISBN 1861661878


Walshaw, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Dynamic mesh partitioning and load-balancing for parallel computational mechanics codes. In: Topping, B.H.V., (ed.) Computational Mechanics using High Performance Computing. Computational Science, Engineering & Technology (9). Saxe-Coburg Publications, Kippen, Stirling, Scotland, pp. 79-94. ISBN 1874672075 (doi:10.4203/csets.9.4)

Reporter gene

Rahman, M.A., Maclean, N, Sohm, F., Hwang, G., Iyengar, A., Ayad, H., Smith, A. and Farahmand, H. (2002) Transgenic tilapia and the tilapia genome. Gene, 295 (2). pp. 265-277. ISSN 0378-1119 (Print), 1879-0038 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0378-1119(02)00735-7)


Jolliffe, Flavia (2002) Research in statistical education — planning of an international survey. MSOR Connections, 2 (2). pp. 13-15. ISSN 1473-4869 (Print), 2051-4220 (Online) (doi:10.11120/msor.2002.02020013)


Jolliffe, Flavia R. (2002) Sharing experiences in the training of researchers [Introduction]. Statistics Education Research Journal, 1 (1). pp. 14-15. ISSN 1570-1824

residential property transaction costs

Isaac, David, Dalton, Peter and Ke, Qiulin (2002) The Woolwich cost of moving survey 2002. Technical Report. University of Greenwich/Barclays Bank, London, UK.

Response Surface

Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Response Surface Modeling and Optimisation for Reliable Electronic Products. In: The Fifth International IEEE Symposium on High Density Packaging and Component Failure Analysis in Electronics Manufacturing. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 49-57. ISBN 0780398238

resting blood pressure

Howden, Reuben, Lightfoot, J. Timothy, Brown, Stephen J. and Swaine, Ian L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) The effects of isometric exercise training on resting blood pressure and orthostatic tolerance in humans. Experimental Physiology, 87 (4). pp. 507-515. ISSN 0958-0670 (Print), 1469-445X (Online) (doi:10.1111/j.1469-445X.2002.tb00064.x)

reward system

Corby, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, White, Geoff, Dennison, Paul and Douglas, Fiona (2002) Does it work? evaluating a new pay system. University of Greenwich, Greenwich, London, UK. ISBN 1861661878


Durairaj, R., Jackson, G.J., Ekere, N.N., Glinski, G. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Correlation of solder paste rheology with computational simulations of the stencil printing process. Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 14 (1). pp. 11-17. ISSN 0954-0911 (doi:10.1108/09540910210416422)


Harvey, Patricia J. ORCID logoORCID:, Xiang, Mingyan and Palmer, John M. (2002) Extracellular enzymes in the rhizosphere. In: Cost Action 837. Plant biotechnology for the removal of organic pollutants and toxic metals from wastewaters and contaminated sites. InterCOST Workshop on Soil-microbe-root interactions: maximising, phytoremediation/bioremediation (WG1+WG4+COST Action 831, 23-25 May 2002, Grainau, Germany. (Unpublished)


Rahman, M.A., Maclean, N, Sohm, F., Hwang, G., Iyengar, A., Ayad, H., Smith, A. and Farahmand, H. (2002) Transgenic tilapia and the tilapia genome. Gene, 295 (2). pp. 265-277. ISSN 0378-1119 (Print), 1879-0038 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0378-1119(02)00735-7)


Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350

risk management

Butler, Karen Lee (2002) Impulsivity and risk-taking in clinical and non-clinical populations. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

risk warning

Hodges, R.J. (2002) Detection and monitoring of larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 223-243. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040815.06804.c1)


Acharya, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Acharya, P. ORCID logoORCID:, Foldesi, A. and Chattopadhyaya, J. (2002) Cross-modulation of physicochemical character of aglycones in dinucleoside (3′→5′) monophosphates by the nearest neighbor interaction in the stacked state. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124 (46). pp. 13722-13730. ISSN 0002-7863 (Print), 1520-5126 (Online) (doi:doi10.1021/ja026831h)


Bleahu, Ana and Janowski, Monica (2002) Rural non-farm livelihood activities in Romania: A report on qualitative fieldwork in two communities. [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior and Cristoiu, Adriana (2002) Patterns of rural non-farm diversification and employment in Romania: A country level analysis. [Working Paper]

Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

roof construction

Stanford, Christopher Paul (2002) Thatching in Cambridgeshire. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Rowing ergometry

Goss-Sampson, Mark ORCID logoORCID:, Hall, Christopher and Price, M. (2002) Analysis of rowing stroke joint synchronization in competitive and recreational Concept II ergometer rowers. PART I: BIOMECHANICS, Journal of Sport Sciences, 20 (3-74). pp. 8-9. ISSN 0264-0414 (Print), 1466-447X (Online) (doi:10.1080/026404102317126137)

Royal Naval College Greenwich

Mann, Tony (2002) William Burnside. EMS Newsletter (June). p. 18. ISSN 1027-488X

Mann, Tony (2002) The sesquicentenary of William Burnside. CMS Notes de la SMC, 34 (6). p. 12. ISSN 1193-9273 (Print), 1496-4295 (Online)

Royal Statistical Society

Hunt, Neville, Jolliffe, Flavia and Davies, Neville (2002) The Royal Statistical Society and statistical education. In: ICOTS 6 [The Sixth International Conference on Teaching Statistics]. International Association for Statistical Education.


Bezemer, Dirk and Davis, Junior (2002) The rural non-agricultural economy in transition countries: Findings from Armenia. [Working Paper]

Bleahu, Ana and Janowski, Monica (2002) Rural non-farm livelihood activities in Romania: A report on qualitative fieldwork in two communities. [Working Paper]

Cannon, Terry and Smith, David (2002) Uganda fieldwork case study synthesis report (NRI report no. 2701). [Working Paper]

Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Dasgupta, Nandini, Khanna, Amod, Singh, Amitabh and Singh, Leena (2002) Local governance institutions in two district of Madhya Pradesh, India. [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior and Cristoiu, Adriana (2002) Patterns of rural non-farm diversification and employment in Romania: A country level analysis. [Working Paper]

Davis, Junior R., Asatrian, Paruryr and Kharatyan, Hranusch (2002) Constraints and potential to the development of rural non-farm activities in Armenia (Main report). [Working Paper]

Goodwin, Harold, Spenceley, Anna and Maynard, Bill (2002) Development of responsible tourism guidelines for South Africa (Final report). Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Marter, Alan (2002) The rural non-farm economy in Uganda: a review of policy (NRI report no. 2702). [Working Paper]

Som, Richa, Kleih, Ulrich, Kumar, Yogesh and Jena, Surendra Kumar (2002) Rural non-farm employment in Madhya Pradesh. Findings of a participatory rural appraisal in 8 villages (NRI report no. 2694). [Working Paper]

Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

rural employment

Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

rural poor

Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350

rural poverty

Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350


Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

Russian Commonwealth

Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

safety standards

Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240


Vardoulakis, Sotirios (2002) An operational method for assessing traffic-related air pollution in urban streets. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

sampling plans

Hodges, R.J. (2002) Detection and monitoring of larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 223-243. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040815.06804.c1)

sand castings

Mileman, Tony (2002) An investigation of the feasibility of a CBR approach to the design of sand castings in the foundry industry. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Sarah Kofman

Secomb, Linnell (2002) Autothanatography. Mortality: Promoting the interdisciplinary study of death and dying, 7 (1). pp. 33-46. ISSN 1357-6275 (Print), 1469-9885 (Online) (doi:10.1080/13576270120102535)


Wilson, M.D., Cheke, R.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Fiasse, S.P.J., Grist, S., Osei-Ateweneboana, M.Y., Tetteh-Kumah, A., Fiasorgbor, G.K., Jolliffe, F.R., Boakye, D.A., Hougard, J.-M., Yameogo, L. and Post, R.J. (2002) Deforestation and the spatio-temporal distribution of savannah and forest members of the Simulium damnosum complex in southern Ghana and south-western Togo. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 96 (6). pp. 632-639. ISSN 0035-9203 (Print), 1878-3503 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0035-9203(02)90335-4)


Arreymbi, J. and Dastbaz, M. (2002) Issues in delivering multimedia content to mobile devices. In: Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’02). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 622-626. ISBN 0769516564 ISSN 1093-9547 (doi:10.1109/IV.2002.1028839)

scanning acoustic microscopes

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID:, Hung, K.C., Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Chan, Y.C. (2002) No-flow underfill flip chip assembly–an experimental and modeling analysis. Microelectronics Reliability, 42 (8). pp. 1205-1212. ISSN 0026-2714 (doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(02)00092-6)


Rochat, Didier, Morin, Jean-Paul, Kakul, Titus, Beaudoin-Ollivier, Laurence, Prior, Robert, Renou, Michel, Malosse, Isabelle, Stathers, Tanya ORCID logoORCID:, Empuba, Sebastian and Laup, Samson (2002) Activity of male pheromone of Melanesian Rhinoceros Beetle Scapanes australis. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 28 (3). pp. 479-500. ISSN 0098-0331 (Print), 1573-1561 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1014531810037)


Rochat, Didier, Morin, Jean-Paul, Kakul, Titus, Beaudoin-Ollivier, Laurence, Prior, Robert, Renou, Michel, Malosse, Isabelle, Stathers, Tanya ORCID logoORCID:, Empuba, Sebastian and Laup, Samson (2002) Activity of male pheromone of Melanesian Rhinoceros Beetle Scapanes australis. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 28 (3). pp. 479-500. ISSN 0098-0331 (Print), 1573-1561 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1014531810037)


Oudwater, Nicoliene, Greenhalgh, Peter and Clucas, Ivor (2002) Globalisation, seafood industry and livelihoods. Discussion Paper. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Securidaca longepedunculata

Jayasekara, T.K., Stevenson, Philip ORCID logoORCID:, Belmain, Steven ORCID logoORCID:, Farman, Dudley ORCID logoORCID: and Hall, David ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Identification of methyl salicylate as the principal volatile component in the methanol extract of root bark ofSecuridaca longepedunculata Fers. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 37 (6). pp. 577-580. ISSN 1076-5174 (Print), 1096-9888 (Online) (doi:10.1002/jms.314)


Grimble, Robin, Cardoso, Catarina and Omar-Chowdhury, Salma (2002) People and the environment: Issues and linkages. Natural Resources Institute Policy Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545350


de Vos, E., Edwards, S.J., McDonald, I., Wray, D.S. ORCID logoORCID: and Carey, P.J. (2002) A baseline survey of the distribution and origin of platinum group elements in contemporary fluvial sediments of the Kentish Stour, England. Applied Geochemistry, 17 (8). pp. 1115-1121. ISSN 0883-2927 (doi:10.1016/S0883-2927(02)00010-0)


Christakis, Nicholas, Patel, Mayur K., Cross, Mark, Baxter, John, Abou-Chakra, Hadi and Tuzun, Ugur (2002) Predictions of segregation of granular material with the aid of PHYSICA, a 3-D unstructured finite-volume modelling framework. In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Special Issue: ICFD Conference on Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 281-291. ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online) (doi:10.1002/fld.319)


Phillips, T.N. and Williams, A.J. (2002) Comparison of creeping and inertial flow of an Oldroyd B fluid through planar and axisymmetric contractions. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 108 (1-3). pp. 25-47. ISSN 0377-0257 (doi:10.1016/S0377-0257(02)00123-4)

semiconductor device packaging

Gwyer, D., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Philpott, D. and Misselbrook, P. (2002) Mathematical modelling: a laser soldering process for an optoelectronics butterfly package. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 121-127. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012447)

semiconductor lasers

Gwyer, D., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Philpott, D. and Misselbrook, P. (2002) Mathematical modelling: a laser soldering process for an optoelectronics butterfly package. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 121-127. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012447)

semiconductor process modelling

Gwyer, D., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Philpott, D. and Misselbrook, P. (2002) Mathematical modelling: a laser soldering process for an optoelectronics butterfly package. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 121-127. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012447)

sensitivity analysis

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Predicting optimal process conditions for flip-chip aassembly using copper column bumped dies. In: Proceedings of 4th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2002). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 338-343. ISBN 0780374355 (doi:10.1109/EPTC.2002.1185694)


Millman, Margaret (2002) In the shadow of war: continuities and discontinuities in the construction of the masculine identities of British soldiers, 1914-1924. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Ade-Ojo, Gordon ORCID logoORCID: and Aderibigbe, A. (2002) Black and ethnic minorities: access to services. Discussion Paper. Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, London, UK.


Mann, Tony (2002) William Burnside. EMS Newsletter (June). p. 18. ISSN 1027-488X

Mann, Tony (2002) The sesquicentenary of William Burnside. CMS Notes de la SMC, 34 (6). p. 12. ISSN 1193-9273 (Print), 1496-4295 (Online)


King, Andrew ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Sympathy as subversion? Reading Lady Audley’s Secret in the kitchen. Journal of Victorian Culture, 7 (1). pp. 60-85. ISSN 1355-5502 (Print), 1750-0133 (Online) (doi:10.3366/jvc.2002.7.1.60)


Van Oirschot, Quirien Elfrida Antoinette, Rees, Deborah ORCID logoORCID:, Aked, Julia and Kihurani, Agnes (2002) Sweet potato cultivars differ in efficiency of wound healing. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

ship evacuation

Galea, E. ORCID logoORCID:, Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P. ORCID logoORCID:, Sharp, G, Blackshields, D. ORCID logoORCID: and Glen, Ian (2002) The development of an advanced ship evacuation simulation software product and associated large scale testing facility for the collection of human shipboard behaviour data. In: RINA. International Conference. Human Factors in Ship Design and Operation, 2-3 October 2002. Papers. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London, UK, pp. 37-50. ISBN 9780903055819


Galea, Edwin R. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Simulating evacuation and circulation in planes, trains, buildings and ships using the EXODUS software. In: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics. Springer, pp. 203-225. ISBN 9783540426905

shop scheduling

Strusevich, V.A., Drobouchevitch, I.G. and Shakhlevich, N.V. (2002) Three-machine shop scheduling with partially ordered processing routes. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53 (5). pp. 574-582. ISSN 0160-5682 (Print), 1476-9360 (Online) (doi:10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601329)

similarity measure

Woon, Fei Ling, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos and Ward, Graham (2002) A case based model to assist in the design process in the manufacture of furniture products. Expert Update - The Specialist Group on Artificial intelligence, 5 (2). pp. 37-43. ISSN 1465-4091


Christakis, Nicholas, Chapelle, Pierre, Patel, Mayur, Cross, Mark, Bridle, Ian, Abou-Chakra, Hadi and Baxter, John (2002) Utilising computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the modelling of granular material in large-scale engineering processes. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part 1 (2329). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 743-752. ISBN 9783540435914 ISSN 0302-9743 (Print), 1611-3349 (Online) (doi:10.1007/3-540-46043-8_75)

Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A multilevel approach to the travelling salesman problem. Operations Research, 50 (5). pp. 862-877. ISSN 0030-364X (Print), 1526-5463 (Online) (doi:10.1287/opre.50.5.862.373)

Simulium damnosum cytospecies

Wilson, M.D., Cheke, R.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Fiasse, S.P.J., Grist, S., Osei-Ateweneboana, M.Y., Tetteh-Kumah, A., Fiasorgbor, G.K., Jolliffe, F.R., Boakye, D.A., Hougard, J.-M., Yameogo, L. and Post, R.J. (2002) Deforestation and the spatio-temporal distribution of savannah and forest members of the Simulium damnosum complex in southern Ghana and south-western Togo. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 96 (6). pp. 632-639. ISSN 0035-9203 (Print), 1878-3503 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0035-9203(02)90335-4)

skin allergy

Chummun, N.H. (2002) Latex glove disorders: a management strategy for reducing skin sensitivity. Journal of Nursing Management, 10 (3). pp. 161-166. ISSN 0966-0429 (Print), 1365-2834 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2834.2002.00310.x)

skin disorders

Chummun, N.H. (2002) Latex glove disorders: a management strategy for reducing skin sensitivity. Journal of Nursing Management, 10 (3). pp. 161-166. ISSN 0966-0429 (Print), 1365-2834 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2834.2002.00310.x)

slag-refractory interactions

Campbell, Andrew Paul (2002) Modelling of freeze layer formation and refractory wear in direct smelting process. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]

small-scale dispersion models

Vardoulakis, Sotiris, Fisher, Bernard E.A., Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: and Gonzalez-Flesca, Norbert (2002) Modelling air quality in street canyons: a review. Atmospheric Environment, 37 (2). pp. 155-182. ISSN 1352-2310 (doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00857-9)


Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Report (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. The Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Summary (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. Resource Centre for Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

Chan, Man-Kwun (2002) Facing the challenge: Applying codes of practice in the smallholder sector. Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Gallat, Stephanie (2002) Ghanian horticulture code of practice - where to from here? Report of a workshop organized by the Natural Resources and Ethical Trade Programme, held at the Miklin Hotel, Accra, 5 June 2001. [Working Paper]

smallholder grain protection

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Chigariro, J., Mudiwa, M., Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Small-scale farmer perceptions of diatomaceous earth products as potential stored grain protectants in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1049-1060. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00089-3)

smallholder storage

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Field assessment of the efficacy and persistence of diatomaceous earths in protecting stored grain on small-scale farms in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1033-1048. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00088-1)

smelting processes

Campbell, Andrew P., Pericleous, Koulis A. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, Mark (2002) Computational modelling of freeze layers in smelting processes. In: 2002 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 18-21 Feb 2002, Seattle, WA, USA.

Campbell, Andrew Paul (2002) Modelling of freeze layer formation and refractory wear in direct smelting process. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Dowdeswell, J.A., Bassford, R.P., Gorman, M.R., Williams, M. ORCID logoORCID:, Glazovsky, A.F., Macheret, Y.Y., Shepherd, A.P., Vasilenko, Y.V., Savatyuguin,, L.M., Hubberten, H.-W. and Miller, H. (2002) Form and flow of the Academy of Sciences Ice Cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (1978-2012), 107 (B4). EPM 5-1. ISSN 2169-9313 (Print), 2169-9356 (Online) (doi:10.1029/2000JB000129)

social class

Cronin, Bruce ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Fracciones de clase. In: Guerrero, Diego, (ed.) Lecturas de economía politíca. Economía General . Editorial Síntesis, Madrid, Spain, pp. 232-234. ISBN 9788477389422 (print), 9788499580630 (eISBN)

social entrepreneurs

Ainley, Patrick, Barnes, Tim and Momen, Abdul (2002) Making Connexions: a case study in contemporary social policy. Critical Social Policy, 22 (2). pp. 376-388. ISSN 0261-0183 (Print), 1461-703X (Online) (doi:10.1177/02610183020220021001)

social network analysis

Cronin, Bruce ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Fracciones de clase. In: Guerrero, Diego, (ed.) Lecturas de economía politíca. Economía General . Editorial Síntesis, Madrid, Spain, pp. 232-234. ISBN 9788477389422 (print), 9788499580630 (eISBN)

social responsibility

Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Report (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. The Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Summary (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. Resource Centre for Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.


Millman, Margaret (2002) In the shadow of war: continuities and discontinuities in the construction of the masculine identities of British soldiers, 1914-1924. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Davis, Junior R., Asatrian, Paruryr and Kharatyan, Hranusch (2002) Constraints and potential to the development of rural non-farm activities in Armenia (Main report). [Working Paper]

software and operating systems

Ierotheou, C.S., Johnson, S., Leggett, P. and Cross, M. (2002) The Shared Memory Parallelisation of an Ocean Modelling Code using an Interactive Parallelisation Toolkit. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 953-962. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_100)

software engineering

Ierotheou, C.S., Johnson, S., Leggett, P. and Cross, M. (2002) The Shared Memory Parallelisation of an Ocean Modelling Code using an Interactive Parallelisation Toolkit. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 953-962. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_100)

Marsden, R.H., Croft, T.N. and Lai, C.H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Domain decomposition using a 2-level correction scheme. In: Sloot, Peter M.A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 480-489. ISBN 9783540435938 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_50)

Rajalingham, Kamalasen (2002) The development of a structured methodology for the construction and integrity control of spreadsheet models. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

software engineering/programming and operating systems

McManus, Kevin, Cross, Mark, Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID:, Croft, Nick and Williams, Alison (2002) Parallel performance in multi-physics simulation. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 806-815. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_85)

software operating systems

Marsden, R.H., Croft, T.N. and Lai, C.H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Domain decomposition using a 2-level correction scheme. In: Sloot, Peter M.A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 480-489. ISBN 9783540435938 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_50)

software programming

Ierotheou, C.S., Johnson, S., Leggett, P. and Cross, M. (2002) The Shared Memory Parallelisation of an Ocean Modelling Code using an Interactive Parallelisation Toolkit. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 953-962. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_100)

Marsden, R.H., Croft, T.N. and Lai, C.H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Domain decomposition using a 2-level correction scheme. In: Sloot, Peter M.A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 480-489. ISBN 9783540435938 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_50)

soil pollution

Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431

soil yeast

Pandya, Jyoti (2002) Purification and characterisation of amylolytic enzymes from Lipomyces starkeyi. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

solder alloy

Alam, M.O., Chan, Y.C. and Hung, K.C. (2002) Reliability study of the electroless Ni–P layer against solder alloy. Microelectronics Reliability, 42 (7). pp. 1065-1073. ISSN 0026-2714 (doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(02)00068-9)

solder paste

Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID:, Glinski, Greg, Wheeler, Daniel, Hamilton, Phil, Hendriksen, Mike and Smith, Brian (2002) Using computer models to identify optimal conditions for flip-chip assembly and reliability. Circuit World, 28 (1). pp. 14-20. ISSN 0305-6120 (doi:10.1108/03056120210696658)

solder pastes

Durairaj, R., Jackson, G.J., Ekere, N.N., Glinski, G. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Correlation of solder paste rheology with computational simulations of the stencil printing process. Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 14 (1). pp. 11-17. ISSN 0954-0911 (doi:10.1108/09540910210416422)

soldered joints

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID:, Hung, K.C., Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Chan, Y.C. (2002) No-flow underfill flip chip assembly–an experimental and modeling analysis. Microelectronics Reliability, 42 (8). pp. 1205-1212. ISSN 0026-2714 (doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(02)00092-6)


Gwyer, D., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Philpott, D. and Misselbrook, P. (2002) Mathematical modelling: a laser soldering process for an optoelectronics butterfly package. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 121-127. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012447)

Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)

solid mechanics

Taylor, Gareth A., Hughes, Michael, Strusevich, Nadia and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Finite volume methods applied to the computational modelling of welding phenomena. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 26 (2). pp. 311-322. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:10.1016/S0307-904X(01)00063-4)


Cross, Mark, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID:, Williams, Alison, Bojarevics, Valdis ORCID logoORCID:, Croft, Nick and Taylor, Gary (2002) The multiphysics modeling of solidification and melting processes. JOM (The Member Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2002 (Supp.). ISSN 1047-4838

solid–liquid extraction

Dobbs, Adrian P. ORCID logoORCID: and Kimberley, Meriel R. (2002) Fluorous phase chemistry: a new industrial technology. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 118 (1-2). pp. 3-17. ISSN 0022-1139 (doi:10.1016/S0022-1139(02)00202-6)


Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Chigariro, J., Mudiwa, M., Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Small-scale farmer perceptions of diatomaceous earth products as potential stored grain protectants in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1049-1060. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00089-3)


Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: Daniel Letwin, The challenge of interracial unionism: Alabama coal miners, 1878–1921 (Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1998, £39.95). Pp. 289. ISBN 0 8078 4678 3. Journal of American Studies, 36 (1). pp. 151-198. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1017/S0021875802386808)

South Africa

Catchpowle, Lesley (2002) Public sector trade union response to change in South Africa: a case study of the South African municipal workers union (SAMWU) in the Western Cape (1992-97). PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Goodwin, Harold, Spenceley, Anna and Maynard, Bill (2002) Development of responsible tourism guidelines for South Africa (Final report). Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

spatial reasoning

Mileman, Tony, Knight, Brian, Petridis, Miltos, Cowell, Don and Ewer, J. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Case-based retrieval of 3-dimensional shapes for the design of metal castings. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 13 (1). pp. 39-45. ISSN 0956-5515 (Print), 1572-8145 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1013676928961)


Rajalingham, Kamalasen (2002) The development of a structured methodology for the construction and integrity control of spreadsheet models. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

spreadsheet errors

Rajalingham, Kamalasen (2002) The development of a structured methodology for the construction and integrity control of spreadsheet models. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

spreadsheet models

Rajalingham, Kamalasen (2002) The development of a structured methodology for the construction and integrity control of spreadsheet models. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Scott, S.D., Joiner, M.C. and Marples, B (2002) Optimizing radiation-responsive gene promoters for radiogenetic cancer therapy. Gene Therapy, 9 (20). pp. 1396-1402. ISSN 0969-7128 (Print), 1476-5462 (Online) (doi:10.1038/


Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240

Chan, Man-Kwun (2002) Facing the challenge: Applying codes of practice in the smallholder sector. Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Gallat, Stephanie (2002) Ghanian horticulture code of practice - where to from here? Report of a workshop organized by the Natural Resources and Ethical Trade Programme, held at the Miklin Hotel, Accra, 5 June 2001. [Working Paper]


Ainley, Patrick, Jameson, Jill ORCID logoORCID:, Jones, Peter, Hall, Dai and Farr, Marc (2002) Redefining higher education: a case study in widening participation. In: Hayton, Annette and Paczuska, Anna, (eds.) Access, Participation and Higher Education. The future of education from 14+ . Kogan Page, London, pp. 89-105. ISBN 0749438363

statistical education

Jolliffe, Flavia (2002) Research in statistical education — planning of an international survey. MSOR Connections, 2 (2). pp. 13-15. ISSN 1473-4869 (Print), 2051-4220 (Online) (doi:10.11120/msor.2002.02020013)


Hunt, Neville, Jolliffe, Flavia and Davies, Neville (2002) The Royal Statistical Society and statistical education. In: ICOTS 6 [The Sixth International Conference on Teaching Statistics]. International Association for Statistical Education.

Jolliffe, Flavia (2002) Statistical investigations - drawing it all together. In: ICOTS 6 [The Sixth International Conference on Teaching Statistics]. International Association for Statistical Education.

Jolliffe, Flavia R. (2002) Sharing experiences in the training of researchers [Introduction]. Statistics Education Research Journal, 1 (1). pp. 14-15. ISSN 1570-1824


Gardin, P., Brunet, M., Domgin, J.F. and Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An experimental and numerical CFD study of turbulence in a tundish container. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 26 (2). pp. 323-336. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:10.1016/S0307-904X(01)00064-6)


Durairaj, R., Jackson, G.J., Ekere, N.N., Glinski, G. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Correlation of solder paste rheology with computational simulations of the stencil printing process. Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 14 (1). pp. 11-17. ISSN 0954-0911 (doi:10.1108/09540910210416422)

stochastic modelling

Onof, C., Yameundjeu, B., Paoli, J.-P. and Ramesh, N. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A Markov modulated Poisson process model for rainfall increments. Water Science and Technology, 45 (2). pp. 91-97. ISSN 0273-1223

storage (materials)

Farnish, R. (2002) Perfecting powder storage & discharge. Chemical Processing, 65 (7). pp. 24-28. ISSN 0009-2630

storage loss assessment

Boxall, R.A. (2002) Damage and loss caused by the Larger Grain Borer Prostephanus truncatus. Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (2). pp. 105-121. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1026397115946)

storage root

Van Oirschot, Quirien Elfrida Antoinette, Rees, Deborah ORCID logoORCID:, Aked, Julia and Kihurani, Agnes (2002) Sweet potato cultivars differ in efficiency of wound healing. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

stored grain and pulses

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Field assessment of the efficacy and persistence of diatomaceous earths in protecting stored grain on small-scale farms in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1033-1048. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00088-1)

stored products

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Chigariro, J., Mudiwa, M., Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Small-scale farmer perceptions of diatomaceous earth products as potential stored grain protectants in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1049-1060. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00089-3)


Cabral, Ana Paula and Tavares, José (2002) Practising college reading strategies: First-year students’ choices. The Reading Matrix: an International Online Journal, 2 (3).

street canyon

Vardoulakis, Sotiris, Fisher, Bernard E.A., Gonzalez-Flesca, Norbert and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Model sensitivity and uncertainty analysis using roadside air quality measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 36 (13). pp. 2121-2134. ISSN 1352-2310 (doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00201-7)


Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Warner, M., Agha, A., Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Parry, J., Marooney, C., Reeves, H. and Clark, I. (2002) Flo/Stress: an integrated software module to predict stress in electronic products. Computing and Control Engineering Journal, 13 (3). pp. 143-148. ISSN 0956-3385 (doi:10.1049/ccej:20020306)

Deane, R., Chummun, H. and Prashad, D. (2002) Differences in urinary stress hormones in male and female nurses at different ages. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37 (3). pp. 304-310. ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2648.2002.02082.x)

stress analysis

Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)

Slone, Avril, Fallah, Nosrat, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, Mark (2002) A finite volume approach to geometrically non-linear stress analysis. In: Finite volumes for complex applications III: problems and perspectives. Hermes Penton Science, London, UK, pp. 663-670. ISBN 9781903996348

strong ergodicity

Chen, Anyue (2002) Ergodicity and stability of generalised Markov branching processes with resurrection. Journal of Applied Probability, 39 (4). pp. 786-803. ISSN 0021-9002 (doi:10.1239/jap/1037816019)

structural adjustment

Onaran, Özlem ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Measuring wage flexibility: The case of Turkey before and after structural adjustment. Applied Economics, 34 (6). pp. 767-781. ISSN 0003-6846 (Print), 1466-4283 (Online) (doi:10.1080/00036840110056934)

structural design

Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240

structured methodology

Rajalingham, Kamalasen (2002) The development of a structured methodology for the construction and integrity control of spreadsheet models. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

structured methods

Rajalingham, Kamalasen (2002) The development of a structured methodology for the construction and integrity control of spreadsheet models. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

structured spreadsheet development

Rajalingham, Kamalasen (2002) The development of a structured methodology for the construction and integrity control of spreadsheet models. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Coulter, J. and Onumah, G. (2002) The role of warehouse receipt systems in enhanced commodity marketing and rural livelihoods in Africa. Food Policy, 27 (4). pp. 319-337. ISSN 0306-9192 (doi:10.1016/S0306-9192(02)00018-0)


King, Andrew ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Sympathy as subversion? Reading Lady Audley’s Secret in the kitchen. Journal of Victorian Culture, 7 (1). pp. 60-85. ISSN 1355-5502 (Print), 1750-0133 (Online) (doi:10.3366/jvc.2002.7.1.60)

suction traps

Hodges, R.J. (2002) Detection and monitoring of larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Integrated Pest Management Reviews, 7 (4). pp. 223-243. ISSN 1353-5226 (Print), 1572-9745 (Online) (doi:10.1023/B:IPMR.0000040815.06804.c1)


Leaper, M.C., Bradley, Michael S.A., Cleaver, J.A.S., Bridle, Ian, Reed, Alan R., Abou-Chakra, H. and Tüzün, Ugur (2002) Constructing an engineering model for moisture migration in bulk solids as a prelude to predicting moisture migration caking. Advanced Powder Technology, 13 (4). pp. 411-424. (doi:10.1163/156855202320536043)

supportive therapy

Churchill, R., Hunot, V., Corney, R., Knapp, M., McGuire, H., Tylee, A. and Wessely, S. (2002) A systematic review of controlled trials of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of brief psychological treatments for depression. Health Technology Assessment, 5 (35). pp. 1-173. ISSN 1366-5278 (doi:10.3310/hta5350)

surface mount technology

Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)

survey techniques

Jolliffe, Flavia (2002) Research in statistical education — planning of an international survey. MSOR Connections, 2 (2). pp. 13-15. ISSN 1473-4869 (Print), 2051-4220 (Online) (doi:10.11120/msor.2002.02020013)

sweet potato

Van Oirschot, Quirien Elfrida Antoinette, Rees, Deborah ORCID logoORCID:, Aked, Julia and Kihurani, Agnes (2002) Sweet potato cultivars differ in efficiency of wound healing. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


King, Andrew ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Sympathy as subversion? Reading Lady Audley’s Secret in the kitchen. Journal of Victorian Culture, 7 (1). pp. 60-85. ISSN 1355-5502 (Print), 1750-0133 (Online) (doi:10.3366/jvc.2002.7.1.60)

synergy effect

Herdan, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID: and Czubala, Joanna (2002) Ocena polaczenia Banku Rozwoju Eksportu S.A. i Polskiego Bank Rozwoju S.A. na podstawie globalnego i dziedzinowego efektu synergii / The Estimation of The Merger of Bank Rozwoju Eksportu S.A. and Polski Bank Rozwoju S.A. Based on the Global and Domain Synergy Effect. Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowosci / Scientific Journal of Accounting,, 11 (67). pp. 24-42. ISSN 1641-4381


Herdan, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Historyczne uwarunkowania procesów laczenia sie przedsiebiorstw / Mergers and acquisition – the historical perspective. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie / The Scientific Journal of The University of Economics in Krakow, 591. pp. 49-60.

Herdan, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Prawne uwarunkowania laczenia sie podmiotów gospodarczych w Polsce / The Legal Framework of M&A in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie / The Scientific Journal of The University of Economics in Krakow, 565. pp. 97-110.


Rajalingham, Kamalasen (2002) The development of a structured methodology for the construction and integrity control of spreadsheet models. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Report (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. The Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Summary (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. Resource Centre for Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

teacher and parent ratings

Norwich, Brahm, Cooper, Paul and Maras, Pamela F. (2002) Attentional and activity difficulties: findings from a national study. Support For Learning, 17 (4). pp. 182-186. ISSN 0268-2141 (doi:10.1111/1467-9604.00262)

Teenage mothers

Moffitt, Terrie E. and Morgan, Julia ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Teen-aged mothers in contemporary Britain. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 43 (6). pp. 727-742. ISSN 0021-9630 (Print), 1469-7610 (Online) (doi:10.1111/1469-7610.00082)

television broadcasting

Nasr, K.M. ORCID logoORCID:, Costen, F. and Barton, S.K. (2002) An application of smart antenna systems for archiving networks in TV studios. In: The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. IEEE, pp. 232-236. ISBN 0780375890 (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1046695)

television studios

Nasr, K.M. ORCID logoORCID:, Costen, F. and Barton, S.K. (2002) An application of smart antenna systems for archiving networks in TV studios. In: The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. IEEE, pp. 232-236. ISBN 0780375890 (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1046695)

temperature distribution

Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)


Karanasiou, Argyro ORCID logoORCID: (2002) EU and the Middle East: Terrorism as a common threat. Foreign Affairs Stand, 62.

tertiary education

Ainley, Patrick (2002) The strange death of further education. Adults Learning, 13 (7). p. 29. ISSN 0955-2308.


Stanford, Christopher Paul (2002) Thatching in Cambridgeshire. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

The Columbus Model

Nissan, Ephraim (2002) The Columbus Model: Part I. CASYS: International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, 12. ISSN 1373-5411

Nissan, Ephraim (2002) The Columbus Model: Part II. CASYS: International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, 12. ISSN 1373-5411


Everett, Martin and Borgatti, Stephen (2002) Computing regular equivalence: practical and theoretical issues. In: Mrvar, Andrej and Ferligoj, Anuška, (eds.) Developments in Statistics. Metodoloski Zvezki (17). Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 31-42. ISBN 9612350906

theory of computation

Ierotheou, C.S., Johnson, S., Leggett, P. and Cross, M. (2002) The Shared Memory Parallelisation of an Ocean Modelling Code using an Interactive Parallelisation Toolkit. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 953-962. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_100)

Marsden, R.H., Croft, T.N. and Lai, C.H. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Domain decomposition using a 2-level correction scheme. In: Sloot, Peter M.A., Hoekstra, Alfons G., Tan, C.J. Kenneth and Dongarra, Jack J., (eds.) Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 480-489. ISBN 9783540435938 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_50)

McManus, Kevin, Cross, Mark, Walshaw, Chris ORCID logoORCID:, Croft, Nick and Williams, Alison (2002) Parallel performance in multi-physics simulation. In: Computational Science - ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21–24, 2002 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, II (2330). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 806-815. ISBN 9783540435938 ISSN 0302-9743 (doi:10.1007/3-540-46080-2_85)


Gwyer, D., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID:, Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Philpott, D. and Misselbrook, P. (2002) Mathematical modelling: a laser soldering process for an optoelectronics butterfly package. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 121-127. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012447)

thermal expansion

Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)

Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Computer modelling of the reliability of flip chips with metal column bumping. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., pp. 967-973. ISBN 0780371526 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012561)

Thermal Management

Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Response Surface Modeling and Optimisation for Reliable Electronic Products. In: The Fifth International IEEE Symposium on High Density Packaging and Component Failure Analysis in Electronics Manufacturing. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 49-57. ISBN 0780398238

thermal management (packaging)

Glinski, G.P. and Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Microwave cure of conductive adhesives for flip-chip & microsystems applications. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 848-853. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012543)

Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)

thermal stresses

Parry, John, Marooney, Chris, Warner, Matt, Bailey, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An integrated approach to flow, thermal and mechanical modeling of electronics devices. In: ITHERM 2002. The Eighth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems [Proceedings]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, U.S.A., pp. 862-868. ISBN 0780371526 ISSN 1089-9870 (doi:10.1109/ITHERM.2002.1012545)


Onof, C., Yameundjeu, B., Paoli, J.-P. and Ramesh, N. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) A Markov modulated Poisson process model for rainfall increments. Water Science and Technology, 45 (2). pp. 91-97. ISSN 0273-1223


Wilson, M.D., Cheke, R.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Fiasse, S.P.J., Grist, S., Osei-Ateweneboana, M.Y., Tetteh-Kumah, A., Fiasorgbor, G.K., Jolliffe, F.R., Boakye, D.A., Hougard, J.-M., Yameogo, L. and Post, R.J. (2002) Deforestation and the spatio-temporal distribution of savannah and forest members of the Simulium damnosum complex in southern Ghana and south-western Togo. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 96 (6). pp. 632-639. ISSN 0035-9203 (Print), 1878-3503 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0035-9203(02)90335-4)


Goodwin, Harold, Spenceley, Anna and Maynard, Bill (2002) Development of responsible tourism guidelines for South Africa (Final report). Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431


Oudwater, Nicoliene, Greenhalgh, Peter and Clucas, Ivor (2002) Globalisation, seafood industry and livelihoods. Discussion Paper. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

trade liberalization

Onaran, Özlem ORCID logoORCID: and Yenturk, Nurhan (2002) The mark-up rates in Turkish private manufacturing industry during trade liberalization. Journal of Income Distribution, 11 (3-4). pp. 21-41. ISSN 1874-6322

trade union

Catchpowle, Lesley (2002) Public sector trade union response to change in South Africa: a case study of the South African municipal workers union (SAMWU) in the Western Cape (1992-97). PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

trade unions

Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: Daniel Letwin, The challenge of interracial unionism: Alabama coal miners, 1878–1921 (Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1998, £39.95). Pp. 289. ISBN 0 8078 4678 3. Journal of American Studies, 36 (1). pp. 151-198. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1017/S0021875802386808)

traditional grain protectants

Stathers, T.E. ORCID logoORCID:, Chigariro, J., Mudiwa, M., Mvumi, B.M. and Golob, P. (2002) Small-scale farmer perceptions of diatomaceous earth products as potential stored grain protectants in Zimbabwe. Crop Protection, 21 (10). pp. 1049-1060. ISSN 0261-2194 (doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00089-3)

traffic emissions

Vardoulakis, Sotiris, Fisher, Bernard E.A., Gonzalez-Flesca, Norbert and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Model sensitivity and uncertainty analysis using roadside air quality measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 36 (13). pp. 2121-2134. ISSN 1352-2310 (doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00201-7)

Vardoulakis, Sotiris, Fisher, Bernard E.A., Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: and Gonzalez-Flesca, Norbert (2002) Modelling air quality in street canyons: a review. Atmospheric Environment, 37 (2). pp. 155-182. ISSN 1352-2310 (doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00857-9)


Jolliffe, Flavia R. (2002) Sharing experiences in the training of researchers [Introduction]. Statistics Education Research Journal, 1 (1). pp. 14-15. ISSN 1570-1824

training of nurses

Humphreys, Trevor John (2002) English nurse education and National Health Service reform 1985-1997. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Galea, Edwin R. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Simulating evacuation and circulation in planes, trains, buildings and ships using the EXODUS software. In: Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics. Springer, pp. 203-225. ISBN 9783540426905

transaction cost

Collinson, C.D., Kleih, U., Burnett, D.G., Ferris, R.S.B., Jagwe, J.N. and Muganga, A.K. (2002) Transaction cost analysis. Final report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

transgenic fish

Rahman, M.A., Maclean, N, Sohm, F., Hwang, G., Iyengar, A., Ayad, H., Smith, A. and Farahmand, H. (2002) Transgenic tilapia and the tilapia genome. Gene, 295 (2). pp. 265-277. ISSN 0378-1119 (Print), 1879-0038 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0378-1119(02)00735-7)

transient response

Pan, Y., Ierotheou, C.S. and Hayat, M.M. (2002) Parallel implementation of the recurrence method for computing the power-spectral density of thin avalanche photodiodes. In: Proceedings. International Conference on Parallel Processing. 2002. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 298-305. ISBN 0769516777 ISSN 1530-2016 (doi:10.1109/ICPPW.2002.1039744)

transient structural dynamics

Slone, A.K., Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Dynamic fluid–structure interaction using finite volume unstructured mesh procedures. Computers and Structures, 80 (5-6). pp. 371-390. ISSN 0045-7949 (doi:10.1016/S0045-7949(01)00177-8)

Slone, Avril, Pericleous, Kyriacos A ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Cross, M. and Bennett, C. (2002) Dynamic fluid-structure interactions using finite volume unstructured mesh procedures. Computers & Structures, 80 (5-6). pp. 371-390. ISSN 0045-7949 (doi:10.1016/S0045-7949(01)00177-8)

transition country

Bezemer, Dirk and Davis, Junior (2002) The rural non-agricultural economy in transition countries: Findings from Armenia. [Working Paper]

transition economy

Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]


Wilson, M.D., Cheke, R.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Fiasse, S.P.J., Grist, S., Osei-Ateweneboana, M.Y., Tetteh-Kumah, A., Fiasorgbor, G.K., Jolliffe, F.R., Boakye, D.A., Hougard, J.-M., Yameogo, L. and Post, R.J. (2002) Deforestation and the spatio-temporal distribution of savannah and forest members of the Simulium damnosum complex in southern Ghana and south-western Togo. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 96 (6). pp. 632-639. ISSN 0035-9203 (Print), 1878-3503 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0035-9203(02)90335-4)


Kaira, Charles K., Kleih, Ulrich K., Benmaamar, Mustapha, Kwamusi, Paul and Iga, Harriet (2002) Kick-start workshop on improved food crops marketing through appropriate transport for poor farmers in Uganda. Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Xue, X., Schmid, F. and Smith, R.A. (2002) An introduction to China's rail transport Part 1: History, present and future of China's railways. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 216 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 0954-4097 (Print), 2041-3017 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440902760213585)

Xue, X., Schmid, F. and Smith, R.A. (2002) An introduction to China's rail transport Part 2: Urban rail transit systems, highway transport and the reform of China's railways. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 216 (3). pp. 165-174. ISSN 0954-4097 (Print), 2041-3017 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440902760213594)

transversely isotropic plate

Ahmad, F., Kiyani, N., Yousaf, F. and Shams, M. (2002) Guided waves in a fluid-loaded transversely isotropic place. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 8 (2). pp. 151-159. ISSN 1024-123X (Print), 1563-5147 (Online) (doi:10.1080/10241230212909)


Van Oirschot, Quirien Elfrida Antoinette, Rees, Deborah ORCID logoORCID:, Aked, Julia and Kihurani, Agnes (2002) Sweet potato cultivars differ in efficiency of wound healing. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431


Gardin, P., Brunet, M., Domgin, J.F. and Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An experimental and numerical CFD study of turbulence in a tundish container. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 26 (2). pp. 323-336. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:10.1016/S0307-904X(01)00064-6)

tungsten accumulation

Hale, Kerry L., Tufan, Hale A., Pickering, Ingrid J., George, Graham N., Terry, Norman, Pilon, Marinus and Pilon-Smits, Elizabeth A.H. (2002) Anthocyanins facilitate tungsten accumulation in Brassica. Physiologia Plantarum, 116 (3). pp. 351-358. ISSN 0031-9317 (Print), 1399-3054 (Online) (doi:10.1034/j.1399-3054.2002.1160310.x)

turbulence modelling

Gardin, P., Brunet, M., Domgin, J.F. and Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An experimental and numerical CFD study of turbulence in a tundish container. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 26 (2). pp. 323-336. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:10.1016/S0307-904X(01)00064-6)

turbulent fluid flow

Croft, T.N., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID logoORCID:, Bobadilla, M. and Gardin, P. (2002) Three-phase computations of the continuous casting process. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Continuous Casting Conference. IOM Communications Ltd, London, England, UK, pp. 545-554.

Hughes, Michael, Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: and Strusevitch, Nadia (2002) Modelling the fluid dynamics and coupled phenomena in arc weld pools. In: Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena. Materials Modelling, 6 . Maney Publishing for the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, London, England, UK, pp. 63-81. ISBN 9781902653563


Onaran, Özlem ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Measuring wage flexibility: The case of Turkey before and after structural adjustment. Applied Economics, 34 (6). pp. 767-781. ISSN 0003-6846 (Print), 1466-4283 (Online) (doi:10.1080/00036840110056934)

Onaran, Özlem ORCID logoORCID: and Yenturk, Nurhan (2002) The mark-up rates in Turkish private manufacturing industry during trade liberalization. Journal of Income Distribution, 11 (3-4). pp. 21-41. ISSN 1874-6322


Cannon, Terry and Smith, David (2002) Uganda fieldwork case study synthesis report (NRI report no. 2701). [Working Paper]

Kaira, Charles K., Kleih, Ulrich K., Benmaamar, Mustapha, Kwamusi, Paul and Iga, Harriet (2002) Kick-start workshop on improved food crops marketing through appropriate transport for poor farmers in Uganda. Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

Marter, Alan and Wandschneider, Tiago (2002) The role of NGOs and CBOs in marketing in Uganda: the potential in remote regions and in reaching the poor (NRI report no. 2699). [Working Paper]

Uganda marketing

Marter, Alan and Wandschneider, Tiago (2002) The role of NGOs and CBOs in marketing in Uganda: the potential in remote regions and in reaching the poor (NRI report no. 2699). [Working Paper]


Balchin, Paul and Rhoden, Maureen (2002) Housing policy: an introduction. Routledge, New York, NJ, USA / Canada. ISBN 978-0-415-25214-0


Wandschneider, Tiago Sequeira, Davis, Junior R. and Hancock, Jim (2002) Rural non-farm employment and development in transition economies. Proceedings of a workshop held at the Old Royal Naval College, University of Greenwich, London. [Working Paper]


Vardoulakis, Sotiris, Fisher, Bernard E.A., Gonzalez-Flesca, Norbert and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Model sensitivity and uncertainty analysis using roadside air quality measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 36 (13). pp. 2121-2134. ISSN 1352-2310 (doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00201-7)


Bailey, Christopher ORCID logoORCID:, Lu, Hua ORCID logoORCID:, Glinski, Greg, Wheeler, Daniel, Hamilton, Phil, Hendriksen, Mike and Smith, Brian (2002) Using computer models to identify optimal conditions for flip-chip assembly and reliability. Circuit World, 28 (1). pp. 14-20. ISSN 0305-6120 (doi:10.1108/03056120210696658)

Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) Optimisation modelling for flip-chip solder joint reliability. Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 14 (1). pp. 49-58. ISSN 0954-0911 (doi:10.1108/09540910210416477)

understanding how to improve accessibility of computers through cursor control studies

Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) Understanding how to improve the accessibility of computers through cursor control studies. In: Proceeding CHI EA '02 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems: changing the world, changing ourselves. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 766-767. ISBN 1-58113-454-1 (doi:10.1145/506443.506587)

understanding the range of user capabilities

Clarkson, P. J., Keates, S., Dong, H. and Langdon, P. (2002) Understanding the range of user capabilities. In: Computer-Based Design: Engineering Design Conference 2002. Wiley, UK, pp. 303-312. ISBN 978-1860583728


Corby, Susan ORCID logoORCID:, White, Geoff, Dennison, Paul and Douglas, Fiona (2002) Does it work? evaluating a new pay system. University of Greenwich, Greenwich, London, UK. ISBN 1861661878


Chen, Anyue (2002) Uniqueness and extinction properties of generalised Markov branching processes. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 274 (2). pp. 482-494. ISSN 0022-247X (doi:10.1016/S0022-247X(02)00251-2)

united states

Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: Daniel Letwin, The challenge of interracial unionism: Alabama coal miners, 1878–1921 (Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1998, £39.95). Pp. 289. ISBN 0 8078 4678 3. Journal of American Studies, 36 (1). pp. 151-198. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1017/S0021875802386808)

Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: John Majewski, A house dividing: economic development in Pennsylvania and Virginia before the Civil War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, £30.00). Pp. 214. ISBN 0 521 59023 X. Journal of American Studies, 36 (3). pp. 513-570. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online)

Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: Sven Beckert, The monied metropolis: New York City and the consolidation of the American bourgeoisie, 1850–1896 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, £25.00). Pp. 492. ISBN 0 5521 79039 5. Journal of American Studies, 36 (3). pp. 513-570. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online)

universal access

John, Clarkson and Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Preface. Universal access and assistive technology: Proceedings of the Cambridge workshop on UA and AT ’02. Springer-Verlag, London, UK, v-vi. ISBN 978-1-4471-3721-4 (doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-3719-1)

Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, P., Clarkson, P. J. and Robinson, P. (eds.) (2002) Proceedings of CWUAAT '02, 1st Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT), incorporating 4th Cambridge Workshop on Rehabilitation Robotics. Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, Patrick, Clarkson, John and Robinson, Peter (eds.) (2002) Universal access and assistive technology: Proceedings of the Cambridge workshop on UA and AT ’02. In: Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, Patrick, Clarkson, John and Robinson, Peter, (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st Cambridge Worksohp on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT 02). Springer-Verlag London, London. ISBN 978-1-4471-3721-4

urban canyon

Vardoulakis, Sotiris, Fisher, Bernard E.A., Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: and Gonzalez-Flesca, Norbert (2002) Modelling air quality in street canyons: a review. Atmospheric Environment, 37 (2). pp. 155-182. ISSN 1352-2310 (doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00857-9)

urban development

Kotzen, Benz ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Changing attitudes: the creation of urban shade in the Negev Desert. Urban Design Studies, 8. ISSN 1358-3255

Vlachos, Peter ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Notes from Beijing. The Ethical Record, 107 (2). ISSN 0014-1690

urban rail

Xue, X., Schmid, F. and Smith, R.A. (2002) An introduction to China's rail transport Part 2: Urban rail transit systems, highway transport and the reform of China's railways. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 216 (3). pp. 165-174. ISSN 0954-4097 (Print), 2041-3017 (Online) (doi:10.1243/095440902760213594)


Deane, R., Chummun, H. and Prashad, D. (2002) Differences in urinary stress hormones in male and female nurses at different ages. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37 (3). pp. 304-310. ISSN 0309-2402 (Print), 1365-2648 (Online) (doi:10.1046/j.1365-2648.2002.02082.x)

user models

Keates, Simeon, Langdon, Patrick, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) User models and user physical capability. User Models and User Physical Capability, 12 (2-3). pp. 139-169. ISSN 0924-1868 (Print), 1573-1391 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1015047002796)

user physical capability

Keates, Simeon, Langdon, Patrick, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) User models and user physical capability. User Models and User Physical Capability, 12 (2-3). pp. 139-169. ISSN 0924-1868 (Print), 1573-1391 (Online) (doi:10.1023/A:1015047002796)

User-aware design

Keates, Simeon ORCID logoORCID:, Clarkson, P. John and Robinson, Peter (2002) Developing a practical inclusive interface design approach. Interacting with Computers, 14 (4). pp. 271-299. ISSN 0953-5438 (Print), 1873-7951 (Online) (doi:10.1016/S0953-5438(01)00054-6)

using cursor measures to determine computer input assistancee motion-impaired users

Hwang, F., Keates, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Langdon, P. and Clarkson, P. J. (2002) Using cursor measures to determine appropriate computer input assistance for motion-impaired users. In: Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2002. 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society EMBS/BMES Conference, 2002. Proceedings of the Second Joint. IEEE, pp. 2437-2438. ISBN 0-7803-7612-9 ISSN 1094-687X (Print), 23-26 October 2002 Houston, Texas, USA (Online) (doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2002.1053363)


Gardin, P., Brunet, M., Domgin, J.F. and Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An experimental and numerical CFD study of turbulence in a tundish container. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 26 (2). pp. 323-336. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:10.1016/S0307-904X(01)00064-6)


Isaac, David (2002) Property valuation principles. Building and Surveying Series . Palgrave Macmillian, Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780333921142

value chain analysis

Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Report (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. The Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

Bedford, Ally, Blowfield, Mick, Burnett, Duncan and Greenhalgh, Peter (2002) Value chains: lessons from Kenya tea and Indonesia cocoa sectors. Summary (The Resource Centre In Focus series 3). Technical Report. Resource Centre for Social Dimensions of Business Practice, London, UK.

Marter, Alan and Wandschneider, Tiago (2002) The role of NGOs and CBOs in marketing in Uganda: the potential in remote regions and in reaching the poor (NRI report no. 2699). [Working Paper]

Oudwater, Nicoliene, Greenhalgh, Peter and Clucas, Ivor (2002) Globalisation, seafood industry and livelihoods. Discussion Paper. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.


Thompson, Elinor ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, Shaun, Mann, Nicholas H., Robinson, Colin and Mullineaux, Conrad (2002) The role of FtsH proteins in photosystem biosynthesis and turnover in Arabidopsis and Synechocystis. In: PS2001 Proceedings. 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia. ISBN 9780643067110


Taylor, G.A., Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Cross, M. (2002) A vertex-based finite volume method applied to non-linear material problems in computational solid mechanics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 56 (4). pp. 507-529. ISSN 0029-5981 (Print), 1097-0207 (Online) (doi:10.1002/nme.574)


Dawson, Andrew (2002) Book review: John Majewski, A house dividing: economic development in Pennsylvania and Virginia before the Civil War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, £30.00). Pp. 214. ISBN 0 521 59023 X. Journal of American Studies, 36 (3). pp. 513-570. ISSN 0021-8758 (Print), 1469-5154 (Online)

Virtual Environments

Kiernan, Mary (2002) Does the medium dictate the message? Cultivating communication in an asynchronous environment. In: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2002. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, USA, pp. 972-979. ISBN 9781880094457

Kiernan, Mary (2002) Does the medium dictate the message? Cultivating communication in an asynchronous environment. In: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2002. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, USA, pp. 972-979. ISBN 9781880094457

viscoelastic flow

Phillips, T.N. and Williams, A.J. (2002) Comparison of creeping and inertial flow of an Oldroyd B fluid through planar and axisymmetric contractions. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 108 (1-3). pp. 25-47. ISSN 0377-0257 (doi:10.1016/S0377-0257(02)00123-4)

wage flexibility

Onaran, Özlem ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Measuring wage flexibility: The case of Turkey before and after structural adjustment. Applied Economics, 34 (6). pp. 767-781. ISSN 0003-6846 (Print), 1466-4283 (Online) (doi:10.1080/00036840110056934)


Ainley, Patrick (2002) The strange death of further education. Adults Learning, 13 (7). p. 29. ISSN 0955-2308.

Logan, Anne Frances Helen (2002) Making women magistrates: feminism, citizenship and justice in England and Wales 1918-1950. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.


Millman, Margaret (2002) In the shadow of war: continuities and discontinuities in the construction of the masculine identities of British soldiers, 1914-1924. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

Warehouse receipts

Coulter, J. and Onumah, G. (2002) The role of warehouse receipt systems in enhanced commodity marketing and rural livelihoods in Africa. Food Policy, 27 (4). pp. 319-337. ISSN 0306-9192 (doi:10.1016/S0306-9192(02)00018-0)

water model

Gardin, P., Brunet, M., Domgin, J.F. and Pericleous, K. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) An experimental and numerical CFD study of turbulence in a tundish container. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 26 (2). pp. 323-336. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:10.1016/S0307-904X(01)00064-6)

water pollution

Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431

Grant, Ian F. and Tingle, Colin C. D., (eds.) (2002) Ecological monitoring methods for the assessment of pesticide impacts in the tropics. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859545431

welding arc

Hughes, Michael, Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: and Strusevitch, Nadia (2002) Modelling the fluid dynamics and coupled phenomena in arc weld pools. In: Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena. Materials Modelling, 6 . Maney Publishing for the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, London, England, UK, pp. 63-81. ISBN 9781902653563

welding phenomena

Taylor, Gareth A., Hughes, Michael, Strusevich, Nadia and Pericleous, Koulis ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Finite volume methods applied to the computational modelling of welding phenomena. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 26 (2). pp. 311-322. ISSN 0307-904X (doi:10.1016/S0307-904X(01)00063-4)

western values

Karanasiou, Argyro ORCID logoORCID: (2002) EU and the Middle East: Terrorism as a common threat. Foreign Affairs Stand, 62.


Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Colvin, J., Seal, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Gibson, G. and Cooper, J. (2002) Co-adaptation between cassava mosaic geminiviruses and their local vector populations. Virus Research, 86 (1-2). pp. 71-85. ISSN 0168-1702 (doi:10.1016/S0168-1702(02)00051-5)

widening participation

Ainley, Patrick, Jameson, Jill ORCID logoORCID:, Jones, Peter, Hall, Dai and Farr, Marc (2002) Redefining higher education: a case study in widening participation. In: Hayton, Annette and Paczuska, Anna, (eds.) Access, Participation and Higher Education. The future of education from 14+ . Kogan Page, London, pp. 89-105. ISBN 0749438363

William Burnside

Mann, Tony (2002) William Burnside. EMS Newsletter (June). p. 18. ISSN 1027-488X

Mann, Tony (2002) The sesquicentenary of William Burnside. CMS Notes de la SMC, 34 (6). p. 12. ISSN 1193-9273 (Print), 1496-4295 (Online)


Blake, S.J., Galea, E.R. ORCID logoORCID:, Gwynne, S., Lawrence, P.J. ORCID logoORCID: and Filippidis, L. ORCID logoORCID: (2002) Examining the effect of exit separation on aircraft evacuation performance during 90-second certification trials using evacuation modelling techniques. The Aeronautical Journal, 106 (1055). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0001-9240

wireless LAN

Nasr, K.M. ORCID logoORCID:, Costen, F. and Barton, S.K. (2002) An application of smart antenna systems for archiving networks in TV studios. In: The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. IEEE, pp. 232-236. ISBN 0780375890 (doi:10.1109/PIMRC.2002.1046695)


Logan, Anne Frances Helen (2002) Making women magistrates: feminism, citizenship and justice in England and Wales 1918-1950. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.

worst-case analysis

Kelleler, H. and Strusevich, V.A. (2002) Scheduling parallel dedicated machines under a single non-shared resource. European Journal of Operational Research, 147 (2). pp. 345-364. ISSN 0377-2217 (doi:10.1016/S0377-2217(02)00246-1)

Strusevich, V.A., Drobouchevitch, I.G. and Shakhlevich, N.V. (2002) Three-machine shop scheduling with partially ordered processing routes. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53 (5). pp. 574-582. ISSN 0160-5682 (Print), 1476-9360 (Online) (doi:10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601329)

wound healing

Van Oirschot, Quirien Elfrida Antoinette, Rees, Deborah ORCID logoORCID:, Aked, Julia and Kihurani, Agnes (2002) Sweet potato cultivars differ in efficiency of wound healing. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.

X ray microscopes

Lu, H. ORCID logoORCID:, Hung, K.C., Stoyanov, S. ORCID logoORCID:, Bailey, C. ORCID logoORCID: and Chan, Y.C. (2002) No-flow underfill flip chip assembly–an experimental and modeling analysis. Microelectronics Reliability, 42 (8). pp. 1205-1212. ISSN 0026-2714 (doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(02)00092-6)


Ainley, Patrick, Barnes, Tim and Momen, Abdul (2002) Making Connexions: a case study in contemporary social policy. Critical Social Policy, 22 (2). pp. 376-388. ISSN 0261-0183 (Print), 1461-703X (Online) (doi:10.1177/02610183020220021001)


Maruthi, M.N. ORCID logoORCID:, Colvin, J., Seal, S. ORCID logoORCID: and Thresh, J.M. (2002) First report of a distinct begomovirus infecting cassava in Zanzibar. Plant Disease, 86 (2). p. 187. ISSN 0191-2917 (doi:10.1094/PDIS.2002.86.2.187A)

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