Items where Year is 1995
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Cindy Sherman 1975-1993. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 34. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Cindy Sherman 1975-1993. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 34. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
adaptive grids
Patel, M.K., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Baldwin, S.
The development of a structured mesh grid adaption technique for resolving shock discontinuities in upwind Navier-Stokes codes.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 20 (10).
pp. 1179-1197.
ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online)
adaptive optics
Panayiotou, Stephen (1995) A domain independent adaptive imaging system for visual inspection. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Coulter, Jonathan, Stringfellow, Rachel and Asante, E.O. (1995) The provision of agricultural services through self-help in Sub-Saharan Africa: Ghana case study. Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Gibberd, V., Rook, J., Sear, C. B. and Williams, J. B. (1995) Drought risk management in southern Africa. The potential of long lead climate forecasts for improved drought management. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Grellier, R. (1995) All in good time: Women's agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544028
O'Reilly, C. and Gordon, A. (1995) Survival strategies of poor women in urban Africa: The case of Zambia. NRI Socio-economic Series, 10 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544044
Patterson, G., Wooster, M.J. and Sear, C.B. (1995) Real-time monitoring of African aquatic resources using remote sensing with special reference to Lake Malawi. Project Report. University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK.
Ritchie, J. M. and Dobson, H. (1995) Desert locust control operations and their environmental impacts. Natural Resources Institute Bulletin Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK. ISBN 0859544179 ISSN 0952-8245
Stringfellow, Rachel (1995) The hand operated bridge press for ground nut and shea nut processing: A financial and socio-economic appraisal. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Tyler, Peter and Harding, Steve (1995) A guide to appropriate technologies for small-scale storage of grain in Sub-Saharan Africa. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
agricultural development
Pender, J. and Rosenberg, J. (1995) Impact of tsetse control on land use in the semi-arid zone of Zimbabwe. Phase 1: Classification of land use by remote sensing imagery (NRI Bulletin 66). [Working Paper]
agricultural services
Coulter, Jonathan, Stringfellow, Rachel and Asante, E.O. (1995) The provision of agricultural services through self-help in Sub-Saharan Africa: Ghana case study. Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Coulter, Jonathan, Stringfellow, Rachel and Asante, E.O. (1995) The provision of agricultural services through self-help in Sub-Saharan Africa: Ghana case study. Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Grellier, R. (1995) All in good time: Women's agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544028
O'Reilly, C. and Gordon, A. (1995) Survival strategies of poor women in urban Africa: The case of Zambia. NRI Socio-economic Series, 10 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544044
Chan, Man-Kwun (1995) Tree resources in Northern Thailand: Local stakeholders and national policy. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544036
Conroy, C., Gordon, A. and Marter, A. (1995) Development and dissemination of agroprocessing technologies. NRI Socio-economic Series, 8 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0-85954-423-0
airborne particles concentration
Murnane, S.N., Barnes, R.N., Woodhead, Steve and Amadi-Echendu, J.E. (1995) Electrostatic modelling and measurement of airborne particles concentration. 1995 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, pp. 762-765. ISBN 978-0780326156 (doi:10.1109/IMTC.1995.515418)
Bakalis, P. S. and Ellis, J. E. (1995) The use of optimisation algorithms as an aid for determining process control configurations. In: Roberts, P. D. and Ellis, J. E., (eds.) Large Scale Systems: Postprint Volume from the 7th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS Symposium, London, UK, 11-13 July 1995: Theory and Applications, 1995. IPPV IFAC Postprint . Pergamon, pp. 333-338. ISBN 0080423655
McAllister, Patrick and Isaac, David (1995) Property appraisal. Distance Learning Series . University of Greenwich, London, UK. ISBN 1861660448
Patterson, G., Wooster, M.J. and Sear, C.B. (1995) Real-time monitoring of African aquatic resources using remote sensing with special reference to Lake Malawi. Project Report. University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK.
Aquatic resources
Patterson, G., Wooster, M.J. and Sear, C.B. (1995) Real-time monitoring of African aquatic resources using remote sensing with special reference to Lake Malawi. Project Report. University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK.
Ritchie, J. M. and Dobson, H. (1995) Desert locust control operations and their environmental impacts. Natural Resources Institute Bulletin Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK. ISBN 0859544179 ISSN 0952-8245
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Iterations: The New Image. The Art Book, 2 (2). pp. 32-33. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Symmetry - A Unifying Concept, István Hargittai and Magdolna Hargittai. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 34. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
art history
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Colour: Art and Science. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 26. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00263.x)
Mann, Tony (1995) An artist and her books: Diana Pooley. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 26. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00263.x)
Ritchie, J. M. and Dobson, H. (1995) Desert locust control operations and their environmental impacts. Natural Resources Institute Bulletin Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK. ISBN 0859544179 ISSN 0952-8245
Ndunguru, G.T., Modaha, F., Bancroft, R.D., Mashamba, F., Digges, P.D., Kleih, U. and Westby, A. (1995) The use of needs assessment methodologies to focus technical interventions in root and tuber crop post-harvest systems: a case study to improve the marketing and post-harvest handling of cassava entering Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In: International Society of Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch Meeting, 23-27 Oct 1995, Lilongwe, Malawi.
attractor in imitation
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Grellier, R. (1995) All in good time: Women's agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544028
Mann, Tony (1995) An artist and her books: Diana Pooley. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 26. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00263.x)
book review
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Cindy Sherman 1975-1993. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 34. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Colour: Art and Science. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 26. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00263.x)
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Iterations: The New Image. The Art Book, 2 (2). pp. 32-33. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Symmetry - A Unifying Concept, István Hargittai and Magdolna Hargittai. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 34. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
bridge press
Stringfellow, Rachel (1995) The hand operated bridge press for ground nut and shea nut processing: A financial and socio-economic appraisal. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Ndunguru, G.T., Modaha, F., Bancroft, R.D., Mashamba, F., Digges, P.D., Kleih, U. and Westby, A. (1995) The use of needs assessment methodologies to focus technical interventions in root and tuber crop post-harvest systems: a case study to improve the marketing and post-harvest handling of cassava entering Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In: International Society of Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch Meeting, 23-27 Oct 1995, Lilongwe, Malawi.
castor oil
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
castor seed
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
centripetal effect accelerator
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
centripetal effect accelerator erosion tester
Burnett, A.J., Desilva, S.R. and Reed, Alan R. (1995) Comparisons between “sand blast” and “centripetal effect accelerator” type erosion testers. Wear, 186-18 (1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
Mann, Tony (1995) An artist and her books: Diana Pooley. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 26. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00263.x)
Hughes, M., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Cross, M.
The numerical modelling of DC electromagnetic pump and brake flow.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 19 (12).
pp. 713-723.
ISSN 0307-904X
Patel, M.K., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Baldwin, S.
The development of a structured mesh grid adaption technique for resolving shock discontinuities in upwind Navier-Stokes codes.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 20 (10).
pp. 1179-1197.
ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online)
Pericleous, K.A. ORCID:, Chan, K.S. and Cross, M.
Free-surface flow and heat transfer in cavities - The SEA algorithm.
Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 27 (4).
pp. 487-507.
ISSN 1040-7790 (Print), 1521-0626 (Online)
Pericleous, Kyriacos A ORCID: and Dempsey, Stephen
Turbulent flow simulation using a fractal based LES model.
Journal of Fluid Engineering, 208.
pp. 61-66.
CFD modelling
Patel, M.K., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Baldwin, S.
The development of a structured mesh grid adaption technique for resolving shock discontinuities in upwind Navier-Stokes codes.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 20 (10).
pp. 1179-1197.
ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online)
CFD simulation
Hughes, M., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Cross, M.
The numerical modelling of DC electromagnetic pump and brake flow.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 19 (12).
pp. 713-723.
ISSN 0307-904X
chemical control
Ritchie, J. M. and Dobson, H. (1995) Desert locust control operations and their environmental impacts. Natural Resources Institute Bulletin Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK. ISBN 0859544179 ISSN 0952-8245
Chen, Jean, Wills, David and Isaac, David (1995) Quantification of the impact of construction investment upon the national economic welfare - a social cost benefit aproach in the case of China. Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCS/SCGC), Ottawa, Canada, pp. 339-348. ISBN 0921303580
Cindy Sherman
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Cindy Sherman 1975-1993. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 34. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
Greenhalgh, Matthew (1995) Gentlemen landowners and the middle classes of Bromley: the transfer of power and wealth? 1840-1914. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
climate forecast
Gibberd, V., Rook, J., Sear, C. B. and Williams, J. B. (1995) Drought risk management in southern Africa. The potential of long lead climate forecasts for improved drought management. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Cluster-based models
Ramesh, Nadarajah I. ORCID:
Point process models for short-term rainfall.
In: 23rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 19-23 June 1995, Singapore.
Twiddy, D. R. (1995) Report on a visit to CIFT, Cochin, India to provide training and guidance in studying microbiological problems in cultured fish/seafoods - 13 February - 11 March 1995. [Working Paper]
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
colour in art
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Colour: Art and Science. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 26. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00263.x)
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
compressible aerodynamics
Patel, M.K., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Baldwin, S.
The development of a structured mesh grid adaption technique for resolving shock discontinuities in upwind Navier-Stokes codes.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 20 (10).
pp. 1179-1197.
ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online)
compressible viscous aerodynamics
Patel, M.K., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Baldwin, S.
The development of a structured mesh grid adaption technique for resolving shock discontinuities in upwind Navier-Stokes codes.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 20 (10).
pp. 1179-1197.
ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online)
computer engineering
Naqvi, Waseem Hadder (1995) Active database behaviour: the REFLEX approach. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
computer software
Naqvi, Waseem Hadder (1995) Active database behaviour: the REFLEX approach. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Conditional intensity
Ramesh, N. I. ORCID:
Statistical analysis on Markov-modulated Poisson processes.
Environmetrics, 6 (2).
pp. 165-179.
ISSN 1180-4009 (Print), 1099-095X (Online)
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
construction investment
Chen, Jean, Wills, David and Isaac, David (1995) Quantification of the impact of construction investment upon the national economic welfare - a social cost benefit aproach in the case of China. Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCS/SCGC), Ottawa, Canada, pp. 339-348. ISBN 0921303580
control method
Ritchie, J. M. and Dobson, H. (1995) Desert locust control operations and their environmental impacts. Natural Resources Institute Bulletin Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK. ISBN 0859544179 ISSN 0952-8245
Cox process
Ramesh, Nadarajah I. ORCID:
Point process models for short-term rainfall.
In: 23rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 19-23 June 1995, Singapore.
Stringfellow, Rachel (1995) The hand operated bridge press for ground nut and shea nut processing: A financial and socio-economic appraisal. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Iterations: The New Image. The Art Book, 2 (2). pp. 32-33. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
cultured fish
Twiddy, D. R. (1995) Report on a visit to CIFT, Cochin, India to provide training and guidance in studying microbiological problems in cultured fish/seafoods - 13 February - 11 March 1995. [Working Paper]
Dar es Salaam
Ndunguru, G.T., Modaha, F., Bancroft, R.D., Mashamba, F., Digges, P.D., Kleih, U. and Westby, A. (1995) The use of needs assessment methodologies to focus technical interventions in root and tuber crop post-harvest systems: a case study to improve the marketing and post-harvest handling of cassava entering Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In: International Society of Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch Meeting, 23-27 Oct 1995, Lilongwe, Malawi.
data analysis
Panayiotou, Stephen (1995) A domain independent adaptive imaging system for visual inspection. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
DC magnetic pump
Hughes, M., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Cross, M.
The numerical modelling of DC electromagnetic pump and brake flow.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 19 (12).
pp. 713-723.
ISSN 0307-904X
desert locust
Ritchie, J. M. and Dobson, H. (1995) Desert locust control operations and their environmental impacts. Natural Resources Institute Bulletin Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK. ISBN 0859544179 ISSN 0952-8245
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Conroy, C., Gordon, A. and Marter, A. (1995) Development and dissemination of agroprocessing technologies. NRI Socio-economic Series, 8 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0-85954-423-0
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Twiddy, D. R. (1995) Report on a visit to CIFT, Cochin, India to provide training and guidance in studying microbiological problems in cultured fish/seafoods - 13 February - 11 March 1995. [Working Paper]
Diana Pooley
Mann, Tony (1995) An artist and her books: Diana Pooley. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 26. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00263.x)
digital technology
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Iterations: The New Image. The Art Book, 2 (2). pp. 32-33. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
distributed databases
Naqvi, Waseem Hadder (1995) Active database behaviour: the REFLEX approach. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Doubly stochastic Poisson process
Ramesh, N. I. ORCID:
Statistical analysis on Markov-modulated Poisson processes.
Environmetrics, 6 (2).
pp. 165-179.
ISSN 1180-4009 (Print), 1099-095X (Online)
Gibberd, V., Rook, J., Sear, C. B. and Williams, J. B. (1995) Drought risk management in southern Africa. The potential of long lead climate forecasts for improved drought management. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
drought management
Gibberd, V., Rook, J., Sear, C. B. and Williams, J. B. (1995) Drought risk management in southern Africa. The potential of long lead climate forecasts for improved drought management. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Electrodynamic sensor
Yan, Y., Byrne, B., Woodhead, Steve and Coulthard, John M. (1995) Velocity measurement of pneumatically conveyed solids using electrodynamic sensors. Measurement Science and Technology, 6 (5). pp. 515-537. ISSN 0957-0233 (Print), 1361-6501 (Online) (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/6/5/013)
electromagnetic pump/brake
Hughes, M., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Cross, M.
The numerical modelling of DC electromagnetic pump and brake flow.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 19 (12).
pp. 713-723.
ISSN 0307-904X
electrostatic modelling
Murnane, S.N., Barnes, R.N., Woodhead, Steve and Amadi-Echendu, J.E. (1995) Electrostatic modelling and measurement of airborne particles concentration. 1995 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, pp. 762-765. ISBN 978-0780326156 (doi:10.1109/IMTC.1995.515418)
electrostatic sensors
Woodhead, Steve and Amadi-Echendu, J.E. (1995) Solid phase velocity measurements utilising electrostatic sensors and cross correlation signal processing. 1995 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, pp. 774-777. ISBN 978-0780326156 (doi:10.1109/IMTC.1995.515421)
Emmanuel Levinas
Secomb, Linnell (1995) The Entombments of Feminine Being. Australian Feminist Studies ISSN online 1465-3303, 10 (21). pp. 187-202. ISSN 0816-4649 (Print), 1465-3303 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1080/08164649.1995.9994776)
Endothelium-mediated vasodilatation
Rubino, A., Loesch, A., Goss-Sampson, M. A. ORCID:, Milla, P. and Burnstock, G.
Effects of vitamin E deficiency on vasomotor activity and ultrastructural organisation of rat thoracic aorta.
British Journal of Pharmacology, 115 (3).
pp. 415-420.
ISSN 0007-1188 (Print), 1476-5381 (Online)
environmental impact
Ritchie, J. M. and Dobson, H. (1995) Desert locust control operations and their environmental impacts. Natural Resources Institute Bulletin Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK. ISBN 0859544179 ISSN 0952-8245
environmental policy
Chan, Man-Kwun (1995) Tree resources in Northern Thailand: Local stakeholders and national policy. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544036
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Patel, M.K., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Baldwin, S.
The development of a structured mesh grid adaption technique for resolving shock discontinuities in upwind Navier-Stokes codes.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 20 (10).
pp. 1179-1197.
ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online)
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
erosion testers
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
Burnett, A.J., Desilva, S.R. and Reed, Alan R. (1995) Comparisons between “sand blast” and “centripetal effect accelerator” type erosion testers. Wear, 186-18 (1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
essential oils
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
expert systems
Naqvi, Waseem Hadder (1995) Active database behaviour: the REFLEX approach. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Chan, Man-Kwun (1995) Tree resources in Northern Thailand: Local stakeholders and national policy. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544036
farmer controlled enterprise
Coulter, Jonathan, Stringfellow, Rachel and Asante, E.O. (1995) The provision of agricultural services through self-help in Sub-Saharan Africa: Ghana case study. Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
farmer participation
Wright, M.A.P. (1995) Loss assessment methods for durable stored products in the tropics: appropriateness and outstanding needs. Tropical Science, 35 (2). pp. 171-185. ISSN 1556-9179
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Secomb, Linnell (1995) The Entombments of Feminine Being. Australian Feminist Studies ISSN online 1465-3303, 10 (21). pp. 187-202. ISSN 0816-4649 (Print), 1465-3303 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1080/08164649.1995.9994776)
Secomb, Linnell (1995) IVF: Reproducing the "proper [family] of man". The Australian Feminist Law Journal, 4. pp. 19-38. ISSN 1320-0968
Dingsdale, Ann (1995) 'Generous and lofty sympathies': the Kensington Society, the 1866 women's suffrage petition and the development of mid-victorian feminism. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Cindy Sherman 1975-1993. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 34. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
Stringfellow, Rachel (1995) The hand operated bridge press for ground nut and shea nut processing: A financial and socio-economic appraisal. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
financial institutions
Riley, Mike and Isaac, David (1995) Property lending survey 1995. Journal of Property Finance, 6 (1). pp. 67-72. ISSN 0958868X (doi:10.1108/09588689510088195)
financial services
Riley, Mike and Isaac, David (1995) Property lending survey 1995. Journal of Property Finance, 6 (1). pp. 67-72. ISSN 0958868X (doi:10.1108/09588689510088195)
Twiddy, D. R. (1995) Report on a visit to CIFT, Cochin, India to provide training and guidance in studying microbiological problems in cultured fish/seafoods - 13 February - 11 March 1995. [Working Paper]
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Patterson, G., Wooster, M.J. and Sear, C.B. (1995) Real-time monitoring of African aquatic resources using remote sensing with special reference to Lake Malawi. Project Report. University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK.
Twiddy, D. R. (1995) Report on a visit to CIFT, Cochin, India to provide training and guidance in studying microbiological problems in cultured fish/seafoods - 13 February - 11 March 1995. [Working Paper]
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
forest management
Chan, Man-Kwun (1995) Tree resources in Northern Thailand: Local stakeholders and national policy. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544036
forest resources
Chan, Man-Kwun (1995) Tree resources in Northern Thailand: Local stakeholders and national policy. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544036
Pericleous, Kyriacos A ORCID: and Dempsey, Stephen
Turbulent flow simulation using a fractal based LES model.
Journal of Fluid Engineering, 208.
pp. 61-66.
free surface flow
Pericleous, K.A. ORCID:, Chan, K.S. and Cross, M.
Free-surface flow and heat transfer in cavities - The SEA algorithm.
Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 27 (4).
pp. 487-507.
ISSN 1040-7790 (Print), 1521-0626 (Online)
Gayatri Spivak
Secomb, Linnell (1995) IVF: Reproducing the "proper [family] of man". The Australian Feminist Law Journal, 4. pp. 19-38. ISSN 1320-0968
Grellier, R. (1995) All in good time: Women's agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544028
genetic algorithms
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Coulter, Jonathan, Stringfellow, Rachel and Asante, E.O. (1995) The provision of agricultural services through self-help in Sub-Saharan Africa: Ghana case study. Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Stringfellow, Rachel (1995) The hand operated bridge press for ground nut and shea nut processing: A financial and socio-economic appraisal. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Tyler, Peter and Harding, Steve (1995) A guide to appropriate technologies for small-scale storage of grain in Sub-Saharan Africa. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
granular materials
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Stringfellow, Rachel (1995) The hand operated bridge press for ground nut and shea nut processing: A financial and socio-economic appraisal. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
hamming cliff
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Ndunguru, G.T., Modaha, F., Bancroft, R.D., Mashamba, F., Digges, P.D., Kleih, U. and Westby, A. (1995) The use of needs assessment methodologies to focus technical interventions in root and tuber crop post-harvest systems: a case study to improve the marketing and post-harvest handling of cassava entering Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In: International Society of Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch Meeting, 23-27 Oct 1995, Lilongwe, Malawi.
heat transfer
Pericleous, K.A. ORCID:, Chan, K.S. and Cross, M.
Free-surface flow and heat transfer in cavities - The SEA algorithm.
Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 27 (4).
pp. 487-507.
ISSN 1040-7790 (Print), 1521-0626 (Online)
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Dingsdale, Ann (1995) 'Generous and lofty sympathies': the Kensington Society, the 1866 women's suffrage petition and the development of mid-victorian feminism. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
imaging systems
Panayiotou, Stephen (1995) A domain independent adaptive imaging system for visual inspection. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
imitation representation
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
impact damage
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
O'Reilly, C. and Gordon, A. (1995) Survival strategies of poor women in urban Africa: The case of Zambia. NRI Socio-economic Series, 10 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544044
Twiddy, D. R. (1995) Report on a visit to CIFT, Cochin, India to provide training and guidance in studying microbiological problems in cultured fish/seafoods - 13 February - 11 March 1995. [Working Paper]
industrial crop
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
industrial plants
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
Ritchie, J. M. and Dobson, H. (1995) Desert locust control operations and their environmental impacts. Natural Resources Institute Bulletin Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK. ISBN 0859544179 ISSN 0952-8245
interactive art
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Iterations: The New Image. The Art Book, 2 (2). pp. 32-33. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
investment loans
Riley, Mike and Isaac, David (1995) Property lending survey 1995. Journal of Property Finance, 6 (1). pp. 67-72. ISSN 0958868X (doi:10.1108/09588689510088195)
investment property portfolio
Riley, Mike and Isaac, David (1995) Property lending survey 1995. Journal of Property Finance, 6 (1). pp. 67-72. ISSN 0958868X (doi:10.1108/09588689510088195)
István Hargittai
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Symmetry - A Unifying Concept, István Hargittai and Magdolna Hargittai. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 34. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
Secomb, Linnell (1995) IVF: Reproducing the "proper [family] of man". The Australian Feminist Law Journal, 4. pp. 19-38. ISSN 1320-0968
Jacques Derrida
Secomb, Linnell (1995) The Entombments of Feminine Being. Australian Feminist Studies ISSN online 1465-3303, 10 (21). pp. 187-202. ISSN 0816-4649 (Print), 1465-3303 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1080/08164649.1995.9994776)
Secomb, Linnell (1995) IVF: Reproducing the "proper [family] of man". The Australian Feminist Law Journal, 4. pp. 19-38. ISSN 1320-0968
Janine Bourriau
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Colour: Art and Science. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 26. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00263.x)
labour division
Grellier, R. (1995) All in good time: Women's agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544028
Lake Malawi
Patterson, G., Wooster, M.J. and Sear, C.B. (1995) Real-time monitoring of African aquatic resources using remote sensing with special reference to Lake Malawi. Project Report. University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK.
land use
Pender, J. and Rosenberg, J. (1995) Impact of tsetse control on land use in the semi-arid zone of Zimbabwe. Phase 1: Classification of land use by remote sensing imagery (NRI Bulletin 66). [Working Paper]
laser Doppler velocimetry measurements
Woodhead, Steve, Pittman, A.N. and Ashenden, Stuart J. (1995) Laser Doppler velocimetry measurements of particle velocity profiles in gas-solid two-phase flows. 1995 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, pp. 770-773. ISBN 978-0780326156
length varying representation
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Tyler, Peter and Harding, Steve (1995) A guide to appropriate technologies for small-scale storage of grain in Sub-Saharan Africa. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
O'Reilly, C. and Gordon, A. (1995) Survival strategies of poor women in urban Africa: The case of Zambia. NRI Socio-economic Series, 10 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544044
Conroy, C., Gordon, A. and Marter, A. (1995) Development and dissemination of agroprocessing technologies. NRI Socio-economic Series, 8 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0-85954-423-0
Gibberd, V., Rook, J., Sear, C. B. and Williams, J. B. (1995) Drought risk management in southern Africa. The potential of long lead climate forecasts for improved drought management. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Riley, Mike and Isaac, David (1995) Property lending survey 1995. Journal of Property Finance, 6 (1). pp. 67-72. ISSN 0958868X (doi:10.1108/09588689510088195)
Chan, Man-Kwun (1995) Tree resources in Northern Thailand: Local stakeholders and national policy. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544036
Lorentz force
Hughes, M., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Cross, M.
The numerical modelling of DC electromagnetic pump and brake flow.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 19 (12).
pp. 713-723.
ISSN 0307-904X
loss assessment
Wright, M.A.P. (1995) Loss assessment methods for durable stored products in the tropics: appropriateness and outstanding needs. Tropical Science, 35 (2). pp. 171-185. ISSN 1556-9179
Magdolna Hargittai
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Symmetry - A Unifying Concept, István Hargittai and Magdolna Hargittai. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 34. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
Hughes, M., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Cross, M.
The numerical modelling of DC electromagnetic pump and brake flow.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 19 (12).
pp. 713-723.
ISSN 0307-904X
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
management principles
Coffey, Michael and Isaac, David (1995) Management principles for construction and property development. Distance Learning Series . University of Greenwich, London, UK. ISBN 186166043X
Maria Torok
Secomb, Linnell (1995) The Entombments of Feminine Being. Australian Feminist Studies ISSN online 1465-3303, 10 (21). pp. 187-202. ISSN 0816-4649 (Print), 1465-3303 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1080/08164649.1995.9994776)
Tyler, Peter and Harding, Steve (1995) A guide to appropriate technologies for small-scale storage of grain in Sub-Saharan Africa. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Ndunguru, G.T., Modaha, F., Bancroft, R.D., Mashamba, F., Digges, P.D., Kleih, U. and Westby, A. (1995) The use of needs assessment methodologies to focus technical interventions in root and tuber crop post-harvest systems: a case study to improve the marketing and post-harvest handling of cassava entering Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In: International Society of Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch Meeting, 23-27 Oct 1995, Lilongwe, Malawi.
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Symmetry - A Unifying Concept, István Hargittai and Magdolna Hargittai. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 34. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
maximum likelihood
Ramesh, N. I. ORCID:
Statistical analysis on Markov-modulated Poisson processes.
Environmetrics, 6 (2).
pp. 165-179.
ISSN 1180-4009 (Print), 1099-095X (Online)
Secomb, Linnell (1995) The Entombments of Feminine Being. Australian Feminist Studies ISSN online 1465-3303, 10 (21). pp. 187-202. ISSN 0816-4649 (Print), 1465-3303 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1080/08164649.1995.9994776)
mental health
Corney, Roslyn H. (1995) Social work involvement in primary care settings and mental health centres: a survey in England and Wales. Journal of Mental Health, 4 (3). pp. 275-280. ISSN 0963-8237 (Print), 1360-0567 (Online) (doi:10.1080/09638239550037550)
metal casting
Pericleous, K.A. ORCID:, Chan, K.S. and Cross, M.
Free-surface flow and heat transfer in cavities - The SEA algorithm.
Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 27 (4).
pp. 487-507.
ISSN 1040-7790 (Print), 1521-0626 (Online)
Ndunguru, G.T., Modaha, F., Bancroft, R.D., Mashamba, F., Digges, P.D., Kleih, U. and Westby, A. (1995) The use of needs assessment methodologies to focus technical interventions in root and tuber crop post-harvest systems: a case study to improve the marketing and post-harvest handling of cassava entering Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In: International Society of Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch Meeting, 23-27 Oct 1995, Lilongwe, Malawi.
Wright, M.A.P. (1995) Loss assessment methods for durable stored products in the tropics: appropriateness and outstanding needs. Tropical Science, 35 (2). pp. 171-185. ISSN 1556-9179
MHD flow
Hughes, M., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Cross, M.
The numerical modelling of DC electromagnetic pump and brake flow.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 19 (12).
pp. 713-723.
ISSN 0307-904X
O'Reilly, C. and Gordon, A. (1995) Survival strategies of poor women in urban Africa: The case of Zambia. NRI Socio-economic Series, 10 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544044
Twiddy, D. R. (1995) Report on a visit to CIFT, Cochin, India to provide training and guidance in studying microbiological problems in cultured fish/seafoods - 13 February - 11 March 1995. [Working Paper]
Secomb, Linnell (1995) The Entombments of Feminine Being. Australian Feminist Studies ISSN online 1465-3303, 10 (21). pp. 187-202. ISSN 0816-4649 (Print), 1465-3303 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1080/08164649.1995.9994776)
mustard seed
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Nicolas Abraham
Secomb, Linnell (1995) The Entombments of Feminine Being. Australian Feminist Studies ISSN online 1465-3303, 10 (21). pp. 187-202. ISSN 0816-4649 (Print), 1465-3303 (Online) (doi:doi 10.1080/08164649.1995.9994776)
noise signals
Amadi-Echendu, J.E. and Woodhead, Steve (1995) Characterising noise signals in 2-phase solid gas flows. 1995 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, pp. 778-781. ISBN 978-0780326156 (doi:10.1109/IMTC.1995.515422)
Norman Bryson
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Cindy Sherman 1975-1993. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 34. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
olivine sand
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
palm kernel
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
palm oil
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
particle impact
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
Burnett, A.J., Desilva, S.R. and Reed, Alan R. (1995) Comparisons between “sand blast” and “centripetal effect accelerator” type erosion testers. Wear, 186-18 (1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
particle velocity profiles
Woodhead, Steve, Pittman, A.N. and Ashenden, Stuart J. (1995) Laser Doppler velocimetry measurements of particle velocity profiles in gas-solid two-phase flows. 1995 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, pp. 770-773. ISBN 978-0780326156
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
particulate matter
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
Greenhalgh, Matthew (1995) Gentlemen landowners and the middle classes of Bromley: the transfer of power and wealth? 1840-1914. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
pest control
Ritchie, J. M. and Dobson, H. (1995) Desert locust control operations and their environmental impacts. Natural Resources Institute Bulletin Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK. ISBN 0859544179 ISSN 0952-8245
Ritchie, J. M. and Dobson, H. (1995) Desert locust control operations and their environmental impacts. Natural Resources Institute Bulletin Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK. ISBN 0859544179 ISSN 0952-8245
pipeline route
Schuster, T., Bradley, M.S.A. and Reed, Alan R. (1995) The dependence of power consumption of pneumatic conveying systems upon bulk material properties, pipeline bore and routing, and mode of flow. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E-Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 209 (E1). pp. 69-75. ISSN 0954-4089 (Print), 2041-3009 (Online) (doi:10.1243/PIME_PROC_1995_209_230_02)
pneumatic conveying pipelines
Bradley, M. S. A., Burnett, A. J. and Woodhead, S. R. (1995) Measurement of pressure profiles in pneumatic conveying pipelines. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 1995. IMTC/95. Proceedings. Integrating Intelligent Instrumentation and Control., IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, pp. 766-769. ISBN 978-0780326156 (doi:10.1109/IMTC.1995.515419)
pneumatic conveyors
Schuster, T., Bradley, M.S.A. and Reed, Alan R. (1995) The dependence of power consumption of pneumatic conveying systems upon bulk material properties, pipeline bore and routing, and mode of flow. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E-Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 209 (E1). pp. 69-75. ISSN 0954-4089 (Print), 2041-3009 (Online) (doi:10.1243/PIME_PROC_1995_209_230_02)
pneumatic materials handling equipment
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
Pneumatically conveyed solids
Yan, Y., Byrne, B., Woodhead, Steve and Coulthard, John M. (1995) Velocity measurement of pneumatically conveyed solids using electrodynamic sensors. Measurement Science and Technology, 6 (5). pp. 515-537. ISSN 0957-0233 (Print), 1361-6501 (Online) (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/6/5/013)
Point process
Ramesh, N. I. ORCID:
Statistical analysis on Markov-modulated Poisson processes.
Environmetrics, 6 (2).
pp. 165-179.
ISSN 1180-4009 (Print), 1099-095X (Online)
Point process models
Ramesh, Nadarajah I. ORCID:
Point process models for short-term rainfall.
In: 23rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 19-23 June 1995, Singapore.
political science
Dingsdale, Ann (1995) 'Generous and lofty sympathies': the Kensington Society, the 1866 women's suffrage petition and the development of mid-victorian feminism. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Conroy, C., Gordon, A. and Marter, A. (1995) Development and dissemination of agroprocessing technologies. NRI Socio-economic Series, 8 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0-85954-423-0
O'Reilly, C. and Gordon, A. (1995) Survival strategies of poor women in urban Africa: The case of Zambia. NRI Socio-economic Series, 10 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544044
Tyler, Peter and Harding, Steve (1995) A guide to appropriate technologies for small-scale storage of grain in Sub-Saharan Africa. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Ndunguru, G.T., Modaha, F., Bancroft, R.D., Mashamba, F., Digges, P.D., Kleih, U. and Westby, A. (1995) The use of needs assessment methodologies to focus technical interventions in root and tuber crop post-harvest systems: a case study to improve the marketing and post-harvest handling of cassava entering Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In: International Society of Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch Meeting, 23-27 Oct 1995, Lilongwe, Malawi.
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Conroy, C., Gordon, A. and Marter, A. (1995) Development and dissemination of agroprocessing technologies. NRI Socio-economic Series, 8 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0-85954-423-0
O'Reilly, C. and Gordon, A. (1995) Survival strategies of poor women in urban Africa: The case of Zambia. NRI Socio-economic Series, 10 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544044
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
Greenhalgh, Matthew (1995) Gentlemen landowners and the middle classes of Bromley: the transfer of power and wealth? 1840-1914. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Secomb, Linnell (1995) IVF: Reproducing the "proper [family] of man". The Australian Feminist Law Journal, 4. pp. 19-38. ISSN 1320-0968
primary care
Corney, Roslyn H. (1995) Social work involvement in primary care settings and mental health centres: a survey in England and Wales. Journal of Mental Health, 4 (3). pp. 275-280. ISSN 0963-8237 (Print), 1360-0567 (Online) (doi:10.1080/09638239550037550)
problem solving
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
process control
Bakalis, P. S. and Ellis, J. E. (1995) The use of optimisation algorithms as an aid for determining process control configurations. In: Roberts, P. D. and Ellis, J. E., (eds.) Large Scale Systems: Postprint Volume from the 7th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS Symposium, London, UK, 11-13 July 1995: Theory and Applications, 1995. IPPV IFAC Postprint . Pergamon, pp. 333-338. ISBN 0080423655
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Stringfellow, Rachel (1995) The hand operated bridge press for ground nut and shea nut processing: A financial and socio-economic appraisal. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Grellier, R. (1995) All in good time: Women's agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544028
McAllister, Patrick and Isaac, David (1995) Property appraisal. Distance Learning Series . University of Greenwich, London, UK. ISBN 1861660448
Riley, Mike and Isaac, David (1995) Property lending survey 1995. Journal of Property Finance, 6 (1). pp. 67-72. ISSN 0958868X (doi:10.1108/09588689510088195)
property companies
Isaac, David W. and Neil Woodroofe, Neil (eds.) (1995) Property companies: share price and net asset value. Distance Learning Series . Greenwich University Press, Dartford, UK. ISBN 1874529442
property finance
Riley, Mike and Isaac, David (1995) Property lending survey 1995. Journal of Property Finance, 6 (1). pp. 67-72. ISSN 0958868X (doi:10.1108/09588689510088195)
property investment
Enever, Nigel and Isaac, David (1995) The valuation of property investments. Estates Gazette Ltd, London, UK. ISBN 978-0728202498
property surveys
Riley, Mike and Isaac, David (1995) Property lending survey 1995. Journal of Property Finance, 6 (1). pp. 67-72. ISSN 0958868X (doi:10.1108/09588689510088195)
property valuation
Enever, Nigel and Isaac, David (1995) The valuation of property investments. Estates Gazette Ltd, London, UK. ISBN 978-0728202498
public administration
Dingsdale, Ann (1995) 'Generous and lofty sympathies': the Kensington Society, the 1866 women's suffrage petition and the development of mid-victorian feminism. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Rat aorta
Rubino, A., Loesch, A., Goss-Sampson, M. A. ORCID:, Milla, P. and Burnstock, G.
Effects of vitamin E deficiency on vasomotor activity and ultrastructural organisation of rat thoracic aorta.
British Journal of Pharmacology, 115 (3).
pp. 415-420.
ISSN 0007-1188 (Print), 1476-5381 (Online)
Remote sensing
Patterson, G., Wooster, M.J. and Sear, C.B. (1995) Real-time monitoring of African aquatic resources using remote sensing with special reference to Lake Malawi. Project Report. University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK.
remote sensing imagery
Pender, J. and Rosenberg, J. (1995) Impact of tsetse control on land use in the semi-arid zone of Zimbabwe. Phase 1: Classification of land use by remote sensing imagery (NRI Bulletin 66). [Working Paper]
reproduction strategies
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Conroy, C., Gordon, A. and Marter, A. (1995) Development and dissemination of agroprocessing technologies. NRI Socio-economic Series, 8 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0-85954-423-0
Twiddy, D. R. (1995) Report on a visit to CIFT, Cochin, India to provide training and guidance in studying microbiological problems in cultured fish/seafoods - 13 February - 11 March 1995. [Working Paper]
Grellier, R. (1995) All in good time: Women's agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544028
Patterson, G., Wooster, M.J. and Sear, C.B. (1995) Real-time monitoring of African aquatic resources using remote sensing with special reference to Lake Malawi. Project Report. University of Greenwich, Chatham, UK.
risk management
Gibberd, V., Rook, J., Sear, C. B. and Williams, J. B. (1995) Drought risk management in southern Africa. The potential of long lead climate forecasts for improved drought management. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Ndunguru, G.T., Modaha, F., Bancroft, R.D., Mashamba, F., Digges, P.D., Kleih, U. and Westby, A. (1995) The use of needs assessment methodologies to focus technical interventions in root and tuber crop post-harvest systems: a case study to improve the marketing and post-harvest handling of cassava entering Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In: International Society of Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch Meeting, 23-27 Oct 1995, Lilongwe, Malawi.
Rosalind Krauss
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Cindy Sherman 1975-1993. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 34. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
rural development
Pender, J. and Rosenberg, J. (1995) Impact of tsetse control on land use in the semi-arid zone of Zimbabwe. Phase 1: Classification of land use by remote sensing imagery (NRI Bulletin 66). [Working Paper]
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
sand blast
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
sand blast erosion tester
Burnett, A.J., Desilva, S.R. and Reed, Alan R. (1995) Comparisons between “sand blast” and “centripetal effect accelerator” type erosion testers. Wear, 186-18 (1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
sand blasting
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
schistocerca gregaria
Ritchie, J. M. and Dobson, H. (1995) Desert locust control operations and their environmental impacts. Natural Resources Institute Bulletin Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK. ISBN 0859544179 ISSN 0952-8245
Mann, Tony (1995) An artist and her books: Diana Pooley. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 26. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00263.x)
Twiddy, D. R. (1995) Report on a visit to CIFT, Cochin, India to provide training and guidance in studying microbiological problems in cultured fish/seafoods - 13 February - 11 March 1995. [Working Paper]
Second-order properties
Ramesh, Nadarajah I. ORCID:
Point process models for short-term rainfall.
In: 23rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 19-23 June 1995, Singapore.
Coulter, Jonathan, Stringfellow, Rachel and Asante, E.O. (1995) The provision of agricultural services through self-help in Sub-Saharan Africa: Ghana case study. Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Grellier, R. (1995) All in good time: Women's agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544028
Pender, J. and Rosenberg, J. (1995) Impact of tsetse control on land use in the semi-arid zone of Zimbabwe. Phase 1: Classification of land use by remote sensing imagery (NRI Bulletin 66). [Working Paper]
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
set bagnet
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
share price
Isaac, David W. and Neil Woodroofe, Neil (eds.) (1995) Property companies: share price and net asset value. Distance Learning Series . Greenwich University Press, Dartford, UK. ISBN 1874529442
shea nut
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Stringfellow, Rachel (1995) The hand operated bridge press for ground nut and shea nut processing: A financial and socio-economic appraisal. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
shock capture
Patel, M.K., Pericleous, K.A. ORCID: and Baldwin, S.
The development of a structured mesh grid adaption technique for resolving shock discontinuities in upwind Navier-Stokes codes.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 20 (10).
pp. 1179-1197.
ISSN 0271-2091 (Print), 1097-0363 (Online)
Short-term rainfall
Ramesh, Nadarajah I. ORCID:
Point process models for short-term rainfall.
In: 23rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 19-23 June 1995, Singapore.
signal processing
Woodhead, Steve and Amadi-Echendu, J.E. (1995) Solid phase velocity measurements utilising electrostatic sensors and cross correlation signal processing. 1995 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, pp. 774-777. ISBN 978-0780326156 (doi:10.1109/IMTC.1995.515421)
Tyler, Peter and Harding, Steve (1995) A guide to appropriate technologies for small-scale storage of grain in Sub-Saharan Africa. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
social study
Blowfield, M.E. and Nasimul, Haque (1995) Caught in their own nets: a social study of set bagnet fishing communities in Bangladesh (NRI report no. R2199(C)). Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
social work
Corney, Roslyn H. (1995) Social work involvement in primary care settings and mental health centres: a survey in England and Wales. Journal of Mental Health, 4 (3). pp. 275-280. ISSN 0963-8237 (Print), 1360-0567 (Online) (doi:10.1080/09638239550037550)
Chan, Man-Kwun (1995) Tree resources in Northern Thailand: Local stakeholders and national policy. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544036
O'Reilly, C. and Gordon, A. (1995) Survival strategies of poor women in urban Africa: The case of Zambia. NRI Socio-economic Series, 10 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544044
Stringfellow, Rachel (1995) The hand operated bridge press for ground nut and shea nut processing: A financial and socio-economic appraisal. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Wright, M.A.P. (1995) Loss assessment methods for durable stored products in the tropics: appropriateness and outstanding needs. Tropical Science, 35 (2). pp. 171-185. ISSN 1556-9179
Greenhalgh, Matthew (1995) Gentlemen landowners and the middle classes of Bromley: the transfer of power and wealth? 1840-1914. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
solid gas flows
Amadi-Echendu, J.E. and Woodhead, Steve (1995) Characterising noise signals in 2-phase solid gas flows. 1995 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, pp. 778-781. ISBN 978-0780326156 (doi:10.1109/IMTC.1995.515422)
solid phase velocity measurements
Woodhead, Steve and Amadi-Echendu, J.E. (1995) Solid phase velocity measurements utilising electrostatic sensors and cross correlation signal processing. 1995 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, pp. 774-777. ISBN 978-0780326156 (doi:10.1109/IMTC.1995.515421)
Pericleous, K.A. ORCID:, Chan, K.S. and Cross, M.
Free-surface flow and heat transfer in cavities - The SEA algorithm.
Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, 27 (4).
pp. 487-507.
ISSN 1040-7790 (Print), 1521-0626 (Online)
South Africa
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Robbins, Phil (1995) The use of some non-minimal representations to improve the effectiveness of genetic algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Spectral density
Ramesh, N. I. ORCID:
Statistical analysis on Markov-modulated Poisson processes.
Environmetrics, 6 (2).
pp. 165-179.
ISSN 1180-4009 (Print), 1099-095X (Online)
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Ritchie, J. M. and Dobson, H. (1995) Desert locust control operations and their environmental impacts. Natural Resources Institute Bulletin Series . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK. ISBN 0859544179 ISSN 0952-8245
Chan, Man-Kwun (1995) Tree resources in Northern Thailand: Local stakeholders and national policy. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544036
stakeholder analysis
Chan, Man-Kwun (1995) Tree resources in Northern Thailand: Local stakeholders and national policy. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544036
Tyler, Peter and Harding, Steve (1995) A guide to appropriate technologies for small-scale storage of grain in Sub-Saharan Africa. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Grellier, R. (1995) All in good time: Women's agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544028
O'Reilly, C. and Gordon, A. (1995) Survival strategies of poor women in urban Africa: The case of Zambia. NRI Socio-economic Series, 10 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544044
Tyler, Peter and Harding, Steve (1995) A guide to appropriate technologies for small-scale storage of grain in Sub-Saharan Africa. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Coulter, Jonathan, Stringfellow, Rachel and Asante, E.O. (1995) The provision of agricultural services through self-help in Sub-Saharan Africa: Ghana case study. Project Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Greenhalgh, Matthew (1995) Gentlemen landowners and the middle classes of Bromley: the transfer of power and wealth? 1840-1914. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
O'Reilly, C. and Gordon, A. (1995) Survival strategies of poor women in urban Africa: The case of Zambia. NRI Socio-economic Series, 10 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544044
Chan, Man-Kwun (1995) Tree resources in Northern Thailand: Local stakeholders and national policy. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544036
Conroy, C., Gordon, A. and Marter, A. (1995) Development and dissemination of agroprocessing technologies. NRI Socio-economic Series, 8 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0-85954-423-0
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Symmetry - A Unifying Concept, István Hargittai and Magdolna Hargittai. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 34. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00268.x)
Ndunguru, G.T., Modaha, F., Bancroft, R.D., Mashamba, F., Digges, P.D., Kleih, U. and Westby, A. (1995) The use of needs assessment methodologies to focus technical interventions in root and tuber crop post-harvest systems: a case study to improve the marketing and post-harvest handling of cassava entering Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In: International Society of Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch Meeting, 23-27 Oct 1995, Lilongwe, Malawi.
Conroy, C., Gordon, A. and Marter, A. (1995) Development and dissemination of agroprocessing technologies. NRI Socio-economic Series, 8 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0-85954-423-0
Chan, Man-Kwun (1995) Tree resources in Northern Thailand: Local stakeholders and national policy. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544036
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Twiddy, D. R. (1995) Report on a visit to CIFT, Cochin, India to provide training and guidance in studying microbiological problems in cultured fish/seafoods - 13 February - 11 March 1995. [Working Paper]
tree resources
Chan, Man-Kwun (1995) Tree resources in Northern Thailand: Local stakeholders and national policy. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544036
Trevor Lamb
Mann, Tony (1995) [Book review] Colour: Art and Science. The Art Book, 2 (2). p. 26. ISSN 1467-8357 (doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.1995.tb00263.x)
Pender, J. and Rosenberg, J. (1995) Impact of tsetse control on land use in the semi-arid zone of Zimbabwe. Phase 1: Classification of land use by remote sensing imagery (NRI Bulletin 66). [Working Paper]
tsetse control
Pender, J. and Rosenberg, J. (1995) Impact of tsetse control on land use in the semi-arid zone of Zimbabwe. Phase 1: Classification of land use by remote sensing imagery (NRI Bulletin 66). [Working Paper]
Ndunguru, G.T., Modaha, F., Bancroft, R.D., Mashamba, F., Digges, P.D., Kleih, U. and Westby, A. (1995) The use of needs assessment methodologies to focus technical interventions in root and tuber crop post-harvest systems: a case study to improve the marketing and post-harvest handling of cassava entering Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In: International Society of Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch Meeting, 23-27 Oct 1995, Lilongwe, Malawi.
Turbulence modelling
Pericleous, Kyriacos A ORCID: and Dempsey, Stephen
Turbulent flow simulation using a fractal based LES model.
Journal of Fluid Engineering, 208.
pp. 61-66.
Ultrastructural vascular morphology
Rubino, A., Loesch, A., Goss-Sampson, M. A. ORCID:, Milla, P. and Burnstock, G.
Effects of vitamin E deficiency on vasomotor activity and ultrastructural organisation of rat thoracic aorta.
British Journal of Pharmacology, 115 (3).
pp. 415-420.
ISSN 0007-1188 (Print), 1476-5381 (Online)
O'Reilly, C. and Gordon, A. (1995) Survival strategies of poor women in urban Africa: The case of Zambia. NRI Socio-economic Series, 10 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544044
vegetable oil
Head, S. W., Swetman, A. A., Hammonds, T.W., Gordon, A., Southwell, K.H. and Harris, R.V. (1995) Small scale vegetable oil extraction. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859543870
Velocity measurement
Yan, Y., Byrne, B., Woodhead, Steve and Coulthard, John M. (1995) Velocity measurement of pneumatically conveyed solids using electrodynamic sensors. Measurement Science and Technology, 6 (5). pp. 515-537. ISSN 0957-0233 (Print), 1361-6501 (Online) (doi:10.1088/0957-0233/6/5/013)
Vitamin E
Hoyle, C. H., Ralevic, V., Lincoln, J., Knight, G. E., Goss-Sampson, M. A. ORCID:, Milla, P. J. and Burnstock, G.
Effects of vitamin E deficiency on autonomic neuroeffector mechanisms in the rat caecum, vas deferens and urinary bladder.
The Journal of Physiology, 487 (3).
pp. 773-786.
ISSN 0022-3751 (Print), 1469-7793 (Online)
Vitamin E deficiency
Rubino, A., Loesch, A., Goss-Sampson, M. A. ORCID:, Milla, P. and Burnstock, G.
Effects of vitamin E deficiency on vasomotor activity and ultrastructural organisation of rat thoracic aorta.
British Journal of Pharmacology, 115 (3).
pp. 415-420.
ISSN 0007-1188 (Print), 1476-5381 (Online)
Greenhalgh, Matthew (1995) Gentlemen landowners and the middle classes of Bromley: the transfer of power and wealth? 1840-1914. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
wear of materials
Burnett, A. J., De Silva, S. R. and Reed, A. R. (1995) Comparisons between "sand blast" and "centripetal effect accelerator" type erosion testers. Wear, 186-87 (PART 1). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0043-1648 (doi:10.1016/0043-1648(95)07143-1)
Grellier, R. (1995) All in good time: Women's agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544028
O'Reilly, C. and Gordon, A. (1995) Survival strategies of poor women in urban Africa: The case of Zambia. NRI Socio-economic Series, 10 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544044
women's suffrage
Dingsdale, Ann (1995) 'Generous and lofty sympathies': the Kensington Society, the 1866 women's suffrage petition and the development of mid-victorian feminism. PhD thesis, University of Greenwich.
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
O'Reilly, C. and Gordon, A. (1995) Survival strategies of poor women in urban Africa: The case of Zambia. NRI Socio-economic Series, 10 . Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. ISBN 0859544044
Green, C. L., Steele, R. J. G. and Willemse, J. (1995) Minor industrial crops in the Southern Africa region: an appraisal of developmental potential with special reference to interregional trade. (June-July 1995). Vol.1: The main report. Technical Report. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK.
Pender, J. and Rosenberg, J. (1995) Impact of tsetse control on land use in the semi-arid zone of Zimbabwe. Phase 1: Classification of land use by remote sensing imagery (NRI Bulletin 66). [Working Paper]