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Green, Michael (2016) Case study: Promoting and tracking trainees’ impact on pupil learning and progress. NASBTT (The National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers) & UCET (Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers).
Green, Michael (2016) Case study: Promoting and tracking trainees’ impact on pupil learning and progress. NASBTT (The National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers) & UCET (Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers).
Student teacher
Green, Michael (2016) Case study: Promoting and tracking trainees’ impact on pupil learning and progress. NASBTT (The National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers) & UCET (Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers).
Teachers' standards
Green, Michael (2016) Case study: Promoting and tracking trainees’ impact on pupil learning and progress. NASBTT (The National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers) & UCET (Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers).