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metal trades
Dawson, Andrew (2000) [Book review]: Howell J. Harris, Bloodless victories: the rise and fall of the open shop in the Philadelphia metal trades, 1890-1940 (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2000) Pp 456. ISBN 0-521-58435-3. H-Labor.
open shop
Dawson, Andrew (2000) [Book review]: Howell J. Harris, Bloodless victories: the rise and fall of the open shop in the Philadelphia metal trades, 1890-1940 (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2000) Pp 456. ISBN 0-521-58435-3. H-Labor.
Dawson, Andrew (2000) [Book review]: Howell J. Harris, Bloodless victories: the rise and fall of the open shop in the Philadelphia metal trades, 1890-1940 (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2000) Pp 456. ISBN 0-521-58435-3. H-Labor.
United States
Dawson, Andrew (2000) [Book review]: Howell J. Harris, Bloodless victories: the rise and fall of the open shop in the Philadelphia metal trades, 1890-1940 (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2000) Pp 456. ISBN 0-521-58435-3. H-Labor.