Items where Greenwich Author is "Dominguez Salas, Paula"
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)
Häsler, Barbara ORCID:, Dominguez Salas, Paula
ORCID:, Fornace, Kimberly, Garza, Maria, Grace, Delia and Rushton, Jonathan
Where food safety meets nutrition outcomes in livestock and fish value chains: a conceptual approach.
Food Security, 9 (5).
pp. 1001-1017.
ISSN 1876-4517 (Print), 1876-4525 (Online)
BMBF (Grant Agreement No. [Grant Agreeemet No. BMBF (NGFN-Plus, 01GS0820)
Kühnen, Peter, Handke, Daniela, Waterland, Robert A., Hennig, Branwen J., Silver, Matt, Fulford, Anthony J., Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Moore, Sophie E., Prentice, Andrew M., Spranger, Joachim, Hinney, Anke, Hebebrand, Johannes, Heppner, Frank L., Walzer, Lena, Grötzinger, Carsten, Gromoll, Jörg, Wiegand, Susanna, Grüters, Annette and Krude, Heiko
Interindividual variation in DNA methylation at a putative POMC metastable epiallele Is associated with obesity.
Cell Metabolism, 24 (3).
pp. 502-509.
ISSN 1550-4131 (Print), 1932-7420 (Online)
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UK Aid from the UK government
Muunda, Emmanuel, Mtimet, Nadhem, Schneider, Franziska, Wanyoike, Francis, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID: and Alonso, Silvia
Could the new dairy policy affect milk allocation to infants in Kenya? A best-worst scaling approach.
Food Policy, 101:102043.
ISSN 03069192 (Print), 0306-9192 (Online)
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Alarcon, Pablo, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Fèvre, Eric M. and Rushton, Jonathan
The Importance of a food systems approach to low and middle income countries and emerging economies: a review of theories and its relevance for disease control and malnutrition.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5.
ISSN 2571-581X (Print), 2571-581X (Online)
Biotechnology and Biosciences Research Council (Grant No. G1100783/1)
Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Alarcón, P., Häsler, B., Dohoo, I. R., Colverson, K., Kimani-Murage, E. W., Alonso, S., Ferguson, E., Fèvre, E. M., Rushton, J. and Grace, D.
Nutritional characterisation of low-income households of Nairobi: socioeconomic, livestock and gender considerations and predictors of malnutrition from a cross-sectional survey.
BMC Nutrition, 2:47.
ISSN 2055-0928 (Online)
Picchioni, F. ORCID:, Aurino, E., Aleksandrowicz, L., Bruce, M., Chesterman, S., Dominguez-Salas, P.
ORCID:, Gersten, Z., Kalamatianou, S., Turner, C.
ORCID: and Yates, J.
Roads to interdisciplinarity - working at the nexus among food systems, nutrition and health: 1st annual Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy Week, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 20-24 June 2016.
In: Food Security.
Springer, pp. 181-189.
ISSN 1876-4517 (Print), 1876-4525 (Online)
Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Alarcón, P., Häsler, B., Dohoo, I. R., Colverson, K., Kimani-Murage, E. W., Alonso, S., Ferguson, E., Fèvre, E. M., Rushton, J. and Grace, D.
Nutritional characterisation of low-income households of Nairobi: socioeconomic, livestock and gender considerations and predictors of malnutrition from a cross-sectional survey.
BMC Nutrition, 2:47.
ISSN 2055-0928 (Online)
CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health
Mishkin, Kathryn, Raskind, I, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Baltenweck, I, Omore, A and Webb Girard, a
The effect of participation in a pro-poor dairy development project on milk consumption among reproductive age women in rural Tanzania.
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 18 (01).
pp. 12992-13008.
ISSN 1684-5358
CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH)
Brouwer, I. D. ORCID:, van Liere, M. J.
ORCID:, de Brauw, A.
ORCID:, Dominguez Salas, Paula
ORCID:, Herforth, A.
ORCID:, Kennedy, G.
ORCID:, Lachat, C.
ORCID:, Omosa, E. B.
ORCID:, Talsma, E. F.
ORCID:, Vandevijvere, S.
ORCID:, Fanzo, J.
ORCID: and Ruel, M.
Reverse thinking: taking a healthy diet perspective towards food systems transformations.
Food Security, 13 (6).
pp. 1497-1523.
ISSN 1876-4517 (Print), 1876-4525 (Online)
CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health led by IFPRI
Cornelsen, Laura ORCID:, Alarcon, Pablo, Häsler, Barbara, Amendah, Djesika D., Ferguson, Elaine, Fèvre, Eric M., Grace, Delia, Dominguez Salas, Paula
ORCID: and Rushton, Jonathan
Cross-sectional study of drivers of animal-source food consumption in low-income urban areas of Nairobi, Kenya.
BMC Nutrition, 2 (1):70.
ISSN 2055-0928
CGIAR Research on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health
Kiarie, Gideon, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Kang’ethe, SK, Grace, D and Lindahl, J
Aflatoxin exposure among young children in urban low-income areas of Nairobi and association with child growth.
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 16 (03).
pp. 10967-10990.
ISSN 16845374
Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
Häsler, Barbara ORCID:, Dominguez Salas, Paula
ORCID:, Fornace, Kimberly, Garza, Maria, Grace, Delia and Rushton, Jonathan
Where food safety meets nutrition outcomes in livestock and fish value chains: a conceptual approach.
Food Security, 9 (5).
pp. 1001-1017.
ISSN 1876-4517 (Print), 1876-4525 (Online)
Economic and Social Research Council
Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Alarcón, P., Häsler, B., Dohoo, I. R., Colverson, K., Kimani-Murage, E. W., Alonso, S., Ferguson, E., Fèvre, E. M., Rushton, J. and Grace, D.
Nutritional characterisation of low-income households of Nairobi: socioeconomic, livestock and gender considerations and predictors of malnutrition from a cross-sectional survey.
BMC Nutrition, 2:47.
ISSN 2055-0928 (Online)
Economic and Social Research Council, Biotechnology and Biosciences Research Council through the Environmental & Social Ecology of Human Infectious Diseases Initiative [ESEI]
Kiarie, Gideon, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Kang’ethe, SK, Grace, D and Lindahl, J
Aflatoxin exposure among young children in urban low-income areas of Nairobi and association with child growth.
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 16 (03).
pp. 10967-10990.
ISSN 16845374
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Kauffmann, Domitille, Breyne, Christophe and Alarcon, Pablo
Leveraging human nutrition through livestock interventions: perceptions, knowledge, barriers and opportunities in the Sahel.
Food Security, 11 (4).
pp. 777-796.
ISSN 1876-4517 (Print), 1876-4525 (Online)
Limon, Georgina, Fournié, Guillaume, Lewis, Elisa G., Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Leyton-Michovich, Daniela, Gonzales-Gustavson, Eloy A., Gonzalez, Armando E., Cabezas, Aurelio H., Pinto, Julio, Rushton, Jonathan and Guitian, Javier
Using mixed methods to assess food security and coping strategies: a case study among smallholders in the Andean region.
Food Security, 9 (5).
pp. 1019-1040.
ISSN 1876-4517
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bukachi, Salome A., Ngutu, Mariah, Muthiru, Ann W., Lépine, Aurélia, Kadiyala, Suneetha and Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:
Consumer perceptions of food safety in animal source foods choice and consumption in Nairobi’s informal settlements.
BMC Nutrition, 7 (1):35.
ISSN 2055-0928 (Print), 2055-0928 (Online)
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and managed by the University of South Carolina, Arnold School of Public Health, USA
Bukachi, Salome A., Ngutu, Mariah ORCID:, Muthiru, Ann W., Lepine, Aurélia Lépine, Kadiyala, Suneetha and Dominguez-Salas, Paula
Gender and sociocultural factors in animal source foods (ASFs) access and consumption in lower-income households in urban informal settings of Nairobi, Kenya.
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 41:30.
ISSN 2072-1315 (Online)
German Research Foundation (DFG); [Grant Agreement Nos. KU 2673/2-1, KFO218 , GK-1208 , and HI 865/2-1]
Kühnen, Peter, Handke, Daniela, Waterland, Robert A., Hennig, Branwen J., Silver, Matt, Fulford, Anthony J., Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Moore, Sophie E., Prentice, Andrew M., Spranger, Joachim, Hinney, Anke, Hebebrand, Johannes, Heppner, Frank L., Walzer, Lena, Grötzinger, Carsten, Gromoll, Jörg, Wiegand, Susanna, Grüters, Annette and Krude, Heiko
Interindividual variation in DNA methylation at a putative POMC metastable epiallele Is associated with obesity.
Cell Metabolism, 24 (3).
pp. 502-509.
ISSN 1550-4131 (Print), 1932-7420 (Online)
Helmholz Association (ICEMED)
Kühnen, Peter, Handke, Daniela, Waterland, Robert A., Hennig, Branwen J., Silver, Matt, Fulford, Anthony J., Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Moore, Sophie E., Prentice, Andrew M., Spranger, Joachim, Hinney, Anke, Hebebrand, Johannes, Heppner, Frank L., Walzer, Lena, Grötzinger, Carsten, Gromoll, Jörg, Wiegand, Susanna, Grüters, Annette and Krude, Heiko
Interindividual variation in DNA methylation at a putative POMC metastable epiallele Is associated with obesity.
Cell Metabolism, 24 (3).
pp. 502-509.
ISSN 1550-4131 (Print), 1932-7420 (Online)
Innovative Metrics and Methods for Agriculture and Nutrition Actions
Picchioni, F. ORCID:, Aurino, E., Aleksandrowicz, L., Bruce, M., Chesterman, S., Dominguez-Salas, P.
ORCID:, Gersten, Z., Kalamatianou, S., Turner, C.
ORCID: and Yates, J.
Roads to interdisciplinarity - working at the nexus among food systems, nutrition and health: 1st annual Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy Week, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 20-24 June 2016.
In: Food Security.
Springer, pp. 181-189.
ISSN 1876-4517 (Print), 1876-4525 (Online)
International Food Policy Research Institute
Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Alarcón, P., Häsler, B., Dohoo, I. R., Colverson, K., Kimani-Murage, E. W., Alonso, S., Ferguson, E., Fèvre, E. M., Rushton, J. and Grace, D.
Nutritional characterisation of low-income households of Nairobi: socioeconomic, livestock and gender considerations and predictors of malnutrition from a cross-sectional survey.
BMC Nutrition, 2:47.
ISSN 2055-0928 (Online)
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Brouwer, I. D. ORCID:, van Liere, M. J.
ORCID:, de Brauw, A.
ORCID:, Dominguez Salas, Paula
ORCID:, Herforth, A.
ORCID:, Kennedy, G.
ORCID:, Lachat, C.
ORCID:, Omosa, E. B.
ORCID:, Talsma, E. F.
ORCID:, Vandevijvere, S.
ORCID:, Fanzo, J.
ORCID: and Ruel, M.
Reverse thinking: taking a healthy diet perspective towards food systems transformations.
Food Security, 13 (6).
pp. 1497-1523.
ISSN 1876-4517 (Print), 1876-4525 (Online)
International Livestock Research Institute
Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Alarcón, P., Häsler, B., Dohoo, I. R., Colverson, K., Kimani-Murage, E. W., Alonso, S., Ferguson, E., Fèvre, E. M., Rushton, J. and Grace, D.
Nutritional characterisation of low-income households of Nairobi: socioeconomic, livestock and gender considerations and predictors of malnutrition from a cross-sectional survey.
BMC Nutrition, 2:47.
ISSN 2055-0928 (Online)
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), and the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH), led by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Alarcon, Pablo, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Fèvre, Eric M. and Rushton, Jonathan
The Importance of a food systems approach to low and middle income countries and emerging economies: a review of theories and its relevance for disease control and malnutrition.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5.
ISSN 2571-581X (Print), 2571-581X (Online)
Leverhulme Centre for Integrated Research on Agriculture and Health
Kiarie, Gideon, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Kang’ethe, SK, Grace, D and Lindahl, J
Aflatoxin exposure among young children in urban low-income areas of Nairobi and association with child growth.
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 16 (03).
pp. 10967-10990.
ISSN 16845374
Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research in Agriculture and Health
Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Alarcón, P., Häsler, B., Dohoo, I. R., Colverson, K., Kimani-Murage, E. W., Alonso, S., Ferguson, E., Fèvre, E. M., Rushton, J. and Grace, D.
Nutritional characterisation of low-income households of Nairobi: socioeconomic, livestock and gender considerations and predictors of malnutrition from a cross-sectional survey.
BMC Nutrition, 2:47.
ISSN 2055-0928 (Online)
Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research in Agriculture and Health (London, UK)
Alarcon, Pablo ORCID:, Fèvre, Eric M., Murungi, Maurice K., Muinde, Patrick, Akoko, James, Dominguez Salas, Paula
ORCID:, Kiambi, Stella, Ahmed, Sohel, Häsler, Barbara and Rushton, Jonathan
Mapping of beef, sheep and goat food systems in Nairobi — A framework for policy making and the identification of structural vulnerabilities and deficiencies.
Agricultural Systems, 152.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 0308521X (Print), 0308-521X (Online)
Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health
Picchioni, F. ORCID:, Aurino, E., Aleksandrowicz, L., Bruce, M., Chesterman, S., Dominguez-Salas, P.
ORCID:, Gersten, Z., Kalamatianou, S., Turner, C.
ORCID: and Yates, J.
Roads to interdisciplinarity - working at the nexus among food systems, nutrition and health: 1st annual Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy Week, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 20-24 June 2016.
In: Food Security.
Springer, pp. 181-189.
ISSN 1876-4517 (Print), 1876-4525 (Online)
Picchioni, Fiorella ORCID:, Aleksandrowicz, Lukasz, Bruce, Mieghan M., Cuevas, Soledad, Dominguez-Salas, Paula
ORCID: and Jia, Lili
Agri-health research: what have we learned and where do we go next? 5th annual conference of the leverhulme centre for integrative research on agriculture and health (LCIRAH), 2015.
In: Food Security.
Springer, Food Security, pp. 291-298.
ISSN 1876-4517 (Print), 1876-4525 (Online)
Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Cornelsen, Laura ORCID:, Alarcon, Pablo, Häsler, Barbara, Amendah, Djesika D., Ferguson, Elaine, Fèvre, Eric M., Grace, Delia, Dominguez Salas, Paula
ORCID: and Rushton, Jonathan
Cross-sectional study of drivers of animal-source food consumption in low-income urban areas of Nairobi, Kenya.
BMC Nutrition, 2 (1):70.
ISSN 2055-0928
MRC core funding
Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Moore, Sophie E, Cole, Darren, da Costa, Kerry-Ann, Cox, Sharon E, Dyer, Roger A, Fulford, Anthony JC, Innis, Sheila M, Waterland, Robert A, Zeisel, Steven H, Prentice, Andrew M and Hennig, Branwen J
DNA methylation potential: dietary intake and blood concentrations of one-carbon metabolites and cofactors in rural African women.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 97 (6).
pp. 1217-1227.
ISSN 0002-9165 (Print), 1938-3207 (Online)
Medical Research Counci
Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Alarcón, P., Häsler, B., Dohoo, I. R., Colverson, K., Kimani-Murage, E. W., Alonso, S., Ferguson, E., Fèvre, E. M., Rushton, J. and Grace, D.
Nutritional characterisation of low-income households of Nairobi: socioeconomic, livestock and gender considerations and predictors of malnutrition from a cross-sectional survey.
BMC Nutrition, 2:47.
ISSN 2055-0928 (Online)
Medical Research Council, Natural Environment Research Council
Kiarie, Gideon, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Kang’ethe, SK, Grace, D and Lindahl, J
Aflatoxin exposure among young children in urban low-income areas of Nairobi and association with child growth.
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 16 (03).
pp. 10967-10990.
ISSN 16845374
Medical Research Council, Natural Environment Research Council, Economic and Social Research Council, Biotechnology and Biosciences Research Council
Cornelsen, Laura ORCID:, Alarcon, Pablo, Häsler, Barbara, Amendah, Djesika D., Ferguson, Elaine, Fèvre, Eric M., Grace, Delia, Dominguez Salas, Paula
ORCID: and Rushton, Jonathan
Cross-sectional study of drivers of animal-source food consumption in low-income urban areas of Nairobi, Kenya.
BMC Nutrition, 2 (1):70.
ISSN 2055-0928
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Kiarie, Gideon, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Kang’ethe, SK, Grace, D and Lindahl, J
Aflatoxin exposure among young children in urban low-income areas of Nairobi and association with child growth.
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 16 (03).
pp. 10967-10990.
ISSN 16845374
Natural Environment Research Council
Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Alarcón, P., Häsler, B., Dohoo, I. R., Colverson, K., Kimani-Murage, E. W., Alonso, S., Ferguson, E., Fèvre, E. M., Rushton, J. and Grace, D.
Nutritional characterisation of low-income households of Nairobi: socioeconomic, livestock and gender considerations and predictors of malnutrition from a cross-sectional survey.
BMC Nutrition, 2:47.
ISSN 2055-0928 (Online)
The CRP Livestock and Fish
Galiè, Alessandra, Teufel, Nils, Girard, Amy Webb, Baltenweck, Isabelle, Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Price, Mindy J., Jones, Rebecca, Lukuyu, Ben, Korir, Luke, Raskind, IlanaG., Smith, Kristie and Yount, Kathryn M.
Women’s empowerment, food security and nutrition of pastoral communities in Tanzania.
Global Food Security, 23.
pp. 125-134.
ISSN 2211-9124
U.K. Medical Research Council
Silver, Matt J., Corbin, Karen D., Hellenthal, Garrett, da Costa, Kerry-Ann, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Moore, Sophie E., Owen, Jennifer, Prentice, Andrew M., Hennig, Branwen J. and Zeisel, Steven H.
Evidence for negative selection of gene variants that increase dependence on dietary choline in a Gambian cohort.
FASEB Journal, 29 (8).
pp. 3426-3435.
ISSN 0892-6638 (Print), 1530-6860 (Online)
UK Department for International Development (DFID)
Hernandez-Vargas, Hector, Castelino, Jovita, Silver, Matt J, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Cros, Marie-Pierre, Durand, Geoffroy, Calvez-Kelm, Florence Le, Prentice, Andrew M, Wild, Christopher P, Moore, Sophie E, Hennig, Branwen J, Herceg, Zdenko, Gong, Yun Yun and Routledge, Michael N
Exposure to aflatoxin B1in uterois associated with DNA methylation in white blood cells of infants in The Gambia.
International Journal of Epidemiology, 44 (4).
pp. 1238-1248.
ISSN 0300-5771 (Print), 1464-3685 (Online)
UK Government’s Department for International Development and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Ripkey, Carrie, Little, Peter D., Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Kinabo, Joyce, Mwanri, Akwilina and Girard, Amy Webb
Increased climate variability and sedentarization in Tanzania: Health and nutrition implications on pastoral communities of Mvomero and Handeni districts, Tanzania.
Global Food Security, 29:100516.
ISSN 2211-9124
UK Medical Research Council
Alarcon, Pablo, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Fèvre, Eric M. and Rushton, Jonathan
The Importance of a food systems approach to low and middle income countries and emerging economies: a review of theories and its relevance for disease control and malnutrition.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5.
ISSN 2571-581X (Print), 2571-581X (Online)
UK Medical Research Council (Grant No. MC-A760-5QX00; MC_EX_MR/M01424X/1)
James, Philip T ORCID:, Dominguez-Salas, Paula
ORCID:, Hennig, Branwen J, Moore, Sophie E, Prentice, Andrew M and Silver, Matt J
Maternal one-carbon metabolism and infant DNA methylation between contrasting seasonal environments: a case study from the Gambia.
Current Developments in Nutrition, 3 (1):nzy082.
ISSN 2475-2991 (Online)
UK Medical Research Council (MRC)
Hernandez-Vargas, Hector, Castelino, Jovita, Silver, Matt J, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Cros, Marie-Pierre, Durand, Geoffroy, Calvez-Kelm, Florence Le, Prentice, Andrew M, Wild, Christopher P, Moore, Sophie E, Hennig, Branwen J, Herceg, Zdenko, Gong, Yun Yun and Routledge, Michael N
Exposure to aflatoxin B1in uterois associated with DNA methylation in white blood cells of infants in The Gambia.
International Journal of Epidemiology, 44 (4).
pp. 1238-1248.
ISSN 0300-5771 (Print), 1464-3685 (Online)
UK Medical Research Council (MRC) and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) under the MRC/DFID Concordat agreement.
Silver, Matt J, Kessler, Noah J, Hennig, Branwen J, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Laritsky, Eleonora, Baker, Maria S, Coarfa, Cristian, Hernandez-Vargas, Hector, Castelino, Jovita M, Routledge, Michael N, Gong, Yun Yun, Herceg, Zdenko, Lee, Yong Sun, Lee, Kwanbok, Moore, Sophie E, Fulford, Anthony J, Prentice, Andrew M and Waterland, Robert A
Independent genomewide screens identify the tumor suppressor VTRNA2-1 as a human epiallele responsive to periconceptional environment.
Genome Biology, 16 (1):118.
ISSN 1465-6906 (Print), 1474-760X (Online)
UK Medical Research Council (MRC) and the UK Department for the International Development (DFID) under the MRC/DFID Concordat agreement; [Grant Agreement No. MC-A760-5QX00]
Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Moore, Sophie E., Baker, Maria S., Bergen, Andrew W., Cox, Sharon E., Dyer, Roger A., Fulford, Anthony J., Guan, Yongtao, Laritsky, Eleonora, Silver, Matt J., Swan, Gary E., Zeisel, Steven H., Innis, Sheila M., Waterland, Robert A., Prentice, Andrew M. and Hennig, Branwen J.
Maternal nutrition at conception modulates DNA methylation of human metastable epialleles.
Nature Communications, 5 (1):3746.
ISSN 2041-1723 (Online)
UK Medical Research Council, Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (UK), the Economic and Social Research Council (UK), the Natural Environment Research Council (UK) and the Living With Environmental Change
Alarcon, Pablo ORCID:, Fèvre, Eric M., Murungi, Maurice K., Muinde, Patrick, Akoko, James, Dominguez Salas, Paula
ORCID:, Kiambi, Stella, Ahmed, Sohel, Häsler, Barbara and Rushton, Jonathan
Mapping of beef, sheep and goat food systems in Nairobi — A framework for policy making and the identification of structural vulnerabilities and deficiencies.
Agricultural Systems, 152.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 0308521X (Print), 0308-521X (Online)
UK Research and Innovation Global Challenges Research Fund
Alarcon, Pablo, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Fèvre, Eric M. and Rushton, Jonathan
The Importance of a food systems approach to low and middle income countries and emerging economies: a review of theories and its relevance for disease control and malnutrition.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5.
ISSN 2571-581X (Print), 2571-581X (Online)
UK Research and Innovation Global Challenges Research Fund (UKRI-GCRF) (Project ref. MR/S01313X/1)
Cooper, Gregory S., Davies-Kershaw, Hilary, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Fahmida, Umi, Faye, Babacar, Ferguson, Elaine, Randolph, Delia
ORCID:, Häsler, Barbara N., Kadiyala, Suneetha, Konapur, Archana, Kulkarni, Bharati, Prakashbabu, Bhagyalakshmi Chengat, Pramesthi, Indriya L, Rowland, Dominic, Selvaraj, Kiruthika, Sudibya, Arienta R. P., Tine, Roger C., Yadav, M Dinesh Y., Zahra, Nur L., Shankar, Bhavani and Heffernan, Claire
Investigating market-based opportunities for the provision of nutritious and safe diets to prevent childhood stunting: a UKRI-GCRF action against stunting hub protocol paper.
BMJ Paediatrics Open, 8 (Suppl1):e001671.
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 2399-9772 (Online)
(doi:10.1136/ bmjpo-2022-001671)
Picchioni, F. ORCID:, Aurino, E., Aleksandrowicz, L., Bruce, M., Chesterman, S., Dominguez-Salas, P.
ORCID:, Gersten, Z., Kalamatianou, S., Turner, C.
ORCID: and Yates, J.
Roads to interdisciplinarity - working at the nexus among food systems, nutrition and health: 1st annual Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy Week, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 20-24 June 2016.
In: Food Security.
Springer, pp. 181-189.
ISSN 1876-4517 (Print), 1876-4525 (Online)
US Borlaug Fellows Program
Galiè, Alessandra, Teufel, Nils, Girard, Amy Webb, Baltenweck, Isabelle, Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Price, Mindy J., Jones, Rebecca, Lukuyu, Ben, Korir, Luke, Raskind, IlanaG., Smith, Kristie and Yount, Kathryn M.
Women’s empowerment, food security and nutrition of pastoral communities in Tanzania.
Global Food Security, 23.
pp. 125-134.
ISSN 2211-9124
United Kingdom Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation INV-008124
Isanovic, S, Constantinides, SV, Frongillo, EA, Bhandari, S, Samin, S, Kenney, E, Wertheim-Heck, S, Nordhagen, S, Holdsworth, M, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Ambikapathi, R, Laar, A, Patil, CL, Kulkarni, B, Bukachi, SA, Ngutu, M and Blake, CE
How perspectives on food safety of vendors and consumers translate into food choice behaviors in six African and Asian countries.
Current Developments in Nutrition, 7 (1):100015.
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 2475-2991 (Online)
Wellcome Trust
Hernandez-Vargas, Hector, Castelino, Jovita, Silver, Matt J, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Cros, Marie-Pierre, Durand, Geoffroy, Calvez-Kelm, Florence Le, Prentice, Andrew M, Wild, Christopher P, Moore, Sophie E, Hennig, Branwen J, Herceg, Zdenko, Gong, Yun Yun and Routledge, Michael N
Exposure to aflatoxin B1in uterois associated with DNA methylation in white blood cells of infants in The Gambia.
International Journal of Epidemiology, 44 (4).
pp. 1238-1248.
ISSN 0300-5771 (Print), 1464-3685 (Online)
Silver, Matt J., Corbin, Karen D., Hellenthal, Garrett, da Costa, Kerry-Ann, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Moore, Sophie E., Owen, Jennifer, Prentice, Andrew M., Hennig, Branwen J. and Zeisel, Steven H.
Evidence for negative selection of gene variants that increase dependence on dietary choline in a Gambian cohort.
FASEB Journal, 29 (8).
pp. 3426-3435.
ISSN 0892-6638 (Print), 1530-6860 (Online)
Silver, Matt J., Corbin, Karen D., Hellenthal, Garrett, da Costa, Kerry-Ann, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Moore, Sophie E., Owen, Jennifer, Prentice, Andrew M., Hennig, Branwen J. and Zeisel, Steven H.
Evidence for negative selection of gene variants that increase dependence on dietary choline in a Gambian cohort.
FASEB Journal, 29 (8).
pp. 3426-3435.
ISSN 0892-6638 (Print), 1530-6860 (Online)
Silver, Matt J, Kessler, Noah J, Hennig, Branwen J, Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Laritsky, Eleonora, Baker, Maria S, Coarfa, Cristian, Hernandez-Vargas, Hector, Castelino, Jovita M, Routledge, Michael N, Gong, Yun Yun, Herceg, Zdenko, Lee, Yong Sun, Lee, Kwanbok, Moore, Sophie E, Fulford, Anthony J, Prentice, Andrew M and Waterland, Robert A
Independent genomewide screens identify the tumor suppressor VTRNA2-1 as a human epiallele responsive to periconceptional environment.
Genome Biology, 16 (1):118.
ISSN 1465-6906 (Print), 1474-760X (Online)
Cox, Sharon E. ORCID:, Makani, Julie
ORCID:, Soka, Deogratias, L'Esperence, Veline S., Kija, Edward, Dominguez Salas, Paula
ORCID:, Newton, Charles R. J., Birch, Anthony A., Prentice, Andrew M. and Kirkham, Fenella J.
Haptoglobin, alpha‐thalassaemia and glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase polymorphisms and risk of abnormal transcranial Doppler among patients with sickle cell anaemia in Tanzania.
British Journal of Haematology, 165 (5).
pp. 699-706.
ISSN 0007-1048 (Print), 1365-2141 (Online)
Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Moore, Sophie E, Cole, Darren, da Costa, Kerry-Ann, Cox, Sharon E, Dyer, Roger A, Fulford, Anthony JC, Innis, Sheila M, Waterland, Robert A, Zeisel, Steven H, Prentice, Andrew M and Hennig, Branwen J
DNA methylation potential: dietary intake and blood concentrations of one-carbon metabolites and cofactors in rural African women.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 97 (6).
pp. 1217-1227.
ISSN 0002-9165 (Print), 1938-3207 (Online)
Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Cox, Sharon E., Prentice, Andrew M., Hennig, Branwen J. and Moore, Sophie E.
Maternal nutritional status, C1 metabolism and offspring DNA methylation: a review of current evidence in human subjects.
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 71 (1).
pp. 154-165.
ISSN 0029-6651
Wellcome Trust (209734/Z/17/Z)
Romanello, M, Di Napoli, C ORCID:, Drummond, P, Green, C, Kennard, H, Lampard, P, Scamman, D, Arnell, N, Ayeb-Karlsson, S, Berrang Ford, L, Belesova, K, Bowen, K, Cai, W, Callaghan, M, Campbell-Lendrum, D, Chambers, J, van Daalen, KR, Dalin, C, Dasandi, N, Dasgupta, S, Davies, M, Dominguez Salas, Paula
ORCID:, Dubrow, R, Ebi, KL, Eckelman, M, Ekins, P, Escobar, LE, Georgeson, L, Graham, H, Gunther, SH, Hamilton, I, Hang, Y, Hänninen, R, Hartinger, S, He, K, Hess, J, Hsu, SC, Jankin, S, Jamart, L, Jay, O, Kelman, I, Kiesewetter, G, Kinney, P, Kjellstrom, T, Kniveton, D, Lee, JKW, Lemke, B, Liu, Y, Liu, Z, Lott, M, Lotto Batista, M, Lowe, R, MacGuire, F, Maquins Odhiambo, S, Martinez-Urtaza, J, Maslin, M, McAllister, L, McGushin, A, McMichael, C, Mi, Z, Milner, J, Minor, K, Minx, JC, Mohajeri, N, Moradi-Lakeh, M, Morrissey, K, Munzert, S, Murray, KA, Neville, T, Nilsson, M, Obradovich, N, O’Hare, MB, Oreszczyn, T, Otto, M, Owfi, F, Pearman, O, Rabbaniha, M, Robinson, EJZ, Rocklöv, J, Salas, RN, Semenza, JC, Sherman, JD, Shi, L, Shumake-Guillemot, J, Silbert, G, Sofiev, M, Springmann, M, Stowell, J, Tabatabaei, M, Taylor, J, Trinanes, J, Wagner, F, Wilkinson, P, Winning, M, Yglesias-González, M, Zhang, S, Gong, P, Montgomery, H and Costello, A
The 2022 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: health at the mercy of fossil fuels.
The Lancet, 400 (10363).
pp. 1619-1654.
ISSN 0140-6736 (Print), 1474-547X (Online)
Wellcome Trust (Grant Agreement No. WT086369MA)
Dominguez-Salas, Paula ORCID:, Moore, Sophie E., Baker, Maria S., Bergen, Andrew W., Cox, Sharon E., Dyer, Roger A., Fulford, Anthony J., Guan, Yongtao, Laritsky, Eleonora, Silver, Matt J., Swan, Gary E., Zeisel, Steven H., Innis, Sheila M., Waterland, Robert A., Prentice, Andrew M. and Hennig, Branwen J.
Maternal nutrition at conception modulates DNA methylation of human metastable epialleles.
Nature Communications, 5 (1):3746.
ISSN 2041-1723 (Online)
Wellcome Trust (Grant No. WT086369MA)
James, Philip T ORCID:, Dominguez-Salas, Paula
ORCID:, Hennig, Branwen J, Moore, Sophie E, Prentice, Andrew M and Silver, Matt J
Maternal one-carbon metabolism and infant DNA methylation between contrasting seasonal environments: a case study from the Gambia.
Current Developments in Nutrition, 3 (1):nzy082.
ISSN 2475-2991 (Online)
Wellome Trust
Castelino, Jovita M., Dominguez Salas, Paula ORCID:, Routledge, Michael N., Prentice, Andrew M., Moore, Sophie E., Hennig, Branwen J., Wild, Christopher P. and Gong, Yun Yun
Seasonal and gestation stage associated differences in aflatoxin exposure in pregnant Gambian women.
Tropical Medicine & International Health, 19 (3).
pp. 348-354.
ISSN 1360-2276 (Print), 1365-3156 (Online)