Items where Greenwich Author is "Waterworth, David"
AVEK - Frame Finland
Waterworth, David (2020) 10-4. [Show/Exhibition]
Arts Council England
Waterworth, David (2015) Stockwell Depot 1967-79 (Exhibition). [Show/Exhibition]
Berlin Senate for Cultural Affairs (The City is Forever, not me)
Waterworth, David (2009) Object as subject. [Show/Exhibition]
Galerie Michel Rein, Paris
Waterworth, David, Brochard, Yves and McDonald, Roger (2011) On cavity: the language of landscape and the gaps in between. Christian Hidaka: Balanced Rock / Waterfall at the Top of the River. Max Wigram Gallery, London, pp. 23-24. ISBN 9780955971310
Max Wigram Gallery, London
Waterworth, David, Brochard, Yves and McDonald, Roger (2011) On cavity: the language of landscape and the gaps in between. Christian Hidaka: Balanced Rock / Waterfall at the Top of the River. Max Wigram Gallery, London, pp. 23-24. ISBN 9780955971310
Paul Mellon Centre
Waterworth, David (2015) Stockwell Depot 1967-79 (Exhibition). [Show/Exhibition]
Waterworth, David (2015) Reflections on Stockwell Depot. In: Waterworth, David, Cornish, Sam and Green, Louisa, (eds.) Stockwell Depot 1967-79. Ridinghouse, London, pp. 154-160. ISBN 978-1909932050
Private Collections
Waterworth, David (2015) Stockwell Depot 1967-79 (Exhibition). [Show/Exhibition]
Serlachius Foundation
Waterworth, David (2019) Pathways in the Serlachius Foundation Collection and its extended constituencies. [Show/Exhibition]
Taike (Art Promotion Centre - Media Art) Finland
Waterworth, David (2020) 10-4. [Show/Exhibition]
The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
Waterworth, David and Satom, Saki (2008) To-Lo: Tokyo - London Art Exchange. [Show/Exhibition]
The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation
Waterworth, David and Satom, Saki (2008) To-Lo: Tokyo - London Art Exchange. [Show/Exhibition]
The Henry Moore Foundation
Waterworth, David (2015) Reflections on Stockwell Depot. In: Waterworth, David, Cornish, Sam and Green, Louisa, (eds.) Stockwell Depot 1967-79. Ridinghouse, London, pp. 154-160. ISBN 978-1909932050
University of East London
Waterworth, David (2020) 10-4. [Show/Exhibition]
University of Greenwich
Waterworth, David (2018) Granular: The Material Properties of Noise. [Show/Exhibition]
Waterworth, David (2015) Stockwell Depot 1967-79 (Exhibition). [Show/Exhibition]
Waterworth, David (2009) Object as subject. [Show/Exhibition]
Waterworth, David and Satom, Saki (2008) To-Lo: Tokyo - London Art Exchange. [Show/Exhibition]