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Monitoring, evaluation and impact of research projects

Monitoring, evaluation and impact of research projects

Moreno-Leguizamon, Carlos ORCID: 0000-0002-4294-3387 (2012) Monitoring, evaluation and impact of research projects. In: Annual Research Seminar: Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact of Research Projects, 9 May 2012, University of Greenwich, UK. (Unpublished)

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The aim of this seminar was to present some definitions, frameworks and a case study for monitoring and evaluating research projects in order to guarantee a significant socio-economic, cultural and scientific impact. Hence, the seminar was organised around three main points. The first one presented some basic definitions of monitoring and evaluation in terms of core managerial and research activities which are central to any research project. The second point described two of the main frameworks (Results-based Management and Outcome Mapping) which are being used by governments, multilateral organisations and research institutions to obtain better results (outcomes and impacts). The last point presented my experience as a social scientist advising a scientific agricultural research project in Karnataka, India (2003 and 2006) on how to improve its socio-economic and scientific results. Although the last point was related to a specific agricultural research project, the audience will be asked to think laterally as health and agricultural research projects display more convergences than divergences at the point of delivery impact. Ultimately, the purpose of the seminar was to address the issue that monitoring, evaluation and impact (results) should be characterised by both core managerial task but equally social science research activities --regardless of the context in which they take place: health, agriculture or education.

For some preliminary information on the topic the audience is invited to watch a documentary on monitoring and evaluation issues in India. I was the executive producer for this documentary.

Also they are invited to read the following docs:
Moreno-Leguizamon, C. and Spigner, C., (2011) Monitoring and Evaluation of Wellbeing Projects in Knight, A, and McNaught, A., Understanding Wellbeing: An Introduction for Students and Practitioners of Health and Social Care, Lantern Publishing Limited.

Colvin, J., Nagaraju, N., Moreno-Leguizamon, C., Govindappa, M.R., Manjunatha, R., Padmaja, A.S., Joshi, N., Hanson, P., Seal, S., and Muniyappa, V., (2012) Socio-economic and scientific impact created by whitefly-transmitted, plant-virus disease resistant tomato varieties in Southern, India, Journal of Integrative Journal of Integrative Agriculture, February 2012.

Item Type: Conference or Conference Paper (Lecture)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact
Subjects: R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine
Pre-2014 Departments: School of Health & Social Care
School of Health & Social Care > Department of Health Development
Last Modified: 20 Mar 2019 12:08

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