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Evidence being disseminated

Evidence being disseminated

Cormack, Anne (2001) Evidence being disseminated. MPhil thesis, University of Greenwich.

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The aim of this thesis was to examine racism in order to participate in the development of anti-racist strategies. For this reason it investigated two central features of racism - the philosophical and the political. In connection with the philosophical feature it examined racism in relation to the constitution of identity. In particular, it focused on the way identity is hound to the relationship between self and 'other'. In connection with the political feature, it explored racism as a defence of a system from which advantage is derived on the basis of culture. In order to pursue different aspects of that defence they were examined in relation to the 'Pauline Hanson Controversy' in Australia.

Anti-racist movements often fail to keep pace with changes in racist ideologies and practice. This can have serious consequences during the current time of globalisation, especially as racist ideologies seem to he shifting from biological to cultural principles. A key area within anti-racist strategies in Australia has been the essentialist and social constructivist debates. A central question within these debates has concerned the representation of Aboriginal identity. This is because notions of fluid subjectivities can challenge racisms based on fixed notions of identity; however, in this instance it could undermine the possibility of campaign. In an attempt to explore the impasse between the essentialists and social constructivists, my thesis examines notions of identity and difference. In particular, it focuses on Jacques Derrida's device of differ (a)nce, Edmund Husserl's strategy for reducing prejudice, and Martin Heidegger's notion of authenticity. In order to focus on the cultural aspect of racism, this thesis examines issues related to the 'United Nations Draft Declaration On the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' in connection with Fukuyama 's essay about the 'End of History'. A fter evaluating the philosophical and political aspects of racism, I will claim that there are certain aspects of Edmund Husserl's work, which could challenge essentialist based racist ideologies in such a way that does not undermine the possibility of campaign.

Item Type: Thesis (MPhil)
Uncontrolled Keywords: racism, anti-racism, strategies, racist ideology, Australia, social constructivism,
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
D History General and Old World > DU Oceania (South Seas)
H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Pre-2014 Departments: School of Humanities & Social Sciences
School of Humanities & Social Sciences > Department of History, Philosophy and Politics
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2018 12:11

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