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Open innovation dynamics and evolution in the mobile payment industry: comparative analysis among Daegu, Cardiff, and Nanjing

Open innovation dynamics and evolution in the mobile payment industry: comparative analysis among Daegu, Cardiff, and Nanjing

Yun, JinHyo Joseph, Zhao, Xiaofei, Ma, Lei, Liu, Zheng ORCID: 0000-0002-5979-5632 and Yang, Bo (2022) Open innovation dynamics and evolution in the mobile payment industry: comparative analysis among Daegu, Cardiff, and Nanjing. European Planning Studies, 31 (5). pp. 862-884. ISSN 0965-4313 (Print), 1469-5944 (Online) (doi:

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The understanding of smart payment industry in the financialization under digital transformation will be the clue to capture the future directions and dynamics of modern capitalism economy. Is there any differences in smart payment industry according to capitalist economy condition among Daegu, Cardiff, and Nanjing ? By answering to this research question through comparative analysis of 3 regions based on qualitative interview method, this study found out as follows. First, there are different payment industry context among 3 regions; Daegu, card payment majority; Cardiff, transition from card payment to smart payment; Nanjing, Smart payment majority. Second, Economic contexts of regions could give direct impacts of the development of mobile payment industry such as the lock in the card industry at Daegu in South Korea, or the well-developed smart delivery platform of E-commerce at Nanjing in China, or the long history of capitalist economy which had increased the labor condition of laborer at Cardiff in Wales. Third, from the qualitative interview researches on 3 regions, gave 2 additional grounded theories such as the future direction of smart payment industry, and the double locked-in the card industry at Daegu in South Korea.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Theme of Issue 5: Open innovation and ‘catch-up’: globalist or localist?
Uncontrolled Keywords: mobile or smart payment; open innovation; business model; Daegu; Cardiff; Nanjing
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory
Faculty / School / Research Centre / Research Group: Faculty of Business
Last Modified: 04 Mar 2024 11:51

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